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海外TECH DEV Community Vocabulary Building Day 23 https://dev.to/vindhyasadanand/vocabulary-building-day-23-3pdd Vocabulary Building Day boon noun a thing that is helpful or beneficial Checkout Pronunciationtravail noun painful or laborious effort Checkout Pronunciationatavism noun a reappearance of an earlier characteristic throwback Checkout Pronunciationperuse verb read something typically in a thorough or careful way Checkout Pronunciationclumsy adjective awkward and without skill Checkout PronunciationI hope this helps you if you are preparing for GRE exams 2021-12-09 03:48:12
海外TECH DEV Community Complete Guide to Building Games in the Browser https://dev.to/zippcodder/complete-guide-to-building-games-in-the-browser-kp6 Complete Guide to Building Games in the BrowserBack in the early days when I first started out in web development I eventually stumbled across HTML Canvas and I was immediately hooked This discovery would prompt me to create many projects from things like art programs to photo applications and eventually even games Often I ve been revisiting HTML Canvas and combining it with some of my newer skills like Node js Using the two I ve been able to create full blown online games and honestly have impressed myself with how much I ve improved since I first came across the technology becoming a kind of canvas connoisseur if I do say so myself I thought it was about time I shared some of the knowledge I ve gained over the years and figured this was a good way to do it So today Im going to share with you my process and methods for creating games from scratch using HTML Canvas showing you everything you need to know to get started building and designing your own Since this post will be a little lengthy heres an overview of all of the topics I ll be covering What is HTML Canvas Getting StartedDrawing GraphicsSizing the Game AreaApplying a Static FitApplying a Theator FitApplying a Fullscreen FitCreating a Rendering PipelineBuilding SpritesBackground SpritesObject SpritesCharacter SpritesMovement and ControlsImplementing JoysticksJoystick MovementKeyboard ControlsCharacter RotationStatic vs Dynamic MovementCollision DetectionSquares and RectanglesCirclesEventsPutting it All TogetherJust as a heads up Im going to assume you have somewhat strong knowledge of Javascript and the DOM as I go through this guide so I wont be explaining any syntax or basic concepts only concepts related to HTML Canvas Throughout this post I ll be explaining the key concepts used in my personal process and then lastly in the final chapter I ll show a simple game I ve created to showcase those concepts But with that out of the way lets get into it What is HTML Canvas The HTML lt canvas gt element or Canvas API as it s also called is a special HTML Element used for creating graphics similar to its counterpart SVG which is also used for creating graphics on the web Unlike SVG however HTML Canvas is built for speed and the rendering of graphics programmatically on the fly The API consists of the lt canvas gt element which is used as a container for our graphics and contains a whole plethora of properties and methods used for drawing things like shapes images text d models and more onto it as well as applying transformation on said elements Because its so simple fast and versatile its applied in a wide range of web applications like games D and D video chat animations art programs and everything in between But before we start applying it for our game let s get into how it works Getting Started To get started with HTML Canvas we ll need to first add it into our HTML The lt canvas gt element has no children but text can be added between its tags to serve as the text to be shown to a user in the case that their browser dosen t support Canvas lt canvas gt Sorry your browser dosen t support HTML Canvas lt canvas gt By default the dimensions of the lt canvas gt element are x px but it can be resized in CSS Note that this may alter the aspect ratio of the canvas s content and it may be stretched as a result of resizing but I ll get more into that later To breifly give you an introduction to the use of HTML Canvas before we jump into the good stuff I ll quickly go over each of the most important methods and properties you need to know to get started Before we can render anything however we first need to get a reference to the canvas s context using the canvasElement getContext method get a reference to our canvas s contextconst canvas document querySelector canvas const ctx canvas getContext d The canvasElement getContext method takes parameters One is the context type and another is the context attributes however context attributes are irrelevant in our case and can be ommited The main two values for the context type are d and webgl Passing it a d context specifies that we want a D rendering context and canvasElement getContext will return a CanvasRenderingContextD object containing properties and methods for rendering D graphics onto our canvas Passing webgl will return a WebGLRenderingContext object which contains properties and methods for rendering D graphics WebGL as you may have heard of before is a Javascript API for rendering D graphics and is a very popular choice for creating D games on the web The API however is very complex which is why people usually opt to use libraries like Three js to interact with it In this guide we ll be using a D rendering context which is much simpler but if you re interested in either Three js or WebGL you can check out some of the resources linked at the end of this article Anyway let s take a look at some properties and rendering methods Drawing Graphics Quickly lets go over the main rendering methods and properties we ll be using to create our game If any of these properties or methods dont seem clear they ll become clearer as we apply them later in this article beginPath