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AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Shopify WebhookをAPI GatewayからLambdaで処理する https://qiita.com/akkky/items/2adb711a566029a29250 呼び出しをEVENTにすると、処理でエラーが発生した際に回リトライされる仕様になっています。 2021-11-14 16:29:15
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 工具を分類するアプリを作成 https://qiita.com/isotiron1113/items/db998cbb39d4809f8a4f 2021-11-14 16:58:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GitHubにUPした一部のファイルだけの存在と変更履歴を削除するためにはどのようなGitコマンドを実行すれば良いでしょうか? https://teratail.com/questions/369259?rss=all GitHubにUPした一部のファイルだけの存在と変更履歴を削除するためにはどのようなGitコマンドを実行すれば良いでしょうか以下の質問についてご存知の方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご教示を願います。 2021-11-14 17:00:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Java JDKのURLからダウンロード画面に移行しても、画面が真っ白のままでダウンロードができない https://teratail.com/questions/369258?rss=all JavaJDKのURLからダウンロード画面に移行しても、画面が真っ白のままでダウンロードができない前提・実現したいことjdkをダウンロードしようとしているのですが、下記のサイトに移行したときに、何故かダウンロード画面が真っ白のままで、ダウンロードすることができません。 2021-11-14 16:53:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [エクセルVBA]変数を使って、別シートに値を転記したい https://teratail.com/questions/369257?rss=all エクセルVBA変数を使って、別シートに値を転記したい前提・実現したいことエクセルVBAを学習している初心者です。 2021-11-14 16:47:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [THYMELEAF][http-nio-8080-exec-1] Exception processing template https://teratail.com/questions/369256?rss=all THYMELEAFhttpnioexecExceptionprocessingtemplatejavaを学習している初学者になります。 2021-11-14 16:47:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VB環境に作成したLinux(CentOS)をWindowsエクスプローラで表示したい https://teratail.com/questions/369255?rss=all centos 2021-11-14 16:42:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) input type="file"でファイルの相対パスを指定したい https://teratail.com/questions/369254?rss=all inputtypequotfilequotでファイルの相対パスを指定したい困っていることHTMLのltinputnbsptypequotfilequotgtで、取得するローカルファイルの相対パスを指定したいです。 2021-11-14 16:42:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pandas_profilingのhighly correlatedの基準 https://teratail.com/questions/369253?rss=all highlycorrelated 2021-11-14 16:33:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Railsアプリの開発には本当に仮想環境が必要なのか https://teratail.com/questions/369252?rss=all Railsアプリの開発には本当に仮想環境が必要なのか以前、以下の質問でローカル環境でrailsのアプリを作りそれをAWSにデプロイしようとしたものの、結局それができず、初めてteratailで質問し、解決策を募りました。 2021-11-14 16:25:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) aftereffectを使用して、lottieでアニメーションを実装しようとしています。 https://teratail.com/questions/369251?rss=all エラーメッセージ該当のソースコードソースコード試したことここに問題に対して試したことを記載してください。 2021-11-14 16:05:47
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWSマネコン】IAMユーザログインのMFAにMacのTouchIDを設定する方法 https://qiita.com/1429takahiro/items/a2706395d3687b6a2abd 【AWSマネコン】IAMユーザログインのMFAにMacのTouchIDを設定する方法AWSマネジメントコンソールのIAMユーザのログインに、MFAとしてMacのTouchIDを利用するための設定メモです。 2021-11-14 16:51:37
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Shopify WebhookをAPI GatewayからLambdaで処理する https://qiita.com/akkky/items/2adb711a566029a29250 呼び出しをEVENTにすると、処理でエラーが発生した際に回リトライされる仕様になっています。 2021-11-14 16:29:15
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker環境でJupyterNotebookのセキュリティトークンを無効にする方法 https://qiita.com/tatefuku_hiroshi/items/4ec43fe8f6eec3409871 Docker環境でJupyterNotebookのセキュリティトークンを無効にする方法ubuntu上でdocker環境を作ってJupyterNotebookを起動するときに、セキュリティトークンの入力を省略したかったので試行錯誤してみました。 2021-11-14 16:42:05
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rの設定コマンドをシェルから直接実行したい https://qiita.com/naozo-se/items/0ecbe0b6b5a6547776a7 Rの設定コマンドをシェルから直接実行したいはじめにDockerでRのコンテナたてようと思ったが、Rコマンドから実行する設定系をDockerfileのRunに書きたいなというところで調べたざっくり内容Rをインストールしたあと、ミラーサイトを設定するときはsudoRからchooseCRANmirrorみたいに実行して、とか入力しないといけないが、直接シェルから実行できた話方法sudoRechooseCRANmirrorindみたいに書けばうまくいく。 2021-11-14 16:24:44
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DLP(Data Loss Prevention)対策 Azure Information Protection とは https://qiita.com/mnoda/items/8726417e8b63856f618e 手動で適用する場合は都度、フォルダーやファイルに対してラベル付けをすることができる。 2021-11-14 16:38:40
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pearson OnVUE の試験監督の言語は英語を選ぼう https://qiita.com/nakack/items/b3ca379cb80db4ad9483 日本語を選択した場合の試験の流れチェックインするリモート試験官から机の周りを度カメラで見せろとチャットで指示されるもし、メガネを掛けている場合は、メガネをカメラで見せろとチャットで指示される時計などしていないか確認するため両腕をカメラで見せろとチャットで指示される注意事項を告げられて、問題ない場合はカメラに腕でジェスチャーでマルを示すことを指示される問題文が表示される試験監督が英語の場合メリット試験時間として選べる時間帯が多い平日、土日、どちらも選べて、平日はh選べるっぽい。 2021-11-14 16:07:23
海外TECH DEV Community Machine Learning with Streamlit (Only Python) https://dev.to/bekbrace/data-science-with-streamlitpython-52oi Machine Learning with Streamlit Only Python Streamlit an open source Python library that makes it easy to create and share beautiful custom web apps for machine learning and data science In this tutorial you will see how in just a few minutes you can build a financial web app which you can use it for presentation or your own use Streamlit turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes and the best part is that it s all in Python and it s open source which means all for free No front end experience required So to create animation sliders rendering charts graphs animating download bars and much more is done without any HTML CSS JS just Python To try it out go ahead to your terminal and type pip install streamlitthen fire the server for demo apps streamlit helloThis is the latest Data Science video tutorial created on the channel Hope you enjoy it and I will see in next video posts Streamlit Website Social Media Facebook ​​​​ Twitter Instagram Tech Blog ttps dev to bekbrace​​​​GitHub profile ​​​Website 2021-11-14 07:48:13
