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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google Drive for Mac ファイルやフォルダ削除ができない https://teratail.com/questions/369298?rss=all 2021-11-14 21:56:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) とあるサイトの機能実装方法について https://teratail.com/questions/369297?rss=all とあるサイトの機能実装方法についてお世話になります。 2021-11-14 21:49:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) アプリを起動していない時でもAlarmManagerで設定時間にアラームを鳴らす https://teratail.com/questions/369296?rss=all アプリを起動していない時でもAlarmManagerで設定時間にアラームを鳴らすやりたいことアプリを立ち上げていない時でもAlarmManagerで設定時間にアラームを鳴らす困っていること現在の実装状況は以下です。 2021-11-14 21:48:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) nuxt.jsのカスタムレイアウトが反映されない。ドキュメントの通りにしていてデフォルトレイアウトは反映されています。 https://teratail.com/questions/369295?rss=all nuxtjsのカスタムレイアウトが反映されない。 2021-11-14 21:41:43
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rSpec all メソッドより page.all メソッドのほうがいい気がする https://qiita.com/TatsuyaIsamu/items/67add5ea0e8305fbb67d rSpecallメソッドよりpageallメソッドのほうがいい気がするajaxな動作をテストしようとしたときallinputsettitleclickonレビューを投稿するみたいなテストを書いた。 2021-11-14 21:57:03
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rspec 画像が投稿できることをテストする https://qiita.com/TatsuyaIsamu/items/c80245a44e1cad00df21 2021-11-14 21:52:06
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita UbuntuでZoomのバーチャル背景を使う方法 https://qiita.com/yvl/items/8fed45ef8137e96af19a LinuxFakeBackgroundWebcamのリポジトリをclonegitcloneディレクトリの移動cdLinuxFakeBackgroundWebcamroot権限でinstallshの実行sudoinstallshLinuxFakeBackgroundWebcamをZoomで使うLinuxFakeBackgroundWebcam配下のfakepyを実行して、Zoomのカメラでfakecamを選択するだけです。 2021-11-14 21:30:23
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Raspberry Pi ( Ubuntu ) の Wifi を CUI から設定する https://qiita.com/tagucchan/items/6d14b0ee9724013da49c 2021-11-14 21:30:11
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Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rSpec all メソッドより page.all メソッドのほうがいい気がする https://qiita.com/TatsuyaIsamu/items/67add5ea0e8305fbb67d rSpecallメソッドよりpageallメソッドのほうがいい気がするajaxな動作をテストしようとしたときallinputsettitleclickonレビューを投稿するみたいなテストを書いた。 2021-11-14 21:57:03
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第13章 ユーザーのマイクロポスト https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/7f99b677d81a42a8aa71 railsチュートリアル第章ユーザーのマイクロポストユーザーのマイクロポストマイクロポストを作成するMicropostモデルgitcheckoutbusermicroposts基本的なモデルMicropostモデルは、つだけの属性だけを持ちます。 2021-11-14 21:54:39
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第12章 パスワードの再設定をテストする https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/5c6d3d93770465987ce9 例えば、公共のまたは共有されたコンピューターでパスワード再設定が行われた場合を考えてみてください。 2021-11-14 21:54:16
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsチュートリアル第12章 パスワードを更新する https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/61a2c1b7bfbe3fa6cb05 次に、パスワード再設定フォームから有効なパスワードを入力し、送信してみましょう図。 2021-11-14 21:53:48
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rspec 画像が投稿できることをテストする https://qiita.com/TatsuyaIsamu/items/c80245a44e1cad00df21 2021-11-14 21:52:06
海外TECH Ars Technica Why the chip shortage drags on and on… and on https://arstechnica.com/?p=1812842 drags 2021-11-14 12:15:38
海外TECH MakeUseOf 7 Fixes for Error 4302 With Photos on a Mac https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-fix-photos-error-4302-on-mac/ error 2021-11-14 12:30:12
海外TECH DEV Community Create Generative NFT Art with Rarities https://dev.to/rounakbanik/create-generative-nft-art-with-rarities-1n6f Create Generative NFT Art with RaritiesDisclaimerThis article was originally published on the Scrappy Squirrels Medium Publication IntroductionMarquee NFT projects like Cryptopunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and have made several of their owners millionaires What the aforementioned projects and most other successful NFT projects today have been in common is that they are PFP projects This means that they usually are a collection of avatars where each avatar is unique and has a set of traits In this tutorial I will show you how to generate a collection like this with custom rarities I will be using a library created by the Scrappy Squirrels team to accomplish this At the end of this tutorial you will have generated your own custom avatar collection with associated metadata Pre requisites Python and pip installed on your computerOur library is written in Python so you will need to have this installed on your computer You will also need pip which will install important packages for us Go to this website and download the latest version of Python An artist preferred but not required You will need an artist who knows their way around digital art to create your own custom collection However this is not required to follow this tutorial I will be providing you with test images to play around with The Scrappy Squirrels CollectionAs part of this tutorial I will walk you through the process of creating the Scrappy Squirrels NFTs a real project that my team has launched This tutorial and every subsequent one has been created as part of our roadmap goals to make NFTs and blockchains more accessible to people Do check out our Discord for more details Go on I will wait The squirrels have been generated using over traits Here are a few samples The Generation ProcessThe squirrels that you see above were generated by stacking PNG images on top of one another Although no blue