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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PythonのLoggingを理解する https://qiita.com/mikachi/items/3db7c1c857451c084ac1 Loggerの設定の分離先の例でもだいぶさっぱりしましたが、実際に運用するとなるとログレベルやフォーマットを変更することもあります。 2021-12-09 22:31:16
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】OpenCVでの図形や文字列の描画まとめ(四角形・線分・矢印・円・楕円・マーク・多角形) https://qiita.com/atchicken/items/4b17d5b1b8ef014a8331 四角形cvrectangle線分cvline矢印cvarrowedLine円cvcircle楕円cvellipseマークcvdrawMarker多角形cvpolyLinescvfillPolycvfillConvexPoly文字列cvputText四角形cvrectanglepythonimgcvrectangleimgcoorcoorcolorimg画像coor左上の座標xycoor右下の座標xycolor色グレーならintカラーならBGRなど第一引数と戻り値のimgは共に描画後の画像。 2021-12-09 22:05:01
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita REST APIをExpressで実装する際にrequestのスキーマvalidation・sanitizationをするには? https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/5ca454547329b6138ea0 express 2021-12-09 22:18:31
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita async/awaitについて理解する https://qiita.com/bell_007/items/c928c65aaeeb081f191f indexjsasyncfunctiontestreturnhelloasyncfunctiontestreturnawaithelloconsolelogtestconsolelogtest②asyncを付けた関数はPromiseを返すasyncキーワードが付くとPromiseが返されるので、thenで受け取ることもできます。 2021-12-09 22:11:05
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ReactでStateの更新がうまくいかないなと思った時に疑ってみて欲しいこと https://qiita.com/toto_public/items/4a026b55da1917f48772 色んなところで別々にStateを更新していると起きやすいまた、意図して複数回Stateの更新関数を使う時も、このuseStateの前回値保持の機能を知らないと、最後の更新関数だけ生きてその前の更新関数の処理は無かったことになってしまうので気をつけましょう。 2021-12-09 22:08:26
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 選択項目を上下キーで選択したい https://teratail.com/questions/373099?rss=all 選択されている状態ならX座標を左にします。 2021-12-09 22:57:41
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C#のAsyncにおいて、Async宣言されていない処理を非同期処理の中に組み込む方法 https://teratail.com/questions/373096?rss=all CのAsyncにおいて、Async宣言されていない処理を非同期処理の中に組み込む方法知りたいことCのasyncの機能ですが、普通のasync宣言されていない関数は非同期処理することはできないのでしょうか。 2021-12-09 22:45:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) コーナー検出とAKAZEを組み合わせたいです https://teratail.com/questions/373095?rss=all コーナー検出とAKAZEを組み合わせたいです前提・実現したいこと今回はステレオ画像となっている枚の画像以下、左画像src、右画像dstとするを用いて、コーナー検出とAKAZEを組み合わせ用いたい。 2021-12-09 22:44:08
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python-pptxを用いて画面切り替えを行う https://teratail.com/questions/373091?rss=all Pythonpptxを用いて画面切り替えを行うpythonpptxを使用してPowerPointのスライドを作成する。 2021-12-09 22:14:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 自動保存出来るスクリーンショットの方法 https://teratail.com/questions/373090?rss=all 自動保存出来るスクリーンショットの方法通常、windowsキーprtnbspscreenキーでCドライブのピクチャのスクリーンショットフォルダに自動でデスクトップの全画面キャプチャが保存されますが、会社のパソコンPanasonic製では、なぜか自動保存ができずshiftキーnbspnbspSキーを押して保存ボタンから名前を付けて保存しています。 2021-12-09 22:12:38
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 初めてWebアプリケーションを作る過程 https://qiita.com/pyjavadba/items/146de35f36776e2885ee 初めてWebアプリケーションを作る過程私にはJavaSilverORACLEMASTERSilverSQLBronzeDBAレベルの基礎的な知識はありますが、実際にアプリを組んだことはありません。 2021-12-09 22:42:47
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails Devise インストール方法 https://qiita.com/makimaki2525/items/305f54c9af7bdc5548b5 RailsDeviseインストール方法このページの目標DeviseをRailsにインストールする環境rubyrailscloudDeviseとはRailsで作成したアプリケーションに、ユーザー名やメールアドレスを使用してログインを行うなどの認証機能を簡単に実装する事ができるライブラリGemGemfileに追加Gemfileの最終行にDeviseを追加する。 2021-12-09 22:02:55
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita IAMで二段階認証を強制する際の罠 https://qiita.com/shijimi_san/items/823154d700c35f629172 え、長期的な認証情報を使った時は関係ないってことなるほど、アクセスキーは「長期的な認証情報」だからawsMultiFactorAuthPresentでは二段階認証を行ったかどうかチェック出来ないんだね・・。 2021-12-09 22:25:27
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Git Bash, conda】Git Bashでcondaを使えるようにする https://qiita.com/probabilityhill/items/387a790acde46bd358ff コピーしたパスのをに置き換える。 2021-12-09 22:08:04
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 初めてWebアプリケーションを作る過程 https://qiita.com/pyjavadba/items/146de35f36776e2885ee 初めてWebアプリケーションを作る過程私にはJavaSilverORACLEMASTERSilverSQLBronzeDBAレベルの基礎的な知識はありますが、実際にアプリを組んだことはありません。 2021-12-09 22:42:47
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】ControllerのParamの有無でWhere条件をつけたりつけなかったりする方法 https://qiita.com/hajimeni/items/b791659fca214da9a06a 【Rails】ControllerのParamの有無でWhere条件をつけたりつけなかったりする方法これは「「はじめに」のAdventCalendar」日目の記事です。 2021-12-09 22:20:51
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails Devise インストール方法 https://qiita.com/makimaki2525/items/305f54c9af7bdc5548b5 RailsDeviseインストール方法このページの目標DeviseをRailsにインストールする環境rubyrailscloudDeviseとはRailsで作成したアプリケーションに、ユーザー名やメールアドレスを使用してログインを行うなどの認証機能を簡単に実装する事ができるライブラリGemGemfileに追加Gemfileの最終行にDeviseを追加する。 2021-12-09 22:02:55
技術ブログ Developers.IO まとまって集中できる時間が欲しくてClockwise + Asana連携を半年間動かしてみた。そして何も変えなかった話 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/clockwise_x_asana/ clockwiseasana 2021-12-09 13:23:21
