Engadget Japanese |
今年の音楽体験を振り返る「Spotifyまとめ2021」リリース。モバイルアプリから利用可能 |
spotify |
2021-12-02 12:29:15 |
Engadget Japanese |
レゴになったアディダスの名作スニーカー。30%オフでセール中!|Amazonブラックフライデー |
amazon |
2021-12-02 12:03:04 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
Google for Startups Sales Academy boosts Florida businesses |
Google for Startups Sales Academy boosts Florida businessesAs a native Floridian ーborn raised and currently building a business in West Palm Beach ーI see the Sunshine State as a place bursting with possibilities So many people want to be here so why leave As more entrepreneurs and investors relocate from traditional tech hubs to emerging startup ecosystems Florida ーwith our tropical climate diverse population and lack of state income tax ーhas suddenly become a business hotspot While Florida s tech industry isn t as established as San Francisco or New York Miami startups raised close to billion in venture funding in alone ーand shows no signs of slowing post pandemic Although it was not always the case there is now a great deal of support for entrepreneurs in my hometown and in my county The first grant I ever received opened many doors for my company and in turn I am doing the same for other small business owners Born out of my own losses failures and successes my company The Leadership Haven Resource Center has provided leadership and business development training in Florida and beyond for more than five years To date we ve helped hundreds of small business owners develop leadership skills rooted in what I call the ABCDs accountability balance consistency and determination One of the top challenges I hear from the entrepreneurs I work with ーand have experienced myself ーis how difficult it can be to acquire new customers and partners when you re getting started So I was thrilled to learn about Google for Startups Sales Academy in Florida a seven week program designed to equip founders with critical sales skills that they can use to drive business success This fall I joined other founders from across the state for a series of weekly virtual lessons on customer growth and revenue topics facilitated by Google mentors and subject matter experts The classes were based on Google for Startups signature “THRIVE sales strategy including how to ask better questions how to handle objections and how to expand relationships and trust over time When the Sales Academy kicked off I was in the midst of planning my company s annual Reignite Florida Small Business Leadership Summit I set a goal to learn ways to engage and connect with prospective partners for the summit without giving in to my fears before I started When I rolled out early bird ticket sales after the Google for Startups mentorship I started selling out almost immediately largely because I felt more assertive going into these conversations To date I have secured more than seven partners by using the skills I learned through Sales Academy As a coach and a consultant it has been my job to help founders and entrepreneurs realize their full potential Many business owners are used to seeing things and doing things one way so I assist organizations and corporations with not just seeing the big picture but switching canvases and starting a whole new picture Google for Startups Sales Academy turned on that switch for me and my business by helping me gain the skills I needed to achieve my own mission Looking ahead to I hope to use these new tactics to secure a brick and mortar office to host workshops and to travel to different states beyond Florida to do what I love Sales Academy also inspired me to make a promise to myself to never allow anyone to make me feel like an employee ever again I am an investor and a contributor and tools like my newfound confidence ensure that I never allow anyone to diminish my gifts Five years after deciding to dedicate of my time to growing my business I am starting to see all that me and my company can be |
2021-12-02 12:07:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SAM(のコード)を理解するための記事 |
最後に当たり前かもしれませんが新たな理論を構築した後に何かを実装したい場合は実装したいコードの基本的な文法を理解して実装する必要があると改めて感じました。 |
2021-12-02 21:54:21 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS初心者による実践AWSデータサイエンスのつまずいたメモ (途中) |
わからないことも多いですが、なんとか進めていければと思います。 |
2021-12-02 21:42:23 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
python初心者の備忘録~Pandas編~※2021/12/02更新 |
python初心者の備忘録Pandas編※更新はじめに社会人年目のyappiです最近は仕事おわりにすぐさまpythonの勉強をしていますkaggleやpythonの学習を進める中で、よく使ったライブラリについてまとめておきます。 |
2021-12-02 21:23:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【準備時間5分】JavaScriptを学びつつ戦う!RoboCodeやろうぜ! |
自分プログラミングしたロボットを、世界中のプログラマが開発したロボットと闘わせることができるんですyouchenleeさんが作成したJS言語バージョンを更に初心者向けに改良したものが本記事で紹介しているものです。 |
2021-12-02 21:48:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
input type="date"でvalueを変えずデータを変数に入れる |
2021-12-02 21:57:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
単体テストで特定の構文のみを出現させたい |
単体テストで特定の構文のみを出現させたい前提・実現したいことフリマアプリのモデルの単体テストをしているのですが特定の文だけを出すためのコードに悩んでいます。 |
2021-12-02 21:32:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Blenderで背景を透過したい。 |
補足情報FWツールのバージョンなどレンダーエンジンはCyclesを使用しています。 |
2021-12-02 21:27:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
csvファイルをpythonで読みこみたい |
csvファイルをpythonで読みこみたいcsvファイルをpythonで読み込んで行や列ごとに抽出して作業をしてきたいと考えています。 |
2021-12-02 21:24:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
axiosのpostを同期処理で実行したい |
axiosのpostを同期処理で実行したい前提・実現したいことReactTypescriptでブラウザアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-12-02 21:23:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityで飛んでる敵を波のような挙動をさせたい |
そこででてくる敵の動き方を、画像のような波の動きにしたいと思っています。 |
2021-12-02 21:15:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Excel VBA:Excelのセルをパワーポイントに貼り付けたい |
ExcelVBAExcelのセルをパワーポイントに貼り付けたいExcelのセルをパワーポイントにビットマップ形式で貼り付けたいのですが、複数ページあり、何故かパワポの枚目に貼りついてくれませんどうしても枚目に貼りつきます。 |
2021-12-02 21:14:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[[Prototype]]について |
