js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【サイト高速化】Lazy Load(画像の遅延読み込み)の導入方法 |
LazyLoadによって画像を読み込むには「datasrc」属性を用いることになっているので、これを利用して、遅延読み込みしたくないものは「src」を使うと遅延読み込みの対象から外すことができます。 |
2022-01-11 23:18:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordpressのURLが直らない |
WordpressのURLが直らない前提・実現したいことクライアント側が、間違ってサイトアドレスを変更してしまい、URLを元に戻せなくなってしまい、URLを元に戻したい。 |
2022-01-11 23:52:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSVの書き出しを行うと一文字ずつ,が入る |
CSVの書き出しを行うと一文字ずつが入るコードimportcsvfopenUsersuserDesktoptestcsvencodingutfsigufeff先頭に左記入力されない為追記crcsvreaderfdatlistcrfcloseprintdat※一部抜粋foryinrange※一部抜粋withopentest書き出しcsvaasfa最後の行に追加w通常書き込みacsvwriterfawriterowdaty前提・実現したいことPythonのselenium使用。 |
2022-01-11 23:47:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【エラー】mlagents-No package metadata was found for mlagents |
【エラー】mlagentsNopackagemetadatawasfoundformlagents前提・実現したいことプログラムを動かしたいmlagentsを用いてUnityで機械学習をしています。 |
2022-01-11 23:42:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityでモーションでパーツの座標位置をスクリプトで制御したい |
Unityでモーションでパーツの座標位置をスクリプトで制御したい実現したいことUnityのDモデルのモーションについての質問です。 |
2022-01-11 23:39:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
c++にてnodeクラスで線形リストを作っている最中ですが,色々疑問があるので質問させていただきます。 |
cにてnodeクラスで線形リストを作っている最中ですが色々疑問があるので質問させていただきます。 |
2022-01-11 23:39:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
配列内オブジェクトをMAPしたものを表示して、クリックした要素のインデックスを取得したい。 |
配列内オブジェクトをMAPしたものを表示して、クリックした要素のインデックスを取得したい。 |
2022-01-11 23:33:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptでnの数だけ配列の中の数字を順番に計算したい!!! |
javascriptでnの数だけ配列の中の数字を順番に計算したいタイトルにもある通り、javascriptでnの数だけ配列の中の数字を順番に取り出し計算したいのですが、うまくいかずに困っています。 |
2022-01-11 23:28:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
擬似要素(:after)のPositon を%で指定しても間隔がズレてしまう。 |
擬似要素afterのPositonをで指定しても間隔がズレてしまう。 |
2022-01-11 23:27:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
1次元配列同士を比較したいです。 |
letnbspanbsp |
2022-01-11 23:24:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】Viewでエラー文が表示されても改行されないようにしたい |
【Rails】Viewでエラー文が表示されても改行されないようにしたいとても初歩的な質問です、すいません。 |
2022-01-11 23:24:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ラジオボタンの値によってバリデーションを実行させる |
ラジオボタンの選択肢は以下のような内容です。 |
2022-01-11 23:23:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カスタムURLスキームを設定してるのに認識されない[android] |
カスタムURLスキームを設定してるのに認識されないandroid前提・実現したいことAndroidデバイスで、特定のURLスキームを持ったURLboogiewoogieboogiewoogiebubbleappsioViewUserをタップすると特定のネイティブアプリが起動するようにしたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージ以下「該当のソースコード」を含むアプリをインストールしたデバイスPixelでboogiewoogieboogiewoogiebubbleappsioViewUserquotをタップしてもURLスキームが認識されないnetERRUNKNOWNURLSCHEME該当のソースコードquotAndroidManifestxmlquot内に以下を記述。 |
2022-01-11 23:09:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語 順回路の組み合わせ問題 5つの並び |
2022-01-11 23:01:52 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Tips] AWS WAF を紐付けた API Gateway で 10KB を超えるリクエストを送信できない |
しかし、AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSetにはSizeRestrictionsBODYというルールが設定されていたため、KB以上のリクエストボディを指定したリクエストが送信不可になります。 |
2022-01-11 23:26:38 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerでSFTPサーバ立ててGoでアクセスしてみる |
DockerでSFTPサーバ立ててGoでアクセスしてみる最初にGoのSFTPパッケージ触りたかったけど、サーバ立てるのも面倒だったのでコンテナでサクッとやっちゃおうと思ったメモSFTPサーバ立てるメモatmozsftpを使ってdockercomposeymlversionservicessftpimageatmozsftpcontainernamesftpservervolumessftpserveruploadhomefoouploadportscommandfoopassuploadな感じでyaml用意してmkdirsftpservermkdirsftpserveruploaddockercomposeupdbuildsftpoPortfoolocalhostな感じでコマンド叩いて、パスワードにpassって入れたら接続できる。 |
2022-01-11 23:07:53 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerでSFTPサーバ立ててGoでアクセスしてみる |
DockerでSFTPサーバ立ててGoでアクセスしてみる最初にGoのSFTPパッケージ触りたかったけど、サーバ立てるのも面倒だったのでコンテナでサクッとやっちゃおうと思ったメモSFTPサーバ立てるメモatmozsftpを使ってdockercomposeymlversionservicessftpimageatmozsftpcontainernamesftpservervolumessftpserveruploadhomefoouploadportscommandfoopassuploadな感じでyaml用意してmkdirsftpservermkdirsftpserveruploaddockercomposeupdbuildsftpoPortfoolocalhostな感じでコマンド叩いて、パスワードにpassって入れたら接続できる。 |
2022-01-11 23:07:53 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gitコマンド&ノウハウ<中級編> |
【コンフリクトの際の解決方法】→ファイルの内容を書き換える最終的に変更したい記述に書き換える※「ltlt』「」「gtgt」の記述を元にして不要箇所を削除すること※どのファイルがコンフリクトしたのか知りたい場合は「gitstatus」で確認すること【コンフリクトの回避案主観と調査含む】複数人で同じファイルを変更しないことpullやmergeする前に、ローカルとリモートの差異を予めなくしておくcommitやstashを打っておく※stash・・・コミットしていない変更を退避することができるコマンドpullする際は、適したブランチに移動してからpullすることテキトーに行うと勝手にmargeされ、コンフリクトが起こりやすい初心者はここで躓きやすいと思いますが、コンフリクトが出た場合というのは、同じファイルの同じ行に対して異なる編集を行なった場合、です。 |
2022-01-11 23:48:36 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Google Tag Managerのサーバーサイド タグ設定でGA4タグを管理してみた |
google |
2022-01-11 14:56:00 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
DaVinci Resolve vs. Final Cut Pro: Which One Is the Better Non-Linear Editor (NLE)? |
DaVinci Resolve vs Final Cut Pro Which One Is the Better Non Linear Editor NLE Looking for a non linear editor that is the best among DaVinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro Here s a comparison of both and which one is right for you |
2022-01-11 14:46:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How many meetings do you have per week? |
