Engadget Japanese |
アップルAR/VRヘッドセット、Mac並み高性能のため96W充電アダプタ同梱のウワサ |
macbookpro |
2022-01-12 06:50:43 |
Engadget Japanese |
キャラクターに悩み相談。LINEが有料サービス「推しキャラトーク」開始 |
悩み相談 |
2022-01-12 06:39:40 |
フリーソフト |
新着ソフトレビュー - Vector |
写真や動画やPDFのファイルをスピーディに高圧縮し、パソコンの容量不足やデータ転送の負荷を軽減「Apower データ圧縮」 |
apower |
2022-01-12 17:00:00 |
ロボスタ |
Alexa「部屋に人がいるかいないかを判断して照明やBGMを自動でオン/オフ」する機能を追加 発話なしにスマート家電を制御 |
alexa |
2022-01-12 06:20:37 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ユニバ×名探偵コナンの新アトラクション公開 劇場版最新作とコラボ |
itmedia |
2022-01-12 15:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] レクサス、新型「LX」を発売 多様なライフスタイルに応える次世代モデル |
itmedia |
2022-01-12 15:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] ドコモオンラインショップが「クレジットカード決済」の要件を厳格化 「3Dセキュア 2.0」対応カードが必須に |
itmediamobile |
2022-01-12 15:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] マウス、クリエイター向けミドルタワー型デスクトップ「DAIV Z7」に第12世代Core搭載モデル |
daivz |
2022-01-12 15:21:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 楽天カード、2枚目カードでキャンペーン ツイートで当選人数が倍に |
itmedia |
2022-01-12 15:04:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
コンテナ開発を省力化する「VMware Tanzu Application Platform」が正式リリース | IT Leaders |
コンテナ開発を省力化する「VMwareTanzuApplicationPlatform」が正式リリースITLeadersヴイエムウェアは年月日、「VMwareTanzuApplicationPlatform」をリリースした。 |
2022-01-12 15:51:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PythonでTwitterと天気予報のAPIを使って定期ツイートをする |
Apppermissionsの欄をReadandwriteandDirectmessageに変更ツイートするだけならReadandwriteでも構いません。 |
2022-01-12 15:46:16 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerでソースコードが反映されない時の対処法(Rails使用) |
2022-01-12 15:46:25 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VSCodeで複数のコンフリクトを一括で解消する |
VSCodeで複数のコンフリクトを一括で解消する概要VSCodeを使えばとても簡単にgitのコンフリクトを解消することができます。 |
2022-01-12 15:56:39 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerでソースコードが反映されない時の対処法(Rails使用) |
2022-01-12 15:46:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
New Technologies to learn in 2022 as a Web Developer |
New Technologies to learn in as a Web Developer has been a great year for Web Developers even when Pandemic hits the whole world Web Development as a technology was keep growing and we saw a lot of different changes last year NextJS was released with Rust Compiler and Native ES Module support React was being announced with new API s like startTransition and even it included its own React Compiler Web was trending MicroFrontends was trending Rust was on the trends since years and many more things So as a Front End Web Developer I decided that this year I will learn some of the tehcnologies that will obviously increase my skill as a developer but it will even give me more chance and ways of completing a complex project Node JSWhen you work in a company with bunch of different people working on bunch of different technologies then you always get stuck at a point that it would have been better if I know atleast that technology so that I could have been known about this particular issue and may be able to solve it too As a front end developer Backend always fascinates me but I never got the chance to learn it But as a web developer it good to have a knowledge of frontend as well as backend So I decided to learn Node JS this year Web ARYou read it right I decided to learn Web AR in because Augmented Reality is the future and with the help of this technology I can create interactive e commerce websites where you can try clothes directly on your body using your phone Websites like Spatial are offering virtual meeting rooms where you can interact with your coworkers Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies work fine with mobile apps but WebAR technologies make it possible to experience it on web browsers It lags in speed and cross browser compatibility which will come with improvements over time FlutterMy company works with React Native for client projects but now they are planning to start with Flutter and this is one of the reason I started learning flutter As I need to work on them As a React Developer its easy for me to learn React Native but I love flutter for its continuous updates fascinating community and its much faster then React Native React Native even offers you two different way of creating project Native and Expo but flutter gives only one and thats the another reason that why I chose flutter as many option creates confusion Advance AlgorithmsIt s may not a technology but its necessary for me now I heard many front end web developers who say that DSA is not needed in Front End Web Developement but its not true If you want to make a comment section like instagram then you need to know the recursion because thats what is going to help you to create infinite nested comments MongoDBIf I will learn NodeJS then what s the use of a backend without a database And Node and MongoDB go hand in hand with React I could have learnt SQL but Table based database may be a little bit tough for me and as MongoDB is offering Documents based DB with many differnt features like lookup unwind etc which ease the task That s all from my side I chose less technologies to learn this year but I will make sure that I will learn and implement it nicely |
