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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… 「+メッセージ」、NTTドコモ系のMVNOでも利用可能に − 最大2万ポイントが当たるキャンペーンも https://taisy0.com/2021/11/24/148937.html 携帯電話 2021-11-24 06:29:40
TECH Engadget Japanese アップル、米国での「iPhoneデジタル免許証」を2022年初頭まで延期 https://japanese.engadget.com/apple-delays-digital-id-2022-062100510.html applewatch 2021-11-24 06:21:00
ROBOT ロボスタ キビキビ動く豊田自動織機の自動搬送ロボット「AiR-T」とセコムの警備ロボット「cocobo」【ARX レポート(4)】 https://robotstart.info/2021/11/24/arx-toyosta-04.html cocobo 2021-11-24 06:46:14
ROBOT ロボスタ スマホとQRコード認証でロッカーを解錠して商品受取り New Innovationsが「スマートショーケース」を発表 https://robotstart.info/2021/11/24/smart-showcase-new-innovations.html newinnovations 2021-11-24 06:37:32
ROBOT ロボスタ 三菱地所「次世代カメラシステム」丸の内に導入 約20棟 最大4万台のカメラを一括管理、サービスロボットと連携 協業企業も発表 https://robotstart.info/2021/11/24/generation-camera-marunouch-mitsubishii.html 三菱地所 2021-11-24 06:10:50
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ワークマン、“本業重視”の姿勢を強調 東京・板橋に「ワークマンプロ」出店 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2111/24/news137.html itmedia 2021-11-24 15:50:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 日産、セレナの特別自動車「XV エアロ」を発売 後付け窓フィルムでプライバシー確保も https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2111/24/news134.html itmedia 2021-11-24 15:22:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders IIJ、小型ボックスに12~38Uを収容するマイクロデータセンター「DX edge」を提供 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22368 IIJ、小型ボックスにUを収容するマイクロデータセンター「DXedge」を提供ITLeadersインターネットイニシアティブは年月日、エッジデータセンターサービス「DXedgeディーエックスエッジ」の提供を開始した。 2021-11-24 15:30:00
AWS AWS - Japan スマート製品の開発における技術課題とソリューション https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBfzasgffwo スマート製品の開発における技術課題とソリューションスマート製品の開発における技術課題とソリューションアマゾンウェブサービスジャパン合同会社デジタルトランスフォーメーション本部プロトタイピングソリューションアーキテクト飯田起弘概要BBおよびBC向けの製品開発においても、IoT化による新たな価値提案や効率化の追求がすすんでいます。 2021-11-24 06:45:18
AWS AWS - Japan スマートファクトリー領域における技術課題とソリューション https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Vh4ETxW18 スマートファクトリー領域における技術課題とソリューションスマートファクトリー領域における技術課題とソリューションアマゾンウェブサービスジャパン合同会社ルトランスフォーメーション本部プロトタイピングソリューションアーキテクト渡邉聡概要工場のスマート化に取り組むお客様は着実に広がりを見せていますが、FA機器からのデータ収集、クラウドとの接続、エッジの活用など、工場のスマート化要件を達成するための技術課題がクリアできず、取り組みが進まず苦しんでいるお客様も多いと思います。 2021-11-24 06:03:20
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python]pipであるはずのバージョンのライブラリがインストールできない(Could not find a version) https://qiita.com/Hiroki-Fujimoto/items/8b5e9953c151beea5344 実施したことpipのアップグレードpipinstallUpipなにはともあれアップグレードはやってみるべし思ったので実施したが変わらずライブラリはERRORCouldnotfindaversionthatsatisfiestherequirementと言われてしまう。 2021-11-24 15:45:28
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 貴方の頸椎を守り隊!!~カメラで様子をチラ見中。居眠りも起こしてくれるよ。~ #画像認識 #猫背予防 https://qiita.com/ikumi623/items/7e0c6f2bde333691d2f2 「姿勢が悪いよ」と指摘してくれる人もいなく、ストレートネックへ一直線状態なので、少しでもいい姿勢に戻れるようなツールを作成しましたその名も貴方の頸椎を守り隊頸椎を守るついでに、居眠りが始まったら起こしてくれるオプションもセットとなっています。 2021-11-24 15:12:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) DataTablesのページネーション、スクロール等の機能が反映されない https://teratail.com/questions/370779?rss=all DataTablesのページネーション、スクロール等の機能が反映されないRailsとAdminLTEで一覧画面を作成しています一覧画面indexhtmlerbにAdminLTEnbsp適用のサンプルとして付属してくる「appnodemodulesadminltepagestablesdatahtml」をそのまま反映しました。 2021-11-24 15:48:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) valueの設定されていないinputに値を入れる https://teratail.com/questions/370778?rss=all input 2021-11-24 15:48:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) bundleファイルのエラー箇所の調べ方 https://teratail.com/questions/370777?rss=all bundleファイルのエラー箇所の調べ方Reacttypescript環境でbundleしたファイルのエラー箇所が分からず、どのファイルのどの箇所がエラーなのか良いのか分かりません。 2021-11-24 15:43:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ハンバーガーメニューの動作不良改善策 https://teratail.com/questions/370776?rss=all ハンバーガーメニューの動作不良改善策前提・実現したいことメディアクエリにてiPadiPhone画面にてハンバーガーメニューを実装。 2021-11-24 15:10:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) お願い致します。EXR画像の素材が欲しいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/370775?rss=all お願い致します。 2021-11-24 15:03:14
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita メモ〜Docker-composeとは https://qiita.com/keishi04hrikzira/items/02cf242f7b54c907adca しかし、dockercomposeymlの中にvolumesという項目を作成し、そのパスとしてホストOSのディレクトリを指定することでDBの内容をホストOSに保存することができるようになる。 2021-11-24 15:53:30
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Golang】ポインタ型の int 変数に値をセットする https://qiita.com/KEINOS/items/2ed8f47e6ff3c22ff44c 【Golang】ポインタ型のint変数に値をセットするここ年で作成・更新された記事を「golangポインタに値をセットするint」でググっても、わかりやすいタイトルがヒットしなかったので、自分のググラビリティとして。 2021-11-24 15:13:11
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails ロールバックの手順 https://qiita.com/nokiPro/items/0985f61f6b382728e002 Railsロールバックの手順はじめに自分の学びのアウトプットのため、こちらの記事を参考にさせていただきながら書きました。 2021-11-24 15:02:53
技術ブログ Developers.IO SQLECTRON에 대해 알아보자! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/for-beginner-rds-construction/ SQLECTRON에대해알아보자 안녕하세요 클래스메소드금상원입니다 이번블로그에서는SQLECTRON 이라는DBTool에대해알아보도록하겠습니다 그럼시작하겠습니다 SQLECTRON 이란 교차데이터베이스및 2021-11-24 06:50:15
技術ブログ Developers.IO Gremlinのシナリオを使ってTLS/SSL証明書の有効期限をテストしてみる。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/test-tls-certificate-expiration-by-gremlin/ gremlin 2021-11-24 06:27:50
