Engadget Japanese |
Blue Origin、NASAとSpaceXの月着陸船契約めぐる訴訟で敗訴 |
blueorigin |
2021-11-04 20:50:17 |
Engadget Japanese |
2015年11月5日、眼球の動きや姿勢などを読み取れる初代「JINS MEME」が発売されました:今日は何の日? |
jinsmeme |
2021-11-04 20:30:52 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Introducing cross-account Amazon ECR access for AWS Lambda |
Introducing cross account Amazon ECR access for AWS LambdaThis post is written by Brian Zambrano Enterprise Solutions Architect and Indranil Banerjee Senior Solution Architect In December AWS announced support for packaging AWS Lambda functions using container images Customers use the container image packaging format for workloads like machine learning inference made possible by the GB container size increase and familiar container … |
2021-11-04 20:31:25 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
Helping nonprofits become data driven to better deliver services with AWS DigiNPO |
Helping nonprofits become data driven to better deliver services with AWS DigiNPOTo help empower nonprofits to become data driven organizations Amazon Web Services AWS launched a pilot program for charities and nonprofit organizations in Canada called AWS DigiNPO AWS DigiNPO is a program designed to raise awareness of the cloud as a tool for charities and nonprofit organizations to more effectively deliver community centric services and identify new opportunities for innovation and growth |
2021-11-04 20:08:45 |
Data Loading with Query Editor v2 | Amazon Web Services |
Data Loading with Query Editor v Amazon Web ServicesThis is a demo of the new Load data wizard available in the Redshift Query Editor v A user can browse S locations for datasets and load them into Amazon Redshift tables without writing any code Learn more about Amazon Redshift Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing AmazonRedshift QEV AWSDemos |
2021-11-04 20:41:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WebGL(unity)とphpのhttp通信について |
WebGLunityとphpのhttp通信についてunityとphpでUnityWebRequestを使用してjsonファイルの内容をテキストフィールドで表示する、ということをやっています。 |
2021-11-05 05:23:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VSCODEのインデントをTabキーで入力できない |
VSCODEのインデントをTabキーで入力できない前提・実現したいことVSCODEのインデントをtabキーで前まで入力していました。 |
2021-11-05 05:05:46 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
5 Reasons You Shouldn't Use Discord |
channels |
2021-11-04 20:31:47 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Use Track Changes in Microsoft Excel |
option |
2021-11-04 20:16:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Deploy Cost Effective Smart Contracts |
How To Deploy Cost Effective Smart ContractsWhen people think about smart contracts you tend to think about Ehereum However Many ecosystems are building or have built support for the distributed computing that smart contracts allow for Hedera recently announced their support for Smart Contracts that will allow the contracts to run with all the native costs security and speeds of the Hedera network which are pretty impressive This post will show you how to deploy a smart contract to the Hedera network with the JavaScrip SDK We will first compile our smart contract into byte code Then we will store the byte code to the Hedera File Service deploy our contact and modify the state variable of our contract Compiling Your Smart ContractYou will first need to compile your smart contract into byte code There are a few different ways you can do this recommend using remix Remix will output a file usually called simple storage json If you copy this file into your IDE you will be able to initialize it in JavaScript like this let json require compiledSmartContract json Storing the byte code on the Hedera File ServiceWe need the fileID of its byte code stored on the Hedera file service to deploy our contract We can get this by using the FileCreateTransaction API from the hedera JS SDK and passing it the byte code const compiled json data bytecode object Store Contact in file service Different from eth Transaction size is smaller on hedera for security const mycontract await new FileCreateTransaction setContents compiled setKeys PrivateKey fromString myPrivateKey The default max fee of HBAR is not enough to make a file starts around HBAR setMaxTransactionFee new Hbar HBAR execute client const TransactionReceipt await mycontract getReceipt client const fileid new FileId TransactionReceipt fileId console log file ID fileid Afterward we can get the FileID from the FileCreateTransaction receipt as shown in the example above DeployingOnce you have a fileId of the byte code from your contract you can pass the fileId from the previous step to the ContractCreateTransaction API call Deploy Contract const deploy await new ContractCreateTransaction setGas setBytecodeFileId fileid