Engadget Japanese |
貼るコタツ。デスク用パネルヒーターを買って「足元サムイ」にさよなら |
足腰 |
2021-12-17 09:30:06 |
Engadget Japanese |
レノボ、最大86インチの大型ディスプレイ ThinkVision Tシリーズ発表 |
lfdthinkvisiont |
2021-12-17 09:20:14 |
Engadget Japanese |
Spotify、リスナーによるポッドキャストの5段階評価が可能に |
spotify |
2021-12-17 09:10:39 |
Engadget Japanese |
エンガジェット執筆陣の「いま欲しいガジェット」を公開。ギフト(自分へのご褒美)選びの参考にどうぞ! |
エンガジェット執筆陣の「いま欲しいガジェット」を公開。 |
2021-12-17 09:05:24 |
ロボスタ |
NECと小野薬品、AIが異物と泡を高精度に識別する技術を開発 ガラス瓶中の異物を泡と間違えずに検出 |
小野薬品 |
2021-12-17 09:47:41 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 小田急のVSE引退へ 17年間で延べ2000万人が乗車した特急ロマンスカー |
itmedia |
2021-12-17 18:30:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
ウイングアーク1st、文書管理クラウド「SPA Cloud」を強化、電子帳簿保存法の検索要件に対応 | IT Leaders |
ウイングアークst、文書管理クラウド「SPACloud」を強化、電子帳簿保存法の検索要件に対応ITLeadersウイングアークstは年月日、文書管理クラウド「SPACloud」と帳票配信サービス「invoiceAgentTransPrint」を強化すると発表した。 |
2021-12-17 18:27:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS初心者が躓いたlambdaとS3の連携 |
ローカルでSにアクセスする際は、「boto」というライブラリも追加する必要があるのですが、今回はlambdaで実行するだけなので追加しません。 |
2021-12-17 18:36:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
機械学習を使ってコントラバスの運指を推定してみる |
D音が一番多く出現していますが、この音は開放弦なので押さえなくても音が出るためコントラバス的には嬉しい音です。 |
2021-12-17 18:25:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
あなた(わたし)のための型ヒント - 型変数TypeVar入門 |
ジェネリクス型ヒントのサポートーPythonドキュメントTypeVarで型を定義定義は次の例のように、第一引数に代入する変数名と同じ名前を渡す必要があります。 |
2021-12-17 18:27:30 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
メモ |
2021-12-17 18:07:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
変数の初期化をする場所を変えることで、強制終了する。 |
緯度経度を定義している部分つをリスナの外に出したいのですが、強制終了してしまいます。 |
2021-12-17 19:00:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PILの画像表示がうまくいかない。 |
PILの画像表示がうまくいかない。 |
2021-12-17 18:58:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コンパイルできません |
コンパイルできませんJava初心者です。 |
2021-12-17 18:58:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ハンバーガーメニュー内のページ内リンクをクリックしたときにメニューを閉じる方法 |
ハンバーガーメニュー内のページ内リンクをクリックしたときにメニューを閉じる方法前提・実現したいことハンバーガーメニュー内のページ内リンクをクリックしたときに、メニューを自動的に閉じたいです。 |
2021-12-17 18:49:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wordpressにおいて、get_postsなどで大量のデータを取得したい場合、処理が重くなるので、非同期にしたいです |
について調べたり試している時に悩んだのですが、wordpressの投稿ページや固定ページにおいて、javascriptもしくはjQueryからwordpressのショートコードを呼び出すにはどうしたら良いでしょうか。 |
2021-12-17 18:46:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Railsの認証。仮登録メール後に本登録させるのにいいGemはありますか? |
devise |
2021-12-17 18:39:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WPでオリジナルテーマを作成したがiPhoneでの表示のみズレが生じる |
WPでオリジナルテーマを作成したがiPhoneでの表示のみズレが生じるワードプレス、ウェブ制作初心者です。 |
2021-12-17 18:37:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Cypressで特定のエラーが発生したケースをテストする方法はあるでしょうか? |
cypress |
2021-12-17 18:31:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SVMの決定境界について |
2021-12-17 18:24:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
並列処理について(ProcessPoolExecutor) |
並列処理についてProcessPoolExecutor前提・実現したいこと初歩的な質問で申し訳ございません。 |
2021-12-17 18:17:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravel blade.phpにCSSを記述し非表示にさせたい |
bladephp |
2021-12-17 18:13:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】複数テーブルからデータを取得し、erb内でeachで回す方法 |
【Rails】複数テーブルからデータを取得し、erb内でeachで回す方法実現したいことrubynbsprailsnbsp閲覧いただきありがとうございます。 |
2021-12-17 18:12:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
data属性による絞り込み機能において、特定のdataが絞り込みに該当した時(しなかった時)に指定の場所にclassを追加したい |
data属性による絞り込み機能において、特定のdataが絞り込みに該当した時しなかった時に指定の場所にclassを追加したい実現したいこと下の画像を見ていただけると分かりやすいかと思いますが、例えば「A型」を選択した時「月生まれ」にA型はいないので現状だと空欄になっています。 |
2021-12-17 18:08:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Mysqlで「show databases;」すると「ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'SCHEMA_NAME' in 'field list'」エラーが出る |
Mysqlで「showdatabases」すると「ERRORSUnknowncolumnxSCHEMANAMExinxfieldlistx」エラーが出る前提・実現したいことMysqlで「shownbspdatabases」すると「ERRORnbspnbspSnbspUnknownnbspcolumnnbspaposSCHEMANAMEaposnbspinnbspaposfieldnbsplistapos」エラーが出て一覧をみることができません。 |
2021-12-17 18:02:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SQLで型を変更後、Domaをビルドしても型が変更されない |
SQLで型を変更後、Domaをビルドしても型が変更されない概要SpringnbspBootnbspnbspDomanbspで開発をしていますが、DBのカラムの型をnbspbigintnbspgtnbspvarcharに変更後、自動生成されるDaonbspEntityの型がLongのままStringに変更されません。 |
2021-12-17 18:01:29 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS初心者が躓いたlambdaとS3の連携 |
ローカルでSにアクセスする際は、「boto」というライブラリも追加する必要があるのですが、今回はlambdaで実行するだけなので追加しません。 |
