AWS Big Data Blog |
Ibotta builds a self-service data lake with AWS Glue |
Ibotta builds a self service data lake with AWS GlueThis is a guest post co written by Erik Franco at Ibotta Ibotta is a free cash back rewards and payments app that gives consumers real cash for everyday purchases when they shop and pay through the app Ibotta provides thousands of ways for consumers to earn cash on their purchases by partnering with more than … |
2021-12-16 17:35:48 |
AWS The Internet of Things Blog |
Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution (part 2) |
Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution part In this two part blog post we propose an AWS IoT AI ML solution to help our industrial customers for efficiently monitoring industrial assets in a scalable manner Part of the blog shows How to create an asset simulator with AWS IoT SiteWise How to create data pipeline to integrate Amazon Lookout for Equipment with AWS … |
2021-12-16 17:31:16 |
AWS The Internet of Things Blog |
Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution (part 1) |
Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution part Customers that manage and maintain industrial assets strive to keep them functioning as efficiently as possible which they can do by monitoring and analyzing the health of their assets Plant operators measure efficiency with key performance indicators KPIs like overall equipment effectiveness OEE or mean time before failure MTBF and act to improve these metrics … |
2021-12-16 17:30:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【C言語】スタック破壊エラーの解決法について |
【C言語】スタック破壊エラーの解決法について前提・実現したいことC言語で通信の研究をしています。 |
2021-12-17 02:59:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PythonのClass内関数にて、呼び出していない処理がなされる |
PythonのClass内関数にて、呼び出していない処理がなされるはじめての質問になるので、至らない点がありましたら申し訳ございません。 |
2021-12-17 02:48:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Class内の関数にて、呼び出していないのに処理がなされる |
Class内の関数にて、呼び出していないのに処理がなされる前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-12-17 02:25:47 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】モーダルで非同期投稿のできる簡単な日記アプリの作成(新規投稿、削除、編集) |
【備忘録】モーダルで非同期投稿のできる簡単な日記アプリの作成新規投稿、削除、編集実装環境Railsrubyprevisionxlinuxアプリの作成任意の名前のアプリを作成ターミナルrailsnewsampleアプリ名Modelの作成ターミナルrailsgSampleモデル名titlestringcontenttext上記コマンドを実施後に次のファイルができていることを確認YYYYMMDDXXXXXXcreateアプリ名classCreateRecipesltActiveRecordMigrationdefchangecreatetableアプリ名dottstringtitlettextcontentttimestampsendendend正しくマイグレーションファイルが作成されていたら、「railsdbmigrate」を実施し、DBに反映Bootstrapの導入Gemfileへの追記とアプリへの反映GemfilegembootstrapgtgemjqueryrailsGemfileの編集内容を反映させる為に「bundleinstall」を実施applicationcssへの追記と拡張子の変更css⇨sass以下を「appassetsstylesheetsapplicationcss」に追記appassetsstylesheetsapplicationcssimportbootstrapファイルの拡張子を「css」から「scss」に変更する為に、「mvappassetsstylesheetsapplicationcssappassetsstylesheetsapplicationscss」を実施applicationjsへの追記以下を「appassetsstylesheetsapplicationjs」に追記appassetsjavascriptapplicationjsThisisamanifestfilethatllbecompiledintoapplicationjswhichwillincludeallthefileslistedbelowAnyJavaScriptCoffeefilewithinthisdirectorylibassetsjavascriptsoranypluginsvendorassetsjavascriptsdirectorycanbereferencedhereusingarelativepathItsnotadvisabletoaddcodedirectlyherebutifyoudoitllappearatthebottomofthecompiledfileJavaScriptcodeinthisfileshouldbeaddedafterthelastrequirestatementReadSprocketsREADMEsprocketsdirectivesfordetailsaboutsupporteddirectivesrequirerailsujsrequireactivestoragerequireturbolinks追記requirejqueryrequirepopperrequirebootstrapsprocketsここまでrequiretree参考コントローラの作成とルーティングターミナルrailsgsamplesコントローラー名indexediteditupdateルートパスの指定次のルートパスを指定し、初期表示される画面のパスを設定「rootsamplesindex」使用するメソッドのパスを設定「resourcessamples」routesrbRailsapplicationroutesdrawdorootsamplesindexresourcessamplesFordetailsontheDSLavailablewithinthisfileseeend使用するメソッドのパスが設定されているかを確認「railsroutes」を実施し、設定したルーティングを確認※ルーティングに関しては以下を参考にして下さい。 |
2021-12-17 02:13:15 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Amazon QuickSightで日本の未来人口の予測してみた |
過去の国勢調査人口データの推移を可視化して未来の人口を予測する国勢調査は年おきに行われてますので、その推移データから未来の人口をQuicksightの予測機能を使って予測してみます。 |
2021-12-17 02:10:19 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails 掲示板の検索機能 ransack 解説 |
・contメソッド→ansackで用意されている検索したワードが含まれているレコードを取得するためのメソッド。 |
2021-12-17 02:51:25 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】モーダルで非同期投稿のできる簡単な日記アプリの作成(新規投稿、削除、編集) |
【備忘録】モーダルで非同期投稿のできる簡単な日記アプリの作成新規投稿、削除、編集実装環境Railsrubyprevisionxlinuxアプリの作成任意の名前のアプリを作成ターミナルrailsnewsampleアプリ名Modelの作成ターミナルrailsgSampleモデル名titlestringcontenttext上記コマンドを実施後に次のファイルができていることを確認YYYYMMDDXXXXXXcreateアプリ名classCreateRecipesltActiveRecordMigrationdefchangecreatetableアプリ名dottstringtitlettextcontentttimestampsendendend正しくマイグレーションファイルが作成されていたら、「railsdbmigrate」を実施し、DBに反映Bootstrapの導入Gemfileへの追記とアプリへの反映GemfilegembootstrapgtgemjqueryrailsGemfileの編集内容を反映させる為に「bundleinstall」を実施applicationcssへの追記と拡張子の変更css⇨sass以下を「appassetsstylesheetsapplicationcss」に追記appassetsstylesheetsapplicationcssimportbootstrapファイルの拡張子を「css」から「scss」に変更する為に、「mvappassetsstylesheetsapplicationcssappassetsstylesheetsapplicationscss」を実施applicationjsへの追記以下を「appassetsstylesheetsapplicationjs」に追記appassetsjavascriptapplicationjsThisisamanifestfilethatllbecompiledintoapplicationjswhichwillincludeallthefileslistedbelowAnyJavaScriptCoffeefilewithinthisdirectorylibassetsjavascriptsoranypluginsvendorassetsjavascriptsdirectorycanbereferencedhereusingarelativepathItsnotadvisabletoaddcodedirectlyherebutifyoudoitllappearatthebottomofthecompiledfileJavaScriptcodeinthisfileshouldbeaddedafterthelastrequirestatementReadSprocketsREADMEsprocketsdirectivesfordetailsaboutsupporteddirectivesrequirerailsujsrequireactivestoragerequireturbolinks追記requirejqueryrequirepopperrequirebootstrapsprocketsここまでrequiretree参考コントローラの作成とルーティングターミナルrailsgsamplesコントローラー名indexediteditupdateルートパスの指定次のルートパスを指定し、初期表示される画面のパスを設定「rootsamplesindex」使用するメソッドのパスを設定「resourcessamples」routesrbRailsapplicationroutesdrawdorootsamplesindexresourcessamplesFordetailsontheDSLavailablewithinthisfileseeend使用するメソッドのパスが設定されているかを確認「railsroutes」を実施し、設定したルーティングを確認※ルーティングに関しては以下を参考にして下さい。 |
