IT |
気になる、記になる… |
メッシュデザインが特徴のスマホケース「AndMesh」にiPhone 13対応モデルが登場 − 10%オフキャンペーンも実施へ |
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2021-12-15 08:08:44 |
Engadget Japanese |
見た目はまるでスカウター OPPO Air Glassはどんなもの?ARグラスとの違いを解説(西田宗千佳) |
oppoairglass |
2021-12-15 08:30:05 |
Engadget Japanese |
ふだんは電子書籍派だけど、子どもへのプレゼントは紙の絵本。そんなアナタにクリスマス絵本を集めてみました |
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2021-12-15 08:10:57 |
Engadget Japanese |
モバイル版Googleカレンダー、アカウントの確認・切り替えが簡単に |
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2021-12-15 08:00:41 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] IIJmio、SMS機能付きデータSIMの申し込みに「本人確認」を導入 2022年2月1日から |
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2021-12-15 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile]メルアドを持ち運べる 「auメール持ち運び」が12月20日にスタート 月額330円 |
ezwebnejpaucom |
2021-12-15 17:20:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
DIC、製造プロセスをデジタルツインで自動化、2024年に実用化し複数拠点に展開 | IT Leaders |
DIC、製造プロセスをデジタルツインで自動化、年に実用化し複数拠点に展開ITLeaders化学メーカーのDICは年月日、製造プロセス全体を自動化するデジタルツイン技術を構築するため、日立製作所との協創を開始したと発表した。 |
2021-12-15 17:38:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【開催報告】AWS Supportの事例Webinarを実施しました |
SREチームとAWSとの密な関係は構築できたため、今後は各エンジニアがサポートケースを活用することでAWSに直接相談ができるようにすることで、よりスケーラブルな体制に移行していく予定だ、とお話いただきました。 |
2021-12-15 08:00:42 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[py2rb] wraps |
pyrbwrapsはじめに移植やってます。 |
2021-12-15 17:45:35 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
QGIS独自のCursorの使用方法 |
QGIS独自のCursorの使用方法はじめにQgsMapToolのCursorを情報参照表示などで使われているカーソルに変更したかったための備忘録カーソル定義カーソルはQgsApplicationクラスのCursorで個定義されています。 |
2021-12-15 17:07:03 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【 Vue.js】Vue.jsでGoogleBookAPIを取得する。 |
【Vuejs】VuejsでGoogleBookAPIを取得する。 |
2021-12-15 17:31:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vueプロジェクトマネージャー表示直後に「UI サーバから切断されました」と表示される |
Vueプロジェクトマネージャー表示直後に「UIサーバから切断されました」と表示されるコマンドプロンプトで「vuenbspui」というコマンドを入力してVueプロジェクトマネージャーを起動させると画面に「UInbspサーバから切断されました」と表示され、画面の状態が変わりません。 |
2021-12-15 17:56:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
チーム開発の際の初期設定について(seed.rb) |
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2021-12-15 17:53:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cloudrunで別Projectのimageを取得したい |
cloudrunで別Projectのimageを取得したい現在、Cloudrunで別プロジェクトDEVプロジェクトのイメージから取得して本番プロジェクトPRODプロジェクトにdeployしようとしています。 |
2021-12-15 17:49:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity ナビゲーションについて |
UnityナビゲーションについてUnityであるコースの障害物を自動で避けながら移動するということをやりたいです。 |
2021-12-15 17:47:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
column-count で二列を揃える方法 |
columncountで二列を揃える方法columncountで二列にすると崩れてしまうリストで説明したいものがあるのですが、columncountを使用して列にしたところ添付の写真のように、二列目が上に上がってしまい、ズレてしまいます。 |
2021-12-15 17:20:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【C言語】なぜ正常に動作しないかわかりません。構造体,配列,ポインタ |
ただし、データは構造体で記憶することとする。 |
2021-12-15 17:04:51 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[py2rb] wraps |
pyrbwrapsはじめに移植やってます。 |
2021-12-15 17:45:35 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
古いlogを削除する方法 |
sudotouchetclogrotatedrails作成したファイルにlogrotateの設定を記述します。 |
2021-12-15 17:02:04 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AuroraPostgreSQL 拡張モニタリングによるプロセス監視について |
また、ダッシュボード上でのInsightsのデータ読み込み期間だが、ダッシュボード上で指定した期間と同じ期間指定となる。 |
2021-12-15 17:59:08 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
古いlogを削除する方法 |
sudotouchetclogrotatedrails作成したファイルにlogrotateの設定を記述します。 |
2021-12-15 17:02:04 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
Growthのオペレーションツールの歩み 〜ダッシュボード編〜 |
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2021-12-15 09:00:44 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
Growthのオペレーションツールの歩み 〜クーポン編〜 |
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2021-12-15 09:00:41 |
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Developers.IO |
arm64 アーキテクチャの Lambda 関数で「Runtime.InvalidEntrypoint」が発生します。なぜでしょうか? |
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2021-12-15 08:37:01 |
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Developers.IO |
Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQLでKenticoをセットアップしてみた話とBabelfish Compassの紹介 |
aurora |
2021-12-15 08:24:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why Every Developer should Learn Docker in 2022 |
Why Every Developer should Learn Docker in Disclosure This post includes affiliate links I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article Hello Devs if you are wondering whether you should learn Docker in or not then you have come to the right place I have been asking my readers to learn Docker since last year and also shared free Docker courses and best Docker books to encourage them to learn Docker Why have I been doing this Because Docker is not just another tool it s a game changer and I firmly believe that every Programmer be it a Java developer a C developer or a Web Developer coding in JavaScript all should learn Docker The first and foremost reason is that Docker simplifies both the development and Deployment of Software projects for example you can deploy a Java Microservice in the same way as a node application once you wrap them in a container Just like Maven made it easy to maintain project dependencies Docker takes it to another level by building applications and