AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
NHS Digital launches NHS login with AWS |
NHS Digital launches NHS login with AWSNHS Digital launched NHS login a serverless identity platform to facilitate access to a range of health and care apps for residents in England with AWS amongst other suppliers Using the AWS Cloud NHS Digital achieves scale high availability and security for citizens accessing these services and helps users access NHS services quicker and more simply NHS login is one of a number of services NHS Digital are hosting on the cloud as part of the UK government s Cloud First policy |
2021-11-24 13:41:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pyhton_ローカル変数とグローバル変数 |
2021-11-24 23:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python_*args, **kwarge(可変長引数) |
Pythonargskwarge可変長引数argsいくつでもの引数をタプルとして受け取るargsはargsではなくどんな文字列でもよい。 |
2021-11-24 22:26:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
sqlalchemy パスワードに@を含む場合の対処方法 |
対処方法quoteplusを使用してパスワードをURLエンコードしてから使用します。 |
2021-11-24 22:12:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
OpenCVのマウス操作でトリミング |
まとめこのプログラムの作成にあたりopencvマウスイベント矩形表示、文字表示トリミング画像読み込み、保存の要素を組み合わせています。 |
2021-11-24 22:11:48 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
逆引き!プロレス技図鑑!! #I♡プロレス |
プロレス観戦初心者も安心『プロレス技図鑑』アプリを起動し、プロレス観戦をする。 |
2021-11-24 22:42:33 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Vue3はどうやってリアクティブシステムを実現しているのか:その2 値の更新とeffect |
実際のソースコードでは関数ではなく、その関数を内包したクラスで表現されますが、ここでは簡単のため関数とします具体例でeffectのイメージを掴みましょう重さと個数constobjweightnum全体の重さlettotalWeight重さを更新するエフェクトconsteffectgttotalWeightobjweightobjnum初期化effectconsolelogtotalWeight値を変更して初期化objnumeffectconsolelogtotalWeightこの例ではオブジェクトの値を変更してからeffectを再度実行することにより、totalWeightを再計算しています。 |
2021-11-24 22:34:45 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Vue3はどうやってリアクティブシステムを実現しているのか:その1 オブジェクトの監視 |
一見不思議な挙動ですが、中でどういった処理が行われているか詳しく見ていきましょうオブジェクトの監視※以下はreactivetsの内容を簡略化して説明していますreactive関数を通すとリアクティブな値を取得できますが、実は返却される値は、元のオブジェクトは別のオブジェクトです。 |
2021-11-24 22:03:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
プルダウンメニューで選択し、検索ボタンで各ページへ遷移する方法(webアプリ) |
プルダウンメニューで選択し、検索ボタンで各ページへ遷移する方法webアプリ前提・実現したいことDjango上でWebアプリの作成をしています。 |
2021-11-24 22:54:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue.js 単一コンポーネントからの<canvas>タグ画像が出力されない。 |
Vuejs単一コンポーネントからのltcanvasgtタグ画像が出力されない。 |
2021-11-24 22:46:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Node.jsでGlitch上のjsonファイルにオブジェクトを書き込む方法(DiscordBot) |
NodejsでGlitch上のjsonファイルにオブジェクトを書き込む方法DiscordBot前提・実現したいことプログラミング歴数か月のド初心者です。 |
2021-11-24 22:44:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MAMPのMySQLが起動しない |
MAMPのMySQLが起動しない環境MacnbspOSnbspBignbspSurnbspVernbspMAMPnbspVernbspPHPnbspVernbspMySQLnbspVernbspnbspDistributenbsp状況これまでMAMPでMySQLを使用していましたが、Macを再起動してからMySQLで下記のエラーが出るようになりました。 |
2021-11-24 22:42:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
typescriptのinferの仕様が分からない |
typescriptのinferの仕様が分からないtypeFlattenltAextendsanygtAextendsinferTinferVTextendsanyFlattenltTgtTFlattenltVgttypeflattenFlattenltgt与えられた配列をフラットにするFlattennbspという型定義があります。 |
2021-11-24 22:38:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Progate初級道場コース フッターのリストを縦に並べる方法 |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージProgate初級道場コースのフッターが上手く作れません。 |
2021-11-24 22:25:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
chromedriverのインストールについて |
chromedriverのインストールについてseleniumnbspのchromedriverをインストールするのに手間取っています。 |
2021-11-24 22:22:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
hoverしたときにスライドボトムで文字が映らないようにしたい |
hoverしたときにスライドボトムで文字が映らないようにしたいworksをhoverしたときに文字をスライドボトムで文字が映らないようにしたいhoverしたときに背景画像であるアイコンがスライドアップして、「works」の文字がスライドダウンするようにしたいのですが、スライドダウンが効きません。 |
2021-11-24 22:12:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
複数画像により3次元処理を行いたい |
python |
2021-11-24 22:09:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Android Studioで実機(手持ちのandroidスマートフォン)でデバッグしたい |
2021-11-24 22:08:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonを使ってExcelで作ったグラフをPowerPointに貼りたい |
Pythonを使ってExcelで作ったグラフをPowerPointに貼りたいExcelで作ったグラフを「画像」としてPowerPointに貼り付ける方法ではなく、「元の書式を保持してブックに埋め込む」方法で貼り付けたいのですが、ネットで検索してもそのやり方が出てきません。 |
2021-11-24 22:01:59 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VirtualBox でホストOSとゲストOS間通信 ( ホストオンリーアダプター ) |
2021-11-24 22:13:33 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【アップデート】AWS Copilot CLIを使ってARMベース(AWS Graviton2)のFargateを起動する |
awscopilotcl |
2021-11-24 13:58:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
An overview of Python Flask, DynamoDB and Auth0 integration |
An overview of Python Flask DynamoDB and Auth integrationIntroduction The project requirements was to create a system where we had to integrate the web application de |
2021-11-24 13:39:48 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
The best Mario games ever made |
great |
2021-11-24 13:00:36 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
10 Fixes for When Your AirPods Don't Show Up in the Find My App |
Fixes for When Your AirPods Don x t Show Up in the Find My AppThe Find My app is a valuable tool in the search for missing AirPods But if your AirPods don t show up in it here s how to fix it fast |
2021-11-24 13:30:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The Best Black Friday Deals 2021 |
deals |
2021-11-24 13:10:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Entrepreneur With an Employee Mindset |