2021-12-17 02:13:15 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Focusing sound vibrations precisely can knock over one Lego minifig among many |
processing |
2021-12-16 17:31:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Under the Lid: How AtomicJar is Reshaping Testcontainers |
Under the Lid How AtomicJar is Reshaping TestcontainersLet s get nerdy with it On this week s episode of Dev Interrupted Dan gets technical with Sergei Egorov co founder and CEO of AtomicJar With the mission to make integrated testing simpler and easier AtomicJar created the Testcontainers Cloud which allows developers to test their code against real dependencies not mocks Today Testcontainers powers over a million builds per month helping developers build and release their software with confidence Dan and Sergei also talk about the difficulty of finding time to code once you become a CEO the challenges of building a product for developers and the culture differences between Russian devs and U S devs If you re a developer or enjoy learning about dev tools this is the episode for you Episode Highlights Include How Sergei became a Java championWhat it s like to grow up in SiberiaCultural differences between U S and Russian devsLetting go of writing code when you become CEOWhy it s hard to build a product for developers Join the Dev Interrupted CommunityWith over members the Dev Interrupted Discord Community is the best place for Engineering Leaders to engage in daily conversation No sales people allowed Join the community gt gt |
2021-12-16 17:32:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
PAGINATION using react/Paginate |
PAGINATION using react PaginateHello everyone let s build a new feature with this article i e pagination many of you are already aware and have seen this feature in many websites with lots of data so here let s build one for our application as a beginner let s first install the library if you use npmnpm install react paginateif you use yarnyarn add react paginateIn this article our main aim is to work on the logic and implementation of pagination so let s just import fake data to display on different pages I have used Fake data to create fake data just for testing our pagination feature you can do the same Our code and website before pagination feature import react useState from react import fakedata from Fake data json import App css function App const data setData useState fakedata slice return lt gt lt div className header gt lt h gt WELCOME TO FAKEDATA WORLD lt h gt lt div gt lt div className App gt data map x gt return lt div className card gt lt h gt x FullName lt h gt lt h gt x CompanyName lt h gt lt h gt x URL lt h gt lt div gt lt div gt lt gt export default App header color black text align center cursor pointer font style italic font family fantasy background blueviolet App justify content center display flex flex wrap wrap color grey background color pink card border px solid grey border radius px background color black display flex justify content center align items center flex direction column width px height px margin px Can you see the length of the scroll bar isn t it too long and not at all user friendly making the site slow as well as all the data will be loaded at onceokay let s decide first how many blocks per page we should be displaying then we will go to the second step that would be the number of pages visited till now which can be easily calculated by the number of blocks we have on one page multiplied by the current page number Our next step should be to make a function for displaying blocks and we slice blocks per page where we map the blocks by slicing it into a range from page visited blocks per page to get an idea like it s is in a group of let s say at first then and so on Now we call the function in our render part with paginate component of react pagination library we do need previous and next button with the page count where it would be the number of pages in total that would be present in the website we would be using simple math for calculating it i e Number of blocks divided by Number of blocks to be fetched per page Yes it is that simple to add a pagination feature I have attached the code also I have attached the code for the same and did change the CSS also I have also attached the GitHub repo for this as well import react useState from react import Paginate from react paginate import fakedata from Fake data json import App css let s make a funtion for diaplaying datafunction App const