Engadget Japanese |
ついに。Android 12がDigital Car Keyに対応、Pixel 6やGalaxy S21とBMW車で |
android |
2021-12-02 11:40:24 |
Engadget Japanese |
スマホ画面が背景になる『tomica ライトアップシアター』 |
tomica |
2021-12-02 11:01:25 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 星野リゾート、独自の“Go To”実施 宿泊料金、最大2割引き |
itmedia |
2021-12-02 20:42:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】株価データ分析 株価チャートを描く~mplfinance編 その2~ |
2021-12-02 20:51:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
scikit-learn使用時に出た'SVC' object has no attribute '_probA' エラーの対処法 |
PC①PC②解決までの手順バージョン確認それぞれのPCでscikitlearnのバージョンを確認するバージョン確認には以下のコードをコマンドプロンプトで使用する。 |
2021-12-02 20:09:26 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【日付回文】本日、2021年12月02日は、逆から読んでも2021年12月02日。次回はいつなのかPythonでコードを書いて調べてみた。 |
【日付回文】本日、年月日は、逆から読んでも年月日。 |
2021-12-02 20:06:14 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
HTML、CSS、JavaScriptで電卓をつくりました。 |
を連打しまくるで、数字が何桁入力されても幅が固定された枠の中に収まるように文字サイズを調整したいと思っていたところ、fittyというとっても便利なライブラリを見つけました。 |
2021-12-02 20:50:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python Jupyter labで計算中に「The kernel for ~~ appears to have died. 」となり処理が終了してしまう |
PythonJupyterlabで計算中に「Thekernelforappearstohavedied」となり処理が終了してしまう前提・実現したいことpulpを利用し線形計画法で色々決めたい下記に記載の記事を参考に処理を進めており、目的関数を決定する際に以下のエラーが発生し、カーネルが死んでしまいます。 |
2021-12-02 20:43:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DTOのgetter、setteの一部を使わずに使いまわしてもいいのか |
DTOのgetter、setteの一部を使わずに使いまわしてもいいのかServletJSPでWebアプリケーションを作っています。 |
2021-12-02 20:35:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
任意の座標(i,j)で、隣接する座標(i+1,j)(i-1,j)間での流速差を求めたい |
2021-12-02 20:34:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Chromeで毎回クライアント証明書を選択しなくても良い証明書の作成方法はありますか? |
Chromeで毎回クライアント証明書を選択しなくても良い証明書の作成方法はありますか自己認証局でクライアント証明書を作成したのですが、Chromeでアクセスすると毎回クライアント証明書の選択ダイアログが表示されてしまいます。 |
2021-12-02 20:31:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ctypesで作った配列にアクセスしたいです。【c_ubyte_Array】【CArgObject】 |
ctypesで作った配列にアクセスしたいです。 |
2021-12-02 20:14:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
テーブル表に新しい列として割合を追加 |
テーブル表に新しい列として割合を追加R初心者でかなり初歩的な質問を承知の上で質問致します。 |
2021-12-02 20:06:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
nodebrewでインストールしたnodeを使えるようにしたい |
nodebrewでインストールしたnodeを使えるようにしたい環境MacOS現状現在nbspnodenbspversionとやるとvと表示され、nbspnodebrewnbspusenbspvを実行した後に再度実行してもvと表示され、バージョンが切り替わりません。 |
2021-12-02 20:06:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
自分で判断するプログラム |
プログラムの方で、「自滅しないように判断しつつ道を選択する」という組み方は可能でしょうかかなり難しそうですが・・・・。 |
2021-12-02 20:03:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VSCodeの踏み台環境を経由したデバッグ方法 |
VSCodeの踏み台環境を経由したデバッグ方法実行環境が踏み台環境の先にあり、VisualStudioCodeでアタッチしてデバッグを行いたいと考えています。 |
2021-12-02 20:01:12 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Macにおけるファイルエンコーディングの確認方法 |
Macにおけるファイルエンコーディングの確認方法はじめにプロを目指す人にためのRuby入門に取り組んでいたところ、ファイルエンコーディングを確認する機会があったため、忘れないようにメモとして残しておこうと思います。 |
2021-12-02 20:28:23 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
2021年,Go言語でお世話になったライブラリ/検討したけど導入しなかったライブラリ |
年、お世話になったライブラリgithubcomdeepmapoapicodegenOpenAPI定義からGo言語のサーバーとかRequestResponse構造体やモデル定義とかをGenerateするやつです。 |
2021-12-02 20:26:00 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git環境で独自のコマンドを登録する【zsh, bash】 |
Git環境で独自のコマンドを登録する【zshbash】はじめにRailsで開発するならbundleerails省略とかめちゃくちゃ使用します。 |
2021-12-02 20:55:58 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git環境で独自のコマンドを登録する【zsh, bash】 |
Git環境で独自のコマンドを登録する【zshbash】はじめにRailsで開発するならbundleerails省略とかめちゃくちゃ使用します。 |
2021-12-02 20:55:58 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Learn about Zendesk Explore |
Learn about Zendesk ExploreZendesk Explore A reporting tool that enhances business Identify and optimizes workflows to help teams and ag |
2021-12-02 11:57:35 |
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[レポート]AWS Graviton2(Arm64)で.NET 6のパフォーマンスを加速させる #XNT303 #reinvent |
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2021-12-02 11:25:50 |
海外TECH |
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Getting software to “hallucinate” reasonable protein structures |
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2021-12-02 11:45:26 |
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It Looks Like Samsung Has Killed the Galaxy Note Series. But Why? |
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What Is the Supply Chain Crisis and How Does It Impact Your Online Shopping? |
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How to Use WhatsApp's Sticker Maker to Make Your Own Custom Stickers |
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海外TECH |
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What You Need to Know About Using C++ Vectors With Examples |
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2021-12-02 11:15:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building a MERN stack simple blog site from absolute scratch |
Building a MERN stack simple blog site from absolute scratchEven a few years ago web application development was not what it is today Nowadays there are so many options that the uninitiated are frequently perplexed as to what is best for them This applies not only to the overall stack but also to the development tools there are so many options This blog tutorial asserts that the MERN stack is ideal for developing a full web application and it walks the reader through the entire process in a very detailed manner So what exactly is the MERN stack The MERN stack is a popular set of technologies for creating a modern Single Page Application SPA MERN stands for MongoDB Express React and Node js Node js is a popular server side framework that allows us to run JavaScript code on a web server Express is a Node js web application framework that makes Node application development simpler and faster MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data persistently in the form of collections and documents React is a JavaScript frontend library for creating user interfaces In this blog tutorial we will create a full stack blog application that performs CRUD operations by utilizing the MERN stack This blog tutorial should help you understand the fundamental operations of the MERN stack Here is our application s final sneak peek Setting up the backendCreate a two folder name client and server inside your project directory then open it inside the Visual Studio Code or any code editor of your choice Now we ll begin by configuring our backend with npm and installing necessary packages followed by configuring a MongoDB database configuring a server with Node and Express designing a database schema to define our Blog and configuring API routes to create read update and delete blog data and information from the database so now navigate to your server s directory and run the code below from the command prompt npm init y Updating package jsonTo install the dependencies execute the following commands in the terminal npm install cors express dotenv mongoose nodemon body parserThe package json file should look like this after the dependencies have been installed And also remember to update the scripts and type as well Now navigate to your server directory and create a server js file within it Configuring server jsImport express module Import bodyParser moduleImport mongoose moduleImport CORS moduleUse express to start our app server jsimport