Engadget Japanese |
【動画】外山圭一郎氏が手がける新ホラーアクションゲーム『野狗子: Slitterhead』発表 |
silenthill |
2021-12-10 09:15:34 |
Engadget Japanese |
OPPOがスマホ用の収納式カメラをティーザー 防水/落下時収納も実現 |
防水 |
2021-12-10 09:00:30 |
ロボスタ |
絵本を覗くと朗読音声やBGMを再生 AI活用の子ども向け知育サービス「おとるーぺ」Makuakeでクラウドファンディング |
makuake |
2021-12-10 09:33:36 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
ゲーム配信やオンラインゲームで定番のチャットツール・ディスコードが収益化の機能を実装を発表。しかもクリエイターには90%が還元される見込み。これは期待です。 |
配信 |
2021-12-10 09:00:14 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
経路探索超入門~Pythonでの可視化と簡単なアルゴリズムの実装~ |
コードとしては以下のようになっています。 |
2021-12-10 18:15:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
備忘録: JavaScript fetchの結果がReadableStreamで読み込めない場合 |
atagtconsolelogdatafetch |
2021-12-10 18:26:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
itertools productを複数回適用した際の仕様 |
itertoolsproductを複数回適用した際の仕様itertoolsnbspproductによる直積を複数の要素に対して適用する際に、要素abcdを一回でproductする結果と要素abcを一度productし、その結果pabcと要素dをproductする結果は異なります。 |
2021-12-10 18:47:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
postgres エラー ERROR: syntax error at or near |
postgresエラーERRORsyntaxerroratornear前提・実現したいこと現在テーブルを作成しておりました。 |
2021-12-10 18:43:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Docker] WSLを用いて目的のフォルダをマウントしたい。Windows10 |
DockerWSLを用いて目的のフォルダをマウントしたい。 |
2021-12-10 18:40:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PostgreSQLトリガーの履歴番号採番に関して |
PostgreSQLトリガーの履歴番号採番に関してPostgreSQLトリガーの履歴番号採番に関して質問内容PostgreSQLのトリガー機能を使用し、履歴テーブルへinsertする際にインサートした日付を見て日付が同様の場合、同じ履歴番号を採番することは可能でしょうか。 |
2021-12-10 18:37:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【エラーなし】Pythonが実行されません。 |
【エラーなし】Pythonが実行されません。 |
2021-12-10 18:34:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VSでpyplotで図を描こうとするとエラーになってしまう |
VSでpyplotで図を描こうとするとエラーになってしまう前提・実現したいこと私はubuntuでmatplotlibをインストールしました。 |
2021-12-10 18:29:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
crossさせた1つのCSVデータから条件で列データ抽出したい |
crossさせたつのCSVデータから条件で列データ抽出したい前提・実現したいことつ目のcsvには行ごとにつのデータが入っていてその列に時間のデータが入っている。 |
2021-12-10 18:23:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cakephp3 Paginatorの日本語化について |
cakephpPaginatorの日本語化についてCakephpを使用しています。 |
2021-12-10 18:21:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails6 AdminLTE でのデプロイエラーを解消したい |
RailsAdminLTEでのデプロイエラーを解消したい前提・実現したいこと使用バージョンRubynbspRailsnbspnodejsnbspvRailsでアプリケーションを作成しています。 |
2021-12-10 18:20:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Seleniumを用いたOfficeファイルのダウンロードについて |
Seleniumを用いたOfficeファイルのダウンロードについて質問Seleniumを用いてウェブサイトにアクセスしファイルをダウンロードしたいのですが、Officeファイルの場合Edge上で自動表示されるため、ダウンロードをすることができません。 |
2021-12-10 18:19:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
対応するカードの種類に応じて0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、+、-、×、÷を表示したい |
対応するカードの種類に応じて、、、、、、、、、、、、×、÷を表示したい前提・実現したいことUnityで計算を用いたカードゲームを制作しています。 |
2021-12-10 18:12:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unsigned int 型を文字に変換したい |
unsignedint型を文字に変換したい提示コードですが下記のようにunsignednbspintnbsp型をwchart型に変換してそれをchar型に変換するという処理を作ったのですがそれでaと入力するととう数字が出力されてしまいます。 |
2021-12-10 18:04:25 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Microsoft 認定試験で出題される問題のセクションと種類について |
おわりに概念や操作手順を含めて試験範囲の内容を理解しているつもりでも、いざ試験となった際に出題の内容で混乱してしまってしまわないよう、出題される問題のセクションと種類についてまとめました。 |
2021-12-10 18:58:19 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
新卒1年目が1週間でAZ-104(Microsoft Azure Administrator)合格 |
自身のAzure経験MicrosoftLearnStudentAmbassadorとして年月から活動していたため、Azureを用いた開発経験はある程度ハッカソンで利用した程度持っている状態でした。 |
2021-12-10 18:23:25 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
セキュリティ・テストは一般的なソフトウェア・テストとどう違うのか? |
hellip |
2021-12-10 10:00:28 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ACL無効化が推奨されたことでS3のサーバアクセスログ記録のためのアクセス許可はどうなったのか!?確認してみた |
amazons |
2021-12-10 09:38:39 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【re:Growth 2021】「Amazon店舗を体験してきた 最新の「Just Walk Out」のここがすごい」という登壇をしました #reinvent #cmregrowth |
reinvet |
2021-12-10 09:34:44 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Managing Assets in Alteryx |
rwithhowtomanageitsasset |
2021-12-10 09:11:00 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Alteryx のアセットを管理する |
alteryx |
2021-12-10 09:10:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding the low-code vs no-code debate |
Understanding the low code vs no code debateMost of us at times are unable to understand or differentiate between low code amp no code At times some of the users describe them in a similar way Does this matter What are the real differences between them and how can they be used independently Both the low code amp no code principles of application development abstract away from code to bring forth the advantages of visual modelling However the difference remains fundamentally in the scale and type of application that needs to be built via applying one of the two approaches Let s explore more as we advance further in this article Low code vs no code What are the similarities to begin with The low code and no code development platforms bring forth the methods of building software applications without coding or with less coding So how do these principles work These development principles take the visual approach to application development Hence app development becomes accessible to a higher volume of individuals especially tech savvy natives working in the line of business The low code and no code principles of development support the professional as well as the citizen developers alike It is possible to develop applications with greater efficiency while adhering to these novel approaches of development This can heighten productivity This is pretty much where the similarities end Low code amp its use casesLow code platforms are sort of a middle ground between the full on manual coding and absolute no coding They are more malleable The low code platforms can be very visually driven coming with elements of drag amp drop They are quite open and extendable They also have room for manual coding giving developers the joy of both worlds Here it is possible to increase the speed of development and there may not be any need