data setData useState fakedata slice const pageNumber setPageNumber useState const dataPerPage const pageVisited pageNumber dataPerPage making function for fetching data const fetchData data slice pageVisited pageVisited dataPerPage map x gt return lt div className card gt lt h gt x FullName lt h gt lt h gt x CompanyName lt h gt lt h gt x URL lt h gt lt div gt we are using ceil function here because if it not proper divisible value then we need an extra page for the remainderconst pageCount Math ceil data length dataPerPage function for page change set the page we are currently onconst changePage selected gt setPageNumber selected return lt gt lt div className header gt lt h gt WELCOME TO FAKEDATA WORLD lt h gt lt div gt lt div className App gt fetchData lt Paginate previousLabel Prev afterLabel After pageCount pageCount onPageChange changePage containerClassName paginationBttns previousLinkClassName previousBttn nextLinkClassName nextBttn disabledClassName paginationDisabled activeClassName paginationActive gt lt div gt lt gt export default App It s CSS code header color black text align center cursor pointer font style italic font family cursive App justify content center display flex flex wrap wrap color grey background color black card border px solid grey border radius px background color white display flex justify content center align items center flex direction column font family cursive width px height px margin px paginationBttns width height px list style none display flex justify content center paginationBttns a padding px margin px height px width px border radius border px solid grey display inline block color black cursor pointer background color white text align center paginationBttns a hover color white background color grey paginationActive a color white background color blue paginationDisabled a color pink background color pink Thank for reading will keep posting my new learnings Github |
2021-12-16 17:15:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Rails 7, The Shinning Star We've been waiting for |
Rails The Shinning Star We x ve been waiting forOver the last few weeks DHH and the Rails core team have announced a number of different JavaScript build tools for use with Rails As I was writing this very post DHH wrote his own post outlining the strategy for Rails and JavaScript There is no doubt that Ruby on Rails fans were eagerly awaiting the release of Rails and its numerous new features and updates One of the most notable new features included in Rails is Hotwire modern and dynamic web applications can be built using this approach without having to write any JavaScript Rails offers different of ways to interact client side code from a Rails app The classic asset pipeline route via Sprockets and manifest files still will work as far as I can tell but I think you might want to look at a newer tool Webpacker is still under active development and should release a new version more or less simultaneously with Rails I definitely take from DHH s post though that Webpacker is soft deprecated in favor of the JS Bundling approach Rails will support “JavaScript Bundling as of literally minutes ago as I started this post The JavaScript bundling tool uses the existing Yarn and package json tooling but places the bundle into the asset pipeline For you your bundling took you can use Webpack esbuild a webpack replacement that bills itself as “An extremely fast JavaScript bundler which I suppose is better than a merely fast one or a slow one or Rollup Rollup doesn t have a fancy marketing slogan but it s also a JavaScript module bundler The default Rails tooling is called “import maps which is a browser tool that lets you map a logical name to a downloaded module directly in the browser without needing to do further bundling on the server for the browser and a Rails wrapper to manage that mapping from your codes Finally you can just use Rails as an API and manage your client side code as a separate project using whatever tooling you want Hotwire one of the most talked about features of Rails is without a doubt the greatest feature of the new release since it has gained attention both in the Rails community and in those of other programming languages |
2021-12-16 17:08:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
An Overview of TensorFlow |
An Overview of TensorFlowTensorFlow is one of the most popular libraries for machine learning It was originally developed by Google to provide a unified interface for expressing different kinds of neural networks TensorFlow s popularity can be attributed to its easy to learn syntax and ability to run on multiple platforms including mobile devices In this blog post we will discuss what TensorFlow is and how it works What is TensorFlow Tensorflow is a library for machine learning that was originally developed by Google It provides a unified interface for expressing different kinds of neural networks Tensorflow s popularity can be attributed to its easy to learn syntax and ability to run on multiple platforms including mobile devices How does TensorFlow work Tensorflow works by processing data in tensors A tensor is essentially a multi dimensional array and TensorFlow can process data in any number of dimensions This makes it well