IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コロナ禍前の3.8倍! 「行列ラーメンの冷凍宅配」が飛躍 |
itmedia |
2022-01-29 17:28:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
カイジ闇の黙示録の「HIGH & LOW」についての考察 |
ここで、ダブルアップをすると賭け金が倍になり、またゲームをすることになります。 |
2022-01-29 17:30:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者】Pythonデコレータとは?を分かりやすく解説 |
コード説明addbeforeafterstrの引数fと言うのが引数としてもらう関数beforeafterstrが関数内関数関数の中でしか使えない関数beforeafterstrの中、引数にはfというものが定義されていないbeforeafterstrより外側のaddbeforeafterstrにあるfつまり、引数としてもらった関数が使われるfのようにがついたときに引数としてもらった関数を実行する。 |
2022-01-29 17:12:46 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
spreadsheet API KeyError: 'access_token' |
spreadsheetAPIKeyErrorxaccesstokenxpythonでspreadsheetを操作するものを作成中にエラーが出た遭遇したエラーKeyErrorTracebackmostrecentcalllastanacondalibsitepackagesgoogleoauthclientpyinjwtgrantrequesttokenuriassertiontrygtaccesstokenresponsedataaccesstokenexceptKeyErrorascaughtexcKeyErroraccesstokenlt解決gt変更前SCOPESSERVICEACCOUNTFILEhogehogejsonSHEEThoge変更後上記サイトを参考にSCOPESにURLを追加したコピペしただけSCOPESSERVICEACCOUNTFILEhogehogejsonSHEEThogeこれで解決しない場合にはjsonファイルのパスを確認してみてほしい僕の場合jsonファイルがpyファイルと同じディレクトリにあるのでパスがhogehogejsonとなっている下記の動画を参考にしていたところ、このエラーに遭遇した。 |
2022-01-29 17:10:56 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python プログラムを開く(ExcelやPowerPoint) |
Pythonプログラムを開くExcelやPowerPointPythonで作ったExcelやPowerPonitファイルを最後開きたくなり、調べてやったことことです使うのはsubprocess。 |
2022-01-29 17:03:07 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【個人開発】ロケットを発射させるアプリをつくました🚀🚀🚀 |
簡単に遊べるゲームに仕上げましたので、気軽な気分転換のような形で遊んでいただけるとすごく嬉しいですそれでは、開発したアプリの紹介をしていきますねアプリ概要スタートから、秒後にSTOPボタンを押してロケットを発射するアプリですタイミングが悪いとロケットは発射しないので、注意してください。 |
2022-01-29 17:54:54 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS クラウドプラティクショナー 流し見用 part3 |
AWSクラウドプラティクショナー流し見用partVPCpeeringVPCピアリング接続は、つのVPC間でプライベートなトラフィックのルーティングを可能にするネットワーキング接続どちらのVPCのインスタンスも、同じネットワーク内に存在しているかのように、相互に通信できるVPCピアリング接続は、自分のVPC間、別のAWSアカウントのVPCとの間、または別のAWSリージョンのVPCとの間に作成できるリージョン間VPCピア接続を利用すると、シンプルで費用対効果のたかい方法により、リージョン間でリソースを共有したり、地理的な冗長性のためにデータをレプリケートしたりできるしかし、中国リージョンでは利用できないElasticCache完全マネージド型のRedisおよびMemcachedを利用することができる普及しているオープンソース互換のインメモリデータストアを、シームレスにデプロイ、運用、スケールできる高速にリアルタイム処理が必要な場合はインメモリキャッシュを利用してデータ処理を高速化することが推奨されているルーティングポリシーを設定方法Routeでは、複雑なルーティングはトラフィックフローを用いて順序を設定することで、ルーティングポリシーを設定することが可能CloudFront世界中のエッジロケーションを利用してCDNとして利用できるグローバルなコンテンツ配信サービス特徴GZIPによる圧縮化によってより高速な処理が可能、独自ドメインをCloudFrontに設定することもできるユーザが明示的にリージョナルエッジキャッシュを選択することができないNATゲートウェイ特徴NATゲートウェイはプライベートサブネットへインターネットからアクセスを可能にするため、パブリックサブネットに設置しますVPCVirtualPrivateCloudはつの機能を使用してセキュリティを強化する・セキュリティグループ関連づけられたECインスタンスのファイアウォールとして動作し、インバウンドトラフィックとアウトバウンドトラフィックの両方をインスタンスレベルでコントロールする・ネットワークアクセスコントロールリストACL関連づけられたサブネットのファイアウォールとして動作し、インバウンドトラフィックとアウトバウンドトラフィックの両方をサブネットレベルでコントロールする・フローフラグVPCのネットワークインターフェイスとの間で行き来するIPトラフィックに関する情報をキャプチャするRDSStorageAutoScalingRDSStorageScalingでは、増加するデータベースのワークロードに応じてストレージ容量がダウンタイムなしで自動的にスケールする事が可能フェイルオーバー壊れたときの備えとして予備も一緒に動かしているシステムにおいて、主となる方がぶっ壊れたときに自動的に予備の方に切り替えてくれる機能のことRDSの場合、それフェイルオーバーは手動で実施できるリードレプリカ読み込み専用として利用することができるマスターの複製データベース制限台数RDS台Aurora台ElasticCacheにおけるMemcachedの特徴・シンプルなデータ型が必要・複数のコアまたはスレッドを持つ大きなノードを実行する必要がある・システムでの需要の増減に応じてノードを追加または削除するスケールアウトおよびスケールイン機能が必要・データベースなどのオブジェクトをキャッシュする必要がある・キーストアの永続性は必要ない・バックアップと復元機能が必要ない・複数のデータベースを利用できない全体データ操作を排他的に行えるのはRedisの特徴DynamoDBデータ整合性モデルについてDynamoDBはデフォルトで結果整合性モデルデータ読み取り時のGetQueryのオプションでConsistentRead属性をtrueにすることで、強整合性の読み込みを行う事ができる。 |
2022-01-29 17:50:32 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ASG内のEC2をスタンバイへ移行→デタッチする際のノード補充オプションが分かりにくい件 |
ASG内のECをスタンバイへ移行→デタッチする際のノード補充オプションが分かりにくい件TLDRAutoScalingグループ内で稼働しているECのうち台をスタンバイ状態へ変更し、さらにデタッチする際、いずれの操作においても「代替ノード補充」オプションを有効にしていないと稼働台数が減ってしまうため注意どういうケースでの話商用環境で常時台のECインスタンスが稼働するAutoScalingグループがあったとする。 |
2022-01-29 17:46:28 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【EC2温故知新】AutoScalingグループの挙動をマネコンで観察してみる |
このケースの結論として、台数固定のASG内で調子悪いインスタンスがいる場合、ECコンソールから停止しちゃえばOK代替ノードが自動で補充されるということが分かる。 |
2022-01-29 17:05:28 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語でのエラーハンドリング方法 |
関数はメソッドは正常値とエラーをセットで返していて、コール元はその戻り値からエラーチェックをしてから、正常処理か異常処理のいずれかを実施する流れがスタンダードになっています。 |
2022-01-29 17:19:25 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
git stash single file |
stash |
2022-01-29 17:59:32 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryErrorが発生した場合 |
WebpackerManifestMissingEntryErrorが発生した場合最近、よくこんなエラーに遭遇するので、覚書として残します。 |
2022-01-29 17:06:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to teach the periodic table in a fast and fun way? |