2021-12-17 18:36:02 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSのPersonal Health DashboardからSlackへ通知を受け取る方法 |
方法は以下のパターントリガー→Amazoneventbridge→AWSSNS→AWSChatbot→SlackAWSSNSの代わりにLambdaを採用することもでき、柔軟なメッセージのカスタマイズができるが料金がすこし高くなる想定料金・EventBridgeAWSのサービスによって発行されたすべての状態変更イベントは無料・SNS毎月最初の万AmazonSNSリクエストは無料この上限を超えた後の料金は万リクエストごとにUSD・Chatbot無料構成図構築方法リージョンをバージニア北部に選択するAmazonSNSより「トピックの作成」をクリックタイプをスタンダードに選択名前と表示名を適当なものに暗号化の有効化にチェックを付けるあとの設定項目はデフォルトで作成AmazonEventBridgeより「ルールを作成」をクリック名前を適当なものにイベントパターンにチェックを付けサービスごとの事前定義パターンにチェック、サービスプロバイダーにAWS、サービス名にhealth、イベントタイプにすべてのイベントを選択ターゲットに作成したSNSを選択し機能に作成したSNSの名前を選択するあとの設定項目はデフォルトで作成AWSChatbotより「新しいクライアントを設定」をクリックSlackを選択し、認証ページより認証する設定済みクライアントより「Slackワークスペース【クライアント名】」をクリックし新しいチャネルを作成をクリックする設定名を適当なものにSlackチャネルより通知したいチャネル名を選択アクセス許可にてロール名を入力するChannelガードレールのポリシー名には「CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess」ポリシーを選択する通知オプションのSNSトピックより作成したSNSがあるリージョンを選択し、トピックより作成したSNSを選択するあとの設定項目はデフォルトで作成説明リージョンをバージニア北部に選択するグローバルサービスからのイベントStatusがのものを受信するためには、米国東部バージニア北部リージョンのルールを作成する必要がある。 |
2021-12-17 18:15:47 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
hubコマンドをインストールした後、設定したトークンを変更したいとき |
hubコマンドをインストールした後、設定したトークンを変更したいときhub使ったことなく、設定したとき調べたことの備忘録。 |
2021-12-17 18:08:24 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
インターンがメルカリのマイクロサービスマイグレーションを経験する |
hellip |
2021-12-17 10:00:14 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
新しいチームに入ってから立ち上がりの極意 |
hellip |
2021-12-17 09:30:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CloudFrontのアクセスログ保存用S3バケットにはACL有効化が必要なので注意しよう |
amazons |
2021-12-17 09:39:28 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[初心者向け]YAMAHAルータで複数拠点のSite-to-Site VPN設定をする際にハマりがちなポイント |
awsvpc |
2021-12-17 09:29:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to use spot instances during the Christmas frenzy? |
How to use spot instances during the Christmas frenzy You ve been doing a great job using spot instances for the entire year But as is coming to a close you might have noticed that there s less inventory of your favorite instance types And even when you manage to get your hands on some they get reclaimed rather quickly Everyone else needs extra capacity during the holiday season Can you even trust spot instances to reduce your costs at such a critical time Should you run everything on on demand instances and pay the premium just to keep the application running Those are the questions we will answer in this article Jump to the section that s most relevant to you Dealing with spot instance interruptions manually is hardAnd what if you handled the spot interruptions automatically Automation takes many tasks off your plateHere s how spot instance automation works in practiceThe results may surprise youDealing with spot instance interruptions manually is hardHyperscalers like AWS Google Cloud and Azure have massive data centers scattered around the globe At some point they find themselves with spare capacity and they offer it at a discounted price The only catch is that the vendor can pull the plug at any time This makes spot instances generally difficult to manage for production workloads When getting a spot instance you have no guarantee on how long it will stay available Vendors only share some historical data about past interruptions to help you make a more informed decision Or notify you when the risk of interruption increases for the instance you re using to give you some extra time A spot instance is reclaimed with short notice from minutes to as little as seconds Is that enough time to drop everything and find a replacement for your instance You may know a superhuman engineer who s able to do that but they surely have more productive tasks to do Spinning up a new instance takes time And even if you identify the virtual machine where to move your workload creating a new one takes time so you re still facing the danger of potential downtime Running paused machines means extra costsAlternatively you could have some paused machines at your disposal that could step in if you happen to lose a spot instance But this comes at an additional price and aren t you in the spot business to save on your cloud costs Spot instance availability changes rapidlyAnother issue is that the available capacity sold as spot instances can differ a lot based on size region time of day and many other factors