express from express import bodyParser from body parser import mongoose from mongoose import cors from cors const app express Now we can use all of the different methods on that app instance First let s do some general setup We ll use app use and simply pass the bodyParser and limit it by to mb because we re sending some images that can be very large in size and we ll also specify the extended to true and do the same thing with the bodyParser URL encoded and pass the same parameter and now we are also going to use the CORS and call it as a function server jsimport express from express import bodyParser from body parser import mongoose from mongoose import cors from cors const app express app use bodyParser json limit mb extended true app use bodyParser urlencoded limit mb extended true app use cors Now it s time to link our server application to the real database so we ll utilize the MongoDB database especially the MongoDB cloud Atlas version which means we ll be hosting our database onto their cloud Setting up MongoDB cloud clusterMongoDB is a document oriented database that is open source and cross platform MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON like documents with optional schemas MongoDB is a database created and distributed by MongoDB Inc under the provisions of the Server Side Public License Official MongoDB websiteSign in to MongoDBCreate a ProjectAdding membersBuilding a databaseCreating a clusterSelecting a cloud service providerMake a cluster and wait for the cluster to be built before proceeding usually takes around minutes Navigate to the network access tab and select Add IP address In the database create a user You ll need the username and password for the MongoDB URI and finally create a database user Now select the Choose a connection method Connect your application by clicking on it and finally select the correct driver and version Now inside server js create a new variable and name it DB CONNECTION Inside it create a string and simply paste the copied mongo DB connection URL Now inside it enter your username and password making sure to remove all the brackets and enter your own credentials We ll secure the credential later by creating environmental variables but for now let s add it this way The second thing we need is a PORT so simply enter the port number for now and finally we will use mongoose to connect to our database so enter mongoose connect which is a function with two different parameters The first will be the DB CONNECTION and the second will be an object with two different options The first is useNewUrlParser which we will set to true and the second is useUnifiedTopology which we will also set to true These objects are not required but we will see some errors or warnings on our console Following that let s chain a then and catch because this will return a promise so inside then will call the app and invoke listen which has two parameters the first of which is PORT and the second of which is the callback function that will be executed if our application is successfully connected and finally if the connection to the database is not successful we will simply console log our error message server jsimport express from express import bodyParser from body parser import mongoose from mongoose import cors from cors import dotenv from dotenv dotenv config const app express app use bodyParser json limit mb extended true app use bodyParser urlencoded limit mb extended true app use cors const DB CONNECTION process env DATABASE URL const PORT process env PORT mongoose connect DB CONNECTION useNewUrlParser true useUnifiedTopology true then gt app listen PORT gt console log Server is running http localhost PORT catch error gt console error error Insert mongodb srv into the env file PORT DATABASE URL mongodb srv admin lt password gt cluster ddtsa mongodb net myFirstDatabase retryWrites true amp w majorityThat s it we ve successfully linked our server to the database Now that we ve successfully connected to our database let s get started on creating our routes for our backend application To do so we ll need to create a new folder inside the server called routes Within the routes folder we will create a js file called blogPosts routes js This is what your folder structure should look like We are going to add all of the routes inside of blogPosts routes js so first we must import express from express and also configure our router Now we can begin adding our routes to it routes blogPosts routes jsimport express from express const router express Router router get req res gt res send Awesome MERN BLOG export default router Let s get started on your server js file and import the blogPost route Now we can use express middleware to connect this blogPost to our application server jsimport express from express import bodyParser from body parser import mongoose from mongoose import cors from cors import dotenv from dotenv import blogPosts from routes blogPosts js dotenv config const app express app use bodyParser json limit mb extended true app use bodyParser urlencoded limit mb extended true app use cors remember to add this after corsapp use api blogs blogPosts const DB CONNECTION process env DATABASE URL const PORT process env PORT mongoose connect DB CONNECTION useNewUrlParser true useUnifiedTopology true then gt app listen PORT gt console log Server is running at http localhost PORT catch error gt console log error Before we go any further let s create a folder structure for our backend applications that will allow them to be much more scalable So let s create a new folder called controllers inside the controllers folder we are also going to create a file called blogPosts controller js So controllers is simply a file that contains route specific logic so your blogPosts routes jsand blogPosts controller jsshould resemble something like this routes blogPosts routes jsimport express from express import getAllBlogPosts from controllers blogPosts controller js const router express Router router get getAllBlogPosts export default router blogPosts controller js controllers blogPosts controller jsimport express from express import mongoose from mongoose const router express Router export const getAllBlogPosts req res gt res send Awesome MERN BLOG export default router Let s make a new model for our blog posts so make a folder called models and a file called blogs js inside it The folder structure should resemble something like this models blogs jsimport mongoose from mongoose const blogSchema mongoose Schema title String description String tags String fileUpload String upvote type Number default creator String createdAt type Date default new Date var BlogPost mongoose model BlogArticle blogSchema export default BlogPost Let s start adding more routes now that our model is complete routes blogPosts routes jsimport express from express import getAllBlogPosts addBlogPost getSinglePost updateSingleBlogPost removeSingleBlogPost likeBlogPost from controllers blogPosts controller js const router express Router router get getAllBlogPosts router post addBlogPost router get id getSinglePost router patch id updateSingleBlogPost router delete id removeSingleBlogPost router patch id likeedBlogPost likeBlogPost export default router Now inside the controller s folder add the following code to your