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TECH Engadget Japanese ゲーミングヘッドセットのおすすめ5選。ゲーム特化でプレイを強力サポート。マイク性能やサラウンド機能もチェック! https://japanese.engadget.com/best-selection-gaming-headset-085045348.html 製品 2021-11-11 08:50:45
TECH Engadget Japanese 携帯PCゲーム機 Steam Deck が2か月延期。「部品が工場に届かず」 https://japanese.engadget.com/steam-deck-delay-080038769.html steamdeck 2021-11-11 08:00:38
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 苦境のパナソニック 物流DX事業は吉と出るのか https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2111/11/news145.html ITmediaビジネスオンライン苦境のパナソニック物流DX事業は吉と出るのかパナソニックが、企業のサプライチェーン供給網の効率化を支援するシステム事業に力を入れる。 2021-11-11 17:48:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 夫に内緒で……40歳専業主婦の約1割が一度に「10万円以上」使ったことがあると回答 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2111/11/news142.html itmedia 2021-11-11 17:35:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 住友商事・南部智一副社長に聞く「DXによる再生の道筋」 社内の構造改革を強力に推進 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2111/11/news006.html ITmediaビジネスオンライン住友商事・南部智一副社長に聞く「DXによる再生の道筋」社内の構造改革を強力に推進大手商社の中で事業分野の見直しを含む構造改革を迫られていた住友商事。 2021-11-11 17:35:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] ゲオ、容量5000mAhのモバイルバッテリーを767円で発売 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2111/11/news138.html itmediamobile 2021-11-11 17:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コロナ禍でも「名刺が必要」過半数 理由は「正確な情報の入手や提供」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2111/11/news141.html itmedia 2021-11-11 17:11:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders 文書管理ソフト「楽々Document Plus」、クラウドサインに続いてDocuSignと連携 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22319 年月から提供している前版Verでは弁護士ドットコムの電子契約サービス「クラウドサイン」と連携できるようにしたが、今回の新版では米DocuSign日本法人はドキュサイン・ジャパンの「DocuSigneSignature」と連携できるようにした。 2021-11-11 17:19:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 困ったことと解決したことメモ_20211111 https://qiita.com/peter_0309/items/d9c231694914c631ce96 困ったことと解決したことメモpandasデータフレーム抽出がうまくいかなかったpddropとしても何もならない解決方法pddroprange変数を作りすぎて訳がわからなくなる全部dfとかresとかにしてしまうと後半死ぬ解決方法面倒くさがらずに、長くなってもいいので、しっかりネーミングするSからCSVを取り込む色々エラーが出てよくわからなくなるとりあえずcsvの型はbytesなので下のようにやるとうまくいく解決方法objbucketObjectobjectkeynamerobjgetbrBodyreaddfpdreadcsvioBytesIObUnabletoimportmoduleappNomodulenamedappcloudでsamlocalinvokeを実行すると発生するエラー原因templateyamlのtemplateyamlServerlessFunctionTypeAWSServerlessFunctionPropertiesFunctionNamexxxこの部分CodeUriyyyこの部分HandlerapplambdahandlerRuntimepythonMemorySizeこの部分をちゃんと更新しておらず、以前立ち上げたlambdaのディレクトリを参照していたから。 2021-11-11 17:58:43
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 「matplotlib 色 一覧」で検索するのはもう止めよう https://qiita.com/take_me/items/481e248bf56aca56b1ee これを書かないと引数が無視されます。 2021-11-11 17:28:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) HTMLの各ページに一つづつのjavascriptのファイルは適応できるのか https://teratail.com/questions/368864?rss=all HTMLの各ページに一つづつのjavascriptのファイルは適応できるのか前提・実現したいことページ遷移ごとにjavascriptを適用することは可能でしょうか。 2021-11-11 17:58:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) タイトル文言の文字色変更 https://teratail.com/questions/368863?rss=all タイトル文言の文字色変更前提・実現したいことwordpressタイトル文言の文字色を「黒色」から「白色」に変更したいです。 2021-11-11 17:55:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 色々なコードの書き方 https://teratail.com/questions/368862?rss=all 色々なコードの書き方作ったコードの違うやり方processingで簡単なゲームを作っているのですが、勉強のためにいろんなやり方を習得したいと思いました。 2021-11-11 17:53:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ウェブサイトをスマホやタブレットで見るとPCで見た時より画像と画像の間の隙間が大きくなる https://teratail.com/questions/368861?rss=all ウェブサイトをスマホやタブレットで見るとPCで見た時より画像と画像の間の隙間が大きくなる前提・実現したいことスマホでもタブレットでもPCでも綺麗に見れるレスポンシブサイトを作っています。 2021-11-11 17:50:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Wscriptの使い方 https://teratail.com/questions/368860?rss=all Wscriptの使い方例えばSetnbspobjFSOnbspnbspCreateObjectquotScriptingFileSystemObjectquotとSetnbspobjFSOnbspnbspWScriptCreateObjectquotScriptingFileSystemObjectquotではどういう違いがあるのでしょうか。 2021-11-11 17:45:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) HTML jQuery フォームで全てのセレクトボックスが選択されているか確認し、全て選択されている時のみ送信したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/368859?rss=all HTMLjQueryフォームで全てのセレクトボックスが選択されているか確認し、全て選択されている時のみ送信したい。 2021-11-11 17:26:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Error displaying widget https://teratail.com/questions/368858?rss=all 2021-11-11 17:18:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ほかのクラスから値を表示させたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/368857?rss=all ほかのクラスから値を表示させたいです。 2021-11-11 17:12:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) カウントダウンがiphoneではNaNとなり、表示しないです。 https://teratail.com/questions/368856?rss=all カウントダウンがiphoneではNaNとなり、表示しないです。 2021-11-11 17:12:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) カレント表示の対応方法についてご教授お願い致します。また、先方が意図していることも私の経験値が浅い為にお伺いできましたら幸いです。 https://teratail.com/questions/368855?rss=all また、先方が意図していることも私の経験値が浅い為にお伺いできましたら幸いです。 2021-11-11 17:09:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) MYSQLで日本語文字列の文字化け https://teratail.com/questions/368854?rss=all 2021-11-11 17:07:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) (postgresSQL)パーティション作成時のエラーが解決できない https://teratail.com/questions/368853?rss=all 2021-11-11 17:04:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ImageDataGeneratorを用いた学習で検証データの学習曲線が乖離してしまう https://teratail.com/questions/368852?rss=all ImageDataGeneratorを用いた学習で検証データの学習曲線が乖離してしまう前提・実現したいことImageDataGeneratorによってデータ拡張を行いながらセマンティックセグメンテーションに取り組んでいるのですが、検証データの学習曲線が訓練データの学習曲線と大きく乖離してしまいます。 2021-11-11 17:01:34
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rubyで小数点以下の扱い方。 https://qiita.com/_yuki0302_/items/5c95a30d69b26e3acc8c 入力inputgetstof切り捨て小数点の切り捨てを行う場合は、Floatクラスのfloorメソッドを使用します。 2021-11-11 17:56:26
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsで謎のDISTINCTクエリが発行される件 https://qiita.com/uzawa-sorich/items/4a69de8d193bb528e91c さて、肝心のDISTINCTクエリが出ないようにする方法だが、「eagerloadをpreloadに変える」というだけの話だったりするArticlepreloadcommentswherecreatedatdayagolimitおさらいすると、eagerloadはLEFTOUTERJOINを活用することで回のクエリでリレーションも含めて取得する今回の例では回クエリが発行されているがのに対し、preloadはリレーションをJOINを使わずに別個のクエリで取得するという違いがある。 2021-11-11 17:27:25
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 困ったことと解決したことメモ_20211111 https://qiita.com/peter_0309/items/d9c231694914c631ce96 困ったことと解決したことメモpandasデータフレーム抽出がうまくいかなかったpddropとしても何もならない解決方法pddroprange変数を作りすぎて訳がわからなくなる全部dfとかresとかにしてしまうと後半死ぬ解決方法面倒くさがらずに、長くなってもいいので、しっかりネーミングするSからCSVを取り込む色々エラーが出てよくわからなくなるとりあえずcsvの型はbytesなので下のようにやるとうまくいく解決方法objbucketObjectobjectkeynamerobjgetbrBodyreaddfpdreadcsvioBytesIObUnabletoimportmoduleappNomodulenamedappcloudでsamlocalinvokeを実行すると発生するエラー原因templateyamlのtemplateyamlServerlessFunctionTypeAWSServerlessFunctionPropertiesFunctionNamexxxこの部分CodeUriyyyこの部分HandlerapplambdahandlerRuntimepythonMemorySizeこの部分をちゃんと更新しておらず、以前立ち上げたlambdaのディレクトリを参照していたから。 2021-11-11 17:58:43