海外TECH DEV Community Understanding the OOPs paradigm in JavaScript. https://dev.to/swastikyadav/understanding-the-oops-paradigm-in-javascript-3mn2 Understanding the OOPs paradigm in JavaScript Hello Everyone In this post we will explore the object oriented programming paradigm in JavaScript OOP is a paradigm where everything is managed with objects There are four ways to work with objects in JavaScript Factory way of creating objects Prototypal way of creating objects Pseudo Classical pattern of creating objects ClassesThe best way to work with objects are classes We will learn exactly how classes works Let s explore each method one by one Factory way of creating objectsLet s say we need to create multiple students object With factory way we don t manually need to create objects for all of them We create a constructor function function creteStudent name batch marks maxMarks let obj obj name name obj batch batch obj marks marks obj maxMarks maxMarks obj percentage function return marks maxMarks return obj Next whenever we need to create a student we just have to call the above function let student createStudent Swastik let student createStudent Rahul student percentage This was the factory way of creating objects Prototypal way of creating objectsWhen a property is not found in an object it looks for it down in the prototypal chain This is the prototypal nature of object Now let s create object the prototypal way Create object using Object create Make sure to use this in the method Make sure to return object let studentMethod percentage function return this marks this maxMarks function createStudent name batch marks maxMarks let obj Object create studentMethod obj name name obj batch batch obj marks marks obj maxMarks maxMarks return obj let student createStudent Swastik student percentage Object create takes an object as parameter and puts that parameter into dunder proto For example in the above code snippet percentage method is added in dunder proto it is not in the main object Pseudo Classical pattern of creating objectsPseudo classical pattern uses the new keyword with constructor function to create objects The new keyword does things Creates a new object implicitly named this Puts the new object this in function prototype Implicitly returns obj this When we use new keyword methods from prototype goes to dunder proto this this proto createStudent prototypereturn obj this For instance function CreateStudent name batch marks maxMarks this name name this batch batch this marks marks this maxMarks maxMarks CreateStudent prototype percentage function return this marks this maxMarks let student new CreateStudent Swastik student percentage The new keyword implicitly creates the object sets the method to dunder proto and implicitly returns the object ClassesClasses are a syntactic sugar to create objects In the last example we added the percentage method to CreateStudent prototype manually With classes all that is done automatically The new keyword calls the constructor and implicitly creates and returns the this object Classes accepts only methods functions You will find the methods in the dunder proto of the object For instace class CreateStudent constructor name batch marks maxMarks this name name this batch batch this marks marks this maxMarks maxMarks percentage return this marks this maxMarks let student new CreateStudent Swastik student percentage student percentage CreateStudent prototype percentage trueSo that s how we create objects with classes Enumerable flag for class methods are by default set to false because we don t want methods in for in loop result Class InheritanceClass inheritance is a way to create new functionality on top of existing one Let s say we have an Animal class and a Rabbit class based on Animal class Animal Classclass Animal constructor name this speed this name name run speed this speed speed alert this name runs with speed this speed stop this speed alert this name stands still let animal new Animal My animal Rabbit Classclass Rabbit extends Animal hide alert this name hides let rabbit new Rabbit White Rabbit rabbit run White Rabbit runs with speed rabbit hide White Rabbit hides Rabbit class does not have run method but it can access it from Animal prototype as we have extended Rabbit class The Super keywordThe super keyword allows us to call parent method and constructor in our extended class super method calls a parent method super calls parent constructor For instance class Rabbit extends Animal constructor super calls the parent constructor hide alert this name hides stop super stop calls stop method of parent this hide let rabbit new Rabbit White Rabbit rabbit run White Rabbit runs with speed rabbit stop White Rabbit stands still White Rabbit hides In the above code snippet Rabbit class defines a stop method which calls the stop method of Animal with super The static methodWe can also assign a method to the class itself not to its prototype Such methods are called static methods They are prepended by static keyword class User static staticMethod console log this User User staticMethod trueStatic methods are used for functionality that belongs to the class as a whole It does not relate to a concrete class instance Static properties and methods are inherited For class B extends A the prototype of the class B itself points to A B Prototype A So if a field is not found in B the search continues in A Private and protected properties and methodsProtected fields starts with Protected field should only be accessible from its class and classes inheriting from it Protected field is not supported at the language level Private fields starts with Private field should only be accessibe from inside the class class CoffeeMachine waterAmount set waterAmount value if value lt value this waterAmount value get waterAmount return this waterAmount constructor power this power power let coffeeMachine new CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine waterAmount Error Private method cannot be accessed outside of the class coffeeMachine waterAmount coffeeMachine waterAmount coffeeMachine waterAmount Private method waterAmount is only accessible inside the class itself The this keywordThe this keyword refers to the object it belongs to There are four rules to identify where the this keyword is refering fn gt windowobj fn gt this referes to obj If any function is using this then this becomes the object at left of bind call apply gt this value is specified new keyword creates and returns this implicitly this changes at runtime That s it for this post I hope you found it helpful if so please do share and subscribe to my Newsletter where I share epic weekly content on building your skillset Thank You 2021-11-24 06:50:53
