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TECH Engadget Japanese 米国で自動車への飲酒運転防止技術搭載が義務化へ。早ければ2026年以降すべての新車に適用 https://japanese.engadget.com/congress-mandates-technology-for-cars-to-stop-drunk-driving-113644439.html 自動車メーカー 2021-11-11 11:36:44
TECH Engadget Japanese NVIDIA 、3DでAIアバターが生き生きと話す「Omniverse Avatar」を発表。アバター作成を手軽に https://japanese.engadget.com/nvidia-omniverse-avatar-110717493.html nvidia 2021-11-11 11:07:17
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 11月11日は何の日? 「一年で最も記念日の多い日」【一覧あり】 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2111/11/news158.html itmedia 2021-11-11 20:04:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog 研究者のための10分間チュートリアル集を公開しました https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/introducing-10-minute-cloud-tutorials-research/ その悩みを解決するためにAWSはTenMinuteTutorialsforResearchnbsp研究者のための分間チュートリアル集をYouTubeのAWSパブリックセクターチャンネルで公開しました。 2021-11-11 11:08:32
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Colabで、変数の型/形状が楽に確認できるようになった【変数インスペクタ】 https://qiita.com/M-Skywalker/items/6af883a5eb0b8a863783 GoogleColabで、変数の型形状が楽に確認できるようになった【変数インスペクタ】GoogleColabで、変数の型形状が楽に確認できるようになった【変数インスペクタ】GoogleColabに変数インスペクタが実装され、楽に変数の型と形状が確認できるようになりました。 2021-11-11 20:55:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】1行でif-elif-else文を実装するコード https://qiita.com/shi_ei/items/0eb37ddbe3a066f2f6e5 【Python】行でifelifelse文を実装するコードあまり必要な機会は無いかもしれませんが、行でifelifelse文を実装するコードを書く機会があったのでメモとして残しておきます。 2021-11-11 20:08:36
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】チェックボックス https://qiita.com/Yudai_35_/items/681aa3a11026ac6eae68 このように記述すると、複数のチェックボックスを反映できましたまとめ・単体のチェックボックスはboolean・複数のチェックボックスは配列・複数はvalue属性で初期値を指定。 2021-11-11 20:01:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VFXにPBRGraphは連携できる? https://teratail.com/questions/368898?rss=all VFXにPBRGraphは連携できる前提・実現したいこと現在この上の動画を見ながら進めているのですが、途中のVFXにShadernbspGraphを連携するところで、VFXのOutputnbspParticlenbspMeshのshadernbspgraphの項目に入れられず、困っています。 2021-11-11 20:52:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Unity】 Prefab内のTextMeshの内容を動的に変更したい https://teratail.com/questions/368897?rss=all 2021-11-11 20:48:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) linuxについての筆問です https://teratail.com/questions/368896?rss=all linux 2021-11-11 20:46:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Rails】image_tag内の親classに子クラスを設定したい https://teratail.com/questions/368895?rss=all 【Rails】imagetag内の親classに子クラスを設定したい現在以下のコードを書いてるのですが、quottoptopjpgquotのクラスに子クラスを設定できません。 2021-11-11 20:43:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 双方向リストでの数字表示がうまくいかない https://teratail.com/questions/368894?rss=all 双方向リストでの数字表示がうまくいかない双方向リスト構造によってnbspnbsp個の整数入力をし、入力順と逆順を出力するプログラム作成したいが、つの整数を入力できるが、出力がつの整数となってしまう。 2021-11-11 20:33:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WEBページでユーザ離脱するタイミングを知りたい https://teratail.com/questions/368893?rss=all historyback 2021-11-11 20:30:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jqueryでsubmitができない https://teratail.com/questions/368892?rss=all jqueryでsubmitができないサブ画面でチェックボックスを複数選択し、選択完了ボタンで親画面に戻るという処理を作っています。 2021-11-11 20:15:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) mac SafariでのSpeechRecognitionイベントリスナーについて https://teratail.com/questions/368891?rss=all macSafariでのSpeechRecognitionイベントリスナーについてWebnbspAPIのSpeechRecognitionを使ってアプリケーションを作っています。 2021-11-11 20:06:00
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [チュートリアル]AWSにEC2,RDS,S3の環境を作ってWEBアプリケーションを動かす https://qiita.com/torabo/items/66522bc950e1fe85a905 今後は、上記のネットワーク構成をコード化して環境を構築するCloudFormatinというサービスを使ってみたり、WEBサービスそのものをLambdaなどを使ったサーバレスの構成で作ってみたりすることをやってみたいと思っています。 2021-11-11 20:30:38
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CentOS 8に、MySQL 8をyumリポジトリからインストールする https://qiita.com/charon/items/5779cef2573c4692ca61 MySQLをMySQLのyumリポジトリからインストールするRHELやCentOS等でのMySQLのyumリポジトリは、以下のコマンドでインストールできます。 2021-11-11 20:21:56
技術ブログ Developers.IO GitHub Issueコメントに費やすカロリーを増やした結果振り返りやすくなったというお話 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/self-ruler-for-github-issue-comment/ githubissue 2021-11-11 11:53:45
技術ブログ Developers.IO Control TowerのAccount Factoryを使用し、新しいAWSアカウントを払い出す https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/enroll-aws-account-by-account-factory/ accountfactory 2021-11-11 11:08:22
海外TECH MakeUseOf Why Facebook Could Be Opening a Retail Store Near You Soon https://www.makeuseof.com/facebook-opening-retail-stores-why/ retail 2021-11-11 11:43:58
海外TECH MakeUseOf Why Valve Has Delayed the Steam Deck Until After the Holidays https://www.makeuseof.com/why-valve-delayed-steam-deck/ shortages 2021-11-11 11:34:29
海外TECH MakeUseOf Where Should You Build Your Home Office? https://www.makeuseof.com/where-should-you-build-your-home-office/ office 2021-11-11 11:30:21
海外TECH DEV Community Laravel vs. Ruby on Rails https://dev.to/metricoid_technology/laravel-vs-ruby-on-rails-3ak2 Laravel vs Ruby on RailsBackend web frameworks include Laravel and Ruby on Rails Both are well known in the world of development but the key distinction between them is the language they use Laravel is based on PHP while Ruby on Rails is based on Ruby and both have a significant community Laravel is a sophisticated web application framework for quickly and effectively developing web applications It can easily customize an internet application without worrying about the cost It s a PHP based open source system that s extremely popular Ruby on Rails is one such system that provides the developer with a set of pre built features allowing the developer to focus on the business logic rather than the framework s complexities It might be a Ruby based server side web application system Differences between Laravel and Ruby on Rails Laravel is an open source MVC based framework that was published in whereas Rails is an amazing web application framework that was released in and is based on MVC Laravel is built in PHP and distributed under an MIT license whereas the Rails framework is written in Ruby and distributed under an MIT license Laravel is best suited for enterprise level projects with complicated business logic to small websites whereas Rails is best suited for metaprogramming language and small project web applications Laravel has several great features such as Blade a template engine that can also employ PHP code directly in view whereas Rails key feature is its support for third party plugins such as Ruby gems that help with development and are extensively documented Laravel is superior for performance and scalability than Rails which is slower With built in authentication features Laravel is superior for web applications although Rails has a superb feature for online applications in the shape of CoffeeScript a built in static compilation tool Laravel It comes with a built in lightweight template engine for creating layouts Layouts ranging from simple to complicated can be created using these templates Laravel supports MVC architecture and has a number of built in functions that aid in application efficiency Laravel may run several unit tests at the same time checking for new