suited for tasks such as image recognition and natural language processing In addition TensorFlow allows you to define your own custom operations which can be very useful for tasks such as signal processing and data analysis Why is TensorFlow popular TensorFlow is popular because it provides a unified interface for expressing different kinds of neural networks In addition its easy to learn syntax and ability to run on multiple platforms makes it an attractive choice for machine learning applications Finally TensorFlow also allows you to define your own custom operations which can be very useful for certain tasks Overall TensorFlow is a powerful library that can be used for a variety of different applications Thanks for reading Now that we ve covered what TensorFlow is and how it works let s take a look at some of the reasons why it s so popular First TensorFlow provides a unified interface for expressing different kinds of neural networks This makes it a popular choice for machine learning applications In addition TensorFlow s easy to learn syntax and ability to run on multiple platforms make it an attractive choice for a variety of different tasks Finally TensorFlow also allows you to define your own custom operations which can be very useful in certain situations Overall TensorFlow is a powerful library that can be used for a variety of different purposes What are some practical applications of TensorFlow TensorFlow has many practical applications including image recognition natural language processing and signal processing In addition TensorFlow can be used for tasks such as automated driving robotics and computer vision Thanks for reading images cv provide you with an easy way to build image datasets K categories to choose fromConsistent folders structure for easy parsingAdvanced tools for dataset pre processing image format data split image size and data augmentation Visit images cv to learn more |
2021-12-16 17:07:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Preparing for the Release 0.4 |
Preparing for the Release Regarding to the final assignment we have in OSD Due to my misunderstanding of the class requirements I started to work on this final assignment a little bit late For the this Release we have as a final assignment we are going to contribute on Github again And this time we have a more open options for the project we are going to work with Because of the lateness I just picked one of the projects that my classmates worked for the final assignment But I do realized that I should have a different content or contribution on the project The program I chose is a HTML program It s a TODO List program It s more like a Note application we have on our phone After I go through the program I found some issues are good for me to make a improvement For instance the dark mode and light mode toggle is something wrong If the user switch the mode to dark mode by clicking the switch button and the user refresh the page Then the page will automatically change back to the light mode no matter what And this obviously is not a good practice Therefore I planned to fix this issue Also I found that there are only two options for the user to do with the todoList that they are having And I believe that it would be better if we have a Edit button to edit the todoList that the user currently having So this is going to be one of my improvement action for this project as well Finally I saw that there is no footer in the html project Personally I think having a footer is always a good practice Therefore I set up the gold that I m going to help improve the project in such list Link to the Repo I worked with todo app |
2021-12-16 17:05:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
O que é o Apache Kafka? |
O que éo Apache Kafka o Apache Kafka éuma ferramenta usada para arquitetura distribuída temos muitos exemplos que usam Mensageria como Uber IFood entre vários outros Éuma forma de enviar dados e recebê los simultaneamente poderíamos dizer que o Kafka éum serviço que tem vários serviços juntos onde um consome ou produz como se fossem colmeias de abelha Porém não iremos aprofundar em arquitetura pois éoutro assunto muito complexo focaremos no Kafka e como ele funciona O Kafka éuma abelha e os microsserviços são as colmeias ao mesmo tempo que ele gera os dados ele também pode receber eles e enviar para outro microsserviço ou atémesmo guardar eles para caso de perca de mensagem Cada tópico éum potinho de mel que serálevado ao consumidor assim que o mel for produzido todavia se o mel for perdido o DLQ do Kafka irátentar fazer com que esse mel que não pode ser resgatado fique numa espécie de inércia esperando ser lido pelo cliente no caso o consumidor no caso do produtor a abelha ela distribui os dados para os clientes e assim vai atéter novos potes de mel Isso garante mais estabilidade e Interoperabilidade onde uma abelha se comunica com a outra gerando várias colmeiazinhas que levam dados as pessoas alimentando vários sistemas |
2021-12-16 17:04:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build a Countdown Timer using JavaScript |
