Engadget Japanese |
iPhoneをMagSafeでペタっとできる「SINEXマグネットスタンド」レビュー |
iphone |
2021-11-16 08:45:47 |
Engadget Japanese |
ビックカメラ.comにてPS5・Xbox Seriesの抽選受付中 |
playstation |
2021-11-16 08:43:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
IBM、127量子ビット「Eagle」プロセッサー発表。「従来のコンピューターではシミュレートできない」 |
eagle |
2021-11-16 08:30:43 |
Engadget Japanese |
Galaxy S21にAndroid 12ベースのOne UI 4が配布開始。既存のWatchシリーズもアップデート |
android |
2021-11-16 08:00:31 |
ロボスタ |
ドコモがメタバースのHIKKYに65億円を出資 XR戦略実現に向けて資本・業務提携 メタバース空間とリアル空間の双方を推進 |
hikky |
2021-11-16 08:35:52 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 上場企業の「早期・希望退職」募集が70社、1万4500人超 最多は日本たばこ産業の2950人 |
itmedia |
2021-11-16 17:41:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Salesforce日本法人、性転換手術の費用を補助する制度導入 LGBTQ+向け福利厚生で 上限400万円 |
itmedianewssalesforce |
2021-11-16 17:41:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 実物資産投資として注目される「高級時計」 時計の資産価値が分かる「Watch collection」 |
itmedia |
2021-11-16 17:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ソニー銀行、預金残高3兆円到達 |
itmedia |
2021-11-16 17:34:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 楽天モバイルが「楽天市場」のブラックフライデーと連動 「Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI」の新規契約で買い物ポイントが「最大52倍」に |
itmediamobile |
2021-11-16 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 携帯市場、2021年10月度中古スマホ販売/買取ランキングを発表 販売はTouch ID搭載iPhoneが独占 |
iphone |
2021-11-16 17:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「“推し”の情報は全部知りたい」に応えるキーワードフォロー機能、LINEに実装 |
itmedia |
2021-11-16 17:01:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
Sansan、中小企業向けの名刺管理サービス「Eight Team」を開始、チームで名刺情報を共有 | IT Leaders |
Sansan、中小企業向けの名刺管理サービス「EightTeam」を開始、チームで名刺情報を共有ITLeadersSansanは年月日、名刺管理サービス「EightTeam」を発表した。 |
2021-11-16 17:23:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
ゲームテック業界向け re:Invent 2021を最大限に活用するためのガイド |
現地ラズベガスでの参加でご登録いただくと、バーチャルへのアクセスは無料となります。 |
2021-11-16 08:37:37 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】非同期な自作 confirm を作ってみた |
【javascript】非同期な自作confirmを作ってみたはじめにjavascriptにはconfirmというメソッドが用意されており、制御フローの条件として使用することができます。 |
2021-11-16 17:34:38 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
v-file-inputでファイル選択をキャンセルするとv-modelが空になってしまう問題に対処してみる |
vfileinputでファイル選択をキャンセルするとvmodelが空になってしまう問題に対処してみるvfileinputでファイル選択後にもう一度選択画面を開き、「キャンセル」をクリックするとmodelが空になってしまう問題に諸般の事情で対処してみた。 |
2021-11-16 17:10:32 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WEBデザイナーがWordPressに別れを告げようと思ったらJavaScriptを勉強することになったポエム |
jQueryはJavaScriptを知らなくても扱えてそれが魅力だったけど、Reactは許してくれないので、勉強するしかない。 |
2021-11-16 17:00:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GASで条件を指定して組み合わせパターンを列挙する方法 |
2021-11-16 17:58:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python2.4 16進数文字列→2進数文字列に変換する方法 |
Python進数文字列→進数文字列に変換する方法環境Pythonやりたいこと進数文字列を進数文字列に変換したい試したことhexdatanbspnbspaposffaposprintbinhexdata結果NameErrornbspnbspnamenbspaposbinaposnbspisnbspnotnbspdefined期待する結果aposaposPythonでやる必要があります。 |
2021-11-16 17:56:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wordpressの表示が崩れました |
wordpressの表示が崩れましたwordpressの表示が崩れました固定ページのところもメニューからリンクで飛んだところ投稿されたものみたいではなく企業サイトのようにしたいです。 |
2021-11-16 17:48:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
<button>タグをクリックするとUncaught ReferenceErrorというエラーが出る。 |
ltbuttongtタグをクリックするとUncaughtReferenceErrorというエラーが出る。 |
2021-11-16 17:47:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python kivy 入門用のサンプルコードが動かない(AtomでもPyCharmでも動かない) |
pythonkivy入門用のサンプルコードが動かないAtomでもPyCharmでも動かない前提・実現したいことPythonnbspKivyを学ぶためにインストールしましたが使えません。 |
2021-11-16 17:46:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Can't open module file 'f90_unix_env.mod' for reading at (1):の対処について |
Canxtopenmodulefilexfunixenvmodxforreadingatの対処について前提・実現したいことコンパイラーにgfortranをもちいています。 |
2021-11-16 17:45:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studioでコントロールが認識しない |
VisualStudioでコントロールが認識しないwindowsnbspnbspVisualnbspStudionbspでASPnetWebnbspFormを使用しています既存のコントロールテキストボックス、ラベル、ドロップダウンコントロールは問題ないのですが、例えばツールボックスよりテキストボックスコントロールをページに追加しようとDampDで貼り張り付けますこの時nbspIDquotTexboxquotと設定されますが、ソースコードの画面でTexboxTextquotquotと入力すると「現在のコンテキストにnbspTexboxという名前は存在しません」というエラーになってしまいます。 |
2021-11-16 17:44:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
NginxもUnicornも立ち上がるが、ブラウザ上では「An error occurred.」 |
NginxもUnicornも立ち上がるが、ブラウザ上では「Anerroroccurred」こちらの記事を参考にしています。 |
2021-11-16 17:43:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
box-sizingを使っても子要素がはみ出る |
boxsizingを使っても子要素がはみ出る説明リストのddタグをwidthにすると親要素からはみ出す。 |
2021-11-16 17:40:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonで動いていたプログラムにエラーが動かなくなりました。 |
先週まで動いていたのですが、今日動かしてみると以下のようなエラーが出るようになってしまいました。 |
2021-11-16 17:38:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MQL4 条件が機能しない |
MQL条件が機能しない前提・実現したいことmqlでのエラーを解消したい。 |
2021-11-16 17:36:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TeraTermをC#からコマンドで動かして、WindowsとラズパイのBluetoothデータ送受信を行いたい。 |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージ良さそうなサイトのコードを実行したが、すぐに接続が切れるため送受信が行えないエラーが出ているわけではない。 |
2021-11-16 17:31:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jQueryをローカル環境で動かしたとき、インクルードだけ上手く表示されない |
jQueryをローカル環境で動かしたとき、インクルードだけ上手く表示されないお世話になっております。 |
2021-11-16 17:31:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBAのFindで*やら+やらの正規表現は使う方法を伺ってよろしいでしょうか? |
VBAのFindでやらやらの正規表現は使う方法を伺ってよろしいでしょうかVBAで頼れる所がTeratailしか知らないため度々書き込み失礼いたします。 |
2021-11-16 17:22:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python pandas ユークリッド距離 メモリを極力使わない方法 |
pythonpandasユークリッド距離メモリを極力使わない方法座標の入ったファイルをdfに読み込み、各座標の最短距離を算出し密集具合をヒストグラムで表示していたのですが、データが多くなりすぎて、メモリエラーが出る様になりました。 |
2021-11-16 17:19:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AWS sagemaker 内の jupyterLabでビジュアルデバッガーを利用したい |
AWSsagemaker内のjupyterLabでビジュアルデバッガーを利用したいAmazonのSageMaker内のノートブックインスタンスから利用できるJupyterLabで、ブレークポイントなどが利用可能なビジュアルデバッガーを使いたいです。 |
2021-11-16 17:15:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityのUIButtonにC#スクリプトをアタッチするとNullになる |
UnityのUIButtonにCスクリプトをアタッチするとNullになるUIButtonにスクリプトをアタッチするとNullになる前提・実現したいことUnityとCにて、CSVを用いたシンプルなクイズアプリを制作しています。 |
2021-11-16 17:12:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSVファイルをエクセルで開くVBAをつくりたい |
CSVファイルをエクセルで開くVBAをつくりたい前提・実現したいことVBA初心者です。 |
2021-11-16 17:05:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
標準入力から、整数値を取得する。ただし、繰り返し(while) を利用して、何件でも入力できるようにすること。入力がない場合終了する。取得したデータ最大値、最小値、平均、中央値、不偏標準偏差を表示する |
標準入力から、整数値を取得する。 |
2021-11-16 17:05:01 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
M1 Macで古いRuby(2.3.0)をrbenvでインストールしようとしたらハマりました |
MMacで古いRubyをrbenvでインストールしようとしたらハマりました新しくMMacを購入したので、過去のプロジェクト等で使っているRubyをインストールしようとしたら、思いの外ハマってしまいました。 |
2021-11-16 17:03:11 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudWatch Logs Insightsのコマンド例 |
オリジナル の データ など は parse コマンド で パース し ます 。 |
2021-11-16 17:22:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HTML Drag and Drop API |
HTML Drag and Drop APIThe Drag and Drop API allows you to as its own name indicates to create drag and drop interfaces for the users to interact with This API will make available for the users to select elements you allow to with a click and drag them to the droppable interfaces you also allow them to this is all customizable you will be able to indicate which elements are draggables and where can be drop into as easy as with some simple functions with some basic functionalities I ll explain to you step by step how to do a simple drag and drop for text First you need to identify what will be draggable this can be done by adding the draggable attribute and the ondragstart handler lt script gt function dragstart handler el el dataTransfer setData text plain el target id window addEventListener DOMContentLoaded gt Reference to the element we will drag const element document getElementById draggable Add the handler to the div to make it draggable element addEventListener dragstart dragstart handler lt script gt lt div id draggable draggable true gt You can drag this element lt div gt After this you need to define what will the draggable object do when you drag it and drop it on the droppable zone this will be done by creating a function with a dropEffect there are three dropEffects copy the dragged object will be copied on the droppable zone move the dragged object will move to the droppable zone link indicates that some form of relationship or connection will be created between the source and drop locations For my example I will use the move dropEffect as follows function dragover handler el el preventDefault el dataTransfer dropEffect move For the last step we need to define a droppable zone and the function linked to it in this example we are moving the draggable object into de droppable zone lt script gt function drop handler el el preventDefault const data ev dataTransfer getData text plain el target appendChild document getElementById data lt script gt lt p id target ondrop drop handler event ondragover dragover handler event gt Drop Zone lt p gt When we combine all the steps we will end up with a code like this codePen I created for you to test and see how its done to test it you need to drag the text You can drag this element into the text Drop zone for it to move To finish I will add that this is a little example on how can you use this API there are many possibilities for example you can also drag images and drop them onto the droppable zone not only text |