execute client const receipt await deploy getReceipt client Get the new contract const newContractId receipt contractId console log The contract ID is newContractId After deploying the contract you can await the receipt to get the contract ID Calling the Smart Contract FunctionsWhen calling the smart contract functions you have to know whether or not the function you want to call is modifying the state variables of the contract If you are changing state variables you will use the ContractExecuteTransaction endpoint Otherwise you will use the ContractCallQuery endpoint You can think of this a doing reads vs doing writes Modifying StateFor example I am calling the set function in the contract outlined in the solidity documentation I am modifying the storedData state variable Using the Hedera API to call this function would look something like this const setter await new ContractExecuteTransaction setContractId newContractId setGas setFunction set new ContractFunctionParameters addUint setMaxTransactionFee new Hbar const contractCallResult await setter execute client const testing await contractCallResult getRecord client console log Status Code testing status Modifying StateThe call to the corresponding getter would look something like this const getter await new ContractCallQuery setContractId newContractId setFunction get setGas setMaxQueryPayment new Hbar defaults to if requires more than one need change set should be around at least k gas const contractGetter await getter execute client const message await contractGetter getUint console log contract message message |
2021-11-04 20:41:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
C#10 e ASP.NET 6, oque esperar dessa dupla? |
C e ASP NET oque esperar dessa dupla A Microsoft jáanunciou que o lançamento do Net estáprevisto para novembro de ou seja para o próximo mês ebaaa pretendendo lançar uma nova versão todo ano nesta mesma data como pode ser observado no cronograma abaixo Por conta dessa constante inovação da plataforma a empresa tende a realizar poucas mudanças e continuar com o suporte LTS de três anos possibilitando migrações continuas de seus usuários para as novas atualizações de maneira mais fácil Mais informações Microsoft Política de suporte NET gt Ok mas cadêas novidades Alguns dos principais pontos que chegaram com a nova versão estão elencados aqui caso queria se aprofundar no assunto recomendo visualizar as postagens do Daniel Roth dentro do portal da Microsoft Documentação e Posts sobre atualizações Daniel RothMinimal Api hosting Estáéa grande novidade que vai facilitar em muito a construção de pequenos Endpoints e melhorar a performance em geral do warm up tempo de aquecimento para as Apis esse ponto foi levado em consideração pela Microsoft pelo fato do BOOM do Serverless functions que necessitam de um desempenho de inicialização maior A Startup cs Morreu e agora o Program cs faz tudo sendo possível desenvolver apenas com ele sim com cara de Node Js Segue exemplo dos novos endpoints Github com exemplo de uso DamianEdwards MinimalApiPlaygroundusing System ComponentModel DataAnnotations using Microsoft Data Sqlite using Dapper var builder WebApplication CreateBuilder args var connectionString builder Configuration GetConnectionString TodoDb Data Source todos db builder Services AddScoped gt new SqliteConnection connectionString builder Services AddEndpointsApiExplorer builder Services AddSwaggerGen var app builder Build app MapPut todos id mark incomplete async int id SqliteConnection db gt await db ExecuteAsync UPDATE Todos SET IsComplete false WHERE Id Id new id Results NoContent Results NotFound WithName MarkIncomplete Produces StatusCodes StatusNoContent Produces StatusCodes StatusNotFound app MapDelete todos id async int id SqliteConnection db gt await db ExecuteAsync DELETE FROM Todos WHERE Id id new id Results NoContent Results NotFound WithName DeleteTodo Produces StatusCodes StatusNoContent Produces StatusCodes StatusNotFound MiniValidator Metadata Com a chegada do conceito de Minimal Api o Net também traz uma validação mais enxuta e performática a biblioteca MiniValidator éuma versão minimalista dos DataAnnotations que adiciona suporte para as chamadas de validação de linha única e recursão com detecção de ciclo E para fechar a concepção de Minimal foi desenvolvida diversas Metadatas para facilitar a documentação e estruturação dos novos recursos como demostrado no exemplo a seguir app MapPost todos async Todo todo SqliteConnection db gt Realiza a validação da DTO if MiniValidator TryValidate todo out var errors return Results ValidationProblem errors var newTodo await db QuerySingleAsync lt Todo gt INSERT INTO Todos Title IsComplete Values Title IsComplete RETURNING todo return Results Created todos