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海外TECH DEV Community Top 10 reasons to choose Flutter for your next project https://dev.to/kuldeeptarapara/top-10-reasons-to-choose-flutter-for-your-next-project-2h4n Top reasons to choose Flutter for your next projectFlutter SDK by Google is the best solution for cross platform App development So in this article we will have a look at the Top reasons to choose Flutter for your next project Top reasons to choose Flutter for your next project People use different types of devices Also every device has its own operating system environments OS such as iOS Android Windows macOS and Linux Therefore it is important for companies to support these environments in order to achieve a common seamless user experience Companies can use cross platform app development using software development kits SDKs and frameworks It is the process of software design and development for mobile applications Flutter is an open source framework supporting a mobile operating system such as Android and iOS and platforms operating system such as Windows Linux and Mac that share a common code base Advanced FeaturesFlutter provides many advanced features such as GPS coordinates and ready to use plugins and much more It also provides support for app development that relies on operating system related features In this way enterprises can develop native requirements into their Flutter apps with minimum effort in native development Fuchsia is an open source project from Google to develop a productive operating system It prioritizes security updates and performance Flutter is expected to be supported by Fuchsia which will enhance Flutter in upcoming years Easy Migration from Existing Apps People that already have apps built amp deployed using different frameworks may hesitate to migrate in Flutter This is because the development of apps with a new platform may create new challenges in front of them Flutter eliminates this risk as it supports embedding in the existing code of native applications This will allow you to migrate easily to Flutter Near native performanceApplications built in Flutter perform the same as the native ones With Flutter you can create responsive apps at native speeds on mobile devices In addition Flutter uses Dart a programming language for high speed apps on all platforms It will help to deliver fast responses and precompile applications into machine code This results in very fast rendering and flexible design Advanced U I The end user experience is a very important part of a product It has a user interface to attract new customers while keeping current customers on the platform Flutter supports integrated Material Design or Cupertino design and various platform based widgets Its multi layer architecture supports full customization fast rendering expressive and flexible design providing users with a flexible and smooth experience Faster Time to marketIt s important for companies to deliver new features and bug fixes to applications in the shortest possible time Flutter uses a common code base to support cross platform app development It improves cost efficiency and it also reduces time to market and accelerates product and patch releases Quicker App developmentFlutter supports off the shelf widgets for effective use in user workflows Flutter s SDK also supports Hot Reload which allows developers to quickly program new features and instantly preview them in the device s emulator This speeds up testing and evaluation of the experience and supports rapid development Cost EfficientApp development platforms that support native app development can prove costly and time consuming as multiple teams need to be set up to develop these native applications for different operating system variations there is OS centric adaptation and regular maintenance of some variants of the app for these OS variants incur additional costs The main focus of Flutter is on the native end user experience But it uses a codebase that is common to all platforms to solve this issue In addition Flutter widgets supports scrolling navigation icons and fonts according to platform differences Ease of MaintenanceAfter the app is released it will require a lot of maintenance to meet requirements such as bug fixes and the extensibility of new features This can be costly and time consuming if the app development platform anticipates code changes for each new feature The Flutter framework not only enables a codebase common to all platforms but also supports plugins and widgets so app developers can adjust customer expectations to make apps seamless and scalable You can add new features Strong Community SupportFlutter is strongly supported by community support Community support helps developers design and implement their apps with robust and stable version releases with extensive documentation sample implementations and quick turnarounds Single CodebaseAccelerating application development and deployment is a top priority for enterprises Flutter is a single codebase development platform This