IT |
気になる、記になる… |
SNK、NEOGEOの名作・傑作タイトルがスマホで楽しめる「アケアカNEOGEO」シリーズを配信開始 − 「メタルスラッグ5」など |
neogeo |
2021-11-30 08:31:37 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
物書堂、「六法 by 物書堂」アプリ内で「模範六法 2022 令和4年版」の追加コンテンツを販売開始 − 1月11日までセール中 |
株式会社三省堂 |
2021-11-30 08:12:57 |
Engadget Japanese |
サンワサプライ、3段階で高さ調整できるゲーミングローデスク |
desklbkr |
2021-11-30 08:30:20 |
Engadget Japanese |
ブラックフライデーで通常の3割引! ゲーミングゼリー「GAME BOOSTER Ver.2.0」をミニレビュー |
amazon |
2021-11-30 08:05:55 |
Engadget Japanese |
Pixel 6でDJIアプリに不具合。ドローンのライブプレビューが表示されず |
google |
2021-11-30 08:00:48 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] 体を動かすことを“おっくう”に感じる全ての在宅ワーカーへ 「Amazfit PowerBuds Pro」を試してみよう |
ITmediaPCUSER体を動かすことを“おっくうに感じる全ての在宅ワーカーへ「AmazfitPowerBudsPro」を試してみよう体を動かす機会が少ない在宅ワーカーも少なからずいると思われる今日この頃、そのような人への「福音」となりそうなワイヤレスイヤフォンが登場した。 |
2021-11-30 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] iモード公式サイト、きょう終了 メールは継続 |
itmedia |
2021-11-30 17:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 顔写真1枚でリアルなアバター生成 声や表情、人格も再現へ 凸版「メタクローン」 |
itmedia |
2021-11-30 17:17:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] LINE Payで二重課金 システム障害が原因 翌日に返金 |
itmedianewslinepay |
2021-11-30 17:12:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
DNP、リモート接客中の顧客の声をAIで解析し、顧客の感情をリアルタイムに把握できるサービス | IT Leaders |
itleaders |
2021-11-30 17:06:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Databricks】モデルの作成、確認を行ってみる |
実際にモデルの精度を確認してみたいと思います。 |
2021-11-30 17:51:20 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】例外処理, try |
【javascript】例外処理try例外処理エラーが発生した時に飛ぶ特別な処理tryの基礎構文trytry直下の構文に何らかのerrorが発生したらcatch処理へconsolelogstartthrownewErrorerrormessageconsolelogendcatcheconsoleerrorefinally終了処理は必ず通る。 |
2021-11-30 17:32:53 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[JavaScript] sort()の使い方 |
数値の比較の場合上記のように文字列の比較はそのままメソッドを使用すればよいが、数値を比較する場合は比較関数を指定して記述する。 |
2021-11-30 17:16:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【js基礎】動的import【ES6備忘録】 |
【js基礎】動的import【ES備忘録】動的importとはこんな感じで関数でESmoduleを扱えるやつです。 |
2021-11-30 17:14:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
nth-of-child(3) css反映されない |
nthofchildcss反映されない前提・実現したいことplanのつ目のみ強調させて少し上へひょっこり抜け出したい発生している問題・エラーメッセージコンパイルされているのに、反応されない試したことscssの使い方を確認し、developnbsptoolで確認するも反応してない自身のcssを確認すると、私が思った通りにコンパイルされている。 |
2021-11-30 17:48:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JAVAeclipseでの画像表示で困っています。 |
JAVAeclipseでの画像表示で困っています。 |
2021-11-30 17:44:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SourceTreeでコミットができない! |
※尚、SourceTree上ではコミットができないのみでプッシュ、プルは問題なく動作します。 |
2021-11-30 17:41:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AppSheetからGASを動作させることはできますか? |
AppSheetからGASを動作させることはできますか前提・実現したいこと最近GASやAppSheetを勉強し始めたのですが、ネットで調べても見つからなかったためこちらで質問させて頂きます。 |
2021-11-30 17:27:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
php artisan migrateでcould not find driverというエラーが出る。接続エラー? |
phpartisanmigrateでcouldnotfinddriverというエラーが出る。 |
2021-11-30 17:26:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
xlwingsを使ってvbaからpytyonを実行する |
xlwingsを使ってvbaからpytyonを実行するpython初心者です。 |
2021-11-30 17:19:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TkInter: 簡易ダイアログからの内容取得、参考にした記事ではラジオボタンからの入力だが これをエントリ(テキストボックス)からに変更したい。 |
TkInter簡易ダイアログからの内容取得、参考にした記事ではラジオボタンからの入力だがこれをエントリテキストボックスからに変更したい。 |
2021-11-30 17:17:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
brew install openssl でエラー |
brewinstallopensslでエラー要旨エラーの解決策を教えてください。 |
2021-11-30 17:15:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C# 参照をする時の変数で取得する方法 |
C参照をする時の変数で取得する方法お世話になります。 |
2021-11-30 17:14:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Eventごとにpublic変数を変更したい |
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2021-11-30 17:11:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Typescriptで異なる型のオブジェクトを結合したい |
Typescriptで異なる型のオブジェクトを結合したい前提・実現したいことtypescriptで実装しています。 |
2021-11-30 17:10:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rubyの標準ライブラリNet::HTTPについて |
Rubyの標準ライブラリNetHTTPについてRuby初心者のものです。 |
2021-11-30 17:06:00 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初心者がローカルサーバーを構築してみた① |
初心者がローカルサーバーを構築してみた①初投稿投稿の背景日頃、開発業務に携わり着々と業務をこなすと、知識の定着が主な目的でもありますが学んだ内容を記録していきたいなと思って投稿を開始しました。 |
2021-11-30 17:31:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
การตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์ Content ของ WordPress ใน EFS |
การตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์Content ของWordPress ในEFSครั้งนี้ผมจะมาเขียนบทความเกี่ยวกับการตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์Content ของWordPress ในEFS ต่อจากบทความวิธีการสร้างAm |
2021-11-30 08:51:24 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Movement of Data From S3 to DynamoDB using DataPipeline |
Movement of Data From S to DynamoDB using DataPipelineDataPipeline It is a service that helps in sort reformating analysing filtering report data and derive an |
2021-11-30 08:51:14 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[速報] AWS MarketplaceでEKS Anywhere・オンプレ用コンテナイメージが販売されるようになりました! #reinvent |
ubscribetoanddeploythird |
2021-11-30 08:00:50 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[小ネタ][Golang]Surveyでインストーラ風のターミナル入力を作ってみた |
golang |
2021-11-30 08:00:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Is Web Scraping Legal? |
Is Web Scraping Legal Is Web Scraping Legal Ranging from unethical hacking identity theft internet scams social engineering to many more we hear and see regulations outrightly trying to clamp down all forms of crime and swindling on the net But the stance of the internet law on the legality of web scraping remains yet controversial Since you might also find yourself scraping data from the web either now or in the future for business purposes or personal use is web scraping legal You ll soon find out Notable Historical Legal Issues of Web ScrapingMost of the past legal face offs between companies on web scraping ended up leaving traces of mind puzzles With the court twists involved if not thoroughly argued a claimant might even end up guilty despite suing others for scraping their website There have been a few cases where we can draw some light on the legality of web scraping So a logical analysis of such will help you to understand the legal stance of the subject Before moving further let s take a look at some of these cases LinkedIn VS HiQ Data Scraping Legal Face offBefore the Supreme court granted Linkedin a petition for a review and reopened the case again in June the company had previously lost its web scraping lawsuit against HiQ in The Ninth Circuit would ve probably ruled in favor of LinkedIn if