newTodo Id newTodo WithName CreateTodo Define nome para o endpoint ProducesValidationProblem Produces lt Todo gt StatusCodes StatusCreated Documenta o retorno Suporte a HTTP A Microsoft jáintroduziu nativamente o suporte a nova versão do nosso conhecido e querido protocolo de transferência que por sua vez promete manter os padrões atuais e atribuir mais desempenho por meio do uso QUIC visando tirar o bloqueio das transações em paralelo quando um pacote era perdido Mais informações HTTP Support in NET Hot Reload Este éum recurso muito bacana para nós desenvolvedores pois permite atualizar o código em tempo real sem perder o estado da aplicação auxiliando em muito as validações UI e funcionando também com o dotnet watch run no VSCode jápara o Visual Studio basta clicar sobre o ícone de Fogo na parte superior depois de realizar alguma mudança Mais informações Introducing the NET Hot Reload experience for editing code at runtimeBlazor NET MAUI SPA A nova sensação do front que virácom o Net éo MAUI que tem o foco em criar Apps com visuais mais modernos e compartilhando mais código entre as plataformas ao longo do tempo ele serácompatível com macOS e Windows mas no momento o suporte épara Android e iOS Também éimportante mencionar a chegada da biblioteca ´Xamarin Essentials´que possibilita acessar recursos nativos dos dispositivos como sensores armazenamentos e afins Jápara o SPA agora épossível separar o front end do back end em dois projetos e foi acrescentado o ecossistema de estruturas JavaScript SPA no Visual Studio com teste de unidade gerenciamento de GUI npm modelos baseados em CLI e mais novidades a serem anunciadas Mais informações ASP NET Core updates in NET ReleaseUsing Global Sim ISSO MESMO Agora épossível definir usings globalmente basta acrescentar a palavra global antes de declarar o using muito útil quando usado em conjunto com arquivos de configuração geral da aplicação permitindo que todos os outros arquivos possuam acesso aos usings global using System global using System Collections Generic global using System IO global using System Linq File scoped namespace declaration Agora épossível declarar os namespaces de sua aplicação sem abrir e fechar as chaves basta colocar um ponto e virgula no final como no exemplo abaixo namespace MyNamespace Extended property patterns O novo C jáestáapto para trabalhar com referência a propriedades ou campos aninhados em uma propriedade como pode ser visto abaixo Prop Prop pattern Antiga maneira Prop Prop pattern Nova maneiraLINQ CHUCK MetodosBy Chegou também melhorias para os métodos OrDefault do Linq e afins agora sendo possível definir no próprio método um valor default um ponto muito interessante foi a vinda do IEnumerable Chunk para facilitar a paginação e manipulação de dados em conjunto com diversos métodos By para utilização de listas var list Enumerable Range foreach var chunk in list Chunk foreach var item in chunk Console WriteLine item var foundValue hayStack FirstOrDefault x gt x needle Console Write people MaxBy x gt x Age Mais informações NET C Top New Features Recap gt Legal mas existe algo para chegar ainda A Microsoft sempre tem projetos escondidos que estão sendo trabalhados por baixo dos panos para criar grandes mudanças na sua plataforma aqui citarei dois desses projetos que estão sendo desenvolvidos para as próximas versões do Net o Houdini e o Bedrock Projeto Houdini A Microsoft quer modificar a sua Stack para deixa la mais performática e esse projeto vem com tudo para cima do MVC com foco em ACABAR com ele e tirar todo o peso que seus componentes geram para as Apis e afins Mais informações BedrockFrameworkProjeto BedRock Visando novamente a alta performance da plataforma esse projeto tem o intuito de abstrair toda a camada de comunicação cliente server de forma que o Net vai verificar as opções disponíveis e escolher a melhor forma de realizar essa troca de dados dependendo do ambiente e da situação Esse projeto possui três pilares transporte middleware e protocolo e seráusado pelo IConnectionFactory e IConnectionListener Mais informações BedrockFramework gt Por enquanto éisso obrigado ️Qualquer dúvida pode me chamar para um bate papo e agradeço a sua atenção atéaqui espero te ver em outras publicações ltag user id follow action button background color important color ffffff important border color important Lucas PaesFollow Brasileiro anos Amo tecnologia e estou sempre explorando novos conhecimentos DisclaimerA VaiVoa incentiva seus Desenvolvedores em seu processo de crescimento e aceleração técnica Os artigos publicados não traduzem a opinião da VaiVoa A publicação obedece ao propósito de estimular o debate |
2021-11-04 20:15:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Root to Linux: BIOS |