means that developers can compile applications at the same time and deploy them to multiple devices at the same time This certainly saves a lot of time and allows developers to work on improving other features Conclusion Thanks for remaining till the end of the article Hope you have enjoyed reading this article To summarize in this article we have looked at the Top reasons to choose Flutter for your next project Do let us know your feedback comments on the same Flutter agency is the best Flutter App development company with highly experienced team of Flutter developers We promise to deliver the best application developed in Flutter which will excel in the market Also Flutter Agency is a portal full of excellent resources like Flutter Widget Guide Flutter Projects Code libs etc So contact us for your next project 2021-12-09 13:11:50
海外TECH DEV Community Remix and Supabase Authentication https://dev.to/codegino/remix-and-supabase-authentication-205i Remix and Supabase Authentication How to secure a Remix and Supabase application using Row Level Security Table of ContentsTL DR Source and DemoIntroductionSetting up SupabaseServer side utilitiesClient side utilitiesCreate sign up and sign in pageCreate a sign out actionTL DR version of using the setupFetch All exampleGet one and Delete one exampleCreate one exampleUpdate one exampleConclusion TL DR Source and Demo Here s a live demoLink to the source codeLink to step by step commits Introduction This blog will focus on securing our Remix application with Supabase s Row Level Security RLS feature If you want to know the context of what application I m talking about you can refer to my another blog Setting up Supabase Instead of updating my database from the previous blog I m just going to re create it Create a table to contain user idCREATE TABLE words id bigint GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY name varchar NOT NULL definitions varchar ARRAY NOT NULL sentences varchar ARRAY NOT NULL type varchar NOT NULL user id uuid NOT NULL Add a foreign key in user id pointing to auth usersalter table wordsadd constraint words users fkforeign key user id references auth users id Create Row Level Security Supabase PoliciesCREATE POLICY anon select ON public words FOR SELECT USING auth role anon or auth role authenticated CREATE POLICY auth insert ON public words FOR INSERT WITH CHECK auth role authenticated CREATE POLICY user based update ON public words FOR UPDATE USING auth uid user id CREATE POLICY user based delete ON public words FOR DELETE USING auth uid user id Implement server side utilities to manage Supabase session Create server instance of Supabase client app utils supabase server tsimport createClient from supabase supabase js const supabaseUrl process env SUPABASE URL as string const supabaseKey process env SUPABASE ANON KEY as string export const supabase createClient supabaseUrl supabaseKey Use createCookieSessionStorage to help in managing our Supabase token app utils supabase server ts import createCookieSessionStorage from remix const getSession commitSession destroySession createCookieSessionStorage a Cookie from createCookie or the CookieOptions to create one cookie name supabase session all of these are optional expires new Date Date now httpOnly true maxAge path sameSite lax secrets scret secure true export getSession commitSession destroySession Create a utility to set the Supabase token from the Request app utils supabase server ts export const setAuthToken async request Request gt let session await getSession request headers get Cookie supabase auth setAuth session get access token return session Setting up authentication in the Remix side Create client side utilities for managing Supabase session Create Supabase Provider and a custom hook which returns the Supabase instance app utils supabase client tsximport SupabaseClient from supabase supabase js import React from react export const SupabaseContext React createContext lt SupabaseClient gt null as unknown as SupabaseClient export const SupabaseProvider React FC lt supabase SupabaseClient gt children supabase gt lt SupabaseContext Provider value supabase gt children lt SupabaseContext Provider gt export const useSupabase gt React useContext SupabaseContext Pass Supabase environment variables to our client app root tsxexport const loader gt return supabaseKey process env SUPABASE ANON KEY supabaseUrl process env SUPABASE URL Create a Supabase instance and pass it into the root level Supabase provider app root tsximport createClient from supabase supabase js import SupabaseProvider from utils supabase client export const loader export default function App const loader useLoaderData const supabase createClient loader supabaseUrl loader supabaseKey return lt Document gt lt SupabaseProvider supabase supabase gt lt Layout gt lt Outlet gt lt Layout gt lt SupabaseProvider gt lt Document gt Create the auth