IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Google Play ゲーム」が来年に「Windows 10/11」搭載PCに対応へ |
thegameawards |
2021-12-10 08:03:07 |
Engadget Japanese |
Google フォトの3D写真「シネマティックフォト」が進化 人とペットのウィジェットも登場 |
google |
2021-12-10 08:30:36 |
Engadget Japanese |
睡眠計測と運動メインならこれでいいかも「Amazfit GTR 3 Pro」レビュー |
amazfit |
2021-12-10 08:00:59 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 最新SoC「Snapdragon 8 Gen 1」では何が変わるのか? カメラからセキュリティまでを解説 |
カメラが常時オンになることで、セキュリティレベルも向上した。 |
2021-12-10 17:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ヤマダデンキ、池袋に新コンセプト店「LABI1 LIFE SELECT池袋」をオープン |
itmedia |
2021-12-10 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 京王、2022年春のダイヤ改正で「準特急」廃止 |
itmedia |
2021-12-10 17:26:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
SCSK、アフターサービス業務テンプレートを提供、販売後の問い合わせ対応や修理対応を支援 | IT Leaders |
SCSK、アフターサービス業務テンプレートを提供、販売後の問い合わせ対応や修理対応を支援ITLeadersSCSKは年月日、アフターサービス業務テンプレート「atWillTemplateアフターサービス」を提供開始した。 |
2021-12-10 17:12:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
jupyter notebookで関数を消してしまってundoしても戻らない時の復旧方法 |
inspec |
2021-12-10 17:15:50 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Apollo Client で始める GraphQL |
yarnaddapolloclientgraphqlyarnaddDapolloエディタ拡張機能をインストールVSCodeにApolloGraphQLExtensionをインストールします。 |
2021-12-10 17:25:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
チャットアプリにてルーム情報がDBに保存されない |
チャットアプリにてルーム情報がDBに保存されない前提・実現したいことチャットアプリを作っています。 |
2021-12-10 17:59:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【GoogleAppScript】Googleドキュメントで()を含む文字列の後に改行を追加したい。 |
【GoogleAppScript】Googleドキュメントでを含む文字列の後に改行を追加したい。 |
2021-12-10 17:52:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PySimpleGUIを使って画像を表示する |
PySimpleGUIを使って画像を表示するpythonのPySimpleGUIを触れてみようと考え、画像を表示させるsampleのプログラムを作成したのですが、うまく画像が表示できません。 |
2021-12-10 17:49:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コサイン類似度が正しく算出されない |
hik様のブログのデータセットからコサイン類似度を算出して比較をしようと、拙いながらも様々なブログなどを閲覧して自力でコサイン類似度の算出を試みたのですが、最終的に算出される値がになってしまってコサイン類似度はの間の値をとるどうすれば正しい値が算出されるか悩んでいます。 |
2021-12-10 17:46:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Windows上でC++のopencvを扱う方法 |
Windows上でCのopencvを扱う方法windows上でopencvを扱いたいです。 |
2021-12-10 17:45:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
APIからJsonファイルの取得について |
APIからJsonファイルの取得についてJSON取得の処理について悩んでいます。 |
2021-12-10 17:44:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
iphoneアプリの画面遷移後の配置被りの原因と修正方法を教えてください。 |
iphoneアプリの画面遷移後の配置被りの原因と修正方法を教えてください。 |
2021-12-10 17:43:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
円と線分の接触時の挙動について。 |
図形内にある円とその辺の接触に関するプログラムpythonにて、円と辺の接触判定について書いています。 |
2021-12-10 17:37:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Unity✖︎PHP] データベースからの結果をSerializeFieldに格納したい |
Unity︎PHPデータベースからの結果をSerializeFieldに格納したいUnityのスクリプトでリクエストを送って帰ってきた結果から、特定のカラムの結果部分だけを取り出し、SerializeFieldに格納したいのですが、どのようにしたら格納できるのかイメージがつかないので教えていただきたいです。 |
2021-12-10 17:33:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wgetコマンドでEC-CUBE3.0.15が取得出来ない |
wgetコマンドでECCUBEが取得出来ないECインスタンス上でが取得出来ない・ECサーバーAmazonnbspLinuxsudowgeteccubezipを取得バージョンはこれに指定されていますする為に、wgetコマンドを実行したのですが、失敗してリトライになってしまいます。 |
2021-12-10 17:32:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
問題をランダムで出題、正答率表示 |
問題をランダムで出題、正答率表示Cで問題出題アプリを作成しているのですが、下記の条件を付け加える場合のコードに関して調べても分からない為教えていただきたいです。 |
2021-12-10 17:28:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MapのKey前方一致のみ抽出 |
MapのKey前方一致のみ抽出前提・実現したいこと以下のMapのうち、Key『address』を含むMapを作成したいです。 |
2021-12-10 17:27:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rubyの正規表現について |
2021-12-10 17:26:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unity IndexOutOfRangeのエラーが出る |
2021-12-10 17:20:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPの画像とリンクを表示、機能させたい |
PHPの画像とリンクを表示、機能させたい前提・実現したいことPHPの画像とリンクを表示、機能させたいご教授お願い致します。 |
2021-12-10 17:11:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
「after関数」値を習得してないのに、次の行のコードが実行されてしまうのを直したい。 |
「after関数」値を習得してないのに、次の行のコードが実行されてしまうのを直したい。 |
2021-12-10 17:11:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python ブロック崩し |
Pythonブロック崩しボールがブロックとぶつかると通り抜けました。 |
2021-12-10 17:10:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
感情の類似度(近さ)から感情分析をすることは可能なのでしょうか? |
感情の類似度近さから感情分析をすることは可能なのでしょうか自然言語処理について質問です。 |
2021-12-10 17:08:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ワードプレスの日付表示の文字を非表示にしたいです |
ワードプレスの日付表示の文字を非表示にしたいですワードプレスのテスト環境サイトリンク内容上記のサイトの日付部分にPostednbsponnbsp日付年月日とあります。 |
2021-12-10 17:07:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Apache+OpenSSL Apache起動しない |
ApacheOpenSSLApache起動しない仮想マシンCenOSにApacheとOpenSSLlをインストール後、Apacheで利用するopensslのバージョン変更のためソースからApacheをビルドして下記コマンド実行後、cpnbspmodulesssllibsmodsslsonbspetchttpdmodulesApacheをquothttpdnbspstartquotコマンドで起動すると下記エラーが出てしまい、起動できません。 |
2021-12-10 17:00:50 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitHubにあるコードをDockerのubuntu環境で試す |
GitHubからコードをクローンして、ubuntu環境で試せます。 |
2021-12-10 17:38:12 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[祝プレビュー開始] Microsoft Defender for Containers を使った Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) のセキュリティ監視 |
デーモンセットから情報を取れるようになったことで、このようなポッドやノード側の動きが掴めるようになりましたまた、今回の記事では触れませんでしたが、DefenderforContainersでは、DefenderforKubernetesの頃から利用できるAzurePolicyforKubernetes連携を利用し、クラスター上での不正な操作のブロックや監査を行うこともできます。 |
2021-12-10 17:57:54 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
旅行プラン作成サイトTrunkをリリースしました |
スポットをクリックすることで対象のタイムラインの最後にスポット追加できる日程のタイムライン出発時間、タスクを管理するタスクタイトル、所要時間、費用、メモの編集ができる重視したところ僕は基本的に怠けたい人なので、プラン作成でいかに手間を減らせられるかを考えましたログイン機能無し会員登録出典ジョジョの奇妙な冒険巻調整さん好きですか僕は調整さんをよく使っています。 |
2021-12-10 17:13:34 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
M1 Mac上でRailsプロジェクトのyarn installができない問題を修正する |
MMac上でRailsプロジェクトのyarninstallができない問題を修正する現象MMacにて、Railsプロジェクトでyarninstallしようとすると、下記のようなエラーが出る。 |
2021-12-10 17:05:44 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
セキュリティ・テストは一般的なソフトウェア・テストとどう違うのか? |
hellip |
2021-12-10 10:00:28 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
1週間リリースを支えるAndroid自動テスト運用 |
amanekenkhellip |
2021-12-10 09:00:06 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Aiven と AWS をピアリングしてデータベースにアクセスする |
aiven |
2021-12-10 08:58:18 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
実践!AWS CDK #26 Version 2 |
awsclouddev |
2021-12-10 08:18:30 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[初心者向け]複数拠点のSite-to-Site VPN設定でハマりがちなポイント |
awsvpc |
2021-12-10 08:13:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to access URL path using useParams hook in React js |