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsで謎のDISTINCTクエリが発行される件 https://qiita.com/uzawa-sorich/items/4a69de8d193bb528e91c さて、肝心のDISTINCTクエリが出ないようにする方法だが、「eagerloadをpreloadに変える」というだけの話だったりするArticlepreloadcommentswherecreatedatdayagolimitおさらいすると、eagerloadはLEFTOUTERJOINを活用することで回のクエリでリレーションも含めて取得する今回の例では回クエリが発行されているがのに対し、preloadはリレーションをJOINを使わずに別個のクエリで取得するという違いがある。 2021-11-11 17:27:25
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Bootstrapのnode_modulesファイル内のcssをoverride出来なかった話 https://qiita.com/djen_tkgc/items/73a629e9ea22420cec9f Bootstrapのnodemodulesファイル内のcssをoverride出来なかった話表題の通り、Bootstrapでcssをoverrideしようとしたところ適用されず、沼にハマりかけたので記録を残します。 2021-11-11 17:02:15
技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog メルカリにおけるマイクロサービスマイグレーションの理想と現実 https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20211111-reality-of-microservices-migration/ hellip 2021-11-11 09:12:22
技術ブログ Developers.IO Pollyで音声のイントネーションを調整する方法を教えてください https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-aws-polly-intonation-adjustment/ amazonpolly 2021-11-11 08:42:26
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS Certificate Managerを利用してSSL/TLS認証書をリクエストしてCloudFrontに統合してみた。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/lim-aws-certificate-manager/ ertransportlayersecurit 2021-11-11 08:10:01
技術ブログ Developers.IO ALB + Cognito認証でHTTP ヘッダーに付与されるユーザークレーム(JWT)のエンコードと署名の検証をしてみた。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cognito-alb-verification/ albcognito 2021-11-11 08:07:39
海外TECH DEV Community [SQL] Where vs Having? https://dev.to/tech_victoria/sql-where-vs-having-2h36 SQL Where vs Having It is easy to be confused with these clauses because A HAVING clause is like a WHERE clause ️WHERE clause applies to individual rows and HAVING clause applies only to groups as a whole A query can contain both a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause ️The WHERE clause is applied first to the individual rows in the tables or table valued objects in the Diagram pane Only the rows that meet the conditions in the WHERE clause are grouped ️The HAVING clause is then applied to the rows in the result set Only the groups that meet the HAVING conditions appear in the query output You can apply a HAVING clause only to columns that also appear in the GROUP BY clause or in an aggregate function As a rule of thumb use WHERE before GROUP BY and HAVING after GROUP BY It is a rather primitive rule but it is useful in more than of the cases 2021-11-11 08:38:21
海外TECH DEV Community The screw and the hammer: Love the problems, not your solutions. https://dev.to/dvddpl/the-screw-and-the-hammer-love-the-problems-not-your-solutions-2i0a The screw and the hammer Love the problems not your solutions How many times in your software development career have you heard the following quote If the only tool you have is a hammer you tend to see every problem as a nail Also known as The law of the instrument or golden hammer this quote by Abraham Maslow describes a cognitive bias that involves an over reliance on a familiar tool In software development that hammer could be anything you are accustomed to a design pattern Factories and Strategies anyone a language writing lots of NodeJs code when a tiny shell script would do the job a framework React Redux even for the tiniest simple web page or architecture approach API Gateway Lambda vs Containerized application with Load Balancers One solution to rule them allBriefly the law of the instrument means that we often tend to over rely on a familiar tool in fact as soon as I hear someone speaking about an API microservice my first thought is well easy let s use APIGateway and a Lambda written in NodeJs eventually add SQS and DynamoDB if we need queuing or persistence done That might be the right solution especially for an MVP but it could prove very wrong under some circumstances This cognitive bias could be very dangerous in problem solving At the very least it is just a big constraint to our creativity but it could lead us to major problems like completely wrong approaches to the problem or over engineered implementations just because well we really struggle to drive that screw in with our hammer many years ago I had a colleague that for fun on a pet project decided to use every single design pattern he recently studied Believe me it was not fun in any way the code was terribly and of course unnecessarily complicated Recently I read this quote that summarises very well this concept sorry I could not track back the source Fall in love with the problem not the solutionSometimes it is not just a simple bias of being used to a certain tool which makes us see it apt for any job Sometimes consciously or not we are so in love with a solution that we really want to apply it for any problem that comes at hand again we could be taking about the Decorator Pattern Docker or Blockchain it doesn t matter The thing is no matter what problem you have to solve you think you know already the answer Oh yes that is definitely the case for XY Bias bias everywhereThe way we perceive see and make sense of the world that surrounds us and inside us is strongly influenced by biases and our problem solving skills are impacted too Just a few examples You can see an interactive map here Confirmation Bias the tendency to search for interpret favour and recall information that confirms or supports what we already know and believe Occam s Razor bias the simplest explanation is usually the best one Attentional Bias individual s failure to consider alternative possibilities when occupied with an existing train of thought The law of the instrument is just another one a mix of many if we like We like a solution we invested time in learning and understanding some tech stack we are conservative or tend to favour shiny new things we google and read only blogs that share our point of view and so on It is perfectly natural that our creativity in problem solving ends up constrained and bias So what can we do Well like for any other bias Be aware of itTry to resist and challenge it The analysis of the requirement and the process of problem solving should not stop immediately just because you already have a solution in mind Keep asking questions keep digging Do not rush Always come up with a or alternatives so that you can at least compare them and present them to other people which may have different bias than yours This one is over engineered this is not scalable this is scalable and simple but too expensive this is the quickest Put extra effort to become your own devil s advocate If you have many options you and the stakeholders