chip NFT projects describe how they generate their art we are certain that this is what they do too Almost every NFT avatar that you see is a set of stacked PNG images which makes the claims that they are just JPEGs false Checkmate NFT critics Starting from the top right if you stack every trait image clockwise one after the other you will end up with the image in the center Here are few things to note Each trait image and the final squirrel avatar is of exactly the same dimension Apart from the background trait which is the first trait every other trait image has a transparent background The trait images must be stacked in order to get the correct squirrel avatar i e clockwise from top right The trait images are drawn in such a way that their positioning makes sense with respect to all other traits We can swap any trait with another trait of the same category for instance a red shirt for a blue shirt Therefore in this case if we had traits for each category of trait we could theoretically produce million distinct squirrels Therefore the artist s job is to create multiple images of various trait categories You can have as many or as few trait categories as you want Do keep in mind though that the number of possible combinations increases exponentially with the number of traits categories In the Scrappy Squirrels project we created trait categories Each trait category had a varying number of trait images For instance we had different shirts to work with Now it s your turn You will need to decide on trait categories that you want to work with and generate trait images for each category Make sure they satisfy the conditions mentioned above should be of the same dimension should be correctly positioned etc Also make sure you name the trait images appropriately What you name your image is what will appear in the metadata file Once you are done with this we are now ready to use the library to generate our collection automatically If you are not an artist or do not have access to one don t worry We have some sample images that you can play around with NOTE At present the library is only capable of handling PNG images We will be adding support for other media types soon Download repository and install required packagesOur generative art library is available for free on GitHub Go ahead and clone it Once you ve cloned the repository open your Terminal or Command Prompt and run the following command pip install Pillow pandas progressbarRunning this command will install three important Python packages that our library depends on Pillow An image processing library that will help us stack trait images Pandas A data analysis library that will help us in generating and saving our image metadata Progressbar A library that will tell us about progress and ETA when the image generation takes place Add your custom assetsIn the generative art nft repository that you downloaded you will see that there is an assets folder If you have your custom trait artwork available with you go ahead and replace the contents of this folder with your assets In our case our assets folder had subfolders representing categories named appropriately see above and each subfolder had trait images of that particular category If you do not have custom artwork leave the default assets folder as is Configure the config py fileThis is the last and perhaps the most important step before we can generate our avatar collection Open the config py file and fill it up according to the instructions below The config file consists of a single Python variable called CONFIG CONFIG is a Python list encapsulated by It contains a list of trait categories in the order that they need to be stacked The order here is extremely important Here is a sample configuration CONFIG id name background directory Background required True rarity weights None id name body directory Body required True rarity weights random id name eyes directory Expressions required True rarity weights None id name head gear directory Head Gear required False rarity weights None id name clothes directory Shirt required False rarity weights None id name held item directory Misc required True rarity weights None id name hands directory Hands required True rarity weights None id name wristband directory Wristband required False rarity weights Each trait category is represented as a Python dictionary encapsulated by All that needs to be done is define these trait category dictionaries in order in the CONFIG list A trait category dictionary has keys that it needs These are id name directory required and rarity weights When creating a new layer or replacing an existing one make sure all these keys are defined This is how you go about assigning value to each key id The layer number For instance if the body is the second trait category or layer that needs to be stacked it will have an id of Please note that layers must still be defined in the correct order name The name of the trait category This can be anything you choose it to be It will appear in the metadata directory The name of the folder inside assets that contain images of that particular trait category required If this category is required for every image Certain trait categories like background body and eyes must appear in every avatar whereas certain other categories like headgear wrist band or clothes can be