Root to Linux BIOSAt Forem a few coworkers and I have formed a Linux Club Joe Doss is leading us on this adventure into Linux The adventure starts by working through the Gentoo Handbook and installing Gentoo a distribution of Linux on Lenovo ThinkPads Our ThinkPad specs During our meetings I have been taking notes These notes are useful for people in our club I am writing this series to take what we have learned and share with a broader audience outside of the club One of the first things we did when we got our laptops was set up our BIOS This post will give a brief description of what BIOS is how to navigate to it and some of the common settings you might change What is BIOS BIOS or Basic Input Output System is a small piece of code that lives in a “read only chip on your system board motherboard It controls low level basic functions of a computer Note read only means that a file can be opened or read but can t be deleted or renamed The BIOS will identify test and configure your computer s hardware It will also connect it to your OS This is called the BOOT process Navigating to the BIOSThe first software that runs on your computer is the BIOS As you start your computer you may see a prompt that says f Setup This prompt will give you access to the BIOS setup utility This is sometimes referred to as the Setup System Other keys that can invoke BIOS depending on your computer are F F F Del or Esc Setting up your BIOSIn general you should leave your BIOS settings as the default settings When you set up your own Linux distribution you may need to change a few settings You can also change settings to have more control over your hardware Common Settings in BIOSBOOT Priority OrderOne common setting you can change is the BOOT Priority Order This is a priority list that tells your computer which operating system to boot from After the BIOS tests your hard drive it will check for a “bootable drive This is where tell your computer to use a Linux distribution to boot The default BOOT Priority Order looks for your computer s OS On our ThinkPads this was Windows Our goal was to boot Gentoo instead of Windows First we downloaded Gentoo to a USB drive Next we changed the BOOT Priority Order to use our USB as the top priority This meant our computer will look for our USB to boot up Gentoo instead of the ThinkPad s default OS Secure BootNote Secure Boot is technically a feature of UEFI and not legacy BIOS Look at the image at the top of this post that shows our ThinkPad specs You can see it mentions the computers UEFI BIOS version Secure Boot can help a computer resist attacks and infection from malware You can find the setting for Secure Boot in the Security tab Typically you want to keep this setting set to on We disabled this setting because it prevents non Microsoft OS s from working Date TimeYou can update your systems data and time in the Main tab We updated the date and time in our BIOS to reflect our timezones and correct day month and year There are many other settings in BIOS that you can change These are the common ones we updated Save and Exit BIOSTo Exit out of the BIOS navigate to the Restart tab and choose Exit Saving Changes Or you can exit and save by pressing F A Shift to UEFIBIOS has a long history but there has been a shift away from using it Companies like Intel are phasing out BIOS in favor of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI I mentioned in the Secure Boot section UEFI is a lightweight BIOS alternative and newer computers are shipped with it It has several advantages over the traditional BIOS This post won t cover everything about UEFI but some of the advantages of UEFI are it can boot from drives of TB or greater it has more access to addressable space The BIOS is limited to MB it has a user friendly interface Unlike the BIOS you can navigate it with a mouse it ships with security features like Secure Boot |
2021-11-04 20:11:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
hawk project |
hawk projectHawk is a network and pentest utility that I developed so that I could perform different kinds of task using the same suite instead of jumping from one tool to another Currently this script can perform a good variety of tasks such as ifconfig ping traceroute port scans including SYN TCP UDP ACK comprehensive scan host discovery scan for up devices on a local network MAC address detection get MAC address of a host IP on a local network banner grabbing DNS checks with geolocation information WHOIS subdomain enumeration vulnerability reconnaissance packet sniffing MAC spoofing IP spoofing SYN flooding deauth attack and brute force attack beta Other features are still being implemented Future implementations may include WAF detection DNS enumeration traffic analysis XSS vulnerability scanner ARP cache poisoning DNS cache poisoning MAC flooding ping of death network disassociation attack not deauth attack OSINT exploits some automated tasks and others If you want to become a contributor make a pull request or issue Waiting for your feedback KudosLink to the repository |