Prototypeについて継承について学んでいる中で疑問に思ったことがあるので教えてください。 |
2021-12-02 21:10:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Goでコマンドを作成したが上手く実行されない |
Goでコマンドを作成したが上手く実行されない自作コマンドが動かないGo言語でコマンドを作る練習をしていました。 |
2021-12-02 21:06:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonの並行処理(threading.Thread)の挙動について |
Pythonの並行処理threadingThreadの挙動について現在、並行処理について勉強中なのですが、queueモジュールのドキュメントに次のようなサンプルコードがあります。 |
2021-12-02 21:06:23 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby 多重継承 Mix-in |
Ruby多重継承Mixinはじめにpythonからrubyに移植する話がありまして、ソースを見ていたところpythonに多重継承がありました。 |
2021-12-02 21:33:11 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Reverse SSHによる、踏み台VPS経由のUbuntuマシンへのアクセスについての備忘録 |
UbuntuWSからVPSへの常時接続設定前提条件UbuntuWSから、踏み台VPSへSSHアクセスが可能UbuntuWSへは、ローカルネットワークなどからはSSHで接続可能。 |
2021-12-02 21:17:40 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS初心者による実践AWSデータサイエンスのつまずいたメモ (途中) |
わからないことも多いですが、なんとか進めていければと思います。 |
2021-12-02 21:42:23 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【雑メモ】BlackBelt_CloudFormaion |
【雑メモ】BlackBeltCloudFormaionこいつをかいつまんでメモテンプレート記述要素versionバージョンdesctiption説明metadata追加で記述するものそれぞれの記述に入れれるparameterスタック作成時にユーザーが記述する情報パラメータグループで複数の設定値をグループ化できるresources自動で作成されるリソースの設定を記述必須outputスタック作成後に出力されるデータtransformマクロを利用したやつ他のテンプレート引っ張ったりでいるmappings特定の設定を入れるとそれに対応した設定をしてくれる例えば、リージョン指定したらそれに応じたリソース作成してくれるみたいなcondition一定条件を満たすとリソース作成するみたいなことができる組み込み関数refFnとかあるだいたいかFnであらわされう疑似パラメータ組み込み関数っぽいやつがAWS側で事前に用意されているAWSregionとかいれたらregionいれるとか補足論理IDテンプレートで一意物理ID実際のリソース名デプロイ①codepipeline自動。 |
2021-12-02 21:27:55 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Vertex AI】Workbench は革命児 |
2021-12-02 21:25:40 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
What I learned from Zendesk Bootcamp |
What I learned from Zendesk BootcampI am writing this blog to tell what I learned from days Zendesk Bootcamp I attended this bootcamp where peo |
2021-12-02 12:59:37 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Lambdaの関数とレイヤーのストレージがデフォルト上限(75GB)に達してしまった時に対応したこと |
youveexceededyoura |
2021-12-02 12:54:28 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[新機能]データセットへの新たなアクセス手段 AWS Data Exchange for APIsが発表されました #reinvent |
awsdataexchange |
2021-12-02 12:03:58 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Take a Screenshot on Chromebook With the Snipping Tool |
chromebook |
2021-12-02 12:40:25 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Install Mac Apps in Terminal Using Homebrew |
homebrew |
2021-12-02 12:30:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How Does a Computer Work and What Is Inside? |
question |
2021-12-02 12:30:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
10 Ways to Fix AirPods That Keep Disconnecting From Your iPhone |
doesn |
2021-12-02 12:30:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
5 Ways to Compress a Video on Your iPhone |
compress |
2021-12-02 12:30:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Making the most boring website ever with TypeScript, NestJs, React and others. Part 9. |
Making the most boring website ever with TypeScript NestJs React and others Part This series is about making a generic website for a local business with TypeScript NodeJs NestJs Prisma React and NextJs I m trying to make my videos quite short about minutes each except for the first one while putting as much content there as I can Here is the full playlist In this episode User RolesSo first we will add some roles for the users We ll only need for now ADMIN MANAGER and GUEST To do that we ll update our Prisma model and learn how to use guards in NestJs to protect different routes based on current user s role Deployment to DokkuThen I ll try to explain how to publish a web application for everyone to see I use Dokku for my personal projects and I ll show you how simple it is to set it up and deploy to it Since the project is now officially online even though very unfinished here are the links Website Admin Panel you can use guest guest to login |
2021-12-02 12:47:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Create an Uber-like Taxi Booking App with advanced features? |
How to Create an Uber like Taxi Booking App with advanced features Whether starting up a new on demand taxi service industry or updating an existing offline one application development is common today among entrepreneurs Because the online taxi booking service provision highly depends on the respective business app building it accordingly is much needed Bearing in mind that selecting the Uber clone script a ready to go development option available in the market assists them vastly in their business intensely In this blog we are going to discuss the innovative Uber clone script and its advanced features and effective usages If you are also an entrepreneur this blog will definitely be helpful for you with lots of crucial points Why on demand Uber clone app and taxi service Transportation in people s lives is always inevitable in many circumstances Especially in the busy world atmosphere lots of working personalities today are highly dependent on public transport services to go for their regular duties In which most of the passengers smartly use the on demand taxi booking app for booking taxis online According to The Business Research Company the global on demand taxi service marketplace is projected to grow from US Dollar bn in to US Dollar bn in The COVID resume concerned growth estimation is also projected the same taxi industry online reach to US Dollar bn in at a growth rate CAGR of Following your selection of the Uber clone app for your new taxi booking app development project gets advantageous with a lot of enhanced features and options Through that you can powerfully create and launch your app for business relevant to your exact business model and requirements So let s look at these in detail in the following How to develop a taxi booking app Developing your new taxi booking app using the Uber