IT |
気になる、記になる… |
トリニティ、身の回りのシンプルかつお気に入りなものの写真を募るフォトコンテンストを開催 |
instagram |
2021-11-16 07:18:57 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
楽天市場、11月18日20時よりブラックフライデーのセールを開催へ |
楽天市場 |
2021-11-16 07:08:10 |
IT |
InfoQ |
HibernateがReactive APIのバージョン1.0をリリース |
hibernate |
2021-11-16 07:04:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
GraalVM 21.3がJava 17をサポート |
GraalVMがJavaをサポートOracleLabsはJavaとネイティブJavaで実行可能なオーバーヘッドの少ないプロダクションプロファイリング、JDKFlightRecorderJFRのサポートでGraalVMをリリースした。 |
2021-11-16 07:02:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
マイクロソフト、Windows 11のEdge強制を回避する抜け道をふさぐ |
edgedeflector |
2021-11-16 07:30:21 |
Engadget Japanese |
BALMUDA Phoneとサイズの近いiPhone SEを仕様比較 |
balmuda |
2021-11-16 07:20:37 |
ロボスタ |
知っておきたい被災地で活躍する「移動基地局車」や「災害ポータル」のこと 大地震や津波災害時にICTをどう活用できるのか(後編) |
和歌山県 |
2021-11-16 07:40:48 |
ロボスタ |
コストコで家族型ロボット「LOVOT」と触れ合える!幕張倉庫店と川崎倉庫店にLOVOTポップアップストアが登場!購入特典も用意 |
groovex |
2021-11-16 07:33:07 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] アオハタ、9年ぶりに家庭用ジャムなど35品目を値上げ |
itmedia |
2021-11-16 16:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Apple Store、ふらっと新製品見学ができるように 事前予約なしで自由に入店可能に |
itmedianewsapplestore |
2021-11-16 16:25:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
Preferred Networksのスパコン「MN-3」が電力当たり性能の「Green500」で3度目の1位に | IT Leaders |
PreferredNetworksのスパコン「MN」が電力当たり性能の「Green」で度目の位にITLeadersPreferredNetworksPFNは年月日、ディープラーニング深層学習用途のスーパーコンピュータ「MN」が、最新の「Green」リストで度目の世界位を獲得したと発表した。 |
2021-11-16 16:08:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】【ハンズオン】各10分くらいで、Serverless Architecture(Lambda、API Gatway)+RDSを触ってみる |
Cloudとかで環境を整えてあげるのも良かったのですが、そこまでコードを書いてもらうつもりはなかったので、CloudShellでBuildが完結したのは良かったところだと思います。 |
2021-11-16 16:42:40 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
IEのバージョンによってdocument.getElementsByID()の受け取れる属性が違う |
IEのバージョンによってdocumentgetElementsByIDの受け取れる属性が違うはじめに太古からあるシステムを改修してるときに出会った不具合IEのバージョンによってdocumentgetElementsByIDが受け取れる属性が違うらしい※IEのサポートが切れますねもう必要ない知識かと思いますがこちらで供養させてください事象システムの一部で要素が取得できないエラーが発生してました確認してみると、documentgetElementsByIDで要素を取得しようとしているけどよく見ると対象タグにid属性が設定されていない。 |
2021-11-16 16:04:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressで種類の異なる記事を異なる見せ方で表示するページを作りたい |
WordPressで種類の異なる記事を異なる見せ方で表示するページを作りたい前提・実現したいことnbspのようなサイトを作りたいです。 |
2021-11-16 16:53:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
チャット送信時に送信された文字がテキストボックスに残ってしまう。(Ajax使用) |
チャット送信時に送信された文字がテキストボックスに残ってしまう。 |
2021-11-16 16:47:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
環境構築 tensorflowのインストール |
環境構築tensorflowのインストール初めての質問投稿で、不手際がありましたら申し訳ありません。 |
2021-11-16 16:44:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vuexの配列を取得して配列内の値をv-bind:rowに入れたい |
vuexの配列を取得して配列内の値をvbindrowに入れたいvuexで保持している配列をvforで取得して表示したいです。 |
2021-11-16 16:36:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rescue500 => SocketError : getaddrinfo: Name or service not known が解決できない |
rescuegtSocketErrorgetaddrinfoNameorservicenotknownが解決できない前提・実現したいことrubynbspRailsnbspAmazonnbspAWSnbspSRailsでアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-11-16 16:34:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python Dataframe 要素内リスト操作について |
dataframe |
2021-11-16 16:33:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
キャンバスに画像が表示されない |
キャンバスに画像が表示されない発生している問題・エラーメッセージTkinterでアプリケーションを作りたいのですが、キャンバスに画像が表示されず困っています。 |
2021-11-16 16:31:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
EXCELでブックからデータを抽出して別ブックの特定のセルに入力したいです。 |
2021-11-16 16:25:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
blenderのカメラ設定で何も映らない |
ビューでみているような青空と芝生のある場所にカメラの位置を設定したいのですが画像枚目、カメラの視点をキーを押して確認するとどうしても枚目のようになってしまいます。 |
2021-11-16 16:24:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PostgreSQLでログインできない |
PostgreSQLでログインできないPostgreSQLでユーザを作成しましたが、コマンドプロンプト上で、psqlコマンドでログインできません。 |
2021-11-16 16:19:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
交差検証のcvの引数について |
2021-11-16 16:17:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GAS、vueでの変数の扱いについて |
GAS、vueでの変数の扱いについて前提・実現したいことGASとVueで、メール受信時に内容をスプレッドシートに転記し、さらに転記したメールの内容をWebブラウザにアラートかプッシュ通知で表示するプログラムを作成しようとしています。 |
2021-11-16 16:16:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python でbt.plot()で画像が表示されません. |
pythonでbtplotで画像が表示されませんのソースコードをコピペして実行してもデバイスから画像がうまくできません。 |
2021-11-16 16:11:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jupyterlabのエクセルデータ読み込みについて |
jupyterlabのエクセルデータ読み込みについて前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-11-16 16:10:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ループ処理の中で処理を順番に行いたいjquery |
ループ処理の中で処理を順番に行いたいjqueryコンソールにaaaを出力し秒後にbbと出力させたいです。 |
2021-11-16 16:04:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
railsでCSV出力すると文字化けする |
railsでCSV出力すると文字化けする現在アプリケーションを開発していまして、CSV出力機能を実装したところ、出力されたCSVでチェックマークがに文字化けしています。 |
2021-11-16 16:03:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
git Soucetree 隠しファイル |
gitsoucetree |
2021-11-16 16:01:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
仮想空間のWindows7で、プリンタをLAN接続またはWiFiで使い、Windows7のWeb接続を切りたいです。 |
仮想空間のWindowsで、プリンタをLAN接続またはWiFiで使い、WindowsのWeb接続を切りたいです。 |
2021-11-16 16:00:55 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Stripeで従量課金、かつ最初の数人は無料というサービスの設計 |
今回の仕様では最初の人無料なので、Subscriptionを作成しても課金はされません。 |
2021-11-16 16:36:53 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】【ハンズオン】各10分くらいで、Serverless Architecture(Lambda、API Gatway)+RDSを触ってみる |