How to access URL path using useParams hook in React jsIn my previous posts we have studied about various hooks that comes with React package which enables us to perform different functions within our app Today we ll explore the useParams hook that comes with React Router dom package and allows us to access the URL parameters for example if you want to access the id for a particular URL then you will have to make use of useParams hook Let s start by creating a new react app by typing in the following command in our command line npx create react app useparams example appNow we navigate to our app and clear out some unnecessary files like logo svg also we can remove the commented out code to make our app look neat and clean Now we would need to install the react router dom package in order to be able to access different routes and also make use of useParams hook npm i react router domNow we will navigate to App js file of our app and write some basic code to be displayed on the Home page of our app we would also need to import BrowserRouter Switch Route Link and useParams objects from react router dom to be able to access the navigation properties of this package After the imports and rendering the home page of our app at the default path of our App js file will look like the following import React from react import App css import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route Link useParams from react router dom function App return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div className App gt lt h gt React Router useParams Hook Demo lt h gt lt div className navbar gt lt Link to gt Home lt Link gt lt div gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path gt lt h gt lt p gt Welcome to the Home Component lt p gt lt h gt lt Route gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default App Notice that we have to wrap the entire component in BrowserRouter component and the Link method will create a hyperlink to access a particular component Now we will also create an About us page to make things more clear and for this purpose we will have to create an About js file in the src directory of our project the code for About js file is mentioned below import React from react export const About gt return lt div gt lt h gt About Us Component lt h gt lt div gt Now let s write some code related to useParams hook Suppose we have a list of products which we want to list down on a Products page on our app we will first include the products object in the App js as follows const products air jordan valor blue name VALOUR BLUE img SNKRS COVER WD amp align jordan mars london name JORDAN MARS LONDON img SNKRS COVER WD amp align air jordan zoom racer blue name RACER BLUE img SNKRS COVER WD amp align Now we will create a link to the Products page where we will list down all the above products nicely import React from react import App css import BrowserRouter as Router Redirect Switch Route Link from react router dom import ProductsPage from components ProductsPage import About from components About function App const products air jordan valor blue name VALOUR BLUE img SNKRS COVER WD amp align jordan mars london name JORDAN MARS LONDON img SNKRS COVER WD amp align air jordan zoom racer blue name RACER BLUE img SNKRS COVER WD amp align return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div className App gt lt h gt React Router useParams Hook Demo lt h gt lt div className navbar gt lt Link to gt Home lt Link gt lt Link to products gt Products lt Link gt lt Link to about gt About lt Link gt lt div gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path gt lt h gt lt p gt Welcome to the Home Component lt p gt lt h gt lt Route gt lt Route path products gt lt ProductsPage products products gt lt Route gt lt Route path about gt lt About gt lt Route gt lt Switch gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default App Notice that we have passed the products object as a prop to the ProductsPage component so that we can display it there Now create a ProductsPage component and display the products import React from react import Link Switch Route from react router dom export const ProductsPage products gt return lt div className product box gt lt h className title gt Products Component lt h gt lt div className box gt Object entries products map id name img gt lt li key id gt lt Link to product id gt lt h className product name gt name lt h gt lt img src img alt name gt lt Link gt lt li gt lt div gt lt div gt We made use of javascript map method to display the list of products Notice that the name of each product is also a link which will navigate to the detail page of each product import React from react import useParams from react router export const Product products gt let id useParams const product products slug const name img product console log id return lt div gt lt h gt This is the Product Detail component lt h gt lt h gt slug lt h gt lt h gt Brand name lt h gt lt img src img alt name gt lt div gt In the Product component we will use the useparams hook to extract the id from the url for each product You may be wondering from where do the id is passed to the Product component so it was passed from App js where we defined the Route for the Product component import React from react import App css import BrowserRouter as Router Redirect Switch Route Link useParams from react router dom import ProductsPage from components ProductsPage import About from components About import Product from components Product function App const products air jordan valor blue name VALOUR BLUE img SNKRS COVER WD amp align jordan mars london name JORDAN MARS LONDON img SNKRS COVER WD amp align air jordan zoom racer blue name RACER BLUE img SNKRS COVER WD amp align return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div className App gt lt h gt React Router useParams Hook Demo lt h gt lt div className navbar gt lt Link to gt Home lt Link gt lt Link to topics gt Topics lt Link gt lt Link to about gt About lt Link gt lt div gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path gt lt h gt lt p gt Welcome to the Home Component lt p gt lt h gt lt Route gt lt Route path products gt lt ProductsPage products products gt lt Route gt lt Route path about gt lt About gt lt Route gt lt Route path product id gt lt Product products products gt lt Route gt lt Switch gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default App So in this manner we were able to display all the products and also output the ID for each product by the use of useParams hook Hope you enjoyed reading the article Happy Coding |
