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TECH Engadget Japanese ランニングもウォーキングも専用シューズがあるとやっぱり快適!|ファッションタイムセール祭り https://japanese.engadget.com/fashion-time-sale-running-shoes-063551199.html 運動 2022-01-23 06:35:51
TECH Engadget Japanese 宇宙素材をスリッパへ応用。柔・軟・軽で足の疲れを癒す「Space Slipper」 https://japanese.engadget.com/space-slipper-062555647.html 柔・軟・軽で足の疲れを癒す「SpaceSlipper」宇宙の過酷な環境で宇宙飛行士を守ってきた素材その優れた防寒機能で数多くのウェアに活用して商品開発してきたDADA×SUPIELDは、この度宇宙を歩く「SpaceSlipper」を企画しました。 2022-01-23 06:25:55
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonで処理に時間がかかっているコード行を特定する https://qiita.com/oichokabu/items/0e30dab62b13c025bc2e 2022-01-23 15:45:30
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 型安全って(もくもく会でやったことアウトプット) https://qiita.com/shitikakei/items/079fad276a0b0f0ad2fe こういうところを期待して型評価をやっているのだからいいのではという疑問が当然出るが、それはwelltypedが完全であることが前提であるという話。 2022-01-23 15:34:12
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita OGPジェネレータを作って「阿部寛のホームページ」をOGP対応してみた https://qiita.com/HawkClaws/items/2c67c71d2506023bf47f OGPジェネレータを作って「阿部寛のホームページ」をOGP対応してみた阿部寛のホームページOGP作ったもの作ろうと思ったきっかけ最近の外部ページへのリンクはOGPが当たり前になってきていてOGPがないURLのみの文字列は危険な感じがしていると思ったからですまだ古いサイトなどはOGP対応していないところが多い感じですただ、OGP対応も面倒でOGPの画像を用意してmetaタグに設定しないといけかったり結構な重労働ですその問題を払拭すべく、このサービスを作りました技術スタックフロントエンドVuejsバックエンドFirebaseRealtimeDatabasepythonCloudFlareWorkerWebNium処理フローCloudFlareWorker最初にアクセスされる場所WebNiumパラメータにurlがある、かつOGP画像作成済みではない場合、サイトのキャプチャを取得しStorageに保存CloudFlareWorker作成したOGP画像のURLをSSRしたものを返すなんでCloudFlareWorker使ってるの処理フローに一応書いてありますがSSRするためですFirebaseHostingは静的ファイルしかホスティング出来ずSPAだとmetaタグを書き換えたとしてもjavascript読み込んでくれない系のサービスだとmetaタグが書き換わらず、OGP情報が設定できないためですなんでCloudFunctions使わないのクレカ登録とかが嫌な感じだからです従量課金制でいつの間にかクラウド破産とかしたくないからです以上。 2022-01-23 15:16:32
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Vue.js入門 Vue.jsでゲームを作る https://qiita.com/JoeB/items/7094d3175bbe320d8645 Vuejs入門Vuejsでゲームを作る理由・背景Vuejsを業務で使うことになったので学び中。 2022-01-23 15:38:20
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Webの勉強はじめてみた その24 〜テンプレートエンジン〜 https://qiita.com/mybrother_jake/items/a82a59df63cad71d3b35 テンプレートエンジンテンプレートと文字列とプログラムを組み合わせることで、静的なユーザーインタフェースのデータであるHTMLを動的に出力できるライブラリのこと静的なページに変数を入れてそれをベースにして動的なページにしようと言う認識。 2022-01-23 15:28:58
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 備忘録:パーセントエンコーディング https://qiita.com/wat604/items/cead9568b40b677ec81f ここではampやはリクエスト内のnamevalueペアを識別するための文字として使われる。 2022-01-23 15:16:57
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ruby on rails アセットパイプライン https://qiita.com/kandalog/items/6938edd82bb44ecb24de rubyonrailsアセットパイプラインはじめにrubyonrailsチュートリアルを学習中初学者アセットパイプラインとは簡単に言えば複数のファイルを一つにまとめるための機能scssを最終的につのcssにまとめる等今では多くの言語でファイルをバンドルしているが、rubyonrailsにアセットパイプラインが追加されたのをきっかけに多くの言語やFWで取り入れられたらしい。 2022-01-23 15:09:05
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】CloudFormationでWebサーバを構築③(RDS編) https://qiita.com/chibiharu/items/dc42c6a7ac9cb6740bce ①SSMでWebサーバへ接続②Webサーバを踏み台にMySQLRDSへ接続③テストレコードの作成④WebサーバにてMySQLとの連携設定では早速作業を行っていきます。 2022-01-23 15:59:26
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon WorkMail に SMTP リレーをする Postfix サーバーを構築してみた https://qiita.com/sugimount-a/items/e148731f56e7dd6a7fe8 PostfixからWorkMailを使ってSMTPリレーをすると、Postfix側で指定したSMTPクレデンシャルに紐づくユーザーが送信元になる違うユーザーをfromで指定すると、エラーになる例外として、WorkMail上で代わりに送付する権限を付与すると、そのユーザーをFromに指定してメール送付が可能メールを送る用途だと、WorkMailに限定せず、SESを利用してもいい。 2022-01-23 15:35:35
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Lightsailインスタンス(EC2)にデプロイしたRailsアプリでCSSの修正が反映されない https://qiita.com/kakudaisuke/items/e859544d67ea2121edbd デプロイした時は、CSSもJSもきちんと反映されていたのですが、それ以降に修正を行って、インスタンスでGithubリポジトリをpullしてrailsassetsprecompileRAILSENVproductionを実行しても下記のようにエラーになり変更が反映されないという状態でした。 2022-01-23 15:21:46
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker docker composeで管理しているDockerfileやdocker-compose.ymlを更新した後にやること https://qiita.com/miriwo/items/41c703390b71320e8b76 dockercomposeupdbuild 2022-01-23 15:14:41
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mysql,Go,Echo,GORM,sql-migrateでCRUDなAPIを作成するまで https://qiita.com/yusuke1120925/items/a6e05178cf6e6bf1f030 また、マイグレーションファイルを実行することで、記述した内容に基づいたデータテーブルが生成されます。 2022-01-23 15:49:31
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MacにGolangをasdfでインストールする https://qiita.com/akitkat/items/f8504df2586c17cd8cf7 絶賛ショートカットを暗記中ですさて、今回はasdfでgolangをインストールしていこうと思います前提asdfはインストール済みMacにGolangをasdfでインストールするasdfにgolangのプラグインを追加しますasdfpluginaddgolangそしたらお好きなバージョンをインストールします今回は最新を入れます。 2022-01-23 15:38:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Lightsailインスタンス(EC2)にデプロイしたRailsアプリでCSSの修正が反映されない https://qiita.com/kakudaisuke/items/e859544d67ea2121edbd デプロイした時は、CSSもJSもきちんと反映されていたのですが、それ以降に修正を行って、インスタンスでGithubリポジトリをpullしてrailsassetsprecompileRAILSENVproductionを実行しても下記のようにエラーになり変更が反映されないという状態でした。 2022-01-23 15:21:46