Cloudとかで環境を整えてあげるのも良かったのですが、そこまでコードを書いてもらうつもりはなかったので、CloudShellでBuildが完結したのは良かったところだと思います。 |
2021-11-16 16:42:40 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Helmチャート(Go Template)のループの中で上位スコープの変数を参照する方法 |
HelmチャートGoTemplateのループの中で上位スコープの変数を参照する方法概要ループの手前で変数を定義し、それを参照します。 |
2021-11-16 16:31:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Stripeで従量課金、かつ最初の数人は無料というサービスの設計 |
今回の仕様では最初の人無料なので、Subscriptionを作成しても課金はされません。 |
2021-11-16 16:36:53 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[小ネタ]パブリックサブネットとプライベートサブネットを持つVPCのテンプレートを作ってみた |
cnatamazonvirtualprivatec |
2021-11-16 07:39:29 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CloudTrail Insightsで従来のAPIコールレートの他、APIエラー率に関する測定と検知が出来るようになりました |
cloudtrail |
2021-11-16 07:30:33 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Gremlinのカオスエンジニアリングを効果的に実践するための基礎コースで学んだことまとめ2 ~ リソース攻撃のユースケースとビジネスイニシアティブ ~ |
gremlin |
2021-11-16 07:27:38 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS のマネージドサービスについて時刻同期に関する仕様を教えてください |
cloudwatch |
2021-11-16 07:19:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build a Discord stage channel clone with 100ms and Next.js |
Build a Discord stage channel clone with ms and Next jsEver since the Clubhouse app rose to fame the popularity of drop in audio only rooms has been increasing sharply and adopted by several platforms such as Slack Twitter and Discord These rooms are great for hosting Q amp A sessions panel discussions and a lot more This content was originally published HEREEarlier this year Discord introduced Stages an audio only channel to engage with your Discord community with separation between speakers and audience In this blog we ll learn how to build a similar platform painlessly with ms What We ll Be BuildingUsing the ms React SDK we ll build our custom audio room application that will mimic these features from Discord Stages Allow the user to join as a speaker listener or a moderator Speakers and moderators will have the permission to mute or unmute themselves Listeners will only be able to listen to the conversation raise their hand to become a speaker or leave the room Moderators will be allowed to mute anyone and change the role of a person to speaker or listener By the end of this blog you can expect to build an application like this with Next js a React framework and ms SDK The only prerequisites for building this project is a fundamental understanding of Next js and React hooks The Next js documentation is a great place to start reading about how Next js works but you can still follow along if you ve only used React in the past Familiarity with Flux based architecture is a bonus but not a necessity and no prior knowledge of WebRTC is required How wonderful is that Setting up the ProjectBefore diving right into the code create a ms account from the ms Dashboard to get your token endpoint and room id We ll be needing these credentials in the later stages of building the application Once you ve created an account follow the steps given below to create your application and set it up on the ms dashboard Defining RolesWe ll be having four roles in our application listener speaker handraise and moderator Let s set up permissions for each of these roles starting with the listener role For the listener role we can turn off all the publish strategies as we don t want listeners to share their audio video or screen Listeners will still be able to listen to others audio Inside the permissions section uncheck all the options except for Can change any participant s role permission For the handraise role we can again turn off all the publish strategies and just keep the Can change any participant s role permission turned on This permission will allow us to switch the user from listener role to handraise role and vice versa and help us to to implement the hand raise functionality When a listener wants to become a speaker they can click on the hand raise button that will change their role to handraise When the user s role is handraise we ll display a small badge next to their avatar to notify the moderator Now for the speaker role since we re building an audio only room we can just check the Can share audio publish strategy and leave the rest of them unchecked We can leave all the permissions turned off for the speaker role Finally for the moderator role we can check the Can share audio publish strategy and move on towards the permissions In the permissions section turn on the Can change any participant s role permission and the Can mute any participant permission For all the roles set the subscribe strategies to speaker and moderator And with that we re ready to move on and get the required credentials from the ms Dashboard Getting the token enpointOnce you re done creating your custom application and setting up the roles head on over to the Developers tab to get your token endpoint URL Keep this URL handy We ll store this URL inside an environment variable shortly in the upcoming sections Getting the room idTo obtain the room ID head on over the Rooms tab on ms Dashboard If you don t have an existing room you can go ahead and create one to get its ID Otherwise copy the room ID of an existing room and paste it somewhere for now Understanding the TerminologiesI know you re excited to start coding but let