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TECH Engadget Japanese Spotify、アデルの要請でアルバムのシャッフル再生ボタンを曲順再生に変更 https://japanese.engadget.com/adele-got-spotify-to-remove-the-shuffle-button-073007392.html spotify 2021-11-22 07:30:07
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders 全施協とNTT東日本、AI画像解析でギャンブル依存症に対策、ボートレース場で実証実験 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22363 全施協とNTT東日本、AI画像解析でギャンブル依存症に対策、ボートレース場で実証実験ITLeaders一般社団法人全国モーターボート競走施行者協議会全施協とNTT東日本は年月日、ボートレース場において、マスク着用下で特定人物をカメラ映像から検知する実証実験を開始すると発表した。 2021-11-22 16:38:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】データ分析 (個人的メモ) https://qiita.com/swiftpoteto/items/b5f0fd9803f005603934 2021-11-22 16:31:37
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 素人備忘録注意:Tkinterでマウススクロール可能なフレームを作成 https://qiita.com/TanukiPG/items/a09dafc299f7763324b7 Classや継承そのものを解説した動画は多いんですが、なんというかargsなんかもそうですが、Tkinterの使い回しの理解ができるほどの実践的なものは少なく、犬種や車に例えたらそりゃ簡単ですが、もうちょっと実践的というかTkinterのようなライブラリの継承を用いた解説がほしいところですね。 2021-11-22 16:16:29
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptのモジュールを理解する https://qiita.com/kandalog/items/d8de000101f438e66077 名前はimport時に自由に決めることができるasオブジェクト名fromasオブジェクト名fromの記法があるモジュールのexportとdefaultをまとめて記述可module側exportletpublicValexportfunctionpublicFnconsolelogpublicFncalledexportdefault実行側importasmoduleAfrommoduleAjsconsolelogmoduleAオブジェクトにmoduleAの変数や関数が格納consolelogmoduleAdefaultプリミティブ型のexportモジュールでexportしたプリミティブ型の値の変更はできない理由モジュールのプリミティブ型の値が格納された変数をimportする際は値自体がコピーされるそのため、データ不整合が起こりエラーが出る解決策オブジェクトにすると参照をコピーするため同じオブジェクトを扱うそのため、値の変更ができるモジュールコンテキストとモジュールスコープモジュールコンテキストESmoduleを使用した場合globalcontextがmodulecontextに変わる違いが点だけmodulecontextではthisが使用できないconsolelogthis参照不可オブジェクトではないのでレキシカルスコープを辿ってグローバルスコープのthisを参照しようとする上記のconsolelogと一緒なのでthisは参照不可functionfnconsolelogthisconstobjfnconsolelogthisオブジェクトから呼び出したthisは呼び出し元を参照するobjfnobjの中身を参照consolelogwindow直接参照すればwindowオブジェクトも参照できるモジュールの場合には関数として読んだ場合にはthisがundefinedになるltscripttypemodulegtconstobjnametomhelloconsolelogthisnameこのthisなobjになる。 2021-11-22 16:43:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【HTML/CSS】モバイル表示でdiv間の細い隙間が消せない https://teratail.com/questions/370492?rss=all 【HTMLCSS】モバイル表示でdiv間の細い隙間が消せない発生している問題HTMLを書いていますが、モバイル表示のときに意図しない薄い隙間が表示されてしまいます。 2021-11-22 16:52:27
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AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Apex S3署名付きURL発行 https://qiita.com/MADAOU/items/55178967ef8b1d6f183e ApexS署名付きURL発行目的ApexでS署名付きURLを発行する方法を共用します。 2021-11-22 16:48:56
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海外TECH DEV Community 18 best programming quotes to motivate yourself https://dev.to/digvijay_karadia/18-best-programming-quotes-to-motivate-yourself-1n1h best programming quotes to motivate yourself Every Programmer is an Author While succeed try The best error message is the one that never shows up Any fool can write a code that computers can understand good programers write a quote that humans can understand Technology is best when it brings people together It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity “It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are The Web as I envisaged it we have not seen it yet The future is still so much bigger than the past If it keeps up man will atrophy all his limbs but the push button finger If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created not just as it looked when we got through with it Lyndon B Johnson Former President of the United States of America “Once a new technology rolls over you if you re not part of the steamroller you re part of the road It s not a faith in technology It s faith in people The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don t really even notice it so it s part of everyday life “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master Talk is cheap show me the code Coding is not difficult Its a weapon Measuring progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by wieght The most important aspect of software development is to be clear about what you are trying to build 2021-11-22 07:50:39
海外TECH DEV Community Visitor Pattern | Design Patterns in Java https://dev.to/coder4_life/visitor-pattern-design-patterns-in-java-3o2f Visitor Pattern Design Patterns in JavaJava implementation of the Visitor Pattern where you place the new behavior into a separate class called visitor instead of trying to integrate it into existing classes 2021-11-22 07:37:44