all subject to frequent changes The availability of an instance is based on supply and demand So if you pick the most popular instance types and a market surge like Black Friday occurs prepare for a nasty surprise And what if you handled the spot interruptions automatically Using an automation platform addresses all the problems listed above and makes all the difference when it comes to your cloud bill You can rely on spot instances even during the most intense times of the year At CAST AI we have the Spot Fallback feature that keeps your workloads running even if the cloud provider sells all the capacity and there are no spot instances left for you to use If no spot instances matching your requirements are available the autoscaler temporarily adds an on demand node for your spot only workloads so they have a place to run on Once the inventory of Spot Preemptible instances is available again the autoscaler replaces the on demand nodes used during the fallback with actual spot instances That way you can still get the benefits of spot instances without having to be anxious about the potential downtime Automation takes many tasks off your plateBut arguably the best part is that you don t need to care about provisioning instances Moving a workload from one spot instance to another is challenging if you do it manually because it s a multi step process Examine the cloud provider offerYou can check the less popular instances they re less likely to be interrupted and can run for longer periods of time Before deciding to buy an instance look at how often it is interrupted its interruption or eviction rate Make your bidSet the maximum price you want to spend for your preferred spot instance The rule of thumb is to follow the level of on demand pricing and avoid getting interrupted when the price of that instance spikes Manage spot instances in groupsThis opens the doors to request a variety of instance types at the same time and increases your chances of securing a spot instance You can get more tips about managing spot instances here Spot instances How to reduce AWS Azure and GCP costs by To make spot instances work and secure the right mix of instances you ll have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to configuration setup and maintenance A good automation platform will do them all for you All you need to do is set up the right policies and see your workloads gracefully moved from one instance to another when interruption happens Here s how Here s how spot instance automation works in practice CAST AI is an automation platform that uses a mix of tactics to optimize cloud costs and help teams get the performance they need This approach extends to how spot instances are automated in CAST AI The platform doesn t stick to a predefined list of instance types but instead scans workloads for spot suitability and matches their requirements automatically You can edit the list of spot suitable workloads afterwards This flow is a lot faster than selecting the instance types you prefer manually and picking the pods which shouldn t run on spot instances at all The AI checks it all for you in minutes During the times when everyone is competing for spot instances they know and use you will be playing in a mostly empty playground of ALL instance types suitable for your application Configuring the automationYou can automate spot instances on Kubernetes workloads running on EKS Kops AKS and GKE Here s a short overview of how you can configure CAST AI to cover all the scenarios your application might face TolerationsThis configuration comes in handy when spot instances are an optional choice for your workload When your pod is marked only with tolerations the Kubernetes scheduler can place the pod on both spot and regular nodes always picking the most cost effective resources Node SelectorsIn this configuration workloads will only use spot instances The autoscaling mechanism will pick a spot instance whenever your pod requires an additional workload in the cluster Node AffinityHere we use spot instances if they re available if not the application falls back to on demand instances For example if a spot instance gets interrupted and the on demand instances in the cluster have some available capacity pods that previously ran on that spot instance will be scheduled on the available