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AWS AWS Japan Blog 音声によるゲームの進化 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/how-the-power-of-voice-can-supercharge-gaming/ これによって柔軟に異なるスクリプトを試したり変更をしたりできますが、『TheVortex』のようなゲームでは、登場人物のほとんどがロボットであることを前提に設計されているため、Pollyの音声は自然な形でフィットしています。 2021-12-15 06:38:47
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita create-react-app v5が出たようです https://qiita.com/daishi/items/d0a063b8902fc988adb2 createreactappvが出たようですredditを見ていたら、createreactappのvが出たというスレッドを見つけました。 2021-12-15 15:37:02
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) teratailで投稿した質問を、英語版のStackOverflowで(英語で)質問をしても良いのでしょうか? https://teratail.com/questions/373921?rss=all teratailで投稿した質問を、英語版のStackOverflowで英語で質問をしても良いのでしょうかtertailで質問をした内容を英語版StackOverflow英語版で質問をしても良いでしょうか以下の質問についてご存知の方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご教示を願います。 2021-12-15 15:09:50
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Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita NVIDIAドライバーが入っているUbuntu 20.04でWaylandを使う https://qiita.com/k0kubun/items/c1162098cbd7eba1bed0 gnomesessionwaylandのインストールsudoaptinstallgnomesessionwaylandなくてもいいかもしれないらしいetcgdmcustomconfの確認WaylandEnablefalseがコメントアウトされていることを確認usrlibudevrulesdgdmrulesの設定元は以下のようになっていたdisableWaylandonHichipsetsATTRvendorxeATTRdevicexRUNusrlibgdmgdmdisablewaylanddisableWaylandwhenusingtheproprietarynvidiadriverDRIVERnvidiaRUNusrlibgdmgdmdisablewaylandが、全てコメントアウトしておく。 2021-12-15 15:39:21
技術ブログ Developers.IO Coc.nvimを触ってみようアドベントカレンダー 15日目 – coc-rls https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cocnvim-adventcalendar-day15/ vscoderus 2021-12-15 06:00:58
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to Data Mesh https://dev.to/aws-builders/introduction-to-data-mesh-3f1b Introduction to Data MeshOrganizations of all sizes have recognized that data is one of the key factors for increasing and sustaining innovation and driving value for their customers and business units They are modernizing traditional data platforms with cloud native technologies that are highly scalable feature rich and cost effective As you look to make business decisions driven by data you can be agile and productive by adopting a mindset that delivers data products from specialized teams rather than through a centralized data management platform that provides generalized analytics A centralized model simplifies staffing and training by centralizing data and technical expertise in a single place This reduces technical debt since you are managing a single data platform which reduces operational costs Data platform groups often part of central IT are divided into teams based on the technical functions they support For instance one team might own the ingestion technologies used to collect data from numerous data sources managed by other teams and lines of business LOBs A different team might own the data pipelines the writing and debugging extract transform and load ETL code and orchestrating job runs while validating and fixing data quality issues and ensuring that data processing meets business SLAs However managing data through a central data platform can create scaling ownership and accountability challenges Central teams might not understand the specific needs of a data domain due to data types and storage security data catalog requirements or the specific technologies needed for data processing You can often reduce these challenges by giving ownership and autonomy to the team who owns the data This allows them to focus on building data products rather than being limited to a common central data platform For example make product teams responsible for ensuring that the product inventory is updated regularly with new products and changes to existing ones They re the domain experts of the product inventory datasets and if a discrepancy occurs they re the ones who know how to fix it Therefore they re best able to implement and operate a technical solution to ingest process and produce the product inventory dataset They own everything leading up to the data being consumed they choose the technology stack operate in the mindset of data as a product enforce security and auditing and provide a mechanism to expose the data to the organization in an easy to consume way This reduces overall friction for information flow in the organization where the producer is responsible for the datasets they produce and is accountable to the consumer based on the advertised SLAs This data as a product paradigm is similar to the operating model that Amazon uses for building services Service teams build their services expose APIs with advertised SLAs operate their services and own the end to end customer experience This is distinct from the model where one team builds the software and a different team operates it The end to end ownership model has allowed us to implement faster with higher efficiency and to quickly scale to meet customers use cases We aren t limited by centralized teams and their ability to scale to meet the demands of the business Each service we build relies on other services that provide the building blocks The analogy to this approach in the data world would be the data producers owning the end to end implementation and serving of data products using the technologies they selected based on their unique needs Architecture Options for Building an Analytics Application on AWS is a Series containing different articles that cover the key scenarios that are common in many analytics applications and how they influence the design and architecture of your analytics environment in AWS These series present the assumptions made for each of these scenarios the common drivers for the design and a reference architecture for how these scenarios should be implemented people have been talking about the data driven organization model for years which consists of data producers and consumers This model is similar to those used by some of early adopting