clone script is different from other development options like Scratch In this you could get the following major advantages That makes your new mobile app so enhanced and unique with collaborated expertise interface modulations Make Ready Your Business PlanBefore going to approach your developer be prepared with your business model and planning To make it effective in the current market scenario do your own research on your marketplace especially in your targeted regions for leaching Find An Expert DeveloperAs well as select your expert developer from the market by finely going through their official website and its important details like their experience in the field client deals service offers previous customer satisfaction feedbacks etc Interrupt with App Interface RequirementsThe Uber clone script offers you a fully customizable app development solution in the development area When you have already pre planned with your necessary app development requirements for execution it makes it smart for that important segment Complete the Project Cost EffectivelyAs a result you could complete your overall taxi booking app development for launching quicker than expected Moreover the output with several below mentioned advanced options your taxi booking app from the Uber clone script would be cost effective at final Important functionalities and features of Taxi Booking AppAlong with these you could receive many important in app features and functionalities with your new taxi booking app So that you could smartly get your huge return of investment from the business speedily As well could charmingly run the taxi service business online lucratively thereafter So let s explore such notable features and functionalities in the following Fast User AccessThe premade app has some important user centric options like quick login with name mobile number email ID or social media credentials It offers the end users to get immediate access to app usage even as newbies Real time VerificationsRight from you as an admin to the end users can track relevant details actively online For i e the customers can track their booked taxis arrivals and on tripping The drivers can lively track geolocation route mapping indications And as a service provider you can review all business details in god eye view monitoring Robust Data SecurityYour app from the Uber clone script has an advanced data security solution All the data transactions and transferring in between different players applications and apps to the service automatically converted as end to end encrypted So there has been no third party sealing and hacking at all Powerful Admin ControlsFrom your admin panel you can access your admin data like business flow analytics reporting total earning etc So those are gathered from multi angles of your business in progress online they would be very dedicated for your knowledge With them you can make solid business decisions regarding improvements all the time As A ConclusionBeing app development is the main concept for an on demand taxi business launching concentrating on it carefully is always recommendable Given that building your new Uber like taxi booking app using the Uber clone script assists your mobile app to get all the latest features smartly for business In that utilization of its advanced options right from development to the service operation online as discussed make your business so lucrative with high user value in a short period |
2021-12-02 12:44:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Secure Your Kubernetes Clusters With Best Practices |
How to Secure Your Kubernetes Clusters With Best PracticesKubernetes has become an unavoidable part of a software infrastructure these days If you are an enterprise or medium large company chances are you are already running Kubernetes clusters for your workloads If you are a DevOps engineer there is a good chance you are maintaining either an on prem Kubernetes cluster or a PaaS like Amazon EKS Microsoft AKS or GKE But regardless of how you run your Kubernetes clusters you need to make sure that they are secure The Kubernetes API server has multiple layers of security Transport security All API communication is done via TLS transport layer security using valid certificates Authentication All API requests are authenticated with one of the several authentication mechanisms supported by Kubernetes Authorization All authenticated requests are authorized using one or more of the supported authorization models Admission control All authorized requests except read get requests are validated by admission control modules Kubernetes comes with many security options out of the box but to bulletproof your infrastructure you need to consider many more security best practices Today we will look into some of the vital security best practices for Kubernetes Use Kubernetes Role Based Access Control RBAC Kubernetes supports multiple authorization models for its API server These are ABAC Attributed Based Access Control RBAC Role Based Access Control Node authorization and the Webhook mode Out of all these RBAC is the more secure and most widely used and is ideal for enterprises and medium to large organizations With RBAC you can define role based access control that closely resembles your organization s business rules RBAC also works great with OIDC authentication Most Kubernetes distributions have RBAC enabled by default You can check this by running the command kubectl cluster info dump grep authorization mode which should have authorization mode RBAC in the output If not you can enable it using the authorization mode flag for the API server when creating or patching the cluster For example setting authorization mode RBAC Node will enable both RBAC and Node authorization on the cluster Once RBAC is enabled you can create roles Role ClusterRole and bindings RoleBinding ClusterRoleBinding to control access to your