How to teach the periodic table in a fast and fun way Learn how to teach the periodic table of elements with educational and entertaining methodsHigh school students need to learn the chemical elements so many parents wonder how to teach the periodic table easily In this table the chemical elements are presented ordered by their atomic number properties and composition Learning each of the elements requires constant study which can be exhausting for many students However with a few tricks young people can learn the periodic table in a short time in a fun way From early childhood education many parents understand that each child has their own learning pace Once they are mastered it will be very easy to study chemistry and put the knowledge of the elements into practice What is the periodic table of elements The periodic table is a table that contains all the chemical elements they are organized by their physical properties It was created in by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev it is considered the most important discovery for this field This order allowed the discovery of new elements and was useful for scientific research Currently the periodic table has elements how to teach the periodic tableHow to explain the periodic table to children To be able to explain this instrument to children it must be understood that like the multiplication table it must be learned with continuous study Currently there are many applications that with playful games facilitate the teaching of the periodic table and motivate students For this reason the best option is to look for fun dynamics that include didactic learning to start practicing How to explain the periodic table of elements High school students can use various tricks to learn the table of chemical elements here are some Learn the table with mnemonicsThis tool proposes the process of mental association for learning and memorization To learn the periodic table it is enough to create simple sentences for each element that can be related to practical use Another way is to separate the table by elements so the characteristics of each group can be described An example to learn the periodic table in one day is to remember the first element of each column with a phrase “TODAY BENITO GOT THE TITLE OF VAGO CHROMATIC WHILE FElipe ate medlars covered with carrots Barcelona With Navarra Offers Frozen Strawberries The capital letters of this sentence correspond to Hydrogen Beryllium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Magnesium Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine and Helium Dominican SystemThis method can be more complex but it is effective for teaching the periodic table in high school It is based on memorizing a sequence of digits each letter is related to a number and then a characteristic is added In this way the letters of the nomenclatures are used to add a number that identifies the properties of the element Conceptual mapThis strategy is very effective in children s education because it graphically represents complex concepts that need to be memorized An outline can be made to help remember the elements and their location in the table A short summary can be added to complement how to teach the periodic table in high schoolHow to quickly memorize the periodic table Knowing how to learn the periodic table in one day for some last minute test or evaluation requires these steps Print a copy of the periodic tableUnderline and take notes about elements and their propertiesDivide each section to study separatelyReview constantly at any free timeUse images to graph each element and facilitate memorizationThere are many educational pages that have models of the periodic table to test knowledge and memory All these options are an alternative to study chemistry and understand the elements that make up the periodic table conclusionToday students have many options on the Internet to facilitate their high school learning Luca is one of these educational platforms as his didactic lessons are ideal for reviewing and acquiring knowledge of chemistry physics and biology These online courses are available at any time of the day and promise to improve students academic performance Start today to learn the periodic table in a fun and entertaining way along with other basic concepts of this subject Improve your learning and grades with Luca s interactive science courses Read more |
2022-01-29 08:22:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The importance of technology in today's education |
The importance of technology in today x s educationWe explain the importance of technology in education and all the advances that promote educational qualityToday many people take advantage of advances in technology to streamline everyday tasks An example of this is the importance of technology in education that considerably improves learning processes Information and communication technologies ICT provide an advance in the development of educational methodologies Before the Covid pandemic many of these tools had already exponentially boosted the reach of online education During these years education has had to rethink itself to provide a new form of interaction and productivity from the participation of virtual classrooms What is educational technology and why is it important Educational technology can be defined as the