shipping them into containers When you ship applications into the container you don t need to deploy your application OS database runtimes separately instead you use them together as a container This makes deployment and scaling easier If you want to scale further you can deploy more containers very quickly instead of setting up a whole new environment Similarly if you want to scale down you can destroy containers quickly and the best thing is you don t need to do that yourself there are tools like Kubernetes which can manage and scale your Docker containers automatically Docker is also a big help for programmers especially when you are starting on a new application It is often troublesome to set up your application in IDE and run it from your Windows or Linux machine where you are doing development because of dependencies like on OS or a particular library which is only available in specific versions of OS With Docker you don t need that you can just ship your application as a Docker image and your team member can start and debug the application by running Docker images as a container This makes the Developer s life easy Docker also helps with DevOps because it simplifies deployment and scaling and that s why Every DevOps engineer should learn Docker in These simplification of development deployment scalability and DevOps are significant reasons to learn Docker in now that you know the crux of it let s go into a little bit more detail to understand why Docker is such an essential tool for programmers and DevOps professionals With every organization going towards the Cloud the container model is going to be even more critical in the coming years and Docker and Kubernetes will play a significant role in deploying and running software from Cloud That s why it s very very important for both programmers and DevOps engineers to learn Docker and Kubernetes to do well on their current job and add an in demand technical skill into their colorful resume And if you are serious about learning Docker in then I highly recommend you to check out Maximilian Schwarzmuller s Docker amp Kubernetes The Practical Guide course on Udemy This course is now available for just only on Udemy sale which is like free considering its value What is a Docker image Docker image is like a snapshot of your application It is an executable file like a big tarball that contains everything your application needs to run including operating systems third party libraries configuration and any other dependencies you need to execute your application You create a docker image by running the docker build command which takes your Dockerfile and creates a Docker image docker build t myapp v This command is building a Docker image from the docker file myapp which is present in the current directory It has multiple layers stacked on top of each other and is represented as a single object A docker image is created using a docker file we will get to that in a bit You can also see all the images using the docker image command You can further see Docker Mastery with Kubernetes Swarm from a Docker Captain course to learn more about essential Docker concepts and commands What is a Docker container Docker Container is a running instance of your docker image When you run your docker image using the docker run command then these containers are created Y ou can run as many containers as you want using the same docker image You can even run them on the same host as they are completely separated from each other This is truly great and allows you to run any command from the web as the effect will be isolated to only that Docker container Many online interactive courses platform like Educative use Docker containers to allow users to run code from the browser So you can see that it s straightforward to use Docker All you need is to make a start download Docker create a Docker image by reusing an existing one from the Docker hub and start running your application inside Docker container docker run p d myapp vThis command will start the docker container which will listen on port It will also be running in the background because we started the container in detached mode d option Now when you run the docker ps command you can see this container running on the host What is difference between Virtual Machine and Docker Many developers often confuse between a VM and a Docker container Let me tell you that both of them are different things They may look similar but the most crucial difference between a Virtual Machine and Docker is that the underlying physical host and its resources are shared in containers but not in a Virtual Machine Since a picture is worth a thousand words here is a diagram that clearly shows the difference between a Virtual machine and a Docker or any other container How do you use Docker Now the question comes how can programmers use Docker Well to use Docker you need to install it Once you install Docker you can execute docker commands to create a Docker file that contains the instructor to create a Docker image Once you have a Docker image you can run them using the docker run command and it will create Docker containers running your application I use Docker to run our apps which can only be run on Linux servers earlier I used Virtual Box but with Docker I don t really need