on demand resources Moving your workloads back to spot instances is possible via the Rebalancer feature Spot ReliabilityThis configuration focuses on minimizing the chance of workload interruptions The autoscaler identifies which instance types are less likely to be interrupted and you can set a default reliability value to be applied across the entire cluster The reliability value is measured by the percentage of reclaimed instances during the trailing month for this instance type Click here for more info You can control the reliability value at a more granular level per workload For example you can leave the most cost efficient value globally and choose more stable instances for specific workloads The results may surprise youA few months ago we decided to check whether we were really using the best instances available and were shocked to see this spot instance recommendation the INF instance Who would CAST AI pick that for us It s essentially a supercomputer for high performance ML inference that costs a lot if you buy it for on demand pricing Funnily enough the CAST AI platform didn t go off rails The INF spot instance was actually cheaper at that point in time than the typical instance we were getting So while everyone was manually competing for what they knew we rented a Ferrari for the price of a Fiat just because automation looked at every single instance type that can do the job If we were choosing instances manually we d never look into this category Automation expanded our reach and got us this gem of an instance If you are ready to quit competing on the same level everyone s on let us know and we ll happily show you around the CAST AI platform |
2021-12-17 09:26:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Fun times with MySQL upgrade |
Fun times with MySQL upgradeLike all service upgrades MySQL is no different Bump the service version build the docker image try to “make up“the project and hope for the best I ve decided to dedicate this blog to four things that turned this “it is going to be an easy project to “ months in hell while upgrading MySQL from v to v Fantastic SQL modes and where to find themWhile looking at all changes made to MySQL between v and v I came across something rather interesting They announced they had enabled a bunch of other previously optional SQL modes as a part of strict mode To my surprise only NO ENGINE SUBSTITUTION mode was enabled in our database What could possibly go wrong after years of using the database with strict mode off A lot of things apparently so I made a list of modes I need to enable check out before finally enabling STRICT TRANS TABLES ERROR FOR DIVISION BY ZERO →in later versions no longer an option but part of strict modeNO ZERO IN DATE →in later versions no longer an option but part of strict modeNO AUTO CREATE USER →in version no longer an option but part of strict modeNO ZERO DATE →in later versions no longer an option but part of strict modeONLY FULL GROUP BY →decided to leave it disabledNO ENGINE SUBSTITUTION →was already enabledSTRICT TRANS TABLES →needs to be enabledThis little side quest of cleaning up migrations Doctrine entities which were not in sync with corresponding database tables fixtures using null for everything ー does not matter is the field nullable or not missing primary keys on tables etc cost us hours around days just to make the application run with some additional SQL modes enabled Sphinx client issuesSome legacy parts of our application still used Sphinx instead of ElasticSearch We faced a tough choice then and there because MySQL v had a new default authentication plugin caching sha password and Sphinx v that we were still using uses the old authentication plugin mysql native password Connecting to Sphinx with a user that was using caching sha password authentication plugin resulted in bash mysql hsphinx usphinx ERROR HY Can t connect to MySQL server on sphinx So we tried to create a user that used the old authentication plugin That still resulted with an error bash mysql hsphinx P ERROR HY Unknown MySQL errorIssues with connecting to MySQL client were fixed in Sphinx v This left us with two possible ways to go Upgrade legacy parts of the application that we all want removed to v ー not too much effortRemove Sphinx from the project ー little sub projectWe went with a hour