2022-01-12 06:50:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JavaScript Demystified: Short-circuiting, nullish coalescing and Optional chaining |
JavaScript Demystified Short circuiting nullish coalescing and Optional chainingHello Devs In this blog I ll walk you through the concepts of logical operator Short circuiting nullish coalescing and optional chaining in JavaScript Logical operators It is essential to understand the working of logical operators inorder to understand short circuiting There are three logical operators in JavaScript the AND operator the OR operator and the NOT operator AND operator AND operator will return true only if all the values are truthy else it will return false const a true b hey c d null a amp amp b truea amp amp c falsec amp amp d false OR operator OR operator returns true if atleast one of the values is true else it will return false const a true b hey c d null a b truea c truec d false NOT operator The NOT operator will return true if used with a falsy value and it will return false if used with a truthy value const a false b hey console log a trueconsole log b falseOut of these three operators the AND operator and the OR operator can be short circuited Short circuiting Short circuiting can be defined as the phenomenon in programming by which the compiler or the interpreter skips the evaluation of the sub expressions in an expression as soon as it determines the final result of that expression AND operator We know that the AND operator will return true only if all the values are true So it can safely return false as soon as it encounters a falsy value It does not have to check other values because if one of the values is falsy entire expression will turn out to be false const a b hello c d true console log a amp amp b amp amp c amp amp d Here in this example JavaScript will stop evaluating the expression as soon as it encounters the variable c Because c is and is a falsy value OR operator The OR operator returns true if atleast one of the values is truthy So as soon as JavaScript encounters a truthy value it can stop evaluating the expression const a b c d false console log a b c d In this example JavaScript will stop evaluating as soon as it encounters c since it s a truthy value Before es default parameters were not a thing So programmers used OR short circuiting to get things done Let s say you are developing the backend for a bank There are two types of accounts zero balance account and normal account The minimum balance for normal account is if that is the case the customer can choose not to enter any value for deposit amount In the backend we can check if the deposit amount is present if it is present we can set it as the balance if not we can set as the balance Sounds good let s implement this logic let dataBase function createAccount name id depositAmount const newUser name name id id balance depositAmount dataBase push newUser return newUser const user createAccount Alice console log user name Alice id balance const user createAccount Bob console log user name Bob id balance const user createAccount Joe console log user name Joe id balance uh oh seems like our logic isn t that good Notice what happens when the value passed as depositAmount is incase of zero balance account is a falsy value hence the balance will get assigned with Which is wrong and bad for your business What if I tell you there s a way around it Nullish coalescing operator The nullish coalescing is very similar to the logical OR operator The difference is nullish coalescing operator treats null and undefined as falsy values and everything else as truthy values let name undefined John console log name Johnlet isVerified true null console log isVerified trueSo in the bank account creation example we could use nullish coalescing operator instead of the OR operator Trust me it would save your bank a ton of money let dataBase function createAccount name id depositAmount const newUser name name id id balance depositAmount dataBase push newUser return newUser const user createAccount Alice console log user name Alice id balance const user createAccount Bob console log user name Bob id balance const user createAccount Joe console log user name Joe id balance Optional chaining Has it ever occurred to you when you try to access a property of a variable you get the following error Error Cannot read properties of undefinedThis is because we did not receive the expected object instead we received undefined I know this error is annoying The optional chaining operator checks whether the referenced object is nullish null or undefined or not If it is nullish it returns undefined If not it returns the actual value of that property const person name Joe age console log person name Joe console log person fav food undefined connect with me I hope you liked this blog Want to connect You can DM on Dev to and twitter |