variety of applications and devices that facilitate the implementation of technological tools within educational methodologies In this sense educational technology serves so that educators have the possibility to plan and guide the learning process more efficiently this is possible with the use of resources such as smartphones computers televisions among others The development of these methods has been established for several decades with the aim of optimizing the presentation and understanding of educational content for students Benefits of educational technologyTechnology is part of the daily life of many people through many devices This reality implies many advantages of technology in education Encourage collaboration These tools boost students ability to relate and express themselves with their peers which also allows activities to be interactive and participatory Exploration of new knowledge technology is a channel for students to consume all the educational content that can complement their learning process Facilitates understanding the use of new technologies makes students more concentrated and therefore the assimilation of academic content is easier Provides autonomy this is related to self learning that is this methodology allows students to build their own learning Boost creativity Another advantage of educational technology is that it provides multiple tools to develop creativity and ingenuity Importance of technology in educationWhat is the importance of technology in education The importance of technological advances for education is aimed at ensuring that students around the world have access to effective methods of learning Although many people prefer traditional educational practices the truth is that technology offers a solution that includes a wide variety of learning styles and knowledge options These teaching processes through the Internet are also known as the E learning modality Whose main characteristics are the flexibility and possibility of adapting the learning processes to each student In short technology allows teachers to have access to tools to optimize their functions as facilitators of information and communication for students What are emerging technologies in education Emerging technologies are those technologies that according to their innovation propose improvements in relation to traditional methods in the educational field however they are in a development phase An example of emerging educational technology is the so called learning analytics these programs are capable of evaluating students This is possible through the interpretation and analysis of data that they present in their school activities This evaluation is carried out based on the academic process so the results that the student will obtain can be predicted These analytics are useful to improve academic plans and guide educational objectives towards the needs and pace of student learning emerging technologies in educationExamples of technological advances in educationeducational cybersecurityCybersecurity is a sample of the technological advances in favor of virtual education it integrates the use of artificial intelligence to secure the infrastructure and prevent the theft of confidential information In this way both educational institutions and distance education platforms have a secure computer system that guarantees control of user records This security method prevents and expels any threat or suspicious action that is introduced to the servers For this reason it is so important within the solutions for the educational sector G networkThe G Network or the fifth generation of mobile networks serves to considerably increase the speed of the Internet connection This technology facilitates access to educational platforms for students Learning environments become efficient and optimal options allowing lessons or activities to load immediately In this way teachers can hold lectures live classes and online tutoring without any interruption This is one of the advances in technology that encourages the consumption of online education How is technology influencing education in the pandemic Many people will wonder how technology has influenced education during confinement the truth is that many teachers and students have benefited from these tools to shorten the distances in the learning process The VI Annual Study on the use of technology in education by BlinkLearning revealed that the use of digital tools for teaching increased after confinement due to the pandemic Therefore the implementation of these techniques in education allow us to resume the program content and school motivation at all levels Digital media have managed to overcome the physical barriers that prevent learning this means that in the future these technological channels will continue to provide effective solutions to access quality education Conclusion on the importance of