s take a moment to understand the key terminologies associated with the ms SDK so that we re on the same page Room ーA room is the basic object that ms SDKs return on successful connection This contains references to peers tracks and everything you need to render a live audio video app Peer ーA peer is the object returned by ms SDKs that contains all information about a user ーname role video track etc Track ーA track represents either the audio or video that a peer is publishing Role ーA role defines who a peer can see hear the quality at which they publish their video whether they have permissions to publish video screenshare mute someone change someone s role An Overview of the Starter CodeTo ease the development process you can grab the starter code with prebuilt components and styling by cloning the template branch of this repo with this command This starter code is built using the Create Next App CLI tool with the Tailwind CSS template All the dependencies required for this building this project such as the mslive hms video and mslive hms video react SDK have already been added to the package json file Therefore make sure to run npm install or yarn install to install these dependencies locally before moving forward Remember the token endpoint URL and room ID we had saved earlier It s time to transfer them to an environment variable file The starter code comes with an env local example file Run this command to copy this example env file and create an actual one Now add the token endpoint URL and room ID to this env local file To start the Next js development server run the dev script in this manner Visit http localhost on your browser and you ll be greeted with this screen if everything goes well Fantastic Let s start implementing the features one by one in the upcoming sections Building the projectBefore we can start using the hooks selectors or store from the ms React SDK we will need to wrap our entire application with lt HMSRoomProvider gt component from the mslive hms video react package Here s how your code should look like once you ve completed this step Joining a RoomRight now we re conditionally rendering either the lt Room gt component or the lt Join gt component based on the isConnected variable However its value has been hardcoded to be false for now To check if the user is connected to a room or not we can use the selectIsConnectedToRoom selector and useHMSStore hook like this By default the user will not be connected to any room and hence the lt Join gt component will be rendered Let s implement the functionality to join a room inside the components Join jsx file To join a room we can use the join method on the hmsActions object returned by the useHMSActions hook This join method takes an object containing the userName authToken and an optional settings object as the parameter We can get the userName from the local name state variable created using the useState hook from React However to obtain the authToken we will need to make a network request to our custom Next js API route along with the role we want to join the room with We re also tracking the role the user has selected using the local role state variable similar to name You can find the API route inside the pages api token js file Here s how it will look like Essentially this API route makes a POST request to our ms token endpoint URL which is stored inside the environment variables along with a unique user id role and the room id which is also stored inside the environment variables If successful our Next js API route will return the authToken Using this authToken we can join the room Since we don t want the user to join with their mic turned on we can set isAudioMuted to true inside the optional settings object And with just a few lines of code we have implemented the functionality to join a room and render the lt Room gt component Now let s move forward and render the peers connected to our room Rendering The PeersRight now if you view the lt Room gt component inside the components Room jsx file you can see that we have hardcoded the value of peers to an empty array Let s make this dynamic To do that we can use the selectPeers selector combined with the useHMSStore hook to get an array of all the peers connected to the room in the form of objects Each of these peer objects will contain information such as their name and roleName that we can use to render their tiles accordingly Once we get an array of all the peers we can use the filter JavaScript array method to separate them into listenersAndHandraised and speakersAndModerators using the roleName property on each peer object This will help us render the appropriate tile based on the user s role If the role of the user is a listener or handraise we will render the lt ListenerTile gt component Else we will render the lt SpeakerTile gt component While rendering these tiles pass the peer object as a prop in order to display the peer s information inside the tiles The lt RoomInfo gt component takes a count prop with the total number of peers connected to the rooms as its value For the speakers and listeners headings we can access the length property of speakersAndModerators and listenersAndHandraised array respectively to get their count Adding Functionalities To The ControlsLet s go to the lt Controls gt component