IT |
@IT Smart & Socialフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
機械学習を学び、実験できる無料サービス「Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab」プレビュー版が発表 |
amazonsagemakerstudiolab |
2021-12-03 17:30:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
Googleのスマートウォッチが2022年デビューの噂 円形文字盤の高級路線? |
businessinsider |
2021-12-03 08:30:59 |
Engadget Japanese |
OPPO、睡眠モニタリングを強化した「OPPO Watch Free」を12月10日に発売 |
oppowatchfree |
2021-12-03 08:00:19 |
ロボスタ |
相模原市『ロボット大集合!inアリオ橋本』12月4日・5日に開催 Spot/ユニボ/NEXTAGE/BellaBotなど15種類ものロボットが集合 |
nextagebellabot |
2021-12-03 08:31:26 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
機械学習を学び、実験できる無料サービス「Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab」プレビュー版が発表 |
amazonsagemakerstudiolab |
2021-12-03 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 沖縄美ら海水族館でリゾートウェディング 同施設では初、12月11日に販売開始 |
itmedia |
2021-12-03 17:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 住宅ローンのボーナス払い、若年層ほど利用を避ける傾向に |
itmedia |
2021-12-03 17:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] MSIストアで最大6万円引きの「年末年始スペシャルセール」が開催中 |
itmediapcusermsi |
2021-12-03 17:12:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
新しい Amazon EC2 M1 Mac インスタンスを使用して、iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch、および Apple TV 用のアプリケーションを構築およびテストする |
新しいAmazonECMMacインスタンスを使用して、iPhone、iPad、Mac、AppleWatch、およびAppleTV用のアプリケーションを構築およびテストする昨年のAWSreInventで、JeffBarはAmazonElasticComputeCloudAmazonECMacインスタンスが利用可能になったという心が躍るような記事を著しました。 |
2021-12-03 08:18:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python エラー "string index out of range" |
errorlistindexoutofrange |
2021-12-03 17:58:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python でけたたましくアラート音を鳴らしまくる |
2021-12-03 17:33:45 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ファミレスのメニューもどき管理画面を作ってみた |
︎DBテストメニュー下記の記事の続きです︎ファミレスのメニューシステムもどき作ってみたやりたいことDBの連携、入力、変更、削除をブラウザで操作画像アップは別フォルダへDB一覧書き出しバリデーションで同じ名前と画像はアップさせない作成ファイルindexphpログイン画面logoutphpログアウト画面controltopphpトップページと追加入力changephp変更UPDATEchangecheckphpUPDATEのバリデーションdeletephp削除dbjoinphpインクルード用、DBの接続や共通で使う関数と配列を格納selectcatphpインクルード用、formのselectパーツselectmtphpインクルード用、formのselectパーツ管理画面のUIjsで各操作をタブで切り替え変更と削除はID検索で各ページにsubmitで移行。 |
2021-12-03 17:09:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Android Studioで電卓を作りたいのですが意味の分からないエラーメッセージが大量に出てしまいました。助けて下さい。 |
AndroidStudioで電卓アプリを開発してみようと思い立って、経験や知識も何も無い状態でしたので、取り敢えずこのリンクを参考に作業を進め、ソースコードをMainActivityにコピーampペーストして実行ボタンを押しビルドすると、以下のエラーメッセージが出てしまいました。 |
2021-12-03 17:43:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
postfix 3系 aliasesからのスクリプト実行について |
postfix系aliasesからのスクリプト実行についてpostfixnbspにて新規サーバを構築。 |
2021-12-03 17:27:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
エクセルファイルをcsvファイルへ出力・保存したいです |
エクセルファイルをcsvファイルへ出力・保存したいです前提・実現したいことVBA初心者です。 |
2021-12-03 17:26:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
リストに含まれる日付表現のみを抽出し、ファイルに出力したい。 |
ファイルは読み込み、リストに格納することができましたが、日付表現を抽出し、ファイル出力ができていません。 |
2021-12-03 17:24:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
FineNextにて一回検索された文言に変更されてしまう…… |
FineNextにて一回検索された文言に変更されてしまう……お世話になっております。 |
2021-12-03 17:21:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonノイズ除去について |
pythonノイズ除去について訓練で使う画像はcifarで行い、結果で使う画像をオリジナル画像で行うにはどうすればいいのか教えていただきたいです。 |
2021-12-03 17:17:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
enumの継承について |
enumの継承について前提・実現したいこと抽象クラスのenumを継承したいです。 |
2021-12-03 17:02:23 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
# nvmでNode.jsを(Ubuntu/Windows)にインストールする方法 |
2021-12-03 17:53:20 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MacでDockerが遅いのをLimaで解決する(M1/Intel) |
limactlstartdefaultyaml起動したらdockerの動作確認limadockerversionmacosにdockercliをインストールmac上でdockerコマンドを使えるように、dockerのクライアントだけインストールする例ではHOMEbinに配置しているけどPATH通っていればどこでもいいdockercliIntelMacの場合curlOLMMacの場合curlOLmkdirpHOMEbintarxzvfdockertgzmvdockerdockerHOMEbinchmodHOMEbindockerLimaVMのdockerとMacのdockerを接続zprofileに以下の記述を追加MacのdockercliからLimaVMのdockersockにつなぐようにするexportDOCKERHOSTunixHOMEdockersock設定を反映sourceHOMEzprofileこれでmac上からdockerを操作できるdockerversionうまくいっていればDockerServerとしてLima上のDockerにつながるMacにdockercomposevをインストールバイナリからインストールする。 |
2021-12-03 17:51:44 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Goのsync.Mutex |
❯gorunmaingohellollockWhileは非同期に実行しているのでlexclusiveHelloがすぐに実行されそうな気もしますが、syncMutexによるロックをかけているのでllockWhileが終わるまでlexclusiveHelloの中身が実行されていません。 |
2021-12-03 17:05:45 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【GoogleCloud 認定資格】Professional Data Engineer の取得 |
ProfessionalDataEngineer認定資格 GoogleCloud筆者のスペック昔は主にサーバサイドエンジニアやDBAインフラ屋さんではない最近はデータエンジニアっぽいことをしている年くらい前に「AWSCertifiedSolutionsArchitect」の資格を取得GoogleCloudは、BigQueryとストレージについてはある程度理解し業務で触っていた英語はたいしてできない直近「AssociateCloudEngineer」の資格を取得したやったこと前提として、先に下記で記載している「AssociateCloudEngineer」向けの学習をしており、その完了がスタート地点でした。 |