the data scraped by HiQ was private But after maintaining that HiQ didn t violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act CFAA by scraping LinkedIn s publicly available data it seemed there wasn t a case for LinkedIn after all While LinkedIn would later file certiorari the court ruling was a win at least for those who depend on web scraping for their business Nonetheless does this mean you can scrape a website regardless of the conditions surrounding it Obviously no Next is an example of what might happen when you collect the wrong type of data Bidder s Edge s Obsession Over eBay s Auction ListingsAlthough it occurred earlier than the case we discussed previously Bidder s Edge s scraping of eBay which is yet the first alleged illegal use of web scraping took a turn from the one you just read There d been a prior agreement between both parties with eBay agreeing to allow Bidder s Edge to list its auctions on its database This agreement didn t work out due to technical issues But eBay still granted them some time lease and allowed Bidder s Edge to list eBay s auctions for days after which it sought to license Bidder s Edge s activities Bidder s Edge turned down this offer But it would later appear that Bidder s Edge was a little obsessed with eBay s products So it went ahead to list eBay s products on its website despite stay off notices To intensify its efforts blocking Bidder s Edge s scraping eBay blocked the website s IP from accessing its resources But the scraper continued to harvest eBay s data by evasions via proxy servers Accessing a database this way appeared malicious And later in the early days of December eBay filed a lawsuit against Bidder s Edge And after claiming that it accessed eBay s property unauthorized and that its activities infringed on the intellectual property of eBay the court handed an injunction preventing Bidder s Edge from further scraping eBay Facebook s Web Scraper Clampdown QuestWith a couple of data breach histories Facebook has faced several backlashes for being careless with users data And when it came to web scraping this social media Cambridge Analytica didn t stop on a small number when it swept Facebook massively in in a bid to identify undecided voters Although the scraping activity didn t technically impact the smooth running of Facebook or any of its services Congress held that Cambridge Analytica misused the collected data And Facebook would later be fined billion in by the Federal Trade Commission for its alleged role in violating its users privacy Thus we see a punishment served due to misuse of privately available data rather than the act itself Cambridge Analytica also had its share of the deal And it was somewhat perceived shady The company later filed for a Chapter bankruptcy in after claiming that it had lost many of its political clients From the hard lesson learned Facebook would later go all out and take legal actions against some web scrapers This perhaps brought to the limelight Facebook s case in against two Ukrainian folks that deceptively scraped its users data using browser extensions and quiz apps One would ve thought this was another example that shows that you could get served for gathering data from the wrong place using the wrong method Although the court ruled in favor of Facebook in both cases it didn t punish the violators beyond bearable The court however held that the activities of these extensions were malicious and recommended a permanent injunction against the defendants “Malicious was an appropriate description of the activity of these scrapers as they collected personal data from Facebook users without their discretion When Is Web Scraping Illegal As earlier mentioned the legality of web scraping looks like a dead end since no regulations are binding it So it appears that you can scrape the web all you want after all And looking logically at the past salient cases of data scraping it s clear that web scraping isn t illegal But your technical approach and how you use the collected data tell a lot Nonetheless adequately describing and deciphering the conditions surrounding each scraping activity reveals more about its legality For instance as with any policy violation the law had in the past met screen scraping activities with sanctions due to violation of terms In essence while we ve maintained that screen scraping is not illegal you can make it illegal when you do it wrongly or maliciously Even if you mean no harm some tech companies frown at web scraping And even if they allow you to scrape them some tell you what and what you shouldn t do with the data you scrape Violating such terms might land you a legal injunction So watch out for red flags Then read data privacy terms before taking data from any website Data Theft VS Data Scraping What s the Difference Data theft is often a consequence of many breaches that happen on the internet When this happens it hands the affected website a lowered credibility Worse there have even been a few cases where stolen data surfaced on the Dark Web Web scraping in the real sense is wide But basically it often involves screen scraping which is the collection of pre rendered information from the front end Such activity is unlikely to affect a website s technical angle Plus data scraped this way are often unprotected and anyone can collect them But in some cases a data scraper may also scrape a database directly through data feeds monitoring Such an approach to data collection when done formally is often backed up by an agreement between the scraper and the source And in cases where there isn t an agreement between both parties such data must ve been available for public use Otherwise if you re unauthorized to connect to a database it may become shady and hacky when you try to retrieve real time data from it You can term such unethical information retrieval data theft Data theft on the other hand aims to retrieve confidential information without approval So it may compromise a websites integrity as it sometimes involves hacking into a database Nevertheless it s still partly correct to say that data theft is a misuse of web scraping Further there are laws and regulations binding data theft So even though you might claim to be scraping data it s theft when you forcefully collect confidential data Sometimes data thieves or hackers exploit a website s vulnerability to perpetuate data theft And many of such cases have gone under the hood unpunished Nonetheless you need to take care and ensure that you re not scraping data from where you re outrightly unauthorized