2021-11-04 20:01:03 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's top exec in South Korea departs amid dispute over App Store |
Apple x s top exec in South Korea departs amid dispute over App StoreApple s top executive in South Korea is reportedly departing the country amid a dustup with the local government over new regulations affecting the App Store Credit Laurenz Heymann UnsplashBrandon Yoon who managed sales in South Korea and took on Samsung on its home turf is departing the company for a job in the U S Bloomberg reported Thursday He joined Apple in and served as its general manager and sales chief for South Korea Read more |
2021-11-04 20:41:20 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Compared: New AirPods vs second-generation AirPods |
Compared New AirPods vs second generation AirPodsApple has launched the latest update to the AirPods line with the third generation model offering Spatial Audio support alongside design refinements Here s how the new personal audio accessories fare compared against its predecessor the second generation AirPods The new AirPods will be very familiar to existing AirPods owners Unveiled at the Unleashed Apple Event on Monday the new AirPods are the third iteration of Apple s wildly popular wireless earphone range Arriving two and a half years after the last update to the range the third generation benefit from a variety of changes Read more |
2021-11-04 20:15:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple is reportedly lifting mask requirements at some US stores tomorrow |
Apple is reportedly lifting mask requirements at some US stores tomorrowApple might loosen its mask requirements at some stores after months of taking a cautious approach Bloombergclaimed to have an Apple memo outlining plans to lift mask requirements at more than of the iPhone maker s roughly US stores The policy will reportedly apply to stores in Arizona California Connecticut Florida Louisiana New Jersey and New York before spreading to other states and shops Apple has declined to comment The company is lifting the requirements due to declining COVID case numbers and improving vaccination rates according to the memo The policy will apply regardless of a customer s vaccination status although retail staff will still have to wear masks due to longer interactions and closer contact Stores will still require masks for everyone in areas where the local government demands the safety measure such as in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area The company has frequently changed its retail policies as the pandemic has evolved It has closed and reopened stores based on case levels for instance It scrapped the mask requirement in many US stores in June only to bring them back a month later Provided the leak is accurate it s far too soon to say whether or not this policy shift will stick The pandemic hasn t been entirely predictable to put it mildly However a change in mask requirements would certainly reflect Apple s hopes of returning to pre pandemic conditions as soon as possible both in stores and in the office |
2021-11-04 20:52:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Hyundai teases a concept vehicle ahead of planned Ioniq SUV launch |
Hyundai teases a concept vehicle ahead of planned Ioniq SUV launchHyundai has shared a handful of teaser images of the Seven a new all electric SUV the automaker plans to debut at the AutoMobility LA show later this month The company notes the concept “hints at a new SUV model coming to the Ioniq family HyundaiConcept vehicles rarely make it to production without substantial changes so treat the images accordingly We probably won t see the Seven s successor come with an array of pixel lights or a lounge like interior Of the interior Hyundai says it s made from sustainable and eco friendly materials HyundaiIn the US Hyundai s EV family includes the recently launched Ioniq The base model of the crossover features a kWh battery that allows it to travel up to miles on a single charge Hyundai will debut the Seven on November th at PM ET Afterward it will stay on display at the LA Auto Show until November th giving the public a chance to see the EV in person |
2021-11-04 20:45:40 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Porsche 'digital twin' can predict when your car will need service |