inside components Room Controls jsx Essentially we will be having three controls one to toggle our mic on or off one to toggle hand raise and lastly to leave the room We ll cover the hand raise functionality in the latter part of this blog post The lt MicButton gt component responsible for the toggle mic functionality will only be displayed to the speakers and moderators whereas the lt ExitButton gt component will be displayed to all roles We need to check if our role and if our mic is turned on or not to render the buttons accordingly To do this use the selectIsLocalAudioEnabled selector to get the status of our mic and the selectLocalPeer selector to get our local peer object Now to add the functionalities start by creating a new instance of the useHMSActions hook and store it inside hmsActions Call the setLocalAudioEnabled method on the hmsActions object inside the toggleMic prop of the lt MicButton gt component This method takes a boolean value true for turning on the mic and false for turning it off Since we want to toggle we can pass the opposite of current status using the operator To exit the room we can simply call the leave method on the hmsActions object Displaying Audio Level and Mic StatusWhen a user is speaking we want to display a green ring just outside the user s avatar to indicate the same This will require us to know the audio level of the speaker but how can we find that out With ms React SDK it is as simple as using the selectPeerAudioByID selector This selector function takes the peer s ID as the parameter and returns an integer to represent the audio level We can assign it to a variable and check if it is greater than to check if the user is speaking Similarly to check if a user s mic is turned on or not we can use the selectIsPeerAudioEnabled selector which also takes the peer s ID as the parameter and returns a boolean value to indicate the mic status Using these two selectors we can render the UI accordingly by adding a ring using Tailwind CSS classes and displaying the appropriate icon Go to the lt SpeakerTile gt component inside components User SpeakerTile jsx and make the following changes The Permissions MenuTime to add some functionality to the lt PermissionsMenu gt component inside the components User PermissionsMenu jsx file We want to display this menu only if we have the moderator role To get our localPeer object we can use the selectLocalPeer selector function This will return an object with the roleName property that we can check to get our role Alternatively you can also choose to use the selectLocalPeerRole selector and access the name property of the returned object To check if we are a moderator use the equality operator to check if our roleName equates to moderator Accordingly we can either render this component or null if we re not a moderator The permissions menu has three options Mute Peer Make Listener and Make Speaker To achieve these functionalities create a new instance of the useHMSActions hook to get access to all the required methods For muting a peer call the setRemoteTrackEnabled method on hmsActions with the peer s audio track that we re getting from the props and false as parameters To change the role of a peer call the changeRole method on hmsActions along with the peer s ID new role and a force boolean value to change their role without asking them or give them a chance to accept reject Adding Hand Raise FunctionalityFinally let s add the last bit of functionality to our application hand raise As a listener you might also want a chance to become a speaker at times To notify the moderator we can build a simple hand raise button that will display a badge next to your avatar to show that you re interested to speak Therefore start by building the functionality to change our role from listener to handraise on clicking the lt HandRaiseButton gt component To do this go back to the lt Controls gt component inside components Room Controls jsx Over here you ll notice the lt HandRaiseButton gt component with props a isHandRaised boolean prop to check if you ve raised hand currently and a toggleHandRaise function to toggle it Also we ll display this button only if we are a listener or have handraise role For the isHandRaised prop we simply need to get our role by accessing the roleName property of our local peer and check if it equates to the handraise role For the toggle functionality we can use the changeRole method available on the hmsActions object like we did for the lt PermissionsMenu gt component This changeRole method takes our local peer s ID the new role to set and a force boolean prop For the new role if we are a listener currently we need to pass handraise as the parameter If we already have the role of handraise we need to set it back to listener Here s how your code should look like The starter code already contains the code to display a hand raise badge in the lt ListenerTile gt component Inside this component we just need to check if the peer s role is set to handraise and then conditionally render the lt HandRaiseBadge gt accordingly And That s a Wrap Building real time audio application with ms SDK is as simple as that I hope you enjoyed building this app and make sure to drop by the ms Discord Server in case of any queries We can t wait to see all the marvelous projects you build with ms Till then happy coding Check ms Now gt |