2021-12-10 08:43:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why Your Website Is Loading So Slowly |
Why Your Website Is Loading So SlowlyWe ve all had the experience of dealing with a website that refuses to load in a reasonable amount of time If you re like most people you probably abandoned that site It s only natural given our modern expectations that websites load almost immediately But what if that slow loading website is yours What could be responsible for your sluggish site And what s the best way to fix it The Impact of Site SpeedAccording to Website design website loading speed is one of the most important variables to optimize on your website If your website loads slowly it could discourage people from visiting It could cut each visit short and even if your users stick around they may have a bad experience ultimately resulting in a blemish on your brand s reputation To make matters worse site speed plays a significant technical role in search engine optimization SEO If your site loads too slowly or if there are interruptions when a visitor reaches your website it could be detrimental to your SERP rankings The Usual CulpritsSo why is your site loading slowly There are several possibilities such as Internet or device issues Let s start with the obvious There s a chance that nothing is inherently wrong with your website its slow loading times could be an issue with your internet service or the device you re using If your computer is running slow or if there s a slowdown in your internet download speed your website could be an unfortunate casualty Test your website on multiple devices and in multiple areas for a better assessment of its potential Poorly optimized images Images are some of the largest and most cumbersome files on your website so if they re poorly optimized they can bog down the entirety of your website Make sure they re correctly formatted and compressed to an extent Messy coding Messy coding can also be an obstructive issue If your code isn t clean or if there are serious issues it s going to result in loading delays If you re using a traditional template or a website builder you probably won t have to worry much about this The same is true if you re working with a competent website design agency JavaScript problems JavaScript and JQuery plugins have made it much easier to add custom content to your website but they can also be a problem if they re installed or used incorrectly If you re using too many API calls it can result in bloating and slow down your entire website Excessive requests Your browser uses HTTP requests to retrieve information from JS CSS and image files If these requests are too numerous it can result in slowdown Fortunately minification can reduce the number of files on your site and lead to a faster more streamlined web experience Lack of caching Caching plugins work by allowing users to store your website information locally This way when they visit your site for a second or subsequent time the site can load almost instantly It won t work for first time visitors but your repeat visitors will thank you Too many plugins Caching plugins are incredibly useful but not every plugin is worth using In fact if your site is bogged down with too many plugins it can sharply reduce your loading speed Get rid of whatever plugins aren t adding value to your site Lack of compression Compression is valuable for reducing the size of your website and the files therein and every bit counts Even marginal reductions in data can lead to impressive improvements in loading speed Hosting issues Your hosting provider also plays a role in how quickly your site can load If you re using a shared server or if the server encounters problems it can render your site practically inaccessible Upgrading your hosting can usually fix this issue though you ll typically have to pay more money for the service Too many ads Ads are a convenient strategy for monetizing a site with decent traffic but there s such a thing as too many If your site is cluttered with ads it s going to result in a terrible user experience including slow loading times Lack of CDN services Content delivery networks CDN use distributed proxy servers and data centers to reduce loading times for users across the globe If you want to maximize your site speed a CDN could be worth the investment This list is not exhaustive but it does cover the most common variables responsible for slow loading websites As you re optimizing your site make sure to take advantage of Google s free PageSpeed Insights tool It will tell you everything you need to know about your site speed such as first contentful paint FCP first input delay FID and largest contentful paint LCP With that information you can gradually tweak your site to improve its performance and witness your changes making an impact in real time |
2021-12-10 08:43:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Intro to dApp's: Create your dApp backend w/Solidity |
Intro to dApp x s Create your dApp backend w SolidityIn the previous post we talked about creating a dApp frontend w React In this post we will build the backend for our dApp and connect the two pieces Before we deep dive into the code I ve laid out some fundamentals for building the application s backend Then we ll move on to creating a basic smart contract and putting the two pieces together Please note In this article we will be referring to dApp s on the Ethereum blockchain Intro to Decentralized App s dApp s In the most basic form a dApp consists of a backend smart contract and a frontend user interface Smart ContractsA smart contract is a computer program stored on the blockchain When the conditions of a smart contract are met the code is executed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM It s basically the server side of the application Solidity is one of the most popular smart contract languages for Ethereum Transaction amp Gas FeeAn Ethereum transaction refers to an action initiated by an account on the blockchain For example sending tokens to another account buying an nft swapping tokens are transactions on Ethereum Each transaction on the blockchain has a cost So when you want to interact with a smart contract you need to pay the gas fee Gas is the measure of the unit to denote the cost for a transaction Accordingly gas fees are the fees that are paid to the network to process the transactions On Ethereum gas fees are paid in ETH and denoted in gwei