2021-11-16 08:49:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
P42+ Code Review: Inline Comments and Hints |
P Code Review Inline Comments and HintsCode reviews and pull requests are essential for many teams to increase code quality and transfer knowledge However it is often tedious for reviewers to comment on minor issues such as readability and style P automatically reviews the readability and style of your commits and pull requests and suggests improvements and modernization opportunities This automation frees up reviewers time to check for potential bugs and the overall correctness of the pull request Starting November P for GitHub has several additional code review features Inline CommentsP now shows hints directly in your diffs so you can easily see them when reviewing the code Learn more Enhanced Code Review ReportThe code review report that is part of the GitHub checks distinguishes between old and new suggestions for default branch commits contains additional explanations and lists annotations Learn more Hint and Blocker Setting for Code ActionsYou can configure each P code action as either a hint default or blocker on the repository page Hints leave messages on your pull requests but do not fail the overall check Learn more Code reviews for pull requests and default branch commits can now be enabled with a single click for existing repositories Code reviews for new repositories are enabled by default Curious about P for GitHub Check out this overview to see what it can do for you |
2021-11-16 08:46:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to start career in Salesforce Administration |
How to start career in Salesforce Administration Why SalesforceI would not say it s main Salesforce yet in addition its solid and enhanced local area A huge number of experts are there to help and guide around the world You would get an incredible stage to show your ability difficult work and contribution When you stand out enough to be noticed numerous enrollment specialists will move toward you for learning salesforce administration A brilliant illustration of what I will talk about a friend We can get engaged in the Salesforce people group during school days heading out many miles to go to a Salesforce engineer bunch meet and write Salesforce books We can likewise be featured straight by Salesforce in one of their webinars What might it takeNot a solitary penny indeed you might procure in the course of landing position Relax it is not noticed or I won t get compensated straightforwardly or in a roundabout way by anybody on ideas Everything necessary is commitment difficult work and faith in yourself What s more more than everything your Understanding Persistence is unpleasant however its natural product is sweet You may get disappointed that your companions are landing positions and procuring great compensation Accept yourself continue to look through positions and attempt underneath strategy As I would like to think joining classes to learn Salesforce won t help you Bosses don t care a lot regarding which courses you have finished instructing classes Authentication of Completion are useless Genuine approachGet to know any OOP language and its ideas Preferably Java Learn HTML CSS and JavaScript essentials and the best asset are WSchools Not compulsory but rather it will give you some benefit by learning one of the JavaScript structures like JQuery Trailhead This item is a reason I said that we needn t bother with any paid training to comprehend the essentials of Salesforce Trailhead is the creative stage from Salesforce where the client can find out with regards to various modules at self speed Why is it unique At the end of modules there are involved activities that should be finished in your engineer organization and they will be approved by the trailhead Assuming there is any blunder it will be shown When you procure any identification share it on Twitter you re connected in profile and show your mastery There are various paths courses to learning Salesforce like Admin Advanced Admin Developer and so forth… TopcoderPresently the subsequent stage is to join the Topcoder people group Topcoder people group is one of the realized stages to deal with Salesforce projects The venture will be posted in Topcoder and individuals can present their answers If your answer is chosen it will be granted by the sum in dollars Before winning your first undertaking you might have to vie for some tasks without winning any way you will get the hang of during that time Try not to think it s a trick read it yourself My companion and Salesforce MVP Kartik is additionally very notable and victor of different entries I m not giving its opinion of cake yet not feasible Your point isn t winning yet learning At first for freshers it is exceptionally intense yet you can see the code of different submitters and gain from them in case you can t think of an arrangement for learning salesforce administration Stackexchange Askforce IRC Community and Developer discussion Visit Stackexchange Salesforce people group and designer gathering every day and attempt to address questions On the off chance that you don t know the reply gain from others reply You would be astounded by the speed and detail of replies by donors It s like getting exceptional help from an administration liberated from cost If you can attempt to continue to screen the askforce hashtag on Twitter You can help and get a reply from here also There is an IRC channel accessible too assuming you need to utilize it in learning salesforce administrationSalesforce Developer and User gatherings There are week after week fortnightly and month to month gatherings in User gatherings and Developer bunches all around the world Attempt to see as the closest one and begin working together and contributing if conceivable Inspiration factorProcuring focuses and status by responding to inquiries on designer gathering stack trade and finishing trailhead identifications you can quantify yourself day by day or week by week premise More you work the more focus regard and perceivability will be procured CertificationsWhen you get sufficient experience and ability in Salesforce go for Salesforce Certifications Start with Admin and afterward Developer certification Update Curriculum VitaeWhenever you are known in the local area put a reference of your Stack trade designer gathering trailhead public profiles designer or client bunch name where you are part and donor The anticipated course of events There is no alternate way to progress It s not exceptionally simple but rather surely a great shot to attempt On the off chance that you as of now have a programming foundation it would take around months or months with practically no earlier programming information Consider the possibility that this doesn t work Information is power You will in any case learn HTML CSS JavaScript OOP and that information can be utilized in some other innovation work or even in site designing Keep in mind No Pain No Gain You want to invest every one of your amounts of energy to get a dream job |
2021-11-16 08:33:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Consuming a REST API in React with Axios |