海外TECH DEV Community Contact Form to ??? https://dev.to/rinz/contact-form-to--4je Contact Form to HI Rinz HereYou know that when we create simple Frontend website We need to setup Backend only for contact form That s not good idea to setup a backend just for contact form so we will use some apis like EmailJsbut I don t like those So I uses Discord for that with Discord WebhookIt is pretty simple to do that Let s StartWe need to create a webhook and get webhook urlIn your discord server create channel for this It is good and there will be an option to Edit Channel then Itegrations gt Create WebhookThen Click Copy Webhook URLcheck this video if you don t get how to make discord webhook Let s CodeBasic HTML Contact Form ‍ lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt link rel stylesheet href styles css gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt Contact Form lt h gt lt div class container gt lt form id contact form gt lt label for name gt First Name lt label gt lt input type text id name name firstname placeholder Your name gt lt label for email gt Last Name lt label gt lt input type email id email name lastname placeholder Your email gt lt label for subject gt Subject lt label gt lt textarea id subject name subject placeholder Write something style height px gt lt textarea gt lt input type submit value Submit gt lt form gt lt div gt lt body gt lt script src script js gt lt script gt lt html gt check the origin code from WSchools I have changed a bit CSS for that ‍ box sizing border box input textarea width padding px border px solid ccc border radius px box sizing border box margin top px margin bottom px resize vertical input type submit background color AAD color white padding px px border none border radius px cursor pointer input type submit hover background color a container border radius px background color fff padding px Javascript window onload function let form document getElementById contact form let name document getElementById name let email document getElementById email let subject document getElementById subject form onsubmit function e e preventDefault sendToDiscord name email subject Fetch Request to Discord Webhook SendToDiscord Functionhere we only need post request to the webhook url that s it you will recieve message on discord server️function sendToDiscord name email subject let body embeds title You have a message from name value description subject value nhis her email email value fetch method post headers Content Type application json body JSON stringify body then res gt res json then data gt console log data YEAH that s itExample resultcheck the Full code at repo Feel to contact me at my portfolio and I use this solution for my portfolio 2021-11-14 07:43:10
海外TECH DEV Community Amazon Redshift: Cost Optimization | AWS White Paper Summary https://dev.to/awsmenacommunity/amazon-redshift-cost-optimization-aws-white-paper-summary-13j1 Amazon Redshift Cost Optimization AWS White Paper Summary IntroductionAmazon Redshift is a fast fully managed petabyte scale data warehouse service that makes it simple and cost effective to efficiently analyze all your data using your existing business intelligence tools This document shares the most common cost optimization methods adopted across our customer base Sizing ConsiderationsCost optimization starts with choosing the right node type instance type and payment structure to meet your cloud data warehouse requirements such as CPU RAM storage capacity and type and availability When you select your instance type consider that Amazon Redshift compresses data up to four times When you start using Amazon Redshift for the first time you will receive a recommendation for the best node type based on your needs You can easily scale up or down if your business need changes Amazon Redshift RA nodes with managed storage enable you to optimize your data warehouse by scaling and paying for compute and managed storage independently With RA you choose the number of nodes based on your performance requirements and pay only for the managed storage that you use You should size your RA cluster based on the amount of data you process daily There s a recommendation engine built into the console to help you make the right selection Amazon Redshift managed storage uses large high performance SSDs in each RA node for fast local storage and Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S for longer term durable storage If the data in a node grows beyond the size of the large local SSDs Amazon Redshift managed storage automatically offloads that data to Amazon S You pay the same low rate for Amazon Redshift managed storage regardless of whether the data sits in high performance SSDs or Amazon S For workloads that require ever growing storage