blogPosts controllers js file getAllBlogPosts method fetches all the blogs information export const getAllBlogPosts async req res gt try const blogPosts await BlogPost find res status json blogPosts catch error res status json message error message addBlogPost method adds insert only one blogexport const addBlogPost async req res gt const title description fileUpload creator tags req body const createNewPost new BlogPost title description fileUpload creator tags try await createNewPost save res status json createNewPost catch error res status json message error message getSinglePost method fetches single blog postexport const getSinglePost async req res gt const id req params try const singlepost await BlogPost findById id res status json singlepost catch error res status json message error message updateSingleBlogPost method updates single blog postsexport const updateSingleBlogPost async req res gt const id req params const title description creator fileUpload tags req body if mongoose Types ObjectId isValid id return res status send post id not found const updatedBlogPost creator title description tags fileUpload id id await BlogPost findByIdAndUpdate id updatedBlogPost new true res json updatedBlogPost removeSingleBlogPost method deletes single blog postsexport const removeSingleBlogPost req res gt const id req params if mongoose Types ObjectId isValid id return res status send post id not found await BlogPost findByIdAndRemove id res json message Successfully deleted likeBlogPost method upvotes the postsexport const likeBlogPost async req res gt const id req params if mongoose Types ObjectId isValid id return res status send No post with id id const post await BlogPost findById id const updatedBlogPost await BlogPost findByIdAndUpdate id upvote post upvote new true res json updatedBlogPost Your blogPosts controller js should resemble something like this blogPosts controller jsimport express from express import mongoose from mongoose import BlogPost from models blogs js const router express Router export const getAllBlogPosts async req res gt try const blogPosts await BlogPost find res status json blogPosts catch error res status json message error message export const addBlogPost async req res gt const title description fileUpload creator tags req body const createNewPost new BlogPost title description fileUpload creator tags try await createNewPost save res status json createNewPost catch error res status json message error message export const getSinglePost async req res gt const id req params try const singlepost await BlogPost findById id res status json singlepost catch error res status json message error message export const updateSingleBlogPost async req res gt const id req params const title description creator fileUpload tags req body if mongoose Types ObjectId isValid id return res status send post id not found const updatedBlogPost creator title description tags fileUpload id id await BlogPost findByIdAndUpdate id updatedBlogPost new true res json updatedBlogPost export const likeBlogPost async req res gt const id req params if mongoose Types ObjectId isValid id return res status send No post with id id const post await BlogPost findById id const updatedBlogPost await BlogPost findByIdAndUpdate id upvote post upvote new true res json updatedBlogPost export const removeSingleBlogPost async req res gt const id req params if mongoose Types ObjectId isValid id return res status send post id not found await BlogPost findByIdAndRemove id res json message Successfully deleted export default router After restarting the server you should see something similar to this Configuring our FrontendWe ll start by setting up our frontend first using create react app We will be creating the UI and its functionalities from the ground up Let s get started on our application now Installing react applicationLet us begin with the frontend part and craft it using react So if Node js isn t already installed on your system the first thing you should do is install it So go to the official Node js website and install the correct and appropriate version We need node js so that we can use the node package manager also known as NPM Now open client folder inside the code editor of your choice For this tutorial I will be using VScode Next step let s open the integrated terminal and type npx create react app this command will create the app inside the current directory and that application will be named as clientIt usually takes only a few minutes to install Normally we would use npm to download packages into the project but in this case we are using npx the package runner which will download and configure everything for us so that we can start with an amazing template It s now time to start our development server so simply type npm start and the browser will automatically open react app React boilerplate cleanupBefore we begin building our projects we must first clean them up by removing some of the files provided by create react app Your src files should look like this after you ve cleaned them up Installing some packagesWe will need to install a few third party packages for this project so copy and paste the following command into your terminalnpm install material ui core axios moment react file base redux react redux redux thunkAfter installing all these packages your packge json file should look like this After we ve installed all of our project s dependencies let s add two components to it and call them Blogs BlogPosts and BlogPostsForm Now that we ve got everything set up let s go over to our App js file and start writing some code but before that lets create one Assets folder inside our src folder and add the logo image of yor choice After that make another folder called styles and inside it make a file called app styles js and paste the following code inside it src styles app styles jsimport makeStyles from material ui core styles export default makeStyles gt navigationBar borderRadius margin px px display flex flexDirection row justifyContent center alignItems center title color d fontFamily Poppins fontStyle bold image marginRight px Finally go to App js and import all of the necessary component files styles and components from the core material ui library then implement it as follows App jsimport React useState useEffect from react import App css import Container AppBar Typography Grow Grid from material ui core import blogLogo from Assets blogLogo gif import BlogPosts from components BlogPosts import BlogPostsForm from components BlogPostsForm import useStyles from styles app styles js function App const appStyles useStyles return lt div className App gt lt Container maxWidth xl gt lt AppBar className appStyles navigationBar position static color inherit gt lt img className appStyles image src blogLogo alt icon height gt lt Typography className appStyles title variant h align center gt Mern awesome blog lt Typography gt lt AppBar gt lt Grow in gt lt Container gt lt Grid container justify space between alignItems stretch spacing gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt BlogPostsForm gt lt Grid gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt BlogPosts gt lt Grid gt lt Grid gt lt Container gt lt Grow gt lt Container gt lt div gt export default App Now lets finally connect our frontend