ETH When there is a lot of demand for the network the gas fees increase you can check the gas fees from the Ethereum gas tracker Application Binary Interface ABI The Contract Application Binary Interface ABI is the interface between two program modules Simply put ABI is like the API Application Programming Interface in the Ethereum world It defines the methods and structures to interact with the smart contract How to create your own dApp w Solidity and React Create your Smart Contract Project Tools Metamask Wallet crypto wallet Alchemy ethereum developer platform We will be using the Alchemy API to interact with Alchemy s Ethereum infrastructure Hardhat ethereum development environment It comes as an npm package PrerequisitesChoose your IDE and get the solidity extension I am using VS Code and am very happy with it Create an account on metamask and switch to the rinkeby test network Get your Alchemy API key You will need to create an account on Alchemy Then when logged in create an App on the Rinkeby Test Network Here s how your App settings should look like Once created head over to the app details and get your key by clicking view key on the top right Install node js Get some Rinkeby Test Network Ethereum Try the faucet here to get some Rinkeby ETH Building the Smart ContractCreate a project folder and head over to its directory Install hardhat mkdir eda sample smart contractcd eda sample smart contractnpm init ynpm install save dev hardhatIn your project directory create a hardhat project by running npx hardhat npx hardhatThe setup wizard will show up Click enter throughout and keep the default options Hardhat will create a sample project and install the dependencies for you Here s how your terminal should look like Open the project from your code editor Under the Contracts folder you should see the default Greeter sol file Sol is the file extension for the solidity language and it s our sample smart contract I ve added the smart contract below with some comments to explain what s going on SPDX License Identifier Unlicensepragma solidity add the solidity version for the compilerimport hardhat console sol create the smart contract contract Greeter create a variable called greeting that will be stored in the contract string private greeting constructor string memory greeting console log Deploying a Greeter with greeting greeting print to the console greeting greeting create a function to give the greeting message public functions are public by default anyone reading from the contract can call it view the function will not modify the state it will only return a value returns the function declaration tells the type of the return value here the return type is a string function greet public view returns string memory return greeting create a function to change the greeting message function setGreeting string memory greeting public console log Changing greeting from s to s greeting greeting print to the console greeting greeting Get your Alchemy API key it s needed to talk to the Rinkeby Test Network from the smart contract Add it to the hardhat config js see code snippet under step Add your metamask private key to hardhat config js You can get you private key by clicking Account Details gt Export Private Key from your Metamask extension require nomiclabs hardhat waffle module exports solidity make sure the version matches the one in smart contract file networks rinkeby url rinkeby key accounts metamask privte key DO NOT SHARE THIS It has access to all your accounts We need to take our contract from our local machine and put it onto the Rinkeby Test Network For this we will use the sample script js file under the Scripts folder It s usually called deploy js but let s leave it as is for this sample project Run the command below to deploy the contract to the Rinkeby Test Network npx hardhat run scripts sample script js network rinkebyOnce you see the details of your smart contract on the terminal it means that your smart contract is deployed onto the Rinkeby network For the next steps you will need the smart contract address and the ABI Here is where you can find them The smart contract address is printed on the terminalThere is a new folder called artifacts that is generated after deploying the smart contract The ABI is the json document Greeter json on the following path artifacts Contracts Greeter json Connect to your Smart Contract from the frontend PrerequisitesIn this section we will use the code from the Intro to dApp s Create your dApp frontend w React post Follow the steps there to create your frontend w React Make sure you have ethers js installed Building the frontend of your dAppAdd the contract address to App js add the contract addressconst contractAddress We need to add the contract ABI Copy the ABI file greeter json from the smart contract and add it under src in the react project Import greeter json which is the contract abi to App js import Greeter from greeter json Import useRef from react to store the mutable greeting value to App js import useEffect useState useRef from react Inside the App construct on App js define a new variable to keep the greeting message const userGreeting useRef Add the functions to get the greeter message and another to set the greeter message Have a look at the code below I have added comments to explain what s going on Add the code snippet to App jsconst getGreeting async gt check that there is a wallet connected const ethereum window if ethereum provider is a connection to the ethereum node const provider new ethers providers WebProvider ethereum signer is used to sign messages and transactions const signer provider getSigner connect to the smart contract const contract new ethers Contract edasSmartContract Greeter abi signer call the greet function on the smart contract const message await contract greet pop up the greet message alert message const setGreeting async event gt event preventDefault if userGreeting current value return const ethereum window if ethereum const provider new ethers providers WebProvider ethereum const signer provider getSigner const contract new ethers Contract edasSmartContract Greeter abi signer const transaction await contract setGreeting userGreeting await transaction wait getGreeting go back to the getGreeting func to give the user the greeting Next modify the walletConnected component to display buttons which call the getGreeting and setGreeting functions wallet connectedconst walletConnected gt lt div gt lt p gt Connected to