Entrepreneur With an Employee Mindset Episode SponsorShortcutProject management has never been easier We bring the flow to your software team s workflow Plan collaborate build and measure success with Shortcut FREE Trial for Shortcut What is HTML All The ThingsHTML All The Things is a web development podcast and discord community which was started by Matt and Mike developers based in Ontario Canada The podcast speaks to web development topics as well as running a small business self employment and time management You can join them for both their successes and their struggles as they try to manage expanding their Web Development business without stretching themselves too thin AnnouncementsThe Svelte for Beginners Udemy course is now live Mike took his experience in teaching and learning Svelte and created a course This course will teach you the fundamentals of JavaScript frameworks Get it now on Udemy Svelte For Beginners What s This One About In this episode Matt and Mike discuss front end development covering a roadmap of skills that can be used as a sort of guide through the many front end technologies The duo go over a list of topics that you can use to learn front end development starting at vanilla HTML CSS and working into more complex topics like frameworks JavaScript some backend tech and much more Show Notes An entrepreneur with an employee mindsetGetting “stuck in a contract or working relationship where you just do the tasks you re given by a client and that s it for the dayIt s easy to fall into this routine of just being your clients employee over the years especially when you have a lot of clientsThis is very common among people that have worked as an employee before or those that have been in the “traditional school system where you effectively wait to be given a task you complete that task then you get a reward for that task such as money or a gradeCan really bog down the potential of your business and make your clients problems your problemsFor example you can easily fall into hard times when they do and you both fight to get out of it when you could have just left them and gotten a new contractObviously it s not as easy as just leaving sometimes especially if you know them or have worked with them for a long time Sometimes it s better to stay if you believe their product will take off some dayThere needs to be a balance of you running your business and you taking on the tasks that they re assigning you from their business Remember you re offering a service you aren t an employeeKnowing when to leave or stay with someone is extremely difficult we mess this up probably every dayFootnote You spend more time doing what you re told than making decisions and running your business Hesitating on “big decisionsWe all hesitate rightly so with big decisions For entrepreneurs the decision can take a long time and can even turn into some attempted social engineeringTrying to tailor conversations and social situations so that they fit a certain scenario almost never works this commonly comes up when you have a difficult phone call or email to send off we can imagine the full conversation in our head their responses and ours but usually the conversation doesn t follow such a linear path remember they have their interpretation of the situation tooHesitating on investing with something that you won t miss We ve all been in scenarios where we hesitate for hours and even days on whether we should sign up for some service that costs moIn the meantime that service may give us access to some software that makes your process better and even gives you ideas for new services and or products to offer yourselfAt the end of the day if you forget to cancel that subscription you won t miss the mo realistically do cancel subs that you don t use as they add up but don t fret over a forgotten month or two We spend a lot of time hesitating over things that won t sink us anywayUse that time to make decisions on truly big decisions that may sink you your business or affect you long term Thank you If you re enjoying the podcast consider giving us a review on Apple Podcasts or checking out our Patreon to get a shoutout on the podcast Support us on PatreonYou can find us on all the podcast platforms out there as well asInstagram htmlallthethings Twitter htmleverything TikTok Html All The Things |
2021-11-24 13:31:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn how to use map, filter, and reduce in JavaScript. |
Learn how to use map filter and reduce in JavaScript Higher Order FunctionsA higher order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments or returns a function as its result map filter and reduce are all higher order functions which take a function as an argument Map Filter Reduce FundamentalsMap reduce and filter are all array methods in JavaScript Each one will iterate over an array and perform a transformation or computation Each will return a new array based on the result of the function map The map method is used for creating a new array from an existing one applying a function to each one of the elements of the first array Every element of the array is passed to the callback function and returns a new array with the same length When to use map If we want to perform the same operation transformation on each element of the array and get back a new array of the same length with the transformed values var numbers var doubled numbers map n gt n doubled filter The filter method takes each element in an array and it applies a conditional statement against it If this conditional returns