consumers and has been described by Zhamak Dehghani of Thoughtworks who coined the term data mesh CharacteristicsData mesh is a pattern for defining how organizations can organize around data domains with a focus on delivering data as a product However it might not be the right pattern for every customer A lake house approach and the data lake architecture provide technical guidance and solutions for building a modern data platform on AWS The lake house approach with a foundational data lake serves as a repeatable blueprint for implementing data domains and products in a scalable way The manner in which you use AWS analytics services in a data mesh pattern might change over time but remains consistent with the technological recommendations and best practices for each service The following are data mesh design goals Data as a product Each organizational domain owns their data end to end They re responsible for building operating serving and resolving any issues arising from the use of their data Data accuracy and accountability lies with the data owner within the domain Federated data governance Data governance helps ensure that data is secure accurate and not misused The technical implementation of data governance such as collecting lineage validating data quality encrypting data at rest and in transit and enforcing appropriate access controls can be managed by each of the data domains However central data discovery reporting and auditing is needed to make it easy for users to find data and for auditors to verify compliance Common access Data must be easily consumable by subject matter experts such as data analysts and data scientists and by purpose built analytics and machine learning ML services such as Amazon Athena Amazon Redshift and Amazon SageMaker This requires data domains to expose a set of interfaces that make data consumable while enforcing appropriate access controls and audit tracking The following are user experience considerations Data teams own their information lifecycle from the application that creates the original data to the analytics systems that extract and create business reports and predictions Through this lifecycle they own the data model and determine which datasets are suitable for publication to consumers Data domain producers expose datasets to the rest of the organization by registering them with a central catalog They can choose what to share for how long and how consumers can interact with them They re also responsible for maintaining the data and making sure it s accurate and current Data domain consumers and individual users should be given access to data through a supported interface such as a data API that helps ensure consistent performance tracking and access controls All data assets are easily discoverable from a single central data catalog The data catalog contains the datasets registered by data domain producers including supporting metadata such as lineage data quality metrics ownership information and business context All actions taken with data usage patterns data transformations and data classifications should be accessible through a single central place Data owners administrators and auditors should be able to inspect an organization s data compliance posture in a single place Let s start with a high level reference design that builds on top of the data mesh pattern It further separates consumers producers and central governance to highlight the key aspects discussed previously However note that a data domain in a data mesh pattern might represent a data consumer a data producer or both The AWS Lake House architecture relies on an AWS Glue and AWS Lake Formation Data Catalog for users to access the objects as tables The users are entitled to these tables using Lake Formation which is one per AWS account Each Lake Formation account has its own Data Catalog but storing the metadata on the data objects on multiple accounts across various catalogs makes it hard for the consumers to select the table A consumer has to log into individual accounts to see the objects assuming that the consumer knows exactly where to look A central catalog also makes it easy to feed into a central business catalog and allows easier auditing of grants or revokes it just makes it easier it does not provide a single store of audits Therefore a central Data Catalog is recommended The metadata being on the central catalog does not make the tables in individual lakes accessible to all the consumers automatically The actual entitlement on tables is individually granted and revoked by the application owner This allowss the data mesh objective of the data strategy where the data is stored in multiple individually managed lakes as opposed to a single central lake while being accessible provided properly entitled to all the consumers The role of the Data Catalog is of paramount importance here as the consumers can locate the proper storage of the data they are interested in TermDefinitionData meshData is stored in multiple data stores not in one single store Consumers can access them as needed assuming they are properly entitled AWS Lake FormationA service that makes the data available as tables Allows the owner of that table to give permissions to consumers AWS Glue Data Catalog Data Catalog A data store containing metadata about the data for example table name the columns in them and user defined tags It does not contain actual data This allows a consumer to know what to select Amazon AthenaA managed service that allows a user to enter a SQL query to select data It in turn fetches the data and presents it in a tabular format Athena needs a Data Catalog to let the consumer know the columns to select Resource linkA link that extends from one catalog to another and allows the consumers in the remote catalog to view and query the tables in the remote database as if the tables were in their local database There are two types of resource links for a specific table