resources Here is an example of a role and role binding that lets users view pods and services apiVersion rbac authorization ks io vkind Rolemetadata namespace fancy namespace name pod service readerrules apiGroups indicates the core API group resources pods services verbs get watch list The below binds the above role to a specific group of users apiVersion rbac authorization ks io vkind RoleBindingmetadata name read pods services namespace fancy namespaceroleRef kind Role this must be Role or ClusterRole name pod service reader this must match the name of the Role or ClusterRole you wish to bind to apiGroup rbac authorization ks iosubjects subject can be individual users or a group of users Group is defined in the external authentication service in this case an OIDC server kind Group name ks restricted users Secure the API server with OpenID ConnectKubernetes supports many authentication mechanisms Some of the most common are Client certificatesBasic authenticationTokens Service account tokens Bearer tokens and so on OpenID Connect OIDC ProxyOut of all these authentication mechanisms OIDC is the most secure and scalable solution It is ideal for clusters accessed by large teams as it provides a single sign on solution for all users and makes it easy to onboard and offboard users It is also way more secure than other mechanisms as you don t have to store any sensitive information on a user s computer like client secrets and passwords You can also use features like MFA and Yubikey if supported by your OIDC provider OIDC combined with RBAC becomes necessary as more and more people start accessing the cluster It becomes essential to create groups and roles and provide limited access to specific groups You can read more about this in my previous post How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster with OpenID Connect and RBAC Use Secrets for all sensitive data with appropriate accessThis one should be a no brainer Kubernetes has a Secret resource that can be used to store sensitive data This is a great way to store passwords keys and other sensitive data Secrets can be used for storing string data docker config certificates tokens files and so on Secrets can be mounted as data volumes or exposed as environment variables to be used in containers Secrets can be plain text or encoded but please don t be that person who uses plain text secrets Secrets are flexible and native to Kubernetes so there is no reason for you not to use them Also make sure to implement proper RBAC for secrets so that not everyone has access to them Keep Kubernetes version up to dateLike any other software Kubernetes also has bugs and issues And from time to time there might be a high severity bug that calls for a CVE Hence it s an excellent idea to keep the Kubernetes version up to date on the server and the CLI client You can check the Kubernetes security and disclosure information website to see if there are known security vulnerabilities for your Kubernetes version If you are using a managed PaaS it should be pretty easy to upgrade and for on prem installations there are tools like kOps kubeadm and so on that makes it easy to upgrade clusters Restrict kubelet API and SSH accesskubelet is the primary node agent running on each node and by default a kubelet s HTTP endpoints are not secured This could allow unintended access and hence should be restricted When someone has access to a Kubernetes cluster they can access the ks API server and SSH into the cluster nodes themselves To limit node access cluster access should be limited as much as possible Disable SSH access for non admin users Secure the API server using OIDC and RBAC as we saw earlier so that only authenticated users with sufficient roles can access the API Secure container imagesSecuring the container images that run on the cluster is as important as securing the cluster itself A malicious image running on a cluster could wreak havoc Follow these best practices for container image security Do not run containers as root as this would give the container unlimited access to the host Always run the containers using a non root user Enable container image scanning in your CI CD phase to catch known vulnerabilities using tools like clair or Anchore Use minimal up to date official base images and remove all unwanted dependencies packages and debugging tools from the image as it will make it more secure and lightweight Prevent loading unwanted kernel modules in the containers These can be restricted using rules in etc modprobe d kubernetes blacklist conf of the node or by uninstalling the unwanted modules from the node Use official verified images for popular software Use a trusted registry for non official images and always verify the image publisherUse Docker Bench for Security to audit your container imagesUse Pod security policies to limit a container s access to the host furtherYou can read more about it in our Container Security A Developer Guide Control traffic between pods and clustersGenerally pods within the same cluster will be able to communicate with each other and if you have multiple clusters in the same network there may be traffic between them as well Do not leave this all open as it could lead to a compromised cluster when another in the network is affected Use Kubernetes network policies to control traffic between pods and clusters and allow only necessary traffic Use namespaces to isolate workloadsDo not run all your workloads in a single namespace Isolating workloads in different namespaces based on business needs is more secure and easier to manage with RBAC This way you can fine tune RBAC even further to let users access only what they need to see You can also use Kubernetes network policies to isolate traffic between namespaces where applicable Limit resource usagesAs with securing APIs and the cluster itself it is also essential to set resource limits on how much CPU memory