the wallet lt p gt lt button onClick getGreeting gt Greet lt button gt lt br gt lt form onSubmit setGreeting gt lt button type submit gt Submit New Greeting Message lt button gt lt br gt lt textarea ref userGreeting placeholder add your new greeting message here gt lt textarea gt lt form gt lt div gt Run the app with the command below Open http localhost to view it in the browser npm start If everything is working when you click the Greet you should see the greeting message pop up You can also change the greet message by submitting a new one it will ask you to sign and pay for the transaction since you are performing an action on the Rinkeby Network I ve made some changes to App css to make my UI prettier This is a basic introduction to creating your own dApp on Ethereum As a next step I d highly recommend the following resources Buildspace a platform for developers to learn about web by creating cool projects It s a fantastic learning resource where you can also connect with other fellow developers looking to get in the web worldCryptozombies an interactive platform for making smart contracts in Solidity or Libra Hope you enjoyed the article If you have any questions or comments feel free to drop them below or reach out to me from Twitter |
2021-12-10 08:41:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I bought loading time of a media from ~3s to ~100ms or less |
How I bought loading time of a media from s to ms or lessHello in this short blog post we will try to cover on how to improve media loading time when you access from firebase storage This approach is very useful when dealing with media content rich applications for example social media apps TL DR How it startedIt started with s to load the image which is off KB from the bucket How is it goingIt ended up with ms for the same size of the image from the bucket This is an example on how can you improve it when you are using Firebase Storage Note this approach may not be helpful for you if Your bucket data is not publicWant to have some authorisation to view the media InspirationUsually social media application the media will be public Meaning if you get the url you can access it Best example is instagram in instagram though a profile is private if you have the image url of any of the post and try to open in incognito browser the image loads On further analysis you can see the url is just plain with some cache controls it doesn t have any media key or some keys I have analysed the response of the image from instagram urlImage size is very low amazing how well they pull off the compression without loosing quality Cache headers are configured well TTFB is insanely lowImage size I really can t tinker around with that since the application has active users and don t want to mess that database urls The problem with Firebase Storage is the storage bucket is in single location so even say we optimise storage if the bucket is in US the user from Australia will be cursing the application since it takes even more time for them One way that I have decided to approach the problem is using CDN Content Delivery Network is Magic This is an old image you can assume this has upgraded to many foldsNow one good thing is that firebase storage buckets are accessible in GCP which means we can use Google Cloud Platform tools to setup Cloud CDN to the storage bucket we had I have followed this guide step by step and was able to set it up seemlessly I have followed the Console method and not gcloud cli way AlternativesNow we know that not everyone uses GCP so what are the other alternatives you may ask Cloudinary is one of the OG in this era you get amazing performance with cloudinary If you are in AWS eco system CloudFront is the service you are looking for Here is guide on how you can add that to S bucket Supabase gives you CDN to their Storage Tier out of the box you need not customise anything If you want more such short articles let me know in the comments or by reacting to the heart emoji will write more such content Until then take care Rohith Gilla |
2021-12-10 08:34:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Add AutoMapper to .Net 6 |
Add AutoMapper to Net In this article we will be adding AutoMapper to our AspNetCore application You can watch the full video on Youtube The first thing we need to do is add the packagesdotnet add package AutoMapper version dotnet add package AutoMapper Extensions Microsoft DependencyInjection version The next step is adding the AutoMapper to our DI container inside the program cs we need to add the followingbuilder Services AddAutoMapper AppDomain CurrentDomain GetAssemblies Now its time to create our AutoMapper profiles so on the root directory of our application we need to create a folder called Profiles inside the Profiles folder we will create a new class called UserProfile We can call the class anything we want but per convention we need to name the class based on the entity we want to map as well add the word profile to it We are going to map the below entity User to the a Dto UserDto public class User public Guid Id get set public string FirstName get set public string LastName get set public string Email get set public string Phone get set public DateTime DateOfBirth get set public string Country get set public string Address get set public string MobileNumber get set public string Sex get set public class UserDto public string FirstName get set public string LastName get set public string Email get set public string Phone get set public string DateOfBirth get set public string Country get set Now inside the UserProfile class we need to add the followingpublic class UserProfile Profile public UserProfile CreateMap lt UserDto User gt ForMember dest gt dest FirstName opt gt opt MapFrom src gt src FirstName ForMember dest gt dest LastName opt gt opt MapFrom src gt src LastName ForMember dest gt dest Email opt gt opt MapFrom src gt src Email ForMember dest gt Convert ToDateTime dest DateOfBirth opt gt opt MapFrom src gt src DateOfBirth ForMember dest gt dest Phone opt gt opt MapFrom src gt src Phone ForMember dest gt dest Country opt gt opt MapFrom src gt src Country ForMember dest gt dest Status opt gt opt MapFrom src gt The UserProfile class MUST inherit from Profile class in order for AutoMapper to recognise it Inside the constructor we define the mapping between the Entity and the Dto Once we complete our profile mapping its now to utilise our new map in our controller public class UsersController ControllerBase public IUnitOfWork unitOfWork define the mapper public readonly IMapper mapper initialise the dependencies with constructor initialisation public UsersController IMapper mapper IUnitOfWork unitOfWork mapper mapper unitOfWork unitOfWork HttpPost public async Task lt IActionResult gt AddUser UserDto user utilise the mapping var mappedUser mapper Map lt User gt user await unitOfWork Users Add mappedUser await unitOfWork CompleteAsync var result new Result lt UserDto gt result Content user return CreatedAtRoute GetUser new id mappedUser Id result return a So basically we need to initialise the mapper with constructor initialisation Then we need to utilise as follow var mappedUser mapper Map lt Entity gt dto AutoMapper is a powerful tool to keep in our toolset while developing any Net applications |