2021-11-16 07:26:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Need an IndieHackers invite code! |
Need an IndieHackers invite code If you have a code I d appreciate it if you can send me one virejdasani on twitterThanks a lot |
2021-11-16 07:08:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Customer Data Pipeline And Data Processing: Types, Importance, And Benefits |
Customer Data Pipeline And Data Processing Types Importance And BenefitsA data pipeline consists of actions that ingest raw data from various sources and move the data to a storage and analysis destination This post will look at what a customer data pipeline is and a few of its key elements We will further talk about the different types of data processing taking place within the data pipeline Business analysis deeply depends on data pipelines which are essential for any online venture Given the voluminous amount of data today the need for managing and storing the data s drastically heightened Why Use An Automated Pipeline A data pipeline is an automated process but why do we need it in the first place Data pipelines take the role of arranging all data volumes in the same format and one place thus reproducible Key Elements Of A Data PipelineA data pipeline represents a data preparation process based on a few key elements source destination dataflow processing workflow and monitoring Data pipelines enable application or data lake information to travel to a data warehouse or an analytics database respectively SourceA data source is a place from where the pipeline retrieves information These can include cloud based customer tools Salesforce Facebook Ads Google Ads etc relational management systems social media database management tools and even sensor devices DestinationYou can enter the data directly in the visual data analysis tools but this is the data pipeline s endpoint where it removes all data pulled DataflowThe raw data can be changed while traveling from its source to its destination a move also referred to as data flow Data ProcessingData processing is a method that enables you to evaluate how data is gathered transformed and stored As an important step data processing in data pipelines chooses whereby you should implement the dataflow The processing of data includes the extraction of business data from all available sources Once processed this data undergoes an inspection and is adjusted to the business user before it is loaded into the data store Types Of Data ProcessingSo can you make a difference between a data processing system and data processing Yes and here s how it works Data processing regards data transformed into beneficial information whereas a data processing system is an optimized tool for proper data management Some of the basic types of data processing include Transaction ProcessingThe processing of the transaction is deployed in mission critical situations If violated these conditions will negatively affect your business HardwareThe system for processing transactions should have redundant hardware Excess hardware allows partial defects because you can automate the unnecessary components to take the system and maintain it operationally SoftwareThe software system for processing transactions shall be designed to recover quickly from the defect Usually systems for processing transactions use abstraction transactions to achieve this If there s a failure uncommitted transactions are interrupted allowing the system to restart quickly Distributed ProcessingDistributed data processing breaks down these big stores while data sets across many machines or servers Data within a distributed processing system has a huge tolerance for slips When one or two network servers crash in a distributed processing system the system redistributes the data processing to other remaining servers Real Time ProcessingReal time processing takes the same approach seen in transaction processing If an error is detected in the input it ignores it and instead switches to the next piece of incoming data The most popular application of real time data processing is GPS tracking apps Batch ProcessingAs the name suggests serial processing happens when pieces of data stored at a certain time are analyzed either together or in batches Serial processing is required when you need to analyze huge volumes of data for a detailed inspection As the system handles mass volumes of data the processing period might take longer to complete The favored real time data processing method is serial processing given that accuracy of information is more significant than the processing speed MultiprocessingMultiprocessing is a method in which two or more processors work on the same database The most obvious drawback of this data processing type is the cost Keep in mind that building and maintaining internal servers is very expensive WorkflowWorkflow usually refers to the sequencing of jobs within the pipeline data as well as their co dependence Here dependencies and sequencing decide when a data pipeline is operating MonitoringThe final element is monitoring meaning the pipeline is continually monitored for efficiency and speed to evaluate data accuracy and loss Data Pipeline And ETLETL stands for Extract Transform and Load and is a method applied with batch loads regarding particular pipeline data Essentially this process refers to source data transferring like an app target such as a data warehouse Data Extraction using various source systems enables an easy acquiring of relevant data from a specific source Data Transformation applies to the processes of filtering aggregating and preparing data for further analysis Data Loading represents the loading of data into its final destination Sign Up For Free And Start Sending DataTest out our event stream ELT and reverse ETL pipelines Use our HTTP source to send data in less than minutes or install one of our SDKs in your website or app Get Started |