2022-01-12 06:48:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Track Multiple CI/CD Builds Using Meercode |
Track Multiple CI CD Builds Using MeercodeBuilding software products can be challenging There can be more than one tool that is in the play Not to mention the usernames and passwords for each tool and authorization issues So is there a way you could just monitor all the processes directly from a single screen Today we shall be talking about a tool that can solve your build problems by providing a single entry point for a degree view into your build integration and deployment processes Meercode is a unique tool that allows you to monitor and manage your builds from a single dashboard Your product might have more than one CI CD process These processes can be across different servers such as GitHub or Azure DevOps No matter what the server may be Meercode lets you visualize your running and completed workflows on a clean and beautiful UI Build MonitorsMeercode comes with build monitors This allows organizations visibility across all the builds and their statuses Build monitors are an essential part of any CI setup By using build monitors any team member can instantly know the status of the builds while doing their work Integrate with your favorite toolBig projects are built across many tools Meercode has support for a vast number of tools to help make your monitoring easier Across every provider the process remains simple Sign up Integrate and Monitor builds GitHubThis is probably the most popular CI CD tool GitHub can integrate and build code and make deployments Meercode can help you monitor these processes with a single click GitLab CIGitLab CI is a popular tool to build and deploy Meercode allows out of the box support for integration with Gitlab CI Just sign up and you are ready to go Travis CIMeercode can connect with Travis CI to monitor builds Azure DevOpsMeercode has full support for Azure DevOps builds VercelNo configuration is needed for Vercel Just sign up and start building BitriseEver wanted to monitor multiple Bitrise workflows on a single dashboard Meercode lets you visualize your running and completed workflows on a clean and beautiful UI BuddyMeercode connects seamlessly with Buddy Integrate with Buddy to monitor your builds from a single monitor JenkinsJenkins is one of the most popular CI CD tools Unfortunately right now Jenkins support is coming soon to make sure you are fully covered Beautiful UIMeercode is designed to help you through each stage of CI CD So UI is also built keeping in mind the user experience Meercode comes with a fresh and unique card design for your workflows Clarity at each stepNo need to go through long long complicated log files to point out a simple error Meercode is built with clarity in mind Via beautiful and comprehensive charts using Meercode you can easily identify gaps errors and bottlenecks Meercode highlights your currently running builds on the top and shows them separately Relax as your build files transform into colourful bars SecuritySo is the Meercode satisfy your security requirements Security can make or break your product You do not want another tool that asks for excessive permissions or submit your source code Meercode is designed to ensure that your safety and privacy are not compromised To achieve this Meercode comes with the below features Keep your source code private Source code is the heart of your product Letting this source code exposed can be a disaster to any company Of course Meercode understands this hence Meercode does not ask you for your source code This means your code and product details are kept to yourself and you can safely build and maintain CI CD from Meercode Token based AuthorizationMeercode does not perform any action by itself Whether it s building integrating or deploying any pipeline Meercode requires that you authorize the operation by using secure token based authorization As a result users can only monitor resources which they can access on the service side This also means that if a user does not have any access to any repository on let suppose GitHub then corresponding actions are not shown to that user Hence you do not need to worry about any unauthorized operations No excessive permissionsSo does Meercode need any permissions Yes Meercode needs read write permissions Meercode is designed to require minimal permissions to your CI CD resources and we never access your source code We need to enable one click functionality to cancel or re run actions This is only why Meercode needs to have permission PricingSo is Meercode affordable for your business Meercode