2021-12-10 08:24:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
রিয়েক্ট রাউটার ডম v6 - Changes & Updates |
রিয়েক্টরাউটারডমv Changes amp Updatesসম্প্রতিReact Router Dom তাদেরভার্সনআপডেটকরেভার্সনরিলিজকরেছে।এইভার্সনেবেশকিছুব্রেকিংচেঞ্জএবংআপডেটএসেছেযেগুলোপূর্ববর্তীভার্সনগুলোথেকেবেশভিন্নএবংনতুন।আজকেরএইব্লগেReact Router Dom ভার্সনএরসকলব্রেকিংচেঞ্জএবংনিউফিচারগুলোসম্পর্কেউদাহরনসহবিস্তারিতআলোচনাকরাহবে। কিভাবেইন্সটলকরবো Npm npm install react router next react router dom nextYarn yarn add react router next react router dom next Switch এরপরিবর্তেRoutes এসেছেReact Router Dom ভার্সনএরিমুভকরেএরপরিবর্তেআনাহয়েছে।এটিতেএরপ্রায়সববৈশিষ্ট্যথাকারপাশাপাশিবেশকিছুএক্সটাফিচাররয়েছে।উদাহরনঃReact Router vimport BrowserRouter Switch Route from react router dom const App gt return lt BrowserRouter gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path dashboard component Dashboard gt lt Switch gt lt BrowserRouter gt React Router vimport BrowserRouter Routes Route from react router dom const App gt return lt BrowserRouter gt lt Routes gt lt Route path element lt Home gt gt lt Route path dashboard element lt Dashboard gt gt lt Routes gt lt BrowserRouter gt ভার্সনএভার্সনএরমতনআরcomponent কেপ্রপ্সবাচিল্ড্রেনআঁকারেপাঠানোলাগেনা।element প্রপএরভেতরjsx ফরমেটেcomponent কেপাঠাতেহয়। component এরবদলেএসেছেelement প্রপআপনিযদিউপরেরউদাহরণেলক্ষ্যকরেন ভার্সনএআমরাcomponent এরপরিবর্তেelement ব্যবহারকরছি।এটিঅনেকহেল্পফুলএকটাফিচার এখনআমরাসরাসরিelement e প্রপসপাঠাতেপারি।উদাহরনঃReact Router v lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path dashboard render routeProps gt lt Dashboard isAdmin true gt gt React Router v lt Route path element lt Home gt gt lt Route path dashboard element lt Dashboard isAdmin true gt gt Exact এবংstrict প্রপগায়েবুলহাওয়াভার্সনএসবগুলোরাউটexactly ম্যাচকরেবাইডিফল্টতাইextact এবংstrict প্রপেরপ্রয়োজননেই।উদাহরনঃ React Router v lt Route exact path component Home gt React Router v lt Route path element lt Home gt gt Relative paths এবংlinksভার্সনএ paths এবংlink দূটোইতাদেরপেরেন্টেরাউটেরসাথেরিলেটিভ।তাইএখনআমাদেররিলেটিভপাথেরপ্রয়োজনহলেআমরা“ ব্যবহারকরাছাড়াইসেটাকরতেপারি।উদাহরনঃ React Router v lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path dashboard component Dashboard gt React Router v lt Route path element lt Home gt gt lt Route path dashboard element lt Dashboard gt gt Nested Routes এখনআরোসহজরেগুলাররিয়েক্টএলিমেন্টেরমতনএখনশুধুচাইল্ডরাউটগুলোকেপেরেন্টরাউটদিয়ের্যাপকরেদিলেইহয়েযাবেনেস্টেডরাউট।উদাহরনঃReact Router v lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path users component Users gt users jsimport useRouteMatch from react router dom const Users gt const path useRouteMatch return lt div gt lt Switch gt lt Route path path id component UserInfo gt lt Route path path profile component UserProfile gt lt Switch gt lt div gt React Router v lt Route path element lt Home gt gt lt Route path users element lt Users gt gt lt Route path id element lt UserInfo gt gt lt Route path profile element lt UserProfile gt gt lt Route gt users jsimport Outlet from react router dom const Users gt return lt div gt lt Outlet gt lt div gt useHistory এরপরিবর্তেএসেছেuseNavigteuseHistory কেগায়েবুলহাওয়াকরেদিয়েএরপরিবর্তেচলেএসেছেআরোবেশিপাওয়ারফুলএবংফিচারপ্যাকডuseNavigate হুক।উদাহরনঃ React Router vimport useHistory from react router dom const CustomButton props gt const history useHistory const handleClick gt history push users return lt button onClick handleClick gt props label lt button gt React Router vimport useNavigate from react router dom const CustomButton props gt const navigate useNavigate const handleClick gt navigate users return lt button onClick handleClick gt props label lt button gt আরোবেশিঅপটিমাইজড আরোবেশিপাওয়ারফুলভার্সনএরচেয়েভার্সনঅনেকবেশিপাওয়ারফুলএবংফিচারসমৃদ্বহওয়ারপরেওএরসাইজভার্সনএরপ্রায়অর্ধেকেরওকম।ভার্সনঃkbভার্সনঃkb |
2021-12-10 08:20:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Debounced Hover on Nested Components Using Event Delegation |
Debounced Hover on Nested Components Using Event Delegation Consider the following case const FirstLayeredElement gt lt gt lt SecondLayeredElement gt lt gt const SecondLayeredElement gt lt gt lt DeepestElement gt lt DeepestElement gt lt gt const DeepestElement gt lt span gt lt span gt const DeepestElement gt lt span gt lt span gt where we want to fire a function logAnalytics when the cursor is hovered on a DeepestElement for some seconds e g s and we want to know which DeepestElement is captured Consider some of the info needs to come from the parent components so we couldn t simply add a listener in DeepestElements One of the approach ispass onMouseEnter handlers into nested div with the use of debounce from lodash esconst FirstLayeredElement gt return lt gt lt SecondLayeredElement onMouseEnter labelType gt logAnalytic labelType Some other info gt lt gt const SecondLayeredElement onMouseEnter gt return lt DeepestElement onMouseEnter onMouseEnter gt lt DeepestElement onMouseEnter onMouseEnter gt const DeepestElement onMouseEnter gt Delay for one second const debouncedMouseEnter onMouseEnter debounce onMouseEnter undefined return lt span onMouseEnter gt debouncedMouseEnter someLabelType gt lt span gt const DeepestElement onMouseEnter gt Delay for one second const debouncedMouseEnter onMouseEnter debounce onMouseEnter undefined return lt span onMouseEnter gt debouncedMouseEnter someLabelType gt lt span gt But seems lots of useless listeners are added could we do it in a simpler way Event Delegation ApproachFirst we define a hook useDebounceHover the input onHover will be called onMouseOut if the time difference between onMouseOver and onMouseOut gt s onMouseEnter cannot be used in event delegation check here and here for more details import DOMAttributes MouseEvent