with the backend so for that lets create a folder name api and inside it create a file name api js So let s import axios to make api calls then specify our backend server url and write a function that simply fetches the post using axios import axios from axios const url http localhost api blogs export const fetchAllBlogPosts gt axios get url Now let s focus on adding redux functionality to our react application because all of our backend actions will be done with redux so we need to dispatch those actions To do that let s create some files and folders to structure it so that our application can be scalable So inside our src folder create a folder called actions as well as a folder called reducers and inside both of those folders create a file called blogPosts jsYour folder structure should resemble something like this Before we proceed let s fix our index js file so that we can begin using redux from within it Inside that file let s import provider which will keep track of the store which is the global state and which will allow us to access the store from anywhere within the application so that we don t have to be on the parent or even the child component so that we can easily access that state from anywhere and after that let s import createStore applyMiddleware and compose from the redux package and finally let s import thunk from redux thunk and let s setup our index js file accordingly index jsimport React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import Provider from react redux import createStore applyMiddleware compose from redux import thunk from redux thunk import reducers from reducers blogPosts js import App from App import index css const store createStore reducers compose applyMiddleware thunk ReactDOM render lt Provider store store gt lt App gt lt Provider gt document getElementById root If you run your application now you may encounter the module not found error Let s go to our reducer folder and fix that error so let s create an index js file inside it and import combineReducers from the redux package export and call that combineReducers as a function and put an object inside of it Now we can imlement all of the individual reducers that we have in this application case which is only going to have blogPosts reducers index jsimport combineReducers from redux import blogPosts from blogPosts export const reducers combineReducers blogPosts If everything went well your application should be running smoothly at this point We now need to dispatch our action within our main App js file App jsimport React useEffect from react import App css import Container AppBar Typography Grow Grid from material ui core import blogLogo from Assets blogLogo gif import Blogs from components Blogs import BlogPostsForm from components BlogPostsForm import useStyles from styles app styles js import useDispatch from react redux import fetchAllBlogPosts from actions blogPosts function App const dispatch useDispatch const appStyles useStyles useEffect gt dispatch fetchAllBlogPosts dispatch return lt div className App gt lt Container maxWidth xl gt lt AppBar className appStyles navigationBar position static color inherit gt lt img className appStyles image src blogLogo alt icon height gt lt Typography className appStyles title variant h align center gt Mern awesome blog lt Typography gt lt AppBar gt lt Grow in gt lt Grid container justifyContent space between alignItems stretch spacing gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt BlogPostsForm gt lt Grid gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt Blogs gt lt Grid gt lt Grid gt lt Grow gt lt Container gt lt div gt export default App Now let s go over to our actions and import our api and then create some Action creators which are simply functions that return actions so let s actually implement redux to pass or dispatch the function from data from our backend actions blogPosts jsimport as api from api api js export const fetchAllBlogPosts gt async dispatch gt try const data await api fetchAllBlogPosts dispatch type GET ALL BLOGS payload data catch error console log error message Finally let us return to our reducers and handle the logic of getting and fetching all of the blog posts reducers blogPosts jsexport default posts action gt switch action type case GET ALL BLOGS return action payload default return posts Now let s actually retrieve these data from our child components so let s go to our Blogs component and fetch the data from the global redux store we can do that by the help of useSelector components Blogsimport React from react import Grid CircularProgress from material ui core import useSelector from react redux import BlogPosts from BlogPosts import useStyles from styles const Blogs gt const posts useSelector state gt state blogPosts const classes useStyles console log this is post posts return lt gt lt BlogPosts gt lt gt export default Blogs When you run your app you may see an empty array and a network error to fix this simply include a proxy in your package json fileSo if you still see that empty array it means that the data was successfully fetched and it is now time to implement the form so that we can make a post request to our database and actually add new posts to it So for that lets head over to the BlogPostsForm component and create a form First step lets import all the component from material ui core library that we are going to implement in our form BlogPostsForm jsimport React useState useEffect from react import Paper TextField Typography Button from material ui core import useDispatch useSelector from react redux import FileBase from react file base import useStyles from styles import addBlogPosts editBlogPosts from actions blogPosts const BlogPostsForm blogPostId setBlogPostId gt const blogInfo setBlogInfo useState creator title description tags fileUpload const post useSelector state gt blogPostId state posts find message gt message id blogPostId null const dispatch useDispatch const blogPostsStyles useStyles useEffect gt if post setBlogInfo post post const handleSubmit async e gt e preventDefault if blogPostId dispatch addBlogPosts blogInfo else dispatch editBlogPosts blogInfo return lt Paper className blogPostsStyles paper gt lt form autoComplete on noValidate className blogPostsStyles root blogPostsStyles form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt Typography variant h gt blogPostId Update post title Create a blog lt Typography gt lt div className blogPostsStyles chooseFile gt lt Typography gt ️ Upload Blog Image lt Typography gt lt FileBase type file multiple false onDone base gt setBlogInfo blogInfo fileUpload base gt lt div gt lt TextField name title variant outlined label Blog Title fullWidth value blogInfo title onChange e gt setBlogInfo blogInfo title e target value gt lt TextField name description variant outlined label Blog Description fullWidth multiline rows value blogInfo description onChange e gt setBlogInfo blogInfo description e target value gt lt TextField name creator variant outlined label ️Author name fullWidth value blogInfo creator onChange e gt setBlogInfo blogInfo creator e target value gt lt Typography gt Tags max seperated by comma lt Typography gt lt TextField name tags variant outlined label ️Tags fullWidth value blogInfo tags onChange e gt setBlogInfo blogInfo tags