changes made by the developer Laravel s built in function combines a hash and salted password technique to guarantee strong security It includes pre installed libraries that aid in the application s performance Database definitions and schema are maintained in PHP code using Schema Builder It keeps track of database migrations as well Laravel contains a mail class that allows you to send mail from your web application with rich content and attachments Ruby on rails The symbol garbage collector is a feature of Ruby on Rails that gathers symbols and protects your system from a variety of assaults The keyword arguments assist the Ruby application in consuming less memory Before Ruby we had to use the gem render anywhere to render views but with Ruby we can render views from anywhere We may tweak the browser s friendly URLs with Ruby It lets you add a module before the class to which it was prepended Because it loads the entire page from the server websites can take a long time to reload Turbolinks just reloads the body content it does not reload the entire page It allows you to create APIs and removes any middleware that isn t required for an applicationRails include a large set of AJAX functions The AJAX specific java programming is generated automatically 2021-11-11 11:39:48
海外TECH DEV Community How does the TOR Browser Work? https://dev.to/rohankiratsata/how-does-the-tor-browser-work-2bcj How does the TOR Browser Work Now a days people are moving to privacy browsers like TOR Browsers and Brave Browsers But ever wondered how TOR browser protects you against tracking surveillance and censorship What is TOR TOR stand for The Onion Router is a network that enables a user to stay anonymous on the internet The TOR network can be accessed using TOR Browser Today millions of people use TOR for multiple purposes everything from innocent daily browsing to illicit activities It is also used to access the so called Dark Web What is Dark Web Deep Web and Surface Web Surface Web is a portion of web which can be searched or found on internet publicly For example visiting Facebook Anything you search on Google etc Deep Web is a opposite of surface web the part of web which is not indexed or found publicly For example your GMail inbox an unlisted YouTube video online banking or anything which is password or paywall protected can be considered as deep web It s nothing like the dark web as most of use the deep web all the time Dark Web is web content that exist on darknets overlay networks and can only be accessed using specific software or authorization access Example Image Working of TOR NetworkTOR uses the concept of Onion Routing method in which user data is first encrypted and then transferred through different TOR layers The TOR network has three layers relays Entry RelayMiddle RelayExit RelayThe Entry Relay is the entry point to TOR Network Each user will first connect to the Entry relay and will encrypt the data Middle Relay is getting data in the encrypted format and will pass the data to another middle relay No middle node knows what data is passed except its predecessor and descendant Even if the user employs the TOR network to do something illegal the IP address of a middle relay will not show up as source traffic Exit Relay is the final relay that TOR traffic passes through before it reaches its destination If a malicious user employs the Tor network to do something that might be objectionable or illegal the exit relay may take the blame Example Image Is it illegal to use TOR The Tor browser has gained a bad reputation due to the increase in illegal activity on the dark web However using the TOR browser and TOR network is LEGAL unless you are doing illegal things on the dark web So that s it for today guys Hope you learned something new Till then KEEP CODING KEEP HUSTLING 2021-11-11 11:39:45
海外TECH DEV Community 50+ Awesome Vue.js Templates And Themes https://dev.to/markc86/50-awesome-vuejs-templates-and-themes-1pln Awesome Vue js Templates And ThemesAs a huge Vue enthusiast I am always on the hunt for high quality templates themes and resources to speed up my development process But as you might guess finding high quality templates isn t always easy and sometimes it s even hard to know where to start There are many options available and all of them claim to be the best To help you out I have compiled a list of top premium and free Vue templates This list includes high quality resources each tailored to suit your unique project All templates come with a full preview so you can get an idea of what it looks like before you start and they are stretched with features that could help you get your project done faster than ever before Some resources in this list include Admin dashboard templatesWeb app templatesWebsite templatesLanding page templatesUI kits and components librariesAnd many moreWith the resources above it will be easier for you to create future focused interfaces for your projects If you find that any of these templates work for you please be sure to share this information with others who may benefit from it as well MosaicLive Demo DownloadMosaic is a powerful admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS featuring hundreds of pre built pages and styled layouts in HTML React and Vue With multiple styles and full screen sections it s a perfect fit for admin dashboards eCommerce marketplaces FinTech and SaaS companies to use as a starting point for their projects Features Beautiful charts built with Chart jsMultiple use cases and productsTutorials and documentation available SimpleLive Demo amp DownloadSimple is a Vue and Tailwind CSS landing page template designed to provide all the basic components a developer founder needs to create a landing page for SaaS products online services digital agencies and more The design of Simple looks very professional and is perfect for businesses that work remotely and need a powerful yet easy to use platform Features Attractive and modern designFully accessible componentsInteractive previews Start Vue FreeLive Demo DownloadStart Vue Free is a material inspired VueJS and Bootstrap based Admin and Dashboard theme built by KeenThemes The theme features a fully responsive layout with a gorgeous design suitable for any type of web applications Start Vue helps you build your project from scratch or helps you convert your existing site into a beautiful web application within minutes Features Free version availableChat app for client supportProduct gallery and search panel Open ProLive Demo amp DownloadWelcome to Open Pro your new site designed by Cruip com for showcasing your startup or company Open Pro was created with startups and developers in mind and comes with a dark design and an easy to use interface It s easier than ever to create landing pages and corporate websites so get started today Features Open source imagesFully customisable themes and pagesMarketing tools integration VuexyLive Demo DownloadIf you re a coder looking to harness the power of Vue js for your admin dashboard then look no further than Vuexy