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ruby on rails アセットパイプライン https://qiita.com/kandalog/items/6938edd82bb44ecb24de rubyonrailsアセットパイプラインはじめにrubyonrailsチュートリアルを学習中初学者アセットパイプラインとは簡単に言えば複数のファイルを一つにまとめるための機能scssを最終的につのcssにまとめる等今では多くの言語でファイルをバンドルしているが、rubyonrailsにアセットパイプラインが追加されたのをきっかけに多くの言語やFWで取り入れられたらしい。 2022-01-23 15:09:05
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS Protonで独自のProtonテンプレートを作成する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-proton-custom-proton-template/ awsproton 2022-01-23 06:14:47
海外TECH DEV Community The Complete React Roadmap https://dev.to/ruppysuppy/the-complete-react-roadmap-1ho4 The Complete React RoadmapLearning React can be confusing at first sometimes even downright scary This article aims to put forth a complete roadmap to learn React so that you have a clear path moving forward Pre requisitesThere are some pre requisites to learning React without which you will find yourself struggling hard So it is highly advisable to master the following skills first before diving into learning ReactHTML You need to be well acquainted with the basic tags and the attributes they accept No need to be an HTML master just the basics would doCSS Unless you want to create bland websites like thisYou should definitely spend some time going through the basics namely selectors box model flexbox grid layout and responsive design of CSS too JavaScript Since React runs on top of JavaScript you do need a solid foundation to ease up the process of learning React As a barebones you would need variables conditional statements loops DOM manipulation and event triggering Learning the ES features such as the spread amp rest operators and arrow functions would come in handy too BasicsSetting up a React Project Before you can start learning React quite evidently you would need to set up a React Project which is a highly tedious task Luckily we have awesome tools like the create react app to get the job doneGet Acquainted with JSX Typically React code is written JSX JavaScript XML You can opt to not use it using only React createElement calls only but there is no point in making your life miserable doing itYou should be familiar with the differences between JSX and HTML like every element must contain a closing tag the events are in Camel Case onClick as opposed to onclick and the ability to use JS inside the code directly Types of Components Although recently there is a push toward using Functional Component for all purposes as they are more intuitive and easier to code you should have a basic understanding of Class Components too to ensure when you work on a legacy code base you don t end up looking like thisProps vs State Props allows us to pass data from one component to another but if used inappropriately it can lead to prop chaining a highly undesired practice in React projects which we will fix later down the Roadmap State allows you to store data between the component re renders Updating the state re renders the component and every child accepting the state data as a prop Lists and Keys Often while dealing with a lot of dynamic data you be required to render lists of data Make sure you add key to allow React to keep track of the elements and optimally re render them instead of re rendering them every time something changes Component Life Cycle The Class Components has life cycle methods such as componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount which can also be emulated by the useEffect Hook in Functional Components These life cycle methods run at specific time making them useful for certain tasks such as an API call on componentDidMount or timer cleanups during componentWillUnmount IntermediateLet s now dive into the Intermediate React topicsStyling Till now your Application would end up looking pretty basic Let s fix it right now There are hundreds of choices to style the application but unless you are using some library such as Material UI Chakra UI Semantic UI I would highly suggest using CSS or SCSS modules which gives you complete power of CSS with the addition of keeping the styling scoped to just one file No more to worry about using the same class name twice and accidentally overriding it Hooks Hooks were a recent addition in React and it totally changed the React Ecosystem Hooks introduced features from Class Components into Functional Components making it possible to use state lifecycle methods context and refs in Functional Components Often people avoid learning the difficult concepts such as memo and ref but that s a bad idea as if you are building anything of real