true the element gets pushed to the output array If the condition returns false the element does not get pushed to the output array Every element of the array is passed to the callback function On each iteration if the callback returns true then that element will be added to the new array otherwise it is not added to the new array var numbers var greaterThan numbers filter n gt n gt greaterThan reduce The reduce method reduces an array of values down to just one value To get the output value it runs a reducer function on each element of the array While using reduce we need to declare the initial value of accumulator final result On each iteration inside the callback we perform some operation and that will be added to the accumulator var numbers var initialVal let result numbers reduce accu val gt val accu initialVal console log result Real world exampleLet s create a real world practical example Conducting an Interview map Conducting a test for multiple candidates filter Selecting candidates who passed the test reduce Creating a team from the selected candidatesvar users user user user user user user ️ user ️ let resultDetails users map user gt let mark Math random user mark mark return user for me resultDetails user mark user mark user mark user mark user mark user ️ mark user ️ mark var selectedCandidate resultDetails filter user gt if user mark gt return user selected candidate user mark user mark user mark user mark user ️ mark Create Team let TeamMembers selectedCandidate reduce teamMembers user gt teamMembers push user return teamMembers KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET |
2021-11-24 13:27:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Benefits of Cloud-Based Virtual Desktop for Your Business |
Benefits of Cloud Based Virtual Desktop for Your Business Workplace FlexibilityIt might be the most obvious advantage of a Cloud Based Virtual Desktop If your desktops are hosted virtually employees and members of your team will be able to access them regardless of their location situation or device The result generally speaking is significantly increased flexibility within the workplace Imagine a remote workforce that can suddenly leverage the same technology without expensive installs Meanwhile the Bring Your Own Device BYOD trend is taking off with percent of organizations now relying on their employees to use personal devices for at least one application In each case flexibility is essential by hosting your desktops and applications in the cloud you can achieve accessibility even in these situations Significant Cost SavingsVDI s typically come with relatively minimal cost if the server setup already exists In exchange you can get potentially significant savings down the road In other words desktop virtualization is much more than just an initial cost It s a positive investment that has the potential to bring a significant return First you can rely less on expensive desktop computers with the exact right software and license needed But even upgrades and maintenance which can take significant IT time when performed on many different machines are reduced to a minimum as they can be accomplished in a much more centralized manner These benefits are not just hypothetical Citrix a major provider of VDI s estimates that virtual apps can reduce desktop costs by up to million for large organizations Dynamic UpdatingAs your organization gets larger computer choices become more diverse Creative professionals look to Apple screens while IT experts prefer PC s Managers expect laptops that increase portability but tablets and even phones become invaluable while on the go Here s the rub all of these devices might be running different operating systems and app versions Updating these various devices with both regular maintenance and major upgrades can quickly become difficult The same software may not work equally well depending on the browser OS and age of the machine A virtual desktop becomes a solution centralizing the updating process to make it more dynamic You won t need each employee to log in just to make sure they have the newest OS version Instead you can perform the upgrade once benefiting everyone in the organization Decreased Security RisksEspecially as organizations grow digital security becomes an increasingly essential concern After all a single cyber attack can cost the average business upwards of million in damages Preventative measures are not optional but absolutely essential to ensure long term business survival and success A virtual environment for your business will play a significant part in making your business more secure The data is now stored in a central system which you can protect more strongly than you would be able on your employees devices Everything is centrally managed allowing you to set the rules and keep your data in the right hands Most data breaches happen by accident You can prevent both these accidents and intentional attacks simply by keeping better track of your data and how it is accessed Better Disaster RecoveryLike cybersecurity disaster recovery has become an essential part of IT management Almost percent of businesses who experience a disaster without a recovery plan in place never recover from it How can you make sure that your organization doesn t become another part of that depressing statistic Virtualization certainly isn t the only step but it becomes a crucial help You no longer rely on the stationary computers that might be lost or damaged in the disaster Instead the data is stored in a centralized location safe and backed up regularly Even as recovery efforts begin you can already access that data to minimize downtime and potential damages You hope it never happens But when it does you need to be prepared With a VDI in place you can be To know more about Virtual Dedicated Server or Dedicated GPU Server Hosting visit AppsRent |