海外TECH DEV Community RudderStack’s Licensing Explained https://dev.to/rudderstack/rudderstacks-licensing-explained-1pg0 RudderStack s Licensing ExplainedSoftware licensing can be a tricky subject especially when you are a commercial company building an open source product like RudderStack We want to build RudderStack into a strong company and we keep some of our features under our enterprise license to help with that We also want to build the best product and distribute it in the most effective fashion and that is under an open source license We have to balance which parts of our software should be under our enterprise license and which should be under open source licenses From a customer s viewpoint we see how this could be confusing In this post we ll explain how our software is licensed Open Source AGPL The core of RudderStack the components that make up our Event Stream feature is open source It is in our rudder server repository We are the only open source customer event streaming software available at least that we ve been able to find We have more than stars on GitHub and approximately open source users A simplified explanation of the AGPL license is that you can use and modify rudder server however you want but if you distribute it in any way including offering it as SaaS you have to make all of the source code for the derivative software available under the AGPL license The AGPL license provides us the most protection against competition while still being open source That s the reason we have our core functionality  rudder server under it The MIT LicenseA majority of RudderStack s third party destination integrations live in the rudder transformer repository They are open source as well licensed under the MIT License Almost all of our SDKs and instrumentation repos for tooling and utilities are open source too We also have some of our data modeling repos for use cases like customer journey analysis and sessionization for data residing in your data warehouse open sourced under the MIT license You can find all these repos in our GitHub organization A simplified explanation of the MIT License is that you can do whatever you want with the source code including distributing and commercializing it as long as you include the original copyright and license in any copy of the derivative software that you distribute The MIT License provides us very little protection from competition but it allows a lot of flexibility and freedom for the developers using our code That s the reason we have our non core functionality things that would not make sense for us to distribute or commercialize on their own under it Note We have a few repositories that are forked from other repos and are under their licenses Most are under the Apache  license but there are a few under various other licenses based on where they are forked from Enterprise LicenseAll of our Pro and Enterprise features are under our enterprise license The source code for this software isn t publicly available and is a closed source but any of our Enterprise customers that request it are given access to these repositories So even though our enterprise license is a closed source license the repositories are code available for all our Enterprise customers Features licensed under our enterprise license include Warehouse Actions Cloud Extract Transformations Event Replay SSO Single Sign On A simplified explanation of our enterprise license is that you can only use the software under it as we specify You can only use it in your RudderStack instance and only if you are an Enterprise customer If you build anything on top of it or spin up your own instance you cannot distribute or commercialize it and are not allowed to use it if you aren t an Enterprise customer Our enterprise license provides us the highest level of protection from competition but we try our best to keep our software transparent and the source code easy to access by making it source available to Enterprise customers That s the reason we have our core differentiated functionality things that would make a lot of sense to distribute or commercialize on their own under it Licensing can be Confusing We Hope This Helped Hopefully this post helps clarify RudderStack s licensing Open core products like ours frequently end up with complicated licensing that changes over time We re trying to avoid that by being intentional with how we license our software components and limiting the number of licenses we use so customers and contributors don t have to deal with that complexity If better licensing options are available in the future we will consider changing to them As of today this licensing configuration is the best we have found for our software and our business and we will hopefully stick with it for a long time Sign up for Free and Start Sending DataTest out our event stream ELT and reverse ETL pipelines Use our HTTP source to send data in less than minutes or install one of our SDKs in your website or app  Get started 2021-11-24 06:39:20