Consuming a REST API in React with AxiosWelcome to last part of this series Here we ll be creating the frontend for the Notes application Familiarity with react is needed for this tutorial but you don t need to be an expert basic knowledge is good enough for you to follow and understand The first objective is to get the app up and running styling will be done at the end If you come across this part first you can check out part and We already handled the backend setup and development in those tutorials We ll continue from where we stopped in part so this would be easy to follow as well Let s get started Set up react application directoryNavigate to the frontend application directory cd frontendThere happens to be a lot of files in the frontend directory that we wont make use of in the react application public folderThe important file here is the index html file You can delete all other files here Don t forget to go inside the index html file to delete the links to the manifest json and logos You can keep the react favicon or change it to a favicon of your choice You can customise yours here src folderDelete all the files in the src folder except the index js file Then create two new folders components and css in the src folder Inside the components folder create the following files App jsx Notes jsx and List jsx and inside the css folder create the index css file The frontend directory should currently look like index jsRemove the webvitals import and the webvitals function at the end of the file as we wont be making use of them Since we have changed the location of the App jsx component we need to change the path of the App import to thisimport App from components App and that of the css import toimport css index css The index js file should look like import React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import css index css import App from components App ReactDOM render lt React StrictMode gt lt App gt lt React StrictMode gt document getElementById root To make requests to the API endpoints on the Django back end server we will need a JavaScript library called axios Axios is an HTTP client library that allows you to make requests to a given api endpoint you can find out more here First we ll install it using npm npm install axios package jsonNext open the package json file and add the proxy below the private true line so it ends up like name frontend version private true proxy http localhost This will make it possible for you to use relative paths when you are making the api requests Instead of making use of http localhost notes you can simply make us of notes Seems like a great idea right You ll see it in action shortly Now let s work on the component files List jsxLet s start with the List component We wont be doing much here yet we just need to simply declare and export the function function List return lt div className note gt lt div gt export default List Notes jsxFirst we import the required hooks useState and useEffect You can read more about react hooks here We also need to import axios and the List component we created above import useState useEffect from react import axios from axios import List from List useStateNext we create the Note function in which we will make use of the useState hook In the first line we declare the state variable as notes with an initial state of null The second line is to handle the state of the form data Here we declare the state variable as formNote with empty strings as its initial state function Note const notes setNewNotes useState null const formNote setFormNote useState title content Please note that every other function created below should be inside the Note function above useEffectWe ll also use the useEffect hook so that the getNotes function executes right after the render has been displayed on the screen useEffect gt getNotes To prevent the function from running in an infinite loop you can pass an empty array as a second argument This tells React that the effect doesn t depend on any values from props or state so it never needs to re run GET API functionfunction getNotes axios method GET url notes then response gt const data response data setNewNotes data catch error gt if error response console log error response console log error response status console log error response headers Here we are declaring the request method type as GET and then passing the relative path notes as the url If we had not added the proxy http localhost to the package json file We would need to declare the url here as http localhost notes I believe the method we used makes the code cleaner When the GET request is made with axios the data in the received response is assigned to the setNewNotes function and this updates the state variable notes with a new state Thus the value of the state variable changes from null to the data in the received response We also have the error handling function incase something goes wrong with the get request POST API functionfunction createNote event axios method POST url notes data title formNote title content formNote content then response gt getNotes setFormNote title content event preventDefault Here we are declaring the request method type as POST and then passing the relative path notes as the url We also have an additional field here data This will contain the data which we ll send to the backend for processing and storage in the database That is the data from the title and content inputs in the form When the POST request is made with axios we don t process the response remember that this was mentioned in part when we were setting up the POST api function we just use the response function to recall the getNotes function so that the previous notes can be displayed together with the newly added note After this we reset the form inputs to empty strings using the setFormNote function Then we also have to ensure that the form submission does not make the page reload so we add the event preventDefault function which prevents the default action of the form submission DELETE API functionfunction DeleteNote id axios method DELETE url notes id then response gt getNotes We create the function with an id parameter so that we can pass the id of the particular note which we want to delete as an argument later on When the DELETE request is made with axios we don t process the response as well we just use the response function to call the getNotes function so that the notes get method can get executed once again and we ll now see the remaining notes retrieved from the database form input changeWe need to ensure that the input is a controlled one so we handle the changes with the code below function handleChange event const value name event target setFormNote prevNote gt prevNote name value The function monitors every single change in the form inputs and updates delete where necessary Without this function you wont see what you are typing in the form input fields and the values of your input elements wont change as well We de structure event target to get the value and name then we use the spread syntax to retain the value of the previous input and finally we assign a new value to the particular input being worked on returnNow we return the React elements to be displayed as the output of the Note function return lt div className gt lt form className create note gt lt input onChange handleChange text formNote title name title placeholder Title value formNote title gt lt textarea onChange handleChange name content placeholder Take a note value formNote content gt lt button onClick createNote gt Create Post lt button gt lt form gt notes amp amp notes map note gt lt List key note id id note id title note title content note content deletion DeleteNote gt lt div gt In the form we add the input and text area elements Then we add the onChange event handler which calls the handleChange function when we make any change to the input fields Then in the next line where we render the List component we need to first confirm that at least one single note was retrieved from the database so that we don t pass null data to the List component If notes were actually retrieved with the GET function we pass the content of the data id title content and also the delete function to the List component Finally don t forget to export the Note component so it can be used in the App jsx file export default Note The Notes jsx file should currently look like import useState useEffect from react import axios from axios import List from List function Note const notes setNewNotes useState null const formNote setFormNote useState title content useEffect gt getNotes function getNotes axios method GET url notes then response gt const data response data setNewNotes data catch error gt if error response console log error response console log error response status console log error response headers function createNote event axios method POST url notes data title formNote title content formNote content then response gt getNotes setFormNote title content event preventDefault function DeleteNote id axios method DELETE url notes id then response gt getNotes function handleChange event const value name event target setFormNote prevNote gt prevNote name value return lt div className gt lt form className create note gt lt input onChange handleChange text formNote title name title placeholder Title value formNote title gt lt textarea onChange handleChange name content placeholder Take a note value formNote content gt lt button onClick createNote gt Create Post lt button gt lt form gt notes amp amp notes map note gt lt List key note id id note id title note title content note content deletion DeleteNote gt lt div gt export default Note List jsxNow we have to go back to the List jsx file to finish creating the List component function List props function handleClick props deletion props id return lt div className note gt lt h gt Title props title lt h gt lt p gt Content props content lt p gt lt button onClick handleClick gt Delete lt button gt lt div gt export default List Here we