Build a Countdown Timer using JavaScriptIn this article you will learn how to create JavaScript in countdown time It s a bit like a digital watch but it s the complete opposite In the case of this watch the time tends to decrease gradually This will continue to be the countdown for the time or date you want to run the countdown It will take the current time from your device using JavaScript s New Date Method Then subtract the current time with your input time It will continue to run the countdown by converting the subtraction time into days hours minutes and seconds I took the help of HTML CSS and JavaScript to make it You want a preview Watch the live demoHTML has done some basic design of CSS and JavaScript has implemented it However only one line of HTML code has been used here Below I have given the required source code and an explanation of how to create one We hope you can create this simple countdown time by following this tutorial below HTML code of Countdown TimerThe code below is the HTML code needed to create this countdown timer As I said before only one line of HTML code has been used to create this timer This HTML code is basically for the basic structure of the countdown timer lt div id timer gt lt div gt CSS code of Countdown TimerNow it s time to design this timer using css code Here I have used some basic CSS to design web pages Here I have used black color on the web page and padding to place the timer in the middle of the webpage body text align center padding px px background DA font family sans serif font weight lighter Now designed the background of this timer using the following CSS code Here we have created an area called Background whose width px and height depends on the amount of content I have used a border here to understand the area timer font size em font weight margin px auto color white border px solid BCDF padding px width px text shadow px eead Now using the following JavaScript I have designed the text in this timer and the number of times to display The question may arise in your mind there is no HTML code added for this For this I have added HTML code in JavaScript using innerHTML Now I have added his css code timer div display inline block min width px timer div span color fd display block font size em font weight Countdown Timer s JavaScriptNow is the time to add the required JavaScript for this JavaScript countdown timer Below are all the codes together and the necessary explanations on each line Hopefully the following expressions will help you understand the codes function updateTimer Now you have to decide what time you want to run the countdown Date parse method parses a string representation of a date and returns the number of milliseconds future Date parse jan The current time has been taken from the device using the new Date method now new Date Now I have saved the total time of the countdown in diff Countdown time input time current time diff future now days countdown time day seconds milliseconds days Math floor diff hours countdown time hours hours Math floor diff mins countdown time minutes mins Math floor diff secs countdown time seconds secs Math floor diff d days h hours days m mins hours s secs mins Now you have to make arrangements to display all the content in the webpage with the help of innerHTML The innerHTML property is part of the Document Object Model DOM document getElementById timer innerHTML lt div gt d lt span gt days lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt h lt span gt hours lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt m lt span gt minutes lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt s lt span gt seconds lt span gt lt div gt The setInterval method offered on the Window repeatedly calls a function or executes a code snippet Here the time is set to milliseconds or second So the countdown time will be updated every secondsetInterval updateTimer Hopefully you have been able to create this simple JavaScript countdown timer using the tutorials and sourcecodes above If there is any problem then you can definitely let me know by commenting If you want you can download source code to make this timer |
2021-12-16 17:03:18 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
TikTok is testing a desktop livestreaming app |
TikTok is testing a desktop livestreaming appIt seems TikTok is getting into livestreaming from desktops The service is testing a Windows app called TikTok Live Studio which allows users to run broadcasts on the platform using their computer Users can stream directly to TikTok Live using the software One of the most obvious use cases for the app is for livestreaming games which could turn TikTok into a serious competitor to the likes of Twitch given the already enormous reach of the platform Live Studio users are able to broadcast content from their computer phone or game console It s super basic in its current state Has both Landscape and Portrait Scenes Sources include Game Capture Mobile Capture Video Capture Program Capture and some text images No browser sources or alerts Emojis are limited to the stock ones pic twitter com oOHwUbSdUFーZach Bussey zachbussey December TikTok Live Studio seems fairly barebones for now Creators can switch on features like gifting comments and keyword filters However they re unable to set browser windows as a source for their streams have moderators or create alerts for new followers or tips as they can with other livestreaming software such as OBS and Streamlabs Still it s worth bearing in mind these are early days for the app TikTok told TechCrunch that only a few thousand users have access for now If it decides to move forward with the app the company will likely expand the Live Studio feature set over time nbsp Should TikTok add all of the other necessary bells and whistles streamers want to Live Studio it could become a viable destination for those who want to forego the likes of Twitch and YouTube or tap into an existing fanbase on the platform Among other things the app could give creators a way to bring their broadcasts and on demand videos together in one place |