can make an educated choice We are paid to solve problems not to write code Of course we mostly solve problems by writing code but that is not the point per se We are not paid by how much code or how long we write code hopefully your company does not rate your performance in LOC so it does not matter if you wrote a super cool designed strategy pattern or if you wrote a very complex perfectly unit tested algorithm Maybe it was not even necessary had you tackle the problem from another angle Or maybe it could have made more sense to buy a ready made solution instead of implementing it in house Is that really a problem Another important aspect I d like to touch is that we must learn to love problems Many people feel stressed as soon a problem arise They get anxious feel overwhelmed by obstacles But unless there are other factors like impending deadlines and very unhealthy team mood it is often a matter of perception and perspective Try to reframe what a problem is A bug A need that has to be fulfilled As much in my early days as developer I hated my Project Managers telling There are no problems only challenges I really stopped to see problems bugs or requirements like annoying obstacles to my happy and relaxed working day rather as challenging tasks which indeed make my working days always interesting and fun And I started to love the quote GOOD from Jocko Willink Unexpected problems Good it means we have the opportunity to figure out a solution I love problems I do boulder I love climbing and bouldering In bouldering the routes basically the way the path you want to climb are called problems Think of it like that You are there facing a wall or if outdoor a block of stone literally a Boulder and you ask yourself How do I climb that That is your problem And you have to find a solution How do you use your body your balance your strength how do you take advantage of every hold grip texture in the surface to finally get to the top This sport has taught me so much about myself my strengths and weaknesses and about looking at difficulties and finding ways to overcome them that it had inevitably an impact in my problem solving skills in my life and in my job I will definitely dedicate a separate post about it Recapstop and think don t rush into quick solutions avoid the temptation to settle to general known and safe approaches understand the problem first understand the context are we trying to solve the right problem We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than because we get the wrong solution to the right problem Russel AckoffOf course I am not stating in any way that you should not be happy with the solutions you come up with and even be proud of yourself when you solve a problem brilliantly on the contrary give yourself and your team all the recognition you deserve but just be aware of the trap and don t be tempted next time you have a similar problem to default to the same solution Photo by Konstantin Evdokimov on Unsplash 2021-11-11 08:34:58
海外TECH DEV Community Lines of Code (LoC) https://dev.to/msoblivion/lines-of-code-loc-51e6 Lines of Code LoC Lines of Code LoC There are several metrics you can deploy to analyze the code size and quality of an application One of the popular metrics that you can be used is called Lines of Code also known as LoC If you are keen to learn more about what LoC means and why it is metric is programming this article is for you What Does LoC Mean Lines of Code or LoC is a method used to measure the size of an application by identifying the actual count of Lines of Code it has For instance small software projects usually have somewhere between to Lines of Code whereas large ones can have thousands or even millions of Lines of Code LoC Purpose of LoCEstimating the size of a project Usually the size of a software project can be estimated based on the lines of code it has It is one of the metrics clients can use to determine how much they can pay for a particular software project Check size and readability of code units Any software project will always have code units like classes and functions Usually the functions and classes that have several code lines tend to be harder to read or understand than those So it is usually best to split up such classes or functions to make them smaller for easy understanding and readability To determine the quality of code LoC is among the most reliable parameters that are used to assess the quality of a software program You will often realize that most experienced developers usually write less code than amateurs even when the project they are working on is the same It measures how efficient the language used to code An efficient language requires writing less code to accomplish a task that would need to write several lines of code if written in another language that is less efficient Methods Used to Measure LoCThere are two common methods used to measure this parameter that is physical and logical methods Here is how the two deferPhysical Lines of Code With this method the lines of code are physically counted whileexcluding comments and white spaces Logical Lines of Code This method measures only the number of executable statements in the code Let us use an example below to differentiate between these two for i i lt i printf hello In this illustration above this code the segment has four physical lines of code and two logical ones The logical lines of code are the for statement and the print statement Pros and Cons of Using This Method ProsIt is easy and intuitiveUbiquitous metricIntegrated into most code editors ConsNot a reliable metric to measure a programmer s productivityThe LoC also differ based on the experience of a developerThe LoC will also vary based on the programming language usedIt does not have a counting standard Don t Measure Productivity Based on Line of CodeOne of the mistakes that clients and some project supervisors who are not familiar with programming make is using LoC as a metric to measure a programmer s productivity However using this metric will not give the right picture because the time spent coding usually varies based on how complex the project is and the experience of the programmer ConclusionThis parameter is crucial when it comes to assessing the size and quality of software or code segments However it would be misleading to use this parameter to measure a programmer s productivity or the progress of a particular project Using LoC alone to measure these two parameters is misleading because different project segments vary in complexity and take different amounts of time to accomplish so the number of LoC written usually doesn t matter 2021-11-11 08:33:20