access the data sent from the Note function using props which gives us access to the title content and id of the note We pass the id to an onClick function which in turn calls the delete function in the Note function with id as the argument Note If you pass the delete function into the onClick function directly the delete function will run automatically and delete all your notes Solution to this is to pass the delete function into a function called by the onClick function just like we did above App jsxNow let us import the Note function into the App jsx file import Note from Notes function App return lt div className App gt lt Note gt lt div gt export default App To test the current state of the application run npm run buildthen return to the project directory that contains the manage py file cd Finally we run python manage py runserverHere is what the fully functional application looks like now StylingThe final part of this tutorial is to style the Notes application and make it end up looking like Return to the frontend directory cd frontend Material UI iconYou need to install material ui icon to get the icon Run npm install material ui icons Notes jsxImport AddIcon from the installed material ui icon package into the Notes componentimport AddIcon from material ui icons Add Next we want to make the text input and add button hidden until the text area input is clicked we ll use useState hooks once again to achieve this const isExpanded setExpanded useState false const rows setRows useState The first line displays or hides the text input and add button based on the state false or true Here we declare the state variable as isExpanded with an initial state of false so the text input and add button are hidden when the page is loaded The second line determines the height of the text area input Here we declare the state variable as rows with an initial state of function NoteShow setExpanded true setRows Next we create a new function Noteshow which get s called when the text area input is clicked Let s make the necessary changes to the form inputs as well lt form className create note gt isExpanded amp amp lt input onChange handleChange text formNote title name title placeholder Title value formNote title gt lt textarea onClick NoteShow onChange handleChange name content placeholder Take a note rows rows value formNote content gt isExpanded amp amp lt button onClick createNote gt lt AddIcon gt lt button gt lt form gt The isExpanded condition is added to the text input and button as explained earlier When the textarea input is clicked the NoteShow function is called and two things happen i the setExpanded function is called with the argument true which changes the state to true and then the hidden components are displayed ii the setRows function is called with the argument which changes the rows attribute of the textarea input to thus increasing the height of the textarea input Then we add the imported icon to the button Finally we add setExpanded false to the end of the createNote functionfunction createNote event axios method POST url notes data title formNote title content formNote content then response gt getNotes setFormNote title content setExpanded false event preventDefault so that upon submission of the form the text input and button both go back to their hidden state This is the final state of the Note jsx component import useState useEffect from react import axios from axios import List from List import AddIcon from material ui icons Add function Note const isExpanded setExpanded useState false const rows setRows useState const notes setNewNotes useState null const formNote setFormNote useState title content useEffect gt getNotes function getNotes axios method GET url notes then response gt const data response data setNewNotes data catch error gt if error response console log error response console log error response status console log error response headers function createNote event axios method POST url notes data title formNote title content formNote content then response gt getNotes setFormNote title content setExpanded false event preventDefault function DeleteNote id axios method DELETE url notes id then response gt getNotes function handleChange event const value name event target setFormNote prevNote gt prevNote name value function NoteShow setExpanded true setRows return lt div className gt lt form className create note gt isExpanded amp amp lt input onChange handleChange text formNote title name title placeholder Title value formNote title gt lt textarea onClick NoteShow onChange handleChange name content placeholder Take a note rows rows value formNote content gt isExpanded amp amp lt button onClick createNote gt lt AddIcon gt lt button gt lt form gt notes amp amp notes map note gt lt List key note id id note id title note title content note content deletion DeleteNote gt lt div gt export default Note Header jsxCreate a new component Header jsx in the components folder This will hold our header elements function Header return lt header gt lt h gt Notes lt h gt lt header gt export default Header Footer jsxCreate a new component Footer jsx in the components folder This will hold our footer elements function Footer const year new Date getFullYear return lt footer gt lt p gt Copyright ⓒ year lt p gt lt footer gt export default Footer Here we simply run the Date getFullYear method to get the year of the current date and pass it to the p element in our footer App jsxWe need to import the Header and Footer components into the App jsx file and then call them import Note from Notes import Header from Header import Footer from Footer function App return lt div className App gt lt Header gt lt Note gt lt Footer gt lt div gt export default App CSSHead over to the github repo for the css codes the classNames have already been included while we were building the application We have completed the development of the Notes Application with CREATE READ and DELETE functionalities You can explore and have fun with your application now To test it run npm run buildthen return to the project directory that contains the manage py file cd Finally we run python manage py runserverYou should see the new magic we just created Here is the link to the github repo for this project Cheers If you have any question feel free to drop it as a comment or send me a message on LinkedIn or Twitter and I ll ensure I respond as quick as I can Ciao |
2021-11-16 08:33:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Shared Hosting vs a Managed Server: Choosing the Right Way to Host Multiple Clients |
Shared Hosting vs a Managed Server Choosing the Right Way to Host Multiple ClientsWhen building web projects for clients as a freelancer or agency deciding how you host your projects is crucial The options on the market can seem staggering and even feel a bit overwhelming So I thought I d shed a little light on the two major types of managed hosting to answer one question Is hosting on individual shared hosting plans better than going with your own managed server To help me find an answer I reached out to IONOS Agency Partner Fachwerk Media As experts in webdesign they have years of experience hosting dozens of client projects and shared their knowledge with me for this post What s the key difference between shared hosting and managed servers Both approaches are managed solutions With both options you re sacrificing the flexibility provided by root access in exchange for the added convenience that comes with allowing your web host to take care of stack updates Most hosting providers use the same data center for both types of hosting products and choose similar quality hardware The key difference is that shared hosting plans as the name suggests share hardware with other websites whereas with a managed server you ll get your own dedicated hardware With a managed server hosting providers usually allow you to select your CPU model and how much RAM and or storage you need Shared hosting plans on the other hand come with a set amount of storage domains databases and mailboxes but processing power specifics are often lacking Does buying shared hosting plans for each client make sense Going with this approach means that you purchase a new shared hosting plan whenever you start a new client project Manuel Kling from Fachwerk Media reveals that this comes with the following pros and cons ProsIt s more secure since clients are virtually separated from each otherBuying a new plan for each client is cheaper ーespecially if you re just getting startedYou can individually manage project performance Some hosts like IONOS offer scalable performance levels that you can change daily depending on traffic Most web hosts require a plan change ConsThere s no performance guarantee If other websites located on the same hardware see traffic peaks your site s performance