route Since I m too lazy to implement a login page I ll just use the UI provided by Supabase Install supabase uinpm install supabase uiyarn add supabase ui Create the main auth componentYou can create your custom sign up and sign in form if you want app routes auth tsximport React from react import Auth from supabase ui import useSupabase from utils supabase client export default function AuthBasic const supabase useSupabase return lt Auth UserContextProvider supabaseClient supabase gt lt Container gt TODO lt Auth supabaseClient supabase gt lt Container gt lt Auth UserContextProvider gt Create the component to inform the server that we have a Supabase session app routes auth tsximport React useEffect from react import useSubmit from remix const Container React FC children gt const user session Auth useUser const submit useSubmit useEffect gt if user const formData new FormData const accessToken session access token you can choose whatever conditions you want as long as it checks if the user is signed in if accessToken formData append access token accessToken submit formData method post action auth user return lt gt children lt gt Create an action handler to process the Supabase token app routes auth tsximport Auth from supabase ui import useSubmit redirect from remix import type ActionFunction from remix import React from react import useSupabase from utils supabase client import commitSession getSession from utils supabase server export const action ActionFunction async request gt const formData await request formData const session await getSession request headers get Cookie session set access token formData get access token return redirect words headers Set Cookie await commitSession session After logging in the user will be redirected to the words route If you want to test without signing up use the following credentials email dev codegino gmail compassword testing Signing out Create a logout button in the header app root tsximport useSubmit from remix import useSupabase from utils supabase client import Button from components basic button function Layout children React PropsWithChildren lt gt const submit useSubmit const supabase useSupabase const handleSignOut gt supabase auth signOut then gt submit null method post action signout return lt main gt lt header gt supabase auth session amp amp lt Button type button onClick handleSignOut gt Sign out lt Button gt lt header gt children lt main gt Create an action handlerI don t want to pollute my other route so I will create my signout action handler separately app routes signout tsximport destroySession getSession from utils supabase server import redirect from remix import type ActionFunction from remix export const action ActionFunction async request gt let session await getSession request headers get Cookie return redirect auth headers Set Cookie await destroySession session export const loader gt Redirect to if user tried to access signout return redirect TL DR version of using our setup Using in a loader or actionexport const action async request params gt Just set the token to any part you want to have access to I haven t tried making a global handler for this but I prefer to be explicit about setting this await setAuthToken request await supabase from words update Conditional rendering based on auth stateexport default function Index const supabase useSupabase return supabase auth user lt div gt Hello world lt div gt lt div gt Please sign in lt div gt NOTE Conditional server side rendering might cause hydration warning I ll fix this in another blog post Using in CRUD OperationsThe examples below are a longer version of using our setup for CRUD operations Fetching All operation app routes wordsimport Form useTransition from remix import type LoaderFunction from remix import useLoaderData Link Outlet from remix import Button from components basic button import supabase from utils supabase server import type Word from models word import useSupabase from utils supabase client export const loader LoaderFunction async gt No need to add auth here because GET words is public const data words await supabase from lt Word gt words select id name type We can pick and choose what we want to display This can solve the issue of over fetching or under fetching return words export default function Index const words useLoaderData lt Word gt const transition useTransition const supabase useSupabase return lt main className p gt lt h className text xl text center mb gt English words I learned lt h gt lt div className text center mb gt Route State transition state lt div gt lt div className grid grid cols md grid cols gt lt div className flex flex col items center gt lt h className text xl pb gt Words lt h gt lt ul gt words map word gt lt li key word id gt lt Link to words word id gt word name word type lt Link gt lt li gt lt ul gt Adding conditional rendering might cause a warning We ll deal