海外TECH DEV Community Angular Authentication: Best Practices 🏆 https://dev.to/nikosanif/angular-authentication-best-practices-3h8h Angular Authentication Best Practices An Angular application that demonstrates best practices for user authentication flow By nikosanif nikosanif angular authentication An Angular application that demonstrates best practices for user authentication Angular AuthenticationAn Angular application that demonstrates best practices for user authentication flow By nikosanifTable of ContentsLive DemoGetting StartedFeaturesTech StackHigh level DesignContributingSupportLicenseLive DemoLive application angular authentication netlify appGetting StartedPrerequisitesNode jsAngular CLISetup amp UsageClone this repository git clone git github com nikosanif angular authentication gitcd angular authenticationInstall dependencies npm installServe the Angular app npm startOpen your browser at http localhost Useful Commandsnpm start starts a dev server of Angular appnpm run build builds full prod buildnpm run lint linting source code of this projectnpm run format check runs prettier to check for formatting errorsnpm run format write runs prettier to format whole code basenpm run release runs standard version to create new releaseFeaturesAuthentication FlowsOther FeaturesLazy loading of Angular modulesAPI requests with ngrx effectsResponsive designIn memory Web APITech Stack… View on GitHub Live DemoLive application angular authentication netlify app Getting Started PrerequisitesNode jsAngular CLI Setup amp UsageClone this repository git clone git github com nikosanif angular authentication gitcd angular authenticationInstall dependencies npm installServe the Angular app npm startOpen your browser at http localhost Useful Commandsnpm start starts a dev server of Angular appnpm run build builds full prod buildnpm run lint linting source code of this projectnpm run format check runs prettier to check for formatting errorsnpm run format write runs prettier to format whole code basenpm run release runs standard version to create new release Features Authentication Flows Other FeaturesLazy loading of Angular modulesAPI requests with ngrx effectsResponsive designIn memory Web API Tech StackAngularNgRX ngrx store effects component Taiga UITailwind CSSOther dev toolsESLintPrettierHuskystandard vesrion High level DesignBelow is the high level structure of the application src├ーapp│├ーapp root app component││├ーapp component html││├ーapp component scss││└ーapp component ts│││├ーapp routing module ts│├ーapp module ts│││├ーauth includes authentication logic││├ーauth module ts││├ーauth service ts││├ーguards││├ーinterceptors││├ーlogin││└ーstore│││├ーcore includes core utilities││├ーcore module ts││├ーfake api││└ーservices│││├ーfeatures all features of application││├ーabout││├ーhome││└ーsecured feat│││└ーshared shared UI modules and utilities│├ーui│└ーutil│├ーassets│├ー │├ーenvironments│├ーenvironment prod ts│└ーenvironment ts│├ー │└ーtheme global theme styles ├ー components scss ├ー typography scss └ーindex scss ContributingWho is for this I would love for you to contribute to Angular Authentication Before you start please read the Contributor Guide If you have found any bug in the source code or want to request a new feature you can help by submitting an issue at GitHub Even better you can fork this repository and submit a PR with the fix or the new feature description SupportStar this repository ️Help it spread to a wider audience Tweet Author Nikos Anifantis ️Fullstack Software Engineer I m currently working on Angular amp Node js application development I write stuff at dev to nikosanif and nikosanif medium comHow to reach me LicenseFeel free to use this repository but please star and put a reference to this repository ️MIT 2021-11-11 08:27:14
海外TECH DEV Community Everything I know about outreach https://dev.to/pascavld/everything-i-know-about-outreach-48lk Everything I know about outreachIf you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer This article was first published on my BlogDoing outreach is key as a freelancerWith outreach alone I got clients in the last monthsHere is everything I know about outreachFirst thing first what is outreach Outreach is the act of sending messages to people in our case potential clients So with outreach you close clients as a freelancerYes you might need to get on a call with them but that leads from the outreach tooThere are a lot of ways you can outreachTwitter DMsCold emailsInstagram DMsAnd moreThe most important part is choosing one of themand STICKING WITH ITDon t try methods of doing outreach at the same timeChoose one to begin with and master itAfter you choose your medium of doing outreach you need to create a scriptDon t use a template you find on the internetWhy Because everyone is probably using itTry to create something of your ownHere are some things to keep in mind Start with a compliment you are more likely to get a reply this wayKeep it short people won t read a long message especially if they don t know youCreate a clear call to action make what they need to next clear for the clientAdd social proof if you have Now you have a script but who do you DM For my outreach I recommend quality over quantitySo only DM specific people People who are your ideal clientsSince I use Twitter to do my outreach I find potential clients while scrolling through my timelineAfter you find the potential clients you need to do your researchDon t skip this partRead some of the content that person createdClick the links they have in their bioYou don t need to spend more than minutes on this but make sure you do itThen you need to build rapport with the clientWhat does this mean You need to build a connection with themHow do you do that By engaging with their contentMake sure they see your face a couple of times before you DM themOnly after you do this for a few days DM themAfter you send them the DM way a few days and then FOLLOW UPThis is key and so many people don t do itI got most of my clients after following upDon t stop until you get a reply if it is a noBecause at the end of your day your goal is to a replyOne thing that you can do to be more likely to get a reply is to give value for freeIf you do email marketing send them one email for freeDon t ask for anything back tell them to try it outMake it easy for them to say yesLastly remember that as with everything practice makes perfectYou ll change your script with timeYou ll get more and better replies with timeBut that improvement only comes with practiceAim to send one DM per day at the beginningI hope found this useful and if you did please let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter 2021-11-11 08:25:53