Yahoo s and LinkedIn s Cases The Stolen and ScrapedA notable example of data theft is Yahoo s consecutive data breaches of and It was indeed a coordinated raid where over billion users data got stolen While it wasn t the only one that d occurred before then the ease of Yahoo s database compromise coupled with the amount of data stolen left the internet community in awe Although Yahoo s breach resulted in data scraping it was an obvious example of data theft Plus the hackers gained unauthorized access to their databases And this outright violated the internet privacy rules since the scraped information was confidential In LinkedIn also got shaded in a supposed data breach after CyberNews reported million users information auctioned on the Dark Web To protect its legacy LinkedIn immediately refuted this information on the LinkedIn Pressroom Although the company didn t deny the data leakage it claimed that the auctioned information was retrieved via web scraping rather than a security breach And since web scraping isn t illegal and involves the collection of publicly available data unlike Yahoo s case we can t conclude that this was data theft Besides according to LinkedIn there was neither a breach nor unauthorized access to its database after all Web Scraping vs Web CrawlingPeople sometimes wrongly use the terms web scraping and web crawling synonymously Although they re closely related they re different actions that need proper delineation ーat least so you can know which one is ideal for your needs at a certain point in time And understand what the differences are …Automatio Blog ーUpdates Tutorials and Case StudiesStefan SmiljkovicThus typically information gathered during web scraping is readily available and visible to everyone So in the real sense no one should reprimand you for scraping the web But data theft is more creepy It often requires craftiness Technically it involves digital prying Then subsequent access to a private repository or a database of information not meant to leak to a third party The retrieval and misuse of such data often follow the leak Is Web Scraping a Result of a Website s Vulnerabilities Security vulnerabilities undoubtedly can result in a data breach People might use web scraping illegally when they misuse the scraped data or use unethical technical processes to retrieve information But naturally it doesn t have to exploit vulnerabilities So a website regardless of its security seems to have little control over what people can and not scrape Can You Get Blocked From Scraping a Website A robot txt file is a popular tool used by companies to keep bots away from accessing specific directories on their website Before scraping you can check if a website allows crawling on a particular page by typing websiteurl robots txt in your browser search console And where such a file doesn t serve the purpose some websites write extra security scripts that block malicious IPs to prevent unauthorized access to their content Despite such efforts people still have their way around getting what they want DOM parsing coupled with machine learning techniques like natural language processing and computer vision are technologies that power some data scrapers today Some of these techniques are smart and they fool a website s security wall by adapting the human browsing behavior What Types of Websites Can You Scrape You probably know by now that web scraping is only legal when you use it towards a good course And there are many web scraping business ideas out there But as stated earlier some websites don t like to be scraped So what categories of websites are there on the internet where you can collect data Social MediaSocial media websites are among the most dependable sources when it comes to scraping natural languages and sentiments Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter even offer APIs that let developers connect to them and use their data Such data is often programmable and only integrable into apps for some solutions though So they might not be explicitly downloadable into CSV or Excel files as you might when scraping a large volume of data from open source websites That said some of them also let you scrape and download users comments without revealing the identity of those who post them Twitter for instance offers a dedicated API called Tweepy that you can use to grab users tweets semantically For example using Tweepy you can collect all tweets that have a particular keyword E Commerce and Directory WebsitesE commerce stores and directory websites no doubt are the most reliable sources for collecting market and product related data Walmart Amazon and eBay are some of the top e commerce websites where people scavenge for product information While some of these websites don t state whether they allow scraping or not some do So you might want to look out for that to avoid legal consequences But since these products are available on the client side you should be fine scraping them News and Media WebsitesNews and media websites are excellent sources of information And people sometimes resort to scraping them to get SEO insights If you don t reproduce or plagiarize their content you re safe and you can scrape news sites and blogs Job BoardsMany companies target popular job boards to recommend the most in demand skills to their customers Additionally since many of these websites contain CV samples they re good sources of CV templates for various job types Examples of job boards that job recommending companies scrape include LinkedIn Indeed and Glassdoor As far as you don t step beyond the boundary you shouldn t have issues collecting data from these websites as well Search EnginesWhile this may sound overwhelming and laborious search engines are the best places to search for publicly available data Content management companies sometimes scrape query results from search engines like Google and Bing for keyword and SEO insights In terms of legality search engines are the safest to sweep as they offer readily indexed information ConclusionWeb scraping is one of the most complex enemies to fight on the internet today Everyone including regulatory bodies and even those who frown at it scrape the web in one way or another This tool is valuable in many fields including but not limited to market research artificial intelligence SEO and more While its legality depends on some key factors it doesn t look like there ll be a strict sanction against using it after all That said as far as you don t violate legal terms it s a free world out there on the net So feel free to scrape the web as you want We even have a handy tool called Automatio where you can explore the power of web automation to extract data from any website Scrape responsibly |
