Engadget Japanese |
アップル、従業員に労働条件や給与を話し合う権利を認めたとの報道 |
労働条件 |
2021-11-22 04:30:52 |
ロボスタ |
ロボカップにドローン競技が初登場!RCAP2021「フライングロボットチャレンジ」のルールと魅力を大同大学 橋口先生が解説 |
大同大学 |
2021-11-22 04:37:09 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] OracleのIaaS向けAIサービス群、日本でも提供へ テキスト分析や音声認識など6種類 |
cloudinfrastructureai |
2021-11-22 13:37:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 睡眠の質を計測するベッド、アテックスが発売 電動リクライニング付きで8万8000円 |
見える化 |
2021-11-22 13:25:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 非売品のKADOKAWA社史、無償配布 「読みたい」という多くの声受け 電子版を11月30日まで |
期間限定 |
2021-11-22 13:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] デリバリーサービス「Wolt」、札幌市のスーパーと提携 利便性向上を狙う |
itmedia |
2021-11-22 13:16:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 「BALMUDA Phone」は日本のスマホ市場に一石を投じる?/各キャリアの5Gエリアのポリシー |
balmudaphone |
2021-11-22 13:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] キオクシア、PCIe 4.0対応のパーソナル向けM.2 NVMe SSD「EXCERIA PRO SSD」シリーズを提供開始 |
exceriaprossd |
2021-11-22 13:06:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
NECグループが「Smart Work 2.0」を発表、部門オフィス半減、週休3日選択制、12万人のVDIなど | IT Leaders |
NECグループが「SmartWork」を発表、部門オフィス半減、週休日選択制、万人のVDIなどITLeadersNECは年月日、NECグループの働き方改革「SmartWork」を発表した。 |
2021-11-22 13:26:00 |
Google |
Google Developer Japan Blog |
Payment Request API で "basic-card" 支払い方法の提供が終了 |
PaymentRequestAPIでbasiccard支払いハンドラを使用している場合は、この支払いハンドラをできるだけ早く削除して、GooglePayやSamsungPayなどの代替支払い方法を使用することをおすすめします。 |
2021-11-22 13:30:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AWS cloud9 カーソル 文字削除時には全角で消えてしまう件について |
AWScloudカーソル文字削除時には全角で消えてしまう件について上記のバグを直したい半角時、入力一つに対して削除は半角つ分、全角時、入力一つに対して削除はつ分消えてしまい困っています。 |
2021-11-22 13:58:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
typescript 同ファイル内のexport default内にある関数の呼び出し方 |
typescript同ファイル内のexportdefault内にある関数の呼び出し方前提・実現したいことtypescript初心者です。 |
2021-11-22 13:41:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ORACLE PLS-00306: 'FUNCTION名'の呼出しで、引数の数または型が正しくありません。 |
ORACLEPLSxFUNCTION名xの呼出しで、引数の数または型が正しくありません。 |
2021-11-22 13:33:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptで、文字列を一文字づつで分けて配列に分けたいです。 |
Pythonでは、文字列を一文字づつでリストにしてfor文で処理していました。 |
2021-11-22 13:26:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
swiftでユーザーが選択した画像を表示したい。 |
swiftでユーザーが選択した画像を表示したい。 |
2021-11-22 13:24:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JQueryのイベントが発火しない |
JQueryのイベントが発火しない前提・実現したいこと投稿機能にancestryを用いたカテゴリー機能を実装投稿に失敗し、カテゴリーを選び直したら以下のようなエラーが発生しました。 |
2021-11-22 13:20:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
構造体を用いて複素数の掛け算を表したいです。 |
構造体を用いて複素数の掛け算を表したいです。 |
2021-11-22 13:19:47 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ドシロウトでも自分専用ディストリビューションを作りたかった |
自分が要らないアプリをインストールしたくない自分専用ディストリビューションを作った気分になりたいざっくり、どうやって作ったのかざっくりとした作成方法は、動画にしています。 |
2021-11-22 13:14:19 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[書評]「DXを成功に導くクラウド活用推進ガイド CCoEベストプラクティス」はクラウド推進のバイブル #CCoE |
良書 |
2021-11-22 04:40:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Infer in TypeScript, the Great and Powerful |
Infer in TypeScript the Great and PowerfulLet s talk about the infer keyword in TypeScript I believe there re a lot of developers who ve been confused about infer When should I use it How it works What is the purpose Let s start with something easier The next cases will help us to understand the concept of infer Ok look at the piece of code let a TypeScript infers a type quite smoothly ーit s a number This fact allows developers to not write such types everywhere TypeScript takes care of it By the way where will be another type in case of const usage Try it by yourself I m waiting for your explanation in the comments This is a small interactive with a reader Ok we ve just found out TypeScript is pretty smart If a value corresponds to a specific condition TS can make a decision about its type Something like this if typeof a number return number else return What does mean Meet the never type Looks quite useless who d like to use it In TypeScript never is treated as the no value type Do we have any functions which do not return a value undefined is a correct value By the way we can create such function For example function foo throw new Error error Check out the return type of foo Actually the never type is not so useless Let s come back to that example with number We can use never in the else condition if typeof a number return number else return never ortypeof a number number never Of course where is no such code in TypeScript s codebase It s just a model how TypeScript works And there is an equivalent for if else in TypeScript I m talking about the extends keyword type NumberFromType lt T gt T extends number number never Hm there is something new ー lt T gt Let s think about it like it is a box for a type T can be any type We will put the type into that box as soon as it will be defined