Starts a new path which means ties with previous renderings are cut The path is all of the drawing commands that have been called up untill the current point If you were to stroke a rectangle using rect and stroke and then fill a rectangle using rect and fill the stroked rectangle would get filled as well because both rectangles are part of the same path Thus when fill is called both rectangles are filled This method prevents this from ocurring by starting a new path Later you ll see this in action stroke Used to stroke or line the current path Lines and shapes wont be stroked by default so this should always be called explicitly fill Used to fill the current path Lines and shapes wont be filled by default so this should be always called explicitly moveTo x y Moves the pen the current coordinates from which to start drawing from to x and y coordinates lineTo x y Draws a line form the current pen coordinates to xand y coordinates Line wont show unless stroke is used after rect x y width height Draws a rectangle whose top left corner is located at x and y and whose dimensions are width and height Wont show unless stroke or fill are explicitly called after strokeRect x y width height Same as rect but strokes lines the rectangle in the same function call no need to call stroke afterwards fillRect x y width height Same as strokeRect but fills the rectangle in the same function call instead of stroking it clearRect x y width height Same as fillRect but fill clear out erase the area of space specified This is often used to clear the canvas for the next frame as you ll see later drawImage image x y width height Renders a given image image onto the canvas located at x and y width the given width and height Usually an HTMLImageElement created through the Image constructor is used as the image value fillText text x y Creates text specified by text and x and y Settings such as font and text alignment can be set using additional properties which i wont go over here arc x y radius startAngle endAngle direction Draws an arc centered at x and y coordinates which has a radius of radius starts at the angle startAngle and ends at the angle endAngle both given in radians To create a circle set startAngle to and endAngle to Math PI direction specifies weather the arc is drawn counter clockwise the default being clockwise strokeStyle This property sets the color which will be used in strokes lines Can be any valid CSS color value The new stroke color will be applied to everything drawn after its been set fillStyle Sets the fill color The new fill color will be applied to everything drawn after its been set globalAlpha Sets the opacity The new opacity will be applied to everything drawn after its been set These are the principle methods and properties that we ll be using to render our game onto the canvas and draw each element from backgrounds to characters and even on screen controls for mobile users To keep this section as short as possible i ve only gone over the essencials But theres a ton of additional useful properties and methods you can use to acheive all kinds of stuff some of which we will see later on You can explore them here if you re interested Don t worry about it if it s hard to visualize any of these as you ll see them in action further along Any tips or other relevant information will be explained as this guide progresses But now that we understand what we re using to create our game and a little about how to use it let s look at the first step in implementing it Sizing the Game Area The first step we need to take before drawing any game elements onto our canvas is to determine what kind of sizing we ll use and how we want the game area to behave on different screen sizes Before I show the methods I have for doing so it s important we go over the width and height attributes of the canvas As before mentioned the default dimensions of the canvas are x but this also serves as the default dimensions of the canvas s content Using the width and height attributes we can change these inner content dimensions and control how many units the canvas uses for rendering on it s x and y axis Below is a further example and explination of how this works The canvas dimensions and it s content dimensions can also be set in one go using it s width and height attributes in HTML lt canvas itself and its content is x gt lt canvas width height gt Sorry your browser dosen t support HTML Canvas lt canvas gt What option you choose for sizing will determine how or weather or not you ll use these two attributes But now that this concept is understood let me show you what I think are the three best and most common methods for sizing your game Applying a Static Fit A Static Fit for the lack of a better term is when you apply permanent default dimensions to your canvas and then simply position it somewhere on your webpage Generally this is used for larger screens and desktops where you want other content to be visible without maximizing the game area or you want to maintain the aspect ratio of the game area and dont care about maximizing it For some games aspect ratio is important because if it s altered the content of the game could squish or stretch A good example of a static fit is the online game Tank Trouble one i used to play quite a bit You can see they ve simply positioned their game area onto the page maintain it s aspect ratio and keep it minimized as to keep the rest of the webpage content visible When applying this type of fit you ll want to set the default content dimensions of the canvas once and never change them They should have the same aspect ratio as the physical canvas dimensions in CSS and whenever you want to scale the canvas always keep it s aspect ratio and inner dimensions the same Applying a Theator Fit The theator fit or theator mode method is one of the most common ways used to maximize the size of content which must maintain its aspect