and for an entire database Reference architectureHere is a pattern for a single producer account a single consumer account and a central Lake Formation account Each account has an AWS Glue Data Catalog The central account s Data Catalog is considered the main catalog Resource links are established to the producer and consumer accounts This way when the central account changes something both accounts get the schema updates The consumers selecting data will always see the most recent metadata The producer account always has the authority to grant or revoke the permissions on the tables in its Data Catalog The central Lake Formation account is merely a holder of metadata which sends it to all the consumer accounts which has a subscription via a resource link Under no circumstances the central Lake Formation account can grant on its own With the concept in place let s look at three design patterns for deploying a data mesh architecture Data mesh reference architectureWorkflow from producer to consumer Data source locations hosted by the producer are created within the producer s AWS Glue Data Catalog and registered with Lake Formation When a dataset is presented as a product producers create Lake Formation Data Catalog entities database table columns attributes within the central governance account This makes it easy to find and discover catalogs across consumers However this doesn t grant any permission rights to catalogs or data to all accounts or consumers and all grants are be authorized by the producer The central Lake Formation Data Catalog shares the Data Catalog resources back to the producer account with required permissions via Lake Formation resource links to metadata databases and tables Lake Formation permissions are granted in the central account to producer role personas such as the data engineer role to manage schema changes and perform data transformations alter delete update on the central Data Catalog Producers accept the resource share from the central governance account so they can make changes to the schema at a later time Data changes made within the producer account are automatically propagated into the central governance copy of the catalog Based on a consumer access request and the need to make data visible in the consumer s AWS Glue Data Catalog the central account owner grants Lake Formation permissions to a consumer account based on direct entity sharing or based on tag based access controls which can be used to administer access via controls like data classification cost center or environment Lake Formation in the consumer account can define access permissions on these datasets for local users to consume Users in the consumer account like data analysts and data scientists can query data using their chosen tool such as Athena and Amazon Redshift In some cases multiple catalogs are necessary and there is no other alternative For example if data is sent to both Regions there will be two Data Catalogs that need to be maintained Option Central data governance modelHere is a more practical model with multiple producers and consumers accounts There is still a single central data governance account which has resource links to all the other accounts Note that we didn t deliberately name them with specific lines of business LOBs since this model applies to any LOB and any number of lakes Roles of various accountsHere are the roles of the various types of accounts AccountDescriptionProducer account Allows data producers to write data into their respective S buckets Does not allow interactive access to S buckets or objects in them Allows only production ETL jobs to perform transformation movement etc Consumer account Allows data consumption through Athena Redshift Spectrum and web apps Only cataloged items can be queried not all objects in the bucket Isolates the data changes done by producer account from data access consumer accounts Central account This is a central catalog of all metadata If additional consumer accounts are created the metadata is replicated from this central account Since all metadata is in one place it allows easier auditing of actions like grants and revokes on tables The actual auditing is still decentralized but a central account makes the reporting easier Consumer accounts need to access the metadata using resource links to this central catalog only Does not contain any actual data Only logs are stored here NotesThese are just roles and they are not mutually exclusive It s possible to have one AWS account with both roles of producer and consumer A batch serving account is such an example These accounts are Region specific and are all in the same Region They are not across Regions These accounts interact as shown in the following diagrams Central data governance modelThe producers can onboard their dataset table names but the tables are completely independent and federated in central data governance account AdvantagesAll datasets are available in one place for querying Entitlements become easier A single database to database resource link is enough assuming database to database resource links are allowed Single source of data truth one way sharing of catalog across various organizations The LOBs still have the choice to define metadata schema evolution and manage permissions The central Lake Formation account does not enforce anything on them Allows centralized auditing Allows local sandbox accounts for consumers which is useful in cases such as model training and serving DisadvantagesMore complex for consumer analysts than using one data warehouse Required skills are more aligned to security and governance than analytics Technology solution may not solve issues created by misaligned LOBs incentives Option Federated Line of Business LOB central governance modelIn this model each LOB maintains an independent central Lake Formation account which eases the use of centralized auditing in that LOB Consumer accounts can see the data from