to constantly replicate the basic code Low code development principles also permit for the scalable architecture open API that can be reused amp come with the flexibility of being on cloud or with onsite adaptability The developers can additionally exercise control over the application quality testing and performance tooling Additionally with low code principles of developing the potential for the developers to extend the capabilities of the platform with the application of their own code can be multiplied They are at the same time empowered to modify or build complex and sophisticated applications that may otherwise need more manpower deployment or may need some specific skills The low code platforms are able to handle more user cases because of their generic purpose nature Let us have a look at some of the pros of low code platforms Next gen technologies with the applicability of innovative use cases A host of Low Code platforms come with a comprehensive library of components that are built by the technology leaders They also permit you to draw upon the third party smart services on offer in the cloud like Machine Learning AI Blockchain Facial amp Voice Recognition services and the likes The Customer Experience Applications These are available for mobile leveraging the previously built interface templates that are designed in such a way to support the developers optimise the user friendliness and uptake of any application They also come to ensure consistency in corporate branding The Legacy System Modernization comes along with the current architecture along with microservices These support component based development where they are able to use containers These come with continuous deployment opportunities for the existing mission critical applications No code amp its usesNo code platforms or principles of development can be safely considered to be the simplest These are visual based drag amp drop platforms that allow us to function with basic applications We may not be overhauling the legacy systems here as we did in the Low Code Platforms At the same time we may not be able to scale it very well and may be limited in our approach towards the integration capabilities This approach to development is best suited to teams that have specific needs that fall within a limited scope The No code Platforms come with simplicity of use However this can also be one of its downfalls With most of its framework being determined by the ones who developed it the real ability to customize it boils down to low or no at all This may possibly lead to loopholes for security and compliance related issues Also the ability to work out the application into a more wide organizational architecture becomes limited This principle of development may lack the oversight and the consideration that comes straight from a developer driven application The No Code apps are also known to end up contributing to the presence of shadow IT It may seem somewhat blurry that if these principles of development are limited in their capabilities why have they at all been able to hang around for as long as they have done We can answer by saying that this application is safe to use by people with no coding knowledge or experience Especially by the ones who can t wait for an IT team to build something for them No code applications are also a great way for non technical people to build prototypes for what they want before they bring them forth to their IT teams At the first glance the simplicity and ease along with the rigidity that comes with No code development principles may work at a basic departmental level however scaling to the organizational level may pose certain challenges like Architectural considerations There can be instances of monolith application architecture solely due to the inexperience of the developer with application architecture patterns Most of the no code platforms may require deployment to their affiliated public cloud and they may not come with the flexibility of deploying to a private cloud or onsite application Low extensibility the No code platforms lean more towards the operational efficiency use cases They do not have the bandwidth to focus on the User Experience or are not able to extend to the legacy systems We may not be able to create custom solutions for third party or homegrown requirements Inefficient data governance Because of the stand alone nature of the apps built using the no code platform data governance is likely to be a primary challengeWhere does Tooljet stand in the no code low code space We may very well use the Tooljet platform for no code application development where it really makes a mark in the low code space Tooljet allows rapid application development with pre built components to suit the end users By minimizing the coding needs and taking away the grunt work Tooljet is able to gain ground when it comes to keeping updated the ageing legacy systems and improving customer experiences brick by brick among its other benefits Ending Note With the ongoing debate when deciding upon which principles to route for we may end by insisting that the no code platforms are quite simplistic when it comes to supporting the complex use cases while the low code principles come across as too complex for non professional developers to use To compound this challenge let us observe that while implementing a no code principle to development one may be seen as shadowing IT to the larger IT space Also once your application grows beyond what are you going to do All the cost saving and efficiency may go out of the window as your choices get limited On the other hand if we deploy the low code principles to development it may expand your horizon and you may be able to add more customizations to your application Larger more complex and sophisticated applications can be built with a low code platform and this is not the case for the no code principles Looking for a low code platform to build your next internal tool We would love you to check out ToolJet on GitHub |