2021-12-03 17:02:27 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Alteryx Designerのレポートフッターツールのフォント変更 |
alteryx |
2021-12-03 08:54:57 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Adobe InDesign ServerにSOAPで通信できるのかい |
adobeindesignserver |
2021-12-03 08:45:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS WAF のログを他アカウントの S3 に直接出力してみた |
awswaf |
2021-12-03 08:43:42 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon Sagemaker Studio Lab で無料で機械学習を学んでみよう! #reinvent |
amazonsagemakerstudiolab |
2021-12-03 08:12:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create HTML, CSS & Javascript Folder 📁 Structure |
Create HTML CSS amp Javascript Folder Structure You need to have node js installed in your computerSteps Download the Windows installer from Nodejs org Run the installer the msi file you downloaded in the previous step Follow the prompts in the installer Accept the license agreement click the NEXT button a bunch of times and accept the default installation settings Restart your computer Open TerminalOpen Terminal wherever you want to create projectWrite Command npx touch Final OutputYou can see Folder and Files linked togetherHTML boiler plate code in HTML fileYou can see css and javascript files linked to the html file |
2021-12-03 08:13:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HTML tags | img |
HTML tags imgIt is used to embed an image into the document The HTML standard doesn t list what image formats to support so user agents may support different formats The image file formats that are most commonly used on the web are APNG Animated Portable Network Graphics good choice for lossless animation sequences GIF is less performant AVIF AV Image File Format good choice for both images and animated images due to high performance GIF Graphics Interchange Format good choice for simple images and animations JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group good choice for lossy compression of still images currently the most popular PNG Portable Network Graphics good choice for lossy compression of still images slightly better quality than JPEG SVG Scalable Vector Graphics vector image format Use for images that must be drawn accurately at different sizes WebP Web Picture excellent choice for both images and animated images Formats like WebP and AVIF are highly recommended as they are now broadly and somewhat deeply supported by web browsers and perform much better than PNG JPEG GIF for both still and animated images SVG remains the recommended format for images that must be drawn accurately at different sizes Image loading errorsIf an error occurs while loading or rendering an image and an onerror event handler has been set on the error event that event handler will get called This can happen in a number of situations including The src attribute is empty or null The src URL is the same as the URL of the page the user is currently on The image is corrupted in some way that prevents it from being loaded The image s metadata is corrupted in such a way that it s impossible to retrieve its dimensions and no dimensions were specified in the lt img gt element s attributes The image is in a format not supported by the user agent Attributes altDefines an alternative text description of the image It isn t mandatory but is incredibly useful for accessibility ーscreen readers read this description out to their users so they know what the image means Browsers do not always display images There are a number of situations in which a browser might not display images such as Non visual browsers such as those used by people with visual impairments The user chooses not to display images saving bandwidth privacy reasons The image is invalid or an unsupported typeIn these cases the browser may replace the image with the text in the element s alt attribute For these reasons and others provide a useful value for alt whenever possible Omitting alt altogether indicates that the image is a key part of the content and no textual equivalent is available Setting this attribute to an empty string alt indicates that this image is not a key part of the content it s decoration or a tracking pixel and that non visual browsers may omit it from rendering Visual browsers will also hide the broken image icon if the alt is empty and the image failed to display This attribute is also used when copying and pasting the image to text or saving a linked image to a bookmark crossoriginIndicates if the fetching of the image must be done using a CORS request Image data from a CORS enabled image returned from a CORS request can be reused in the lt canvas gt element without being marked tainted If the crossorigin attribute is not specified then a non CORS request is sent without