useRef from react const ComponentIdToTypeMapping some data id someLabelType some data id someLabelType const useDebounceHover lt T Element gt onHover event MouseEvent lt T gt gt void duration Pick lt DOMAttributes lt T gt onMouseOver onMouseOut gt gt const labelToHoverDurationMap useRef some data id some data id const handleMouseOver event MouseEvent lt T gt gt const labelType ComponentIdToTypeMapping event target dataset id if labelType labelToHoverDurationMap current labelType Date now const handleMouseOut event MouseEvent lt T gt gt const now Date now const labelType ComponentIdToTypeMapping event target dataset id if labelType if onHover amp amp now labelToHoverDurationMap current labelType gt duration onHover event labelToHoverDurationMap current labelType return onMouseOver handleMouseOver onMouseOut handleMouseOut export default useDebounceHover And so you could const FirstLayeredElement gt const onMouseOver onMouseOut useDebounceHover logAnalytic return lt div onMouseOver onMouseOver onMouseOut onMouseOut gt lt SecondLayeredElement gt lt div gt const SecondLayeredElement gt lt gt lt DeepestElement gt lt DeepestElement gt lt gt const DeepestElement gt lt span data id DeepestElement gt lt span gt const DeepestElement gt lt span data id DeepestElement gt lt span gt The presentation layer should be simpler coz with the hook we just need toadd a parent div for onMouseOver and onMouseOutadd data id to the deepest components ConclusionNote that React has done some optimization so the performance w o event delegation are similar Event Delegation does not help in performance in React But for simplicity actually my team prefers to use Event Delegation But again there s always trade off and it depends on different cases D |
2021-12-10 08:20:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
GUI in Python Using Tkinter |
GUI in Python Using Tkinter GUI in PythonPython libraries to create Graphical Interfaces TkinterPython QTwxPythonKivyTkinter is an inbuilt Python module used to create simple GUI apps Tk provides following widgets buttoncanvascheckbuttonComboboxentryframelabellabelframelistboxmenumenubuttonmessagenotebooktk optionmenupanedwindowprogressbarradiobuttonscalescrollbarseparatorsizegripspinboxtexttreeviewIt provided the following top level windows tk chooseColortk chooseDirectorytk dialogtk getOpenFiletk getSaveFiletk messageBoxtk popuptoplevelTk also provides three geometry managers place It positions widgets at absolute locationsgrid It arranges widgets in a gridpack It packs widgets into a cavity Basics of tkinter import tkinter module create the main window container Add any number of widgets to the main window Enter the main event loopEg import tkinterwindow Tkinter Tk creates main windowwindow title GUI label tkinter Label window text Hello World pack window mainloop mainloop is used when our application is ready to run mainloop is an infinite loop used to run the application wait for an event to occur and process the event till the window is not closed Widgets ButtonIt is used to add a button in our application window Button master option value master represents the parent window activebackground sets the background color when button is under the cursor activeforeground sets the foreground color when button is under the cursor bg sets normal background colorfg sets the foreground colorcommand to call a functionfont sets the font of button labelimage sets the image on the buttonwidth sets the width of the buttonheight sets the height of the buttonjustify LEFT RIGHT CENTERimport tkinter as tkwindow tk Tk window title Python button tk Button window text GUI width command window destroy button pack window mainloop Output is LabelIt is used to display text or image window Label master option value bg sets the normal background colorcommand to call a functionfont sets the font of Label text image sets the image on the Labelwidth sets the width of the Labelheight sets the height of the Labelfrom tkinter import root Tk l Label root text GUI Python bg pink width l pack root mainloop Output is Entry Text Field It is used to input single line of text window Entry master option value bg sets the background colorfg sets the foreground colorfont sets the font for widgetjustify LEFT RIGHT CENTERcommand to call a functionwidth sets the width of widgetheight sets the height of widgetshow Normally the characters that the user types appear in the entry To make a password entry that echoes each character as show Methods of Entrydelete start end delete a character or range of charactersget returns the text of widgetinsert index string inserts text at the specified indexselect range start end selects specified range select present returns True if there is a selection false otherwisefrom tkinter import master Tk l Label master text first Name l grid row l Label master text Last Name l grid row e Entry master e Entry master e grid row column e grid row column mainloop Output is TextIt is used to edit multi line text and formate the way it has to be displayed t Text master option value highlightcolor set the color of focus highlightinsertbackground set the background of the widgetbg sets the normal background colorfg sets the foreground colorbd sets width of the border around the widget Default is pixels font sets the fontimage sets the imagewidth sets the width in pixels height sets the height in lines from tkinter import root Tk t Text root height width t pack t insert END ANJALI KUMAWAT nCOMPUTER SCIENCE UNDERGRAD nGWOC CONTRIBUTOR mainloop Output is Methods of Textdelete start end deletes a specific character or a range of textget start end returns a specific character or a range of textinsert index string inserts text at the specified index CheckButtonIt is used to display a number of options to a user as toggle buttons window CheckButton master option value bg sets background colorfg sets foreground colorcommand to call a functionfont sets the fontimage sets the imagecffvalue A checkbutton s associated control variable will be set to when it is cleared off We can supply an alternate value for the off state onvalue A checkbutton s associated control variable will be set to when it is set on We can supply an alternate value for the on state state Default is state NORMAL but we can use state DISANLED to grey out the control and make is unresponsive variable This is control variable associated with checkbutton that tracks the current state of widget Normally this variable is an IntVar and means cleared and