anywhere in your statement The classic example function test lt T gt x T T return x test If you call it like test TypeScript will defined T as number cause x was number This is quite simple explanation I know But it s enough right now Ok we can moving on Let s come back to NumberFromType T extends number means that it s safe to assume that a value of type T is also of type number For example extends number because let a number is type safe Hm what happens if we pass a string into NumberFromType lt T gt type A NumberFromType lt gt It will be treated like this type NumberFromType lt gt extends number number never As a result there will be never in the type A cause string is not extended from number But what if we need to work with strings too We can put one condition into another Something like this type StringOrNumberFromType lt T gt T extends string string T extends number number neverAnd voila it works for strings and numbers So you can go deeper and put more conditions there for each of type The infer keywordFinally we are ready for infer First of the infer keyword can be used in conditional types only And there is a really simple explanation ーyou can not use it anywhere else This keyword doesn t have any meanings outside of a conditional type Ok let s try to pass an array of numbers into NumberFromType The result is never obviously An array of numbers is not extended from number But what if we need to get a type of an array item It can be something like this type ArrayItemType lt T gt T extends What should go next in that statement We need to check that T is an array type ArrayItemType lt T gt T extends never I ve just finished the condition like it was in NumberFromType But the main question is not resolved cause we need a type of the array s item By the way we can write a type for array of numbers like number or Array lt number gt Any other type can be inside lt gt braces So our condition can be written in a such way type ArrayItemType lt T gt T extends Array lt ITEM TYPE gt ITEM TYPE never Ok it s much better But ITEM TYPE is not defined It has not been inferred yet Yes we need TypeScript to infer the type We can ask TypeScript to do it type ArrayItemType lt T gt T extends Array lt infer ITEM TYPE gt ITEM TYPE never It means if T is extended from an Array type so TypeScript it would be really kind of you if you will infer the type of T s item and will return it as a result In general we can say that the infer keyword and conditional typing in TypeScript allows us to take a type and isolate any piece of it for a later usage There are some real life examples Unpromisifyexport type Unpromisify lt T gt T extends Promise lt infer Result gt Result never As it follows from its name Unpromisify lt T gt returns a Promise s result By the way if you use TypeScript or higher you can use the built in type Awaited There are some examples with Awaited on typescriptlang org ComponentPropsIn React we often need to access prop types of a component To do that React offers a utility type for accessing prop types powered by the infer keyword called ComponentProps You can find the full definition in DefinitelyTyped repository type ComponentProps lt T extends keyof JSX IntrinsicElements JSXElementConstructor lt any gt gt T extends JSXElementConstructor lt infer P gt P T extends keyof JSX IntrinsicElements JSX IntrinsicElements T After checking that T is a React component T extends keyof JSX IntrinsicElements JSXElementConstructor lt any gt it infers its props and returns them T extends JSXElementConstructor lt infer P gt P And the tail is about a simple React Element ConclusionThe infer keyword is a powerful tool that allows us to unwrap and store types from any complex type It is like a type unboxing So there is no any mystery behind this keyword If you want challenge your TypeScript skills I d like to recommend you type challenges And I m pretty sure this post will be really useful Enjoy |
2021-11-22 04:46:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JavaScript Tips to Improve Your Webpage Performance |
JavaScript Tips to Improve Your Webpage PerformanceOne of the most important things when you re building a website is ensuring its good performance When people visit your webpage they don t want to wait for minutes until the page and all the images load In a survey it was found that of visitors expect a website to load in less than seconds and of visitors leave the website if it takes more than seconds to load Many sites are built on JavaScript and improving performance isn t one of the easiest tasks However I ll show you some effective ways to do it Local VariablesWhenever you call a certain function the variables that are used to define that function are stored inside Variables can be categorized into two types Local variables Variables that