it You can further see Docker for Developers course on Educative to learn more about how developers can use Docker to make their life simple Why do Developers and DevOps use Docker A couple of years back when the business needed other applications the DevOps or infra team would raise a request to purchase new servers and buy a server without knowing the performance requirements of the new application This often results in a wastage of money and resources which could be used for other apps They try to solve this problem by sharing a single host with multiple applications by running them on different participation but that also put some management and operational overhead Then comes a wave of Virtualization and Virtual machines or VM which allowed DevOps engineers to run multiple applications on the same physical resource but as a completely different server like you have separate runtime space and name but there was a potential drawback Every Virtual machine required an entire OS to run Every OS needs its own CPU RAM etc to run it needs patching and licensing which in turn increases cost and resiliency Then comes the container model or Docker model which was aimed to address the shortcomings of the Virtual Machine and mitigate the wastage of resources by sharing OS CPU and RAM and so far its most successful model It helps you scale your application on demand as Docker makes the deployment easy and Kubernetes makes the deployment of Docker container at scale easier see A Practical Guide to Kubernetes course on Cloud Platforms like AWS Azure and Google Cloud Platform How does Docker helps Developers The most significant benefit of Docker from a programmer s or developer s perspective is that it makes sure that the execution environment is the same for all developers and all servers I mean including UAT QA Production The good thing is that any member of the team can set up the project quickly with no need to mess with config install libraries set up dependencies etc In simple language Docker is a platform that enables us to develop deploy and run applications with containers You can further check Getting Started with Docker By Nigel Poulton on Pluralsight to learn more about what benefits Docker offers to web developers This diagram highlights some of the major benefits Docker offers to programmers and developers By the way you will need a Pluralsight membership to join this course which costs around per month or per year discount now I highly recommend this subscription to all programmers as it provides instant access to more than online courses to learn any tech skill Alternatively you can also use their day free trial to watch this course for FREE That s all about why a developer should learn Docker in As I said Docker really simplifies how you develop and deploy your code and run your application Shipping your application into a container makes deployment and scaling smooth and drives automation It makes DevOps easy and makes your production environment robust With a more significant push to Cloud every year the container model is going to be the default model for software development and Docker and Kubernetes will play an essential role in the near future That s why every Developer and DevOps engineer should learn Docker to do well in their current job and also add an in demand skill on their resume to get a better job Other DevOps Articles and Courses you may like Docker and Kubernetes Courses for Programmers The DevOps Developer RoadMap My favorite courses to learn DevOps for experienced Free Courses to learn AWS and Cloud for Programmers Free Courses to learn Selenium for DevOps Free Docker Courses for Java and DevOps Professionals Top Courses to Learn Jenkins for Automation and DevOps Free Online Courses to learn Kubernetes My favorite courses to learn Amazon Web Service Best DevOps Courses for Senior Developers Top Books to learn DevOps for Beginners online Courses to learn Docker Kubernetes and AWS Thanks for reading this article so far If you also think that every developer or Programmer should learn Docker in then please share it with your friends and colleagues Together we ll help each other to become better programmers and developers P S If you are want to learn Docker and Kubernetes in depth and looking for the best online courses then you can also check out Stephen Grider s Docker and Kubernetes The Complete Guide course on Udemy It s a great course to learn both of these tools in |
2021-12-15 08:39:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
ES6 - A beginners guide - Promises and Fetch |