This premium admin template is the perfect choice for both novices and experienced developers alike The Vuexy builder allows you to create your complements to demo whether it would be a chart a CTA button call to action buttons or labels You can even design your entire complement which gives you complete creativity Features Laravel Starter KitProject management appsOrganised folder structure AppyLive Demo amp DownloadAppy will make it easier than ever to set up a landing page to present your mobile app without asking your user to enter the phone number when it isn t necessary With Appy s eight different pre made pages and the ability to switch between dark and white layouts with the flick of a switch you can now have a higher converting landing page for your mobile app in no time Features White and dark layoutsFocused for mobile app conversionsFull screen version with animated background CubaLive Demo DownloadCuba is a premium admin template built with Bootstrap Framework Vue and JQuery It has a wide collection of reusable UI ingredients and is integrated with the latest jQuery plugins This product is valuable for all types of web applications e g admin panel app backend CMS CRM etc thanks to the presence of multiple navbars MODx plugins support custom grid system offline data saving Features Two different dashboardsMulti file uploadData table export to CSV Excel PDF etc MetronicLive Demo DownloadMetronic is an admin template framework for developers designers and product managers It was built by the KeenThemes team with Metronic version to help you build your next web application with ease Metronic comes with lots of components features and design patterns saving you tons of time on development Last but not least this powerful template provides the most advanced Dashboard Template Ecosystem for Vue Angular and React Features Complete authenticationUser profile pagesFull projects app flow TidyLive Demo amp DownloadThe main key conversion is a beautifully designed landing page That s why we want you to persuade more and more people with this incredible landing page template Tidy With its neat and smooth design you can now create a trendy landing page with two unique pages four content blocks several ready made sections like galleries videos maps mailing lists as well as contact forms and much more Features Features tiles and zig zagModals with video contentCustom scroll animations Tailwind UI KitLive Demo amp DownloadTailwind UI Kit is a code library of reusable Tailwind CSS components ready for you to drop into any project Start with the components that are right for you then mix and match to build complex responsive user interfaces that are easy to manage Whether you re building Tailwind is engineered with your workflow in mind Features Inclusive and accessible designTested componentsOptimised for rapid development VitoLive Demo DownloadThis Vue js based admin dashboard template is perfect for creating clean and modern looking web demands without heavy back end coding effort Vito comes with tons of tools prebuilt segments reusable modules multiple design layout styles unlimited colors customized fonts easy to use API etc The Vue admin comes with different organisations that can be combined into any possible combination for unlimited customisation Features Compact dark dashboardVertical small sidebarVue Validation Integration LandrickLive Demo DownloadLandrick is a modern and unique template that you will fall in love with It has several customization options and it supports the most popular frameworks such as Bootstrap SASS Font Awesome and more It is responsive and looks stunning on all types of screens and devices Users will love your site because of its clean design and great user experience UX It can also be used to build an impressive app for various other purposes like any other magic template Features Built on top of Bootstrap Use Flat picker Different Landing Pages SkoteLive Demo DownloadSkote admin dashboard is a powerful and professional backend agnostic admin template for building scalable secure and reliable applications from small to enterprise levels It is built on Vue js amp Laravel with a fully modular architecture based on Vuex state management pattern Firebase real time database fack JS for form validation and email password authentication provider If you re a developer looking for a fully responsive admin dashboard then you are at the right place Features Projects lists and overview pagesPure Vuejs NO jquery dependencyFree Lifetime updates Rider Vue FreeLive Demo DownloadRider Vue Free is a VueJS based admin and dashboard theme Its exceptional design is perfectly crafted for optimized products to suit every modern web application Rider Vue Free is based on the ultimate mega theme for development starters and for those who don t have enough money to pay for premium templates or want to save money With endless UI components gorgeous design robust layouts and zero price tag that s what you get with this free theme Features Automated and repetitive workflowsElements built with built SASS and Typescript Free Lifetime updates NeonLive Demo amp DownloadNeon is one of the latest Vuejs landing page templates built with the newest technologies for startups It s been built from the ground up with performance as the foundational block of the UI UX design pattern It comes with a full page image slider a big video section a newsletter subscription box a sign in sign up page template and it s responsive Neon can adapt to any device Features Default dark layout availablePre built carousel and accordionFree Lifetime updates NextKitLive Demo DownloadNext is a free website template that offers a modern design web layout built on Vuejs NuxtJs and Vuetify framework In terms of tech specs it comes with ready to use UI blocks and elements and thanks to its flexibility you can create websites faster with less code using the same codebase to generate web mobile and desktop apps with one command and develop features with a modern web application architected in Vuejs Features One level dropdown menusSCSS Base CSS frameworkRetina ready template AerolandLive Demo DownloadWhen to building an app landing page template sometimes you don t have lots of time That s why AeroLand is so versatile and powerful The team of BootXperts has done the research and found out what an app landing and a responsive website need both in the Business amp Marketing section So they build a collection of practical multipurpose inner pages for you so it takes no time to set up and get your project up and running You can use AeroLand for multipurpose like a digital studio or software startup Features Built on latest Vue platformNo console errorWorking contact forms ArgonLive Demo DownloadThe Argon Vue Dashboard PRO is a custom built Bootstrap admin dashboard template inspired by Material Design patterns It s a huge framework built with over individual components giving you the freedom of choosing and combining while all components can take variations in color that you can easily modify using