e target value split gt lt Button className blogPostsStyles publishButton variant contained color secondary size large type submit gt Publish lt Button gt lt form gt lt Paper gt export default BlogPostsForm Also don t forget to modify the blogPostForm styles within styles js components BlogPostsForm styles jsimport makeStyles from material ui core styles export default makeStyles theme gt root amp MuiTextField root margin theme spacing paper padding theme spacing chooseFile width margin px publishButton marginBottom form display flex flexWrap wrap justifyContent center So before going any further lets fix our api first api api jsimport axios from axios const url http localhost api blogs export const fetchBlogPosts gt axios get url export const addNewBlogPost newBlog gt axios post url newBlog export const editSingleBlogPost id editedBlogPost gt axios patch url id editedBlogPost After you ve successfully added and exported the addNewBlogPost and editSingleBlogPost functions let s actually implement them by creating some actions called addBlogPosts and editBlogPosts respectively addBlogPosts actioneditBlogPosts actionYour blogPosts js actions should look something like this actions blogPosts jsimport as api from api api js export const fetchAllBlogPosts gt async dispatch gt try const data await api fetchBlogPosts dispatch type GET ALL BLOG POST payload data catch error console log error message export const addBlogPosts post gt async dispatch gt try const data await api addNewBlogPost post dispatch type ADD NEW BLOG POST payload data catch error console log error message export const editBlogPosts id post gt async dispatch gt try const data await api editSingleBlogPost id post dispatch type EDIT SINGLE BLOG POST payload data catch error console log error message After that let s update the reducers section export default posts action gt switch action type case GET ALL BLOG POST return action payload case ADD NEW BLOG POST return posts action payload case EDIT SINGLE BLOG POST return posts map post gt post id action payload id action payload post default return posts Finally let s update our App js to include the blogPostId state which we ll pass as a prop to our BlogPostsForm and Blogs components App jsimport React useState useEffect from react import App css import Container AppBar Typography Grow Grid from material ui core import blogLogo from Assets blogLogo gif import Blogs from components Blogs import BlogPostsForm from components BlogPostsForm import useStyles from styles app styles js import useDispatch from react redux import fetchAllBlogPosts from actions blogPosts function App const blogPostId setBlogPostId useState const dispatch useDispatch const appStyles useStyles useEffect gt dispatch fetchAllBlogPosts blogPostId dispatch return lt div className App gt lt Container maxWidth xl gt lt AppBar className appStyles navigationBar position static color inherit gt lt img className appStyles image src blogLogo alt icon height gt lt Typography className appStyles title variant h align center gt Mern awesome blog lt Typography gt lt AppBar gt lt Grow in gt lt Grid container justifyContent space between alignItems stretch spacing gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt BlogPostsForm blogPostId blogPostId setBlogPostId setBlogPostId gt lt Grid gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt Blogs setBlogPostId setBlogPostId gt lt Grid gt lt Grid gt lt Grow gt lt Container gt lt div gt export default App After we ve fixed App js we ll move on to our Blogs component and use the passed props within it and also drill it to the BlogPosts components components Blogs jsimport React from react import Grid CircularProgress from material ui core import useSelector from react redux import BlogPosts from BlogPosts import useStyles from styles const Blogs setBlogPostId gt const posts useSelector state gt state posts const classes useStyles console log this is post posts return posts length lt CircularProgress gt lt Grid className classes container container alignItems stretch spacing gt posts map post gt lt Grid key post id item xs sm gt lt BlogPosts post post setBlogPostId setBlogPostId gt lt Grid gt lt Grid gt export default Blogs Now that we ve completed almost everything it s time to work on the individual blog posts To do so go to the BlogPosts components and install material UI icons first then import several components from the material UI core library and finally copy and paste the following code inside it components BlogPosts jsimport React from react import Typography CardMedia Button Card CardActions CardContent from material ui core import ArrowUpwardIcon from material ui icons ArrowUpward import DeleteIcon from material ui icons Delete import EditIcon from material ui icons Edit import moment from moment import useDispatch from react redux import blogImageLogo from Assets blogLogo gif import upvoteBlogPosts removeBlogPosts from actions blogPosts import useStyles from styles const BlogPosts post setCurrentId gt const dispatch useDispatch const blogPostStyles useStyles return lt gt lt Card className blogPostStyles blogContainer gt lt CardMedia className blogPostStyles imageContainer image post fileUpload blogImageLogo title post title gt lt div className blogPostStyles nameOverlay gt lt Typography variant h gt post creator lt Typography gt lt Typography variant body gt moment post createdAt fromNow lt Typography gt lt div gt lt div className blogPostStyles editOverlay gt lt Button style color white size small onClick gt setCurrentId post id gt lt EditIcon fontSize default gt lt Button gt lt div gt lt div className blogPostStyles tagSection gt lt Typography variant body color textSecondary component h gt post tags map tag gt tag lt Typography gt lt div gt lt Typography className blogPostStyles titleSection gutterBottom variant h component h gt post title lt Typography gt lt CardContent gt lt Typography variant body color textSecondary component p gt post description lt Typography gt lt CardContent gt lt CardActions className blogPostStyles cardActions gt lt Button size small color primary onClick gt dispatch upvoteBlogPosts post id gt lt ArrowUpwardIcon fontSize small gt post likeCount lt Button gt lt Button size small color primary onClick gt dispatch removeBlogPosts post id gt lt DeleteIcon fontSize big gt lt Button gt lt CardActions gt lt Card gt lt gt export default BlogPosts Finally let s create an action to actually upvote and remove the blog post First create a function inside API and name it upvoteSingleBlogPost and removeBlogPost then export it api api jsimport axios from axios const url http localhost api blogs export const fetchBlogPosts gt axios get url export const addNewBlogPost newBlog gt axios post url newBlog export const editSingleBlogPost id editedBlogPost gt axios patch url id editedBlogPost export const upvoteSingleBlogPost id gt axios patch url id likedBlogPost export const removeBlogPost id gt axios delete url id Finally let us fix our reducers and we will be finished with our application reducers blogPosts jsexport default posts action gt switch action type case GET ALL BLOG POST return action payload case ADD NEW BLOG POST return posts action payload case EDIT SINGLE BLOG POST return posts map post gt post id action payload id action payload post case UPVOTE SINGLE BLOG POST return posts map post gt post id action payload id action payload post case DELETE SINGLE BLOG POST return posts filter post gt post id action payload default return posts We ve gone over quite a lot of material to give you the knowledge you need to build a fully fledged MERN stack application from absolute scratch The complete source code can be found here ConclusionIn the first section of this blog tutorial we built the back end server using Node js Express and MongoDB We used the Mongoose library to connect the Node js Express server to MongoDB and then in the second section of this tutorial we created the React front end application and also used redux for managing our states globally for our MERN stack blog application Cheers Happy Coding Main article available here gt Happy Coding Follow aviyelHQ or sign up on Aviyel for early access if you are a project maintainer contributor or just an Open Source enthusiast Join Aviyel s Discord gt Aviyel s worldTwitter gt |