the Origin request header and the browser marks the image as tainted and restricts access to its image data preventing its usage in lt canvas gt elements If the crossorigin attribute is specified then a CORS request is sent with the Origin request header but if the server does not opt into allowing cross origin access to the image data by the origin site by not sending any Access Control Allow Origin response header or by not including the site s origin in any Access Control Allow Origin response header it does send then the browser blocks the image from loading and logs a CORS error to the devtools console Allowed values anonymous a CORS request is sent with credentials omitted that is no cookies X certificates or Authorization request header use credentials the CORS request is sent with any credentials included that is cookies X certificates and the Authorization request header If the server does not opt into sharing credentials with the origin site by sending back the Access Control Allow Credentials true response header then the browser marks the image as tainted and restricts access to its image data If the attribute has an invalid value browsers handle it as if the anonymous value was used decodingProvides an image decoding hint to the browser Allowed values sync decode the image synchronously for atomic presentation with other content async decode the image asynchronously to reduce delay in presenting other content auto default no preference for the decoding mode The browser decides what is best for the user heightThe intrinsic height of the image in pixels Must be an integer without a unit Allows image to take up space before it loads to mitigate content layout shifts intrinsicsizeThis attribute tells the browser to ignore the actual intrinsic size of the image and pretend it s the size specified in the attribute Specifically the image would raster at these dimensions and naturalWidth naturalHeight on images would return the values specified in this attribute ismapThis Boolean attribute indicates that the image is part of a server side map If so the coordinates where the user clicked on the image are sent to the server This attribute is allowed only if the lt img gt element is a descendant of an lt a gt element with a valid href attribute This gives users without pointing devices a fallback destination loadingIndicates how the browser should load the image eager default loads the image immediately regardless of whether or not the image is currently within the visible viewport lazy defers loading the image until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport as defined by the browser The intent is to avoid the network and storage bandwidth needed to handle the image until it s reasonably certain that it will be needed This generally improves the performance of the content in most typical use cases Loading is only deferred when JavaScript is enabled This is an anti tracking measure because if a user agent supported lazy loading when scripting is disabled it would still be possible for a site to track a user s approximate scroll position throughout a session by strategically placing images in a page s markup such that a server can track how many images are requested and when referrerpolicyA string indicating which referrer to use when fetching the resource no referrer the Referer header will not be sent no referrer when downgrade the Referer header will not be sent to origins without TLS HTTPS origin the sent referrer will be limited to the origin of the referring page its scheme host and port origin when cross origin the referrer sent to other origins will be limited to the scheme the host and the port Navigations on the same origin will still include the path same origin a referrer will be sent for same origin but cross origin requests will contain no referrer information strict origin only send the origin of the document as the referrer when the protocol security level stays the same HTTPS→HTTPS but don t send it to a less secure destination HTTPS→HTTP strict origin when cross origin default send a full URL when performing a same origin request only send the origin when the protocol security level stays the same HTTPS→HTTPS and send no header to a less secure destination HTTPS→HTTP unsafe url the referrer will include the origin and the path but not the fragment password or username This value is unsafe because it leaks origins and paths from TLS protected resources to insecure origins sizesOne or more strings separated by commas indicating a set of source sizes Each source size consists of A media condition This must be omitted for the last item in the list A source size value Media Conditions describe properties of the viewport not of the image For example max height