managed storage lets you automatically scale your data warehouse storage capacity without adding and paying for additional nodes Previous generation nodes include DC Compute intensive DS Storage Intensive Reserved instances RI also called reserved nodes in the Amazon Redshift console can provide up to savings vs on demand pricing Instance typeSizeMemoryCPUs Year YearRA xlargeScales to TB GB RA xlargeScales to TB GB DC large GB GB DC xlarge TB GB DS xlarge TB GB DS xlarge TB GB Trusted AdvisorThe Trusted Advisor application available under management and governance runs automated checks against your Amazon Redshift resources in your account to notify you about cost optimization opportunities Checks include following Redshift Reserved Node Optimization Checks usage to providerecommendations about when to purchase reserved nodes to help reduce costs Recommended Action Evaluate and identify clusters that will benefit from purchasing reserved nodes Moving from on demand will result in between cost savings Underutilized Redshift Clusters Checks for clusters that appear to be underutilized lt average CPU utilization for of last days Recommended Action Shutting down the cluster and taking a final snapshot or downsizing will save costs Cost ExplorerAWS Cost Explorer helps you visualize understand and manage your AWS costs and usage over time It provides the following features insights and alerts to manage your Amazon Redshift cluster by breaking down its usage across linked accounts regions usage groups and tags from the last months Budgets Create budgets based on cost usage Reserved nodeutilization coverage Amazon Redshift customers can create budgets based on usage type paid snapshots node hours and data scanned in TB or usage type groups Amazon Redshift running hours and schedule automated alerts Cost and Usage Reports Amazon Redshift cost and usage reports include usage by an account and AWS Identity and Access Management IAM users in hourly or daily line items as well as tags for cost allocation It can provide complex insights and aggregations It integrates with Amazon Athena Amazon Redshift and Amazon Quicksight It supports compression types such as Gzip zip and Parquet Reservations Provides recommendations on RI purchase for Amazon Redshift cluster based the last to days These recommendations include potential savings monthly yearly based on payment terms no upfront partial upfront all upfront RI coverage and utilization reports give insights on the cluster usage to help with decisions to purchase reservations for Amazon Redshift Amazon Redshift AdvisorWhen it comes to assisting with not only the operating costs of your Amazon Redshift cluster but also improving the performance Amazon Redshift offers its own Trusted Advisor The Amazon Redshift Advisor tool is built directly in the Amazon Redshift console It identifies undesirable end user behaviors for resolutions by providing recommendations to improve performance and reduce cost Amazon Redshift Advisor generates automatic observations and recommendations based on your cluster workload Two of the most important cost recommendations provided are alerts to idle clusters that could be deleted or down sized alerts to excessive uncompressed storage Table CompressionOn the topic of cost optimization one of the first things that should come to mind when thinking of a data warehouse DW is compressing the table data When you don t use compression data consumes additional space and requires additional disk I O That additional space and I O will directly correlate to increases in your Amazon Redshift bill Advisor tracks uncompressed storage and reviews storage metadata associated with large uncompressed columns that aren t sort key columns Advisor offers a recommendation to rebuild tables with uncompressed columns when the total amount of uncompressed storage exceeds percent of total storage space or at the following node specific thresholds When it comes time to select the correct compression use the ANALYZE COMPRESSION command to suggest a compression Encoding typeKeyword in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLEData TypesRaw no compression RAWALLAZAZSMALLINT INTEGER BIGINT DECIMAL DATE TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZByte DictionaryBYTEDICTSMALLINT INTEGER BIGINT DECIMAL REAL DOUBLE PRECISION CHAR VARCHAR DATE TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZDeltaDELTA DELTAKSMALLINT INT BIGINT DATE TIMESTAMP DECIMAL INT BIGINT DATE TIMESTAMP DECIMALLZOLZOSMALLINT INTEGER BIGINT DECIMAL CHAR VARCHAR DATE TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZMostlynMOSTLYSMALLINT INT BIGINT DECIMALMOSTLYINT BIGINT DECIMALMOSTLYBIGINT DECIMALRun LengthRUNLENGTHSMALLINT INTEGER BIGINT DECIMAL REAL DOUBLE PRECISION BOOLEAN CHAR VARCHAR DATE TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZTextTEXT TEXTKVARCHAR onlyZstandardZSTDSMALLINT INTEGER BIGINT DECIMAL REAL DOUBLE PRECISION BOOLEAN CHAR VARCHAR DATE TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMPTZ Compressing Amazon S file objects loaded by COPYThe COPY command integrates with the massively parallel