with it later supabase auth user lt Form method get action words add className pt gt lt Button type submit className hover bg primary dark hover bg primary gt Add new word lt Button gt lt Form gt lt Form method get action auth className flex gt lt Button type submit color primary className w full gt Sign in to make changes lt Button gt lt Form gt lt div gt lt Outlet gt lt div gt lt main gt Retrieve one and Delete one operation app routes words idimport Form useLoaderData redirect useTransition from remix import type LoaderFunction ActionFunction from remix import type Word from models word import Input from components basic input import Button from components basic button import setAuthToken supabase from utils supabase server import useSupabase from utils supabase client Here s how to delete one entryexport const action ActionFunction async request params gt const formData await request formData Auth Related Code await setAuthToken request if formData get method delete await supabase from lt Word gt words delete eq id params id as string return redirect words Here s the how to fetch one entryexport const loader LoaderFunction async params gt No need to add auth here because GET words is public const data await supabase from lt Word gt words select eq id params id as string single return data export default function Word const word useLoaderData lt Word gt const supabase useSupabase let transition useTransition return lt div gt lt h gt word name word type lt h gt lt div gt Form State transition state lt div gt word definitions map definition i gt lt p key i gt lt i gt definition lt i gt lt p gt word sentences map sentence i gt lt p key i gt sentence lt p gt Adding conditional rendering might cause a warning We ll deal with it later supabase auth user amp amp lt gt lt Form method post gt lt Input type hidden name method value delete gt lt Button type submit className w full gt Delete lt Button gt lt Form gt lt Form method get action words edit word id className flex gt lt Button type submit color primary className w full gt Edit lt Button gt lt Form gt lt gt lt div gt Create operation app routes words addimport redirect from remix import type ActionFunction from remix import setAuthToken supabase from utils supabase server import WordForm from components word form export const action ActionFunction async request gt const formData await request formData Auth Related Code const session await setAuthToken request const newWord name formData get name type formData get type sentences formData getAll sentence definitions formData getAll definition user id session get uuid const data error await supabase from words insert newWord single if error return redirect words return redirect words data id export default function AddWord return lt WordForm gt Update operation app routes words edit idimport useLoaderData redirect from remix import type LoaderFunction ActionFunction from remix import WordForm from components word form import type Word from models word import setAuthToken supabase from utils supabase server export const action ActionFunction async request params gt const formData await request formData const id params id as string const updates type formData get type sentences formData getAll sentence definitions formData getAll definition Auth Related Code await setAuthToken request await supabase from words update updates eq id id return redirect words id export const loader LoaderFunction async params gt const data await supabase from lt Word gt words select eq id params id as string single return data export default function EditWord const data useLoaderData lt Word gt return lt WordForm word data gt Conclusion We can still use Supabase only on the client side as we use it on a typical React application However putting the data fetching on the server side will allow us to benefit from a typical SSR application 2021-12-09 13:09:57
海外TECH DEV Community Day 58 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Designing My Professional Blog https://dev.to/rammina/day-58-of-100-days-of-code-scrum-designing-my-professional-blog-6g5 Day of Days of Code amp Scrum Designing My Professional BlogHello there everyone I m making decent progress with designing the Rammina company site s blog It s been a long time since I ve enjoyed working on a project I m pretty happy with what I ve done so far Here is a comparison of what the page looks like earlier this morning and what it looks like now BeforeAfterI think it s looking pretty nice I m excited to work on it again tomorrow I will most likely deploy it on the weekend regardless of its completion Anyway let s move on to my daily report YesterdayI finished connecting my blog s Next js frontend with the Ghost headless CMS using Content API TodayHere are the things I learned and worked on today Company Blogstyled my company page blog homepage and specific blog post page learned about