comes in three different pricing models This means that its suitable for not just small businesses but also enterprises and start ups I am summarizing below the available model with feature sets available FeatureFreeTeamProPrivate Repository LimitUnlimitedPublic Repository LimitUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedPublic Sharable LinksNoYesYesCustom dashboardsNoYes Yes unlimitedDashboard Refresh Interval secs secs secsCustom domainComing soonComing soonComing soonCustom dashboardComing soonComing soonComing soonOvertime Build NotificationsComing soonComing soonComing soonIncludes Trial Free foreverIncludes a day free trialIncludes a day free trialPrice per seat month per seat month ConclusionGone are the days when your DevOps needed to switch between multiple screens to monitor the processes No need to share different URLs to see how your build processes are doing anymore Meercode is here to meet your needs regarding process monitoring and optimization Want to have complete visibility about your product Make sure in your next project give Meercode a try |
2022-01-12 06:19:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🚀 #4 JavaScript Project Series. |
JavaScript Project Series Hello Coders Welcome back to the Javascript project series Today i m share another amazing project Save This Series For Upcoming Projects Let s get started ️Progress bar style clock Clock using HTML CSS and JavaScript In this project we learn that how we create a Clock progress bar We use HTML Css and javascript for this Clock progress bar Hope you enjoy this projects series so let s start Here s a preview A basic HTML structure for a Clock progress bar HTML CODE lt div id clock class progress clock gt lt button class progress clock time date data group d type button gt lt small data unit w gt Sunday lt small gt lt br gt lt span data unit mo gt January lt span gt lt span data unit d gt lt span gt lt button gt lt button class progress clock time digit data unit h data group h type button gt lt button gt lt span class progress clock time colon gt lt span gt lt button class progress clock time digit data unit m data group m type button gt lt button gt lt span class progress clock time colon gt lt span gt lt button class progress clock time digit data unit s data group s type button gt lt button gt lt span class progress clock time ampm data unit ap gt AM lt span gt lt svg class progress clock rings width height viewBox gt lt defs gt lt linearGradient id pc red x y x y gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt linearGradient gt lt linearGradient id pc yellow x y x y gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt linearGradient gt lt linearGradient id pc blue x y x y gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt linearGradient gt lt linearGradient id pc purple x y x y gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt stop offset stop color hsl gt lt linearGradient gt lt defs gt lt Days of Month gt lt g data units d gt lt circle class progress clock ring cx cy r fill none opacity stroke url pc red stroke width gt lt circle class progress clock ring fill data ring mo cx cy r fill none stroke url pc red stroke width stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset stroke linecap round transform rotate gt lt g gt lt Hours of Day gt lt g data units h gt lt circle class progress clock ring cx cy r fill none opacity stroke url pc yellow stroke width gt lt circle class progress clock ring fill data ring d cx cy r fill none stroke url pc yellow stroke width stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset stroke linecap round transform rotate gt lt g gt lt Minutes of Hour gt lt g data units m gt lt circle class progress clock ring cx cy r fill none opacity stroke url pc blue stroke width gt lt circle class progress clock ring fill data ring h cx cy r fill none stroke url pc blue stroke width stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset stroke linecap round transform rotate gt lt g gt lt Seconds of Minute gt lt g data units s gt lt circle class progress clock ring cx cy r fill none opacity stroke url pc purple stroke width gt lt circle class progress clock ring fill data ring m cx cy r fill none stroke url pc purple stroke width stroke dasharray stroke dashoffset stroke linecap round transform rotate gt lt g gt lt svg gt lt div gt There is all HTML code for the Clock progress bar Now you can see output without CSS then we write css amp javascript for a Clock progress bar Output CSS CODE border box sizing border box margin padding root hue bg hsl var hue fg hsl var hue font size calc px vw px body button color var fg font em apple system BlinkMacSystemFont Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Arial sans serif body background color var bg height vh display grid place items center progress clock display grid justify content center align content