海外TECH DEV Community Unit test for SSG https://dev.to/mkim219/unit-test-for-ssg-1370 Unit test for SSGFor the task for open source development in this week is adding unit test for Static Site Generator ssg There are testing framework options xUnit NUnit and MSTest I have choose xUnit testing framework for unit testing because xUnit provides good documentation for creating unit test project and unit testing instruction Next step is setting up the environment The first step of setting up environment creates unit testing project and include ssg project The next step is most hardest part of the task because I have made ssg with static methods which is most testing frameworks do not support The logic of Static method is assigned to the class itself not a instance of object Therefore I have to find alternative way to test static methods I found interesting blog post that I can have unit test with static method The author Joydip Kanjilal recommends method called application by using wrapper classes and dependency injection what it is wrap static methods call in instance methods and use dependency injection to inject instance to wrapper class to be tested Now I can have unit test with static methods with mock framework called moq While I was writing the unit testing code I found some interesting bug When user choose empty text or markdown file for generating HTML the application crushes Therefore I have to handle the error if user input empty text or markdown file Previous months I have focused on ssg application The application runs fine and I thought my application is bug free However I have found multiple bug during the unit testing I definitely do unit testing for making better application 2021-11-11 08:17:53
海外TECH DEV Community In Search of the Best Drag-and-Drop App Builder: 10 Contenders, One Winner https://dev.to/atraichuk/in-search-of-the-best-drag-and-drop-app-builder-10-contenders-one-winner-25e3 In Search of the Best Drag and Drop App Builder Contenders One WinnerIf you ve ever thought about creating a mobile app from scratch you know that it takes some searching to find the right tools Drag and drop app development is often a good fit so let s talk about how to find the best drag and drop app builder to get you started But before we get into specific platforms let s ask and answer some basic questions What is drag and drop app development What are the advantages of drag and drop app builders Drag and drop app development is one of the easiest and smartest ways to create your own app from scratch This method doesn t require programming skills and includes pre built services and templates to simplify the creation process Drag and drop mobile app builders usually offer opportunities for further customization and state of the art features Although their popularity is skyrocketing there are a few advantages and disadvantages that are worth considering Drag and drop app builders Are an affordable app development solution App development costs can be a barrier for many businesses but the majority of drag and drop builders have several pricing options This will give you the flexibility to choose a suitable price Are quicker than a development team Drag and drop app builders allow you to save time by keeping development in house rather than relying on external development resources This means that you are fully in charge of the execution of your idea and there s no need to work with a team that doesn t share your point of view Make it easy to create a mobile application Customization can be difficult but drag and drop app builders make it easy With the help of pre built templates available with a platform you can customize and implement them without being a tech expert Provide multiple features for different business niches App development platforms are usually packed with a bunch of cool features and templates that meet almost every business need Whether you re a retailer or a small makeup studio a drag and drop app builder will make it easy to achieve your goals Have an easy to understand interface You don t need to worry about spending loads of time learning the basics They re built for people with minimal technical experience which makes them easy to use and highly intuitive There are some disadvantages to drag and drop mobile app builders but not very many The most common complaint is that there is a limited number of features which can prevent you from making your complex idea happen You may also find it difficult to build an application that requires a lot of user interaction Now that you have an idea of what drag and drop app builders are like let s move on to a list of the best drag and drop app builders The Best Drag and Drop App BuildersAppery ioThis is a cloud based drag and drop app builder for creating hybrid mobile and responsive web applications Since it s cloud based you don t need to download it or install anything so you can start building your applications quickly The drag and drop functionality and the power of Javascript can easily turn your idea into an application The app builder is a web PWA and mobile app development platform which enables applications built with Appery io to run smoothly and look cool on all popular devices and operating systems Additionally app data can be stored by instantly adding a cloud database and back end to your app whenever needed Other advantages of this UI builder include Ease of usage Even complete beginners can grasp the basics and start using this app builder Full fledged developers can also work with the frameworks they enjoy Integrated back end services such as server side scripting cloud database push notifications and authentication Easy integration of your own back end This drag and drop app builder provides the tools to create RESTful APIs from various enterprise systems including Oracle SQL Server and more Collaboration made simple You can share your project with developers business users and customers in real time The pricing plans are reasonable and are justified by great functionality and quality of the product beginners month pro month team month and ultimate month Appy PieThis app building platform is one of the leading drag and drop app builders in the world It s swiftly gaining popularity and now has over million users across the globe So what makes this drag and drop app development software so special The secret lies in its step by step process for creating successful business apps and the kit of features it offers Let s take a quick look at them API Access controls permissions Alerts notifications Application management Change management Collaboration tools Custom development Debugging Drag amp drop