海外TECH DEV Community How to prevent Lambda Cold Starts using Serverless Framework? https://dev.to/shivangchauhan7/how-to-prevent-lambda-cold-starts-using-serverless-framework-m44 How to prevent Lambda Cold Starts using Serverless Framework What are AWS Lambda Cold Starts Whenever we call a lambda function it doesn t just start instantly if you haven t called it recently it takes time before it starts executing the code this happens because AWS shuts down the container responsible for executing the code inside our lambda function if it s not called for some time then so the time taken to start up a new container before executing the code inside the lambda function is called a cold start or we can say that it is the delay before actual code execution starts inside our lambda function How to deal with Cold Starts If we are using AWS Serverless framework then there is a plugin called serverless plugin warmup it is a third party NPM Node package module which polls the lambda function of our choice this way that lambda function stays warm and AWS doesn t drop off the container where it executes the code Setting up the pluginLet s go through each step which is required to setup this warmup plugin for your lambda functions Installationnpm install save dev serverless plugin warmupFirst thing is to install this plugin in the root directory of your project we are adding this package as a dev dependency Import the plugin in serverless yml fileplugins serverless plugin warmup Adding warmup plugin configurationcustom warmup default enabled true folderName warmup memorySize name warmer default events schedule rate minutes package individually true patterns timeout concurrency custom We need to define all our warmers in custom section of our serverless yml file here we are setting the default warmer configuration folderName This is the name of the folder where our warmer temporary files will be stored for deploying them to AWS memorySize Memory size we want to give to our warmer function name Name of the warmer lambda function events This is the setting which will determine when to call or in what interval to call the lambda functions to make them warm through the warmer lambda so here we are scheduling it for every minutes package This is just to exclude and include the package timeout Every time our warmer lambda calls other Lambda functions to make them warm this is the number of seconds it will wait before exiting the function concurrency Number of parallel calls made to our lambda function for warming them up Enable warmup for the lambda functionNow we are ready to enable this warmup setting for our lambda function here is how we can do it warmup default enabled trueWe can just add this section to any of our lambda function which we want to warm using our warmer Updating our lambda function to handle warmup callNow we need to update the lambda function which we are warming up using the warmup plugin exports identifyImg async event callback gt if event source serverless plugin warmup console log WarmUP Lambda is warm return Lambda is warm rest of the codeHere we are just checking if this lambda got called by the warmup lambda if that is the case we are just returning from it and exiting the lambda execution TakeawayThis is one of the way we can deal with lambda cold starts or prevent it but there are many other ways to do this as well like optimising our code avoiding http https calls inside our lambda functions using provisional concurrency and many more Here is the official documentation for this warmup plugin Serverless WarmUp PluginCheck out more Learn about AWS ArtifactAWS Textract and Step FunctionsAWS Cognito Pricing FeaturesUnderstand Math functions in Javascript 2021-11-24 06:37:44
海外TECH DEV Community Why Twilio Acquired Segment https://dev.to/rudderstack/why-twilio-acquired-segment-m7d Why Twilio Acquired SegmentCongratulations to the team at Segment for their massive acquisition by Twilio From being founded in to getting acquired in for billions is a huge success and a testament to their team s outstanding execution When Segment initially released analytics js it was criticized for being only marginally better than a tag manager but developers on HackerNews loved the idea Hence Segment s success is also a testament to the power of the developer community on HN hats off to everyone who supported the project especially in the early days Twilio amp SegmentSegment recently published a CDP report where they shared some data around top destinations Interestingly the SMS amp push category was in a distant th place with only of businesses leveraging those types of connections Even more interesting is that companies like Braze amp Customer IO were listed within the SMS and push category but not Twilio In fact Twilio was not even a top destination for Segment which means there is very little overlap between buyers of Segment and Twilio Or to put it differently people who buy Twilio don t have a significant need for Segment and vice versa Twilio didn t acquire to resell Segment to their existing customer base So Why Twilio To a lot of people Twilio was a surprise acquirer Many expected Segment to be picked off by one of the usual suspects like Adobe or Salesforce We believe a few reasons are underpinning this as a true strategic acquisition API to Application StackTwilio s Sendgrid acquisition gives us a few hints into what s happening here Twilio was built as a platform providing telecom services over an API and other companies build applications on top of their APIs While Twilio