Engadget Japanese |
ジグソーパズルを解いて妖精を救出する『パズリィハウス』:発掘!スマホゲーム |
話題 |
2022-01-28 21:10:59 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
テレビ局のアナウンサーから異業種へ転身した7人 |
転身 |
2022-01-28 21:00:25 |
Cisco Full-Stack Observability Solutions on AWS | Amazon Web Services |
Cisco Full Stack Observability Solutions on AWS Amazon Web ServicesCisco full stack observability solutions on AWS help you optimize cloud migration with visibility and control You need the right tools to get the most out of your cloud workloads and expanding digital experiences Cisco provides the toolsets to move faster and deliver optimal connections and app performance while AWS services accelerate migration and reduce risk As a result you get the observability needed to cost effectively transform data into actionable insights and ensure complete visibility and control of your migration and modernization efforts Learn more about AWS Cisco Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2022-01-28 21:00:16 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
=は代入だよ。変数は箱だよ。って話【初心者向け解説】 |
削除しましょう行目postscontrollerrbpostsPostwherebodyLIKEparamssearchifparamssearchendここでは後置ifを使って条件を付けていますねやっていることはもしパラメータの中にsearchがあったら投稿全てからbodyというカラムの中のをsearchであいまい検索をして、取得した結果をpostsに入れるこれも行目同様にpostsを書き換えてしまっていますですが、タグ検索したものを文字列で検索することも考えられますなので、以下のように書き換えますpostscontrollerrbpostspostswherebodyLIKEparamssearchifparamssearchこうすることで、postsの中身を再利用して、再代入が可能です。 |
2022-01-29 06:36:41 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
=は代入だよ。変数は箱だよ。って話【初心者向け解説】 |
削除しましょう行目postscontrollerrbpostsPostwherebodyLIKEparamssearchifparamssearchendここでは後置ifを使って条件を付けていますねやっていることはもしパラメータの中にsearchがあったら投稿全てからbodyというカラムの中のをsearchであいまい検索をして、取得した結果をpostsに入れるこれも行目同様にpostsを書き換えてしまっていますですが、タグ検索したものを文字列で検索することも考えられますなので、以下のように書き換えますpostscontrollerrbpostspostswherebodyLIKEparamssearchifparamssearchこうすることで、postsの中身を再利用して、再代入が可能です。 |
2022-01-29 06:36:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS AppSyncのID自動生成でUUIDの代わりにULIDを生成してみた |
raphicallysortableidentif |
2022-01-28 21:55:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS AppSyncのDynamoDBリゾルバーで文字列セット、数値セット、バイナリセットを扱う |
appsync |
2022-01-28 21:55:27 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The Top 6 Food Blogs That College Students Will Love |
The Top Food Blogs That College Students Will LoveIf you re a college student and just moved out cooking might be a rather daunting challenge Here are the top six food blogs that can save the day |
2022-01-28 22:00:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Sum Numbers, Cells, or Matrices in Google Sheets |
google |
2022-01-28 21:45:22 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Change HiDPI Scaling Settings on Linux |
linux |
2022-01-28 21:30:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🚀A bill planner android app using html css and typescript🚀 |
A bill planner android app using html css and typescriptThis app is created using html css typescript It uses cordova to create a android app from a web app Let me know if the github repo is interesting More about the app Monthly Bill Planner is an app that will let you organize your bills and income It will also help you calculate how much money is left over each month You can find the link to the play store hereDisclaimerThe App does not access your bank account You need to enter bills manually Data is stored locally on your deviceFeatures Store your bills and income which are stored locally on the device Bills and income can be repeated over a specific period Some examples can be as weekly bi weekly monthly bi monthly quarterly semi annually annually You can also set up your own custom pay period Mark bills as paid Multiple plannings a planning is a group of bills and income Calculates your bills by even out the cost per month Display data in charts to show cost in percentage Customization you can change color of each bill and income to fit your needs available languages English Swedish and Turkish currencies Offline first you can use the app while offlineFeedbackIf you find the app useful please let me know Also if there is something you feel like is missing Thank you so muchIf you would like to contribute with a translations currencies or something else please contact meplay store link hereContributorsYigit Sereflioglu Turkish translation |