and persistent disk space is used by namespaces and resources This secures your cluster from denial of service attacks when a particular container uses up all the resources Resources quotas and limit ranges can be used to set limits at the namespace level and Requests and limits can be used to set resource limits at container level as well Use monitoring tools to monitor all traffic and enable audit loggingFinally it is also extremely important to monitor and audit your clusters Enable audit logging for the cluster and use monitoring tools to keep an eye on the networking traffic to from and within a cluster Monitoring can be done using open source tools like Prometheus Grafana or with proprietary tools BonusFurthermore keep these infrastructure best practices also in mind when securing your Kubernetes cluster Ensure that all communication is done via TLS Protect etcd with TLS Firewall and Encryption and restrict access to it using strong credentials Set up IAM access policies in a supported environment like a PaaS Secure the Kubernetes Control Plane Rotate infrastructure credentials frequently Restrict cloud metadata API access when running in a PaaS like AWS Azure or GCP Learn more about Kubernetes and securityIf you want to learn more about Kubernetes OIDC or using OIDC with Kubernetes and security in general check out these additional resources How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster with OpenID Connect and RBACSecuring a ClusterOpenID Connect TokensRBAC vs ABAC Definitions amp When to UseOAuth and OpenID Connect OverviewSecure Access to AWS EKS Clusters for AdminsManaging Multiple Okta Instances with Terraform CloudIf you liked this tutorial chances are you ll enjoy the others we publish Please follow oktadev on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified when we publish new developer tutorials |
2021-12-02 12:37:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Choose The Perfect Color Scheme |
How to Choose The Perfect Color SchemeChoosing the perfect color scheme can be difficult but it is also an important step in web design Color schemes affect how professional or unprofessional a website appears to be and can even make your visitors feel certain emotions The right color scheme will not only look good on your site but will also help you generate more revenue by getting more people to convert In this blog post we ll go over some factors that you should consider when choosing a color scheme for your next project Basics of Color SchemesFirst let s talk about the basics Color schemes are made up of several colors that work well together and compliment each other Color schemes can be monochromatic which is just one color with different shades or tints tones lightened or darkened versions of that same hue A complementary color scheme uses opposite hues on the color wheel to create a contrasting look while an analogous color scheme uses related hues found next to each other on the color wheel for a cohesive feel Monochrome designs use only black white and grey tones no colors at all All three types have their own advantages depending on what you re looking to achieve in your design but they re not always right for every project so it s important to make good decisions How to Attract People Now that we know the basics let s talk about how you can use color to affect your visitors and generate more revenue for your business Color affects everything including human emotions and behavior therefore it is essential when designing a website Let s go over some factors you should consider when choosing a color scheme The goal of your project What do you want people to feel after visiting Are you trying to create a trust or add energy Make sure that all colors in your design help achieve this goal without conflicting with each other For example if people are likely going to be spending time on your site reading articles then dark background colors would not work well because they could cause eye fatigue while light colors provide more comfort Color preferences of your target audience Colors are often associated with personal preference so it s important to know who you re designing for Let s say that you want to create a website targeted at men but the majority of them don t like pink or purple because they associate this color scheme with femininity and weakness This is something to keep in mind when choosing a design direction make sure the colors work well together while also appealing to your visitors tastes You can even do some quick research online by asking people questions about their favorite color schemes on social media platforms such as Reddit This will give you an idea of what works well right away before doing any additional research Color symbolism based on culture and region Color meanings are often different depending on where someone is from For example green symbolizes luck and growth in the United States but it also represents Islam because this color has been used to decorate mosques all over the world for hundreds of years If you re designing a website that targets people from multiple countries then make sure you do your research before using certain colors as they might have negative connotations Color psychology based on web design industry standards In addition to cultural symbolism there are specific psychological effects associated with various colors within our culture too Some examples include blue creating trustworthiness amp calmness orange giving a sense of warmth or energy the company I work at uses orange throughout its branding because we want customers visitors to feel energized when they visit and green symbolizing wealth or tranquility a lot of banks use this color scheme in their advertisements because it gives off a sense of security Color psychology is often used by designers within the web design industry so make sure you re aware of what messages these