海外TECH DEV Community Java/ Set Gutter Margins in Word https://dev.to/carlwils/java-set-gutter-margins-in-word-2cjb Java Set Gutter Margins in WordGutter margins are designed to add extra space to the existing margins of a document which ensures that the text of the document will not be obscured when binding In this article you will learn how to set gutter margins on the left edges of the pages in a Word document using a free Java API Import JAR Dependency of the Free APIMethod Download the free API Free Spire Doc for Java and unzip it Then add the Spire Doc jar file to your Java application as dependency Method You can also add the jar dependency to maven project by adding the following configurations to the pom xml lt repositories gt lt repository gt lt id gt com e iceblue lt id gt lt name gt e iceblue lt name gt lt url gt lt url gt lt repository gt lt repositories gt lt dependencies gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt e iceblue lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spire doc free lt artifactId gt lt version gt lt version gt lt dependency gt lt dependencies gt Sample CodeThe methods offered by Free Spire Doc for Java allows you to set gutter margins in a Word document and the detailed steps are as follows Create a Document instance Load a Word document using Document loadFromFile method Get a specific section using Document getSections get method Set gutter margin for that specified section using Section getPageSetup setGutter method Save the document to file using Document saveToFile method import com spire doc import java io IOException public class addGutter public static void main String args throws IOException Create a Document instance Document document new Document Load a sample Word document document loadFromFile test docx Get the first section Section section document getSections get Set gutter margin section getPageSetup setGutter f Save the file document saveToFile addGutter output docx FileFormat Docx 2021-11-22 07:35:06
海外TECH DEV Community Re-Doing the Django Tutorial With FastAPI And React: Building the CRUD endpoints! https://dev.to/jbrocher/re-doing-the-django-tutorial-with-fastapi-and-react-building-the-crud-endpoints-4j95 Re Doing the Django Tutorial With FastAPI And React Building the CRUD endpoints Note This is part of a multi part tutorial on FastApi and React if you ve not read the previous part start here Welcome to part of the tutorial today we ll see how to use path operations to return information from our Database It s CRUD time We ll start with R though Last time in part we set up our Postgres Database wrote the models and generated the associated migrations Today we ll pick up where we left off and start doing something useful with our endpoints returning some information stored in the DB As in the Django tutorial we ll display the list of existing polls and the associated results There is one key difference though Django being a monolithic Framework it handles both querying the database AND rendering the resulting information to the client using an HTML templating language FastAPI however is only concerned with the API side of things meaning we ll have to build the UI separately We ll use React and the excellent create react app to build the UI I initially did both The CRUD and the UI in this article but it ended up being super long so I decided to split it I ll post the React part later this week so stay tuned On Today s Menu Creating some CRUD utilitiesUsing path operations to expose some information from our database CrudIt s time to rip the benefits of all the set up we did in part Thanks to our previous work our database if already fully set up so run docker compose up from the root of the project to spin up everything and let s get coding The first thing we ll do is creating some crud utilities for reading from our database Well create two functions get question to fetch a specific question based on an ID list questions to list all the existing pollsAdd a crud py file in your poll app and write the following code in it crud pyfrom sqlalchemy import selectfrom sqlalchemy orm import Sessionfrom polls import modelsfrom polls import schemasdef get question db Session question id int question query select models Question where models Question id question id question db execute question query one Question return questiondef list questions db Session question query select models Question questions db execute question query scalars all return questionsHe re we re using a Session object to communicate with the database using our orm SQLAlchemy We ll worry about passing a session to our functions later for now let s just assume we have one As you can see SQLAlchemy once again is a bit more explicit in its use than django orm The querying syntax looks a lot like SQL and that s what I like it so much if you realready comfortable working with SQL learning to use SQLAlchemy is a breeze Yes I am aware I ve written SQLAlchemy times in sentences and here s another one for your troubleFor example select models Question where models Question id question id is equivalent to the following SQL statement SELECT FROM polls question WHERE polls question id The structure is almost exactly the same the table name are simply replaced with our models name The only thing that might not be obvious here is the way the related choices are fetched In SQL land we d need to perform the following join to get the choices associated with each question and in so doing creating duplicate questions in the results SELECT FROM polls question as questionLEFTJOIN