technology in educationThe importance of technology in education is closely related to the advances that society requires to train qualified professionals In this way educational technology is a fundamental part of the learning process of the new generations The implementation of these initiatives is a necessity to guarantee quality in teaching These E learning education modalities facilitate the creation of digital environments that promote collaboration and the exchange of teaching materials that complement learning Such tools are available to any student regardless of age or location Who seek flexible ways to learn and assimilate new knowledge Luca is one of these educational platforms that integrates the gamification of school content into small information pills so that primary and secondary school students complement their official training This possibility integrates meaningful learning through teaching resources so that students get the most out of their academic performance It is time to take advantage of all those options that educational technology makes available to parents students and representatives to guarantee the greatest effectiveness in the teaching process Read more and |
2022-01-29 08:15:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Approaches to a definition of the teaching-learning process |
Approaches to a definition of the teaching learning processIn teaching learning both aspects are closely related and depend on each other so that the acquisition of knowledge occurs in an effective way allowing students to have permanent learning in online and face to face training What is a teaching and learning process To have an approach to what constitutes the teaching learning process it is usually necessary to understand the definitions of learning and teaching separately TeachingIt is a process that is generated to the extent that there is a reciprocal interaction between a teacher and his students so that knowledge can be socialized LearningFor lifelong learning to occur it is necessary for teachers and students to act actively and become aware of what they are learning at the moment so that they have behavioral and cognitive development and can enhance creative and critical thinking as well as the formation of values How is the teaching learning process conceived Teaching learning usually occurs throughout the life of the human being even in some everyday situations in which one person shows another how to carry out certain procedures or how they should behave in an event In this sense as mentioned above it is not possible to talk about learning without taking teaching into account because both elements are interrelated to be conceived as a teaching learning process The teaching learning process is made up of elements that are the content the teacher the student and the environmental variables which may have a greater or lesser degree of influence depending on the way in which they are related in a given context Next we will proceed to explain how each of these act in the teaching learning process StudentSome of their abilities must be taken into consideration such as intelligence motivation to learn learning speed previous knowledge socioeconomic structure and interests among others KnowledgeIt is necessary to assess each of the aspects of a topic studied such as its meaning the relevance of this topic or how it is applied in practice school classroomThis learning environment is essential because it is the place where this educational process of exchange and assimilation of knowledge usually takes place teacherThis individual is the one who helps knowledge to be transmitted in an effective way Factors such as the relationship between teacher and student are usually involved as well as the cognitive dimension which includes the didactic technical and intellectual aspects involved in the teaching process In the same way the commitment that this educator has with the teaching learning process as well as his attitude and capacity to innovate also tends to be very relevant How to apply constructivist learning in Education Constructivism is a learning model in which it is established that the social cognitive and affective aspects of students constitute their own construction that is generated day by day as a result of the interaction that occurs between the environment and internal dispositions of these individuals Florez Ochoa expresses that the cognitive function is at the service of life and it is an adaptive function that allows the knower to organize their experiential world Thus according to the constructivist approach knowledge is not a copy of reality but can be considered as a construction of the human being that is formed through previous schemes or knowledge that said person possesses and has acquired from the relationship that there is established with the environment that surrounds it Some of the keys