2021-12-10 09:44:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Is Kubernetes a DIY platform? |
Is Kubernetes a DIY platform The growth of Kubernetes has been phenomenal It s grown from an open source project used and promoted by a few cloud native developers to a popular choice for automating and scaling container deployments fuelled in greater part by the shift of application workloads to containers Kubernetes also known as ks or “kube is an open source orchestration tool for containers and does not cost any money to download set up and run in house Almost tempting enough to want to set it up yourself isn t it But doing it yourself or DIY Kubernetes option in reality is not as simple a platform to use as you may think Here we present two options DIY Kubernetes and Managed Kubernetes each with their advantages and challenges DIY KubernetesA DIY approach to Kubernetes can be taken up through a range of different distributions including both lightweight distributions and distributions intended for full scale production use It can be deployed on premises or on cloud based infrastructure where you would provision and manage the clusters yourself If Ks is deployed on prem it will be done as a “Minikube which is a utility used to run Kubernetes on your local machine But because approaches to DIY Kubernetes vary the amount of effort that deployment requires also varies Though Kubernetes is an open source platform it is not very user friendly Also finding reliable platform support is difficult If you already know Kubernetes well and have experimented with smallish clusters running in local environments you may have the expertise to pull off a DIY installation But if you have a multi cluster environment with dozens of servers or more DIY Kubernetes may not be practical Kubernetes at an enterprise level can be complicated to deploy and that in turn may reduce productivity However if your requirement is only for a small number of clusters to be deployed the cost benefit trade off is often worthwhile with a DIY Ks approach Managed KubernetesManaged Ks services which refer to the management of the Ks platform and not the application or containers being developed and hosted allow for containerized applications to be deployed and managed in a production grade environment more easily Managed Kubernetes is naturally more expensive but it is often worth it in the long run simply because most of it is automated Also there is the technical support that comes with more automation and support for hosting maintenance infrastructure configuration and so on While some cloud providers offer basic levels of monitoring there are others that offer technical support services or custom infrastructure setup automatic provisioning of clusters and so on so choose your managed Kubernetes service provider according to your needs Security concerns too can be taken care of with managed Kubernetes and may not be possible with the DIY option When creating clusters enterprises need to consider aspects like resource groups authentication and security based policy controls which can prove challenging if one lacks experience in setting up K or expertise in automating clusters or using various scripting languages like Terraform So on the whole a Managed Ks approach tends to be advantageous for more complex enterprise grade deployments Is it worth doing it yourself Ask yourself Is your team experienced with Ks It is not an easy service to work with for novices Are you working on a lightweight or production grade distribution Do you need hand holding Do you prefer to be able to call someone for support or are you comfortable figuring out looking up the answers for yourself Kubernetes already includes an impressive set of features including scalability detached credential configuration self recovery workload management and batch execution and progressive application deployment but they require significant manual configuration Managed solutions take care of much of this configuration for you or at least guide you through the decision making process There s a wide range of processes tools and value adds that you can use while implementing managed Kubernetes services Do consult CloudNow before getting started on your next containerized application development project This blog originally published at CloudNow Blog Link to the original blogManaged solutions take care of much of this configuration for you or at least guide you through the decision making process There s a wide range of processes tools and value adds that you can use while implementing managed Kubernetes services Do consult CloudNow before getting started on your next containerized application development project |
2021-12-10 09:40:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Append a file into a zip file in Python |
Append a file into a zip file in PythonI was trying to find a way to append a file into a zip file in python but I could not find an easy way to do it When using zipfile built into python using the a append method doesn t overwrite files the way I expected it to So this python module will overwrite the existing file when appending a file which to me is the obvious solution There s no lack of StackOverflow posts and answers but all of those were too specific to the specific post issue So I decided to scratch my own itch and make a library to handle it for myself and others barakplasma append zip append a file into an existing zip file overwriting the existing file of the same name if needed append zipAppends a file to a zip file overwriting the existing file there if necessaryPerformanceNot efficient extracts all the files in the zip copies over the new file and compresses a brand new zip replacing the original one You will need enough disk space to duplicate the zip file Caveatsfor some reason windows has a different file length after unzipping by bytes So beware how this works on windows View on GitHubMIT licensedexample of how to use it install on Mac python m pip install appendzipfrom appendzip import appendzip before appendzip calendar txt in the zip archive test zip contains before appendzip calendar txt outside the zip contains appendzip appendzip pathlib Path test zip pathlib Path calendar txt calendar txt after appendzip calendar txt inside the zip contains after there is still only one file in the zip archive test zip |