colors could be sent to your visitors What Color Scheme Should I Use Now that we ve gone over some factors to consider when choosing a color scheme let s talk about how you can choose one for yourself Remember there are no rules when it comes to designing with color only things that help improve the quality and experience for users Here s an example process Define your audience and goals first before thinking about which colors to use Brainstorm some color schemes that might work well for your project based on the factors we mentioned above Color inspiration can come from anywhere so don t be afraid of experimenting Personally Pinterest has been one of my favorite sources because it s easy to find beautiful images with different colors and save them directly into my board this allows me to reference these boards whenever I need ideas for new projects too so they re definitely worth checking out If you have an iPhone then check out Color Hunt which is another great source full of vibrant palettes Once you ve narrowed down what type of color scheme would fit best within your industry project and target audience then start to experiment with different color combinations Color is subjective it means something different for everyone so make sure you test out what works best before deciding on a final direction Try playing around with the opacity of your colors too Sometimes adding more black or white into certain areas of your design can help improve contrast and readability which might be necessary if there s not enough separation between text and background colors in some parts of your website Like we mentioned earlier rules within this industry aren t concrete so don t feel like you need to follow these steps exactly either Most importantly create something that fits well with your brand while also giving visitors an awesome experience ConclusionAlright these were several rules that you should follow if you want to grow your audience or number of customers However there s still one gold rule called Experiment you always need to experiment and nobody can know what is inside of your mind probably you will come up with something new in this area and to do it you need a ton of practice Thus if you enjoyed then Like and Subscribe to me and never miss new articles |
2021-12-02 12:34:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
C vs. C++: Who is the winner? |
C vs C Who is the winner Hello Techies It s Nomadev back with another blog So today s blog is on one of the most debatable topics Who s the winner C Vs C A lot of beginners have had the same questions when they started their programming journey There was a long time where I didn t know the answer So I decided to make a blog on the same C programming languageC programming language is one of the ancient programming languages and is in demand right from the time it was developed C is the mother of all the modern programming languages because most of the compilers and JVMs are written in the C language C is a procedural language and a versatile language which allows maximum control with a minimal number of commands C language has a rich library collection having most of the arithmetic and logical operations which are predefined All the modern languages have borrowed the core concepts from C languages like arrays functions file handling and much more ProsVery fast speed of compilationPortable Unlike assembly languages Open sourceSupports both low and high level programmingBuilt in functionsExtensible ConsProhibits Object Oriented Programming Paradigm Inheritance Polymorphism Encapsulation Abstraction Data Hiding No Garbage CollectionLacks Constructor and DestructorLacks Concept of namespaceSomehow not easy to debug C C is one of the most popular programming languages around It is also just the next level of C programming I was developed aiming to make a dynamic language that is efficient and has some additional features to C It is used to develop games operating systems browsers and so on It is a powerful as well as a very flexible language having both high and low level language features C is an object oriented programming language which includes concepts like classes inheritance polymorphism data abstraction and encapsulation that allow code reusability and make a program even more reliable Earlier C was known by the name C with classes Pros Object oriented programming languageSupports Exception handling and inline functionsMulti Paradigm and FasterHas Standard Template LibraryExtensibleStatic Type SystemLarge Community ConsA little complex to learnAbsence of garbage collection Security Issues Ease of LearningAs C is a subset of the C language that means their syntax resembles some extent C is an extension of the C language having in built functions and a standard template library so it makes it comparatively easier to learn as a newbie Sample syntax printf Hello World for printing a string in C scanf d amp testInt for storing integer input in Ccout lt lt Hello World for printing string in C cin gt gt testInt for storing integer input in C Programming ParadigmC is a procedural oriented language so it is divided into modules and procedures therefore it can make your code quite messy when it grows in size On the other hand C supports multiple paradigms which allows it to follow both procedural as well as object oriented ways of programming Being object oriented C code can be organized in a proper way and simultaneously increases productivity The object oriented nature of C helps developers to develop server side software and fast applications Function OverloadingFunction overloading is one of the most powerful features updated to C programming language a form of polymorphism In it a function with the same name can be used for different purposes For instance the function add can be defined in two ways We can use it to calculate the sum of integer values and for the string part