Detail Nothing |
2022-01-11 14:41:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Healthcare Technology Trends and Digital Innovations in 2022 |
Healthcare Technology Trends and Digital Innovations in With well behind us COVID s presence still continues to linger around the world Of all the industries that have been forever changed by the impacts of the global pandemic healthcare arguably has changed the most With significant advances in technology and methods necessary to support the high demand of access to healthcare and growing digitization of protected health information the healthcare industry has evolved in novel ways to continue to deliver the same exceptional quality of service As we press on into the future it s critical to remain mindful of the trends driving healthcare technology in Although legacy software and infrastructure is critical to the success of modern hospitals and care centers it s important that we consider how those systems can integrate with newer technologies or how they may eventually be replaced with more reliable systems The focus should be on improving performance productivity efficiency and security without sacrificing reliability or accessibility If you re ready to explore the tech innovations driving the healthcare industry towards digital transformation this year let s take a look at the most important technologies that have the potential to transform your organization Trend Artificial Intelligence AI in HealthcareAcross multiple industries artificial intelligence has made great waves as a useful technology in especially for healthcare AI S ROLE AGAINST COVID The global pandemic has had a profound impact on our society but cutting edge technology has helped us stay ahead of the curve In fact a company from Toronto Canada was able to predict that COVID would spread worldwide By scanning media sources in over different languages daily their application called BlueDot can ascertain dangerous outbreaks in what is nearly real time A great deal of progress was also made with machine learning advances in the development of vaccines By using machine learning to help identify protein fragments the vaccines for COVID have been developed in much shorter periods of time than ever before AI has also been helpful in analyzing crowd temperature data This makes thermal screening a much more viable option for identifying potentially symptomatic individuals Advances in AI powered facial recognition have also made it viable toward identifying individuals even if they are wearing a face mask It can also detect if the user is wearing a mask in the areas where it s mandatory AI IN DIAGNOSIS amp DRUG DEVELOPMENTArtificial intelligence has plenty of applications outside of treating and responding to the pandemic AI is incredibly helpful for improving efficiency with information processing and decision making In the healthcare industry machine learning is extremely helpful for the development of new pharmaceuticals and the efficiency of diagnosis processes For those being treated for the effects of COVID AI is helping analyze CT scans to detect pneumonia Microsoft developed Project InnerEye a radiotherapy AI tool This dramatically speeds up the process of D contouring of the patient bringing time to completion down to minutes instead of hours The project is open source on GitHub Project Hanover is another Microsoft AI system meant to catalog biomedical research papers from PubMed This helps reduce time for cancer diagnosis and assists with deciding on which drugs should be used for each patient AI IN MENTAL HEALTHArtificial intelligence innovations don t just apply to physical health MIT and Harvard University researchers have utilized machine learning to track trends and mental health in correlation to the COVID pandemic By using an AI model they were able to analyze thousands of online Reddit messages to find that topics of suicidality and loneliness had nearly doubled over a period of time This has the potential to transform our understanding of the mental health of larger populations NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSINGChatbots have the potential to improve the efficiency of telehealth Researchers at UCLA combined chatbot technologies with AI systems to create a Virtual Interventional Radiologist VIR This was intended to help patients self diagnose themselves and for assisting doctors in diagnosing those patients Chatbots powered by Natural Language Processing aren t ready to provide primary diagnosis but they can be used to assist in the process They are also well equipped to help obtain information from patients before proper treatment can begin THE KEY TO AI IN HEALTHCARE DATAThe most important element that powers artificial intelligence s success in healthcare is data More specifically training data Software powered by machine learning will never outperform the quality of its training dataset The higher the quality and breadth of the data we give to the model the better it will perform It s essential that your AI team is composed of experienced software developers