might be impacted You need to manage FTP access for each web hosting planSwitching between hosting contracts can be time consuming IONOS has built a free client management dashboard to make this easier Read more Should you rent your own managed server Having your own fully dedicated server located in a secure data center sounds good right Not so fast Let s take a look at the pros and cons ProsAll your projects share the same hosting account and FTP access and customer contractYou only need to instal CMS backup tools like Akeeba Solo just once for all your projectsYou know exactly how much performance you getYou decide how you share each server ーdepending on how you set up your server this may even save you money in the long term ConsIt s less secure because client folders are not physically or virtually separated This could also lead to mistakes if you navigate to the wrong folder You have to manage the server load yourself If one site s traffic goes through the roof your other sites might not get enough resources Also you don t have an out of the box solution for managing the performance of each project separately If you ve just started with your first client project as a freelancer renting a managed server can get expensive Managed servers from IONOS for example start in the range month Conclusion We use individual servers for multiple clients but it wasn t always this way In the beginning we didn t have all the possibilities that exist today Both approaches have their benefits and which one you choose depends on the particular situation Manuel Kling Co Founder of Fachwerk MediaWhen deciding on a hosting setup Manuel suggests first asking yourself these three questions Which is the best way to make sure that your projects get the right performance but still stay secure If you choose a hosting provider that can guarantee enough performance shared hosting is a good option If you feel comfortable estimating your own performance needs a managed server might be the better option Which workflow works best for you If managing all your projects with just one FTP access feels secure enough you can save time with a managed server since you don t have to switch hosting contracts or FTP access If your web host offers good multi client tooling shared hosting is also a good option Which setup is the better for business Having your own server sounds awesome but it comes at a price So if you ve already got a lot of client projects lined up a managed server can be a great long term investment For those just starting out in the industry and looking to cut initial costs shared hosting is the more affordable choice |
2021-11-16 08:31:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
code every day with me |
code every day with me DAY Hi I am going to make DaysOfCode Challenge Everyday I will try solve problem from leetcode or hackerrank Hope you can go with me until end Now let s solve problem today Problem Climbing the LeaderboardDetail hereIdea Remove the duplicate number of rankedBecause player array was sorted we will find the rank from bottom to top by traversing from tail to head of arrayMy solution javascript function climbingLeaderboard ranked player ranked new Set ranked let ans i ranked length for let score of player while i gt if score lt ranked i ans push i break i if i lt ans push return ans gt If you have better solution or any question please comment below I will appreciate |
2021-11-16 08:24:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How Web Scraping is Used to Scrape Reviews from TripAdvisor? |
How Web Scraping is Used to Scrape Reviews from TripAdvisor TripAdvisor reviews provide a wealth of information on airline and hotel costs that might help you grow your business It also contains a wealth of information about major travel locations hotels and restaurants You can use web scraping to automatically collect information from TripAdvisor reviews if you want to extract and use all of this information Web scraping is the act of employing automated bots to collect data from a website s HTML version and delivering it in Excel or CSV format so you can process analyze and utilize it Data scraping reviews from TripAdvisor is the most effective data collection approach currently accessible and it will considerably improve your capacity to synthesis organize and analyze existing patterns in the hospitality business Why TripAdvisor Reviews are Necessary why tripadvisor reviews are necessaryHow many TripAdvisor reviews are there TripAdvisor has nearly million reviews on hotels lodgings and other services as of As a result TripAdvisor evaluations may provide a wealth of information regarding flights facilities experiences and other topics allowing users to Learn more about the most popular and least popular tourist attractions in a given location Get in depth information on travel places Avoid making classic tourist blunders or falling into tourist traps Learn about new places lodgings and activities For example if you want to get out of Seattle for the weekend scraping can help you figure out which adjacent city is the cheapest Similarly scraping can be used to identify and avoid common blunders made by tourists while seeing a given location If you re a travel and tourist company you should also check at TripAdvisor reviews because it will help you Recognize the reputation of your travel facility and look for ways to improve it Whether you run a winery tour a bed and breakfast a motel or a hotel TripAdvisor review data will offer you an idea of how the public perceives your establishment Understand the current developments in the travel business and how you can keep up and differentiate yourself from your competitors How Does Web Scraping Assists in Fetching Information from TripAdvisor Reviews how does web scraping assist in fetching information from tripadvisor reviewsScraping is the most effective method for gaining access to and making use of the huge amount of data included in TripAdvisor evaluations A scraper can assist you in gathering and transferring data into a spreadsheet for analysis and review Previously you d have to manually enter the various parameters into a spreadsheet after reading each TripAdvisor review For example you might make a note in your Excel sheet after reading the TripAdvisor review below It s a perfect five star rating On February it was re evaluated It was sent from a mobile phone In February the author visited this location This review was beneficial to one person You won t have to take as many thorough notes for each review if you scrape You can evaluate which reviews were useful to others and filter your search results to specific regions or facilities you re looking for with just a few clicks Scraping for nightly prices for example can help you uncover the greatest deals for various rental houses You can also use scraping to sort reviews by author and date Scraping Reviews from TripAdvisor Using an APIscraping reviews from tripadvisor using an apiInstead of manually entering each website you want to scrape an API will allow you to scrape through them in real time An API is a programming network that allows several computer programs and allows them to exchange data without revealing the code that underpins each data transfer An API enables you to construct a data funnel from your scraping program to the API to your data analytics software or database without any manual input by allowing data to be transferred from one software to another APIs also enable you to extract and multiple data categories so you don t have to trawl through a lot of information in your database This is how you can discover your TripAdvisor reviews and how you may acquire the latest TripAdvisor reviews Even if you aren t at your computer you can use code to control your API to send commands to your scraping software to extract certain categories of data from the pages you desire This will enable you to keep statistics on constantly changing datasets such as stock market values Although APIs appear to be complicated collecting TripAdvisor reviews with one can be a straightforward process Here s what you need to do to get started Get your web scraping software and install it Before you install the software make sure you understand the documentation However certain APIs such as the Foodspark API is browser based and do not require installation Go to the website you wish to scrape and enter the URL Make a note of the URL In the program paste the URL Within seconds you ll have the complete HTML output For distinct HTML components on a page most web scraping program have an extraction sequence Most scraping technologies for example extract the text first Other extractable categories such as Inner HTML Class Attribute JSON object Captcha href attribute and complete HTML are available after that The categories