it can be used to concatenate two or more strings Unlike C the C programming language doesn t provide support for function overloading Application Development AreaC is a good option for embedded devices and system level code C on the contrary is a top choice for developing gaming networking and server side applications It is also a great option for the development of device drivers The authority of C lies in performance and speed Though C also offers these both qualities C takes it a step further The Standard Template Library STL C offers the Standard template library which provides template classes for most of the data structures and their components for implementing added build in functionalities You don t have to write the whole snippet every time you want to implement any data structure Whereas C has no such library Whereas C supports the graphic library But after Python made graphics easier its graphic library s popularity decreased From Where to learn C and C Both languages are known as good first languages to learn in your programming journey To learn C CS Lecture C The C Beginner s Handbook Learn C Programming Language basics in just a few hours C Programming Tutorial for Beginners To learn C Beginning C Programming From Beginner to Beyond C Tutorial for Beginners Full Course Object Oriented Programming in C Who is the winner C and C both are considered the most popular and evergreen languages in programming both have some pros and cons But in my humble opinion if you are just getting started on programming and you have enough time to learn stuff and you want to make your fundamentals strong you should learn C first and then master data structures and algorithms and implement them in it Believe me if you will get successful you will surely become a sigma programmer And you will never face any problem in switching to some other tech stack So this was my personal opinion You can your opinion in the comment section below So this was it If you liked this blog make sure to follow me on Twitter for more tech information And if you want to appreciate my work you can buy me a coffee Your appreciation is my motivation That s my time Dev s See you in the next one Happy Coding |
2021-12-02 12:20:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple defeats developers seeking $200 billion over App Store 'tyrannical greed' |
Apple defeats developers seeking billion over App Store x tyrannical greed x A judge overseeing a group of developers seeking billion from the Apple App Store suit has ruled handing a defeat to the developers fighting against what they called Apple s tyrannical greed App StoreIn a page ruling Judge Edward Chen dismissed a lawsuit alleging that Apple used monopoly power to exclude apps that it didn t like from the App Store to benefit its own institutional partners Chen ruled that the developers failed to identify a market that Apple exerts monopolistic control Read more |
2021-12-02 12:48:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tesla is selling a $1,900 Cyberquad ATV for kids |
Tesla is selling a Cyberquad ATV for kidsTesla has started selling the Cyberquad but it s not the ATV it previewed when it unveiled its electric truck in No the Cybersquad you can now buy from the automaker s store is a much smaller version of the vehicle meant kids ーand yes it actually works nbsp The four wheel ATV is powered by a lithium ion battery and will run on electricity like its bigger version It has miles of range with a configurable top speed of mph a full steel frame a cushioned seat adjustable suspension and LED light bars In other words it looks like a shrunken down version of a legit ATV nbsp A small Cyberquad will set you back and is expected to start shipping within the next two to four weeks But before you seriously start considering getting it as a gift for your kid this Christmas know that Tesla says that orders aren t guaranteed to arrive before the holidays Also it s only currently available from Tesla s US shop and can only be shipped to continental United States We first saw a glimpse of the Cyberquad the actual one for for adults at the Cybertruck event where it rode onto the back of the truck to show how its adaptive suspension enables easier loading Musk then confirmed that it will be available for purchase initially as an option for Cybertruck buyers nbsp Tesla |
2021-12-02 12:39:48 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Elon Musk’s whistle has already sold out |
The Morning After Elon Musk s whistle has already sold outIf there s one thing we should all admire about Elon Musk it s his knack for helping folks part with their hard earned cash Tesla yesterday launched Cyberwhistle a whistle designed with the same angular lines as its forthcoming Cybertruck The company is happy to explain that the Cyberwhistle is a “premium collectible hewn from medical grade stainless steel Sadly not long after Musk tweeted a link to the sale page the whistle sold out but there s hope another round will be available at some point in the future Or if you re really desperately in need of one of these you can find pre orders being scalped for around ーDan CooperBarnes amp Noble releases its first Nook GlowLight e reader in four yearsIt s apparently the first of many new Nooks in the pipeline Barnes amp NobleGiven how slowly e reader technology moves it s not a massive surprise it s been four years since Barnes amp Noble last touched the GlowLight The fourth generation model gets a thinner and lighter body a USB C port and GB storage but that s about it Most of the spec list from the month long battery life to the inch DPI e paper display remain the same Plus the price of puts it a little way beyond the Kindle Paperwhite in terms of cost but if you want to swerve Amazon and Kobo this is likely your best bet B amp N CEO James Daunt has also said the company plans to revive the range so keep a look out for