Sass files Get an incredible amount of features packed in a single product created by the most talented team of developers from Creative Tim Features Pre built examplesHandcrafted elementsSketch and Figma files StrikingDashLive Demo DownloadStrikingDash is a feature rich Vue admin template and component library With its incredible style the possibilities become limitless when things get difficult online The theme includes a beautiful dashboard many pre cooked components and widgets that can be used easily because the main structure is fully responsive and customizable Using StrikingDash will help your team avoid annoying headaches during the development process and most importantly you will no longer have to guess who is the top in line among your competitors Features Axios with Clean api structureIntegrated authentication systemSimplicity and performance Materio FreeLive Demo DownloadIf you re a tech savvy guy for a Vue admin dashboard template that is both developer friendly and rich with characteristics look no further than Materio Free Besides all the nice things that this team could say about their development approach I can assure by testing the theme that they followed the highest industry standards to bring you the very best experience that is not only fast and easy to use but also extremely scalable Last but not least by offering ultimate convenience and flexibility it s able to build any type of application t with very little hassle Features D Characters and illustrationsBasic and advanced tablesClean amp commented code CubeLive Demo amp DownloadThe Cube landing page template is built for startups and companies that want to present themselves as a team of professionals in the tech industry This commodity offers a sensitive design environment and a modern look that comes with multiple pages several prebuilt UI elements and content areas as the layout So if you re looking for a template that has been built with a lot of care in detail for your convenience give Cube a try and I m sure you will never look back again Features SVG illustrations amp iconographyWorks as a business toolIt s universal and compatible CalendlifyLive Demo DownloadCalendify is like the Swiss knife of the web management templates for business entrepreneurs who want to build or extend scheduling and booking web applications Think of this product as a calendar dashboard design that will make your backend app look attractive and elegant Calendify works seamlessly on all major web browsers tablets and phones and each page is divided into appointment modules so the creation looks beautiful on any device Features Hover effects to delight usersEasy To adapt for different usesDynamic event pages Carbon UILive Demo amp DownloadCarbon UI is a collection of resources to help you quickly build professional web interfaces using Vue js amp Nuxt js The two frameworks integrate well and all components from both projects are available in the kit Carbon UI goes beyond sharing individual elements to copy paste into your work It contains markup examples to help you combine the components into a full page quickly The Vue based core has been structured as a single file component allowing you to import modules into multiple projects Features Preview with the code available Browse API references and tutorialsBusiness and enterprise documentation Star Admin Pro VueLive Demo DownloadStar Admin Pro Vue is a multipurpose modern and carefully crafted admin template that will be highly useful for distinct purposes This template has been refined and improved and it also offers a wide range of possibilities for text and image placement and the powerful framework revolution Tested on devices with different browsers it follows best SEO practices and will ensure your site s appropriate position in the search engine results Features Different license options Product catalogue pageEmail template samples ShardsLive Demo DownloadDeveloped with Vue Shards is the free version of the popular admin dashboard template Shards Pro Built by people who love flat design Shards offers a fully responsive admin experience that doesn t regret the simplicity of the simple style Shards has been developed on top of VuePress an amazing static site generator for small sites amp apps that uses markdown files to provide pages for both content and code samples Additionally it has support for markdown syntax within your HTML files Features Minimal footprint and highly optimised supported iconsFunctional design system AbstractLive Demo amp DownloadAbstract is a handcrafted landing page template created by the team of Cruip that empowers startups or businesses to create appealing landing pages and websites This template is fully responsive and it looks amazing on both mobile and desktop devices It s based on top of the latest Cruip CSS framework and features a clean design smooth animations fancy SVG icons and cool scroll effects to make the design pop across all browsers Features Slider option for testimonialsRich documentation with code samplesSupport standard and multisite Argon Design SystemLive Demo DownloadArgon Design System is a Premium components library for Bootstrap and VueJs With over individual components sections and example pages Argon Design System gives you the freedom of choosing and combining using SCSS files This product is built with multiple states of colors and styles that are accessible without effort Creative Tim has done an incredible job of creating a system that is very user friendly and visually appealing Features Basic structure for any web projectMultiple states for each elementDesign files included PortoLive Demo DownloadPorto is the ultimate eCommerce template based on VueJS and NuxtJS It has all the required tools and features to create a super fast responsive eCommerce with an amazing UI and fully accessible UX experience demo layouts and modern organization skins will allow you to create your niche store faster than using the most popular builders With Porto you can avoid expensive web development and minimise your design costs while keeping incredible quality Features Solid and tested basePremium plugins and popular widgetsUnlimited product variations AtlantisLive Demo DownloadThe Atlantis for PrimeVue is built to be one of the most advanced and lightweight premium admin dashboard themes for Vue js Its clean minimal design will make your content stand out in style You can show off your sales dashboard form layouts unique visitor graphs or any other content with a contemporary design Atlantis PrimeVue comes with stunning menus to choose from to suit your site s needs Features Full SaSS supportLight and dark modes built in component themes MaterialProLive Demo DownloadMaterialPro is an admin dashboard based on Vuetify Google s Material Design principles that comes with a refreshing look with many ready to use features You can use it to create inventory management warehouse management accounting software any SaaS based application with great care on the user experience and tested to give you much desire comfort