center position relative text align center width em height em progress clock time date progress clock time digit progress clock time colon progress clock time ampm transition color s linear webkit user select none moz user select none user select none progress clock time date progress clock time digit background transparent progress clock time date progress clock time ampm grid column progress clock time date font size em line height progress clock time digit progress clock time colon font size em font weight grid row progress clock time colon line height progress clock time ampm cursor default grid row progress clock rings display block position absolute top left width height z index progress clock ring opacity progress clock ring fill transition opacity s s linear stroke dashoffset s ease in out progress clock ring fill opacity stroke dashoffset transition duration s data group focus outline transparent data units transition opacity s linear data group d focus data group d hover color hsl data group h focus data group h hover color hsl data group m focus data group m hover color hsl data group s focus data group s hover color hsl data group focus progress clock rings data units data group hover progress clock rings data units opacity data group d focus progress clock rings data units d data group d hover progress clock rings data units d data group h focus progress clock rings data units h data group h hover progress clock rings data units h data group m focus progress clock rings data units m data group m hover progress clock rings data units m data group s focus progress clock rings data units s data group s hover progress clock rings data units s opacity Dark theme media prefers color scheme dark root bg hsl var hue fg hsl var hue progress clock ring opacity Now we have completed our CSS section Here is our updated output CSS Output JavaScript CODEwindow addEventListener DOMContentLoaded gt const clock new ProgressClock clock class ProgressClock constructor qs this el document querySelector qs this time this updateTimeout null this ringTimeouts this update getDayOfWeek day switch day case return Monday case return Tuesday case return Wednesday case return Thursday case return Friday case return Saturday default return Sunday getMonthInfo mo yr switch mo case return name February days yr case return name March days case return name April days case return name May days case return name June days case return name July days case return name August days case return name September days case return name October days case return name November days case return name December days default return name January days update this time new Date if this el date and time const dayOfWeek this time getDay const year this time getFullYear const month this time getMonth const day this time getDate const hr this time getHours const min this time getMinutes const sec this time getSeconds const dayOfWeekName this getDayOfWeek dayOfWeek const monthInfo this getMonthInfo month year const m progress sec const h progress min m progress const d progress hr h progress const mo progress day d progress monthInfo days const units label w value dayOfWeekName label mo value monthInfo name progress mo progress label d value day progress d progress label h value hr gt hr hr progress h progress label m value min lt min min progress m progress label s value sec lt sec sec label ap value hr gt PM AM flush out the timeouts this ringTimeouts forEach t gt clearTimeout t this ringTimeouts update the display units forEach u gt rings const ring this el querySelector data ring u label if ring const strokeDashArray ring getAttribute stroke dasharray const fill progress clock ring fill if strokeDashArray calculate the stroke const circumference strokeDashArray split const strokeDashOffsetPct u progress ring setAttribute stroke dashoffset strokeDashOffsetPct circumference add the fade out transition then remove it if strokeDashOffsetPct ring classList add fill this ringTimeouts push setTimeout gt ring classList remove fill digits const unit this el querySelector data unit u label if unit unit innerText u value clearTimeout this updateTimeout this updateTimeout setTimeout this update bind this e Final OutputNow we have completed our javascript section Here is our updated output with javascript Hope you like the Clock progress bar ️Save This Series For Upcoming Amazing Projects Thanks for reading |
2022-01-12 06:17:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
20 Best freelancing websites for beginners in 2022 |