2021-11-30 08:57:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Clean Code - Laravel |
Clean Code LaravelLet s get started quickly In some cases clean code must be used as in the following Don t do thisPost where category id category gt id gt where author id user gt id gt first Do thisPost whereBelongsTo category gt whereBelongsTo user author gt first Don t do this post gt author id user gt id Do this post gt author gt is user I hope you enjoyed the code |
2021-11-30 08:31:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Login Signup Form with Email Verification |
Login Signup Form with Email VerificationLogin Signup Form with Email Verification is a Working PHP based Sine Up from with Working OTP generating System It s Working On Local Host If You Don t Know How to configure XAMPP to send Mail from Localhost in PHP You can Read My Another Blog Design Your Registration Home page Simple lt php require once controllerUserData php gt lt php email SESSION email password SESSION password if email false amp amp password false sql SELECT FROM usertable WHERE email email run Sql mysqli query con sql if run Sql fetch info mysqli fetch assoc run Sql status fetch info status code fetch info code if status verified if code header Location reset code php else header Location user otp php else header Location login user php gt lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt title gt lt php echo fetch info name gt Home lt title gt lt link rel stylesheet href gt lt style gt import url amp display swap nav padding left px important padding right px important background ee font family Poppins sans serif nav a navbar brand color fff font size px important font weight button a color ee font weight button a hover text decoration none h position absolute top left width text align center transform translate font size px font weight lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt nav class navbar gt lt a class navbar brand href gt Brand name lt a gt lt button type button class btn btn light gt lt a href logout user php gt Logout lt a gt lt button gt lt nav gt lt h gt Welcome lt php echo fetch info name gt lt h gt lt body gt lt html gt In Here I make An Email OTP System Which is Based On PHP and js Visit My GitHub to know more |
2021-11-30 08:31:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to use window.confirm() |
How to use window confirm Hello everyone I am back with a new article on how you can use window confirm Browser API in JavaScript window confirm let you to ask confirmation before performing a important action for example deleting something or posting somethingLet s look it by an example const warn confirm You are going to delete this post are you sure This will show you a confirmation message Now how you can check whether user has confirmed or not const warn confirm You are going to delete this post are you sure if warn console log User has confirmed |
2021-11-30 08:23:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Data Visualization with Chart.js |
Data Visualization with Chart js Table Of ContentsIntroductionWhat is Chart jsGetting Started with Chart jsBar ChartLine ChartPie ChartConclusion PrerequisitesBefore you continue with this tutorial article you should Have working experience with JavaScriptKnow the basics of HTML attributes such as an id and classHave a code editor I will be using VSCode IntroductionOne of the most important features that a developer should be able to implement on a web application is a diagrammatic representation of data which allows users to have a clear visual of data on a website Whether it s financial data page view analytics or statistics of items which are mostly found on the dashboard In this tutorial article we ll learn how to make use of chart js to create a visual representation of data in JavaScript DemoYou can check out the demo of what we will be building together in this article here Or watch the demo video below What is Chart JS Chart js is an open source JavaScript library that is used for data visualization that supports up to eight different charts including the bar chart line chart area chart pie chart bubble chart radar chart polar chart and scatter chart For this tutorial we will be focusing on the bar chart line chart and pie chart and at the end of this article you will learn how to implement these three charts Getting Started with Chart jsThere are three major ways of adding chart js to your project Through Package Manager Highly recommended You can install Chart js through npm yarn or any other package manager installer for your Node React Vue Angular or any other supporting frameworks Through CDNJS Recommended Another way of adding chart js to a project is through the Content Delivery Network which means all the built files of chart js can be accessed directly from the cdnjs or jsDelivr Through GitHub Less recommended Chart js is an open source project which means you can download the latest version of chart js directly from GitHub here but this method requires you to fork clone build and test the chart js before getting it to work on your machine this method is way too tedious In this tutorial we will be making use of the cdnjs method to add chart js to our project you can always try out other methods on your own using this guide How Chart js Works in HTMLIn this section I will lay out how chart js works and explain the minimum things you need to set up a chart with the chart js library I will break this section down into two parts The HTML part and The JavaScript part The Html Part This part involves importing the chart js cdn link into your html document and setting up a lt canvas gt html tag The lt canvas gt html tag is used to draw graphics on a web page using JavaScript now you understand why there are two parts to cover when working with chart js Import chart js cdn in your HTML document You can get the latest version of chart js from here lt Chart js Script gt lt script src Chart cdn goes here gt lt script gt Specify where you what to display the chart in your HTML document also note that it is very important to wrap the canvas tag inside of a container as the canvas tag needs the parent container to make the chart responsive we will address this issue later in this guide The canvas id will be used later to make reference to the canvas element in the JavaScript part lt section class chart wrapper gt lt chart canvas