are defined only within themselves Global variables Variables that are used throughout the script At the time when you re calling a function the browser does an activity that is termed as scope lookup With the increase in the number of scopes in the scope chain there s also an increase in the amount of time taken to access variables that are outside the current scope That s the reason why an engine takes a long time to access a global variable as compared to a local variable This means that if you define most of the variables locally then there will be a rapid decrease in the time required by the engine to search them Hence it will boost the overall speed of the application WebpackWhen the size of your file increases by adding new JavaScript modules or scripts respectively your code just gets slower and slower Webpack is an open source JavaScript module bundler It is made primarily for JavaScript Webpack creates the dependency graph using the existing module Webpack explores the packages and creates a new package with a minimum number of files that are required to run the application LocationOne of the simplest and easiest ways to improve your performance is to move your JavaScript code to the bottom of the page Because when your page first loads it needs texts images etc and only then will it need to execute the JavaScript code Gzip CompressionJavaScript files can be very large and that may impact the loading time of your website Gzip is a software that can be used to compress your JavaScript file When a browser requests a resource the server compresses the response before sending it to the web browser This software reduces the size of the JavaScript file saves bandwidth and accelerates the performance of the website JavaScript Cache APIThe second method to increase the performance of your site is to use cache in your browser When your browser launches your code it repeatedly opens the same script again If you use your cache right it will open the already saved script the next time and the performance will improve immediately Acces to DOMThe DOM Document Object Model is an object oriented representation of the web page which can be modified with a scripting language such as JavaScript The browser has to refresh the page whenever you interact with the DOM outside the JavaScript native environment It s good to keep DOM access to a minimum or in your web application ConclusionI tried to find the best ways to improve the performance of your webpage with JavaScript tips I ve been using some of these myself for over a year And I just want you to remember that people love it when there are no lags and bugs on the webpage they re opening And this too is an important thing |
2021-11-22 04:45:16 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
コロナ拡大による健康への影響「ストレス」が最多-東京都が「健康に関する世論調査」の結果公表 |
世論調査 |
2021-11-22 14:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ESG関連ファンドの動向~一過性の投資テーマで終わらないために大切なことは~ |
ESG関連ファンドの動向一過性の投資テーマで終わらないために大切なことは要旨環境・社会・ガバナンスESGを意識した運用を行っている投資信託ESG関連ファンドが、個人投資家が中心の投信市場でも注目を集めている。 |
2021-11-22 13:54:27 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
実質輸出入の動向 |
輸出入 |
2021-11-22 14:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Waukesha: Fatalities after car ploughs into Wisconsin parade |
waukesha |
2021-11-22 04:26:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Australia to ease border ban on some foreign citizens |
koreans |
2021-11-22 04:25:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Matt Doran: Australian TV host sorry for bungle that sank Adele interview |
album |
2021-11-22 04:05:19 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【NISA口座】みんなが買っている人気の銘柄は? 2021年11/15~11/19までにSBI証券で買われた 国内株式の買付金額ランキングを大公開! - NISAで人気の株・投資信託ランキング |
2021-11-22 13:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米中で卓球の混合ダブルスペア ピンポン外交50年を記念 |
混合ダブルス |
2021-11-22 13:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
土石流、土地所有者ら招致方針 熱海市、百条委員会を開催 |
百条委員会 |
2021-11-22 13:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
天台座主、森川宏映氏が死去 第257世、96歳 |
天台座主 |
2021-11-22 13:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
横浜の点滴3人中毒死で控訴 無期懲役不服と検察側 |
大口病院 |
2021-11-22 13:01:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
23年夏の高校野球、日ハム新球場で 南・北大会の準決勝と決勝 |
全国高校野球選手権 |
2021-11-22 13:01:15 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
全世界規模の大会に!『モンスターファーム1&2 DX』シリーズ初の「モンスター甲子園 ワールドバトル」を開催決定 |
nintendoswitchpcsteam |
2021-11-22 13:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
天丼てんや、大晦日の「年越し天ぷら」予約を受付を11月25日スタート |
天丼てんや |
2021-11-22 13:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ソフィーのアトリエ2』のキャラクター紹介映像「ソフィー・ノイエンミュラー」が公開中 |
nintendoswitchpcsteam |
2021-11-22 13:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
日本のAI活用マーケティング、世界トップ。一方、管理職のデータガバナンス理解は世界最低 |
管理職 |
2021-11-22 05:00:09 |