px px proposes to use a source of px width if the viewport is not higher than px Source size values specify the intended display size of the image User agents use the current source size to select one of the sources supplied by the srcset attribute when those sources are described using width w descriptors The selected source size affects the intrinsic size of the image the image s display size if no CSS styling is applied If the srcset attribute is absent or contains no values with a width descriptor then the sizes attribute has no effect srcThe image URL Mandatory for the lt img gt element On browsers supporting srcset src is treated like a candidate image with a pixel density descriptor x unless an image with this pixel density descriptor is already defined in srcset or unless srcset contains w descriptors srcsetOne or more strings separated by commas indicating possible image sources for the user agent to use Each string is composed of A URL to an imageOptionally whitespace followed by one of A width descriptor a positive integer directly followed by w The width descriptor is divided by the source size given in the sizes attribute to calculate the effective pixel density A pixel density descriptor a positive floating point number directly followed by x If no descriptor is specified the source is assigned the default descriptor of x It is incorrect to mix width descriptors and pixel density descriptors in the same srcset attribute Duplicate descriptors for instance two sources in the same srcset which are both described with x are also invalid The user agent selects any of the available sources at its discretion This provides them with significant leeway to tailor their selection based on things like user preferences or bandwidth conditions widthThe intrinsic width of the image in pixels Must be an integer without a unit Allows image to take up space before it loads to mitigate content layout shifts usemapThe partial URL starting with of an image map associated with the element You cannot use this attribute if the lt img gt element is inside an lt a gt or lt button gt element Styling lt img gt is a replaced element it has a display value of inline by default but its default dimensions are defined by the embedded image s intrinsic values like it were inline block You can set properties like border border radius padding margin width height etc on an image lt img gt has no baseline so when images are used in an inline formatting context with vertical align baseline the bottom of the image will be placed on the text baseline You can use the object position property to position the image within the element s box and the object fit property to adjust the sizing of the image within the box for example whether the image should fit the box or fill it even if clipping is required Depending on its type an image may have an intrinsic width and height For some image types however intrinsic dimensions are unnecessary SVG images for instance have no intrinsic dimensions if their root lt svg gt element doesn t have a width or height set on it AccessibilityAn alt attribute s value should clearly and concisely describe the image s content It should not describe the presence of the image itself or the file name of the image If the alt attribute is purposefully left off because the image has no textual equivalent consider alternate methods to present what the image is trying to communicate Don t lt img alt image src penguin jpg gt Do lt img alt A Rockhopper Penguin standing on a beach src penguin jpg gt When an alt attribute is not present on an image some screen readers may announce the image s file name instead This can be a confusing experience if the file name isn t representative of the image s contents The title attribute is not an acceptable substitute for the alt attribute Additionally avoid duplicating the alt attribute s value in a title attribute declared on the same image Doing so may cause some screen readers to announce the description twice creating a confusing experience The title attribute should also not be used as supplemental captioning information to accompany an image s alt description If an image needs a caption use the lt figure gt and lt figcaption gt elements The value of the title attribute is usually presented to the user as a tooltip which appears shortly after the cursor stops moving over the image While this can provide additional information to the user you should not assume that the user will ever see it the user may only have keyboard or touchscreen If you have information that s particularly important or valuable for the user present it inline using one of the methods mentioned above instead of using title It has an implicit ARIA role img with non empty alt attribute or no alt attribute or no corresponding role with empty alt attribute Type inlineSelf closing YesSemantic value NoDefinition Example Support |