processing MPP architecture in Amazon Redshift to read and load data in parallel from Amazon S Amazon DynamoDB and text output The Advisor analysis identifies COPY commands that load large uncompressed datasets In this case Advisor generates a recommendation to implement compression on the source files in Amazon S This greatly reduces data transfer costs The ideal object size is to MB after compression You can also use the COPY command with COMPUPDATE set to ON to analyze and apply compression automatically You can use automatic compression when you create and load a brand new table The COPY command performs a compression analysis You can also perform a compression analysis without loading data or changing the compression on a table by running the ANALYZE COMPRESSION command on an already populated table You can also compress files with Gzip lzop or bzip format Pause and ResumeYou may choose to use the pause and resume feature your cluster to quickly suspend the on demand billing of your cluster while it is in downtime While production workloads often run development works can be easily shut on and off enabling you to optimize your spend for the hours the dev cluster is not in use When the cluster is turned off you are no longer charged for the clusters compute You will still incur associated storage charges In order to invoke pause and resume you can either use the Amazon Redshift console or the Amazon Redshift API Cluster ResizeAs your Amazon Redshift capacity or performance changes throughout its lifecycle you may find yourself needing to resize in order to make the best use of your cluster If you find yourself with an oversized cluster you have three options to resize for the appropriate workload Elastic ResizeElastic Resize is the optimal and fastest way to quickly add or remove nodes or change node types from an existing cluster It automates the steps of taking a snapshot creating a new cluster deleting the old cluster and renaming the new cluster into asimple quick and familiar operation The elastic resize operation can be run at any time or can be scheduled to run at a future time Customers can quickly upgrade their existing DS or DC node type based cluster to the new RA node type with elastic resize This leads to serious cost control as you can downsize if you are working with oversized cluster or you can start with a small cost effective data warehouse and scale up ondemand as your needs grow When a cluster is resized using elastic resize with the same node type it automatically redistributes the data to the new nodes The process only takes ten to fifteen minutes to complete as the resize does not create a new cluster A snapshot would be created and a new cluster is provisioned for you with the latest data from the snapshot The cluster is temporarily unavailable for writes reads will be available when the data is transferred to the new cluster Amazon Redshift will send an event notification once the resize completes For dc large or ds xlarge node types you can double the size or half the size of the number of nodes of the original cluster For dcxlarge dsxlarge raxlarge or raxlarge node types you can change the number of nodes to half the current number to double the current number of nodes A node cluster can be resized to or nodes Classic ResizeClassic resize is the manual approach to resizing your cluster and is the predecessor to Elastic Resize Elastic resize is the recommended option Concurrency ScalingWhile resizing your cluster is fit for known workloads for spiky workloads you should consider using the concurrency scaling feature Concurrency scaling is a cost effective way to pay only for additional capacity during large workload spikes as opposed to adding persistent nodes in the cluster that will incur extra costs during downtime Users can right size to a more cost effective cluster and Amazon Redshift will automatically add additional cluster capacity when you need it to process an increase in concurrent read queries write operations continue as normal Each cluster earns up to one hour of free concurrency scaling credits per day which is sufficient capacity for almost of all workload types For the small chance you go over your allotted free credits you simply pay a per second on demand rate for the usage that exceeds those credits To implement the concurrency scaling the user will route queries to concurrency scaling clusters by enabling a workload manager WLM queue as a concurrency scaling queue To enable concurrency scaling on a queue you will set the concurrency scaling mode value to auto Amazon Redshift SpectrumAmazon Redshift and the Amazon Redshift Spectrum feature powers the lake house architecture enabling you to query data across your data warehouse data lake and operational databases to gain faster and deeper insights not possible otherwise With a lake house architecture you can store data in open file formats in your Amazon S data lake With an Amazon Redshift lake house architecture you can Easily query data in your data lake and write data back to your data lake in openformats Use familiar SQL statements to combine and process