and data scientists that can work together to produce the best results Trend Telemedicine and the Evolution of Remote CareTelehealth has come a long way since the beginning of the pandemic in In care providers regularly have video conference meetings with patients over the Internet to discuss concerns and give advice The infrastructure to support this has vastly improved Telehealth is expected to grow to billion by With that in mind what lies in store for the future COMPLYING WITH REGULATIONSBefore we consider that possibility one of the most important issues with telehealth is HIPAA compliance Although some restrictions were relaxed during the height of the pandemic in it s important for care providers to consider the applications that they are using to communicate with their patients Are they secure and certified to handle private health information WEBRTC FOR VIDEO CONFERENCINGIn many instances a more dedicated solution is required that can more specifically adhere to legal privacy requirements If you need a dedicated telemedicine app one of the most important technologies that will be needed is WebRTC an open source API based system that connects web browsers and mobile applications and allows for transmitting audio video and data This is especially helpful for teleconferencing features CLOUD HOSTING AND DATA STORAGEStoring data in most cloud storage services is relatively secure but not necessarily compliant with government regulations on protected health information HIPAA compliant cloud hosting solutions are critical for maintaining functionality and efficiency for any healthcare operation needing electronic health records EVR However teleconferencing and data hosting aren t the only features that may be useful for your organization Other features like security location services appointment management secure messaging healthcare provider reviews visit history and wearable integration are all potentially useful features Some applications may need to store fitness data from consumer devices such as Google Fit and Apple HealthKit Being able to maintain these integrations in a secure and efficient manner can benefit the patient and caregiver greatly Trend Extended Reality in Healthcare SettingsExtended reality a blanket term including augmented reality virtual reality and mixed reality has a great deal of potential in the healthcare industry From assisting surgery to aiding telehealth applications AR and VR technologies can improve the healthcare industry substantially AUGMENTED REALITY AND MIXED REALITY IN HEALTHCAREAugmented reality and mixed reality are useful in a variety of healthcare settings One of the most popular and useful forms of this technology is the use of mixed reality headsets like Microsoft Hololens by surgeons The headset can provide heads up information to the surgeon while allowing them to use both of their hands during the procedure Not only can these surgeries be enriched by this heads up information but it can be a collaborative and remote effort and assist in training purposes The head mounted camera view of the headset can enable other doctors to observe the surgery and offer advice The holographic nature of the device can be used to enrich training as well Similar applications are possible with on the rise AR headsets More specialized software solutions will also be necessary to expand its use to different types of surgeries into the future AR isn t just restricted to headsets and operating rooms The technology can also be used to help nurses find veins to draw blood from Augmented reality development relies heavily upon artificial intelligence and specialized sensors to function Whether you re developing for mobile devices or other kinds of hardware appropriate data and software expertise will be required AR developers focus heavily upon leveraging AI with the software frameworks of target hardware to make these products successful METAVERSE FUTURE OR HYPE There is a big debate about whether Facebook s rebrand to Meta and the focus on social virtual reality experiences is justified Ultimately whether or not this is something that you are willing to invest in is up to you Even if the metaverse is vastly overblown there is some potential for virtual reality in healthcare settings One of the most useful applications of VR in healthcare that is in use right now is training Creating virtual training situations for doctors can help them improve their skills and prepare for operations VR can also be used in some contexts for treatment For example The Virtual Reality Medical Center uses VR therapy to help those suffering from phobias like fear of heights and PTSD Maplewood Senior Living in Connecticut also has a VR therapy program for the elderly that can help them unlock past memories and improve emotional wellbeing Meta s shift toward cartoon style meetings might become useful for VR therapy but the effectiveness of this in place of traditional teleconferencing remains to be seen However some technologies in this space such as spatial audio have potential to improve the effectiveness