2021-12-10 09:27:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Translate Your App Ideas into a Brilliant Product? |
How to Translate Your App Ideas into a Brilliant Product While it is impossible to imagine this world without smartphones and other devices it is only ten years since Google Play Store and iPhone App Store were launched Mobile app downloads have grown by since reaching billion With the prevalent use of mobile apps this industry will generate more than billion only in consumer app expenditure by It is easy to be tempted because of this tremendous opportunity for app development Knowing the truth of the app industry and the potential it holds what if some brilliant idea strikes you While there is no harm with a sprouting idea you should aim to give it a form and create a product The process of turning your mobile app idea into reality is the key Let us dive deep and understand how to do it in the following steps Define Your App Idea and FeaturesA brilliant idea sparks the beginning of a brilliant app However you have to define your vision to form that idea and convert it into a product Precisely put your idea on paper or write it down on your computer The first step is to prepare the document for Product Requirements If you plan to develop a new product you should also know how much it is in demand without believing in common apps myths Essentially the document is a written script that clearly defines the app s purpose vision features or specifications It would also include various elements of your project such as the business requirement objective of the app user personas and several other relevant factors You may even choose the top rated mobile app development company to work with your idea An essential way of defining the app idea is to come up with its feature list The success of an app depends mainly on the features and how it gels together and delivers an excellent user experience Now the feature list could vary from one product to another depending on your app s objectives However some features are a must have for every app including a search function social media interaction offline usability compatibility with multiple platforms responsive design to support various screen sizes and user feedback With your feature list the app idea becomes more workable and tangible for your technical team Market Trend ResearchUsually the first set of features require minor tweaks and changes The target here is maximum customer satisfaction It is impossible to ensure customer satisfaction without understanding the evolving market trends Market research is a broad term involving data based responses to questions that can shape the market success of your app The research should also apply data based findings and answers to relevant questions that can shape the market success of the app A few of these questions include Does the market need this app If so who is your target audience Who is the competitor s Can you learn something from them How would you market the app and monetize it effectively Often market research starts with the definition of the app s target audience The research looks into the category of the app its objectives user demographics geographical location type of device etc You can also study the present consumer trends to ensure that you get accurate results Studying different categories can help you recognize your customers better and serve them well In billion social apps are predicted to be downloaded in China alone Just one country The statistics and projected growth in other countries are also very promising This makes it imperative to integrate relevant social structures into the app to attract and engage customers An up to date list of features based on thorough market research boosts the chances of the mobile app to perform well in this market Identify your Target AudienceTo meet your users expectations and achieve maximum customer satisfaction develop a deeper understanding of your consumers Your target audience can be categorized according to demographics like age location language gender education occupation etc To achieve the best result in depth consumer research is necessary For thorough research you can follow these steps Establish the target market of your app and choose whether you have individual customers BB or corporate customers BC Define the user persona of your customersIdentify some of the significant hurdles facing the target audience Document the ways your app could assistDetermine incentives to attract potential customersCreate a transparent plan as to how the app can leverage research resultsTo ensure the accuracy of results you may choose the field study method or a journaling approach Collaborate with a top rated mobile app development company for better insight Choose Your PlatformThe top mobile app development company divided the space of app development into two markets Android and iOS However looking at the global market share of OS in sales you would realize that the focus is on these two leaders Once again the choice between iOS and Android depends on the target audience Here geographical location plays an important role iOS users are more in number in the USA Canada Australia Western Europe and Japan Likewise Android users are prevalent in South and Central America China India Africa Russia European countries and the Middle East This distribution can give you an insight into the platform s priority depending on the location of potential customers Beyond that there are more influential variables like app features user behaviors device support budget and monetization Each factor influences the choice of a platform in many ways For instance in there were over Android distinctive devices supporting smartphones tablets etc Contrarily iOS is more