Graphical user interface Mobile development Reporting analytics Software development Web app developmentAnother bonus of Appy Pie is that they develop a wide range of tutorials for customers that explain the process of creating an application and guide users through each step Additionally the platform offers a three step process for creating an application All you need to do is enter your app name add necessary features for Android iOS and publish the app on Google Play and iTunes Voila your app is ready The pricing plans are quite reasonable basic app month gold app month platinum app month MobincubeIt s not easy to find a drag and drop mobile app builder which offers both value and an affordable price but Mobincube is one of these rare pocket friendly platforms You can start building as many apps with ads as you want without being limited by space and at no cost Other pricing plans include small month medium month large month XL month and XXL month Although the editor doesn t look as modern as some it does boast of a unique set of features Advanced customization Online store integration Monetization with in app ads Navigation bars Database Integration Third party solution integration Audio and video Remote content updates Push notifications Google Maps Google AnalyticsCompetitive prices and a wide variety of templates are serious bonuses that make this app builder stand out from other apps While there is still room for improvement this drag and drop app builder is definitely in the top ten SwifticThis drag and drop app builder positions itself as a platform that caters to both big and small businesses The main categories this platform suits best are retail and commerce health and beauty and professional services Their platform and its layout are crystal clear with a combination of seven different templates that can be combined with six different styles of navigation What makes it unique is that all the colors on the app and the icons can be adapted with your own artwork Swiftic also provides a large number of features In app coupons Mobile store Push notifications Scratch cards Loyalty cards Deliveries Catalogues Menus Social integration Customer engagement surveys contests and more Branches outlets SchedulingTheir pricing plans are quite different from the previous drag and drop UI builders They have one tier that has either a monthly yearly or biannual subscription Probably the most appealing thing is their six month success guarantee which means that if you were unable to achieve “any meaningful business result with your app Swiftic will give you six months of service for free AppInstituteAppInstitute is another drag and drop mobile app builder for busy small business owners The UI builder offers templates for more than business types so it s a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of The process of creating an application is clear even for beginners and involves only four steps First you pick a template with all the features you need Then brand your application edit content all without writing a single line of code and easily make it live The range of AppInstitute s features is promising They include Full brand control Calendar and booking system Rich media Drag and drop app builder Online payments Push notifications and messaging Social media integration GEO listingsThis platform will be especially appreciated by eCommerce businesses as it allows them to make payments from within the app without navigating out of it for any reason The apps built with this platform are available for a monthly subscription of per month PWA per month PWA iOS and Android per month PWA iOS and Android iPad and per month AppMachineThis one s name speaks for itself AppMachine drag and drop app builder is impressive both in its design and functionality The interface looks like a lego block which makes the whole process of planning and constructing an application appealing and unintimidating Although not every component is intuitive from the beginning anyone can get the hang of it and eventually succeed With AppMachine you can use over pre coded apps to build your own It also provides templates for schools travel and tourism music sports and restaurant apps The list of AppMachine s features is impressive too They offer Web application builder Support for iOS Android and Windows mobile devices User friendly interface Pre built templates Easy publishing Free signup Multilingual interface Live app preview Connect to web services Auto submission to AppStore and PlayStoreIn terms of cost Appmachine offers two different plans with Plus at a month and Pro at a month By the way they don t charge any fees for monetizing your app You just pay for your subscription and pocket all the revenue from app monetization BuildFireBuildFire mobile app builder is definitely easy and user friendly It offers an easy to use dashboard and admin control panel that smoothes the whole process of releasing updates A vast number of customization options allow users to make changes to the app on the go and test them in a real environment The drag and drop app builder allows users to create fully custom mobile apps business workflow employee communications eCommerce fitness and many other apps The features kit is extensive as well It includes Drag amp drop Reporting analytics Access controls permissions Compatibility testing Deployment management Mobile development Source control Design templates Feature library Visual interfaceTheir pricing plan is quite democratic They offer a free plan and a premium plan that is available for a month MobileRoadiMobileRoadi is considered one of the most robust drag and drop app builders available on the market today The platform offers a collection of nine categories for pre built app templates Among them are music entertainment events sport government and education hospitality and travel business media and religious organizations The process of creating an application takes five steps and includes building designing managing engaging and analyzing The interface of this app builder is professionally designed and planned however it takes some time to adapt The range of features include Push notifications Mailing list Chat wall API Social unlock Top users Polls Pop up promos Geofencing Location and directionsDue to the wide array of features their pricing plans start from a CORE plan at a month and go up to their PRO plan at a month ShoutemA new version of the Shoutem app builder offers a lot of template designs with a vast number of options to customize them so that each app looks unique This platform is especially suitable for communities because of its social wall where