has a near complete monopoly on this API business it is still a low margin business where most of the money goes to gateways providers etc Plus the gateways like bandwidth com started to compete by getting into the API business themselves The result has been aggressive discounting which makes it hard to compete So while Twilio may have the best developer tools the nature of the core product low margin telecom means that customers will naturally price shop as they scale and the offering becomes more commoditized To move away from the low margin API business Twilio needs to go higher up the stack and build applications to move away from the low margin API business End to End Marketing CloudThe demand for messaging in marketing automation products has grown significantly and is only growing so it is natural for Twilio to go after the marketing use case They already owned the SMS push channel and their Sendgrid acquisition covered the email channel In full form though the marketing use case requires data collection and audience building in addition to messaging The Segment acquisition gives Twilio the missing half of the equation and will allow them to build a unified marketing platform Perhaps most importantly Twilio has the ability to reinvent significant pieces of the marketing cloud as API first which would give them a foot in the door to the market currently owned by Adobe which has a billion market cap The SandwichThis is probably the most interesting impact of the acquisition instead of sitting towards the end of the stack as an API endpoint Twilio has bought a seat in the extreme front seat of the stack Not only will this give them significant insight into what is being used effectively in the market amongst a plethora of tools but it could potentially enable Twilio to build buy the important verticals that are considered indispensable but are missing from their stack This could and should make some of the Segment s partners wary This isn t a new dynamic as many companies in the ecosystem have already developed a healthy distrust of Segment and now Twilio along with their roadmaps and product ambitions Amplitude and Braze are examples of the many products sitting downstream of Segment that will now feel the increasing pressure of the sandwich As a result we wouldn t be surprised if Twilio continues to add more of the missing middle components of the marketing stack most likely through acquisitions Ambitious JeffJeff is now interested in building a truly iconic business such as Salesforce and Wall Street has given him the checkbook to do M amp A Twilio s stock price has rapidly climbed from to in the last months We have heard that Segment is at approximately M ARR and given Twilio s current EV ARR multiple of approximately x Twilio will add about B B in market capitalization making this a solid acquisition in terms of the basic exchange of value Moreover Twilio s margins in their core business are arguably lower than Segment We have also observed that Segment is struggling to make the transition to both enterprises as well as build a product beyond the pipe that has meaningful traction All in all we believe this is a win for both parties involved Jeff is well on his way to building a once in a lifetime business So once again  congratulations to Segment and everyone involved We have a huge amount of respect for what their team has accomplished and for such a smart acquisition by Twilio Also not to state the obvious but if you re interested in an open source alternative to Segment we d love to talk Sign up for Free and Start Sending DataTest out our event stream ELT and reverse ETL pipelines Use our HTTP source to send data in less than minutes or install one of our SDKs in your website or app  Get started 2021-11-24 06:36:15
海外TECH DEV Community Nick Salzano- Technology and its Impacts on Sports Industry's Marketing https://dev.to/nicholassalzano_/nick-salzano-technology-and-its-impacts-on-sports-industrys-marketing-826 Nick Salzano Technology and its Impacts on Sports Industry x s MarketingNick Salzano a marketer from the USA has deliberately explained the impacts of Technology on the sports industry s marketing efforts Nick Salzano Digital time has worked on significant cycles in an assortment of sectors throughout the globe The games business is the same with innovation driven administrations upsetting important parts of correspondence specifically advertising These days convincing efforts promotions and general correspondence uses innovation to guarantee that fans and clients are by and large appropriately adjusted and designated regardless of how they decide to lock in This takes sports advertising to a unique degree of viability improving how sports and their allies cooperate Artificial Intelligence is being utilized wherever in the games business regardless of whether it s for evaluating individual player exhibitions following competitors well being or doing the math for significant exploring occasions there is no lack of AI impact in sports Moreover regarding drawing in fans the chat bot innovation set forward by AI assumes a significant part Here sports brands associations and establishments can dive more deeply into their allies by giving positive virtual encounters which answer fans various forms of feedback For instance with regards to games fans get customized notices through chat bots on everything from ticket drops to game day convention and significantly more These menial helpers impart an increased feeling of dependability and commitment in fans no matter how you look at it while additionally