polls choice as choice on choice question id question idWith SQLAlchemy the relationship will take care of that for us as we ll see in the next section Pydantic modelsNow that our CRUD is ready we ll also need a way to convert the results into a format that can be send in an HTTP response Pydantic will take care of that for us We already used it in part to load our environment variables but it can do much more If you re familiar with DRF pydantic models they fill the same functino as DRF s serializers Deserializing and validating input from outside the APISerializing and validating output from our endpointsRegarding validations errors it s important to note that error raise when deserializing the data from a request will automatically rais a HTTP error while validation error when serializer the endpionts output will raise an unhandled exception This is because a validation error when serializing data on which we have complete control point to a configuration error on our part and not a user error One last thing before we dive in pydantic like SQLAlchemy uses the term model This tends to make this kind of tutorial a bit confusing if it s your first time workng with both Thus from now on like in the Fastapi doc I will be refering to Pydantic models as schemas With this out of the way let s write schemas we need to serialize the our CRUD s ouput Add a schemas py file to your poll app and create the following schemas app polls schemas pyimport datetimefrom typing import Listimport pydanticclass Choice pydantic BaseModel choice text str votes int class Config orm mode Trueclass Question pydantic BaseModel id int question text str pub date datetime datetime class Config orm mode Trueclass ReadQuestionChoices ReadQuestion id int question text str pub date datetime datetime choices List BaseChoice classConfig orm mode TrueContrary to DRF theres is no out of the box way to generate the schemas from the ORM declaration However as you can see the Questionschema and the Questionmodel are very similar This is not ideal as this can lead to a bit of code duplication Tiangolo the author of FastAPI got us covered tho A few months ago he released SQLModel a library that aims to fill that gap by wrapping Pydantic and SQLAlchemy I will not dive more into it for now as I believe it s important to understand the problem a tool is designed to solve before using it I might do a dedicated article later in this tutorial though Of note here is the use of nested schemas and the orm modes Setting orm mode to true means that pydantic will know to access the attributes with the object attribute syntax rather than dict key And when accessing the choices attribute SQLAlchemy will take care of making the necessary joins which will offer us a nice nested structure where each question is associated with an array of related choices One last thing you might have noticed than ReadQuestion and ReadQuestionChoices have most of their attributes in common which is not very DRY Pydantic support inheriting from existing schemas though which means we can re write it like that import datetimefrom typing import Listimport pydanticclass BaseChoice pydantic BaseModel choice text str votes int class Config orm mode Trueclass BaseQuestion pydantic BaseModel question text str pub date datetime datetime class Config orm mode True We only include the id when reading That way we can reuse base question When creating our write schemasclass ReadQuestion BaseQuestion id intclass ReadQuestionChoices ReadQuestion choices List BaseChoice There all good Building the EndpointsNow we ve got all the tools we need to create our path operations We ll need to read endpoints An endpoint to list the existing questions polls And endpiont to dipslay the details of the questins polls id In the Django tutorial more views are built because the views are also responsible for rendering the UI so there need to be at least one per page However we re not building a monolith here The pages will be created in React in part and the form and result page for example will both use the GET polls id endpoint to fetch the data they need In polls endpoints py create those two path operations polls endpoints pyfrom typing import Listfrom import schemasfrom import crud router get response model List schemas ReadQuestion async def index return crud list questions db router get id response model schemas ReadQuestionChoices async def question detail id int try return crud get question db id except NoResultFound raise HTTPException status code detail Token does not exist There are a few things going on here We ve added a second argument to the router get call the response model This response model will be applied to the value returned by the path operation before sending the response to the client We re using the List type from the standard typing package to specify that we returns several questions in the index In the question detail path operation we specify the id in the router url and FastAPI is smart