2021-11-24 13:19:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Black Friday Deal Limited Offer |
Black Friday Deal Limited OfferBlack Friday Lifetime Deal Going on www uihut comGet Lifetime Access for only For Discount Use the nab Coupon and get a Extra Discount Days Left |
2021-11-24 13:18:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Reasons to migrate your file server to SharePoint Online |
Reasons to migrate your file server to SharePoint OnlineComplete access alwaysBy migrating your files to SharePoint you are making it easier for employees to access to their content You can access your files from anywhereーwhether you re at home at the office or on your way to a meetingーand from any device This is something regular file shares have trouble matching Search musclesPerhaps one of the biggest reasons for performing a File Share to SharePoint Migration is the search power for finding files Search by document name or keyword and pull up relevant results in nanoseconds This is something to be lauded and applauded when you take into account the sheer volume of content our companies are dealing with every day Check in and check outOften you re working on files and documents in collaboration with multiple colleagues It can be a hassle or even impossible to know who is working on the same document that you ve been assigned or who needs to input a few last minute changes before you begin your task In SharePoint you can check out a file so others can t access itーmeaning everyone knows who has the latest version of the document This helps ensure you don t cannibalize each other s efforts Version history and backup protectionSpeaking of versions in SharePoint there s no need to create multiple versions of a single file and rename it every time You ve probably seen the v v v v…ad infinitum stitched to a file Having so many versions is confusing for your collaborators because it clogs up space over time Again remember the volume of content most companies are working withーwith unnecessary versions it just looks like a mess In SharePoint you can also take advantage of version historyーmeaning you only ever need to work on one file When you edit and save a document the old version is still kept invisibly and can be accessed with the click of a button if you ever need to backtrack A single copy in a single spaceIn SharePoint you store your document in one place colleagues come to the document rather than sending the document all over the place This means no more multiple copies of the same file in different people s inboxes or on their hard drives being backed up over and over The one version is in the right place and that provides great clarity for your entire team Everything in moderationYou can choose a team leader or somebody else to manage and moderate the content in each library That way you make sure only those with access can view and work on specific company data This is important in an age when compliance and regulation is ever more important To know more about SharePoint Migration from to or SharePoint Migration to SharePoint Online visit OCloudExperts |
2021-11-24 13:14:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Software Engineering Best Practices + The Best Resources to Save🚀 |
Software Engineering Best Practices The Best Resources to SaveMaybe you re a newbie dev in a coding academy or newly graduated Or perhaps you re old and cynical like me The reality is tech moves fast and it s easy to get distracted by the latest software tool or trend But while you re floating in YouTube videos Reddit boards and StackOverflow we ve got something to keep you anchored the good coding practices in software engineering Let s take a look TestingA good developer sees testing as an intrinsic part of their developer experience and their skillset Testing makes it possible to identify errors defects and a bug and to reduce flows This creates better products Well tested software is easier to use reliable and of a higher quality Code qualityI ve written a lot about code quality in other posts but I stress that code reviewsーespecially the use of automation tools and peer previews are vitally important Code reviews provide a way to locate problems so that they can be fixed as early as possible They can also ensure the consistency and reliability of the software you are building DocumentationDocumentation has been described as writing a love letter to your future self According to the Write the Docs community code that you wrote months ago is often indistinguishable from code that someone else has written You will look upon a file with a fond sense of remembrance Then a sneaking feeling of foreboding knowing that someone less experienced less wise had written it As you go through this selfless act of untangling things that were obvious or clever months ago you will start to empathise with your users If only I had written down why I had done this Life would be so much simpler Documentation allows you to transfer the why behind code Much in the same way code comments explain the why and not the how documentation serves the