2022-01-28 21:45:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Which language & framework are you using for a backend? |
Which language amp framework are you using for a backend Hello there Which language and framework are you using for the backend on your website Example js expressjs X Z X Programming language Z framework I use javascript expressjs currently for my APIs backends but I want to switch to python flask |
2022-01-28 21:22:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Flutter Architecture 💫 🌌 ✨ |
Flutter Architecture app flutter onError kilitlenme işleme ve bağımlılık başlatma gibi çeşitli kurulumlara sahip run app uygulamasınıiçerir common tüm katmanlar için ortak olan ve tüm katmanlar tarafından erişilebilen kodu içerir device cihaz donanımı örn sensörler veya yazılım takvim izinler ile iletişimi temsil eden bir dışkatmandır source remote uzak kaynaklarla web http istemcileri soketler iletişimi temsil eden bir dışkatmandır source local yerel kaynaklarla veritabanı shared prefs iletişimi temsil eden bir dışkatmandır domain genellikle interactor ve data holderlarıiçeren içkatmandır Bu katman yalnızca işmantığınıiçermeli ve ui web vb veya diğer katmanlara özgübilgileri bilmemelidir ui widget larıve providerlar tarafından paketlediğimiz katmandır Provider lar sunum mantığıiçerir ve etki alanına erişirler Önceden tanımlanmışkatmanlarda sıklıkla kullanacağımız birkaçsınıf vardır Repository ve ManagerRepository uygulamamızın dışkısmıdır source remote source local veya device a aittir Dio Hive addcalendar diğer eklentiler gibi somut uygulamalarıkullanır ve bunlarıuygulamanın geri kalanından soyutlar Repository bir arayüzün interface arkasında olmalıdır Bu YourRepository interface ini oluşturmanız ve YourRepositoryImpl i YourRepository e implemente etmektir YourRepository interface i domain e YourRepositoryImpl ise dışkatmanlara aittir Bu şekilde domain repository e erişebilir domain repository meetup repository meetup repository dartabstract class MeetupRepository Future lt List lt Meetup gt gt getListOfMeetups source remote impl meetup repository meetup repository impl dartclass MeetupRepositoryImpl implements MeetupRepository MeetupRepositoryImpl this dio final Dio dio override Future lt List lt Meetup gt gt getListOfMeetups async final Response lt String gt response await dio post lt String gt api meetups return MeetupsResponse fromJson jsonDecode response data meetups Manager Repository ile aynışekilde çalışır Manager ıyalnızca daha iyi adlandırma için kullanırız Bazen bu katman örneğin takvime etkinlik ekleyerek bluetooth u açarak veya izinleri yöneterek etkin bir şekilde yönetebilir Onlara BluetoothRepository demek yerine BluetoothManager gibi bir isim kullanırız Interactor etkileşimci Interactor domaine ait olan içkısımdır Interactor uygulamanın işmantığınıiçerir repository ler dahil olmak üzere domainden diğer sınıflara erişebilirler Interactor ayrıca daha kolay test için bir interface in arkasındadır bu nedenle YourInteractorve YourInteractorImpl i oluşturuyoruz Interactor ın ana işi farklırepository leri birleştirmek ve işmantığınıyönetmektir Takvime buluşma etkinliği eklemek için interactor örneği domain interactor add event to interactor add event to interactor dartabstract class AddEventToCalendarInteractor Future lt void gt addEventToCalendar Meetup event domain interactor add event to interactor add event to interactor impl dartclass AddEventToCalendarInteractorImpl extends AddEventToCalendarInteractor AddEventToCalendarInteractorImpl this calendarManager this meetupRepository final CalendarManager calendarManager final MeetupRepository meetupRepository override Future lt void gt addEventToCalendar Meetup meetup async final dateTimeOfEvent await meetupRepository getMeetupEventDate meetup final CalendarEvent event CalendarEvent meetup name dateTimeOfEvent return await calendarManager addEventToCalendar event Provider ve widgetlarProvider ve