of a closed platform supporting lesser iPod iPhone and iPads Determine your Monetization StrategyTime to turn all technical functions into revenue After all income can only keep the app afloat In this highly competitive market an established monetization strategy is essential Your strategy should include the following In app advertisements Though users heavily criticize this strategy it is a proven method Banner ads native ads affiliate ads interstitials rewards ads are all good ideas In app purchase The gaming industry banks on this strategy Users can buy special features of the app and some virtual goods Freemium and Subscriptions Some apps give you access to the content only after subscribing even if it s a free trial Likewise freemium restricts some premium features that users cannot access on the free trial version Network affiliate transaction models Companies like Uber Upwork Airbnb and Escrow use the same approach They charge some commission to facilitate services goods and transactions Prepare the WireframeThe wireframe is very important because it gives a visual concept of the app It explores different possibilities to design a page Because it does not focus on transition much it remains static Wireframe includes minute details about placing text images buttons etc on the page With a planned wireframe you can understand how your product can help the audience It also becomes a more apparent reviewable blueprint of the app and prevents mistakes during development As a consequence it saves time and resources However don t spend much time developing a wireframe Create Your Brand IdentityWith so many iOS and Android apps you have to be brilliant to stand out Yes functionality is vital to set up an app but it is not enough Branding is critical If you want the product your app to succeed you have to create a relatable image and communicate to your users In this age of digital marketing an impeccable branding strategy involves personalization Branding should concentrate on delivering a relatable and attractive experience to the target audience Your objective here is to create and sustain brand awareness consistency and loyalty To achieve these pay attention to user experience with branding as the perspective ConclusionWhile the steps mentioned above are important for any brand to consider there is more to it An app idea can only become a reality when you find the top rated mobile app development company to partner with and estimate costs Once that is done you have to test the app s beta version launch it and spread the word As the app hits the market you will receive positive and negative reviews Use these reviews to make any improvement to the app |
2021-12-10 09:25:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building a Twitter Spaces clone in React Native |
Building a Twitter Spaces clone in React NativeIn the mood to learn something new over the weekend ms GeekyAntsJoin speaker Vipul Bhardwaj Senior Engineer at NativeBase for a webinar with ms on how to build a Twitter Spaces clone with React Native What would you learn What is NativeBase and how to build consistent UI with itWhat is Twitter Spaces and how does it workHow to build Twitter Spaces with ms React Native SDKSounds exciting then register now Tune in on th December |
2021-12-10 09:20:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Integrating Huawei's AppGallery Connect Auth Service for iOS |
Integrating Huawei x s AppGallery Connect Auth Service for iOSAuth Service helps you quickly and easily develop account registration and sign in functions for your app This service is offered completely free of charge and supports a range of platforms including Android and iOS Today we are going to take a look at how this can be quickly integrated into an iOS application Enabling Auth ServiceTo enable Auth Service sign in to AppGallery Connect click My projects click your project card and select an app for SDK integration from the app drop down list at the top of the page Then go to Build gt Auth Service and enable the service if you haven t already Integrating the Service SDKIf you are using Xcode you need to integrate the service SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods Add the AppGallery Connect configuration file of the app to your Xcode project Sign in to AppGallery Connect and click My projects Click your project card and select an app for SDK integration from the app drop down list at the top of the page Go to Project settings gt General information and download agconnect services plist under App information Copy the agconnect services plist file to your app s module directory Create a PodFileOpen the CLI and navigate to the Xcode project Then create a Podfile Skip this step if a Podfile already exists cd project directory pod init Edit the PodFileIntegrate the service SDK Add the pod dependency AGConnectAuth to the Podfile target AGConnectAuthDemo dopod AGConnectAuth endInstall the pod and open the xcworkspace file to view the project pod install Designing the UIYou can create a layout page in the Xcode project and design the UI based on the following figure to allow users to register an account on your app using a mobile number or email address Enabling Required Authentication ModesSign in to AppGallery Connect and click My projects Click your project card and select an app from the app drop down list at the top of the page Go to Build gt Auth Service On the Authentication mode tab page enable Mobile number and Email address in the Operation column Developing FunctionsAssociate Storyboard with ViewController so that you can obtain parameters required for sign up and sign in through text boxes Mobile NumberIf the mobile number entered has not been used to register an account you need to send a verification code to it to check whether it belongs to the user Enter a mobile number and tap Send verification code Then call the method for requesting a verification code and obtain the result in the callback Enter the verification code you received and the password set for your account Tap