enough to automatically pass it as the first parameter to our path operations We re using fastapi HTTPException to automatically return a error if there is no question matching the providing ID The type int and path parameters are also used by FastAPI to generate the automatic documentation However If you ve been paying attention you might have noticed that something is missing Our crud utils need a Session objects to communicate with the database We re passing them a variable called db here but it s not defined anywhere yet To retrieve this Session objects we ll use one of FastAPI main selling point its dependency injection system What is dependeny injection If you ve alredy work with a Framework before you should be familiar with the term Dependency injection is a form of inversion of control that allows a client to specifythe dependencies it needs an trust that an other agent oftenime the framework will provide them at the right time For example in Django s view the self request object available in Class Based view is a dependency injection pattern Hope this clears at up Isn t it The dependency we re looking to inject is a Session To do so we declare a function that returns a session using the SessionLocal we created in database py we created in part polls endpoints py Database session as a dependencydef get db db database SessionLocal try yield db finally db close The code after the yield instructions will be execute right after our path operation is done sending the response This way we can make sure the session is closed correctly Now we can use the Depends function providing from FastAPI polls endpoints py from fastapi import Depends router get response model List schemas ReadQuestion async def index db Depends get db return crud list questions db router get id response model schemas ReadQuestionChoices async def question detail id int db Depends get db try return crud get question db id except NoResultFound raise HTTPException status code detail Token does not exist Now everything should be working You can try out your endpoints using the automatic documentation available at localhost docs Create a few questions using PGAdmin or a psql client to create a few questions and choices and try it out Everyting should be working smootlhy and Swagger should display some information about the reponse form that matches our pydantic schemas Awesome There is one last thing to do before we conclude If we want to be able to make request from our UI to our API in part we need to take care of these pesky CORS headers In the past setting those headers correctly as been the cause of many headaches for many developers With FastAPI howerver nothing s more simple We just need to use the CORSMiddleware in main py main py from fastapi middleware cors import CORSMiddlewareorigins http localhost app add middleware CORSMiddleware allow origins origins allow credentials True allow methods allow headers Great Now we re ready to build an UI to talk with our brand new API ConclusionThat s it for today hope you enjoyed it Part we ll be coming soon and we ll be focused on building an UI for our endpoints using React I m still debating if I should put everything React relate into specific articles I d be glad to know what you think Let me know on Twitter you feedback is invaluable ReferencesFastAPI CRUDPydantic DocumentationSLQModel 2021-11-22 07:34:51
海外TECH DEV Community What are React Props? https://dev.to/ziratsu/what-are-react-props-4c07 What are React Props Hey fellow creators You re not sure what React Props are for You ve come to the right place If you prefer to watch the video version it s right here Check out the source code here The basic structures of your files Create a simple React app with one App js and one Child element with a paragraph Here s what your Child element should look like import React from react export default function child return lt div className child box gt lt p gt CHILD lt p gt lt div gt Then go to your App file and import your Child element import Child from Child function App return lt div className App gt lt Child gt lt div gt export default App What are Props Props stands for properties It s basically data that you can pass from parents to children Here the parent is App and the child is Child So to do it you can add properties to your child for instance a name which will be a string but it can be called whatever you want and have different values which we ll see later function App return lt div className App gt lt Child name Enzo gt lt div gt Which you can then retrieve in the Child element import React from react export default function child props console log props return lt div className child box gt lt p gt name lt p gt You can log it to see what s going in your console You ll see that you have an object which is a prop object in which you ll have the name you ve entered First you need to say that you ll receive some props in your Child element and then you need to give those props in your Parent