of telehealth systems by providing a more immersive digital experience Trend IoT and Wearables in HealthcareWith wearables and IoT technologies becoming more popular their potential in the healthcare industry has grown significantly For applications in telemedicine and telehealth technologies many have come to call this trend in micro processing the Internet of Medical Things There were billion IoT devices connected at the start of The global IoT medical devices market is projected to reach USD billion by from USD billion in With the healthcare industry becoming increasingly more connected through these technologies IoT cannot be ignored WEARABLESOne of the most important innovations in the healthcare industry is the advancement of wearable technology The ability to monitor the status of a patient throughout the day remotely or for an individual to monitor their own status is incredibly valuable A survey conducted by Deloitte found that of users had a smartwatch With consumer smartwatches becoming more widely available their potential to be used for healthcare applications should be noted One of the most basic things that a smartwatch can provide that can be useful for monitoring a person s health is heart rate However this is not the only thing that a smartwatch can measure These devices can also monitor physical health with pedometers and blood oxygen saturation Low blood oxygen saturation is difficult to detect without specialized sensors Since this can be a life threatening condition smartwatches with this sensor can save lives Smartwatches are also improving in their ability to measure blood vitals in their users Photoplethysmography PPG is an optical technology that can measure variations in blood volume and composition Since it has been miniaturized for use on smartwatches it can provide users with more data than ever about their blood vitals Healthcare providers can use this data to help advise patients and complete diagnoses Smartwatches aren t the only wearable that has potential for the healthcare industry Bio patches and smart hearing aids have similar levels of impact Bio patches can provide a better understanding of a person s vitals without the use of a smartwatch Artificial intelligence can also be used to improve noise isolation of hearing aids SMART PILLSOne of the most profound applications for IoT technology in healthcare is the concept of a smart pill which transforms The Internet of Things into The Internet of Bodies Smart pills are edible electronics that not only serve as pharmaceuticals but can provide care providers with valuable information about patients The first smart pill approved by the FDA was released in CREATING IOMT SOLUTIONSWith the industry trending toward using numerous microcontrollers in unison getting all of these computers to communicate with each other can be challenging Another obstacle that needs to be overcome is that almost every manufacturer uses their own proprietary protocol to get their devices to talk to each other This can make integration difficult Connectivity can also be an issue as many environmental factors can disrupt communications In order to overcome this buffering methods on local microcontrollers need to become more robust Security is always a concern as well Trend Healthcare Privacy and Security in Beyond the scope of efficiency and quality of care privacy and security take critical priority in the healthcare industry In February of Kroger pharmacy data was exposed in a data breach through Accellion s FTA secure file transfer service They re not the only ones According to HealthITSecurity com over organizations suffered data breaches last year that affected over million people Ensuring your organization is HIPAA compliant is an essential first step toward avoiding costly data breaches If you are serving patients internationally it may be a good idea to consider the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR in the European Union The HIPAA regulation covers a great range of activities and it even covers some that are not mentioned in the act directly Electronic signatures that are used in online forms quite often are a great example of that They are not mentioned in the regulation but covered entities have to ensure that they are using HIPAA compliant e signature services as these services will store data that is considered PHI for authorization and authentication purposes Erman Ergun Healthcare Content Manager JotFormSome healthcare providers are able to use software like Facetime and Skype to communicate with patients that may not be fully compliant with government regulations Although the Office for Civil Rights OCR of the Department of Health and Human Services HHS in the United States has previously announced relaxed enforcement policies for organizations during the public health emergency it s important not to rely on that discretion Eventually as the pandemic continues to subside enforcement will go back to normal Getting ahead of the curve can help avoid steep fines in the future Although compliant video conferencing software