gt lt canvas id chart name gt lt canvas gt lt section gt The JavaScript PartWelcome to the JavaScript part there are a couple of things that are common and important when working with any chart in chart js this includes The canvas reference to display the chart The chart configuration The chart type The chart labels the horizontal labels of the chart The chart datasets The chart data the vertical labels of the chart The chart label which is the title or name of the chart The chart instance which is needed to initiate a new type of chart Let me show you the code The canvas reference to display the chart const chartCanvas document getElementById chart canva getContext d The chart configuration const config type bar chart type data The chart labels the horizontal labels of the chart labels label label label label label The chart datasets datasets The chart data the horizontal labels of the chart data Chart label label Chart Label Canvas are not responsive by default options responsive true The chart instance which is needed to initiate a new type of chart const newBarChart new Chart chartCanvas config The getContext d gives us access to the D drawing on the canvas HTML tag this configuration is optional and document getElementById chart canva is enough The code above will produce the output below And that s not responsive the canvas tag is not responsive by default and we might need a small size chart for our application the chart js has a configuration option named responsive which you need to set to true for the chart to resize when the parent container or element resizes this will make the chart take the width and height of its parent element The methods below do not work lt canvas width vw height vh gt lt canvas gt lt canvas style width vw height vh gt lt canvas gt The code below demonstrates how to make your charts in chart js responsive lt section class chart wrapper gt lt chart canvas gt lt canvas id chart name gt lt canvas gt lt section gt lt style gt chart wrapper position relative width vw align at page center margin auto lt style gt The chart wrapper position should be set to relative for the chart to be responsive with the container across different sizes Now we have a responsive bar chart So far working with chart js is not as difficult as it seems right All you need to get started with any type of chart are what has been demonstrated above you can go ahead and change the type of chart to line pie or any other type of chart And you should have the corresponding charts displayed on your screen The chart label will be undefined if the label is not set as shown below Down to this point we have learned the concepts to build any type of chart using chart js and with these concepts at your reach you will be able to handle any chart in chart js In the next section we ll use a real world use case of charts to visualize data and also add styles to our not so cute charts TaskLet s apply what we ve learned to a real world scenario Our task is to display the most popular technologies from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey results using a Bar Chart Line Chart and Pie Chart Result of the Most Popular Technologies Survey TechnologyVote PercentageJAVASCRIPT HTML CSS SQL PYTHON JAVA We won t go into detail about the CSS part of the solution because this tutorial is focused on building charts with the chart js JavaScript library Copy and paste the HTML and CSS code below as a starter kit most CSS styles are just to make our page look more attractive lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt link rel stylesheet href chart css gt lt title gt Getting Started with chart js lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt HEADER SECTION gt lt header gt lt NAVBAR SECTION gt lt nav gt lt a href class nav links read guide gt Read Guide lt a gt lt div class nav right gt lt a href bar chart class nav links gt Bar Chart lt a gt lt a href line chart class nav links gt Line Chart lt a gt lt a href pie chart class nav links gt Pie Chart lt a gt lt div gt lt nav gt lt HERO SECTION gt lt section class hero gt lt h class hero text gt Getting Started with Chart js lt br gt DEMO lt h gt lt section gt lt header gt lt main gt lt Charts goes in here gt lt main gt lt footer gt lt h gt Design with by lt span gt UNCLEBIGBAY lt span gt lt h gt lt footer gt lt Chart js Script gt lt script src integrity sha GMGzUEevhWhTc njSbDpwgxdCJLQBWGZCt JGOpVnEmjvNxtsvAXJfHOrtOsfhvhBKpKkEzAQ crossorigin anonymous referrerpolicy no referrer gt lt script gt lt Bar Chart Script gt lt script src bar chart js gt lt script gt lt Line Chart Script gt lt script src line chart js gt lt script gt lt Pie Chart Script gt lt script src pie chart js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Create the following files chart css bar chart js line chart js and pie chart js we will be writing our code in them very soon Open your chart css file and put the CSS code below inside import url ital wght amp display swap margin box sizing border box root primary color bd app white ffffff bar chart bg aca line chart bg bad pie chart bg b html scroll behavior smooth body line height font family Ubuntu background color var pie chart bg header padding rem background color var primary color height vh FIX THE NAVBAR ACROSS ALL SECTIONS nav position fixed left width z index display flex flex direction column justify content space between nav links read guide opacity font size px margin bottom rem text decoration line unset opacity nav links read guide hover opacity nav right display flex justify content space between width nav links padding rem color fff text decoration none opacity font size em font weight transition s text decoration line underline text underline offset px nav links hover opacity text underline offset px HERO SECTION hero display flex justify content center align items center height text align center hero text color fff font size px line height CHART SECTION chart section height vh padding top px display flex flex direction column justify content center align items center chart wrapper width background color white chart heading font size px text align center margin bottom rem color var app white opacity chart section bar chart background color var bar chart bg chart section line chart background color var line chart bg chart section pie chart background color var pie chart bg FOOTER footer text align center color var app white padding rem font size px opacity footer span font weight media min width px header padding rem rem nav padding rem flex direction row nav links read guide