the register button call the method for mobile number registration and obtain the result in the block callback After successfully registering an account enter the mobile number and password you set and tap login to sign in to your app Congratulations you have now successfully enabled registration and sign in with a mobile number for your app EmailIf the email address entered has not been used to register an account you need to send a verification code to it Enter the email address and tap Send verification code Then call the method for requesting a verification code and obtain the result in the callback Enter the verification code you received and the sign in password and tap register Enter the email address and the password you set and tap login to sign in to your app Congratulations you have now successfully enabled registration and sign in with an email address for your app SummaryAuth Service is a service that provides you with a quick and easy way to develop registration and sign in functions for app Its lightweight SDK also help you reduce your app s size ReferenceMore information about Auth Service |
2021-12-10 09:19:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A Quick Start for Django |
A Quick Start for DjangoWhat is Django Django is a full stack web framework in python it provides a fully functional MVC Model View Control framework for the developer which greatly increases the developers efficiency when creating a fully functional web app with requirements such as database management With Django the developer can create a functional web app without any third party packages or tools Django is even more than that When I was learning web programming I always thought about how convenient it would be if an HTML page could use logic such as if sentences or for loops Django made this come true Getting Started First of all install the package with pip install DjangoAfter that let s create a new project Django comes with a “django admin command which helps developers to manage their projects and that is what we are going to use right now for creating a new project django admin startproject projectAfter creating the project we can move to the project folder and see what the new project brings us cd projectpython manage py runserverIf everything runs smoothly this page will show up at our local host s port Now if we look into the folder we have just created there would be a folder called “project there would be two python files called “settings py and “urls py They are very important to the web app we are going to create “Settings py stores all the configurations and plugins that we may use in the app For example the database engine we are going to use error monitoring service such as sentry etc They are all set up here Django s default database is SQLite However besides that Django also officially supports PSQL MySQL and Oracle Besides “Settings py “url py stores all the paths of our project indicating how different apps under this project relate to each other These are settings on the project level now let s switch our view to the app In Django an app falls under a project So since now we have created a new project let s initiate a new app under this project cd projectdjango admin startapp appIn the app folder we can see several python files Among them contents in “models py defines instances that will be used in the app For example this part of script class User models Model user models CharField max length email models EmailField max length pwd models CharField max length This class defines what information a “User instance contains and how it will be saved in the database In the database it will be looked like this Now as we have changed the model we need to apply these changes to the database by migrations python manage py makemigrationspython manage py migrateNote that this command will generate a python file “ initial py since this is the first time we migrate The number before the underscore indicates the serial number of that migration Also by executing python manage py sqlmigrate app We can check the sql script that actually altered the database The view py in this folder contains the actual code that controls the whole app Each view function that interacts with a real page will take in a variable called “request and this “request is what connects front end pages and back end python codes Before creating a view let s first create a front end page for it to render The default Django directory to store front end pages is a folder called “templates notice that it is not automatically generated After creating a template page let s call it index html here we need to add it into the app s url py not the project s url py In order to do that we need to add a path object to the urlpatterns array in url py The path function looks like this path index name index It takes in variables the first one is the url pattern that will lead to this page the second one is the view function the app is going to call if a user requested this url pattern the third one is the name on this page If a user has sent a request to visit this page it will call the function “index from the “views py we ve just mentioned This “index function will then return a rendered page by return render request index html context Django will then look for a page called “index html in the “templates folder and render it on the browser The variable “context is a dictionary that contains information we want to send to the template page Enabling python scripts in an HTML page is one of the best features Django has Developers can use context key to get variables sent from view functions This makes front end programming much easier After finishing the steps above our first Django app is ready to serve Switch back to the project folder where manage py locates use python manage py runserverto start the web app type and you will see the first page of our app |
2021-12-10 09:16:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Create an Application - Steps to Develop an App Successfully |