producer accounts in the same LOB only For accessing the data across LOBs they need to establish the resource links to the appropriate catalog Federated LOB central governance modelAdvantagesEach LOB still maintains their own Lake Formation central account and access control The blast radius in case of non availability of a single Lake Formation account is reduced DisadvantagesCentralized metadata is impossible since there is no central account Audits from each central account need to be pulled and consolidated Resource links need to be created across multiple catalogs This makes it difficult to maintain the links especially as the number of lakes grows Option Completely federated data governance modelIn this model there is no central Lake Formation Each producer account maintains their own Data Catalog and each consumer accesses the Data Catalog via a resource link Completely federated data governance modelAdvantagesThere is complete separation among the Lake Formation accounts Local queries go to the local Lake Formation Data Catalog They don t need the trip to the central Lake Formation Any operator error that deletes a single Lake Formation account will not affect anything else even inside the same LOB DisadvantagesEntitlements will need to be distributed Multiple resource links need to be created and maintained which quickly becomes a burden in the data organization scale When data from a central business catalog is replicated over to the other Lake Formation catalogs all those Lake Formation catalogs need to be updated individually Hope this guide gives you an Introduction to Data Mesh explains the Characteristics and Reference Architecture for Data Mesh Let me know your thoughts in the comment section And if you haven t yet make sure to follow me on below handles connect with me on LinkedInconnect with me on Twitter‍follow me on github️Do Checkout my blogs Like share and follow me for more content Reference Guide 2021-12-15 06:52:31
海外TECH DEV Community what algorithm do you use to store your passwords? https://dev.to/manuthecoder/what-algorithm-do-you-use-to-store-your-passwords-5ci9 what algorithm do you use to store your passwords Yes technically you should be using Argon or Bcrypt or PBKDF Argon is actually really secure ​Argon is modern ASIC resistant and GPU resistant secure key derivation function It has better password cracking resistance when configured correctly than PBKDF Bcrypt and Scrypt for similar configuration parameters for CPU and RAM usage If anyone here uses md sha sha or any weird hashing algorithms I ll be upset This was me when i started PHP password md md md md GET password The correct way password password hash POST password PASSWORD ARGONI 2021-12-15 06:48:38
海外TECH DEV Community Make Cloud Storage Objects Publicly Accessible https://dev.to/dhruv_rajkotia/make-cloud-storage-objects-publicly-accessible-186o Make Cloud Storage Objects Publicly AccessibleRecently I m working on the website development and I wanted to store some of my images in the cloud so that I can easily access those images using the public link So I thoughtto go with the google cloud services for the same But by default the public access of the GCP storage objects is disabled in the Cloud Storage services To access using the public URL we need to perform some steps So today we are going to discuss about the same like how we can enabled the public access URL for cloud storage objects Step Create GCP storage bucketFirst of all go to Search Cloud storage and select the service from suggestionsClick on the Create Bucket option Provide name of your bucket Click Continue and select the region and location based on your requirement For me It s Multi region amp AsiaThen Click continue and select the default storage class for your data I ll choose standard as I need the frequent access to my data For the next step we need to choose how to control access to objects option which is basically an access mechanism for the bucket s object We have options Uniform Means that access mechanism will be at the bucket level so all the objects of the bucket will have a same access mechanismFine grained Here we can manage access at the object level so if we have a requirements like some object can be accessible and some of them are not then we can select this one I ll choose the first option as I want the access management at the bucket level so I can easily manage of my all the objects access management Last step for the bucket creation is Choose how to protect object data Let s keep it as a none for now as we don t have any specific requirement regarding the protect object data Click on the create button So now your bucket will be created Step Upload the objects data that you want to access publiclyNow the next steps is to upload the objects data So that we can make it public and use it further in our applications website based on our requirements Step Check the object configurationsNow let s first check the object configuration and check how we can identify that the object is publicly available or not When you click on the object configuration then you may find the below screen Here if you check Public URL option which has Not applicable as a value So it means that this object can only be access by those users who has the access to the cloud bucket which you can check on IAM So this object will not be publicly accessible So Now let s move to the final step for how we can make that object publicly accessible Step Make Object publicly accessibleNow let s go to the cloud bucket main page Click on the browser in the left panel of the GCP console and select the bucket that you have created You probably on the below screen May be our bucket name and regions will be different Now let s go to the Permission tab Click on the Add permission button Provide New principals as a allUsers and Role as a Storage Legacy Object Reader Click on the Save button which leads to open the new popup for confirmation Select the Allow Public Access Congratulations now you have enabled the public access to your buckets which means that all the objects in that bucket can be publicly accessible Step Test the accessibility of the ObjectNow let s go to the object configuration and check the public URL field Now we have a link associate with the public URL field which is our publicly accessible link Using that link we can able to access the object publicly That s it Congratulations now you know that how to make cloud storage objects publicly accessible Hope you liked it Please Follow me on twitter for more updates regarding my blogs Have a great day 2021-12-15 06:17:33