margin bottom rem nav right width HERO SECTION hero height vh hero text font size px line height CHART SECTION chart wrapper width vw chart heading font size px Save your files and open the chart html on your browser your starter template should look something like this Building Bar Chart in Chart jsIn this section we will be creating a visual of the survey result in a bar chart using the concept we ve learned from the previous section Create a section for the bar chart in the chart html file as shown below lt BAR CHART SECTION gt lt section class chart section bar chart id bar chart gt lt h class chart heading gt Bar Chart lt h gt lt div class chart wrapper gt lt chart canva gt lt canvas id js bar chart gt lt canvas gt lt div gt lt section gt Our bar chart should look something like this at the end of this section The difference between the above bar chart and the basic bar chart is the different background color of the bars the dark borders around the bars the percentage symbol of the data and the label background color The chart js library allows us to style anything we can see on the chart through the dataset object and not CSS I will show you how in a bit The chart label will take the background color of the first data in the data array which is the JavaScript yellow in the example given above Anything you see you can style AnonymousAnother tricky part is adding the percentage symbol to the bar chart data on the vertical labels We won t do this because it won t work data Rather we will be making use of a callback function to add the percentage symbol to each of the data Adding Background Color to Chart jsTo add background colors to each of the data been represented on a chart js chart pass a backgroundColor property inside of the dataset as shown in bar chart js below Chart label horizontal labels JAVASCRIPT HTML CSS SQL PYTHON JAVA datasets Chart label label Programming languages votes Chart data data Chart data background color backgroundColor yellow blue brown purple indigo gray Ensure to import the bar chart js if you re not working with the HTML template The arrangement of the backgroundColor array must match the arrangement of the data array and the labels array This is what I mean JAVASCRIPT gt gt yellowHTML CSS gt gt blueSQL gt gt brownPYTHON gt gt purpleJAVA gt gt indigoAnd you can add borderWidth and borderColor to your chart like this Chart border styles borderWidth borderColor black Adding Symbols to Chart js DataTo add any symbol to data in chart js we need to define a callback function in the chart configuration option which is defined as shown below options scales y ticks callback function value return value The y represents the y axis of the chart which is also the vertical side of the chart where the chart data is been displayed The callback function gives us access to each of the values in the chart data array before they are been rendered to the UI and it returns the new format we define which is to append the percentage symbol to the data in this case I have created a gist here for the complete JavaScript code of the bar chart Building Line Chart in Chart jsIn this section we will visualize the survey data in a line chart Our final line chart will look like this Create a new section for the line chart with a canvas tag always remember to wrap the canvas tag with a parent element like below lt LINE CHART SECTION gt lt section class chart section line chart id line chart gt lt h class chart heading gt Line Chart lt h gt lt div class chart wrapper gt lt chart canva gt lt canvas id js line chart gt lt canvas gt lt div gt lt section gt Now copy and paste the code below into your line chat js file Grab the bar chart canvaconst lineChartContext document getElementById js line chart getContext d Creating a new chart instanceconst newLineChart new Chart lineChartContext Chart configuration type line data Chart Label Vertical labels JAVASCRIPT HTML CSS SQL PYTHON JAVA datasets Chart lable label Programming languages votes Chart data data Chart data background color backgroundColor yellow blue brown purple indigo Chart border styles borderWidth borderColor black options responsive true scales y ticks callback function value return value The only differences between the code in bar chart js and the code in line chart js are the variable name and the chart type You should be more familiar with the code structure of the charts by now Building a Pie Chart in Chart jsFinally in this section we ll represent the survey result in a pie chart Create a new section for the pie chart in your html document like this lt PIE CHART SECTION gt lt section class chart section pie chart id pie chart gt lt h class chart heading gt Pie Chart lt h gt lt div class chart wrapper gt lt chart canva gt lt canvas id js pie chart gt lt canvas gt lt div gt lt section gt Now Create a pie chart js file and copy paste the code below Grab the bar chart canvaconst pieChartContext document getElementById js pie chart getContext d Creating a new chart instanceconst newPieChart new Chart pieChartContext Chart configuration type pie data Chart Label Vertical labels JAVASCRIPT HTML CSS SQL PYTHON JAVA datasets Chart data data label Programming languages votes backgroundColor yellow blue brown purple indigo borderWidth borderColor black options responsive true Maintain the original canvas aspect ratio width height when resizing maintainAspectRatio false The code for the pie chart above is pretty much the same as the bar chart and line chart implementation But the pie chart needs extra help to become fully responsive across all screen sizes so we need to set the maintainAspectRatio to false in the configuration option to make it responsive across all screen sizes Without maintainAspectRatio propertyWith maintainAspectRatio set to false ConclusionData presentation is an important element to have in a frontend application and in this post you learned how to use the chart js library to create a bar chart a line chart and a pie chart With the knowledge gained from this post you can use chart js to work with more complex data ReferenceIf you are interested in learning more about charts the resource below will help you to take data visualization with charts to the next level Chart js Official Documentation |
2021-11-30 08:21:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Communicating Between JavaScript and Java Through the Cordova Plugins |