endeavor for people and removed Sphinx from the project The magnificent world of charsets collates and row formats About charsets and collatesMySQL uses UTF as an alias for the now deprecated UTFMB It is expected at some point in the future that UTF will become an alias for the UTFMB charset In a future MySQL release UTFMB should be removed You can read more about it here To follow the recommendation we decided to change our charset to UTFMB To match our brand new charset we had to change the collate to any one compatible with UTFMB charset About row formatsThere are four row formats REDUNDANT COMPACT DYNAMIC and COMPRESSED MySQL v uses COMPACT by default and v and later use DYNAMIC The DYNAMIC row format offers the same storage characteristics as the COMPACT row format but adds enhanced storage capabilities for long variable length columns and supports large index key prefixes In our code we like to use these “cutting edge things from the “era gone by meaning we used row format FIXED It is so deprecated that if innodb strict mode is disabled InnoDB issues a warning and assumes row format DYNAMIC and if innodb strict mode is enabled InnoDB returns an error We replaced FIXED and COMPACT row formats with DYNAMIC There was a bug If you try to create an index on a field that exceeds bytes you will get an error that looks like this ERROR HY Index column size too large The maximum column size is bytesBut it was still possible to create an index like that if you were using row format COMPRESSED REDUNDANT or you didn t explicitly define row format DYNAMIC The result after a server reboot the table was inaccessible and could not be recovered But luckily this issue was fixed in MySQL v If you still want to create an index on VARCHAR field make sure the length is less or equal to This is because UTF takes up to bytes and UTFMB takes up to bytes The real issueOk not to hard So we change the charset collate and row format Big woop right The real hard part was altering every single table in the production database This will not be a problem if you do not have any huge tables but if you do these alters can and will take hours The trickiest thing of all is altering all these tables with some reasonable downtime Because if you try to join two tables with a different collate and charset ー it will fail If you try to alter everything on one slave and then replicate it ー it will fail Your safest bet is to backup or delete some data you can spare to reduce the table size Or create new empty tables that will be used while the real ones are being altered and sync the deltas once it is over MySQL query cache is no moreIf you rely on MySQL query cache you will have to replace it with something else It was deprecated in MySQL v and completely removed in MySQL v There are some alternatives like ProxySQL query cache But there are definitely some cutbacks It is the simplest alternative really easy to setup benchmarks show better throughput ー meaning performance boost But…Unlike MySQL query cache that would invalidate the cache every time there was a write in ProxySQL there is no way to define a way to invalidate the cache other then cache ttl This can definitely be a limitation because there is a chance you will serve some stale data Other then that it does not support caching prepared statements and there is no way to manually purge the query cache There is a parameter mysql query cache size MB that defines how big your cache can get But this is not strict it is only used to automatically trigger the query cache purge In any case it just depends on whether or not this is acceptable to you You can find more about it here If you are planning on upgrading MySQL I hope you will find this helpful The biggest problem for me was underestimating the time needed for delivering the project I wrote this post if for nothing else to help you know what to look out for |
2021-12-17 09:25:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
LG adds a 27-inch model to its refreshed UltraFine 4K OLED monitor lineup |