while building your project MaterialPro is already appreciated by lots of customers within different framework needs and the word is spreading fast across different companies and industries Features White and Black sidebar themesUse for unlimited projectsDedicated customer section MollaLive Demo DownloadMolla VueJS eCommerce template is the ultimate eCommerce solution for store owners digital creators and traditional businesses without an online presence It has all the wanted instruments and characteristics to conceive an online store that sings impressive melodies to your customers and that incentivises sales because of the super soft human touch With Molla your prospects will never bounce at the checkout again and according to the hundreds of happy customers in the world you will also save a lot in extension costs Features Also available in WordPress Exclusive demo conceptsWishlist and compare features ExtremeLive Demo DownloadThe success of a business is driven by how much it can earn from its products But this business growth has to be managed well otherwise the growth will become chaotic and difficult to manage For this very purpose the team of WrapPixel has developed Extreme A VueJS based dashboard template that is free to download for both personal and commercial projects With Extreme you can finally build a complete web experience without compromising accessibility and by simply adding admin control to your current app Features Different dashboard variations months of free supportMini sidebar available Purple VueLive Demo DownloadPurple Vue admin presents an unlimited number of options for building and extending responsive web applications This template has everything expected to create a compelling and compact digital experience and the base product looks both professional and fancy with flexible icons apps widgets and more Visualizing and representing data won t be any longer a concern since Purple Vue contains an excellent charting library conceived from the archives of the master of web design Features Excess benefits to suit your needsReviewed by the best in the industryRegular and extensive liquid design QexalLive Demo DownloadQexal is a fully responsive landing page template based on Vue js that comes in multiple devices for the perfect choice of any startup or ongoing business It has everything you need for online promotion including welcome area hero slide blockquotes testimonials features Section contacts pricing tables and even more premium elements to make it easier for your users to contact you Qexal is one of the most built in templates where you can easily focus on your project without trying to figure out how to modify the source code Features Particels backgroundWave animations and effects types of main layouts TwistLive Demo amp DownloadThe Twist landing page template is here to make your work easier It s built on an advanced framework of variables that can be parsed out with a few clicks Twist is built with incredible visibility in mind all major sections of existing pages are highlighted clearly in the inspector and grouped together by component Quickly identify which components you want to tweak adjust the values and see your changes updated across your entire landing Features Incredible amount of flexibilityPerfect for showcasing fluid contentEasily adaptable to any niche or market Vue Material UI KitLive Demo amp DownloadThis Material Design UI Kit for Bootstrap and Vue comes with the most commonly used components for delivering an awesome user experience that includes different kinds of lists dialog progress bar switch tabs navigation bar amp icons In the starter pack the structure pulls you off three of the most important aspects of any web application such as usability the way a user interacts with a product accessibility the facility a user uses a product and universal appeal how the product looks Features Super simple minute installationMIT license for personal and commercial useSpecial title treatment AppieLive Demo DownloadAppie is a universal and professional app landing page template built with VueJs Bootstrap and the latest design trends It fits well for any business that is involved with product presentation app downloads app stores The UX has an extremely smooth and streamlined feel and it loads fast and is easy through different sections The free preview is stuffed with unlimited possibilities and comes packaged clean in a well organized environment Features Ipad and Iphone friendlyEasy color management Bootstrap as BootstrapVue OneUILive Demo DownloadOneUI is a super flexible Bootstrap and Vue js admin dashboard template and UI framework that will empower you to produce all kinds of pages using a unique powerful layout It was built with Sass and smart developer tools that will save you time during the entire development process With OneUI you can create a custom dashboard for your admin panel even with no coding experience and add the remaining functionality to an extended number of elements components and add ons Features Laravel supportCustom admin panelsSmart buttons included in the package for free Vue Material TemplateLive Demo DownloadVue Material Template is the first fully integrated admin dashboard based on Vuetify and Material Design This powerful template comes with built in components that are ready to use right out of the box with no extra work required and tons of elements that will allow you to create and host your web app using the flexible and extensible admin interface Vue Material Template is based on advanced performance and security features such as inner details and subscriptions as a service Features Three color themes and dark modeSass and Vuex inside Charts Libraries including Highcharts Material Kit PROLive Demo DownloadMaterial Kit Pro is a beautiful resource built over Vue Material and Vuejs that will help you get started developing UI Kits in no time Created with developers in mind this outcome boasts parts that can be used both locally and in any project regardless of the technology stack that powers it All elements are mobile responsive meaning you ll need to do little or nothing to get them working on smartphones and tablets Features Knowledge centerEasily modify files and classesIntegration with third party tools MuseLive Demo DownloadMuse is a beautiful Ant Design Vue premium admin dashboard with a large number of components designed to look beautiful and prepared Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful landscapes Muse will let you reach the sky without even touching the mouse Made of hundred of elements designed blocks and fully coded pages Muse will let you decide between a Basic or advanced design to cover the costs so you are good to go Features Lots of variables for colors and fontsBuilt on top of Open SourceRich and interactive demos Now UI Kit PROLive Demo DownloadNow UI Kit Pro is a luxurious and sensitive Bootstrap kit provided by Invision and Creative Tim These teams teamed up to create your ideal prototyping set up so you can deliver pixel perfect high