Communicating Between JavaScript and Java Through the Cordova Plugins BackgroundCordova is an open source cross platform development framework that allows you to use HTML and JavaScript to develop apps across multiple platforms such as Android and iOS So how exactly does Cordova enable apps to run on different platforms and implement the functions The abundant plugins in Cordova are the main reason and free you to focus solely on app functions without having to interact with the APIs at the OS level HMS Core provides a set of Cordova related plugins which enable you to integrate kits with greater ease and efficiency IntroductionHere I ll use the Cordova plugin in HUAWEI Push Kit as an example to demonstrate how to call Java APIs in JavaScript through JavaScript Java messaging The following implementation principles can be applied to all other kits except for Map Kit and Ads Kit which will be detailed later and help you master troubleshooting solutions Basic Structure of CordovaWhen you call style mso bidi font weight normal gt loadUrl in MainActivity CordovaWebView will be initialized and Cordova starts up In this case style mso bidi font weight normal gt CordovaWebView will create style mso bidi font weight normal gt PluginManager NativeToJsMessageQueue as well as ExposedJsApi of JavascriptInterface style mso bidi font weight normal gt ExposedJsApi and NativeToJsMessageQueue will play a role in the subsequent communication During the plugin loading all plugins in the configuration file will be read when the PluginManager object is created and plugin mappings will be created When the plugin is called for the first time instantiation is conducted and related functions are executed A message can be returned from Java to JavaScript in synchronous or asynchronous mode In Cordova set async in the method to distinguish the two modes In synchronous mode Cordova obtains data from the header of the NativeToJsMessageQueue queue finds the message request based on callbackID and returns the data to the success method of the request In asynchronous mode Cordova calls the loop method to continuously obtain data from the NativeToJsMessageQueue queue finds the message request and returns the data to the success method of the request In the Cordova plugin of Push Kit the synchronization mode is used Plugin CallYou may still be unclear on how the process works based on the description above so I ve provided the following procedure Install the plugin Run the cordova plugin add hmscore cordova plugin hms push command to install the latest plugin After the command is executed the plugin information is added to the plugins directory The plugin xml file records all information to be used such as JavaScript and Android classes During the plugin initialization the classes will be loaded to Cordova If a method or API is not configured in the file it is unable to be used Create a message mapping The plugin provides the methods for creating mappings for the following messages HmsMessagingIn the HmsPush js file call the runHmsMessaging API in asynchronous mode to transfer the message to the Android platform The Android platform returns the result through Promise The message will be transferred to the HmsPushMessaging class The execute method in HmsPushMessaging can transfer the message to a method for processing based on the action type in the message public void execute String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackContext throws JSONException hmsLogger startMethodExecutionTimer action switch action case isAutoInitEnabled isAutoInitEnabled callbackContext break case setAutoInitEnabled setAutoInitEnabled args getBoolean callbackContext break case turnOffPush turnOffPush callbackContext break case turnOnPush turnOnPush callbackContext break case subscribe subscribe args getString callbackContext break HmsInstanceIdIn the HmsPush js file call the runHmsInstance API in asynchronous mode to transfer the message to the Android platform The Android platform returns the result through Promise The message will be transferred to the HmsPushInstanceId class The execute method in HmsPushInstanceId can transfer the message to a method for processing based on the action type in the message public void execute String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackContext throws JSONException if action equals init hmsLogger startMethodExecutionTimer action switch action case init Log i HMSPush HMSPush initialized break case enableLogger enableLogger callbackContext break case disableLogger disableLogger callbackContext break case getToken getToken args length gt args getString Core HCM callbackContext break case getAAID getAAID callbackContext break case getCreationTime getCreationTime callbackContext break Similarly the processing method returns the result to JavaScript The result will be written to the nativeToJsMessageQueue queue callBack sendPluginResult new PluginResult PluginResult Status OK autoInit localNotificationIn the HmsLocalNotification js file call the run API in asynchronous mode to transfer the message to the Android platform The Android platform returns the result through Promise The message will be transferred to the HmsLocalNotification class The execute method in HmsLocalNotification can transfer the message to a method for processing based on the action type in the message public void execute String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackContext throws JSONException switch action case localNotification localNotification args callbackContext break case localNotificationSchedule localNotificationSchedule args getJSONObject callbackContext break case cancelAllNotifications cancelAllNotifications callbackContext break case cancelNotifications cancelNotifications callbackContext break case cancelScheduledNotifications cancelScheduledNotifications callbackContext break case cancelNotificationsWithId cancelNotificationsWithId args getJSONArray callbackContext break Call sendPluginResult to return the result However for localNotification the result will be returned after the notification is sent Perform message push event callback In addition to the method calling message push involves listening for many events for example receiving common messages data messages and tokens The callback process starts from Android In Android the callback method is defined in HmsPushMessageService java Based on the SDK requirements you can opt to redefine certain callback methods such as onMessageReceived onDeletedMessages and onNewToken When an event is triggered an event notification is sent to JavaScript public static void runJS final CordovaPlugin plugin final String jsCode if plugin null return Log d TAG runJS plugin cordova getActivity runOnUiThread