How to Create an Application Steps to Develop an App SuccessfullyAre you thinking about how to create an application Then you re withinside the right place This article will undergo the whole mobile app development process from making plans to publishing and the whole thing in between With the growing wide variety of phone users and the increase withinside the running software program field the app marketplace is increasing faster You need to be made ready with a successful mobile app development procedure so your goal marketplace may moreover take delivery of your app You want to comply with a few steps to growing a mobile app according to your commercial enterprise needs Go Around with These Steps to Create your Own app Plan Your AppBefore you get began out with the app development process you want to devise it The greater thorough you re at this stage the less complicated the relaxation of the mobile app development technique will become Recognize the needSubstantiation will show that a demand exists in your app You can validate your concept via way of means the use of the Google Keyword Planner tool to search for the variety of human beings looking for what you re seeking to do You may also develop a touchdown web page that widely highlights your app opinion and is seeking consumer interest via email signup Market ExaminationYes it is hard to research the marketplace where you ll be developing your app idea Doing the proper studies might boom your probability of success Layout the float and functionsValidation of your app concept manner that you ve were given something that human beings need to use Now is the time to detail your product onto a document or if you want to move the more mile use a wireframing tool When placing your idea down on paper do not forget to be as awesome as possible Include the flow of approaches the person will navigate the app further to all the capabilities envisioned This will help your developer indefinitely respect your expectations Manipulate Graphic Designing processAfter the UX it s far the flip of UI User Interface designing now You will expand a responsive layout that consists of applicable images layout graphics movement graphics videos etc It is fine to hire an expert UX development firm that has various experiences in presenting UI UX solutions Developing Your ApplicationYou have alternatives to develop your app Either you may expand an app from scratch or you may develop a clone app An app from scratch starts with the fundamental development app To make UI designs a workflow is devoted to app only On the alternative hand a clone app is equal to a famous present app For instance in case you need to make a taxi app you may pick the Uber clone app Well in case you do now no longer need to spend extra money developing an app from scratch then it is higher to choose a clone solution Moreover you re choosing a clone solution that works excellent as you re building one of the fine app ideas TestingPerforming thorough exceptional assurance QA testing at some stage in the mobile app development method makes applications stable usable and secure To make certain complete QA checking out of your app you first want to put together test cases that deal with all components of app checking out Your app has to go through the subsequent checking out methods to supply a pleasant mobility solution Functionality Testing Usability testing Interface testing Compatibility testing Performance testing Security testing Launching Your AppTo offer you a concept approximately the Apple Store submission processes we re going to spotlight a few simple submission processes Create an iOS profile amp distribution certificateMake Ready your app for submissionArchive amp add your mobile app with the aid of using XcodeConfigure your mobile app s metadata and different info withinside the iTunes Connect recordSubmit your application for reviewCheck at the app status Final WordsThe mobile app development rank is quite massive and mindless But it s far a profitable method as nicely in case you do it withinside the proper manner We have mentioned right here a chronological step with the aid of the using step method to how to create an application that may be implemented to each start up customer and enterprise Hope our guide to how to create an application enables you to recognize all of the factors |
2021-12-10 09:15:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
WEB BASED BILLING SOFTWARE About Project The aim of this project is to make Billing management much easier for Business Enterprises In this project we have developed a “Web based Billing Software which is an application to automate the process of billing and managing a departmental store Objective The main objective of this project is to generate and manage invoices in a matter of few seconds in order to avoid a lot of paperwork and Time consuming process by managing huge data manually This project benefits owners of enterprises as well as customers This software allows to maintain all the products with their shorthand notation by providing summary reports to the owner which gives a convenient solution to the billing pattern with a Secured User Authentication and Validation And also user Giveaway generator whenever offers or discounts are available Click here to learn more about this Required Files Project Report Click HereSRS Document Click HereProject Presentation Click HereUML Diagrams Click HereSource Code Click HereTools Technology neededDescription and usesHTML Appearance of website CSS Adding style and presentation to the web pages JavaScriptAdding interactive user behavior to web pages LucidchartA web based proprietary platform to collaborate on drawing charts and diagrams Bootstrap vFront end framework used for UI PHPServer side programming and interactive with phpMyAdmin MySQLFor the purpose of a web database and logging application phpMyAdminManagement of databases tables indexes permissions GITHUBWeb based platform used for working with our Team Team collaboration Visual Studio CodeA code editor redefined optimized for building debugging web apps XAMPPA local web server on PC ChromeA cross platform web browserWindows An operating system for building appsPC LaptopIntel based processor run computer system which have keyboard and mouse as input devices PROJECT DEMO Click here |