ratio This is when you stretch the height of the content to the full height of the device and keep the width proporcionate optionally filling in any gaps with black or vice versa based on the client device dimenisons This method is usually applied when the game area has to maintain a certain aspect ratio and you want to maximize it as much as possible without cutting off any of the canvas I could nt find a good example in a game but the Youtube video player serves as a good example As seen when you try to fullscreen the video black bars may cover the top or bottom of the video player in order to cover gaps not filled my the video itself Below I show an example and full explination on how you can apply this Notice how the canvas adapts to the viewport changing that way our game content wont end up stretching or being altered if a user resizes and always provides the most optimum presentation possible Similar to a static fit you should set the content dimensions once and never change them only changing the canvas s CSS dimensions to scale it and maintain aspect ratio It would also be smart to encourage your users to flip their device if possible to get as close to the aspect ratio of the game area as possible Applying a Fullscreen Fit A fullscreen fit is can be simple or a tad more complicated It s when you stretch the canvas dimension s and it s content dimensions to the exact dimensions of the user s device as to leave no gaps When using a fullscreen and theator fit I would recommend fullscreening the canvas on touchscreen devices via the HTMLElement requestFullscreen method to lock it in place because the browser may scroll and move as the player interacts with the screen to play the game A fullscreen fit should usually only be applied when the dimensions of your game area dont matter and or the full game area within the canvas dosen t have to be visible A good example of this is the online game Narwhale io where the character is centered and the map moves into view naturally A small pitfall if this is that the sizing of your game may vary slightly in terms of how much of the map certain clients will see If your game is drawn on a phone with smaller dimensions than a tablet the content is drawn using the same amount of units for each rendering meaning a x square on the phone is also x on the tablet except the tablet uses more units since the canvas s content dimensions will adapt to its larger screen size This means that users on larger screens will end up seeing significantly more of the map than users with smaller screens Depending on your game this may not matter to you but if it s somthing you care about I have a solution I found to get around this was not to use pixels the default units as units when sizing renderings but instead inventing my own viewport unit based on the dimensions of the device Think of it as using units instead of px units in CSS When applying this in an online game I had started a while back which used a fullscreen fit it proved very effective at maintaining consistent proporcionality between devices Below you can see two screenshots I took comparing the the size of the game area relative to the screen of my phone and my tablet Phone game area x Tablet game area x Notice how the elements of the game dont seem smaller on the tablet screen and the distance between the benches from the edge of the screen is almost the same Of course some devices will inevadablely see slightly more or less of the map than others because of slight differences in aspect ratio but it s nothing to worry about In short if you use pixel units the default units with a fullscreen fit you ll probably see large changes in the sizing of the map between devices which isn t a problem if you dont care but if you use viewport units the sizing of your game will stay consistent Here I show an example and explination of how to apply these percentage units if you re interested On another note if you re on a touch screen device and you re interested in checking out the unfinished multiplayer game where I took the screenshots from you can check that out here You can also dig through the code if you d like to see how I apply some of the techniques I talk about here But with all that out of the way lets finally start building our game shall we Creating a Rendering Pipeline Before creating any characters objects or backgrounds we first need to define an order and structure through which each of these entities will be rendered and managed Since we re building our game from scratch and HTML Canvas provides no kind of framework we ll have to define ourselves a structure I call this my rendering pipeline Generally it ll look like this get canvas D context objectconst canvas document querySelector canvas const ctx canvas getContext d object for storing globally accessable statesconst GLOBALS Array where all props will be storedconst PROPS Array where all characters will be storedconst CHARS function for applying any initial settingsfunction init function for rendering background elementsfunction renderBackground function for rendering prop objects in PROPSfunction renderProps function for rendering character objects in CHARSfunction renderCharacters function for rendering onscreen controls function renderControls main function to be run for rendering framesfunction startFrames erase entire canvasctx clearRect canvas width canvas height render each type of entity in order relative to layersrenderBackground renderProps renderCharacters renderControls rerun function call next frame window requestAnimationFrame startFrames init initialize game settingsstartFrames start running framesThis provides us with an orderly process we can use to draw all of the elements of our game The process goes as follows We create a container for any states that we want to be accessable globally For example if we wanted to create a pet that follows our character around we could