users can share photos and add comments The process of building Android and iOS apps takes just four steps First you pick up a template then brand your app import necessary content and publish it to stores The number of features here is lower in comparison with other builders but it should have everything you need to create an application Among them are Push notifications Location based services A Shopify feature or product catalogue RSS feed options Ability to add your own HTML code Social media integration Loyalty features API available Custom analytics Testing for Android only Reseller programShoutem makes their code available to developers to involve more and more people in building additional extensions and developing more features Shoutem pricing starts at per month They do not have a free version but do offer a free trial The cheapest of their plans that allow you to publish your app on the Apple App Store begins at iBuildAppiBuildApp drag and drop application builder has a super easy drop editor a built in content management system and over a thousand app templates to choose from This platform is specifically designed for people with absolutely no programming skills Although their website doesn t inspire confidence the builder does boast some great features White label solution Reseller payment plans Environment setup Payment system Custom pricing Customer support Website localization and customization Custom templates for reseller websiteThey also offer a bunch of advanced features including push and GPS notifications mobile ads social media sharing mobile analytics and eCommerce opportunities In terms of cost there s a basic plan month a business plan per month and an enterprise or agency plan a month Wrapping It UpChoosing the best drag and drop app builder might seem a bit scary and it does require a bit of effort But once you determine your priorities and clearly define your business needs it doesn t need to be a complicated task If you are a complete beginner who wants to try creating an application Shoutem and iBuiltApp drag and drop UI builders might be a good option for you However if you re a seasoned developer looking for new challenges or somebody interested in new functionality and a wide range of features go with Appery io or MobileRoadi 2021-11-11 08:10:45
海外TECH DEV Community Leveraging Logic Apps to prevent over-provisioning owner access to subscriptions https://dev.to/unosd/leveraging-logic-apps-to-prevent-over-provisioning-owner-access-to-subscriptions-36aa Leveraging Logic Apps to prevent over provisioning owner access to subscriptionsOften happens that agility and freedom conflict with security Aaron Paul voice Has this ever happened to you Have you ever had developer teams request ownership of a full subscription to be able to freely experiment You still want to keep isolation segregate responsibilities and permissions Ability to experiment freely is paramount to innovation but uncontrolled proliferation of subscriptions can bear a significant management overhead Can we have the best of both worlds The short answer is yes A resource group can be an effective boundary as it allows its contributors to yet create any resource but also restrict the scope of access within a subscription You can also enforce tags and Azure policies to control costs and enforce security But now a team is restricted to creating resources within a single resource group and it can get messy quite quickly and permission wise is not so granular within teams What if we could allow teams to create their own resource groups within a subscription with contributor access and not being able to read write other resource groups We can quickly set up a Logic App to enable this Orchestrating creation and role assignment of resource groups within a single workflow this enables Invoking the Logic App manually through a REST APIInvoking from a DevOps pipeline to create resources as part of a dev test automated environmentThe Logic App can create a resource group and assign a certain contributor based on the input payload from the HTTP trigger WarningSetting up this workflow could lead to a security loophole What if someone uses the name of an existing resource group so the workflow grants access to other teams resources We need to make sure we address this concern when building our Logic App as usually Azure management operations are idempotent and the Logic App won t fail if we pass the name of an existing resource group The Logic AppLet s have a look at the flow The logic is pretty simple and most of the operations we require have a native connector the only missing one is Create role assignment but we can easily perform the operation by invoking the Azure REST API and we do not have to worry about authentication as the managed identity will do this for us Now you may have noticed that there is no condition stating If the group already exists interrupt the flow but if you look at the picture above you may notice a red dotted line between two operations this is because we changed the Run after settings of our create operation As you can see the operation of creation and so the role assignment after will only occur if the Read resource group failed hence the group does not exist this will block the loophole described above Now we can prevent people from having broad access but our Logic App s managed identity still requires owner permissions on the subscription more secure but we can do even better Let s create a custom role that has only enough permissions to read create a resource group and assign permissions to it We can now use the UI to create a custom role but we may also want to script it and define it in JSON format Let s now assign that to the managed identity of our Logic App Now we should have all permissions in place If you also want to use a security group your Logic App identity may also require Directory Read All permissions on your Azure AD instance Creating role assignmentI mentioned above that all the other actions can be performed with native Logic App connectors but the role assignment at the time of writing requires the HTTP connector to invoke the Azure REST API let s have a look at that Even if we cannot do it in idiomatic Logic App that is yet pretty simple This is the API documentation We just need to set the right method PUT the correct URL using the resource group ID as scope from the output of the previous connector and we can auto generate a random GUID as name for the assignment using Logic App expressions guid The body must contain the role definition ID which needs to be the built in contributor GUID under our subscription ID I have used a variable