same purpose Documentation keeps people on the same page makes it easier to jump back into older code enables asynchronous collaboration and helps track and resolve bugs Further Rich Bowen made a great point a few years back that still stands The technology world is getting more complicated every day The list of things that you re expected to know grows all the time and nobody can be an expert in everything Expecting that everyone do all of their homework and ask smart questions is not merely unreasonable it s becoming impossible Compassionate tech supportーand better documentationーis the only way for people to use your software effectively And if they can t get their answers in a reasonable amount of time they ll use a different solution that has a better paved on ramp Even better there are plenty of ways to automate documentation You can write your documentation in Markdown and use a linter like Vale for style guide consistency and correct easy to make errors like grammar mistakes If you re looking for a way to add context to your code but also want to reduce context switching check out these helpful VSCode and JetBrains extensions that allow you to add issues comments and TODOs directly in the editor Software maintenanceSoftware maintenance is a critical part of the software development lifecycle Software developers need to constantly nurture their product to enhance its functionality reduce deterioration satisfy users needs and ensure the continued success of their product This is achieved through software maintenance Simply put I like to think that if you spend a good chunk of your life creating something great you want to keep it functional and healthy You re proud of your work Let s keep it that way Technical debtMost developers get twitchy when we talk about technical debt It s one of the most significant forms of procrastination We get it You re busy and you let it slide and then a bit more You also forget about refactoring And it s all well and good until something happens and the code is so bad it no longer works Worse fixing it becomes a major enterprise pulling people away from other mission critical work and holding up important deadlines We re big fans of the boy girl scout rule This means Always leave the code better than you found it In other words engineers should continuously clean up small pieces of tech debt so they never have to undertake a giant refactoring project when they re too close to technical bankruptcy Little and often my friends Make it as habitual as cleaning your teeth Set the alarm every day at pm Automate whenever possible Whatever works for you just do it To make it easier for your team to track and prioritise technical debt work use Stepsize issue tracker in the editor It helps Engineers create technical issues add them to your sprint work with Jira integration and address tech debt continuously Being a good team memberOne thing that s often absent from typical lists or articles about best software engineering good practices is working well in a team There s a legacy trope of the usually male virtuoso coder a loner maverick who works in isolation speaks to no one unless it is to say something offensive or sexually harass female colleagues He manages to get a pass for all his misdeeds as his code is so good it could be read as a bedtime story I m here to say those days are over I cringe a bit when I hear the term coding is a team sport but it s true Being a good engineer is about being a good team member General good work practices like being reliable and honest are important Also owning up to your mistakes and not taking credit for someone else s work It s about having the ability to prioritise your own tasks and meet deadlines But it s also about how you relate to others in your team Do people like working with you If you aren t sociable then you can at least be respectful Don t be a dick Is your colleague stuck Help them You might feel smug that your knowledge or skills exceed theirs but it s a bad look for the whole team if something ships with a bug or there s a huge delay Support newbies do your share of the boring work embrace practices like pair programming All of these make you a good person as well as a great colleague Intentionality and foresightThis might be a slight deviation from coding as a practice but I think a good software engineering practice is being a soothsayer This means that you create and code with an eye on the future how your code and the end product may evolve and change as well as the needs of the end user Let me give two examples First let s take security You ve probably heard of the notion of shifting left This means that good cybersecurity practices are embedded into your code and your products at the beginning of projects It s security by design and it s all about prevention rather than having to pick up the pieces later when you get hacked or discover you ve released a massive security vulnerability into the wild This means you design software to be secure from the outset to reduce the likelihood of flaws that might compromise a company s information security A great resource in this area for web devs is the Open Web Application Security Project OWASP Secondly accessibility What are the experiences of your software users And in the case of product design your end product The solution is inclusive design This approach creates better solutions because it aims to benefit all users Thinking of accessibility throughout the entire process means