2021-12-02 11:45:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 53 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Finished First Prototype of my Business Page |
Day of Days of Code amp Scrum Finished First Prototype of my Business PageGood day everyone I finally finished deploying my business website prototype It s nothing amazing and it is only the homepage so far I am pretty happy with the color scheme and the functional e mail contact form and I think it contains the necessary information for clients to interact with me I will most likely move on to my personal blog unless there are urgent bugs that need fixing Anyway let s move on to my daily report YesterdayI did the initial set up on Netlify deployment for my business website but it didn t work out because of incompatibility with next image TodayHere are the things I learned and worked on today Company Websitedecided to deploy it to Vercel instead of Netlify because it natively supports Image Optimization fixed production bugs with AWS API Gateway CORS I didn t add the domain address to the allowed list add custom Error page replace favicon image with the company logo add optimized link tag for Google fonts fixed missing image placeholders remove unnecessary files ScrumI did some practice flashcards for Scrum reviewed some of the things I ve learned before Thank you for reading I hope everyone s doing well Resources Recommended ReadingsDeployment Next jsScrum Master learning pathway Scrum orgThe Scrum GuideMikhail Lapshin s Scrum Quizzes DISCLAIMERThis is not a guide it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions based on my limited knowledge and is in no way a substitute for actual references If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree I would appreciate corrections in the comments Other MediaFeel free to reach out to me in other media |
2021-12-02 11:28:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
CSS Text Drawing Animation with SVG |
CSS Text Drawing Animation with SVGIn this article I will show you how you can create this SVG text drawing animation using pure CSS in easy steps Step creating the SVGFirst we need to create the SVG you want to animate You can use any tool to create your SVG You can follow this tutorial to learn how to create SVG using Figma After you re done Copy the SVG code In my case the SVG code is this you can just use this code if you want lt svg width height viewBox fill none xmlns gt lt rect width height fill white gt lt path d M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C stroke url paint linear stroke width stroke miterlimit stroke linecap round stroke linejoin round gt lt defs gt lt linearGradient id paint linear x y x y gradientUnits userSpaceOnUse gt lt stop stop color FFA gt lt stop offset stop color EBFF gt lt linearGradient gt lt defs gt lt svg gt Step The HTMLCreate a index html and paste the the SVG codes Also add a id on the SVG so we can target it in CSS I m giving it an id of text lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt link rel stylesheet href style css gt lt title gt Document lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt svg id text width height viewBox fill none xmlns gt lt rect width height fill white gt lt path d M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C stroke url paint linear stroke width stroke miterlimit stroke linecap round stroke linejoin round gt lt defs gt lt linearGradient id paint linear x y x y gradientUnits userSpaceOnUse gt lt stop stop color FFA gt lt stop offset stop color EBFF gt lt linearGradient gt lt defs gt lt svg gt lt body gt lt html gt Step Basic stylesNow in our style css lets center the SVG and change its height html body height vh body display flex align items center justify content center text height vw stroke dasharray Okay so now if we open it up in your browser it should look something like this Step Getting stroke dasharray of svgThe stroke dasharray attribute is a presentation attribute defining the pattern of dashes and gaps used to paint the outline of the shape So using this we can define in how many dashes lines our SVGs path should contain In our case we only one one path line Okay to get the stroke dasharray of our SVG we can simply run this JavaScript code in the console document querySelector text path getTotalLength So in my case it s we don t need the decimal points Okay so add it in our CSShtml body height vh body display flex align items center justify content center text height vw stroke dasharray Now we can use the stroke dashoffset to offset our line pathif we set stroke dashoffset to text height vw stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset You will se noting happens But if we set if to a big number like text height vw stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset you will see a small part of our SVG is not visible anymore And if we set stroke dashoffset to same as stroke dasharray text height vw stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset you will notice the SVG is not visible anymore That is because Now the entire stroke dasharray is offset pushed away Step The animationSo with this knowledge in mind we can simply animate our stroke dashoffset from to the value of our stroke dasharray to get our desired drawing animation html body height vh body display flex align items center justify content center text height vw stroke dasharray animation s fillSvg linear keyframes fillSvg stroke dashoffset stroke dashoffset And just like that we have successfully created text drawing animating using CSS and SVGMake sure you checkout my other articles and YouTube channel ltag user id follow action button background color important color ffffff important border color important ShuvoFollow Frontend Developer and YouTuber Channel link width height src allowfullscreen loading lazy gt Was it helpful Support me on Patreon |
2021-12-02 11:25:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Mesmerizing animation using only CSS translations 🪄 |