2021-11-16 07:06:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn JavaScript Closures in 7 mins |
Learn JavaScript Closures in minsTo learn closures you need to understand how scope works In JavaScript we have global and local scope Variables declared in the main body are referred to as global scopes They belong to the global object and can be accessed from anywhere in the code Variables declared in a function are referred to as local scopes They belong to the function body including its nested functions and they can access any variable in the global scope If a function is defined inside a function the parent function will not have access to the variables declared in the child function But the child function will have access to the variables in the parent function So basically any block of code has access to the variables of its outer scope Here is an exampleconst x someone function incrementFrom count has access to x return count const firstCall incrementFrom const secondCall incrementFrom console log firstCall console log secondCall does not have access to count i e console log count will throw an errorHave in mind that the parameter is a local variable because it s in a local scope It will get created anew for every call to the incrementFrom function It is basically the same thing asfunction incrementNum let count return count all the callsSo the good news is that local variables will not trample each other when the function is called But the bad news is with such standard calling incrementFrom a couple of times will not increment it It s just going to keep logging because every local variable is created anew for every call So what if we want to keep making use of the value passed into or created in a function for each call to this function Like in the case of incrementFrom we simply want to get an initial value and increment on it for every call So when I call incrementFrom times it will magically increment from to then to and to This is possible with closures Another example is probably to pass in a firstName of a user to a function and then later add the lastName to it Something likefunction printName firstName lastName return firstName lastName For some reasons lastName has not been provided yet so you make the first call with what you have nowconsole log printName John I don t have it yet Finally the lastName get s processed and now you have nowhere in memory with firstName so you ll end up doing this to make the second call with the lastName console log printName I lost it Doe I know the example is kinda stupid but the idea is to make two function calls and relate their local variables together This is possible with closures Now what are closures In Eloquent JavaScript it says …being able to reference a specific instance of a local binding in an enclosing scope is called closure Simply put closures are functions that have access to the scope of outer functions even when the outer functions have closed no longer active That means a child function can make use of any local variable declared in a parent function anytime even after the parent function has been called and is no longer active The way it works is this when we create a function with any local variable the function returns another function which is a child function and as stated the child function has access to the variable in the parent function So when the function is called the value is a function which can be called i efunction callMe return gt Hello world const funcVal callMe console log funcVal This is just an expression of functions are what they return or better expressed as function as values So when a function that returns a string is called the properties and methods of strings can be used on that function call Same thing with numbers arrays objects functions In this case our function is returning a function which means the value of the callMe function can be called because it is a function you can add params and args This is where it gets more interesting function callMe val return newVal gt val newVal const funcVal callMe console log funcVal We ve called the callMe function once and passed in a value Now this value can be used when we call the function it returns This is closure I can call funcVal different times now and it will still have access to the local variable val of the parent function callMe console log funcVal i e console log funcVal i e we can go on and onNow the rule of local variables of a function not trampling themselves on different calls still STANDS we ve only made one call to the parent function callMe let s try calling it one more timeconst funcVal callMe const funcVal callMe local