store the character s coordinates in our global container for the pet object to access and use as a relative point to follow Two arrays are defined one which will store all objects for props objects that move or can be interacted with by the user and another that will store all objects for characters objects controlled by the user Objects for props and characters will be created using classes as we ll see later An initialization function is defined which will set any initial states like setting the canvas s dimensions colors fonts etc This is typically where you d put the logic for your initial canvas sizing like discussed in the previous section or perhaps register an event listener for adjusting the game area on resize depending on your prefered sizing method A function for rendering the backdrop is defined Here we can either render an image or separate background elements more on that later We create a function which will render each prop in the PROPS array We create a function which will render each character in the CHARS array We create a function which will render onscreen controls for mobile devices line buttons and joysticks as well as any other displays like showing the number of lives The main function is created This function when called will begin running frames It starts by erasing the canvas using clearRect then calls the render function for each type of entity If somthing is drawn onto the canvas and then we draw somthing directly ontop of it the first rendering will be covered meaning we ll have to think in layers Thus the render function for each type of entity is called in a logical order background gt objects gt characters gt controls with the background being on the bottom layer and the onscreen controls being on the top The last thing this function dose is run a special method requestAnimationFrame This method takes in a function which it will run as soon as the browser is ready to render new content so we pass it startFrames We call it in a loop so that our frames run indefinitly note that requestAnimationFrame isn t blocking like if you were to run a for loop indefinitely making the page unresponsive We call init and startFrames to initialize our game and begin running frames Of course you can personalize this process however you please if you re actively following along as this is just my personal process and none of this is set in stone though I d recommed still using requestAnimationFrame The purpose of this section was to explain that you should have some kind of structure for rendering your game and managing states animations and user interactions This is the most important part as it ll prevent our game from becoming a confusing clunky mess in the long run Hopefully by now the fundamentals have more or less stuck but now that the scafolding for our game is all set up we can finally start filling our rendering pipeline with actual backgrounds objects and characters etc to render Building Sprites A sprite refers to any rendered object or character that can be moved around interected with or hold some type of state or animation Some can be represented as objects and others with functions both of which should typically be stored in a separate file to keep the file where your rendering pipeline lives clean Usually I split these into three categories Background SpritesObject SpritesCharacter SpritesAs implied they function as a tangible rendered elements of the game each of which serves a different purpose Below I explain exactly the application of these and how to create each of them Background Sprites When creating a background for your game as we ll dive deeper into later there are generally two options The background can be rendered as a single pre created image or it can be rendered as a collection of background sprites This can be multiple renderings or a collection of multiple images Because background elements cant be interected with and hold no state usually these are created as functions which do nothing but render the sprite rather than objects with render methods and properties as used in character and object sprites more on that later These functions will take in an x and y coordinate as parameters optionally any other parameters regarding display as well and will simply be called inside the renderBackground function of our rendering pipeline Heres an example of a simple flower pot sprite ive created Here I draw each flower from scratch using rendering methods If you do this its important that you draw each peice of the sprite relative to the x and y parameters that are passed into the function I wouldn t recommend doing this however as its tedious and using a prepared image generally will look alot better I m just using rendering methods to examplify their use Again you can just as easily skip all of the building of the flower yourself and simply use the drawImage x y method to draw a pre build image or PNG one that hopefully looks better than my flowers onto the canvas for a single background sprite or even skip everything all together and render a single image for the entire background in the renderBackground function Object Sprites Object sprites are like background sprites except they usually hold some kind of state for user interactions movement or have an animation and may have access to certain global states in GLOBALS like a ceiling fan or a door that opens and closes when the user touches it Usually these are made with classes and objects which are stored in the PROPS array which is later iterated through to render each object in it inside the renderProps function Classes for object sprites will always carry a render method containing the commands to render the sprite which will be accessed and called in renderProps Of course you dont have to call it that but you should have some kind of standard method for rendering each prop Inside the render method state can be used to influence