ES A beginners guide Promises and Fetch Promises and FetchThis time I am going to cover ES s introduction of Promise and Fetch as native JavaScript functionality in the browser A lot of dev s will use rd party libraries such as Axios SuperAgent or jQuery although it might not always be necessary to do so and it may just add bloat to your projects We ll start by looking at ES Promises before heading on over to details about Fetch Promises What is a Promise Much like in the real world a promise is the result of saying we will do something and give something back Let s say we wanted to run this piece of code const url const data makeRequest url console log data In the above our console log will result in showing undefined because we will simply be executing line immediately after line regardless of how quick that makeRequest function runs it will never be quicker than the execution of the following line JavaScript Promises give us a method of using different states whilst waiting for something to complete such as an AJAX request The three states were can use are unresolved This is out waiting phase if we were to check in on the value of a Promise periodically using a setTimeout or similar we would see this until the promise either completed or failedresolved This is our finished state we have finished getting the data the promise is fulfilled and something is ready to be returned rejected This is our error state something went wrong this would be used to trigger some form of error handling Off the back of these states we have two possible callbacks that we can use then This can be used after a resolved state is triggered it tells our code what to do nextcatch Much like with a try catch loop this is where we perform our error handling How about an example The following examples can easily be plugged straight into the Dev Tools of your browser and run from the Console screen Let s get started promise new Promise Uh oh we got an error but why well if you run the above code you should see an error similar to Uncaught TypeError Promise resolver undefined is not a function This error response is telling us that the browser knows what a Promise is but we haven t told it what to do in order to resolve the promise It s actually really simple to fix Let s fix it now promise new Promise gt Now we have created a promise if you run the above code you ll see that it gives a response similar to this Promise lt pending gt Prototype Promise PromiseState pending PromiseResult undefined So now we have created a promise it doesn t do much right now though When we define a promise we need to handle how when its resolved and rejected luckily the Promise had two built in arguments that we can use these are resolve and reject Let s have a look at that promiseResolve new Promise resolve reject gt resolve In the code above you ll see we create a new Promise we include our two arguments in our inner function We then call resolve inside our function in order to complete the execution If you run the code above the browser will output something like Promise lt fulfilled gt undefined Likewise we can do the same with reject promiseReject new Promise resolve reject gt reject Wait we got a warning we have the following returned Promise lt rejected gt undefined this is expected however we also got Uncaught in promise undefined because we didn t handle the rejection properly Let s look at our callbacks they ll help us handle both state calls above Using callbacksES Promises give us two built in callback methods as mentioned above they are then and catch We can use then when we resolve a promise to instruct our code on the next action and the parameter in the function will automatically take the value that was returned in our promise Let s look at an example promiseResolve new Promise resolve reject gt resolve Promise resolved promiseResolve then resolvedValue gt console log resolvedValue then gt console log Still resolved Notice how in our first then we have a parameter for our function we then use that parameter in the return of the arrow function however rather than giving us an error about the variable being undefined the above code will actually give use the following output Promise resolvedStill resolvedPromise lt fulfilled gt undefined So as we can see resolvedValue actually gives us the value we passed back in the resolve We re going to revisit this later in the article when we look at using fetch to pull remote data Now on to error handling let s jump straight into an example promiseReject new Promise resolve reject gt reject Promise rejected promiseReject then gt console log Promise resolved then gt console log Still resolved catch err gt console log err As with the above we can now see that our catch is including a parameter and our console log message contains Promise rejected but we do not output Promise resolved or Still resolved and this is because we fired the reject line in out promise Using asyncronous callbacksWe can use asyncronous callback in our ES Promises this can help to simulate what would happen when making an AJAX call or similar to pull data In the example below we will wait for seconds before resolving our promise promiseAsync new Promise resolve reject gt console log Starting Promise setTimeout gt resolve Promise resolved promiseAsync then response gt console log response catch gt console log Promise rejected We can use a library like jQuery to make a request and using a promise we can then take an action when it completes take a look below we will add a log to say we have started then we ll fetch a JSON sample of blog posts in a promise and then log that responsepromiseAsync new Promise resolve reject gt console log Starting promise ajax url type GET success function data resolve data error function error reject error promiseAsync then response gt console log response catch error gt console log Promise rejected error Running the code above gives us Starting promise and then Array in the dev tools I ran this on JSFiddle so that I could ensure jQuery