widget lar kullanıcıarayüzüne koyduğumuz sunumun bir parçasıdır Birlikte çalıştıklarıiçin gezinmeyi kolaylaştıran katmanlar halinde paketlenirler Provider genellikle görünüm durumunu kontrol eden sunum mantığını presentation logic içerir Widget bu durumu gözlemler ve state değişikliğini yeniden oluşturabilir rebuild Bu şekilde görünüm pasiftir ve sadece değişikliklere tepki verir Bakımıve testi kolaydır Görünüm çoğunlukla provider görünüm durumunu gözlemleyen stateless durumsuz widget lardan oluşmalıdır Provider örneği ui meetup provider meetup screen provider dartclass MeetupScreenProvider extends ChangeNotifier MeetupScreenProvider this addEventToCalendarInteractor final AddEventToCalendarInteractor addEventToCalendarInteractor final AddMeetupToFavoritesInteractor addMeetupToFavoritesInteractor void onAddToCalendar Meetup meetup addEventToCalendarInteractor addEventToCalendar meetup void onMeetupFavorite Meetup meetup addMeetupToFavoritesInteractor addToFavorites meetup Provider a tepki veren ve yeniden oluşturan kullanıcıarayüzüörneği Consumer lt MeetupScreenProvider gt builder context provider return MeetupList list provider state İstek yükleme başarıve hata gibi değerlerle başlıbaşına bir state dir Bu nedenle genellikle istekleri hepsi bir arada providerda diğer tüm state ler ile birlikte tek bir mega durumda paketlemiyoruz Loading indicator veya hatalarıgöstermek için genellikle tam olarak bir request state ini istek durumunu dinlemeniz gerektiğinden provider mega state de dinleyen tüm dinleyicileri güncelleyeceğinden sorunlara neden olur Bu mega sağlayıcıda büyük ve bakımızor olabilir ModellerModeller basit veri yapılarıdır Genellikle common klasörünün common models altında bulunurlar Birden çok katman tarafından kullanılan modellerdir Örneğin source remote tarafından kullanılan JsonSerializable özelliğine sahip kullanıcınız olabilir ancak aynımodel domain ve UI tarafından da kullanılır Ayrıca belirli bir katmanın source remote model veya ui my feature model veya belirli bir özelliğin domain manager permission manager device permissions dart parçasıolarak modelleriniz olabilir Tüm bu modelleri ayırt etmek için bazıkatmanlar için özel adlandırmalar vardır UI modellerine Ui ör ArticleUi ekliyoruz ve domain modeli ekranda gösterilmesi gerekene uymadığında bunu kullanıyoruz Bu modeller sadece kullanıcıara yüzünde kullanılır Diğer dışkatmanlardan gelen modeller Veri Aktarım Nesnesi anlamına gelen Dto ile eklenir örneğin ArticleDto Bunları dışkatmanlardan aldığımız yapı API gibi çalışmak istediğimiz formatta olmadığında kullanırız bu nedenle ArticleDto API modeli ve Article uygulamamız için model oluştururuz İçkatmanın dışkatmanların özelliklerini bilmemesi gerektiğini söylediğimiz gibi burada da aynısıgeçerli Domain Ui veya Dto modellerini asla bilmemelidir Repository veya provider da map lenmeleri gerekir Data holdersDataHolder verileri bellekte tutan tek bir sınıftır singleton class Bir interface i yoktur ve yalnızca veri almak veya veri ayarlamak için veri ve yöntemlere sahiptir Data holder lar domain in bir parçasıdır ve repository veya diğer dışkatmanlarıçağırmazlar MappersBunlar modelleri farklıkatmanlar arasında eşleyecek statik yöntemlere sahip sınıflardır ArticleDto gt Article mapping için ArticleMapper ıoluşturuyoruz Tam tersi için Article gt ArticleDto ArticleDtoMapper ıoluşturuyoruz Mapper eşleştirici birden çok yönteme sahip olabilir class ArticleMapper Article map ArticleDTO dto Article mapFromXyz XyzDTO dto List lt Article gt mapToList List lt ArticleDTO gt dto Mapper lar ui source remote device ve diğer dışkatmanların source remote mapper parçasıdır Stateless widget ınız kullanıcıarayüzüveya DTO lar gerektirmiyorsa mapper lara ihtiyacınız yoktur resource |
2022-01-28 21:02:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
FAA announces agreement with AT&T, Verizon on 5G expansion |
FAA announces agreement with AT amp T Verizon on G expansionThe Federal Aviation Administration says it has reached an agreement with AT amp T and Verizon to expand G service in a way that mitigates aircraft safety concerns An aircraftThe issue at hand is a planned rollout of new C band spectrum that could bolster existing G coverage Back in the FAA voiced concerns that the use of the spectrum by carriers like Verizon and AT amp T could interfere with aircraft safety mechanisms Read more |