Best freelancing websites for beginners in Best freelancing websites for beginners in Best freelancing websites for beginners in during this post we will be told freelance websites where you ll be able to find your dream work and if you want more posts like this then visit our blog UpworkUpwork is one of all the effective freelancing websites for doing freelance work and it s good to seek out add Upwork because it is trusted by many big companies like Microsoft Google and lots of others but the sole con is that you just should have to take approval from Upwork for locating and doing work So if you re inquisitive about Upwork then here is that the link to the location Click Here FreelancerFreelancer is incredibly popular for freelance but I do not recommend going and finding work as a freelancer because a freelancer includes a lot of competition and most of those who got employment as a freelancer is highly rated and reviewed by web designers developers and etc And it s difficult to search out employment as a freelancer as a beginner but if you re interested and you would like to undertake a freelancer then here is that the link of freelancer Click Here FiverrFiverr could be a good option as a freelancing website that I can recommend you as a beginner because on Fiverr you ve got to form gigs within which people will come and find you and ask you to try to their work but if you wish to clients then you ve got to form an honest gig which contains beautiful portfolio image an honest description and title and other you simply have done a decent job and take a look at to urge good ratings from the clients And here is that the link to Fiverr Click Here People Per HourIf you wish to try and do an hourly job means you have got to figure for hours and on each hour which you ve got worked want to be paid then I ll recommend going for people per hour because people per hour is additionally a decent website for doing freelancing as a beginner and folks per hour is additionally a trusted site within which you may find lots of jobs associated with all categories like web development web designing creating backend creating a logo designing a banner etc If you re inquisitive about people per hour then here is that the link to the positioning Click Here ToptalToptal is one amongst such freelancing websites for people who are beginners at freelancing and are very talented at their work and it also really helps those who want to try to work and are talented but they re not getting clients and that they are very skilled But first your skill got tested in Toptal then provided that you re approved you ll find and work in Toptal and show your skills If you liked this website and need to undertake then here is that the link Click Here Guru FreelancerGuru freelancer is getting highly regarded within the last some years it s a spread of projects like Game development web designing logo designing and more it s plenty of clients and freelancers for various projects you ll be able to bid for projects on this site and if you would like a site during which you ll bid and sell your services through gigs then the following site is best for you If we discuss the UI of this site then it s medium not so good not so bad and like other freelancing websites they supply features for premium through that you ll pay and list your bid at the highest And yet one more con of this site is that there are a small amount fake clients on this site and you ll be able to bid for under those projects which have similar or nearby timezone like your country or neighboring country and it also has some pros like they need good customer support their payments are safe and that they provide you sufficient bids for bidding If you liked the positioning then here is that the link to the location Click hereTruelancerTruelancer also comes under such freelancing websites which provides features of both bidding and selling services through gigs these features you ll be able to also use on sites like Fiverr and other people per hour but these sites are mainly targeted for gigs and if someone isn t getting clients then for those only these features are available on Fiverr and folks per hour it s a decent UI User Interface and for people who aren t getting clients and need to interact with users and freelancers there s a feature of writing articles on this site through that you just can write posts and so clients and freelancers can interact with clients If you liked the positioning then here is that the link to the location Click hereSimplyHiredSimplyHired may be a freelancing site during which you ll find full time part time jobs and more and like other freelancing websites there s a spread of jobs and projects available on this site It s UI good and you ll find jobs from countries like India u s Of America Germany and more and therefore the clients are trusted during this site only a small amount clients may fraud and also the payment is additionally secure So if you would like to try to do a part time or a full time job then you ll be able to find employment through this site Here is that the link to the positioning Click HereDesignsDesigns comes under one among the foremost popular freelancing websites for designers it s an approval process through which first you have got to approve your account from Designs so you ll be able to send designs on contests and if the client likes your design your payment is given to you the payments are secure and therefore the UI is additionally superb but you can not bid or sell your services through gigs during this site you ve got to send your designs in contests for this site and therefore the clients also will get satisfaction for his or her projects So if you liked this then you ll visit Designs here is that the link to the positioning Click HereFor the complete post visit |