how the sprite is displayed Similar to background sprites these can also accept an x and y parameter and any other additional parameters regarding interaction or display Below I create animated spikes as an example of a simple object sprite The movement works because we re constantly changing the coordinates our state where the rendering is drawn and because frames are running indefinitely any changes we apply to the rendering will be immediately reflected since the sprite is being redrawn with new state repeatedly which means it s up to us to control timing in animations Again my spikes are fairly ugly and I m just using render methods to demonstrate their use and prove the concept You can make your sprites as pretty as you d like This is a good example of the types of elements you should render as object sprites such as obstacles or things a character can interact with or be affected by As shown typically you should make these as a class in which you ll specify its default functionality and give it a render method then simply envoke it whenever you need to place a new object sprite of the same type keeping our code nice and DRY Character Sprites Character sprites function essencially the same as object sprites accept they usually have state thats controlled by outside factors like keyboard controls or a joystick and are rendered on a higher layer than objects Character sprites are created as objects from a standard class which have state and a render method and are added to the CHARS array which will be iterated through in renderCharacters to call the render method of each existing character This can include the player s character as well as other players like in an online game Though they re similar it s best to keep them separated because usually you ll want your characters to be rendered on a higher layer than the objects and background In the next section I ll show how you can implement controls with a character sprite and explain how to create different types of movements in your game like having the character look towards the mouse making joysticks and using keyboard controls Movement and Controls In this section I ll explain and demonstrate how to implement common controls and character movements that you ll typically apply in a D game many of the methods I use to implement which can be used to create other types of controls and movements Below I explain each one by one and provide code and an example Implementing Joysticks Joysticks are a common type of control used for mobile games and typically have two applications in regards to character actions Controlling a character s angle Controlling a character s movement direction Apart from display a joystick s primary purpose is to keep track of each of these so that we can apply them to whatever entity s it s controling Typically it ll keep it s angle and x and y direction in GLOBALS so that they re accessible to every sprite that needs it These properties will allow us to specify certain directions in which sprites will travel on the game area and the angle at which they re facing Usually these are applied as character controls and dual joysticks are used one for the character s angle and one for the character s direction Below I show an example and full explination on how to create a joystick I ve made this example so that you can interact using a mouse or a touchscreen device Try not to resize to much as it could break the example As you can see iv e created a class for creating joysticks just like I would ve made an object sprite then instanciate and render it inside renderControls They technically aren t sprites however because the joystick isn t an element of the game itself I ve rendered it simply as two circles one serving as the thumbstick and one as the base again you can make these peices look however you want Within it s render method I added logic to draw the thumbstick towards the user s finger while keeping it inside of the base the distance helper function which measures the distance between two points aids in this Using one of the helper functions I ve added to GLOBALS angle the center coordinates of the base and the center coordinates of the thumbstick Im also able to determine the angle between the two coordinates and the x and y offset the thumbstick is from the base the formula for which will be covered later which is the information shown above the joystick The formula used by angle and distance can be found commented in the above pen Note The formula I ve used to calculate the angle will output radians because that s the unit used by the rotate method of the canvas s context This will be used later to rotate our character This information can be kept in GLOBALS to later be accessed by our main character sprite to control it s movements Another important note to mention is how im giving the joystick class access to the mouse actions through GLOBALS and then implementing it s logic within it s own class instead of inside the event listeners for mouse touch events This keeps things much more orderly rather than cramming the logic of each sprite who needs mouse events inside the same event listeners This is why inside init I ve registered mouse touch event listeners which when fired just add that information to GLOBALS to be globally accessible Joystick Movement Below is an example of integrating a joystick with a character sprite to allow movement Our character sprite is the red circle in the top left corner Simply use the joystick to move it across the screen with your finger or mouse Again try not to resize the window Here our character sprite is accessing the charX and charY properties on GLOBALS which are being continuously updated by and based on our joystick s state Again this is better than directly updating our character sprite s coordinates inside of the joystick s class because if we we re to add more sprites for the joystick to control we would