2021-12-16 17:46:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
DirecTV will hike prices for most streaming plans next month |
DirecTV will hike prices for most streaming plans next monthDirecTV may have promised no hidden fees following its spinoff from AT amp T but it s not shy about raising the prices themselves Varietyreports the TV provider will hike the prices of most current and legacy streaming packages on January rd Only quot minimum service quot offerings will remain untouched Everything else is going up Some increases are modest such as for Optimo Mas and Choice and respectively but grandfathered users subscribed to tiers like Ultimate or Premier will pay more per month The move raises the base pricing of DirecTV s Stream Choice to per month while Premier will cost per month Satellite customers won t be immune to increases either Outside of minimum service and ChineseDirect Plus you ll see increases on January rd between for most Basic and Family plans to for Max and Plus And while some regional sports fees are dropping in price there s now a fifth per month tier on top of the previous maximum You may see a price drop or increase depending on your ZIP code The firm wasn t shy about its reasoning While hikes like these are frequently pinned on steeper programming costs DirecTV said quot higher than normal inflation quot from suppliers was also to blame It costs more to offer service and the company is passing on at least some of those costs to its customers These increases are common in the TV industry and that includes streaming rivals Hulu recently revealed it would raise its Live TV pricing by and YouTube TV now costs per month where it started at just DirecTV is relatively expensive though and the higher prices might not help matters |
2021-12-16 17:28:51 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google makes it easier to spot price drops in Chrome |
Google makes it easier to spot price drops in ChromeWith the holiday shopping season in its final stretch Google is adding a handful of features to Chrome to help you find last minute deals In the US the Android version of the browser now includes an updated tab interface that makes it easier to see the price of something when you re switching between open web pages The company suggests the feature will help you spot a price drop without constantly refreshing a page Handy that The next time you use Chrome on your iPhone or Android device you ll also notice a newly added Google Lens icon in the search bar You can use it to conduct visual searches Tap the icon and point your phone s camera at something The company suggests Lens integration in Chrome mobile could be helpful when you re out window shopping As previously announced Lens is also coming to the Mac and Windows versions of Chrome Once it s available you ll have the option to right click on an image tap quot Search images with Google Lens quot and draw an outline around something to see if you can find more information about what s in front of you nbsp Lastly if you re someone who tends to leave purchases incomplete you ll see a new quot Your carts quot card when you open a tab It will show you all the websites where you have open carts The company announced this feature at I O and now it s rolling out in the US Google notes some of its retail partners may even offer you a discount to complete a purchase if they notice you abandoned a cart Is it on the pushy side Definitely but some people could also find it helpful All the nbsp |
2021-12-16 17:00:32 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
‘Jaws’ Is Fiction. This Show Presents Sharks as Embattled Heroes. |
Jaws Is Fiction This Show Presents Sharks as Embattled Heroes Sharks a new exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History proves that humans are far more dangerous to these animals than they are to us |
2021-12-16 17:23:07 |
海外TECH |
Why You Should Care About Oppo's China-Only Foldable Phone |
china |
2021-12-16 17:28:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Cases hit new record as booster drive continues |
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2021-12-16 17:43:24 |
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Covid: UK hits record case numbers for second day and Wales considers Christmas measures |
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2021-12-16 17:42:57 |
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Adoption: Concern as fewer children in care find new families |
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2021-12-16 17:01:49 |