Mesmerizing animation using only CSS translations 🪄Two weeks ago I shared this animation using only rotations This time I m back at it but only using translations Newton said time is absolute Einstein said time is relative Who s right and who s wrong I don t know but what I can say is that timing is everything at least for this animation What do you see DisclamerOn i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶n̶e̶t̶̶e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶r̶e̶r̶iOS safari the animation is not working correctly god knows why So click here to check it out Follow me on Twitter at twitter com theAngularGuy as I tweet almost every day about the things I learned in my years journey in web development Step Ok so let s start right away the first thing is to place all the dots one a horizontal container like this I outlined each line wrapper To achieve this nothing extraordinary we have a container div that contains the horizontal wrappers around the dots wrapper width px margin auto display flex flex direction column align items center line width height px position relative dot width px height px border radius position absolute background fff Step Next we need to simulate this pendulum effect using only translations For this we need each ball moving left and right and we also need each ball to be at a slightly lower vertical position when it hits its equilibrium position when it s in the middle of the line wrapper The balls position starts at the left so we want them to move to the right the return to the left So at the start of the animation we set left to at of the animation we set it at minus the width of the ball so it doesn t overflow and finally at we set left back to With this each ball will hit its equilibrium position at of the animation and at on the return So at these timings we need to move the ball to the bottom So the animation code looks like this keyframes move top left top px top left calc px top px top left And this is the result we have so far Step We are almost there We only need two things Decrease the width of each line wrapper from bottom to top so each line width increase from top to bottom Decrease the animation speed or increase the animation duration from top to bottom because the more a ball is near the bottom the more distance it needs to travel You can do this in many different ways I choose to do it using sass for through loop there is also the for to loop but the final number is excluded for i from through line nth child i width calc i dot animation duration calc s calc i ms And that s it actually With only these few lines of CSS or scss we completed this crazy animation Here s the final code wrapper width px margin auto display flex flex direction column align items center line height px position relative margin bottom px dot background fff width px height px border radius position absolute animation move s ease in out infinite for i from through line nth child i width calc i dot animation duration calc s calc i ms keyframes move top left top px top left calc px top px top left That s it for this post I hope you liked it If you did please share it with your friends amp colleagues and follow me on Twitter at theAngularGuy where I tweet about web development and computer science Cheers What to read next tips to finish your side projects and make money doing so Mustapha Aouas・Nov ・ min read sideprojects webdev productivity |
2021-12-02 11:11:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Dockerize Vite+ReactJS application |
Dockerize Vite ReactJS applicationThis post shows how to dockerize a ReactJS app created with Vite using react typescript template ImplementationIn my opinion the best way to do this goal is using nginx image Project configpackage json scripts dev vite build tsc amp amp vite build serve vite preview Folders structure dist src dockerignore Dockerfile package json package lock json deploy nginx nginx confignginx config file in folder deploy nginxmap sent http content type expires default off text html m text css m application javascript m image m server listen root usr share nginx html index index html etag on expires expires location try files uri prerender location prerender proxy set header X Prerender Token GsMLRmorzgxywljuDowD set prerender if http user agent googlebot bingbot yandex baiduspider twitterbot facebookexternalhit rogerbot linkedinbot embedly quora link preview showyoubot outbrain pinterest pinterestbot slackbot vkShare WC Validator whatsapp Screaming Frog SEO Spider set prerender if args escaped fragment set prerender if http user agent Prerender set prerender if uri js css xml less png jpg jpeg gif pdf doc txt ico rss zip mp rar exe wmv doc avi ppt mpg mpeg tif wav mov psd ai xls mp ma swf dat dmg iso flv mv torrent ttf woff svg eot set prerender resolve using Google s DNS server to force DNS resolution and prevent caching of IPs resolver if prerender setting prerender as a variable forces DNS resolution since nginx caches IPs and doesnt play well with load balancing set prerender service prerender io rewrite scheme host request uri break proxy pass http prerender if prerender rewrite index html break error page x html location x html root usr share nginx html DockerfileFROM mhart alpine node AS builderWORKDIR appCOPY RUN yarn installRUN yarn run buildFROM nginx alpineCOPY from builder app dist usr share nginx htmlRUN rm etc nginx conf d default confCOPY deploy nginx nginx conf etc nginx conf dEXPOSE CMD nginx g daemon off DocumentationDockerNGINXVite JS |
2021-12-02 11:08:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Simplest and Secure Way to Connect APIs on the Frontend |
Simplest and Secure Way to Connect APIs on the FrontendWhen we build websites and webapps that leverage the benefits of being delivered on the CDN benefits include security performance infinite scaling no backend infrastructure required we will often run into limitations when we want more powerful dynamic functionality The best way to increase functionality is through the integration of APIs APIs give our frontends near infinite possibilities i e we can easily connect contact forms process outside data store information or present information like the weather forecast flight schedules currency exchange rates etc One of the key benefits of having our frontend on the CDN is not having to deal with building and maintaining backend infrastructure but how do we integrate APIs securely and easily without a backend Where do we secure the private API keys What if we don t want user authentication prior to allowing our users to interact with a rd party API We will go through the simplest way of connecting APIs with automated security using KOR Connect How quickly can this be done and what happens The answer is in a few quick minutes if the API you are integrating with has decent documentation but why would you want to integrate with an API that doesn t anyways KOR Connect does everything on the backend and as the user we only have to copy paste the KOR Connect public endpoint and the header into our code after entering the integrating API information into KOR Connect Everything else is done on KOR Connect s end Here are some of the things that happen automatically on KOR Connects end after you make a connection bot controls are activated that inspect for miscellaneous bots security related bots calls coming from automated browsers black listed origins and user agents that don t seem to be coming from a browser these calls are blocked if they don t pass inspection Furthermore KOR Connect validates the access control allow origin header from your