optional We strongly recommend that you set the first layer s required value to true rarity weights This category will determine how common or rare your traits are going to be Check the next section for more details Configuring rarity weightsThe rarity weights key can take three values None random or a Python list Let s explore each value one by one NoneIf you set the rarity weights value to None each trait will be assigned an equal weight Therefore if you have traits each trait will appear in roughly of the avatars In case required is False it will be equally likely to not get that particular trait at all In the previous case if the required property was set to false then each trait would appear in roughly of the avatars Another of avatars would not have that particular trait at all random Setting rarity weights to random note the parenthesis would randomly assign weights to each category We strongly recommend you do not use this feature Always resort to either equal or custom user defined rarity ListThis is probably the most common way of assigning rarity weights The first thing to do is to go to your trait category folders and sort the trait images by Name For instance sorting the Wristbands folder will yield this for us You can see that we have different kinds of wristbands Now we need to define a Python list encapsulated by where each number represents a weight assigned to a particular trait in ascending order If required is set to True then the number of weights should be equal to the number of traits for that category If required is set to False then the number of weights should be equal to the number of traits plus one In our case if wristbands were required we would define nine weights in the list and if it wasn t required we would define ten weights In the latter case the first weight would be the weight associated with not having the wristband at all Let s take a look at the rarity weights we defined for Wristbands Since wristbands aren t required we have set ten weights nine plus one The first weight is the weight associated with not having a wristband at all The second weight is associated with the Cheetah band the third weight is associated with the Giraffe band and so on Note the alphabetical order here The higher the weight the more common a particular trait is For instance Cheetah has a weight of and not having a band has a weight of This means that having a Cheetah band is times rarer than not having a band at all Generating the collectionOnce you ve configured the config py file it is now time to generate your collection Open up your Terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to the generative art nft folder using the cd command Now run the following command python nft pyRunning this command will initiate the image generation program It will first check that the config py file is valid Next it will tell you about the total number of distinct possible combinations It will then ask you how many avatars you d like to create I suggest creating more than what you want to create so you have plenty left over even after the removal of duplicates In our case we chose to create avatars although we wanted It will then ask you to name the collection and will then begin the generation process It took me approximately minutes to generate avatars after removing duplicates The images and their related metadata will be available in the output folder The images folder will look something like this note that this is only a sample and not the final squirrels that we generated The metadata file is a CSV file that you can import into Excel and analyze for things like which trait is the rarest which trait combination is the most common avatar rarity ranking etc ConclusionAnd there you have it You have generated your very own avatar collection So are we now ready to launch the next big NFT project Not quite You will need to upload these images to IPFS allow your users to mint them into NFTs and create community and buzz around your project Some of these words sounding alien Don t worry We will be launching tutorials on the aforementioned topics very soon Do join our Discord for the latest updates If you have any questions or would like us to add additional features to this library please reach out to us on our Discord server or drop them in the comments below We will try to address as many of them as possible Until next time About Scrappy SquirrelsScrappy Squirrels is a collection of randomly generated NFTs Scrappy Squirrels are meant for buyers creators and developers who are completely new to the NFT ecosystem The community is built around learning about the NFT revolution exploring its current use cases discovering new applications and finding members to collaborate on exciting projects with Join our community here 2021-11-14 12:10:22
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Win32:C++ Add Icon to Right Side of Button Text https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5317407/Win32-Cplusplus-Add-Icon-to-Right-Side-of-Button-T button 2021-11-14 12:44:00
ニュース BBC News - Home COP26: China and India must explain themselves, says Sharma https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59280241?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA glasgow 2021-11-14 12:54:16
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