2022-01-28 21:39:41 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Netflix will have to face 'Queens Gambit' defamation suit, judge rules |
Netflix will have to face x Queens Gambit x defamation suit judge rulesNetflix is learning that careless dialogue in its fictional shows can have serious implications Its bid to get a recent defamation suit dismissed has been rejected meaning it will have to face the plaintiff ーGeorgian chess legend Nona Gaprindashvili ーin court nbsp In September Gaprindashvili filed a suit against the streaming giant accusing the company of defamation and quot false light invasion of privacy quot As the world s first female grandmaster Gaprindashvili was mentioned in Netflix s series The Queen s Gambit nbsp ーa period drama about a chess prodigy nbsp In one scene during a chess match a radio commentator says in passing quot The only unusual thing about her really is her sex And even that s not unique in Russia There s Nona Gaprindashvili but she s the female world champion and has never faced men quot According to the suit not only is the allegation that Gaprindashvili hadn t faced men at that time quot manifestly false quot it s also quot grossly sexist and belittling quot It states that quot By the year in which this episode is set she had competed against at least male chess players of them simultaneously in one game including at least ten Grandmasters of that time quot Stanley Sherman via Getty ImagesThe show is based on a novel by Walter Tevis that also mentions Gaprindashvili However the part which Netflix appears to have based this particular bit of its script on says quot The only unusual thing about her was her sex and even that wasn t unique in Russia There was Nona Gaprindashvili not up to the level of this tournament but a player who had met all these Russian Grandmasters many times before quot Netflix s version is clearly different The streaming provider had moved to strike the case in November saying in its filing that quot the Series is a fictional work that a reasonable viewer would not construe as conveying fact quot It also said that quot a reasonable viewer would not draw the negative implication that Plaintiff alleges quot However US District Judge Virginia Philips denied that motion today writing that quot the fact that the Series was a fictional work does not insulate Netflix from liability for defamation if all the elements of defamation are otherwise present quot The ruling also states that quot at the very least the line is dismissive of the accomplishments central to Plaintiff s reputation quot It also points out that when filing its motion to dismiss quot Netflix s own evidence demonstrates knowledge of the truth in its choice to deviate from the text of the Novel which states that Plaintiff had faced the male Russian Grandmasters many times before quot Gaprindashvili is seeking damages of at least million as well as for Netflix to remove the statement that she never played men from the show nbsp |
2022-01-28 21:28:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Downing Street parties: Sue Gray won't wait for police inquiry |
downing |
2022-01-28 21:41:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
DUP rejects ex-leader Edwin Poots' nomination bid |
diane |
2022-01-28 21:45:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Former England midfielder Lampard offered Everton manager job |
frank |
2022-01-28 21:53:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
催涙スプレー噴射後に散弾銃発砲 計画的か、人質死亡の立てこもり |
催涙スプレー |
2022-01-29 06:03:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「量的緩和バブル崩壊」はすでに始まっている 「30年バブル」が終了、長期停滞局面の入口に | 新競馬好きエコノミストの市場深読み劇場 | 東洋経済オンライン |
不動産バブル |
2022-01-29 06:30:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
日本とイギリス「コロナ対策」こんなにも違う背景 新規感染10万人でもマスク着用義務撤廃へ | 新型コロナ、「新しい日常」への前進 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-01-29 06:30:00 |