already exists sometimes a more customized solution needs to be created This is especially the case if existing data infrastructure does not integrate well with available options More importantly if a healthcare provider wants to use an existing system to exchange ePHI with patients through third party software they will have to obtain a business associate exception with the vendor which can be tedious and difficult There still is no guarantee that the third party program can fully protect patient data In addition keeping information secure through remote doctor calls is difficult ePHI data must be transmitted in structured formats and these calls can make the process complicated Trend Organ Care Technology amp BioprintingWith the world s transplantation market size predicted to reach billion by organ transplants are certainly an important part of the healthcare industry According to Matthew J Everly about heart transplants take place in the United States every year However it s estimated that over people need a heart transplant What can be done to help all of these people suffering from heart disease IMPROVING ORGAN CARE TECHNOLOGY EXTENDING TIME FOR ORGAN EVALUATION AND TRANSPORTOne of the approaches to this issue is to improve organ care technology This means taking care of the organ while it s outside of the body The Organ Care System developed by Transmedics is a great example which is in use by the Ohio State University s Wexner Medical Center This device can keep a heart lung or liver outside of the body for several hours through proper care heat and provision of important nutrients It s possible that the future of this technology may depend on artificial intelligence to automatically take action without a doctor s intervention to preserve the organ for longer periods of time Perhaps more importantly machine learning may be able to better determine if an organ being preserved is suitable for transplantation or not The faster that this can be determined the more quickly a life could be saved BIOPRINTING CREATING NEW ORGANSIn addition to keeping organs alive outside of the body other options should also be explored Although it may sound like science fiction D printed organs are a very real although developing technology that has already made its way into clinical testing Ears corneas bones and skin are all organs in clinical testing for D bioprinting The process is not too different from traditional D printing First a digital model of the tissue must be created Careful attention needs to be paid to the resolution and matrix structure as the materials used in the printing process are quite literally living cells called bioink They then need to test the organ s functionality with stimulation One of the ways that rejection of an organ can be prevented is by using the cells of the patient requiring transplantation These cells can be grown in a culture and then cultivated into the bioink necessary for printing Bioprinting has been done in the past but has not yet hit the mainstream It s possible that through AI analysis of organs and of recipient patient characteristics organs can be better engineered to be compatible with their new hosts Future of Healthcare TechnologyAs rolls forward healthcare technology will continue to improve in every area Although security will improve across the industry threats are always evolving that must be dealt with through prevention rather than response Quality and efficiency of care will continue to improve due to groundbreaking and evolving technologies like artificial intelligence machine learning and extended reality |
2022-01-11 14:29:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Airbnb Search App with Testing Data from MongoDB |
Airbnb Search App with Testing Data from MongoDB Overview of My SubmissionThis is a simple full stack demo app that was built with Frontend React Material UI Google Maps Javascript APIBackend Express Node js MongoDB AtlasDatabase MongoDBThis app makes use of the sample data sets of Airbnb provided by MongoDB It demonstrates the use case of geoWithin operator to perform geographical search in a smooth and fast way Wanted to create an autocomplete real time retrieval of database index field but came across this available test dataset from the documentation geoWithin MongoDB Atlas and found out that this geoWithin is more powerful than I thought DemoIn this app user can search type in the keyword and pin the desired location right click on the map and while you type it is retrieving data on the pre indexed fields from MongoDB and presenting them as suggestions to the users Creating different types of index fields were easy as I found on YouTube the exactly thing that I wanted to do Basically both the search filters keyword and the location selected were combined to produce the search results If you right click and select the location it will try to find in a circle shape you can define in your GeoJSON and with a radius of km you can also define thsi in GeoJSON By providing keywords it will further filter down those properties that match