fidelity prototypes that work just like a native app It is built using the column grid system with components designed to fit together perfectly Technically speaking it uses bold colors beautiful typography clear photography and spacious arrangements Features Live presentation previewCustomised forms and widgetsSaas files for professional development MaterioLive Demo DownloadWhether you re an experienced developer looking for a powerful admin dashboard template to customise or a dev shop looking for a Vue admin dashboard to integrate into your existing projects Materio is the most code friendly amp high performing admin dashboard template based on Vuetify The team has answered the web innovator dilemma by creating an incredible open source toolkit that allows anyone with basic coding knowledge to customise anything the way they want it Features Hassle free maintenanceMultilingual assistanceEstablished folder structure Light Blue Vue AdminLive Demo DownloadLight Blue Vue Admin is a great starting point for developers looking to build an admin interface with Vue js and Bootstrap Conspicuous design with slightly transparent widgets makes this Vue JS template a rare offer among other resources in the same category This template will be a great asset to produce your next interface for your IoT dashboards SAAS startups management systems and established professional services Features In app notificationsInsights and Google MapsPerfect folder structure Admin oneLive Demo DownloadSimple beautiful and free that s what makes Admin One awesome This admin dashboard for Vue js is minimalistic in its design and performance but still packed with awesome features It comes with a built in ripple effect elegant accordion file uploader in place editing powered by in place components in Tailwind CSS dozens of components that are easy to use yet powerful enough to get the job done There are no external dependencies required other than the ordinary ones Features Collapsable cards and tablesSmall laptop layoutProduction CSS Bonik Ecommerce PROLive Demo DownloadBonik is an optimal eCommerce UI template for Vuejs This template uses Vuetify which is one of the best UI libraries for Vuejs by default It has a distinctive design and multiple home pages for you to choose from Bonik is blazingly fast server side rendered and mobile friendly with a clear codebase that will bolster your project s future development without the need of a dependable team that will cost your startup a lot of freedom and capital Features Optimised for mobile performanceLazy video loadingElegant carousel library Vue NotusLive Demo DownloadCreative Tim released a full blown Vue UI Kit for everyone who wants to make a business user interface using Vue js It includes a set of hundreds of free Tailwind CSS based components that look awesome and work well right out of the box With Vue Notus you can use one of many pre designed templates that feature fully optimised layouts and designs to cut your development time in half Features Unzipped source files Multiple states for widgetsBasic structure for any web project Plus Admin VueLive Demo DownloadPlus Admin Vue is a smart and stylish admin dashboard template for those who want to expand their personal or corporate site functionality Hand coded with HTML and CSS this admin dashboard template is highly compatible with all major browsers and devices ensuring a great user experience Plus Admin Vue brings simplicity flexibility and a robust set of options that allows users to build a clean simple and easy to use interface Features Lifetime free releasesMultiple License optionsFolder structure inside the folder ArbanoLive Demo amp DownloadArbano is a premium admin template built with Bootstrap and VueJS It comes with high quality clean code and great design The fully responsive layout of Arbano supports any type of modular functionalities while keeping all the advantages of a fully liquid layout This admin template has more than custom elements like forms charts maps and progress bar that can be added or edited from a single nav js file without touching any other files For quicker development there are built in pages and more than custom font icons packages included Features Video installationAnimated progress barSupport available under request Vue Material FreeLive Demo DownloadVue Material is a dashboard template built with the Vuetify framework It lets you quickly create highly interactive dashboards with touch enabled communication between widgets automatic layouts based on window size and internationalization support The Vue architecture allows for an easy transition to the patterns used by Vuetify with a clear separation via the communication library By using this product you can create web app experiences that are fast seamless and contemporary Features Stylesheets with arbitrary values Well engineered core systemTiny in production BrookLive Demo DownloadBrook is a manageable but powerful Vue js admin template for creating any kind of creative application at a highly accessible rate Brook comes with different homepages built in it with different color styles and designs and each one can be used for your own projects with slight customisations The template comes with Nuxt modules for page states seamless page transitions one page parallax contact form smart integration and more Features Build with latest Vue and NuxtNo jQuery dependencyDynamic blog ConclusionThanks for reading and if you have more resources to suggest please feel free to share them below 2021-11-11 11:19:45
海外TECH DEV Community What **is** technical writing? https://dev.to/javascriptcoff1/what-is-technical-writing-4799 What is technical writing Writing about technical stuff right Not always I hinted at what technical writing actually is in this tweet JavaScriptCoffeeFaye javascriptcoff A Technical Writer and a Writer who is also Technical are often different things PM Nov So what is it Technical writing is actually a style of writing rather than a subject of writing Technically you could write a technical piece about some technology using a technical writing style but you don t have to Technical Yes sorry I got carried away with that word let me explain You could write for a scientific paper in a technical writing style or you could write for a mechanics magazine in a technical writing style What is it actually used for Technical writing is a style of writing that you will usually see in things like manuals technical documentation and educational leaflets It is often used in STEM fields and is only ever factual You d never write opinions in technical writing unless specific circumstances call for it The style is authoritative well informed factual and very formal I ve tried to break it down to the three main things that technical writing should do There s a fair bit more to it but to me these are the most important InformDirectInstruct Let s look at what these actually meanWhen you re using a new piece of technology or you ve just got your new drone out of the box or you re figuring out how to use a