2021-12-10 09:14:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
LeetCode - Height Checker Solution |
LeetCode Height Checker Solution A school is trying to take an annual photo of all the students The students are asked to stand in a single file line in non decreasing order by height Let this ordering be represented by the integer array expected where expected i is the expected height of the ith student in line You are given an integer array heights representing the current order that the students are standing in Each heights i is the height of the ith student in line indexed Return the number of indices where heights i expected i Example Input heights Output Explanation heights expected Indices and do not match Example Input heights Output Explanation heights expected All indices do not match Example Input heights Output Explanation heights expected All indices match Constraints lt heights length lt lt heights i lt SOLUTION Python Code class Solution def heightChecker self heights List int gt int expected sorted heights count for i height expect in enumerate zip heights expected if height expect count return count |
2021-12-10 09:13:47 |
ラズパイ |
Raspberry Pi |
Tim Peake joins us as we get ready to launch special Raspberry Pi computers to space |
Tim Peake joins us as we get ready to launch special Raspberry Pi computers to spaceWe re feeling nostalgic because six years ago two special Raspberry Pi computers named Ed and Izzy were travelling to the International Space Station ISS from Cape Canaveral Florida USA These two Astro Pi units joined British ESA astronaut Tim Peake as part of his six month Principia space mission Tim and Astro Pis Ed and Izzy The post Tim Peake joins us as we get ready to launch special Raspberry Pi computers to space appeared first on Raspberry Pi |
2021-12-10 09:35:13 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
バイオ後続品使用促進、導入加算を外来化学療法にも-中医協、調剤報酬上の評価求める意見も |
中央社会保険医療協議会 |
2021-12-10 18:40:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
医療再編で取得した土地、建物の不動産取得税を軽減-診療報酬の事業税非課税は継続、与党税制改正大綱 |
不動産取得税 |
2021-12-10 18:35:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
空港検疫陽性は日本国籍22検体・外国籍24検体-厚労省がコロナ検査実績を更新 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-12-10 18:30:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ASEANの貿易統計(12月号)~10月は経済活動の再開と国際商品市況の上昇により輸出の伸びが加速 |
輸出を品目別に見ると、輸出全体の約割を占める電話・部品が前年同月比増前月同増と低下、電気製品・同部品が同減前月同増と減少した図表。 |
2021-12-10 18:12:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson's press chief Jack Doyle spoke at No 10 party last year |
december |
2021-12-10 09:29:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Taylor Swift to face trial in Shake It Off copyright case |
casethe |
2021-12-10 09:33:40 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK economy stutters as health sector drives growth |
sales |
2021-12-10 09:16:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK residents vaccinated abroad can now use NHS Covid Pass |
status |
2021-12-10 09:34:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
NFL Highlights: Dalvin Cook stars as Vikings hold off Steelers comeback |
NFL Highlights Dalvin Cook stars as Vikings hold off Steelers comebackDalvin Cook scores two touchdowns and rushes for over yards on his swift return from a dislocated shoulder as the Minnesota Vikings held off a late fight back to beat the Pittsburgh Steelers |
2021-12-10 09:37:45 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
カナモト(9678)、2期連続の「増配」を発表して、 配当利回り3.3%に! 年間配当は2年で15.3%増加、 2022年10月期は前期比5円増の「1株あたり75円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
カナモト、期連続の「増配」を発表して、配当利回りに年間配当は年で増加、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュースカナモトが期連続の「増配」を発表し、配当利回りがにカナモトは年月期の配当予想を「株あたり円」と発表し、前期比「円」の増配で「期連続増配」の見通しとなった。 |
2021-12-10 18:50:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
オーエスの22年1月期は1億円の営業赤字へ、休業・時短長引き - 不景気.com |
通期 |
2021-12-10 09:37:17 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
まだ間に合う「楽天ふるさと納税」でおすすめの『お肉&鍋セット』返礼品13選 |
返礼 |
2021-12-10 19:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
野球伊藤、ソフトボール山本に道民栄誉賞 |
野球日本代表 |
2021-12-10 18:17:50 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京円、113円台後半 |
東京外国為替市場 |
2021-12-10 18:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ヤクルトが新入団選手発表 山下「わくわくしている」 |
明治記念館 |
2021-12-10 18:01:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
21世紀枠、高松一など9校候補 来春選抜、高野連が発表 |
日本高野連 |
2021-12-10 18:01:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
田中希実が5000mで3位 陸上、長距離競技会に出場 |
田中希実 |
2021-12-10 18:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
無戸籍の53人、全員就学 小中学校段階、今年判明分 |
小中学校 |
2021-12-10 18:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
オミクロン、新たに8人感染確認 いずれも海外からの入国者 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-12-10 18:12:51 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旧手宮市場を事務所に再生 小樽なると屋の運営会社 建物購入し子会社集約 |
半身揚げ |
2021-12-10 18:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
佐々木氏「なでしこは弱くない」 協会女子委員長就任で抱負 |
佐々木氏 |
2021-12-10 18:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国外相「決断を歓迎」 ニカラグア国交回復評価 |
国務委員 |
2021-12-10 18:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NHKの子会社、社員を懲戒解雇 2800万円を流用、出張装う |
懲戒解雇 |
2021-12-10 18:05:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
博報堂、Konelと共同でSNSのトレンドワードから音楽プレイリストを自動生成するサービスを開発 |
konel |
2021-12-10 18:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
Instagram、ストーリーズで2021年を振り返る「プレイバック」機能を期間限定で追加 |
instagram |
2021-12-10 18:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
7型EInkディスプレーを搭載したAndroidタブレット「Boox Leaf」 |
android |
2021-12-10 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
サンコー、電気なしで使える「手で回す強力脱水機『ミズキリスピナー』」を発売 |
電気 |
2021-12-10 18:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
仕入れから販促、接客まで 学生が出身地を推す店舗、東京駅前に |
三菱地所 |
2021-12-10 09:49:57 |