the name field of the property Submission Category E Commerce Creation Own Adventure Link to Code OhDylan airbnb data app Airbnb Search App with Testing Data from MongoDBAboutThis is a simple full stack demo app that was built with Frontend React Material UI Google Maps Javascript APIBackend Express Node js MongoDB AtlasDatabase MongoDBThis app makes use of the sample data sets of Airbnb provided by MongoDB It demonstrates the use case of geoWithin operator to perform geographical search in a smooth and fast way Wanted to create an autocomplete real time retrieval of database index field but came across this available test dataset from the documentation geoWithin MongoDB Atlas and found out that this geoWithin is more powerful than I thought DemoIn this app user can search type in the keyword and pin the desired location right click on the map and while you type it is retrieving data on the pre indexed fields from MongoDB and presenting them as… View on GitHub Additional Resources InfoClick on the link to check out this demo app Live Demo |
2022-01-11 14:29:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Introduction to middleware in Express |
Introduction to middleware in Express IntroductionThis tutorial will learn about middleware and how to middleware makes Express powerful and extensible What is middleware A middleware is a function that intercepts requests and or responses as they get in out of your Express application Middleware has access to request and response objects Middleware functions can run any code modify the request req response res objects and has access to the request response cycle How to use a Middlware in ExpressMiddlewares can be used as Application wide a middleware enabled for the entire applicationRouter level middlewareError handling middlwarerd Party middlware Application wide MiddlewareApplication wide middleware are middleware enabled for the entire application const express require express const app express const middlwareFn req req next gt console log req method next for every request middlewareFn will always be executed it s a middleware enable application wideapp use middlwareFn Router Level middlewareRouter level middleware work the same as application wide except that they are bound to an instance of express Router Say you have set up a router like const express require express const Router express Router instance of routerconst router Router declare a middleware functionconst logHTTPMethod req res next gt console log Method req method next enable the middlewarerouter use logHTTPMethod The logHTTpMethod middleware will be enabled for router instance an will be run for all requests that are handle inside router To enable logHTTPMethod we will pass the function as an argument after router METHOD like code ommitted for every request to accounts resource we run logHTTPMethodrouter get accounts logHTTPMethod req res gt route logic Error handling MiddlwareError handling middleware are similar to other middleware except that the signature is different In Error handling middware signature require arguments instead of Parameters for Error handling middleware err req res next code omittedconst ErrorHandler err req res next gt res status send Internal server Error app use ErrorHandler code omitted rd Party middlewareA rd party middlware is packaged as an npm module and can be installed as a dependency using yarn or npmA good example is a middleware that provides logging capabilities like morgan or cookie parsing functionalities like cookie parserTo use morgan to log request info to the console standard output Add morgan as a dependency yarn add morganImport the dependency const express require express const app express const morgan require morgan app use morgan tiny will log request info everytime a request is made to the application SummaryMiddleware is a function that has access to request req response res objects The signature for using middleware is app use middlewareFn Where app is an instance of Express or Router class In our next article create a tiny Express application to demonstrate RoutingMiddlewareRoute params amp Route queriesAuthentication amp AuthorizationWe shall build a tiny e commerce application with a Nextjs powered front end Until next week Adios Found this article helpful You may follow my handle on twitter nkmurgor where I tweet about interesting topics on web development |
2022-01-11 14:13:40 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Alexa can change the weight on NordicTrack's adjustable dumbbells |