you design once for all users even those with disabilities Microsoft has a comprehensive training program on inclusive design Open Assistive has a great catalogue of open assistive technology hardware and software projects The WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines covers a wide range of recommendations for making web content more accessible Other resourcesI asked a bunch of devs for their input when I was writing this post Also recommended was Hunt and Thomas Pragmatic Programmer The From Journeyman to Master I m the first to say it s a horrendous title but apparently the information is sound tell me if I m wrong Developer text and video publishers Manning also come highly recommended Enjoy ️️️This article is written by Cate Lawrenceーa Berlin based tech journalist writer and content strategist focused on IoT emerging technologies and the relationship between people and tech Originally published at Managing technical debt blog |
2021-11-24 13:06:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What programming resources are you thankful for? |
What programming resources are you thankful for Thanksgiving is this week here in the US which means it s a good time to reflect on things you re thankful for What programming resource are you most thankful for right now Has there been a tutorial you found recently that helped you through something you were having trouble understanding Did you start using some new tooling that s improved your process |
2021-11-24 13:01:54 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to skip lines at Disney World using Genie+ and Lightning Lane |
How to skip lines at Disney World using Genie and Lightning LaneDisney s new paid Genie service allows purchasers to blow through most of the phenomenally long lines with an app on your iPhone ーwith some caveats Here s how to use it and some quirks about it that you need to know before you plunk down cash for it beyond what you paid for tickets Amongst other changes beyond the scope of this article Disney used the COVID limited attendance period as an excuse to shut down its previously running FastPass service With that service you could pick two rides long before you arrived to mostly skip the lines with few exceptions and then check in at a ride after you used those two to get a return time to do the same Recently though it replaced that free service with Genie ーa per person per day service as an extension of a free day planning service called Genie Here s how to use it what it will work on and what you have to pay yet more for to skip the lines Read more |
2021-11-24 13:36:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Samsung's Galaxy Chromebook 2 drops to $399 ahead of Black Friday |
Samsung x s Galaxy Chromebook drops to ahead of Black FridayAs the Chromebook market has matured a bunch of higher end models have come out Samsung s original Galaxy Chromebook was one of them but the company realized that paying for a Chrome OS machine was a hard sell for most Enter the Galaxy Chromebook Samsung s correction and a much better laptop with an easier to stomach starting price of But now you can get the Galaxy Chromebook for less or which is a record low That s for the base model with a Celeron processor GB of RAM and GB of storage but the Core i model is also on sale for ー more than it s lowest price but still a decent deal Buy Galaxy Chromebook at Amazon Buy Galaxy Chromebook at Samsung Samsung prioritized the right things when developing the Galaxy Chromebook The design is much the same as the original with a relatively light pound frame a premium build and a fiery red color The company ditched the lovely yet taxing K display from the previous version and opted for a p QLED touchscreen which remains nicer than panels on most other Chromebooks While the K display did a number on the original laptop s battery life this QLED display isn t as bad We managed to get about hours of use on a single charge and while we wish the battery life was a tad longer it should get you through a work day The Galaxy Chromebook has a convertible design too so you can use it in tablet mode or prop it up so it acts as a small TV for video streaming It doesn t come with a stylus like some of Samsung s other laptops but any Universal Stylus Initiative pen will work with it If you re eyeing the Galaxy Chromebook as a secondary or travel device the base model with a Celeron processor may provide all the power you need But hardcore Chrome OS fans who want to use this machine as their daily driver won t regret shelling out a bit more money for the Core i version Get the latest Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers by visiting our deals homepage and following EngadgetDeals on Twitter All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team independent of our parent company Some of our stories include affiliate links If you buy something through one of these links we may earn an affiliate commission |
2021-11-24 13:50:45 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Elecjet’s graphene power bank is as exciting as a power bank can be |