element That means that you can also use it You just have to open your curly braces import React from react export default function child props return lt div className child box gt lt p gt props name lt p gt What else can you put besides strings as values of your props Instead of strings your props could also be numbers for instance function App return lt div className App gt lt Child name gt lt div gt You could also have an array function App return lt div className App gt lt Child name gt lt div gt As well as an object function App return lt div className App gt lt Child name a gt lt div gt Since you have an object within an object you ll have nothing for now because you ll need to change your Child js file import React from react export default function child props return lt div className child box gt lt p gt props name a lt p gt Now it s working Your element can have multiple props You can also put multiple props Let s add some function App return lt div className App gt lt Child name John id txt Lorem ipsum gt lt div gt Since you have multiple properties in your object you can now use them in your element import React from react export default function child props return lt div className child box gt lt p gt props name lt p gt lt p gt props id lt p gt lt p gt props txt lt p gt lt div gt Sometimes however you ll see different syntax a destructuring in the parameter It can look strange but it is actually useful Here s how you do it import React from react export default function child name id txt return lt div className child box gt lt p gt name lt p gt lt p gt id lt p gt lt p gt txt lt p gt lt div gt Since you have the properties inside of the parameter you no longer need to have props before the name of the props Pass some function to the props You can also pass some function to the properties It s a very common thing to do since in a Parent element you ll have all the data and the logic Let s see how you can do it Let s add one in your App element function App const deleteElement id gt console log Delete id return lt div className App gt lt Child name John id txt Lorem ipsum gt lt div gt Now let s create a button in your Child element import React from react export default function child name id txt deleteFunc return lt div className child box gt lt p gt name lt p gt lt p gt id lt p gt lt p gt txt lt p gt lt button onClick gt deleteFunc id gt X lt button gt lt div gt You need to use an anonymous function since you want to call that function with an argument here the argument is id and since you want it to happen not when the component is mounted which would happen if you just write onClick deleteFunc id but when you click on the button Now however you need to add that prop to the Parent element return lt div className App gt lt Child name John id txt Lorem ipsum deleteFunc deleteElement gt lt div gt You now have a button If you click on it it ll trigger that function It s pretty useful since you usually have lists with React which means you return a lot of elements with the map method import Child from Child function App const deleteElement id gt console log Delete id return lt div className App gt lt Child name John id txt Lorem ipsum deleteFunc deleteElement gt lt Child name John id txt Lorem ipsum deleteFunc deleteElement gt lt Child name John id txt Lorem ipsum deleteFunc deleteElement gt lt div gt export default App As you can see now that you have several elements if you click on the button of one element it ll delete the one with the corresponding id you can check in your console You now know how to use props with React how fun Come and take a look at my Youtube channel Have fun looking at my other tutorials Enzo 2021-11-22 07:24:25
海外TECH DEV Community HTML mistakes, Rust, coding challenges, NoSQL, and more My 10 favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week: https://dev.to/pascavld/html-mistakes-rust-coding-challenges-nosql-and-moremy-10-favorite-tech-twitter-tweets-from-this-week-4n1l HTML mistakes Rust coding challenges NoSQL and moreMy favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week If you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer This article was first published on my BlogPersistence is keyBy VittoStack Vitto Rivabella vittostack It took me years to land my first job as a web developer More than k hours interviews and rejections More than emails and CV sent Cool shit takes time and commitment to happen Be patient Be Consistent work hard every day You ll be rewarded my friend AM Nov Make sure you avoid these HTML mistakesBy georgemoller George Moller georgemoller common HTML mistakes you should avoidSmall thread PM Nov The internet is the best learning resource if we use it rightBy SimonHoiberg Simon Høiberg simonhoiberg Google and StackOverflow was my university YouTube and Twitter was where I found my mentors I m pumped to live in a time where a computer internet and willingness to learn is the only thing I need to succeed PM Nov Must have tools for all web