making client support processes more advantageous Inside the previous decade sports inclusion has progressed significantly It is presently normal to see fans observing live games with the assistance of a real time feature that conveys all the activity directly to their cell phone This sort of sports seeing permits individuals tune into high profile rivalries regardless of their actual area Nick Salzano says the rising prevalence of this pattern implies that advertising strategies likewise need to consider live streaming watchers rather than conventional TV customers According to Nick Salzano Social media campaigns additionally spin out of control in the games business As cell phone innovation keeps on propelling significant play makers in sports are focusing on versatile clients above whatever else This implies that brands are setting up their administrations to incorporate convincing tales about groups and players that get individuals talking Here top competitors are additionally highlighted in essential missions to command crowd notice rapidly All things considered when online media is utilized successfully it even can build deals For instance on Instagram cooperating with a broad client base is just conceivable with countless adherents Along these lines if sports brands need to extend their impact it isn t enough to use portable innovation they should likewise look to the procedures behind online media advertising Many committed avid supporters are likewise eager games bettors Setting bets in sports groups and players has a method of improving the game day experience Major sports books in the business know this and that is why showcasing strategies have moved as a rule to on the web and portable missions To fit with the digital times driving brands in sports wagering are utilizing innovation for their potential benefit executing offers for example joining rewards or advancements to draw in new and existing clients The primary part of promoting sports is the associations associations and substances that are straightforwardly engaged with the actual business Sports advertising gives a unique chance to organizations like associations and groups to have many people watching them work on an everyday premise Associations and brands gain public openness through their quality on organization and digital TV and the holds of being a fan Think about all of the guerrilla promoting that associations and groups can achieve through selling fan products and making their logos wearable and apparent to the majority Nick Salzano explains social researchers contend that the ties one structures in their childhood are more grounded than those shaped sometime down the road and harder to shed Sports advertisers comprehend the significance of acquiring young fans and how this brand mindfulness can proceed forever Also explore this blog Marketing Myths that you Should Need to KnowPublicizing of associations and groups is incorporated in occasions like the World Cup and NCAA Tournament Occasions like these frequently weighed down with supports well cover those underneath are standard approaches to grandstand various groups individual players and up the game s ante to draw the consideration of more watchers The capacity of associations and groups to advance themselves through occasions media inclusion and hence the accompanying armies of fans sets out gigantic independence from the rat race for these elements to acquire income through such outlets as TV bargains and the deals of tickets and product There are no indications of the fascination of the universe with sports dialling back at any point shortly and the field of sports advertising will keep on having many chances for promoting experts to bounce in and try things out Sports broadcasting offers freedom to chip away at a wide range of sides of a flourishing industry and will give another arrangement of difficulties for experienced advertisers who haven t been given a chance to sports any idea ahead of time Twitter alongside numerous Facebook and Instagram has situated itself as an essential source to every one of the vast people inside the games promoting market associations groups gamers fans and donning exercises journalists Twitter considers basic and brief availability to sports data on a smoothed out stage It has become a typical method for group records to transfer constant computer game reports on Twitter Considering hashtags gifs and general media material data just as delight is winding up being considered a more significant amount of precisely the same thing Nick Salzano says consolidating social media sites programs into your business image missions would give your advertisers power It has allowed the games area to wind up being instilled directly into people s daily existence When your image accomplishes this you are accomplishing something beyond customary web based publicizing However you are likewise setting an enduring and fruitful picture of your vision and administrations to individuals It is usual for proficient competitors to have particular web based media sites autonomous from their gatherings accounts Fans can follow their favored competitors just as they associate with them in techniques like never under any circumstance previously This can also help adapt proficient competitors who are celebrated as optimal creatures just as make them more appealing to the everyday person 2021-11-24 06:29:06