Porsche x digital twin x can predict when your car will need serviceWouldn t it be better if your car could recommend service based on when you re likely to need it not just a fixed schedule It just might Porsche is developing a quot digital twin quot that is a virtual copy that helps predict service requirements based on driving styles Algorithms can parse a combination of sensor data and quot big data quot to recommend service based on your driving style You may need early work on your suspension if you take your car to the track or the engine if you have a long highway commute The system can even anticipate faults before they happen That will please mechanics of course but it could also keep you safe and spare you additional repair costs by scheduling maintenance long before there s a crisis Porsche doesn t officially launch its first digital twin until and then only using sensor data Field testing is already underway however ーabout half of Taycan owners have volunteered for a pilot that anonymously monitors the EV s air suspension for body acceleration If the car ventures past certain thresholds the vehicle tells the driver they may need to visit a repair shop The twin system would let automakers ditch fixed maintenance schedules in favor of driver specific recommendations Porsche also envisions the algorithms helping even when your car is running flawlessly You d have a digital record that could both suggest an accurate selling price for a used car as well as greater transparency for would be buyers Car brands could even pitch extended warranties based on the status of your car So long as companies take privacy into account though this could save you more than a little stress and moments of sheer panic on the road |
2021-11-04 20:21:53 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Blue Origin Loses Legal Fight Over SpaceX’s NASA Moon Contract |
Blue Origin Loses Legal Fight Over SpaceX s NASA Moon ContractA federal judge rejected the argument by Jeff Bezos rocket company that NASA unfairly awarded a lunar lander contract to Elon Musk s firm |
2021-11-04 20:51:40 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Over 40 Countries Pledge at U.N. Climate Summit to End Use of Coal Power |
climate |
2021-11-04 20:40:01 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Biden Administration Moves to Limit Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas |
biden |
2021-11-04 20:31:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Owen Paterson quits as MP over lobbying row 'nightmare' |
breaches |
2021-11-04 20:03:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Lionel Blair: Veteran TV presenter and dancer dies at 92 |
presenter |
2021-11-04 20:51:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Fishing row: France-UK talks 'useful and positive' |
positive |
2021-11-04 20:24:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Give Us A Clue to Extras: The life of Lionel Blair |
mischievous |
2021-11-04 20:40:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
West Ham on verge of knockout stage despite late Soucek own goal in Genk |
West Ham on verge of knockout stage despite late Soucek own goal in GenkWest Ham are on the verge of reaching the Europa League knockout stages after Tomas Soucek s late own goal saw them draw with Genk |
2021-11-04 20:06:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Azeem Rafiq: Yorkshire cricket racism scandal - how we got here |
english |
2021-11-04 20:26:02 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日東駒専・産近甲龍に「3カ月で合格」できる、英・国・社の参考書選びと併願作戦【武田塾流】 - MARCH・関関同立に下克上なるか!?日東駒専&産近甲龍 |
2021-11-05 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日東駒専・産近甲龍「ブランド力」ランキング!MARCH・関関同立の背中が見えた!? - MARCH・関関同立に下克上なるか!?日東駒専&産近甲龍 |
2021-11-05 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
倒産危険度ランキング2021【大阪】2位はオンキヨー、1位は? - DIAMONDランキング&データ |
diamond |
2021-11-05 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
極秘メール入手!山口FGが虚偽説明の疑い、株主無視で前CEO解任「クーデター」の全貌【スクープ完全版】 - 銀行クーデター |
2021-11-05 05:07:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【極秘メール入手!】山口FGが虚偽説明の疑い、株主無視で前CEO解任「クーデター」の恥部 - ダイヤモンドSCOOP |
2021-11-05 05:07:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「英語力なし」の36歳が日本マイクロソフトで戦えた理由、決意の退職と語学留学 - 本当に使える英語習得法 |
azure |
2021-11-05 05:05:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
Heart Restaurant 安ざわ家練馬店(生姜焼き定食) |
heartrestaurant |
2021-11-04 20:14:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
京王線刺傷「常識通用しない」緊急時対応の難しさ 非常時「扉を開けない」のが鉄道の原則だった | 通勤電車 | 東洋経済オンライン |
国土交通省 |
2021-11-05 05:50:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「フェイスブック改めメタ」が目指すVRの世界 ゴーグルで体験するバーチャルな空間とは? | スマホ・ガジェット | 東洋経済オンライン |
connect |
2021-11-05 05:40:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
無印は「社会運動」、異色の新社長が明かした真意 ユニクロ出身の堂前氏「僕は伝道者にすぎない」 | 専門店・ブランド・消費財 | 東洋経済オンライン |
中期経営計画 |
2021-11-05 05:30:00 |