Alexa can change the weight on NordicTrack x s adjustable dumbbellsAdjustable dumbbells can be incredibly useful in a home gym but the need to manually tweak weight can be a pain when you re trying to keep your heart rate up mid workout iFit s NordicTrack badge might have a solution have Alexa do the work The brand has introduced iSelect Adjustable Dumbbells that can use an Alexa capable third party device to quickly adjust the weight from lbs to lbs in lb increments using a motorized selector You can set exact weights tweak weight by relative amounts or call up presets for typical exercises like bicep curls and deadlifts nbsp The dumbbells are unsurprisingly meant to play nicely with iFit s per month fitness subscription but you don t need the membership There s even a tablet holder on the weight tray to let you use your own screen and service This might make sense if space is at a premium or if you d rather not hog the TV The NordicTrack dumbbells are available now through Amazon for That s expensive compared to many conventional adjustable sets but you might not mind if the speed of adjustments is more important than price We d add that some adjustable sets don t offer this level of flexibility ーthe lb changes could help you ease into heavier weights over time |
2022-01-11 14:29:42 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
A Nintendo Switch Online and microSD bundle is half off on Amazon |
A Nintendo Switch Online and microSD bundle is half off on AmazonHunkering down for the winter months can mean more time to play some new games while you stay inside For Switch owners that want to play with friends remotely and get access to classic games a Nintendo Switch Online membership is well worth the price Now Amazon has a deal on a bundle that includes one year of the Switch Online family plan and a GB SanDisk microSD card for Since both the membership and the card normally cost you re essentially getting the extra storage for free Buy Switch Online Family Plan bundle at Amazon At its debut the main selling point of the membership was online play but Nintendo has added more perks to it over the years It now includes online backups for gameplay data access to the Switch Online mobile app that lets you voice chat with friends while you re playing together and access to a library of more than NES and SNES titles to play at any time This particular bundle is best for those with large families and possibly more than one Switch in the house since up to eight users can take advantage of the membership s benefits One of the things we usually recommend new Switch owners buy is a microSD card since it s easy to quickly fill up the console s built in GB of storage with games The licensed GB SanDisk model included in this bundle is a solid one with read speeds up to MB s and write speeds up to MB s Even if you don t think you ll need the extra space you probably will as you collect more titles save files and screenshots over time Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2022-01-11 14:11:40 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
In South Africa, Success Against H.I.V. Offers Hope |
In South Africa Success Against H I V Offers HopeA former Africa correspondent who covered the height of the AIDS epidemic there years ago finds lessons in the remarkable progress against that virus for our current fight |
2022-01-11 14:59:11 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
公社債発行額・償還額等 |
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2022-01-11 15:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
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金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
入札公告等を更新しました。 |
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2022-01-11 14:30:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson can't hide from party allegations, says Labour's Angela Rayner |
allegations |
2022-01-11 14:43:26 |
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BBC News - Home |
'Half of Europe' to be infected with Omicron within weeks - WHO |
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2022-01-11 14:26:41 |
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BBC News - Home |
Fans to return to Scottish stadiums next week |
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2022-01-11 14:45:45 |
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Fighting the darknet drug dealers who keep coming back |
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2022-01-11 14:01:45 |
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Andrew Gosden: Two men arrested for trafficking and kidnap |
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2022-01-11 14:47:42 |
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Schools struggle amid Covid as one in 12 teachers off |
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2022-01-11 14:04:18 |
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BBC News - Home |
Downing Street party: What Covid rules would it have broken? |
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Full crowds can return to fixtures in Scotland |
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2022-01-11 14:31:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
Novak Djokovic still has questions to answer, says Andy Murray |
Novak Djokovic still has questions to answer says Andy MurrayAndy Murray says it is positive that Novak Djokovic has been released from detention in Australia but the Serb still has a few questions to answer |
2022-01-11 14:26:21 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NY円、115円後半 |
外国為替市場 |
2022-01-11 23:04:00 |