world significance your application will definitely rely heavily on these Moreover using context allows you to avoid the prop chaining issue discussed previously React also allows you to create custom hooks to cater to your personal need which you should also look into Portals Occasionally you will run into edge cases where you styling elements such as modal to render on top of elements further down the DOM tree becomes a nightmare In such cases Portals are there to help you out they allow you to render elements outside the default React Root Element making it far easier to not only style but even group elements togetherLazy Loading Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in web design and development to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed It can contribute to efficiency in the program s operation if properly and appropriately used Luckily implementing Lazy Loading in React is a walk in the park All you need is the Suspense Component and familiarity with the import function AdvancedFound everything on the list a piece of cake Put your knowledge to the test with these advanced skillsWebpack amp Babel None of the JSX you write can be understood by a browser so it has to be transpiled into regular JS for Browser to execute it The transpilation process is handled by Babel and bundling everything into a single file is done by Webpack To truly understand how everything fits in you need to build a React App from scratch check out this article to know how to do it Testing Testing is something very few people actually enjoy doing as it falls under the category of dark work where the things you doesn t make any visible changes But for large applications it is of crucial importance as a small change might end up breaking the entire application TypeScript This is simply one of the core skills you must possess TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which adds the important yet optional strict type system and is the language of choice for any large scale React application That s all you need to know about React EcosystemBut what about the React Router or perhaps something for state management Glad you asked Let s dive into the React Tools that are worth diving into You can check these out as soon as you are done with the basics of ReactRouting Since React is a library and not a framework it doesn t ship with its own routing but React Router is a library that s worth looking into If you are using an SSG Static Site Generation or SSR Server Side Rendering like Gatsby or Next js then you would already have a routing built in without requiring any additional librariesState Management State Management tools like Context API is a nice feature of React but falls short in the case of large scale applications In such cases using a library like Redux or the innumerable ones available on npm would be a better ideaCross Platform If you want to use the same logic as your Web App in a Mobile Application and Desktop Application too React Native and Electron or preferably Tauri would be great tools to look into Styling If you don t want to write custom styling for your application Material UI Chakra UI or Semantic UI might be worth a look It can drastically reduce the effort required as they come with pre built components Wrapping UpThat s the Complete React Roadmap Hope that helps you plan out your journey to become a ground breaking React Developer Happy Developing Did I miss something Share it in the comments below Want to see an Advanced React Project built from scratch Check out ruppysuppy Crypto Crowdfund Crowdfunding Platform backed by Ethereum Blockchain to bring your creative projects to life Thanks for readingNeed a Top Rated Front End Development Freelancer to chop away your development woes Contact me on UpworkWant to see what I am working on Check out my Personal Website and GitHubWant to connect Reach out to me on LinkedInI am a freelancer who will start off as a Digital Nomad in mid Want to catch the journey Follow me on InstagramFollow my blogs for Weekly new Tidbits on DevFAQThese are a few commonly asked questions I get So I hope this FAQ section solves your issues I am a beginner how should I learn Front End Web Dev Look into the following articles Front End Development RoadmapFront End Project IdeasWould you mentor me Sorry I am already under a lot of workload and would not have the time to mentor anyone Would you like to collaborate on our site As mentioned in the previous question I am in a time crunch so I would have to pass on such opportunities 2022-01-23 06:12:38