available are dependent on the web scraping tool you re using so make sure you ve chosen the proper one for your needs After pressing the run button Foodspark s API simplifies the procedure by returning all HTML categories You can then export the data to your favorite analysis application such as XLSTAT GraphPad or SPSS after obtaining the whole result How to Scrape TripAdvisor Reviews using an HTML Module how to scrape tripadvisor reviews using an html moduleAlthough knowing how to code is strongly encouraged before using APIs if you don t know how to code you can still extract TripAdvisor reviews with Foodspark s pre built HTML module To begin scraping with this HTML module follow these steps Visit Foodspark s HTML scraper to grab any HTML data from any website Copy and paste the URL of the page you want to scrape into the URL area Paste CSS selectors into the CSS selector field to find elements to extract Paste your XPath into the XPath field You can use XPath to compute values and extract notes from an HTML document Experiment with XPath expressions to extract data from the web After checking I m not a robot press the start scraping button The HTML versions of the URLs you pasted should now be available in CSV format This HTML scraper like Foodspark API allows you to collect all types of HTML data You may either download the CSV file or directly export it to your database Which are The Other Methods of Scraping TripAdvisor Reviews which are the other methods of scraping tripadvisor reviewsIf the aforementioned methods aren t working for you scroll down to the Contact area and submit customized work to Foodspark Final Words For both customers and businesses TripAdvisor reviews are a terrific place to start Scraping reviews as a consumer will assist you in planning the perfect trip and avoiding frequent blunders If you re a travel agency or facility data gleaned from TripAdvisor evaluations will help you understand what customers want allowing you to compete head to head with your competitors Although it may appear tough to understand how to scrape TripAdvisor reviews it is pretty simple if you use Foodspark s browser based API and HTML Scraper Most scraping programs collect different types of HTML data and require downloading but Foodspark s API and HTML Scraper allow you to collect all types of HTML data from any website and populate your database using a data funnel Both tools will save you a lot of time and effort while assisting you in the arrangement manipulation and organization of data Looking to Scrape Reviews from TripAdvisor Contact Foodspark now Request a Quote |
2021-11-16 08:15:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
javascript - Everything you always wanted to know about localStorage (but you were afraid to ask) |
javascript Everything you always wanted to know about localStorage but you were afraid to ask What is the localStorage The localStorage is a read only property of the window interface that allows us to access the Storage for the Document origin aka the browser It let us save key value pairs on the user browser This was introduced on HTML and everything it s stored as a String but I will show you how to save JSON objects localStorage vs sessionStorageThe difference between localStorage and sessionStorage it s the expiration date the localStorage data will persist until We delete the data User clears the browser data localStorage data won t persist if the user is using incognito or private browsing sessionStorage data gets expired each time the page it s reloaded How to write on localStorageData on localStorage is stored as key value pairs and must always be String It s also possible to store and retrieve JSON objects with a little workaround The function responsible for writing on the localStorage is the setItem function Example Saving user access tokenlocalStorage setItem token ksjakdkaugdkaimjbdjay We can check that the informations has been saved by opening the console f and checking the application tab under Local Storage Storing objectsIn this case I m saving the personal access token from a user but what if I have to store an object with the user s details Let s try it We define an Object const user name John surname Connor id Try to store the Object localStorage setItem user user And now check the application tab Well it has stored something but the content it s not accessible so it s useless and if this was an API response we would have lost the response So how can we store objects in localStorage Though localStorage works only with strings so we can make it work transforming the object to a String We define an Object const user name John surname Connor id Transform the Object to String const userString JSON stringify user Store the object localStorage setItem user userString We can check it on the application tab The information is there and more important accessible How to read localStorage dataTo read the localStorage data we use the getItem function and we need to know the key that keeps the data Example Reading user access token from localStorageconst token localStorage getItem token console log token Reding objectsNow let s retrieve the object we stored earlier using the same getItem function const user localStorage getItem user console log Welcome user name user surname We read the localStorage and try to console log a greeting message using the object s name and surname properties on console and this is what we get The console is returning undefined for the name and surname Why because what we stored is not an object it is a String To read objects from localStorage we need to transform it from String to Object Let s try again Reading the object as stringlet user localStorage getItem user Parsing the string to Objectuser JSON parse user Now we can access the object properties console log Welcome user name user surname How to find all localStorage keysWe can get an array with all the keys using Object keys const keys Object keys localStorage console log keys How to remove dataTo remove data from localStorage we have options Delete one itemWe can use the function removeItem Example localStorage removeItem token We can see that the token is no longer on the localStorage Delete all itemsWe can use the function clear to delete all existing items Example localStorage clear Drawbacks of localStorageAs I showed localStorage it s very easy to use and that can lead us to misuses Don t store too much data on it as it has just MB per domain All data is easily accessible for the user and any script running on the page and that makes it insecure So don t store sensitive information Don t be tempted to use it as a substitute for a database |
2021-11-16 08:12:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Do content management systems actually serve their users? |
Do content management systems actually serve their users Sometimes it feels like the Internet is growing faster than the universe is expanding During the global COVID pandemic businesses that had never even considered how to operate online were forced into the digital world to survive More than ever hobbyists bloggers and solo entrepreneurs are creating websites to compete for attention in a noisy world With this proliferation of new websites it may be an opportune time to ask Are our content management systems actually serving these ever expanding needs Maybe they re not It often seems like CMS platforms have been busy chasing trends rather than focusing on solving the problems of specific types of users This is especially true in the open source world In this post we will look at the origins of modern content management systems their technical challenges and their evolutions The post will conclude by exploring what CMS platforms might be able to do to better serve their users in the future From humble beginningsMany of the major open source content management systems were built in the early s The digital landscape looked very different than it does today Easy to use visual website builders like Squarespace hadn t yet become household names Social media hadn t yet gained its foothold If you wanted to share your ideas online installing a PHP website builder on shared hosting might be the most practical option Countless open source projects like b cafelog empowered non technical users to build personal blogs As b cafelog evolved into WordPress it transformed into a full blown content management solution with a theming system plugins custom post types a REST API and visual page builder WordPress s expanding feature set led to increased developer adoption Yet many of the features that made platforms like WordPress practical for non technical users became major pain points for developers UI driven plugin updates could break websites Configuration that was stored in the database made it hard to keep development and