LG adds a inch model to its refreshed UltraFine K OLED monitor lineupLG has unveiled its latest high end UltraFine OLED K monitors aimed at pros and this time it has a smaller version that should be more affordable On top of that the new models come with more accessories to make calibration and working in bright rooms easier nbsp The inch model appears to be much the same as before with features like a contrast ratio true bit color Hz refresh rate and percent coverage of the DCI P color space As before it also conforms to the VESA DisplayHDR True Black standard for OLED displays nbsp The relative lack of brightness and huge contrast ratio shows the compromises and benefits of an OLED display for content creators in a nutshell On the one hand with nits of brightness the UltraFine OLED is barely adequate for doing HDR color grading compared to much brighter nit mini LED displays like Apple s Pro Display XDR or the ASUS ProArt PAUCG K display LG Yi CheolOn the other LG s OLED display has much better contrast perfect blacks and zero blooming because each pixel illuminates individually That feature can give color professionals a much better idea of the true contrast in an image So in essence buyers have to make a tough choice between brightness and contrast both of which are important for color work these days ーparticularly with video nbsp The new inch model will attract folks who want the benefits of OLED and the other pro features bit color percent DCI P and a contrast ratio at a lower price Both displays also offer features like a clean professional design USB C with W power delivery and four USB ports It also comes a pair of DisplayPort inputs and one HDMI port LG s doesn t say what kind for the latter so it s likely not HDMI ーthough that s not crucial for content creation pros nbsp The biggest upgrade over last year is that both monitors include a color calibration sensor LG didn t say which one along with its LG Calibration Studio software They also come with a monitor hood so you can better control the image depending on room lighting LG hasn t released the pricing yet but its current inch UltraFine Display OLED Pro Monitor costs a cool so expect to see a similar price on the new model The inch version meanwhile will likely be north of K |
2021-12-17 09:32:36 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
機能強化加算、要件に地域包括診療料などの実績を-支払側主張、かかりつけ医機能の評価再構築も |
中央社会保険医療協議会 |
2021-12-17 18:05:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
入札公告等を更新しました。 |
公告 |
2021-12-17 11:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ECB政策理事会-「平時の金融政策」に向けた出口方針を決定 |
nbsp理事会は、経済活動の回復と中期的なインフレ目標を勘案して、次の四半期の資産購入ペースの段階的な減速stepbystepreductionが可能だと判断したしかしながら、インフレ率が目標で中期的に安定するためには、引き続き金融緩和が必要である現在の不確実性に鑑み、理事会は柔軟性と選択肢を維持するこの点を考慮して、理事会は次の決定を行ったnbspパンデミック緊急資産購入プログラムPEPPPEPPの継続と終了予定年月期については、理事会はパンデミック緊急購入策PEPPによる純資産購入を、前四半期から減速したペースで実施購入ペースの減速を決定PEPPの純資産購入は年月末に終了するだろう終了予定を明記nbspPEPP元本償還分の再投資の実施再投資の期間を延長PEPPの元本償還の再投資は少なくとも年末まで実施年末から延長将来のPEPPの元本償還rolloffが適切な金融政策に影響しないよう管理する変更なしnbsp柔軟性およびPEPP再開の可能性について文章の追加コロナ禍による緊迫した環境下で、資産購入の設計・実施の際の柔軟性が、金融政策の伝達への悪影響に対抗し、理事会の目標達成への取り組みをより効果的にすることを示した我々の責務の範囲内において、緊迫した環境下で、金融政策の伝達性が脅かされ物価の安定が危うくなる場合には、柔軟性が引き続き金融政策の一要素となるだろう特に、コロナ禍に関連して、市場の分断fragmentationが再発する場合には、いつでもPEPPの再投資は、実施期間、資産クラス、国構成を柔軟に調整するこれには、国構成に関して購入が中断され、コロナ禍の余波からの回復途上にあるギリシャ経済への金融政策の伝達が阻害されることを避けるために、償還再投資についてのギリシャが発行する国債を購入することも含まれるPEPP下での純資産購入は、コロナ禍の負の影響に対抗するため、必要があれば再開するnbsp資産購入プログラムAPPAPPの実施PEPP終了後の増額を決定資産購入の段階的な減速と平仄をあわせ、金融政策の姿勢の中期的な物価安定目標との一貫性をとるために、理事会はAPP下での純資産購入を月期は月額億ユーロ、月期は月額億ユーロとすることを決定した月額億ユーロから増額年月以降は、理事会はAPP下での純資産購入を月額億ユーロで維持する変更なし毎月の購入は、緩和的な政策金利の影響が強化されるまで必要な限り継続変更なし政策金利の引き上げが実施される直前まで実施変更なしnbspAPPの元本償還分の再投資変更なしAPPの元本償還分は全額再投資を実施政策金利を引き上げ、十分な流動性と金融緩和を維持するために必要な限り実施nbsp政策金利政策金利の維持変更なし主要リファイナンスオペMRO金利限界貸出ファシリティ金利預金ファシリティ金利nbspフォワードガイダンス変更なし対称的なのインフレ目標と金融政策戦略に沿って、見通し期間が終わるかなり前wellaheadまでにインフレ率がに達し、その後見通し期間にわたって持続的に推移すると期待され、現実に中期的なに向けたインフレ率の安定という十分な進展が見られると判断されるまでは、理事会は政策金利を現在もしくはより低い水準で維持するそのため、一時的にインフレ率が目標をやや上回る可能性もあるnbsp資金供給オペ流動性供給策の監視政策の変更なし理事会は銀行の資金調達環境を監視し、TLTROⅢの満期が金融政策の円滑な伝達を阻害しないよう保証する文章の追加理事会はまた、条件付貸出オペが金融政策姿勢にどのように貢献しているかを定期的に評価する文章の追加すでに公表したように、TLTROⅢの特別条件は来年月に終了する文章の追加理事会はまた、豊富な過剰流動性がある環境下で、マイナス金利政策が銀行の仲介機能を制限することが無いよう、準備預金への付利の階層制度の適切な運用appropriatecalibrationについて評価する文章の追加nbspその他金融政策のスタンススタンスが双方向に変更されうることを明示インフレがの目標に向け推移するよう、必要に応じ、すべての手段をいずれの方向にも調整する準備があるnbsp政策理事会後の記者会見における主な内容は以下の通り。 |
2021-12-17 18:55:46 |
海外ニュース |
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ビジネス |
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ビジネス |
不景気.com |
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IT |
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