was included So what about Fetch Fetch is a new feature included with ES it provides us to combine a network request with a promise in a super simple form It does have its limitations though and i ll go into them in a bit but first you know what s coming an example const url fetch url The code above will simply give us a pending Promise in the browser that s no use to us in this state With a Promise as above we would have to supply a function to handle the resolve reject conditions fetch does this for us though All we need to do is supply callbacksconst url fetch url then data gt console log data Well we re getting there we now get the following output when we use this in the Console window Promise lt pending gt Response type cors url redirected false status ok true … This doesn t give us the actual response data just some metadata If we want to extract the actual information from jsonplaceholder we are going to pass this through a different function first let s take a look const url fetch url then response gt response json then data gt console log data Above we are first using json in order to take the response stream and render the response body text as JSON MDN Documentation we then call then again this time taking in the return value from response json and then passing that to console log This gives us the following output Promise lt pending gt … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … But Stefan you mentioned some downfalls of Fetch That s right I did I mentioned that we can use then and catch with Fetch however the catch handler isn t always triggered when you expect it For example if you go to a page endpoint that does not exist and gives you an HTTP response you won t actually hit the catch codeconst badUrl fetch badUrl then response gt console log SUCCESS response catch error gt console log ERROR error The code above will give ue the following output Promise lt pending gt GET Not Found SUCCESS Response type cors url redirected false status ok false … We can see we got a response but the output is from our then callback Fetch is designed in such a way that you would only hit the catch callback is there was a network level error such as a failed DNS lookup The following example would actually go to the catch callback const badUrlHost fetch badUrlHost then response gt console log SUCCESS response catch error gt console log ERROR error This time our console gives us Promise lt pending gt GET net ERR TUNNEL CONNECTION FAILEDERROR TypeError Failed to fetch at lt anonymous gt This is ok but we still want to handle HTTPXX or HTTPXX errors gracefully There is a way around thisThere are generally a couple of suggested workarounds for working with these kinds of requests If you NEED to use the Fetch API then the following kind of code construction would be better for you const badUrl fetch badUrl then response gt if response ok throw new Error I m an error else return response json then data gt console log Response Data data catch error gt console log ERROR error In the code above we are now throwing an exception because the response metadatas property for ok was false Promise lt pending gt GET Not Found ERROR Error I m an errorFrom the metadata we could use either ok or status if we wanted to handle errors differently for HTTPxx errors as opposed to HTTPXX errors for example or we could use both for generic error handling such as below const badUrl fetch badUrl then response gt if response ok throw new Error response status response statusText else return response json then data gt console log Response Data data catch error gt console log ERROR error Now we see the following error output Promise lt pending gt GET Not Found ERROR Error Not FoundI mentioned that there were a couple of suggestions for workarounds alternatives to the above would be using rd Party Libraries Tools such as jQuery Axios This is my personal favourite and I use it in my own projectsSuperAgent You could also just use XMLHttpRequest which has long been baked into browsers as default functionality information on that can be found on MDN here |
2021-12-15 08:00:48 |
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北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
文書改ざん、国賠償請求受け入れ 元職員妻「負けた気持ち」 |
受け入れ |
2021-12-15 17:06:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
プロのメイクテクニックを自分の顔で体験できる、資生堂「ワタシプラスVIRTUAL HOW TO」開始 |
virtualhowto |
2021-12-15 17:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
140万件以上の企業データを活用したDM送付を実現 Baseconnectとラクスルが協業 |
baseconnect |
2021-12-15 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
タクティカルメダルバトルRPG「Gemini Seed」、期間限定コラボイベント「怪盗と異能者、神武斗町に出現す」開催! |
dmmgames |
2021-12-15 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Twitterに字幕機能が実装 AndroidとiOSのアプリから投稿された動画に表示 |
android |
2021-12-15 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
きっと来た!『Dead by Daylight』に和製ホラーの傑作「リング」とのコラボチャプターが2022年3月に登場 |
deadbydaylight |
2021-12-15 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 Lost in Memories』にて本日より「Memory Snow IFルート:ヴィルヘルム」を公開! |
lostinmemories |
2021-12-15 17:05:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
jeki社員が「出向起業」 オフィス空間活用で出社動機づけ |
動機づけ |
2021-12-15 08:12:38 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
グーグル、ワクチン接種規則違反の社員を最終的に解雇へ=報道 |
規則違反 |
2021-12-15 08:00:48 |