data across all your data stores Queries span both the frequently accessed hot data stored locally in Amazon Redshift and the warm or cold data stored cost effectively in Amazon S using views with no schema binding for external tables ConclusionAmazon Redshift has many advantages when it comes to cost management You can start small at just per hour and scale to TB for just under TB per year You can take advantage of reserved instances which save up to compared to ondemand prices when you commit to using Amazon Redshift for a or year term It starts with choosing the appropriate cluster configuration leveraging tools to keep track of the costs during its operationalization following advisor recommendations for its management pause and resume for specified downtimes and resizing options for changing demands and use cases Amazon Redshift also provides predictability in month to month cost even when you have unpredictable or highly concurrent workloads because each Amazon Redshift cluster earns up to an hour of free concurrency scaling credits per day which can be used to offset the cost of the transient clusters that are automatically added to handle high concurrency As the size of data grows infrequently accessed data can also be stored cost effectively in Amazon S and still be queried with Amazon Redshift ReferenceOriginal paper 2021-11-14 07:28:31
海外TECH DEV Community code every day with me https://dev.to/coderduck/code-every-day-with-me-487k code every day with me DAY Hi I am going to make DaysOfCode Challenge Everyday I will try solve problem from leetcode or hackerrank Hope you can go with me until end Now let s solve problem today Problem Two Sum IIDetail hereMy solution javascript var twoSum function numbers target let i j numbers length while i lt j if numbers i numbers j target return i j else if numbers i numbers j lt target i else j gt If you have better solution or any question please comment below I will appreciate 2021-11-14 07:21:28
海外TECH DEV Community Node.js Event Loop In Action https://dev.to/altamashali/nodejs-event-loop-in-action-d5o Node js Event Loop In ActionIn my last post Deep dive into Node js Architecture we learnt about the internals of Node js and how multiple asynchronous operations work efficiently in a single threaded environment We also talked about how event loop works and facilitates the event driven architecture of Node js I would recommend going through my previous post before reading this one In this article we are going to learn more about event loop and it s different phases along with a code example Before we start you might ask why does a Node js developer need to know about Event loop The answer to this is event loop is the one that handles all the scheduling of your application code and any misconceptions regarding this can lead to poor performance and buggy code and it is a very important interview question if you are applying for Nodejs backend role so Let s start As we discussed earlier Event loop is nothing but a loop It just loops over the set of events sent by Synchronous Event Demultiplexer trigger callbacks and move the application along Event Loop PhasesThe event loop has several different phases to it and each one of these phases maintains a queue of callbacks that are to be executed Callbacks are destined for different phases based on how they are used by the application PollThe poll phase executes I O related callbacks Most of the application code executes in this phase Starting point of Node js application CheckIn this phase callbacks that are triggered via setImmediate are executed CloseThis phase executes callbacks triggered via EventEmitter close events For example when a net Server TCP server closes it emits a close events that runs in this phase TimersIn this phase callbacks triggered via setTimeout and setInterval are executed PendingSpecial system events are run in this phase like when a net Socket TCP soccer throws an ECONNREFUSED error Apart from these there are two special microtask queues that can have callbacks added to them while a phase is running The first microtask queue handles callbacks registered using process nextTick The second microtask queues handles promises that reject or resolve Execution Priority and orderCallback in the microtask queues take priority over callbacks in the phase s normal queue Callbacks in the next tick microtask queue run before callbacks in the promise microtask queue When the application starts running the event loop is also started and the phases are handled one at a time Node js adds callbacks to different queues as appropriate while the application runsWhen the event loop gets to a phase it will run all the callbacks in the phase s queue Once all the callbacks in a given phase are executed the event loop then moves on to the next phase Let s see one code example Output will be Let s see what is happening behind the scene Code execution starts off executing line by line in the poll phase First the fs module is required Next the setImmediate call is run and its callback is added to the check queue Next the promise resolves adding callback to the promise