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Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area? |
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2021-12-16 17:03:17 |
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Covid vaccine: How many people are vaccinated in the UK? |
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2021-12-16 17:25:08 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ひろゆきが呆れる「やってはいけない残念な勉強法」ワースト1 - 1%の努力 |
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2021-12-17 03:00:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
人気ドラマ「ドクターX」で大門未知子が愛用する「モノポーラ」。その驚くべき仕組みとは? - すばらしい人体 |
人気ドラマ「ドクターX」で大門未知子が愛用する「モノポーラ」。 |
2021-12-17 02:58:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「余計な仕事」こそが生きる力になる - 13歳からのアート思考 |
「余計な仕事」こそが生きる力になる歳からのアート思考「“正解からはみだそう“表現するよろこびをはぐくむために。 |
2021-12-17 02:56:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
サイバーエージェントの人事トップが語る 若手を「抜擢しない」のはリスクである理由 - 若手育成の教科書 |
曽山哲人 |
2021-12-17 02:54:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「毎日の惰性から抜け出せない人」と「大きな決断ができる人」との圧倒的な差 - チームが自然に生まれ変わる |
「毎日の惰性から抜け出せない人」と「大きな決断ができる人」との圧倒的な差チームが自然に生まれ変わるリモートワーク、残業規制、パワハラ、多様性…リーダーの悩みは尽きない。 |
2021-12-17 02:52:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
理詰めな性格の人が株で勝てない意外な理由 - 株トレ |
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2021-12-17 02:50:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
フォロワー数に意味はあるのか?「だから何なの」と思えばいい - 孤独からはじめよう |
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2021-12-17 02:48:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「上司・部下のぎすぎす」を一発解決したすごい一言 - 上流思考 |
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2021-12-17 02:44:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ジェフ・ベゾスが「人はいつも絶対に満足しない」と語る理由 - Invent & Wander |
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2021-12-17 02:42:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「成功できないのは本人の努力不足」が根本的に間違いである理由 - だから、この本。 |
「元・日本一有名なニート」としてテレビやネットで話題となったphaファ氏は、そういった考え方に疑問を呈し、「自己責任はがちょうどいい」と語る。 |
2021-12-17 02:40:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「苦手」「興味がない」「失敗したくない」 やる気がでない部下を動かす3つの方法 - グロービスMBAミドルマネジメント |
2021-12-17 02:38:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
工業高校から外資系コンサルに受かった僕が発見した「面接で受かる人」と「アピールがマイナスになる人」の決定的な差 - 転職が僕らを助けてくれる |
工業高校から外資系コンサルに受かった僕が発見した「面接で受かる人」と「アピールがマイナスになる人」の決定的な差転職が僕らを助けてくれる「今の会社で働き続けていいのかな」「でも、転職するのは怖いな……」。 |
2021-12-17 02:36:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
なぜ合理的思考は役に立たないのか? - 精神科医Tomyが教える 1秒で元気が湧き出る言葉 |
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2021-12-17 02:34:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「いいものを安く」売りすぎている日本。適性なプライシングの専門家がいる意外な業界とは…? - 新しい「価格」の教科書 |
2021-12-17 02:32:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
iDeCoの税制メリット。全部で3つ言えますか? - iDeCo(イデコ)活用入門 |
iDeCoの税制メリット。 |
2021-12-17 02:28:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ハーバードで教える「成功する人、しない人」決定的な差 - ハーバードの人の心をつかむ力 |
2021-12-17 02:26:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
話し相手との距離を 一瞬で縮める「たった一つの方法」とは? - 武器になる話し方 |
上場企業 |
2021-12-17 02:24:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Four security trends for ‘22—and what to do about them |
Four security trends for ーand what to do about themWhen it comes to cloud security will be the year that the past catches up with the future Trends that businesses have been ignoring for too long will force organizations large and small to confront and control their security debt That s according to Google Cloud s own cybersecurity experts who have identified four security trends that organizations need to watch out forーand get ahead of We have predictions on what to expect in the coming year from MK Palmore director of the Office of the CISO Brian Roddy vice president of engineering for Cloud Security Tim Dierks engineering director for data protection and Panos Mavrommatis and Vikram Makhija senior directors of security engineering for Google Cloud Supply chain shenanigans“We will see continued asymmetric attacks from adversaries as they exploit supply chains and other previously trusted third party entities says Palmore Supply chain problems in cloud computing should be easily solvable right Software versions and any vulnerabilities they contain should be trackable and patchable but the reality of fixing software is that “just patch it is hard to executeーjust look at the challenges posed by the Logj vulnerability Supply chain is such a huge problem that President Biden addressed it in an Executive Order in May Customers can expect the issue to be top of mind at Google Cloud Not exactly many happy returns to the office “Return to office around the world will drive changes as office infrastructure has not been invested in for a year and a half while the focus has been on remote users This likely will drive a short term boom in traditional on prem security but it will be the last boom for that as people adapt their remote zero trust style strategies to a more modern on prem approach says Roddy The misconception that on prem infrastructure is categorically more secure than cloud is driven by the desire to have physical access to servers and backups so that only the organization which owns the data controls it and has access to