bunsen burner in the lab what sort of documentation would you find useful Clear directive instructions with some diagrams or even pictures to go alongside Exactly Technical writing that is unclear informal or ambiguous could actually be very dangerous or costly Turn the bunsen burner upside down and hold it at the end while you turn the red dial that s next to the blue dial the other way on the gas cylinder InformTechnical writing must inform the reader the reader is expecting to either learn something by reading your writing or learn HOW TO do something in the case of a manual or documentation so you must consider this when laying out your writing Make sure to use white space as well as pictures to distribute your work cleanly on the page Using white space sparingly for this is very useful it means that information can be portioned out into bite sized portions for the reader to absorb more easily than a huge block of text How would you feel if you opened the manual to your new hardware software and the docs read like a chapter from a novel DirectWe could look at this one ways you want to make sure that you are directing your reader especially if it is a confusing or dangerous topic that you are writing about You need to use an authoritative tone and leave your reader in no doubt as to what they must do Always wear safety goggles Is more effective than Consider wearing safety equipment to protect your eyes Be direct as well as directive Your writing must also be direct This means that you don t want to leave any ambiguity in your writing Leave nothing to chance Using the example above you can see in the authoritative voice example I ve specified safely goggles whereas the other line states safety equipment What does that mean Gloves are safety equipment should I use those to wipe my eyes is that what it means Do you see how being direct in all instances will rule out any ambiguity InstructThe writing must instruct the reader The reader must come away feeling confident that they learned something new or now know how to do something Do you feel confident writing it Good that ll show in your writing Don t feel confident yet That s fine just note your ideas at that time go back and do some more research Leave the might probably sometimes and even the often out of it You want clear sharp instructions that are easy to follow ️You re not writing for people who are sitting down with a cup of tea to enjoy the poetic language you re writing for people who have got things to do ResearchAh yes research You might spend just as much time researching for a topic or assignment as you do actually writing it Essentially you want to be or at least be able to write as though you are an expert on the thing you are writing on If you are a contractor writing on a topic that isn t in your field of expertise it s always best to ask for help and isn t a sign of weakness No one is born an expert 2021-11-11 11:18:18
海外TECH DEV Community How eCommerce SaaS Can Easily Gather Store Data to Create Shipping Labels https://dev.to/khrystyna_oliinyk_97b06d1/how-ecommerce-saas-can-easily-gather-store-data-to-create-shipping-labels-15ni How eCommerce SaaS Can Easily Gather Store Data to Create Shipping LabelsShipping label is one of the most important elements of the shipping and order fulfillment process It provides detailed information related to delivery Incorrect or missing info leads to losing or mistakenly sending the package As a result it can damage brand reputation and cause loss of sales That is why for shipping and logistics companies that provide such a feature of creating shipping labels it is vital to access the needed store information Integration with eCommerce platforms and marketplaces allows such systems to gather store data and implement the functionality of creating shipping labels This article will cover the information about a shipping label what data is needed to create shipping labels and how SaaS companies can easily get store data from multiple eCommerce platforms What Is a Shipping LabelA shipping label by definition is a bit of information about the shipment It contains everything required for carriers to deliver a shipment from the shop s warehouses to the client s address It is an important aspect of the order processing cycle that is applied to the product throughout the packing process This label is then used by the logistics division to deliver the product through the various steps of order fulfillment and eventually to the desired location What Info Shipping Label ContainsShipping label includes a variety of info some of which are as follows Image source From and to shipping addresses It also includes the sender s and receiver s names and also the postal number The first letters signify the state the first numbers reflect the zip code s first three digits and the that can identify an area and district Smart label It is a new feature that enables you to follow things as they move through warehouses shipping centers and retail locations Shipping service It could be UPS Worldwide Express UPS Express Mail UPS Next Day or any other service offered by the carriers Tracking number It is the number provided to the clients to track the shipment s location Barcode It helps the logistics company handle the shipment properly Billing option On such label P P indicates pre paid whereas T P indicates third party or F C that represents freight collection A Solution to Gather Needed Data From Stores for Creation of Shipping LabelsAs previously said if you want to get the info for creating shipping labels your software needs to be integrated with shopping platforms and marketplaces However this process is often time consuming and requires a lot of money and resources The easiest way to effectively integrate your shipping software with eCommerce platforms is to use a ready made integration solution like APICart Its unified API allows you to connect to shopping platforms at the same time Shopify WooCommerce Magento Ecwid and many more are among the platforms available APICart enables you to obtain information from eCommerce platforms to create a shipping label by using the API methods listed below order info By using this method you may get information about the order like the customer s name email id shipping address billing address order status and other relevant information This method is already supported by over different eCommerce platforms including Shopify Magento Amazon eBay and others customer info Using this method you may access all of the customer s information including their name email phone number and other vital information for creating shipping labels This method is implemented with many major eCommerce platforms like Shopify Prestashop Magento and more order shipment list This method provides more detailed information regarding shipments order status information and tracking numbers It is currently supported by eCommerce platforms including Prestashop WooCommerce Magento Squarespace and others APICart has more than API methods to get add update and synchronize the data from stores like orders products customers shipments baskets etc You can test the methods using APICart demo stores in Interactive Docs and see their response structure We provide a day free trial period so that you can test all API methods on your own stores What s more we provide tech support which is always ready to help you with any matter If you have any questions about getting store data for creating a shipping label feel free to contact us 2021-11-11 11:06:21