Elecjet s graphene power bank is as exciting as a power bank can beUpdate This article was originally published on November th Due to a technical issue with the campaign the Elecjet Apollo Ultra was pulled from Indiegogo but has returned today The article text remains as originally published but links to the campaign have changed In the space of a few years we ve gone from W USB adapters being the norm to iPads and Nintendo Switches being able to charge at W all the way up to modern laptops drawing up to W This explosion in charging rates over a somewhat standardized USB C connector has been great for consumers who can now mostly charge their stuff with one or two well positioned adapters But it s made choosing the right power bank to keep all of your devices topped up on the go way more difficult Enter Elecjet a small company which has been carving out a niche for itself by using graphene in adapters and power banks It launched its first “graphene enhanced battery power bank on Indiegogo back in and is now back with the Elecjet Apollo Ultra It s a Wh mAh power bank with a couple of notable specs It can be charged at W and can output at up to W across its two ports These numbers are very high On the output side most mAh battery packs top out at around W it s only chunkier chargers that reach figures like W On the input side of things you re looking at around W as the peak for a high end portable charger There is a market for “laptop power stations which can meet and in some cases best Elecjet s input and output numbers but those are typically bulky units My personal power bank at the moment is a mAh Anker PowerCore which maxes out at around W output and W input Although it s double the capacity of the graphene model after about a month of using a pre production unit Elecjet sent me I don t want to go back Before I get into that what does a “graphene enhanced battery even mean Elecjet takes the lithium cells that are inside every device nowadays and plays with the chemistry Its “composite graphene cells mix a graphene solution in with the lithium in the cathode and then add some layers of graphene coating the anode What you get from this sprinkling of graphene is much improved performance at the expense of size Thanks to offering lower resistance and higher thermal conductivity Elecjet s graphene lithium composite cells can theoretically be charged five times faster and run through five times more charge cycles but are about percent less energy dense than regular lithium So composite graphene batteries are faster and run cooler but will either have a lower capacity or a larger size when compared to the batteries we re used to I m not really close to pushing the Apollo Ultra to its stated W limit The devices I need to charge on the regular are an iPhone a Nintendo Switch and an M MacBook Air It happily charges my Nintendo Switch at W my iPhone at W and my MacBook Air at around W That last figure is actually higher than the charger that came with the MacBook Air but on plugging in a W Apple charger from a MacBook Pro I saw essentially the same figure so it appears that s a safe rate for the battery I did run some tests on a friend s inch MacBook Pro though and found it was able to charge it at a similar speed to the W charger that device came with so I have no reason to doubt the output claims Speaking of claims this is nitpicking to the extreme but the Apollo Ultra s USB C port outputs at up to W and its USB A port can handle W With the PPS power spec it can output at W but none of these combinations add up to the claimed W output figure Output aside the main benefit for me is how fast you can charge the battery itself I m quite forgetful and will often be getting ready to leave the house with my phone on low battery and then go to pick up my power bank only to find out it s empty I m sure that ll still happen because if I haven t learned in years to prepare for life adequately I m not about to change now nbsp But being able to charge the Apollo Ultra so quickly has meant it s really not an issue Plugging it in for about six to seven minutes gives me enough juice to charge my iPhone from the red up to percent and honestly even a couple of minutes before I run out of the door has got me home without my phone dying on me Although the pre production units are limited to W input and so took about minutes to charge the final W edition will charge from to full in under half an hour It s like a safety net for my own stupidity Its small size at least in comparison to my regular power bank is also a plus At x mm Elecjet s bank has roughly the same footprint as an iPhone mini and it s about mm thick It s totally pocketable for most folks or at the least jacket pocketable which is not something I can say about my Anker It s also in my opinion pretty attractive for a power bank with nice quality white and black plastics and a proper display that shows the battery percentage After years of divining how much power is left with four little LEDs having so many degrees of precision is very nice For everything I love about its size and build quality there s no getting around the fact that the Apollo Ultra s overall capacity is quite low It can handle about two thirds of a MacBook Air s charge two and a bit Switch charges or three ish charges of a modern smartphone That s…absolutely fine But the benefits of being able to charge something at W are somewhat limited when the battery drains in minutes at that rate What I really want is impossible with today s tech Something this size just as performant but double the capacity In the future Elecjet says it will be able to make the power module smaller to mitigate the density issue and it also claims it has “a new battery under the wraps that can get far closer to the density of regular cells In the meantime it would be great to see Elecjet expand its