microtask queue Then process nextTick runs next adding its callback to the next tick microtask queue Next the fs readFile tells Node js to start reading the file placing its callback in the poll queue once it is ready Finally console log is called and is printed to the screen That s it for the current stack Now the two microtask queues are consulted The next tick microtask queue is always checked first and callback is called Since there is only one callback in the next tick microtask queue the promise microtask queue is checked next and callback is executed That finished the two micro task queues and the current poll phase is completed Now the event loop enters the check phase This phase has callback in it which is then executed Both the microtask queues are empty at this point so the check phase ends The close phase is checked next but is empty so the loop continues The same happens with the timers phase and the pending phase and the event loop continues back around to the poll phase Once it is back in the poll phase the application doesn t have much else going on so it basically waits until the file has finished being read Once that happens the fs readFile callback is run The number is immediately printed since it s the first line in the callback next the setTimeout call is made and callback is added to the timers queue The setImmediate call happens next adding callback to the check queue Finally the process nextTick call is made adding callback to the next ticket microtask queue The poll phase is now finished and the microtask queues are again consulted Callback runs from the next tick queue the promise queue is consulted and found empty and the poll phase ends Again the event loop enters to the check phase where callback is encountered The number is printed and microtask queues are determined to be empty and the phase ends The close phase is checked again and found empty Finally the timers phase is consulted and callback is executed and prints on the console Once that s done the applications doesn t have any more work to do and it exits As we know Node js runtime environment is single threaded Running too much code in a single stack will stall the event loop and prevent other callbacks from firing To prevent this event loop starving situation you can break your CPU heavy operations up across multiple stacks For example if you are processing data records you can consider breaking down into batches of records using setImmediate at the end of each batch to continue processing the next batch Another option is forking a new child process and offload processing to it But never break up such work using process nextTick Doing so will lead to a microtask queue that never empties and your application will be trapped in the same phase forever The runtime won t throw any error instead it will remain a zombie process that eats through CPU That s all about event loop Similar question was asked to me in an interview and that time I had no clue about it and yeah it was screwed So I have done some research on it and found this whole concept in the book Distributed Systems with Node js This whole article is referenced for this book If you want to learn more have a look into it No credits stealing I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and found it interesting and useful Thanks and see you later 2021-11-14 07:20:22
海外TECH DEV Community How to toggle Dark/Light Mode using JavaScript https://dev.to/snowbit/how-to-toggle-darklight-mode-using-javascript-2ecn How to toggle Dark Light Mode using JavaScriptHello I am back with a new amazing article on Toggle Dark Light ModeLet s get started Libraries usedFontawesomeBootstrapCreate index html lt div class container gt lt div class header d flex justify content between gt lt h class title mt gt Catty s Blog lt h gt lt span class mt fs dark toggle gt lt i class fas fa moon d none id dark title Switch to Dark Mode gt lt i gt lt span gt lt span class mt fs light toggle id light gt lt i class fas fa sun title Switch to Light Mode gt lt i gt lt span gt lt div gt lt center gt lt div class main gt lt div class gt lt img src assets cat webp class catty mt rounded circle alt I am Catty gt lt div class card body gt lt h class card title gt Hello there I am lt a href target blank class catty name text decoration none id cattyName gt Catty lt a gt lt h gt lt p class info gt Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum has been the industry s standard dummy text ever since the s when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book It has survived not only five centuries but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining essentially unchanged It was popularised in the s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt center gt lt div gt In style css import url SC wght amp display swap import url display swap body background color color fff transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s title font family Amatic SC cursive font size px user select none toggle cursor pointer transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s light hover color yellow catty name color fff transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s catty name hover color fff transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s font size px main margin bottom px margin top px card title font family Sacramento cursive font size px card list font family Sacramento cursive font size px list style none card list li before content margin left px margin right px catty max height px object fit contain transform rotate deg transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s catty hover transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s webkit transform rotate deg moz transform rotate deg o transform rotate deg ms transform rotate deg transform rotate deg catty max height px object fit contain transform rotate deg transition s webkit transition s moz transition s ms transition s o transition s info text align justify line height em max width px font size px In index jsconst dark document getElementById dark const light document getElementById light const catty document getElementById cattyName function toggleDark dark classList add d none light classList remove d none document body style backgroundColor document body style color fff catty style color fff dark addEventListener click toggleDark function toggleLight light classList add d none dark classList remove d none document body style backgroundColor fff document body style color catty style color light addEventListener click toggleLight Check out the live demo Download Code Assets I hope you liked this post And make sure to share the feedback in comment sections 2021-11-14 07:13:57
海外TECH DEV Community The pragmatic programmer book tips (Part 4) https://dev.to/wassimbj/the-pragmatic-programmer-book-tips-part-4-9kh The pragmatic programmer book tips Part You Can t Write Perfect SoftwareBut Pragmatic Programmers take this a step further They don t trust themselves either Knowing that no one writes perfect code including themselves Pragmatic Programmers code in defenses against their own mistakes   Design with ContractsIn languages that do not support DBC Design By Contracts in the code this might be as far as you can goーand that s not too bad DBC is after all a design technique Even without automatic checking you can put the contract in the code as comments and still get a very real benefit If nothing else the commented contracts give you a place to start looking when trouble strikes   Crash EarlyOne of the benefits of detecting problems as soon as you can is that you can crash earlier And many times crashing your program is the best thing you can do The alternative may be to continue writing corrupted data to some vital database or commanding the washing machine into its twentieth consecutive spin cycle   If It Can t Happen Use Assertions to Ensure That It Won t This code won t be used years from now so two digit dates are fine This application will never be used abroad so why internationalize it count can t be negative This printf can t fail Let s not practice this kind of self deception particularly when coding Whenever you find yourself thinking but of course that could never happen add code to check it   Use Exceptions for Exceptional ProblemsOne of the problems with exceptions is knowing when to use them We believe that exceptions should rarely be used as part of a program s normal flow exceptions should be reserved for unexpected events Assume that an uncaught exception will terminate your program and ask yourself Will this code still run if I remove all the exception handlers If the answer is no then maybe exceptions are being used in nonexceptional circumstances   Finish What You StartWe all manage resources whenever we code memory transactions threads files timersーall kinds of things with limited availability Most of the time resource usage follows a predictable pattern you allocate the resource use it and then deallocate it However many developers have no consistent plan for dealing with resource allocation and deallocation   Minimize Coupling Between ModulesYou can see symptoms of this phenomenon in a number of ways Large C or C projects where the command to link a unit test is longer than the test program itself Simple changes to one module that propagate through unrelated modules in the system Developers who are afraid to change code because they aren t sure what might be affectedThe Law of Demeter for functions attempts to minimize coupling between modules in any given program It tries to prevent you from reaching into an object to gain access to a third object s methods   Configure Don t IntegrateFirst we want to make our systems highly configurable Not just things such as screen colors and prompt text but deeply ingrained items such as the choice of algorithms database products middleware technology and user interface style These items should be implemented as configuration options not through integration or engineering   Put Abstractions in Code Details in MetadataUse metadata to describe configuration options for an application tuning parameters user preferences the installation directory and so on Metadata is any data that describes the applicationーhow it should run what resources it should use and so on Typically metadata is accessed and used at runtime not at compile time You use metadata all the timeーat least your programs do Suppose you click on an option to hide the toolbar on your Web browser The browser will store that preference as metadata in some sort of internal database   Analyze Workflow to Improve ConcurrencyIn many projects we need to model and analyze the user s workflows as part of requirements analysis We d like to find out what can happen at the same time and what must happen in a strict order One way to do this is to capture their description of workflow using a notation such as the UML activity diagram 2021-11-14 07:11:57