gt CordovaWebViewEngine engine plugin webView getEngine if engine null plugin webView loadUrl javascript jsCode else engine evaluateJavascript jsCode result gt Each event is defined and registered in HmsPushEvent js exports REMOTE DATA MESSAGE RECEIVED REMOTE DATA MESSAGE RECEIVED exports TOKEN RECEIVED EVENT TOKEN RECEIVED EVENT exports ON TOKEN ERROR EVENT ON TOKEN ERROR EVENT exports NOTIFICATION OPENED EVENT NOTIFICATION OPENED EVENT exports LOCAL NOTIFICATION ACTION EVENT LOCAL NOTIFICATION ACTION EVENT exports ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT exports ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT ERROR ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT ERROR exports ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT DELIVERED ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT DELIVERED function onPushMessageSentDelivered result window registerHMSEvent exports ON PUSH MESSAGE SENT DELIVERED result exports onPushMessageSentDelivered onPushMessageSentDelivered Please note that the event initialization needs to be performed during app development Otherwise the event listening will fail For more details please refer to eventListeners js in the demo If the callback has been triggered in Java but is not received in JavaScript check whether the event initialization is performed In doing so when an event is triggered in Android JavaScript will be able to receive and process the message You can also refer to this process to add an event SummaryThe description above illustrates how the plugin implements the JavaScript Java communications The methods of most kits can be called in a similar manner However Map Kit Ads Kit and other kits that need to display images or videos such as maps and native ads require a different method which will be introduced in a later article ReferencesFor more details you can go to HMS Core official websiteHMS Core Cordova Plugin Development Documentation page to find the documents you needReddit to join our developer discussionGitHub to download Cordova PluginsStack Overflow to solve any integration problems |
2021-11-30 08:11:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Postman Hacks |
Postman HacksPostman is an API platform that allows you to create and use APIs Postman streamlines collaboration and simplifies each phase of the API lifecycle allowing you to design better APIs faster Let s start testing Table Of ContentEnvironment variablesGenerating random namesPostman ConsolePath variable Environment variablesDuplicating codes and links during API testing is always a hassle First highlight the url and set it as a variable Now imagine writing this whole baseUrl for every instances of GET POST DELETE PUT and PATCH request It get tiresome There is a hack to this Also when you can set token as variable with few steps Highlight the token and set it as a variable Generating random namesThis is my favorite ever want to register new users and your brain just ran out of John Doe Do not worry help is on the way This generate random name and email Postman ConsolePostman also has its own console where you may see a log of server responses Path variable ConclusionThis is just a quick overview of what you can do with Postman to test APIs Googling what postman can accomplish will provide you with more functionality Thank you for taking the time to read this |
2021-11-30 08:07:01 |
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2021-11-30 17:23:20 |
海外ニュース |
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Scores hoping to enter Japan in limbo — again — after latest entry ban |
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2021-11-30 17:19:13 |
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MI6 boss warns of China 'debt traps and data traps' |
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BBC News - Home |
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2021-11-30 08:09:52 |
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BBC News - Home |
Omicron: What are the new Covid rules for travelling to the UK? |
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2021-11-30 08:11:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: What Covid rules are being toughened in the UK? |
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2021-11-30 08:13:48 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
2021年12月の日本株の値動きは「新型コロナ変異株」 と「IPOラッシュ」で、変動が激しい不安定な展開に! 75日・200日移動平均線を上回るまで慎重な運用を! - 成り上がり投資術 |
2021-11-30 17:45:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
チェンジ(3962)、株主優待を変更! 800株以上の 保有で「プレミアム優待倶楽部」のポイントがもらえ るのは変わらず、基準日が「9月末⇒3月末」に変更へ - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース |
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不景気.com |
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2021-11-30 08:36:05 |
LifeHuck |
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2021-11-30 17:30:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
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北海道 |
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マーケティング |
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MarkeZine |
大和、パーソナライズド動画配信SaaSサービス「BLUERUSH」の提供を開始 |
bluerush |
2021-11-30 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホアプリ『機動戦士ガンダムUCE』がサービス開始!ダイヤ3000個がもらえる「ストア1位記念ログインボーナス」も開催中 |
android |
2021-11-30 17:55:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
新たな冒険が始まる!『白猫プロジェクト NEW WORLD'S』メインストーリー第1章が開幕 |
newworlds |
2021-11-30 17:45:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
米サイバーマンデー売上高、前年比横ばいか 商品不足や値引き減で |
横ばい |
2021-11-30 09:00:30 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
昆虫食に手づくり化粧水……井上咲楽が取り組むGFPな生活 |
井上咲楽 |
2021-11-30 08:37:03 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
築90年の長屋を“手作り複合施設”へ…地域活性化に若手が奮闘 文化発信として新潟市も支援 |
地域活性化 |
2021-11-30 08:30:31 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
地域プロモーションアワード2021大賞に高知県四万十町、青森県大鰐町 |
地域活性化センター |
2021-11-30 08:18:26 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
立民新代表の泉健太さん「立民は『論憲』の政党だ。憲法審査会ではしっかり憲法を論じていく姿勢で臨んでいきたい」「国会での物理的抵抗を多くの国民は良しとしない」 |立民新代表の泉健太さん立民は論憲の政党だ憲法審査会ではしっかり憲法を論じていく姿勢で臨んでいきたい国/
ornewsokuexplinkcomments |
2021-11-30 08:01:52 |
Cloud Blog JA |
医療業界向デジタルイベント INSIDE Healthcare and Life Sciences を開催します |
開催概要名称GoogleCloudINSIDEHealthcareandLifeSciences日時年月日水より主催グーグル・クラウド・ジャパン合同会社内容GoogleCloudのライフサイエンス分野の変革における取り組みパートナー様講演連合学習とAnthosによるAIドリブンのヘルスケアライフサイエンス共同研究についてQuantiphiIncパートナー様講演 AIと進化分子工学を統合したペプチド抗体分子設計共同創薬パイプライン事例株式会社MOLCUREお客様講演 創薬研究のデータ解析におけるクラウドの活用大塚製薬株式会社ハッシュタグgchealthcare詳細・お申し込みこちらをご覧ください。 |
2021-11-30 10:00:00 |