海外TECH DEV Community Ghosts of Christmas - a few oddities in PHP 👻 https://dev.to/andersbjorkland/ghosts-of-christmas-a-few-oddities-in-php-1np7 Ghosts of Christmas a few oddities in PHP Just the GistWhile the ghost of the past had security issues or lack of support for common programming paradigms the ghost of the present have seen to that there are quirks and oddities in PHP As luck would have it we have mostly addressed the ghost of the past But today we are visited upon by the ghost of the present but not all it brings us is of evil Neat but InconsistentDid you know that we have some neat array functions Fan favorites such as array map and array filter let s us transform values and filter them with some handy callback functions Both of these functions takes two parameters an array and a callback function to be used on each value in the array But here s an odd thing array map has a callback as its first parameter and array filter has a callback as its second parameter Pass by BothIn programming languages a function is called by passing it as an argument When this argument is a variable it can either be copied and treated as a new variable within that function This is called pass by value In some languages it will still look like you have passed the function your very own variable as it may be mutated by the function This is what can happen in JavaScript That s because the variable being passed is a reference or an address to an object including arrays This is still a pass by value system Java and Python are other examples of languages that uses pass by value And guess what PHP is a language that uses this system too by default That is PHP can optionally become a pass by reference system So what is that Let this example illustrate it lt php function add amp num num a add a echo December a th Outputs December th So what s going on here is that we are passing our variable a by reference This means that the variable a is actually pointing to the same address as the one being used in the function add So when we call add the value of a is being changed This is what we call pass by reference Similar system is used in C too Function call by stringWe can call functions by using the string name of the function That means that we can programmatically call functions with the help of call user func Here s an example lt php function christmasGreeting name echo Happy Christmas name season christmas functionType Greeting call user func season functionType McClane Output Happy Christmas McClane We have constructed a string that is the concatenation of the string season and the string functionType which gets us christmasGreeting Now we can call the function christmasGreeting by passing it as an argument to call user func Any following arguments passed to call user func will be passed on to the function Talking about functionsIf you are used to functional programming or JavaScript in general then this next tidbit may not seem so surprising to you In PHP functions are first class objects This means that functions can be passed around as arguments to other functions and functions can be returned from other functions This is a very powerful feature of PHP Here s a taste lt php greeting function name return Hello name function birthdayGreetings name callable greeting echo greeting name Happy birthday n birthdayGreetings DROP TABLE greeting Output Hello DROP TABLE Happy birthday What about you These were all the oddities for now Many are pretty neat features of PHP that we don t use much others has been left for the sake of backward compatibility Did you find any quirk especially interesting Did I miss your favorite oddity Also is Die Hard a Christmas movie Comment below and let us know what you think 2021-12-15 06:10:27
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金融 JPX マーケットニュース [OSE]特別清算数値(2021年12月限):日経平均VI https://www.jpx.co.jp/markets/derivatives/special-quotation/index.html viose 2021-12-15 15:15:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 2021年JC・JK流行語大賞を総括する-「第4次韓流ブーム」と「推し活」という2つのキーワード https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=69662?site=nli モノ部門位の『イカゲーム』は読者の中にもハマっている人がいるのではないだろうか。 2021-12-15 15:54:29
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES 損保ジャパンら、ICTセンシング技術を活用した、災害発生の予兆検知などに関する共同研究を開始 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2021/12/15/160000 2021-12-15 16:00:00
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LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 疲労をため続けると「老化」が進む。回復させる方法は「睡眠」のみ https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/12/247670tsukare_kajimoto_1.html 梶本修身 2021-12-15 16:00:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ あらゆるデータの瞬時アクセスを実現する Google のベクトル検索技術 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/developers-practitioners/find-anything-blazingly-fast-googles-vector-search-technology/ このように作られたベクトル同士の距離や類似性を比較することで、似たコンテンツを見つけることができます。 2021-12-15 08:00:00
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GCP Cloud Blog JA あらゆるデータの瞬時アクセスを実現する Google のベクトル検索技術 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/developers-practitioners/find-anything-blazingly-fast-googles-vector-search-technology/ このように作られたベクトル同士の距離や類似性を比較することで、似たコンテンツを見つけることができます。 2021-12-15 08:00:00



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