2021-12-03 08:11:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cloud Technology News of the Month: November 2021 |
Cloud Technology News of the Month November Already feeling the vibe of this year s festive season Here s some fresh cloud technology news to keep you on the right track This series brings you up to speed with the latest releases acquisitions research and hidden gems in the world of cloud computing the stuff actually worth reading What happened in the cloud world this November Keep on reading to find out Story of the month All the new things at AWS re Invent styleOur team is at AWS re Invent right now and shared some blazingly hot news with us including the big news from AWS CEO Adam Selipsky s keynote Here are the top things that stood out to us More speed for less money AWS announced Graviton the freshest generation of its Arm based Graviton processors The new chip will be faster and use less power powering some new instance types AWS is rolling out as well Cg AWS released its open source autoscaling tool Karpenter to production We hope that it helps people save money on their cloud bills because back when we tried an earlier version a year ago it wasn t all that different from a vanilla Kubernetes cluster autoscaler Machine learning made easy with a new service called Amazon SageMaker Canvas made for non specialized engineers or business users The promise Anyone can build machine learning prediction models using a point and click interface The Business of CloudThe top cloud vendors have a hard time breaking our CAPEX on their IaaS and SaaS offerings but they manage to make it overall Take a look at the recent public cloud growth rates and you ll see a correlation between capital expenditure and revenue The top cloud vendor AWS grew faster in the last quarter than it did a year ago Scale matters a lot in the cloud and CAPEX helps to secure it Source InfoWorldCharles Fitzgerald on Twitter Dell is setting up one of the largest corporate spin offs ever by shedding its stake in VMware to create a software company with a stock market value of almost billion This is the epilogue to Dell s year long commitment to transforming his interest in the slightly forgotten PC maker into a data center hardware and software company worth billion Source ArstechnicaIn an interesting turn of events the UK s spy agencies MI MI and GCHQ are going to use AWS for cloud storage and computing Source Financial TimesNvidia s acquisition of Arm saga just released another chapter The deal is now under scrutiny by the FTC and the EU won t hesitate to shut it either The global chip shortage is probably one of the reasons why Source ArstechnicaThe cloud data service vendor partly owned by an Indonesian tycoon DCI Indonesia just became the world s top IPO of noting a increase since its share float in January This makes the company the second biggest contributor to this year s gain of the Jakarta Composite Index Source Bloomberg Food for thoughtSingle and private clouds are out of the door IBM released a study where it shows how this trend dropped from in to only in Who won the race instead Hybrid cloud and multi cloud Yet another piece of research showing us that multi cloud is set to become the dominant architecture for cloud service delivery Source IBMSo Google Cloud went down in the middle of the month and took down services like Home Depot Snap and Spotify What caused the outage A glitch in a network configuration It s yet another scenario demonstrating the risk of betting on a single cloud provider to handle all your applications Source Google Cloud Status Dashboard Meanwhile in CAST AIHere are some new product features hot off the press If you have ever worked with manual cost management tools you know how time consuming that can be We built a feature that brings you from zero to an optimized state in a few minutes Instant Rebalancing Learn more about it here Also we are officially SOC Type II compliant We also added the Spot Fallback feature that guarantees capacity by temporarily moving your workloads to other nodes until there are new spot instances available The Available savings report is now enhanced with a graph that displays point in time actual and optimal cluster costs as well as other dimensions i e CPU Memory node count Scrapable cluster metrics are now available here s a handy guide For AWS Kops clusters we previously deployed a Lambda function per cluster it s no longer the case From now on a single Lambda function is deployed per account Added support for Kops version Why not get the next portion of cloud technology news directly to your inbox |