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Deals: Save up to $150 on these MacBook Pro 13-inch, MacBook Air configs with 16GB RAM https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/23/deals-save-up-to-150-on-these-macbook-pro-13-inch-macbook-air-configs-with-16gb-ram?utm_medium=rss Deals Save up to on these MacBook Pro inch MacBook Air configs with GB RAMB amp H Photo this week is delivering some of the best MacBook deals on M inch MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models with savings of up to off retail prices in addition to free expedited shipping Exclusive MacBook dealsFive exclusive Mac deals have launched at Apple Authorized Reseller B amp H Photo delivering to in savings instantly on popular configurations Each model has the respective line s maximum GB of RAM along with TB to TB of storage Read more 2022-01-23 06:19:30
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Deal: Lifetime Microsoft Office Home & Business for Mac license dips to $49.99 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/19/deal-lifetime-microsoft-office-home-business-for-mac-license-dips-to-4999?utm_medium=rss Deal Lifetime Microsoft Office Home amp Business for Mac license dips to Bargain hunters looking for a cheap Microsoft Office license to run on one Mac can gain lifetime access to the Home Business collection of tools for just Microsoft Office for Mac dealThe Office special is off the retail price delivering access to Microsoft Office Home and Business on one Mac computer It s a cost effective way to run six Microsoft Office programs including Outlook Word and Excel in a home or business setting Read more 2022-01-23 06:30:49
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles New COVID-19 measures draw mixed reactions from Japanese public https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/01/23/national/covid-quasi-emergency-activities/ New COVID measures draw mixed reactions from Japanese publicThe rapid spread of the omicron variant seems to be having less of an impact in people s behavior compared to previous waves of the coronavirus 2022-01-23 15:06:17
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Indian skier Arif Khan ready for date with destiny in Beijing https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/01/23/olympics/winter-olympics/indian-skier-arif-khan-ready-date-destiny-beijing/ Indian skier Arif Khan ready for date with destiny in BeijingThe alpine skier is India s sole representative at the Games and his path to the Olympics from the snowy slopes of conflict ridden Kashmir was far 2022-01-23 15:07:52
ニュース BBC News - Home Anoosheh Ashoori: Iranian-Briton to start hunger strike in prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60098576?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA anoosheh 2022-01-23 06:40:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Nadal wins epic tie-break in victory over Mannarino to reach quarters https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/60097395?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Nadal wins epic tie break in victory over Mannarino to reach quartersRafael Nadal progresses to the Australian Open quarter finals with a straight set win over Adrian Mannarino as he continues his quest for a record breaking st major title 2022-01-23 06:46:51
北海道 北海道新聞 NZ首相、自身の結婚式取りやめ コロナ新規制「人生そんなもの」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636777/ 取りやめ 2022-01-23 15:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小樽で35人感染、過去2番目の多さ 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636776/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-01-23 15:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ワカサギ釣り、氷上に笑顔 大沼で最盛期 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636768/ 大沼国定公園 2022-01-23 15:02:36
北海道 北海道新聞 デンソー、筑紫女学園が優勝 選抜女子駅伝北九州大会 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636774/ 北九州市役所 2022-01-23 15:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 楽天・松井裕樹「悔しさ忘れず」 昨季CS敗退の雪辱目指す https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636773/ 松井裕樹 2022-01-23 15:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ケニアで双子の赤ちゃんゾウ 発見「まれ」と保護団体 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636772/ 赤ちゃん 2022-01-23 15:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 釧路管内99人、根室管内は16人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636771/ 根室管内 2022-01-23 15:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 元閣外相「イスラム理由に更迭」 英、保守党幹部を批判 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/636770/ 女性議員 2022-01-23 15:09:00
IT 週刊アスキー ローソン、見た目が爽やかな「濃厚抹茶ショコラまん」 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/081/4081155/ 中華まん 2022-01-23 15:30:00