that a teacher must take into account to guarantee a teaching learning process that is based on the constructivist model are the following act as a mediatorThe teacher must be a mediator in the learning process of the students He has to stimulate and motivate them as well as provide criteria and diagnose the situations and learning requirements that each particular student has He must also focus on those of the whole class Promote values in studentsIt is important that in addition to teaching the content knowledge of the official curriculum teachers also help students to be able to develop values promoting and facilitating harmonious relationships between these students in the class and at school Act as a tutor to studentsEducators have to play the role of tutors and be in charge of coordinating advising and facilitating educational experiences that allow students to learn and achieve each of the objectives purposes or competencies proposed in the planning of the program content Promote a classroom climate of free expressionStudents must experience that they are in a harmonious environment where they can express their opinions and ask their questions For this the use of activating questions can be ideal to encourage the integration of students and the conception of learning communities Perform a diagnostic exam to plan the study programDiagnostic tests are ideal for knowing what the strengths and weaknesses of students are Based on this information students will be able to plan what programmatic content will be addressed as well as the way in which this will be carried out Promote collaborative learningIt is necessary for students to carry out the reconstruction of knowledge through interaction with others and at the same time work towards being able to develop specific cognitive abilities such as synthesis analysis and understanding of language Generate learning experiences to encourage reflective thinkingCritical and reflective thinking should be encouraged through exercises in which students have to find certain solutions to the problems raised This has the purpose that they can develop the capacity to learn to learn Luca an educational platform with a constructivist approachThe Luca Educational platform is a virtual environment that serves as a didactic resource to carry out a teaching learning process under a constructivist model since it comes with interactive activities such as the use of online educational games dynamic videos and tests that serve to that students can validate their knowledge conclusionThe teaching learning process today should have as its purpose that students and teachers establish interactions in which both figures are willing to learn from each other enriching the construction of knowledge from different points of view that can generate approaches new Likewise both critical thinking and lateral or creative thinking are essential to create individuals with a greater awareness of their role in the world and the need they have to exercise responsibility for each of their actions These students have full freedom and power to access a wealth of information and materials in printed and digital formats so that they can choose what is really valuable whether they study under the Virtual Education B learning or virtual education modality face to face Read more |
2022-01-29 08:07:38 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
英・ロシア首脳、近く電話協議 ウクライナ情勢巡り |
首脳 |
2022-01-29 08:26:43 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
東京都、新たに1万7433人感染 7日平均で前週の1.9倍 |
東京都 |
2022-01-29 08:08:45 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
British PM Boris Johnson eyeing mid-February visit to Japan |
British PM Boris Johnson eyeing mid February visit to JapanThe two leaders are likely to discuss ways to enhance security cooperation in the Indo Pacific where China has become increasingly assertive in its territorial claims |
2022-01-29 17:37:38 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Number of at-home COVID-19 patients in Japan up 14-fold in two weeks |
Number of at home COVID patients in Japan up fold in two weeksHighlighting the concern government data showed nearly of people who tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this month contracted the virus at home |
2022-01-29 17:33:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine: Boris Johnson to call Vladimir Putin and visit region |
ukraine |
2022-01-29 08:25:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Gray won't wait for police probe and Joni Mitchell in Spotify row |
coronavirus |
2022-01-29 08:21:55 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日本ハム 達がブルペン「いい感覚」 新人合同自主トレ |
合同自主トレ |
2022-01-29 17:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ヒグマの生態学ぼう 紀伊国屋書店でパネル展 |
紀伊国屋書店 |
2022-01-29 17:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
WHO、緊急事態宣言から2年 コロナ警戒継続、解除めど立たず |
世界保健機関 |
2022-01-29 17:01:00 |