海外TECH DEV Community Review: Ceris - Magazine & Blog WordPress Theme https://dev.to/codewatchers_en/review-ceris-magazine-amp-blog-wordpress-theme-10c6 Review Ceris Magazine amp amp Blog WordPress Theme Ceris Magazine amp Blog WordPress ThemeCeris is a Blog Magazine Newspaper WordPress theme that gives you the tools you need to write and edit articles with ease It is ornamented with prebuilt demo modern and unique modules and massive design variation More than people trust Ceris for its fast and responsive user interface Literally there are no extra plugins needed for this theme cause everything you need is built in to enhance this gorgeous theme s power The Ceris magazine theme is SEO friendly and WooCommerce compatible This theme has been designed by a team of professionals who have given each detail attention to make this masterpiece Here are some core features of the Ceris WordPress theme Key FeaturesPowerful BKNinja ComposerOne click demo importMega MenuAjax Load Posts and loginSticky SidebarFully ResponsiveSEO OptimizedMultiple Blog LayoutsIntegrated Review SystemGoogle Web FontsCustom Color SchemePowerful Theme OptionsTranslation ReadyAdvanced Post OptionsBookmark ArticlesCustomizable HeaderSidebarRedux FrameworkAdvanced Categories OptionsCross browser CompatibleBuilt in Social SharingAMP SupportWoocommerce SupportGDPR ComplianceDetailsDemoHostingCeris is an indispensable news amp magazine theme with a clean modern design suitable for everyone who wants to share their stories about today s ever changing technology the latest breaking news or the hottest products This a mobile optimized WordPress theme with WooCommerce compatibility Although there are many pre made templates with modern modules that you can work with it has a fantastic customization facility Ceris is based on the Redux framework The developers are cautious about choosing plugins for this theme We ll see every in and out of this theme in our review Before that here are some features that Ceris offers PurchaseDemo Feature ListPowerful BKNinja ComposerOne click demo importMega MenuAjax Load Posts and loginSticky SidebarFully ResponsiveSEO OptimizedMultiple Blog LayoutsIntegrated Review SystemGoogle Web FontsCustom Color SchemePowerful Theme OptionsTranslation ReadyAdvanced Post OptionsBookmark ArticlesCustomizable HeaderSidebarRedux FrameworkAdvanced Categories OptionsCross browser CompatibleBuilt in Social SharingAMP SupportWoocommerce SupportGDPR Compliance Mobile CompatibilityMobile adaptability testing is a method to check that your website operates on various smart devices as requested The number of smartphone users worldwide is increasing continually Everybody uses mobile phones to search websites in general As a consequence most website views are generated on mobile devices Therefore for every site a mobile user interface is prescribed We tested a few premade demos on various devices and it works properly on all screen sizes Its interactive and customizable UI functions without defects on mobile devices All page components are well deployed and the Ceris mobile theme looks fantastic This theme is designed to be a magazine or forum theme such that the various blog formats coincide with all screen sizes We have also carried out a Google Mobile Compatibility Test to ensure that the Ceris Magazine amp Blog WordPress theme is harmonized with mobile devices The results of Google testing comply entirely with a small image loading problem This is a big issue but we will talk about it Speed test review section Design ReviewNow We will focus on the variations in design that this theme has to give in This is due to the fact that the style of magazines is the key aspect of a publication subject The Ceris subject is supplied with over models that are special and consist of a specific niche Suppose you want to start a blog to offer your thoughts You may choose to show your thoughts and ideas that draw you to a simple but great theme The adorable custom designs are an excellent choice and almost fit any niche This Magazine WordPress theme also contains custom headers You can fit almost in any niche with premade header types Also Ceris has a lot of modern and unique modules to make your website looks creative It has a post and author review section with an emoji reaction Also there are bookmarks and a page scrolling progress bar to uplift the user experience These are meant to give your website a novel look The footer area is also entirely customizable and you can add relevant widgets to them depending upon the aspect of the site Speed Test ReviewRead The Full Tutorial 2021-11-11 11:01:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Maya Rudolph's Apple TV+ comedy adds Oliver Martinez https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/11/maya-rudolphs-apple-tv-comedy-adds-oliver-martinez?utm_medium=rss Maya Rudolph x s Apple TV comedy adds Oliver MartinezThe still as yet untitled Maya Rudolph comedy for Apple TV continues to expand its star cast now adding French actor and Before Night Falls star Oliver Martinez Maya Rudolph Credit AppleFollowing the addition of both Joel Kim Booster and MJ Rodriquez Apple TV Maya Rudolph vehicle will now feature Oliver Martinez in a recurring role Read more 2021-11-11 11:47:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple reveals how 'Shot on iPhone' began as a 'ridiculously simple' idea https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/11/apple-reveals-how-shot-on-iphone-began-as-a-ridiculously-simple-idea?utm_medium=rss Apple reveals how x Shot on iPhone x began as a x ridiculously simple x ideaSeven years into its Shot on iPhone campaign Apple has given a rare insight into the company s love of billboards Tor Myhren is Apples Vice President of marketing communicationsApple marketing communications vice president Tor Myhren has given a keynote speech at Elevate Out of Home an event run by advertising trade publication Adweek Describing billboards and what he called other outdoor expressions Myhren pointed out that Apple has been using these since the s Read more 2021-11-11 11:10:02
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 学究社(9769)、2期連続となる「増配」を発表して、 配当利回り5.2%に! 年間配当額は2年で25%増加、 2022年3月期は前期比10円増の「1株あたり75円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/287412 学究社、期連続となる「増配」を発表して、配当利回りに年間配当額は年で増加、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース学究社が、年月期の配当予想の修正増配を発表し、配当利回りがに学究社は、年月期の年間配当を前回予想比で「円」の増配、前期比でも「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」に修正すると発表した。 2021-11-11 20:35:00
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