current Apollo Ultra range to include larger capacity batteries Some options would be good so buyers can pick the compromise that suits them A Wh battery pack would only be percent larger but handle a wider variety of devices Even a Wh battery would only be double the volume Judging the pricing Elecjet has opted for is difficult The Apollo Ultra is on Indiegogo at which is honestly the most expensive I ve seen a battery pack of this capacity in recent memory But it behaves more like the ultra high end battery packs that go for and unlike those it fits in my jeans pocket But it doesn t last as long as thoseーyou see my problem I think is a reasonable price for what you get here It s a sleek cool looking thing and the fast charging makes it more useful to me than a “regular larger capacity battery pack As with all Indiegogo products there s a big caveat in that you are not buying a product that currently exists Production will begin shortly and users backing today should expect their devices in early I have a working unit on my desk so I m confident that Elecjet can deliver a power bank as advertised But the company s past Indiegogo campaigns do lead to even more caveats Both the Elecjet Apollo and Apollo Max campaigns had issues A few users reported exploding power banks others never received their units and perhaps worst of all users who complained through the Indiegogo campaigns were left without answers for months or in a couple of cases years All of the complaints have now been addressed but only in the past few days leading up to the launch of the new product Elecjet merged with another company named Real Graphene earlier this year Both companies were founded by the same person Samuel Gong a UC Berkeley engineering graduate but Gong says he was not involved in the day to day operations of Elecjet until the two merged nbsp When I asked about the complaints surrounding prior campaigns Gong acknowledged that “there were some issues with the previous products quality and said most people who didn t receive their product failed to provide a shipping address through Indiegogo He said the company “was being managed by another team and previous campaigns and products were done by that team He added that the new Apollo Ultra was extensively prototyped and has been evaluated by UL a well regarded certification company for safety The press pack Elecjet provided touts “ safety features and notes the device never exceeded C in testing This matches my personal experience in which the device was cooler to the touch than my regular power bank which was charging at a lower rate As for not responding to customer support requests he acknowledged that after the merger the company “couldn t dedicate enough time to previous campaigns The reason he gave for the sudden responses to old complaints was that a new team has been hired to manage the Indiegogo campaign and that team is also aiding backers of old projects from before the new leadership team was around I m extremely into the Elecjet Apollo Ultra It s rare that I m interested let alone excited about a product as dull as a power bank but it s always good to see something totally new enter any tech space Those caveats are certainly worrying though If you re not willing to take the risk but are still interested Elecjet does have its own retail site and a sizable Amazon presence for its other products You could always wait for the product to launch and hit more traditional retail channels at a slightly inflated price further down the line |
2021-11-24 13:45:23 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Beats Studio Buds fall to a new low of $100 at Amazon |
Beats Studio Buds fall to a new low of at AmazonIf you re looking for budget wireless noise cancelling earbuds in the Apple family don t forget about the Beats Studio Buds They re already a good deal at but now you can pick them up during Black Friday at Amazon for just the lowest price we ve seen yet nbsp Buy Beats Studio Buds at Amazon The Studio Buds scored a solid score in our Engadget review and also made our list of best wireless earbuds for The small comfortable design and IPX water resistance makes them great for workouts and more importantly they deliver good sound quality with Beats famous punchy base Active noise cancellation is solid as well and they can adjust the volume based on your environment via the active gain feature nbsp Since the Studio Buds are Apple products they use the company s H chip That means they support Apple s Spatial Audio feature and let you easily switch between Apple devices ーjust as you can with a pair of AirPods However they re also device agnostic so you can use the Fast Pair option to quickly set them up with your Android device They also work with Find My Device on Android so you can see their last known location nbsp The main drawbacks are a lack of wireless charging and onboard controls but most budget wireless buds lack those features With the deal right now you won t find many rivals that can match its features at that price point nbsp Get the latest Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers by visiting our deals homepage and following EngadgetDeals on Twitter All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team independent of our parent company Some of our stories include affiliate links If you buy something through one of these links we may earn an affiliate commission |
2021-11-24 13:11:54 |
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