have to cram a ton of code inside it Instead any sprite can simply access the information via GLOBALS and keep its implementation within it s own class The way this movement works is a bit different than implementing keyboard controls because our character sprite is moving in very smooth angles rather than simply up or left Here s how it works First we declare charX and charY onto GLOBALS which serve as the horizontal and vertical amount of units a character will move over time Note The way the joystick determines both of these values is by mesuring the x and y offset of the thumbstick of the joystick from the center of it s base These are determined by subtracting the base s x coordinate from the thumbstick s x coordinate to get charX and then subtracting the base s y coordinate from the thumbstick s y coordinate to get charY You might want to only use a fraction of the result of both of these calculations like a because if the result of calculating charX for exmaple is your character will be moving alot of units to the left very quickly You can fraction each of these however as long as you fraction both the same It s all about the ratio between the amount of units our character sprite is moving in one direction vs the other overtime to apply movement at dynamic angles If a user had the joystick positioned at the bottom right as far as it could go in each direction this would mean our character would move diagonally downwards to the right Why Because since charX and charY are the same value because the width and height of the joystick are equal and thus if the thumbstick is at the bottom right it has equal x and y offset charX and charY would be set the same and the character would move down and right at the same rate causing our character to move diagonally downwards towards the right Hopefully that made sense but lucky for you implementing keyboard controls is x simpler Keyboard Controls Unlike joystick controls keyboard movements are much simpler to implement It s as simple as registering a keydown and keyup event inside init and then keeping track of weather or not the keycodes you re listening for are pressed down or released That information is kept inside GLOBALS where our character sprite has easy access and depending on weather a key is currently being pressed the x and y coordinates of the character sprite will be incremented or decremented by a certain amount the character sprite s speed property Below is an example of a character sprite the red circle which you can control using the arrow keys Simple right As it s name implies the speed property of the character sprite controls how many units our character will move when it dose allowing us to control how much ground it covers in each movement The same can be done with joystick controls by either multiplying charX and charY to go faster or dividing them to go slower as long as they re multiplied or divided by the same factor Character Rotation In the below example I ve made a small rocketship character sprite using the drawImage method Not only dose it move in the direction of the joystick but also mimics the angle of the joystick The joystick s angle is kept in GLOBALS roation which our character sprite has easy access to for it to rotate that amount Below is an example and explination of how to apply rotation to a character sprite The key part here is the angle method on GLOBALS which takes in two sets of coordinates and returns the angle between them in radians The formula for which is atan y y x x We use angle to measure the angle between the center of the joystick s thumbstick and the center of the joystick s base and then put the result into GLOBALS rotation This formula and every other I cover in this post has a ton of applications when building a game and you can use it to control rotation with the mouse as well by mesuring the angle between the mouse coordinates and the center of the screen The second primary part which allows this to work is the rotate method of the canvas s context which is what s used to apply the rotation to the character sprite The way this method works is by rotating the canvas from its top left corner by the specified amount of radians The rotation only applies to everything drawn after the method is called Of course this works alot differently than you would expect but we can normalize it by doing the following We want to rotate the canvas by the center of the thing we want to rotate our character sprite rather then the top left corner The way to do this is by using the translate x y method to move the canvas s top left corner to the center coordinates of the thing we want to rotate rotate our desired amount using rotate radians undo the translation translate x y redraw our sprite with the applied canvas rotation and then call the resetTransform method to reset the canvas transformations we just did so that everything drawn after the thing we wanted to rotate dosen t become part of the rotation or translation This process can be seen in the render method of our character sprite You can read more on the rotate and translate methods here Static vs Dynamic Movement In D games typically there exists two major types of character movement Static Movement This is when the map is fixed on the game area and the character moves relative to the map Like in Tank Trouble Dynamic Movement This is when the character is fixed to the center of the screen and the map moves relative to the character Like in Narwhale io So far the type of movement I ve examplified has all been static movement but in this section I ll give an example and explination on how to apply dynamic movement See how the camera follows our character as the map moves relative to it The way we do this is by applying the joystick s x and y offset to coordinates which will serve as a map anchor which our background sprites will be drawn relative to and of course remove the charX and charY