for that to improve clarity The subscription ID is one of the input of our workflow and the hardcoded GUID can be found here ContributorTo get values as input from the workflow invocation we need to set the input JSON schema in the HTTP trigger We need principalId The object ID of the assignee of the contributor role this can be found looking up the user in Azure AD from the portalresourceGroupLocation resourceGroupName subscriptionId Quite self explanatory arguments properties principalId type string resourceGroupLocation type string resourceGroupName type string subscriptionId type string type object After adding the schema above to the trigger those values will be available as variables in the rest of the workflow TestingAll there is left now is to test let s run our workflow with the following input subscriptionId lt Target subscription ID to create groups gt resourceGroupName rg test resourceGroupLocation West Europe principalId lt Object ID GUID of your user from AAD gt And this is what happens assuming rg test does not exist Looks good all the steps we wanted to run were successful Now let s try and run this again with the same inputs OK as you can see from the grey circles next to the actions below Read a resource group none of the other operations were performed exactly as expected Now let s have a look at our newly created resource group IAM blade Exactly what we wanted a new resource group of which I am contributor without requiring any permission on the subscription The full template for the Logic App is available on my GitHub so you can save the extra minutes it took me to create it to enable this security feature for your teams You can also enhance security of the Logic App to prevent unauthorised users from calling it by fronting it with API Management or you can use Azure Active Directory Authorization Policies on the Logic App itself or a combination of the two 2021-11-11 08:06:51
海外TECH DEV Community HacktoberFest Badge https://dev.to/rishi098/hacktoberfest-badge-kd badge 2021-11-11 08:02:33
海外TECH Engadget Sony reportedly cuts PS5 production again as chip shortages and shipment issues bite https://www.engadget.com/sony-may-be-cutting-play-station-5-production-even-more-than-it-forecast-085009885.html?src=rss Sony reportedly cuts PS production again as chip shortages and shipment issues biteSony s PlayStation may not be able to beat the PS s first year sales record due to an ongoing component shortage according to Bloomberg The company has reportedly cut its previous production forecast of million down to million putting its target of million PS sales by March in jeopardy if the report is accurate It also makes a bad situation worse in terms of consumers being able to pick up a PS over the holidays nbsp Sony is supposedly having trouble with not just parts supply but shipping logistics as well according to Bloomberg s sources The problems are due in part to uneven vaccine rollouts in nations where Sony builds chips and shortages of essential parts like power chips The situation has affected other console makers like Nintendo and even affected the launch of an entirely new console Valve s Steam Deck ーpushing the date back until some time in It s got to the point that publishers are reportedly saying that sales are gradually shifting over to PC versions of games due to a lack of consoles March is still a long ways off so Sony might still be able to pull off the sales record goal But it s rather ominous that this report is arriving just ahead of Christmas so if you re looking for a PS as a gift and see an opportunity to get one better snap it up quick nbsp 2021-11-11 08:50:09
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment COP26: US-China climate agreement and fossil fuel spending https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59240244?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA agreement 2021-11-11 08:11:32
医療系 医療介護 CBnews ECMO装着など重症患者搬送時の医師同乗を新たに評価-中医協、厚労省案に各側が賛意 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20211111172724 厚生労働省 2021-11-11 17:45:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 入院患者減も救急患者受け入れ体制は「未だ影響」-東京都がコロナモニタリング会議の専門家意見公表 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20211111171535 入院患者 2021-11-11 17:20:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ IOSCO(証券監督者国際機構)・APRC(アジア太平洋地域委員会)による議長選の結果について掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/inter/ios/20211105-2/20211105-2.html iosco 2021-11-11 10:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ IOSCOによる「外部委託に関する原則」について掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/inter/ios/20211111/20211111.html iosco 2021-11-11 09:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 証券監督者国際機構(IOSCO)がIFRS財団によるサステナビリティ開示基準の策定に向けた取組みを歓迎する旨のプレス・リリースについて掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/inter/ios/20211111-2/20211111-2.html iosco 2021-11-11 09:30:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Lives at risk from 'unacceptable' ambulance waits https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59237935?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA stroke 2021-11-11 08:24:57
ニュース BBC News - Home COP26: US-China climate agreement and fossil fuel spending https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59240244?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA agreement 2021-11-11 08:11:32
ニュース BBC News - Home UK economic growth slows as supply problems hit the recovery https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59244988?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA chain 2021-11-11 08:31:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Meghan apologises to court for biography exchanges https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59242093?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA freedom 2021-11-11 08:00:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Defence Secretary disappointed in MPs' conduct on Gibraltar trip https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59243206?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA conduct 2021-11-11 08:45:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Alec Baldwin film tragedy: Crew member sues for negligence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59244091?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA halyna 2021-11-11 08:32:03
ビジネス 不景気.com ユニプレスの22年3月期は51億円の最終赤字へ、半導体不足で - 不景気.com https://www.fukeiki.com/2021/11/unipres-2022-loss.html 最終赤字 2021-11-11 08:47:54
北海道 北海道新聞 小池都知事、テレワークで指示 退院後の近況、副知事説明 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/610553/ 小池都知事 2021-11-11 17:14:00
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