variable val will be created anew here with a value of console log funcVal i e console log funcVal i e So basically it s the function they return that does the magic Even at that their local variables are still not trampling each other on different callsconsole log funcVal i e console log funcVal local variable newVal will be created anew here but it still has access to the local variables in the outer function so we get i e Now let s head back to our initial examples or problems Let s first solve the name issue Recall we had a function printName to print a user s first name and last name but for some reason the last name will be delayed and we know about this so we have to go on without it initially And then when it finally comes we should print the full name This is what we d dofunction printName firstName return lastName gt firstName lastName Now the function has changed a little bitthe function printName now takes just one argument firstName the guy we know will not be delayed it printName now returns a function instead of returning a string and the child function takes lastName the guy which we know will be delayed and then returns the full name string If we try logging it will now make more sense first name comesconst user printName John after a while last name comesconsole log user Doe John DoeVoila Problem solved using closures Let s add another user first name comesconst user printName John after a while last name comesconsole log user Doe John Doe new userconst user printName Sarah console log user Michelle Sarah MichelleI know there are tons of other ways to solve this but this is yet another way Now the last example before we call this article a wrap our counter Recall we had a function incrementFrom which is in no way incrementing How do we solve this function incrementFrom count return gt count Just one thing changed we returned a function that returns count instead of returning just count Now let s see if it worksconst addOne incrementFrom console log addOne console log addOne console log addOne console log addOne and on and onGladly and unsurprisingly it works So this is how closures can be very useful in programming ConclusionNow this is quite a lot to take in if it s your first time learning about closures But when you practice over time it will become clear Thanks for reading to the end I hope you enjoyed and learned from it as I did I ll see you next time But in the meantime you can leave comments for me to let me know what you think You can also click the like and share button so we can reach more developers |
2021-11-16 07:04:03 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Rocket League Sideswipe' for mobile has launched into pre-season |
x Rocket League Sideswipe x for mobile has launched into pre seasonThe new mobile game Rocket League Sideswipe has launched into pre season starting in Oceania with a wider rollout coming soon developer Psyonix has announced The car soccer game for iOS and Android was revealed earlier in March as a mobile D version of Rocket League that lets you play solo or team up with a friend for two vs two matches nbsp Instead of the regular D Rocket League perspective Sideswipe has a D side on view as the name suggests It uses touch controls that are relatively easy to master according to Psyonix but will also offer advanced control mechanics for better players As with the original it will offer a ranking system for competitive modes with plenty of car customization options As the game trailer above shows it looks to capture the spirit of the original game and actually crosses over in one way As the developer detailed logging in with your Epic Games account for online matches will let you earn extra XP across both Rocket League and Sideswipe nbsp quot Every time you level up in Sideswipe you ll earn a Bonus Win in Rocket League Then once you win an Online Match in Rocket League you ll get extra XP for that Bonus Win Bonus Wins can also be earned for Sideswipe by playing Rocket League so enjoy the extra XP in both games quot Psyonix wrote nbsp Psyonix no doubt launched Rocket League Sideswipe in Oceania Australia Melanesia Micronesia and Polynesia to shake out any bugs but confirmed that the game will launch globally before the end of the year So far however it has yet to provide any details for a further rollout nbsp |
2021-11-16 07:35:00 |
医療系 |
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2021-11-16 17:00:00 |
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2021-11-16 16:20:00 |
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2021-11-16 16:55:00 |
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Covid-19: NHS under pressure and Sturgeon to decide on restrictions |
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Radio 1's Big Weekend 2022 to be live in Coventry |
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2021-11-16 07:41:47 |
ビジネス |
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2021-11-16 16:02:00 |
LifeHuck |
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2021-11-16 16:05:00 |
IT |
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11月17日の「カプコンTV!」はお笑いコンビ「なすなかにし」さんと一緒にひと狩り行こうぜ! |
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2021-11-16 16:50:00 |
IT |
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2021-11-16 16:25:00 |