more new Nooks in the coming months Continue Reading Urtopia e bike is basically a computer on wheelsIt s a tech heavy e bike from China James TrewAs Engadget s Editor at Large James Trew writes e bikes are normally little more than a bike with a motor slapped on the back Chinese brand Urtopia however has decided to make a futuristic rideable with features you d expect to see on a car That includes an integrated display fingerprint reader GPS G an integrated alarm and mmWave sensors for nearby vehicle detection Sadly James wasn t able to try some of those features on the prototype he rode and control of the lights is voice only which is problematic when you re on a busy highway That said his overall review was positive with the light weight fun riding style and added features putting the gloss on a very good bike Worth saying however is that the Indiegogo pre order price of is likely to skyrocket when the hardware is retail ready so if you re eager dive in soon Continue Reading Spotify s Wrapped is here to chronicle your year in musicWith color coded Audio Auras and a quiz about your listening habits SpotifyIt s December and that can only mean one thing Spotify Unwrapped is upon us allowing us to humblebrag or not about our music taste Fire up the app and you ll be able to find out your most popular artist what genres you particularly love and how long you spent listening to tunes this year You ll also get an Audio Aura a color chart explaining what your most listened to music moods are ーI got Melancholy and Energy which sounds about right for me At the same time Spotify has announced the most popular artists on the platform with Bad Bunny taking the top spot for the second year running Continue Reading Microsoft will be required to disclose sexual harassment cases after shareholder voteDespite the company advocating against the move Microsoft investors have passed a resolution requiring the company to publicly report how it handles sexual harassment cases The tech giant had planned to make some of these details public anyway but shareholders pushed for more specific disclosures As a consequence the Windows maker will also have to offer details about investigations into any executive misconduct Investors pushed for the rule change after reports emerged concerning co founder and former CEO Bill Gates conduct during his tenure Continue Reading The best in laptops you can buyBag yourself a hybrid in the run up to the holidays Dana WollmanOur Buyer s Guide has turned its attention to in machines which operate both as a laptop or tablet when required Reviews Editor Cherlynn Low cast an expert eye over the market finding the best equipment for every type of user We won t spoil the results but suffice to say there s a big pile of great devices in this list that is sure to delight many And there s just about enough time left in the year for you to drop hints to your nearest and dearest about what you want Continue Reading The biggest news stories you might have missedNothing s Black Edition brings a modern touch to its funky Ear budsDigital car keys arrive on Pixel and Samsung Galaxy SVerizon and Bang amp Olufsen made soundbars with Android TV built inHTC Vive Focus gets more accurate hand tracking in new updateSony s drone for its Alpha cameras is available for pre orderMicrosoft is testing a few ways to improve Windows s Start menu |
2021-12-02 12:15:57 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
消費税負担増の補填率、診療所87%-病院は110%、上乗せ点数見直さず |
中央社会保険医療協議会 |
2021-12-02 21:55:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Meghan wins ruling in Mail on Sunday privacy fight |
sussex |
2021-12-02 12:03:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: South Africa new cases double in 24 hours as Omicron spreads |
medical |
2021-12-02 12:37:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid bereaved families 'sickened' over No 10 Christmas party |
gathering |
2021-12-02 12:24:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Storm Arwen: Thousands still without power six days after storm |
power |
2021-12-02 12:31:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Louis Watkiss: Parents held son as he died in SnowDome crash |
father |
2021-12-02 12:16:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai says the Taliban are his brothers |
afghanistan |
2021-12-02 12:01:38 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
サンデンが早期退職者を募集、人数定めずに実施へ - 不景気.com |
早期退職 |
2021-12-02 12:39:56 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazonブラックフライデー】衝動買いしても罪ではない。バッファローのポータブルSSDって2530円からポチれるんだ! |
amazon |
2021-12-02 21:45:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
終了間近!お買い逃しなく【Amazonブラックフライデー】ベストアイテム9選 |
amazon |
2021-12-02 21:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
立憲、新執行部発足 逢坂代表代行ら承認 代表選の3候補起用で挙党一致 |
両院議員総会 |
2021-12-02 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
十勝、続く停電 不安な夜 電柱折れ最大6300戸被害 農業ハウス倒壊 休校23校 |
十勝管内 |
2021-12-02 21:16:31 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
広島原爆の「残り火」をハワイへ 真珠湾80年、禎子さん遺族 |
福岡県八女市星野村 |
2021-12-02 21:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志管内のスキー場に「恵みの雪」 続々オープンへ |
管内 |
2021-12-02 21:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ヒグマへの接近は「悪質行為」、指導対象化の方針 知床世界遺産地域科学委WG |
世界自然遺産 |
2021-12-02 21:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
バドミントン、山口茜らが勝利 ワールドツアー・ファイナル |
山口茜 |
2021-12-02 21:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志管内感染者ゼロ 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-12-02 21:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
バド、世界選手権出場者は欠場 全日本総合選手権、変異株が影響 |
世界選手権 |
2021-12-02 21:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
IOC「われわれも懸念」 彭帥さんと2度目の通話 |
国際オリンピック委員会 |
2021-12-02 21:01:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
中国スマホ「シャオミ」、供給網危機が業績を直撃 7~9月期のスマホ販売台数は前年比6%減に | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン |
biztech |
2021-12-02 21:30:00 |