production environments in sync Custom fields most often implemented with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin had UI driven configuration that also must somehow be kept in sync between production and live sites WordPress s legacyWordPress was designed to empower non technical users to manage a website almost entirely through the UI on a single stateful server The inexpensive virtual private servers of today didn t exist when it was released in Nor did object storage or affordable managed databases Continuous delivery pipelines weren t in the psyche of developers after all Git wouldn t even be invented for another years Because of this the UI driven configuration paradigm is at the heart of WordPress It often must be carefully sidestepped when using the CMS to build heavily customized sites Having so many features built into WordPress can create a heavy mental burden for non technical site administrators who manage hyper customized sites WordPress s menu builder was built before mega menus became a design standard Sure it s possible to download a mega menu plugin but this often creates confusion for administrators who have items on their admin sidebar and multiple screens to configure menus Custom themes often use custom queries in their templates that have the number of results hardcoded which can create a confusing experience when a site admin tries to change the Blog pages show at most setting Changing the permalink settings can wipe out a site s SEO and break every link to the site Many of these sharp edges can t be removed from WordPress Other built in features come with considerable security risks and potential to leak sensitive data While it s possible to password protect a post the title of the post may still show up in the search results I ve seen newsworthy information accidentally exposed in the titles of protected posts A knee jerk solution would be to make sure that there are no search boxes on the site but you can search a WordPress site by tacking s to the end of a site s domain like A site admin may think that their identity is protected because their author information isn t displayed on a single post page template However it can still be displayed on the archive page RSS feed or in the REST API Leaked author information has the potential to cost the lives of activists who post anonymously in oppressive countries Yet most users are unaware that their content management system is leaking so much data While content management systems like WordPress and Drupal were built with decade old architectures and assumptions the Internet was evolving around them Powerful JavaScript UI frameworks like Angular React and Vue were starting to take hold The age of JavaScriptJavaScript s origin is a peculiarity amongst programming languages In the height of the browser wars both Netscape and Internet Explorer were adding features at a rapid rate in the battle to win users In Netscape decided to build a lightweight scripting language as another weapon in their arsenal They tasked Brendan Eich to build a scripting language for the browser in ten days What Eich created in his day sprint was an unholy amalgamation of esoteric languages like Self and Scheme that used Java like syntax Netscape named the monstrosity JavaScript hoping to capitalize on Java s hype Not to be outdone Internet Explorer implemented JavaScript in their own browser Despite the language being a half baked project that was thrown together in ten days it became a pre packaged feature of all major browsers moving forward Because of this JavaScript became one of the most popular languages in the world And the web was growing Application developers started to recognize the benefits of building for the web platform Targeting the browser meant you could build and distribute applications without needing to worry about the underlying operating system The proliferation of social media platforms like Facebook led to a need for more powerful tools for managing interactivity Building JavaScript based tools despite the language s hairball nature was basically the only choice UI Frameworks like Angular React and Vue began to dominate the web A server side implementation of JavaScript called Node js was created and Node Package Manager contained packages for everything from web servers to Sass compilation Over the course of a few years JavaScript seemed to take over the world The headless CMS experimentOpen source content management systems like WordPress and Drupal took notice of JavaScript s meteoric rise Both developed REST APIs for their respective platforms Leaders in these communities started promoting the idea of a headless CMS where the CMS would only be responsible for storing and retrieving data The HTML markup could then be rendered by JavaScript on the front end You could even go as far as to build a completely new admin experience on top of the platforms that would smooth out their rough edges This push was embodied by WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg s State of the Word speech where his parting call to action was learn JavaScript deeply The race began to rebuild the Internet with the day scripting language A whole ecosystem soon emerged around headless content management systems with proprietary and open source tools being created at a rapid rate But cracks in the headless CMS dream quickly became apparent Tooling for building client rendered JavaScript apps was too complicated for most developers to implement themselves User experience issues that were normally handled by the browser such as loading and error states needed to be reimplemented from scratch in JavaScript front ends And foregoing server rendering negatively impacted SEO and initial load times Server rendered frameworks like Next js were created to ease the SEO impacts of client rendered pages but using them meant setting up and running a Node server alongside the CMS and keeping the two applications in sync And even with Next s optimizations and SEO benefits loading Next JS pages on low end Android devices dramatically increased load times and deteriorated the user experience Some developers were determined to keep the headless CMS dream alive and concocted the JAMstack a methodology for building websites where all of the pages are pre rendered to HTML JAMstack frameworks like Gatsby js could pull all of a site s content using a CMS s REST API then pre render every page as an HTML file While this is an interesting approach that improves initial page load times it meant that any change to a site would need to trigger a rebuild that could take several minutes Ultimately the JAMstack failed to gain the adoption necessary to realize the dream of headless content management systems Despite Mullenweg s rallying call to learn JavaScript deeply relatively few development teams use a headless CMS in production because of the enormously increased complexity and questionable benefits GutenbergWhile development complexity exploded with headless content management systems proprietary platforms like Squarespace and Webflow created powerful visual page builders targeted at non technical users These tools allowed those with about a month to manage fully modern websites without the substantial overhead of learning WordPress Drupal or a front end JavaScript framework WordPress has long had third party plugins that enabled page builder capabilities but the WordPress team decided to bring the functionality into the platform s core They built a page builder called Gutenburg Years after Gutenberg s release its success has been mixed at best The page builder doesn t show what the actual page will look like it s a rough approximation Once a component has been added to the page its template can t be changed programmatically because its markup is generated on the client then saved to the database Server rendered blocks that enable programmatic markup changes are possible but they re strongly discouraged by the Gutenberg team The blessed path for building your own custom blocks is using React JS which is a dramatic departure from the way that most WordPress sites are developed Despite Mullenweg s rallying call to learn JavaScript deeply most WordPress developers did not That s not to say WordPress s push toward JS was a total loss plugin developers build Gutenberg blocks and leverage the REST API But much of this functionality is inaccessible to a large proportion of WordPress developers JavaScript s unusual langue quirks configuration heavy tooling and ever changing ecosystem kept it out of reach Drupal a story of rearchitecting a CMSAfter revisiting the past decade of content management it seems like the best course of action for open source CMS platforms may have been to simply focus on bringing their platforms up to date with modern development practices That s exactly