means set Width sets the width of widget Methods of checkbuttonDeselect clears the checkbuttonSelect selects the checkbuttonToggle reverses the state on off from tkinter import root Tk var IntVar var IntVar c Checkbutton root text like Mango variable var onvalue offvalue width c Checkbutton root text like Orange variable var onvalue offvalue width c pack c pack root mainloop Output is RadioButtonIt is used to offer multiple choice option to the used and user can select one option window RadioButton master option value bg sets the background colorfg sets foreground colorcommand to call a functionfont sets the fontimage sets the imagewidth sets the widthvariable variable associated with the Radiobuttons value when a radiobutton is selected by user its control variable is set to its associated value If the control variable is an IntVar give each radiobutton in the group a different integer value option If the control variable is a StringVar give each radiobutton a different string value option Methods of Radiobuttonselect selects Radiobuttondeselect deselects Radiobuttonfrom tkinter import def select if choice get order Large Pizza elif choice get order Medium Pizza else order Small Pizza selection You have ordered order label config text selection root Tk root title Pizza Corner choice IntVar rbLarge Radiobutton root text Large Pizza font variable choice value command select rbMedium Radiobutton root text Medium Pizza font variable choice value command select rbSmall Radiobutton root text Small Pizza font variable choice value command select rbLarge pack anchor W rbMedium pack anchor W rbSmall pack anchor W label Label root text Choose pizza that you want font label pack mainloop Output is When we are not clicking on any RadioButton If we are clicking on any RadioButton then SpinBoxIt is used to select a value from fixed number of values window Spinbox root option value bg sets the background colorfg sets foreground colorfont sets the fontjustify LEFT RIGHT CENTERwidth sets the width for widgetfrom sets the minimum valueto sets the maximum value Methods for Spinboxget returns the valuefrom tkinter import def select string Selection is str sp get l config text string root Tk sp Spinbox root from to command select width font sp pack l Label root text l pack mainloop Output is Keep Learning Keep Coding ️ |
2021-12-10 08:11:11 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Earth Is Getting a 'Black Box' Because of Climate Change |
Earth Is Getting a x Black Box x Because of Climate ChangeWhen a plane crashes its flight recorder is critical to piecing together the missteps that led to calamity Now the planet is getting its own in case it self destructs |
2021-12-10 08:26:38 |
医療系 |
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自立支援促進加算、老健の約4割が算定の見通し-21年度介護報酬改定調査、WAM |
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[OSE]RNプライム指数構成銘柄の一部変更 |
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2021-12-10 18:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Eight more omicron cases detected in Japan |
Eight more omicron cases detected in JapanAll eight cases were detected from the COVID testing conducted on arriving passengers at airports and there is no evidence of community transmission at this |
2021-12-10 17:30:39 |
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BBC News - Home |
UK economy stutters as health sector drives growth |
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2021-12-10 08:36:22 |
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BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Face masks required in more indoor venues in England |
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2021-12-10 08:42:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
Russia Ukraine: Putin compares Donbas war zone to genocide |
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2021-12-10 08:05:06 |
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BBC News - Home |
The Ashes: Joe Root & Dawid Malan lead England fight back on day three |
The Ashes Joe Root amp Dawid Malan lead England fight back on day threeWatch highlights as Joe Root and Dawid Malan lead the England fight back against Australia with a defiant partnership of on day three at the Gabba |
2021-12-10 08:26:07 |
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BBC News - Home |
What are the new Plan B rules for England? |
omicron |
2021-12-10 08:15:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: What are the rules for face coverings and masks? |
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2021-12-10 08:19:52 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
オミクロン、新たに8人感染確認 いずれも海外からの入国者 |
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2021-12-10 17:15:51 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
高速道路の割引、三が日は対象外 渋滞緩和に |
国土交通省 |
2021-12-10 17:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
DeNA復帰「言葉に表せない」 楽天自由契約の藤田、10年ぶり |
自由契約 |
2021-12-10 17:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
J1鹿島、新監督にバイラー氏 初の欧州出身、元スイス代表 |
鹿島 |
2021-12-10 17:15:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
【12月14日17時まで】MarkeZine Dayの登壇者、絶賛募集中! |
markezineday |
2021-12-10 17:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
大日本印刷、生活者に向けて「良質な読書時間」を演出するブランド「AIMA」を立ち上げ |
大日本印刷 |
2021-12-10 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Instagram、「プレイバック」を期間限定で提供 今年シェアしたストーリーズ投稿からお気に入りの瞬間を選んで2021年を振り返る |
提供開始 |
2021-12-10 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
日本郵便、LINEで年賀状を作成・送付できる「スマートねんが」 |
年賀はがき |
2021-12-10 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
大日本印刷、スマホ撮影でも規格に沿った顔写真データを収集できる「DNP顔写真収集サービスwith Photo Entry」運用開始 |
withphotoentry |
2021-12-10 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
final、筐体の内部圧力を最適化するf-LINKダンピング機構を搭載した完全ワイヤレスイヤホン「ZE3000」発売 |
final |
2021-12-10 17:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |でSIMフリー版iPhone 13の販売が開始される |
amazoncojp |
2021-12-10 17:15:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
H&M「熱で溶ける糸」を使った服 広がる「循環型ファッション」 |
循環 |
2021-12-10 09:00:29 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
スペースXから船外活動まで!現役飛行士が語る宇宙飛行のリアル(ゲスト:野口聡一)【前編】 |
宇宙飛行 |
2021-12-10 08:20:07 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
今なお多くの人に影響を与える岩崎俊一氏のコピー展、TCC殿堂入り記念で開催 |
人となり |
2021-12-10 08:07:59 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
プロじゃなくても賞を狙える!映像制作の基本/BOVA2022 |
プロじゃなくても賞を狙える映像制作の基本BOVAブレーンが主催するオンライン動画のコンテスト「BOVA」では、年月日まで作品を募集しています。 |
2021-12-10 08:03:08 |