dangerouslySetInnerHTML and utilized it to insert the blog post data inside a lt div gt discovered some really nice open source Ghost themes Editorial being my favorite ScrumI did some practice flashcards for Scrum reviewed some of the things I ve learned before Thank you for reading I hope everyone s doing well Resources Recommended Readings Free and Open Source Ghost Themes for dangerouslySetInnerHTML React documentationThe Scrum GuideMikhail Lapshin s Scrum Quizzes DISCLAIMERThis is not a guide it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions based on my limited knowledge and is in no way a substitute for actual references If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree I would appreciate corrections in the comments Other MediaFeel free to reach out to me in other media 2021-12-09 13:04:57
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Get 12 key Mac apps for $75 in Unclutter's Black Friday app bundle https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/23/get-12-key-mac-apps-for-75-in-unclutters-black-friday-app-bundle?utm_medium=rss Get key Mac apps for in Unclutter x s Black Friday app bundleA dozen Mac apps ーincluding Default Folder X and Aeon Timeline ーare in a new Black Friday bundle from Unclutter offering up to off their total price The Applaudables app bundle Read more 2021-12-09 13:52:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News The best apps for your calendar & schedule on the iPhone and iPad https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/09/the-best-apps-for-your-calendar-schedule-on-the-iphone-and-ipad?utm_medium=rss The best apps for your calendar amp schedule on the iPhone and iPadYou ve already got Apple s own Calendar app but if that were perfect there wouldn t be these superb alternatives Here s how to handle your events and appointments quickly efficiently ーand accurately Let s not knock Apple Calendar It s capable powerful reliable ーand it s also the engine behind each one of the alternatives that are worth looking at Each of these and practically all other iOS calendar apps you can find use the same data as Apple s Calendar Trust us we ve tested half a dozen at the same time and it is great how putting an event into one calendar app means it is instantly available to all of them Read more 2021-12-09 13:45:54
海外TECH Engadget Tinder's 'Music Mode' is like a mixtape from potential dates https://www.engadget.com/tinder-music-mode-profile-anthem-134330964.html?src=rss Tinder x s x Music Mode x is like a mixtape from potential datesIn partnership with Spotify Tinder has introduced Music Mode as part of its new Explore section letting you hear the quot Anthem quot songs of members when you swipe to their profiles ーa sort of mixtape for dates if you will The idea is to help you find others that share your musical taste according to Tinder The new feature requires that you link your account to Spotify and choose an Anthem song quot that defines you inside and out quot according to Tinder If you ve done all that you ll be able to head over to the Explore section and find the Music Mode card Once you enable that it ll automatically play any member s chosen anthem when you swipe their profile Tinder and Spotify added the Anthem feature back in so Music Mode is a new way discovering users favorite songs Tinder notes that quot around percent of all Gen Z members globally have already added Anthems to their profiles and when they do they see a percent increase in matches quot Tinder said the Explore tab introduced this summer is the quot biggest update to Tinder since the invention of the original Swipe feature quot thanks to the interactive features At the very least Music Mode could help reduce the awkwardness of realizing you and your date have nothing in common when it comes to music quot Songs are deeply personal and Music Mode is a place to spark something new through music quot Tinder VP Kyle Miller said in the press release The new feature should launch quot soon quot according to Tinder 2021-12-09 13:43:30
Cisco Cisco Blog Taking the First Step to Gain Happiness https://blogs.cisco.com/wearecisco/taking-the-first-step-to-gain-happiness happiness 2021-12-09 13:00:51