what Drupal did for its version release Drupal replaced its legacy procedural code with object oriented code and it replaced many of its core components with components from the Symfony framework It began implementing modern package management with Composer The hope was that by leveraging tools from the greater software development ecosystem it could reduce the amount of Drupal specific knowledge needed to build websites and encourage more developers to adopt the CMS As you may have expected the results were mixed Drupal s Symfony components added complexity beyond what many developers were willing to tolerate to build content driven websites Many important Drupal packages took years to migrate their code from Drupal to Drupal Updates to Drupal were split between the UI and PHP s package manager forcing admins to upgrade in two places Many organizations chose to rebuild their Drupal sites in WordPress rather than incur the cost of the upgrade to Drupal In his address to DrupalCon North America Drupal creator Dries Buytaert reflected on the history of Drupal and why users originally fell in love with the CMS As he asked the community he found a common thread people fell in love with Drupal because it empowered less technical site builders to do ambitious things through the UI He recognized that while Drupal s modernization efforts brought significant advantages they disempowered the platform s less technical users The state of content management systemsContent management systems are in a peculiar place Open source platforms like WordPress are still compelling options for individual users to make a blog or build a small website But as custom development platforms they tend to suffer from enormous complexity The causes of this are numerous ranging from legacy procedural code to usage of dense modern frameworks It can be caused by build steps and distributed architecture It can be caused by an administrative interface that lets non technical users break their site with the click of a button It can be caused by an impedance mismatch between what the tool was built to accomplish and what users actually want to accomplish with it Proprietary systems like Webflow and Squarespace offer a much simpler and more administrator friendly experience but it comes at the cost of lock in and a limited ability to add custom functionality The root of the problem may be that we have too few tools that are trying to be too many things to too many people WordPress currently powers of the sites on the Internet These include Fortune company websites local restaurant sites and health food blogs The people building these sites include top tier development teams freelance developers designers who drag and drop sites together and bloggers who don t even know they can change the theme It s hard to imagine that this single content management system could be perfectly ideal for all of these types of sites much less all of the types of people who build them Drupal and others have also had the same struggle of providing the best experience to all of their different types of users If the problem is that content management systems are trying to be too many things to too many people the solution may be to disentangle them from this responsibility We can do this by building more CMS platforms that cater to more narrow use cases Webflow has done a great job of this by creating a visual content management system that caters almost exclusively to designers I d like to see simple CMS platforms geared towards the design illiterate and others geared towards non technical bloggers I d like to see content management systems that allow configuration to be committed to code and have a better ability to opt in to features instead of forcing developers to opt out There s more work to be done here ForwardToday people building websites have more focused needs than general purpose platforms are able to support Years of effort was wasted experimenting with modern architectures that may have unnecessarily complicated the development process But there is enormous potential If developers can focus that same engineering effort into building platforms that solve narrower sets of problems for specific types of users the future of content management will be brighter than it s ever been |
2021-11-16 08:05:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Budibase is live on Product Hunt and out of beta |
Budibase is live on Product Hunt and out of betaBudibase is an open source low code platform for creating beautiful business apps in minutes Here is a link to the Product Hunt post if you are interested in checking out our new promo video graphics and comments Feedback support appreciated Visit Budibase on Product HuntAlso Budibase is now out of beta You can get started with Budibase in just a few seconds Visit website |
2021-11-16 08:02:46 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Roku's new $15 LE streaming stick will be a Walmart exclusive for Black Friday |
Roku x s new LE streaming stick will be a Walmart exclusive for Black FridayRoku has unveiled the new Roku LE streaming stick that will go on sale for at Walmart exclusively ーbut only during Black Friday sales Roku is discounting other devices non exclusively as well selling the Roku Streaming Stick K for off the Roku Premiere for off and the Roku Streaming Stick for off It s also offering the highly rated Roku Streambar for or off the regular price nbsp The Roku LE is an IR controlled p HDMI connected streaming player with an included HDMI cable according to Roku It s obviously a cheap way to get into streaming Netflix Prime Video Roku s own Channel and other services It will be available at Walmart online starting on November th and in store on November th quot while supplies last quot the company said There s no word yet on the price once sales are over The other deals which are more interesting for serious streamers will be available at various retailers between November th and December th yes Black Friday is more like Black Fortnight these days If you re looking for cheap content the company is also selling its Roku Channel with more than premium channels for for the first two months nbsp |
2021-11-16 08:27:30 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
テセントリク点滴静注の使用上の注意を改訂-厚労省が指示 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-11-16 17:45:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
突発災害時にもコロナ自宅療養者の避難先確保を-長野県が地域防災計画修正案を公表 |
地域防災計画 |
2021-11-16 17:10:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]改善報告書の徴求及び公表措置:OKK(株) |
東証 |
2021-11-16 17:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Biden-Xi talks focus on managing intensifying U.S.-China rivalry |
Biden Xi talks focus on managing intensifying U S China rivalryAlthough no major breakthroughs were announced the White House said the two leaders had discussed “the importance of managing competition responsibly |
2021-11-16 17:40:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool bomb: Four freed as suspect killed in blast named |
progress |
2021-11-16 08:04:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: NHS under pressure and Sturgeon to decide on restrictions |
coronavirus |
2021-11-16 08:07:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Biden-Xi talks: China warns US about 'playing with fire' on Taiwan |
taiwan |
2021-11-16 08:09:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Standards reform reversal bid blocked by Tory MP |
commons |
2021-11-16 08:06:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tory MP accuses PM's father Stanley Johnson of inappropriate touching |
father |
2021-11-16 08:33:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
I'm A Celebrity 2021: Richard Madeley and Louise Minchin lead line-up |
wales |
2021-11-16 08:54:40 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
馬毛島入札で防衛省に抗議 鹿児島・西之表市長「地元軽視」 |
八板俊輔 |
2021-11-16 17:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
昭和新山国際雪合戦中止に 代わりに小規模大会実施 壮瞥 |
昭和新山 |
2021-11-16 17:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
巨人が秋季練習スタート 小笠原ら新任コーチも参加 |
秋季練習 |
2021-11-16 17:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
伊藤美誠「全員と決着つける」 世界卓球へ代表出発 |
世界卓球 |
2021-11-16 17:02:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「百花繚乱パッションワールド」が超大型アップデートを実施、新たなシステムやコンテンツを追加 |
大型アップデート |
2021-11-16 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
エイシング、機械への搭載後も学習できるコンパクトな異常検知アルゴリズム「MSAT++」を発表 |
異常検知 |
2021-11-16 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ダイアモンドヘッド、ワンセグ視聴もできるポータブルナビ「OVER TIME 9インチ ワンセグ ポータブルナビ OT-N97K」を発売 |
overtime |
2021-11-16 17:30:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
「女性活躍推進支持せず」「フェミニスト嫌い」若年男性の4割 電通調査 |
女性活躍推進 |
2021-11-16 08:55:08 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
「くらしのマーケット」、サービスの多様さをアピールできる動画を募集/BOVA 2022 |
2021-11-16 08:12:10 |