implementation from our main character sprite First what I do is store the joystick s x and y offset in GLOBALS anchorXand GLOBALS anchorY and then declare GLOBALS mapAnchor to store the map anchor coordinates Inside renderBackground before rendering each sprite I update GLOBALS mapAnchor x and GLOBALS mapAnchor y by subtracting GLOBALS anchorX from GLOBALS mapAnchor x and subtracting GLOBALS anchorY from GLOBALS mapAnchor y Here we subtract instead of add like we did in static movement because the map has to flow the opposite direction from where the character is moving towards Then finally inside our Pot sprite I add GLOBALS mapAnchor x and GLOBALS mapAnchor y to it s x and y coordinate to draw the sprite relative to the current map anchor coordinates Collision Detection Collision detection is typically an essencial when it comes to games weather it s stopping a character from walking through a wall or killing a character when a bullet hits them In this section I ll touch base on basic collision detection and explain how to detect collision between squares circles and rectangles as well as give examples Squares and Rectangles Collision detection is all about using the dimensions and coordinates of two shapes to mathematically determine weather or not both are in contact Depending on the shapes themselves square circle etc the way you ll determine this will vary Below I give an example and explination on how to apply collision detection with squares same exact method can be used with rectangles of any size Simply drag the pink square into the blue square and the blue square will turn red when the pink square comes into contact in the following example The first thing I did was implement some logic for dragging the pink square That isn t as relevant but if your interested in how I implemented it just take a look at the code Next onto the base class for our squares which is the one the blue square instanciates I attach an object inside the constructor called collisions On this object we ll keep a sub object for every sprite we want to detect collision for thus I add pinkSquare On pinksquare and every other collision object in collisions there exists a conditions property which holds the boolean for mathematically determining contact with the pink square which we re about to dig into and then an inContact property which specifies weather not the sprite is in contact though here we aren t using this property This is a good standard to use when implementing collision detection since its simple and keeps things orderly Note collisions pinkSquare conditions is a string rather than a boolean so that we can revaluate it constantly with eval and we dont have to hard code it into if statements Here is the pseudo code for determining collision between two rectangles squares exactly the same structures as the boolean in collisions pinkSquare conditions A x y width height B x y width height if A x A width gt B x and A x lt B x B width and A y A height gt B y and A y lt B y B height Try visualizing this boolean in action as you read through it and eventually you ll get the gist Circles Determining contact between two circles not ovals we ll get to that is very straight forward and simple to understand Because Im lazy just imagine the shapes in the above example I showed are now two circles The pseudo code for collisions pinkCircle conditions would be the following to determine weather the two circles are in contact A x y radius B x y radius if distance between A and B lt A radius B radius Here distance between A and B refers to the distance between the two points where each circle is centered If you remember you determine this with the handy dandy formula √ x x y y Simple right These two examples are pretty simple but collision detection with more complex and irregular shapes can require much more advanced methods of determining collisions Of course here I ve only gone over the basics but if you do plan on implementing collision detection for complex shapes I highly recommend you check out these resources Events Keeping track of certain events such as when a door is opened or when the character is hit in a game is important This allows us to globally listen for and trigger when certain things happen our game no matter what sprite we re in Below I ve edited the previous example to use events to run two alert s every time the squares are in contact Basically the way I ve implemented events is exactly how DOM events are implemented by adding an addEventListener and dispatchEvent method to GLOBALS That way both methods are globally accessible GLOBALS also includes an events property and each of its sub properties are the name of an existing event which points to an array where callbacks for that event will be stored I simply call GLOBALS addEventListener name callback to add a callback to the array for the specified event and then call dispatchEvent name to call each callback inside the array of the specified event name And of course we can all new events by adding a new property to GLOBALS events Easy peasy Despite how simple it is I just wanted to clarify that its important that you implement some kind of event system within your game otherwise you ll be hardcoding alot of stuff which isn t good practice Putting it All Together Finally let me go down the list of each integral concept that makes this process possible If any of what I explained previously seemed unclear I recommend you try to examine where and how each concept is implemented within the code to gain a better understanding of how this all functions Let us first again go down the list of each of the steps of the process Choose a sizing for the game area apply it in init Create your rendering pipelineFill your rendering pipeline with sprites in their respective locations depending on the sprite Apply movement and controlsApply collision detectionIntegrate eventsEach of these concepts can be seen applied in this simple game I ve created named Drift The objective is to last as long as possible without being hit by a barrier or leaving the map steering a car by tapping the left or right half of the game area or using arrow keys I found it about as frustrating as playing Flappy Bird my highest score being This game greatly examlifies the process and methods I ve explained throughout and hopefully with this guide and example to throw it all together you ll be equiped with the knowledge to build your own games using HTML Canvas and the techniques I ve gone over in this post I hope you ve managed to gain somthing from this article and if you re still thirsty for more related to game development definitely checkout the resources below Thanks for reading and happy coding HTML Canvas API Advanced Collision Detection 2021-12-09 03:47:51