allowed origins and provides a per user rate limiter that can block malicious actors abusing calls without causing any interruptions to other users Now let s walk through an example integrating APIs into our frontend a geolocation API and the Open Weather API KOR Connect Backendless Reactjs ApplicationWe will be giving our ReactJS frontend the ability to allow users to enter any address and get the current weather conditions alongside other details such as the wind speed humidity and temperature The challenge is that we are going to be using two APIs one to translate the address into latitude and longitude and another API to give us the weather conditions for that location We are providing this multi API integration as an example to show that you can integrate as many APIs as you would like into a single project You can also quickly and easily integrate just one API as well by following along This web app can be hosted on any CDN or static site service like S Gitlab pages Netlify etc The APIsHead over to Rapid API and subscribe to Forward amp Reverse Geocoding as well as the Open Weather Map After subscribing you ll be able to see your API Key in the Code Snippets section of each API s endpoint tab Save that API key as well as the URL KOR ConnectIf you already have a KOR Connect account you can sign in or you can create a new account Now from the KOR Connect dashboard select the Connect API button and fill in the form for a new connection The only fields you need to change from the following image are the API Key and the allowed domain choose the domain you ll be hosting your app from The API key is the one you stored in the previous step Optionally you can add more domains and change the name of the connection Repeat the process for the Weather API connection see the following image for more details With your connections created you are now able to enter each connection via View Details to retrieve each secure URL and header that you ll need to include in your code You can modify the per user rate limit for your API calls at the top left of the screen The Default is calls per second This rate limiter controls the number of calls per second per user so if a malicious user is attempting to increase your costs or crash your API connection that user will be blocked without causing any interference with other users More information regarding the rate limiter here The Secure URL that is generated acts similar to the API base URL and the header is using a KOR Connect generated public API key with these two ready you are now able to test and use your connection Notice the Connection Mode on the top right you are currently on Testing which means you can access KOR Connect through localhost but once you switch to production this is blocked read more about it in the Testing and Production Modes documentation There is no configuration library or import required to use KOR Connect s Single URI feature so we can jump straight to the API calls Here s the geolocation Axios request example where you can replace lt SECURE URL gt with your secure base URL generated by KOR Connect and add the parameters you would like to have Furthermore you can replace lt PUBLIC API KEY gt with the KOR Connect provided public API key Here is our code you can take a look at const fwdGeoLocation loc gt let location let options method GET url lt SECURE URL gt params q loc accept language en polygon threshold headers x api key lt PUBLIC API KEY gt axios request options then function response location response data lat response data lon getWeather location location catch function error console error error Here is the weather API Axios request example following the same format as above const getWeather lat lon gt let options method GET url lt SECURE URL gt params lon lon lat lat headers x api key lt PUBLIC API KEY gt axios request options then function response setWeather response data data catch function error console error error When the Geolocation API responds successful it stores the result in state triggering React to render the weather information that is received If you are interested in reviewing this implementation refer to this section of the code Done You should now have your API Keys secured and integration working Note One thing that you might have noticed is that we re posting the URL and API key for the world to see but this is one of the advantages of KOR Connect The KOR Connect generated API Keys are public keys and not the Open Weather or Geolocation API Keys and the same holds true for the URL both values are delivered by KOR to secure and obscure the actual information you want to protect For maintainability of your code you might want to store KOR Connect s API key and secure URL into a env file or as env variables depending on where you re hosting it ConclusionUsing KOR Connect saves a considerable amount of resources both time and money For an approach requiring a server you would need to provision the infra harden the server add observability keep it up to date and so on It s a real pain in the neck but it s not the only option The serverless approach is a smoother alternative less expensive if the functions are not constantly active and easier to manage the caveats are having to learn the vendor s serverless implementation and maintaining the runtime With KOR Connect you can release your application once your front end is ready to go |
2021-12-02 11:05:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple again asks for Apple Watch, Mac Pro tariff exemptions |
Apple again asks for Apple Watch Mac Pro tariff exemptionsApple has filed eight public requests for temporary waivers on tariffs affecting both the Apple Watch and specific Mac Pro components Apple Watch Series with the Contour watch faceAs well as joining US firms in a lawsuit against Trump administration tariffs Apple has now publicly filed eight separate requests for waivers Read more |
2021-12-02 11:44:23 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple fails to get Australia to drop Epic Games lawsuit |
Apple fails to get Australia to drop Epic Games lawsuitA temporary stay on the case of Epic Games vs Apple App Store in Australia has been overturned and the trial will begin shortly Still from Epic Games Free Fortnite videoThe Australian case expected to go to trial in November had been granted a temporary stay by the Federal Court in Sydney The grounds for the stay were that Apple argued its contract with Epic Games stipulated that disputes must first be filed in California Read more |
2021-12-02 11:29:14 |
海外ニュース |
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Haruki Murakami and the challenge of adapting his tales for film |
Haruki Murakami and the challenge of adapting his tales for film“Drive My Car from the rising director Ryusuke Hamaguchi is the rare movie based on the author s work to excel The writer and director explain |
2021-12-02 20:00:48 |
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北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
西武の栗山、900万円増で更改 生え抜き初、通算2千安打達成 |
生え抜き |
2021-12-02 20:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
消費意欲横ばい 11月態度指数 物価上昇を不安視 |
消費動向調査 |
2021-12-02 20:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
飛騨の古民家、ニセコで復活 香港企業が移築 国際リゾートで日本の伝統文化発信 |
日本の伝統 |
2021-12-02 20:03:00 |