it even in cases of a catastrophic failure or successful cyberattack In the early years of cloud computing that may even have been true But the conditions that drove the myth of on prem security primacy changed years ago and the needs driving secure cloud infrastructure help ensure that cloud stays more secure Paying down your security debt“While there s all the new hotness of cutting edge concerns many enterprises still carry security risks and security debt from not yet fully adopting controls which have been broadly accepted as important for years For example loads of companies are still not using phishing resistant two factor authentication such as FIDO keys says Dierks Authentication keys such as those made by Yubico and Google s own Titan Security key support the zero trust security principles that require user identities to be authenticated authorized and then continuously validated before they can access applications and data Strong authentication is such an important part of contemporary user security that even weaker forms of it that rely on text messages are significantly more secure than not using it at all That said why use a less secure standard when you can reduce risks to your data and bottom line even further by requiring a phishing resistant hardware key Dierks stresses another challenging but important part of eliminating security debt using social connections to encourage best security practices “It s important for CISOs to use their business relationships to emphasize the importance of baseline controls such as FA for their partners Enterprises have close relationships that attackers can leverage so it s critical that partners hold each other accountable to maintain high security KYD Know Your Data The impact of a data breach can harm organizations as they currently are as well as far into the future Current tough to crack encryption standards protecting data could become easier to decode in the years ahead so even if cybercriminals can t access stolen data now there s no guarantee that paradigm will hold This means it s crucially important that organizations understand what data they re storing how they re storing it and where they re storing it say Mavrommatis and Makhija “You can t secure what you don t know about and not all data breaches are equal Stolen machine logs are not as bad as customer data But how many security teams know the difference So you have to crawl your own data to automatically classify and discover where sensitive data lives they say Makhija adds that the shared fate model requires the cloud providers and cloud customers to have a mutual understanding of the quantitative risks each faces “Shared fate models will pick up significantly in he says as more organizations move to the cloud and those already using cloud infrastructure improve their security postures “To date there s been a disparate set of tools for understanding your posture It s difficult for third party tools to stitch together what cloud services should be providing from the start he says What you can do to make your organization more secureOne cloud security trend that s ever present is the ever increasing importance of keeping cloud deployments secure As cloud infrastructure becomes more commonplace across businesses and industries of all sizes it will continue to grow as an attractive target for cybercriminals and other threat actors Because enterprise data has expanded exponentially the ability to identify and detect threats have become increasingly challenging To better secure the enterprise software supply chain use advanced threat detection and analysis toolsーespecially those designed to catch anomalies The faster that organizations adopt a zero trust architecture the more secure the new normal can be Zero trust helps limit the blast radius of any potential intrusion while maximizing new enterprise access expectations Part of adopting zero trust means many end users can abandon legacy technology like VPNs but the benefits of segmentation and context aware access for both identity and device will make all the difference for large scale enterprises When coupled with a full zero trust approach and the use of a zero trust maturity model for improvement organizations will be better positioned to manage their digital risks Security debt can come in many forms and one critical payoff that needs to be made is for organizations to migrate en masse to hardware two factor authentication keys They make user accounts significantly more resistant to takeovers and are much harder to circumvent than two factor authentication over SMS It s past time to get to know your data and a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of red wine won t help There are third party tools that can do this but for Google Cloud customers who use BigQuery there s automatic Data Loss Prevention It continuously monitors existing tables and profiles new ones it can be customized for selected folders or projects or for an entire organization and it generates data profiles in the same geographic region as the original data Understanding and managing the security challenges of cloud infrastructure helps maximize its benefits and makes for a safer security landscape in ーand beyond |
2021-12-16 17:30:00 |