海外TECH DEV Community I did this logo https://dev.to/pinkalex2004/i-did-this-logo-236o I did this logo 2021-12-09 03:47:23
海外TECH DEV Community Check Changed Files Helper ✔️ | GitHub Actions https://dev.to/funbeedev/check-changed-files-helper-github-actions-4dao Check Changed Files Helper ️ GitHub ActionsNeed a way to automate checks on files pushed to your repository This handy action provides a starting template for open source maintainers to get creative and perform customised checks on individual or multiple files changed on the repository My WorkflowRefer to repository README for full details funbeedev CheckChangedFilesHelper GitHub Action to detect all changed files pushed to repo and perform a check Copy and configure to your needs Check Changed Files Helper ️About Submitted for the GitHub Actions Hackathon on DEV View the DEV post submission GitHub Actions are a feature provided by GitHub as a way to automate workflows useful for managing repositories Check Changed Files Helper is a GitHub Action workflow that performs a check on changes made to source files pushed to a repository Customise this workflow to suit your own repository needs This repo shows an example of how GitHub Action workflows can be used to automate checks on files changed in the repo This project relies on the Get Changed Files Action available on the GitHub marketplace This Action provides all added renamed and modified files as a JSON file within the runner filesystem When a file or multiple files are changed on the repo it will identify and list each in the JSON file Check Changed Files… View on GitHubThis project relies on the Get Changed Files Action available on the GitHub marketplace This Action provides all added renamed and modified files as a JSON file within the runner filesystem When a file or multiple files are changed on the repo it will identify and list each in the JSON file Check Changed Files Helper provides a means to add powerful checks for files changed on a repo by providing a bash script called by the Workflow This script scans each changed file and performs a desired check according to the file extension type In the examples provided in the repo the checks are to ensure the following file types are executable c py js sh The power of bash provides numerous possibilities on how to perform checks A handy way to automate checks of files submitted to your repository Submission Category Wacky Wildcards Yaml File Code to run WorkflowWhat you need to use this WorkflowThe files needed to run this workflow are placed under the repo path github workflows Fork this repo or copy these files to start customising for your own use auto check changed files yml YAML file containing the GitHub Actions workflow This will setup any necessary dependencies and use the Get Changed Files Action to generate a JSON containing all files changed on the repository with every push to the main branch Following this the auto check changed files sh bash script is executed auto check changed files sh Bash script containing custom check instructions It scans through each changed file pushed to the repository and performs a basic execution check on each file Edit this script to extend the recognised file types and checks to be performed Additional Resources InfoSample workflow checksAll checks successful Run echo job running script to check changed files job running script to check changed files run sh Inside auto check changed files shContent of files json hello world c hello world js hello world py hello world sh number of files to check checking file hello world cThis is a c file executingHi from hello world c checking file hello world jsThis is a js file executingHi from hello world js checking file hello world pyThis is a py file executingHi from hello world py checking file hello world shThis is a sh file executingHi from hello world sh job DoneSome failed checks Run echo job running script to check changed files job running script to check changed files run sh Inside auto check changed files shContent of files json hello world c hello world js number of files to check checking file hello world cThis is a c file executinghello world c In function main hello world c error expected before token printf Hi from hello world c n checking file hello world jsThis is a js file executing home runner work CheckChangedFilesHelper CheckChangedFilesHelper hello world js console logg Hi from hello world js TypeError console logg is not a function at Object lt anonymous gt home runner work CheckChangedFilesHelper CheckChangedFilesHelper hello world js at Module compile node internal modules cjs loader at Object Module extensions js node internal modules cjs loader at Module load node internal modules cjs loader at Function Module load node internal modules cjs loader at Function executeUserEntryPoint as runMain node internal modules run main at node internal main run main module Error Process completed with exit code Questions suggestions and comments are welcome 2021-12-09 03:11:06
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