2022-01-12 06:14:58 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
介護支援専門員登録番号などの個人情報を紛失-東京都が発表、業務委託の福祉保健財団で |
介護支援専門員 |
2022-01-12 15:15:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
オミクロン株、国内発生が3,000件超に-厚労省が発表、55%が渡航歴ない水際関係以外 |
厚生労働省 |
2022-01-12 15:10:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(TOKYO PRO Market):(株)アスマーク |
tokyopromarket |
2022-01-12 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]監理銘柄(確認中)の指定解除:片倉工業(株) |
片倉工業 |
2022-01-12 15:10:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]上場廃止等の決定:トッパン・フォームズ(株) |
上場廃止 |
2022-01-12 15:10:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
中国経済:生産者・消費者物価の動向(2021年12月)~生産者物価は鈍化も高止まり、消費者物価も鈍化へ |
図表、に示した消費者物価の内訳をみると、月の食品とエネルギーを除くコアは前年同月比上昇で、月から横ばいとなった。 |
2022-01-12 15:57:44 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
一部外国人の滞在と労働手続きを簡素化 |
滞在 |
2022-01-12 06:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
North Korea’s maneuverable ‘hypersonic’ missiles leave Japan in a bind |
North Korea s maneuverable hypersonic missiles leave Japan in a bindThe growing capability gives Pyongyang another weapon adept at evading defenses while providing ammunition to those championing a major shift in Japan s defense only security posture |
2022-01-12 15:46:39 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
As costs soar, some Japanese companies do the unthinkable: raise prices |
As costs soar some Japanese companies do the unthinkable raise pricesMore Japanese firms are opting for price increases led by market leaders often with speciality products as commodities and transport costs soar due to the |
2022-01-12 15:35:17 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
COVID-19 tracker: Osaka expects around 1,700 new coronavirus cases |
COVID tracker Osaka expects around new coronavirus casesHiroshima Prefecture is considering expanding its ongoing coronavirus pre emergency designation to all its municipalities ー cities and nine towns |
2022-01-12 15:28:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Downing Street party: PM to face MPs following revelations |
downing |
2022-01-12 06:44:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Novak Djokovic admits breaking isolation while Covid positive |
entry |
2022-01-12 06:51:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK delays more all-lane smart motorways for five years |
lanes |
2022-01-12 06:48:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Biden pushes overhaul of US election laws in fiery speech |
congress |
2022-01-12 06:43:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Seth Burke, 13, returns home after weeks in hospital |
parliament |
2022-01-12 06:01:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Made in Plymouth & Sandwich - Labuschagne's debt to English club cricket |
Made in Plymouth amp Sandwich Labuschagne x s debt to English club cricketFrom Plymouth and Sandwich Town to Ashes winner and the number one batter in the world Marnus Labuschagne s debt to English club cricket |
2022-01-12 06:20:43 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
アソビュー!山野智久さん登壇イベント1/12開催|逆境におけるリーダーのすべきことは? |
booklabtalk |
2022-01-12 06:55:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
J1横浜M・畠中、開幕に意欲 左足故障から復帰、チームも始動 |
横浜市内 |
2022-01-12 15:03:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
ひろゆきが語る「人生で一番の投資失敗体験」 ひろゆき×YouTuber会計士・小山晃弘 対談 | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経済オンライン |
youtuber |
2022-01-12 15:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
味の素、ヘルスケアスタートアップのおいしい健康に出資 楽しく健やかな生活の実現を目指す |
生活 |
2022-01-12 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホRPG『モンハンライダーズ』にて燼滅刃ディノバルドをオトモンにできる「龍天災本戦 対 燼滅刃」が配信開始! |
開始 |
2022-01-12 15:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ファミマ「いちご」フェア “あまおう”のスイーツなど18種が豊作 |
豊作 |
2022-01-12 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
インスタ映えするケーキも! 小田急百貨店新宿店にて1月19日~25日、山手調理製菓専門学校の学生が考案したスイーツを販売 |
専門学校 |
2022-01-12 15:10:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『リネージュ2M』神話級クラス「ラウル」が登場する最新アップデートを実施 |
ncsoft |
2022-01-12 15:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
POPシール付き商品の生産終了 花王、容器などで代替 |
貼付 |
2022-01-12 06:35:27 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
座敷童子(松田翔太)の先輩(柄本明)が登場 オープンハウスの新CM |
座敷童子 |
2022-01-12 06:05:49 |