海外TECH DEV Community Amazing E commerce Mobile App UI Kit Design Template https://dev.to/uicard/amazing-e-commerce-mobile-app-ui-kit-design-template-5e2 Amazing E commerce Mobile App UI Kit Design TemplateHello This is an eCommerce Mobile App UI Kit Design Beautiful modern and up to date trendy E Commerce UI Kit crafted with Love and UX friendly design The Kit is designed as a starting point for building kick ass user interfaces The Kit is built with a variety of creative Modules offering something for every need to speed up your creative process from the pre designed creative buttons to a set of fresh Vector elements inspired by other modern designs this pack will help to achieve a unique look and feel to your products Create an awesome experience for your users with beautiful fully responsive customizable mobile app uikit to downloads category mobile app designs Quickly create awesome mobile app screens or select from one of our awesome themes or template Organized Layers is a free Google fonts based template with a clear structure and super easy to customize Just open it in your editing software replace the texts images with yours and you re good to go Available file in Figma Adobe Xd and SketchGood newsOur Black Friday OfferDownload design resources from UIHUT Get Lifetime Access Only for Use “sol coupon for the extra off Follow Our social account to get daily update news Instagram instagram com uikit to Thank you 2021-11-24 06:20:53
海外TECH DEV Community Nick Salzano Explains QR Code Marketing is the New Future https://dev.to/nicholassalzano_/nick-salzano-explains-qr-code-marketing-is-the-new-future-7h7 Nick Salzano Explains QR Code Marketing is the New FutureNick Salzano a marketer from New Jersey would talk about QR code marketing and its influences QR codes are a way for your organization to give customers bunches of data about your organization without occupying a ton of room By perusing your QR code with their cell phone they can get to a part of the information you wouldn t in any case have the option to fit on a sign or business card Be that as it may similar to bunches of independent companies you haven t sorted out some way to join them into your advertising plan The best strategy is to begin gradually and see what works for your organization Nick Salzano explains Worldwide brands like Nike have observed QR codes utilized in assisting their clients with getting their favoured product You can either utilize a QR code to send your clients to the customization page or create attractive QR codes for a tweaked product and give a moment request QR code promoting product customization applies to most industry types You can put QR codes on website pages banners business cards flyers bulletins or other promoting materials QR Codes offered the virtual take a stab at experience amid the COVID pandemic that without a doubt further developed the window shopping experience In addition some product explicit QR Codes are additionally being utilized to convey rich AR based encounters that assist customers with settling on a speedy and better choice and hence upgrading deals for online merchants For example numerous online based glasses stores have given product QR Codes When checked with a cell phone these codes provide a stab at experience where the client can attempt shades and exhibitions and pick the one that suits them the most Nick Salzano says the pandemic driven adaptation of QR Codes is helping sellers and advertisers design techniques around utilizing QR Codes to convey free savvy verification encounters that assist with expanding change rates as the need to visit a store is killed Utilizing inventive QR Codes to get buyers to download your portable application is one more method of creating quality leads Passing on an exciting brand voice through a QR Code simply helps increment application downloads and in the end helps set up brand notoriety on the lookout Also explore this post Marketing vs PR All you need to know aboutAside from this getting an application introduced in your customer s gadget would also give you more profound experiences regarding their shopping history and conduct This would likewise help understand the regions that should be focused on regarding deals and administration during the pandemic Advertisers can use the information to give customized encounters and product ideas to upgrade client encounters and further develop deals Evaluating of a QR System by Nick SalzanoEach code you produce is unique It works to encode your information into what is by all accounts a lot of squares to a natural eye Likewise there are numerous techniques to encode data into a QR code so getting an indistinguishable QR code shouldn t be plausible In any case that doesn t mean you should pay for a QR code as it is essentially a connection to the page encoded with a particular goal in mind Envision paying to utilize the letters in order that is the thing that it would be There are many free applications projects and devices that permit getting a QR code for nothing Programming that offers paid elements for QR codes exists as well In any case usually what they request cash remembers some extra choices for top of simple code This can be better or specially crafted of code a combination of the code with your CRM framework or site distributed storage for something you encode like report individuals can download or the following component Who needs a QR by Nick Salzano Only one out of every odd entrepreneur needs to utilize QR codes To distinguish if this monochrome square thingy suits your necessities start by inquiring whether there is some genuinely valuable data you want to encode Is there any significant crowd you can reach disconnected that would be fine to go along with you on the