developersBy Prathkum Pratham prathkum Tools for Web Developers➜Color Hunt ➜CSS Gradients ➜Google fonts ➜Dribble ➜Icons ️➜Codesandbox ➜Codepen ➜Favicon ️➜MDN ➜W Schools ➜ Rapid API ➜Stack overflow➜DevTools ️➜GitHub ➜Heroku ️➜Vercel PM Nov Coding challenges are the best Here are a few sites you can start withBy csaba kissi Csaba Kissi csaba kissi Challenge Yourself With These Sitesspoj comedabit comfinxter comleetcode comtopcoder comcodechef comcodewars comcoderbyte comcodefights comcodeforces comhackerrank comhackerearth comcodinggame com AM Nov Learn NoSQL from hereBy sunilc Sunil Kumar sunilc resources to master NoSQL databases thread ↓ PM Nov Interested in learning Rust Use this By oliverjumpertz Oliver Jumpertz oliverjumpertz Let s talk about Rust A language with a steep learning curve but one of the most rewarding programming languages out there It powers parts of AWS Dropbox and probably many other platforms you use A thread ↓ PM Nov Great resource if you re using LinuxBy ravinwashere Ravin ravinwashere Today I discovered an awesome collection of Linux command one liners gt linuxcommandlibrary com basic oneliners PM Nov Make writing and coding habits of yoursBy catalinmpit Pit catalinmpit Building lasting habitsI started building tiny habits like writing words daily rather than trying to write an article each day This way I can do it even on my bad days and keep the habit going It s also easier to write more after you ve already written words PM Nov The most important skill of a developer Just read the repliesBy FrancescoCiull Francesco Ciulla francescociull What is the most important skill for a Developer AM Nov I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter 2021-11-22 07:20:39
海外TECH DEV Community CDN on top of your website to increase your core web vitals https://dev.to/sonny_ad/cdn-on-top-of-your-website-to-increase-your-core-web-vitals-2g8c CDN on top of your website to increase your core web vitalsThis is a long title but it is on the point I am going to show you how to set up AWS Cloudfront the CDN solution of Amazon in front of your AWS website The solution works if your website is hosted on a single server or if you have multiple instances behind a load balancer In the case you host your website in a Kubernetes cluster I don t have a solution at the moment but feel free to leave your solution in the comments Why would you do that first Because you will take profit of the very distributed CDN network of AWS That means your website will be faster and available to a bigger audience That relies on the good connectivity that AWS maintains inside its internal network It means for example instead of serving your website from a central location a server or a load balancer located in Singapore to a Canadian visitor You will serve your website from the closest point in the CDN of AWS in Canada And why that works Because of the internal AWS network which is a lot more optimized than the regular internet Using the regular internet routing to reach out to a website on the other side of the planet would never be as optimized Internet neutrality won t favor your communication and your Canadian ISP does not control routing up to Singapore On top of that increasing performances means increasing your core web vitals and your SEO Ok sounds great So how do I do that First let s set up the CDN Go to Cloudfront in AWSClick on Create distribution Enter your originIf you have a unique server use the Public IPv DNSIf you use a load balancer use the DNS nameIn the section Default cache behavior I suggest you set Redirect HTTP to HTTPS Optional Set Allowed HTTP methods to GET HEAD OPTIONS PUT POST PATCH DELETE if your website have interactions and forms Check Cache policy and origin request policy select CachingDisabled as Cache policy because your website is dynamic so you don t want to cache and select AllViewer as Origin request policy this will allow cookies and query parameters to be transferred to your website origin In the section SettingsCheck Use all edge locations best performance Click on Add item in Alternate domain name CNAME  to add your domain nameIf you want to have your root domain and www subdomain behind the CDN do it twiceSelect or request a certificate for the domain you entered previouslySelect the recommended Security policy Click on Create distribution Second update your DNS record Once your distribution is ready copy the Distribution domain name of it it should start by d Then update the domain you entered at step b And voilà If you encounter any issues implementing it leave comments If you are using Kubernetes and you found a solution to do that let me know I am curious about it 2021-11-22 07:02:42
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles U.S. intel shows Russian plans for potential Ukraine invasion https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/11/22/world/us-intel-russia-ukraine/ intentions 2021-11-22 16:20:32
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