海外TECH DEV Community Creating an empty branch on an existing git repo https://dev.to/dailydevtips1/creating-an-empty-branch-on-an-existing-git-repo-2nm9 Creating an empty branch on an existing git repoSometimes you need a separate empty branch for your project In my case because I m going to switch frameworks And it s easier to start with an empty repo and work my way up from there This repo should have nothing in it and if it has no git history that s a win Introducing git orphan branchesFor this purpose we can use orphan branches These branches are created with nothing in them as they are orphaned from their ancestor Let s go through this process on our existing git test project which you can find here on GitHub As you can see in the image it has some files and a commit history here From our terminal navigate to the root of this project In there you can run the following command to create an orphan branch git checkout orphan version We need to remove all files that might have been staged in this process by running the following command git rm rf Then we have two options We could add a new readme file or push an empty commit The steps for a readme you already know so let s try out an empty commit git commit allow empty m Starting a new version And then we can push this new branch git push origin version As you can see this branch is empty and has no git history This is a perfect way to get started on a new framework or complete rework of your application You can view the branch on GitHub Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter 2021-11-14 07:00:56
海外TECH DEV Community Programming is not easy https://dev.to/aqibjamshed12/programming-is-not-easy-34gj Programming is not easyProgramming is not easy At least not in the sense that it will always be easy for you to learn new technologies successfully Software development is an ever changing field which means that if you want to remain relevant then you will have to learn at a rapid pace or get left behind This is why it s so important to have a solid foundation of knowledge before diving straight into programming languages and technologies However there are also some simple tricks and practices that new coders can use in order to make this process easier for themselves This article is written to help you make good consistent progress when learning the programming language of your choice  Read  Reading is essential to learning new things Reading materials in languages that are completely foreign will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed by all the details that you haven t experienced before You can then apply what you read in everyday life situations which will further help with your understanding and retention of the subject matter  Communicate with others  Being able to interact with people in person is an invaluable way of sharing knowledge and experiences with other people who are interested in the subject matter as well Visit 2021-11-14 07:00:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Is my vaccine wearing off? Plus, the Dutch ask when will lockdowns end https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59278538?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA coronavirus 2021-11-14 07:44:39
ニュース BBC News - Home 'Steward's arrival on world stage should be as celebrated as Itoje's was' https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/59278101?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA x Steward x s arrival on world stage should be as celebrated as Itoje x s was x Freddie Steward s arrival on the world stage should be as feted as Maro Itoje s was former England scrum half Matt Dawson says 2021-11-14 07:42:42
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 1200Wハイパワーで加熱も早い。自立するのも便利な低温調理器を試してみた https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/11/machi-ya-emperortamarin-review.html emperor 2021-11-14 16:30:00
北海道 北海道新聞 蘭越を薬用植物の里に 高麗人参や希少なシソ、産学官で栽培 薬膳料理も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/611286/ 京都大学 2021-11-14 16:16:43
北海道 北海道新聞 谷原が5年ぶりの15勝目 三井住友男子ゴルフ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/611523/ 三井住友 2021-11-14 16:15:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 「孤独になる勇気」を持てる人と持てない人の大差 偽りの結びつきによる和は保たなくていい | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/466379?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2021-11-14 16:30:00



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