海外TECH reddit [SPOILER] Francis Ngannou vs. Ciryl Gane https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/samt66/spoiler_francis_ngannou_vs_ciryl_gane/ SPOILER Francis Ngannou vs Ciryl Gane submitted by u inooway to r MMA link comments 2022-01-23 06:07:35
海外TECH reddit Covid close contact adventure for wife and I https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/samscy/covid_close_contact_adventure_for_wife_and_i/ Covid close contact adventure for wife and IOur timeline with covid and how the system came across to us xb Thursday day Acquaintance visited house between In our case we know exactly when the contact happened Friday day her no symptoms Saturday days her irritated throat not sore more like had yelled or hung out near smokers Sunday days her sore throat On the morning we received the message about the acquaintance possibly having covid Wife tried to buy a PCR test at the pharmacy but told that because the pharmacist needs to show you how to take it and fill in papers and since the pharmacist does not work on Sundays you can not buy a PCR test You are not eligible to buy a PCR test if you have ANY symptoms or think you might be close contact Contacted Shibuya testing centre first available appointment is next Wednesday Local clinic is closed on Sunday Even thought we knew we were possible close contacts there is nothing you can do on a Sunday Our F is an airb amp b and empty due to immigration block so the wife moved into it to quarantine from the family Wife had night sweats during the night Monday days her sore throat runny nose me nothing Wife went to local clinic for PCR test Paid about yen plus extra yen fee for Doctor s phone call Told to expect a phone call with the test result either on Tuesday or Wednesday Tuesday days her sore throat runny nose cough fatigue me nothing Received call at that PCR test was positive and to expect SMS from quot HER SYS quot with ID At this point she was able to register positive test result in the COCOA tracing App When you are registered by the Doctor into the HER SYS system you get the ID needed for the COCOA App I did not receive a quot close contact quot alert on my phone in COCOA even though we have obviously been near each other I went to clinic to get a PCR test and also to ask about booster I can have the booster if my test is negative Expect a phone call on Wednesday or Thursday Wednesday days her a little better slight sore throat stuffy nose cough me nothing I get an irritated throat before going to bed Thursday days her feeling better cough stuffy nose me sore throat runny nose low fever I receive a phone call in the afternoon to tell me the results are not yet in They are busy Friday days her normal stuffy nose occasional cough me sore throat strong fever at night runny nose Saturday days me hoarse cough stuffy nose Received my phone call around to tell me PCR test is positive for covid Expect SMS for HER SYS ID Sunday days me hoarse stuffy nose Received SMS around Can register positive in COCOA App finally some days after I suspect close contact The App certainly seems quite useless at giving people a quot head s up quot with regards to possibly being contagious Both our illnesses were over by the time we could register it Neither one of us received an alert from the other nor any coworkers received an alert from me xb The system seems poorly designed for s of positive registrations a day where doctor takes the positive PCR result registers it with the system which sends out an SMS to let me register with the system to get an ID to register positively in COCOA This will clearly fall apart with cases a day xb I bought different antigen tests on Amazon NEWGENE saliva and nasal swab NORMAN saliva BORDER ZERO saliva The wife tried these the same day we received positive PCR test from clinic Tuesday and the two saliva tests said negative NORMAN and BORDERZERO The NEWGENE does with nasal swab showed positive result This is probably due to it being omicron variant appears more nasal I did the NEWGENE test on Thursday which also came out positive I would only recommend the NEWGENE test out of those three Each day we get an SMS reminder to fill in how we feel into the HER SYS system and presumably if you do not they ll escalate and call show up Keep in mind that the wife never got a fever and only had slightly irritated throat the first days something you would never go to the clinic for in quot normal times quot My infection was most likely from Sunday morning just before she quarantined after days for her I got symptoms days after that submitted by u lundman to r japanlife link comments 2022-01-23 06:06:07



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