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Cachalot - An In-Memory Database for .NET Applications https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5319550/Cachalot performance 2021-12-09 13:36:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣閣議後記者会見の概要(令和3年12月3日)について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2021b/20211203-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2021-12-09 14:05:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣閣議後記者会見の概要(令和3年11月30日)について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2021b/20211130-2.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2021-12-09 14:04:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣ぶら下がり記者会見の概要(令和3年11月30日)について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2021b/20211130-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2021-12-09 14:03:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣ぶら下がり記者会見の概要(令和3年11月27日)について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2021b/20211127-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2021-12-09 14:02:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣臨時閣議後記者会見の概要(令和3年11月26日)について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2021b/20211126-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2021-12-09 14:01:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣繰下げ閣議後記者会見の概要(令和3年11月24日)を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2021b/20211124-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2021-12-09 14:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 資金決済法に基づく払戻手続実施中の商品券の発行者等一覧を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/prepaid/index.html 資金決済法 2021-12-09 13:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 証券監督者国際機構(IOSCO)による最終報告書「ESG格付け及びデータ提供者」について掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/inter/ios/20211209/20211209.html iosco 2021-12-09 13:30:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Christmas parties row: Three gatherings to be investigated by top civil servant https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59591610?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA gatherings 2021-12-09 13:09:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Downing Street flat: Labour accuses Boris Johnson of lying over refurbishment funding https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59591917?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA boris 2021-12-09 13:54:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Boris and Carrie Johnson announce birth of a girl https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59593510?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA minister 2021-12-09 13:34:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Sienna Miller says Sun illegally sought medical records of pregnancy https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59595458?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA major 2021-12-09 13:18:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Bronski Beat founder Steve Bronski dies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-59592187?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA smalltown 2021-12-09 13:08:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Dunne guilty of bullying fellow jockey https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/horse-racing/59591300?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA bryony 2021-12-09 13:45:32
ニュース BBC News - Home HMS Queen Elizabeth returns to Portsmouth minus £100m fighter jet https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-59593047?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA deployment 2021-12-09 13:10:58
ニュース BBC News - Home Zidane Iqbal becomes Manchester United's first British South Asian player https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59595236?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Zidane Iqbal becomes Manchester United x s first British South Asian playerZidane Iqbal became the first British born player of South Asian heritage to represent Manchester United s senior team when he came off the bench against Young Boys in the Champions League 2021-12-09 13:03:50
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 音部大輔さん登壇イベント12/21開催|超一流のマーケティング技法を聞けるチャンス! https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/12/247544blt-12.html booklabtalk 2021-12-09 22:05:00
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 濃厚つけ麺 尚輔@調布市【2020新店】<ラーメン> http://ra-blog.net/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=194431 魚介 2021-12-09 13:29:12
北海道 北海道新聞 パナ、テレビ生産委託合意 中国大手と、事業大幅縮小 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/621171/ 量産 2021-12-09 22:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ニトリ、室蘭・汐見団地を最低価格の23倍で落札 4億5千万円 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/621158/ 市営住宅 2021-12-09 22:10:13
北海道 北海道新聞 大相撲巡業、来年夏から再開検討 協会、春までは中止 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/621123/ 日本相撲協会 2021-12-09 22:04:24
北海道 北海道新聞 「関西えんげき大賞」創設 魅力発信、復興目指す https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/621122/ 魅力 2021-12-09 22:04:02
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 中国EV「小鵬汽車」、自動運転タクシー参入の思惑 走行データの上積みで自社技術の進化目指す | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/473306?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back biztech 2021-12-09 22:30:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) [日経] 暗号資産、22年に大幅調整も投資意欲 機関投資家調査 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_12937 機関投資家 2021-12-09 22:56:17



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