2021-12-03 08:10:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Template - Dash UI |
Free Bootstrap Admin Template Dash UIDash UI is a Bootstrap Admin amp Dashboard Theme Dash UI Kit a free and open source components and templates kit fully coded with Bootstrap Download Dash UIDemo Dash UISupport Join the Community What s in the package ComponentsBootstrap HTML amp SCSSGulp Based Workflow ResponsiveAuthentication PagesCollapsible SidebarFont IconsGoogle FontsDeveloper Docs PagesProject DashboardProfileAccount SettingsBillingPricingAuthentication PagesSign InSign UpForgot Password ErrorMenu LevelLayoutThank you for reading If you like this product please support us by sharing our GitHub repository Github |
2021-12-03 08:08:09 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
空港検疫陽性は日本国籍19検体・外国籍26検体-厚労省がコロナ検査実績を更新 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-12-03 17:15:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]監理銘柄(確認中)の指定:ウチダエスコ(株) |
監理銘柄 |
2021-12-03 17:10:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
2022年はどんな年? 金融市場のテーマと展望 |
また、各国のコロナへの対応力も上がっていると考えられるため、現段階のメインシナリオとしては、米国や国内でコロナの感染は制御され、強い行動制限の導入は回避されるもしくは導入されたとしても長期化しないと想定している。 |
2021-12-03 17:51:15 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan suspends visas for would-be residents amid crackdown on inbound travel |
Japan suspends visas for would be residents amid crackdown on inbound travelEffective Thursday the central government temporarily suspended for one month visas that have been issued but not used to enter Japan |
2021-12-03 17:19:24 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Tennis stars back WTA’s ‘bold’ move as China reacts |
china |
2021-12-03 17:18:36 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
JO1 to the world: A new stage for J-pop |
media |
2021-12-03 17:00:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Storm Arwen: Army called in after a week without power |
arwen |
2021-12-03 08:28:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Grenfell Tower: Rethink deal with insulation firm, Mercedes F1 urged |
government |
2021-12-03 08:45:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Who can have a booster jab and how can you get one? |
booster |
2021-12-03 08:32:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
食品の値上げで注目の「食品スーパー」関連株を解説! 原材料価格や物流コストの高騰で食品の値上げが続く 中、低価格商品を提供する「食品スーパー」が狙い目 - 「お宝銘柄」発掘術! |
食品の値上げで注目の「食品スーパー」関連株を解説原材料価格や物流コストの高騰で食品の値上げが続く中、低価格商品を提供する「食品スーパー」が狙い目「お宝銘柄」発掘術「食品スーパー」関連銘柄について、アナリストの村瀬智一さんが解説。 |
2021-12-03 17:45:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
東京の電気設備工事「システマ」に破産開始決定 - 不景気.com |
東京都豊島区高田 |
2021-12-03 08:51:48 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
久留米の地域情報誌「ノーマ・ジーン」が破産へ、負債1億円 - 不景気.com |
株式会社 |
2021-12-03 08:15:37 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
富士山に大きな笠雲、山梨 すっぽりと帽子状に |
山梨県富士吉田市 |
2021-12-03 17:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
接種証明「顔パス」で、NEC アプリや書面の提示不要 |
証明 |
2021-12-03 17:04:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホアプリ『ユージェネ』が登録者数10万人突破!2日連続で記念#ライブを開催する |
開催日 |
2021-12-03 17:25:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
UQ mobileの「くりこしプラン +5G」を利用しているユーザーにApple Musicを6ヵ月間無料で提供 |
apple |
2021-12-03 17:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
やよい軒の「おうち定食」に定番人気の「肉野菜炒め」がジョイン! |
野菜炒め |
2021-12-03 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
JTのウェブ超短編小説「ひととき小説」第八話が公開、漫画家・松本大洋さんが作画を担当 |
松本大洋 |
2021-12-03 17:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
ピップ、EXITを宣伝部長に任命 コラボ動画でキャッチコピーづくりに挑戦 |
ピップ、EXITを宣伝部長に任命コラボ動画でキャッチコピーづくりに挑戦ピップは月日、吉本興業所属のお笑いコンビEXITを“ピップエレキバン宣伝部長に任命し、キャッチコピー考案やオリジナルシェアピップデザイン制作に挑戦する動画を公開した。 |
2021-12-03 08:39:47 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
ファーストキッチン/顧客マーケティング進化「セルフレジ+顔認証決済」実証実験 |
実証実験 |
2021-12-03 08:30:30 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
ファッション誌「Elle」、毛皮を排除へ 記事や広告から |
記事 |
2021-12-03 08:00:41 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
What are some pro-tips and rookie mistakes for your first Japanese office job? |
What are some pro tips and rookie mistakes for your first Japanese office job Finally escaped the Eikaiwa trap and got accepted into a Japanese company I ve still got a few weeks before I start so I want to study what I can and not look totally clueless my first day My job mainly involves translating documents e mails between multiple languages but general office duties and contributing to meetings is also expected Anyone care to share any stories advice I m a bit worried about possibly making some horrible mistake with my manners and or keigo and keeping up with meetings is definitely gonna take some getting used to submitted by u Western Pomegranate to r japanlife link comments |
2021-12-03 08:12:52 |