web Some everyday abuses of QR codes incorporate adding futile data or adding subtleties to essential regular products Before racing to slap that enchanted square all over the place along these lines start by crowd exploration and arranging the mission When this pivotal information is found and dissected continue to build a greeting page improved for portable clients Contingent upon the mission it tends to be anything from a particular page to speed through the requesting system A significant detail is that carrying possibilities to your conventional landing page isn t a decent arrangement You won t have the option to follow the checking proportion without additional set up Also leads can get lost and befuddled Ensure you ll take guests to the substance they hope to see through filtering a code Use QR code to advance your site or pages disconnected Guarantee you have essential and intriguing data to add to your conventional materials QR codes are incredible for shortening typically long connections or encoding pictographs or different characters that are difficult to type in Nick Salzano suggests Offer QR code to secure customers activities It may very well be pursuing bulletin or enlistment for a giveaway following up a web based media page setting up scheduled updates sending messages or adding a contact Short version for a portion of these cycles it regularly makes a few strides for an individual to get an outcome Nothing unexpected a few possibilities don t wrap the process and surrender Unexpectedly checking a code to finish what sounds sufficiently simple At last QR codes work incredibly in states of restricted space you may have Consider printed materials like organization inventories or business cards There isn t much publicizing space for you to give good data about your organization Or then again a regular organization might restrict your capacity to show a product or administration mainly if you produce muddled products For this situation consider putting additional data product demos or even a virtual display area through a QR code on the ordinary marketing piece There s no doubt that the market for QR Codes is assisting organizations with investigating new skylines to speed up business development Nick Salzano says with suitable marketing systems including sufficient substance arrangement and site responsiveness advertisers should rapidly comprehend that simply adding a QR Code won t accelerate deals Additionally good examination techniques should be set up to follow the client conduct that can be used to assemble customized encounters for upgraded business development during the dubious occasions of COVID 2021-11-24 06:02:17
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海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Nasa Dart rocket: Mission to smack Dimorphos asteroid launches https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-59327293?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA asteroid 2021-11-24 06:38:48
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ニュース BBC News - Home Nasa Dart rocket: Mission to smack Dimorphos asteroid launches https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-59327293?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA asteroid 2021-11-24 06:38:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Family remembers BBC worker Kate Mitchell 'who brightened world' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59391843?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA kenya 2021-11-24 06:12:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Newspaper headlines: Life for killing police and AZ jab 'more durable' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-59396788?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA mandatory 2021-11-24 06:10:22
ニュース BBC News - Home Taking the reins off De Bruyne? How Silva has become Man City's main man https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59382609?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Taking the reins off De Bruyne How Silva has become Man City x s main manBBC pundit Micah Richards on how Bernardo Silva s surprise resurgence means Manchester City are less reliant on Kevin de Bruyne s brilliance 2021-11-24 06:17:03
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GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ Google Cloud サービスで SAP のマネージド アプリケーションをピアリングする 3 つの理由 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/sap-google-cloud/three-reasons-peer-sap-managed-apps-your-google-cloud-services/ 貴社がGoogleCloudを使ってRISEwithSAPマネージドアプリケーションまたはSAPEnterpriseCloudServicesなどの他のSAPマネージドサービスをホストしている場合、VPCネットワークピアリングが重要な機能である理由や、ネットワーク管理者が同機能を実装する方法について詳しく知ることは決して無駄にはなりません。 2021-11-24 07:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 韓国、感染者が初の4000人台 首相「予想より深刻」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/615027/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-11-24 15:18:10
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マーケティング AdverTimes Cafe24 Japanトップインタビュー「誰でも簡単に日本、世界で勝負できるECを作れる時代にする」 https://www.advertimes.com/20211124/article369254/ cafejapan 2021-11-24 07:00:18
GCP Cloud Blog JA Google Cloud サービスで SAP のマネージド アプリケーションをピアリングする 3 つの理由 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/sap-google-cloud/three-reasons-peer-sap-managed-apps-your-google-cloud-services/ 貴社がGoogleCloudを使ってRISEwithSAPマネージドアプリケーションまたはSAPEnterpriseCloudServicesなどの他のSAPマネージドサービスをホストしている場合、VPCネットワークピアリングが重要な機能である理由や、ネットワーク管理者が同機能を実装する方法について詳しく知ることは決して無駄にはなりません。 2021-11-24 07:00:00



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