IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、AT&T版「Surface Duo」向けにも「Android 11」のアップデートを配信開始 |
android |
2022-02-02 07:01:27 |
Engadget Japanese |
フラウンホーファーがAI制御で交通量を最適化する信号機を研究開発中 |
画像処理 |
2022-02-02 07:50:25 |
Engadget Japanese |
ゲーマーの必須ギア、ゲーミングヘッドセット。定番メーカーの人気製品がセール中の今こそ買い時! |
amazon |
2022-02-02 07:25:06 |
フリーソフト |
新着ソフトレビュー - Vector |
SSDクローン化はもちろん、様々な設定によりパソコンの高速化を実現「MiniTool Partition Wizard 12」 |
minitoolpartitionwizard |
2022-02-02 17:00:00 |
ロボスタ |
ぬいぐるみの方から腕にしがみついて甘えてくる「ぎゅっとしてキュンっ!」コアラと子猫がタカラトミーより3月発売 |
株式会社タカラトミー |
2022-02-02 07:01:54 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 残業時間が多い職種ランキング 上位だったIT系職種は? |
itmedia |
2022-02-02 16:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] CORSAIR、アルミ製ヒートシンクを備えたPCIe Gen4接続対応のM.2 NVMe SSD |
corsair |
2022-02-02 16:10:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
丸紅ネットワーク、ファイルサーバーのように使えるクラウドストレージ「M-Drive」を提供 | IT Leaders |
丸紅ネットワーク、ファイルサーバーのように使えるクラウドストレージ「MDrive」を提供ITLeaders丸紅ネットワークソリューションズは年月日、クラウドストレージサービス「MDrive」を提供開始した。 |
2022-02-02 16:38:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
カナダ政府部門が AI を利用したチャットボットで公共部門の従業員や組織にサービスを提供 |
チャットボットは当初、訪問者を適切な労働省規則やPSHSAリソースに誘導して、トレーニングの登録や問い合わせに対応し、PSHSAコンサルティングサービスへ誘導することで質問に答えるように設計されています。 |
2022-02-02 07:22:10 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS導入事例: SMK株式会社 AWS Transit Gateway Inter-Region Peeringを活用したグローバルネットワークHub |
AWSTransitGatewayInterRegionPeeringを使用することで海外拠点と通信ができる点AWSの広い帯域幅のネットワークを従量課金で利用出来る点日本から海外リージョンのサーバ構築が可能で、ITの知見がない現地の方に代理で作業を依頼する必要がない点採用後、以下のようなアーキテクチャを設計、実装し、帯域幅を数十倍向上できました。 |
2022-02-02 07:07:03 |
AWS - Japan |
AWS Academy 加盟校の声:麻生情報ビジネス専門学校福岡校 |
awsacademy |
2022-02-02 07:35:56 |
AWS - Japan |
AWS Academy 加盟校の声:国際電子ビジネス専門学校 |
awsacademy |
2022-02-02 07:19:22 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Griffin-Limアルゴリズムの適切な反復回数はどのくらいだろう? |
今回の結果からは、反復回数が回くらいが時間と精度で見ると一番いい反復回数なのではないでしょうかおわりにGriffinLimアルゴリズムについて反復回数によるMOSの違いが体感できました。 |
2022-02-02 16:53:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ニーチェの名言を藤原竜也化してみよう |
ニーチェの名言を藤原竜也化してみようはじめにみなさん、今日この頃いかがお過ごしですか。 |
2022-02-02 16:11:15 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
YellowfinのNLQ(自然言語クエリ)をHTMLに埋め込む |
基本的にはこの機能はボタンを押したらポップアップが起動するようにしてNLQを使うように設計されているのかなと思います。 |
2022-02-02 16:33:46 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
dockerfileに記述せずdocker buildプロキシ設定まとめ |
dockerfileに記述せずdockerbuildプロキシ設定まとめubuntudockerdに環境変数でプロキシ設定sudosystemctleditdockerServiceEnvironmentHTTPPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentHTTPSPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentNOPROXYxxxvietcsystemdsystemdockerserviceetcsystemdsystemdockerservicedoverrideconfもしかしたらこちらの可能性ありServiceEnvironmentHTTPPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentHTTPSPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentNOPROXYxxxEnvironmentDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONSdnsxxxExecStartExecStartusrbindockerdHfdDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONSdnsはnslookupで取得したものを入れるdockerconfigjson作成大抵ユーザディレクトリ内にdockerディレクトリ存在proxiesdefaulthttpProxyhttpuserpwxxxhttpsProxyhttpuserpwxxxnoProxyxxxデフォルトの設定vietcdefaultdockerexporthttpproxyhttpuserpwxxxexporthttpsproxyhttpuserpwxxxexportnoproxyxxxexportNOPROXYnoproxyexportHTTPPROXYhttpproxyexportHTTPSPROXYhttpsproxyaptのプロキシ設定nanoetcaptaptconfAcquirehttpProxyhttpuserpwxxxAcquirehttpsProxyhttpuserpwxxxDockerデーモンにプロキシ設定mkdirpetcsystemdsystemdockerservicedvietcsystemdsystemdockerservicedhttpproxyconfServiceEnvironmentHTTPPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentHTTPSPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentNOPROXYxxxEnvironmentDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONSdnsxxxExecStartExecStartusrbindockerdHfdDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONS状態確認systemctlstatusdockerservice再起動sudosystemctldaemonreloadsudosystemctlrestartdockerビルドdockerbuildbuildarghttpproxyhttpuserpwxxxbuildarghttpsproxyhttpuserpwxxx蛇足ECRにプッシュ方法・AWSでコードパイプラインを使用して、dockerfileからビルドプッシュをして、ECRリポジトリにプッシュする方法・プッシュコマンドを利用してECRリポジトリにプッシュする方法番目の方法でプッシュする環境なのに、で番目の方法でECRにプッシュして、プロキシエラーが出て、認識抜けでdockerプロキシ設定してしまった。 |
2022-02-02 16:56:51 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【忘備】Terraform基本構文 ~変数とデータ型~ |
整数と少数の両方を表現booltruefalseのつ構造体objectキーバリュー型データtuple各列の方が決まっている配列コレクションlist特定の方で構成される配列mapキーが文字列の配列set値の重複がない配列プリミティブ基本となるデータ型variablemessagetypestringdefaultHelloWorldvariablemaxcounttypenumberdefaultvariableisenabletypebooldefaulttrueObjectキーバリュー形式で定義されるデータ型。 |
2022-02-02 16:48:36 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2インスタンスにSSH接続しようとしたらエラー ssh2 user auth failure publickey status=1004 |
ecuser |
2022-02-02 16:26:37 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
dockerfileに記述せずdocker buildプロキシ設定まとめ |
dockerfileに記述せずdockerbuildプロキシ設定まとめubuntudockerdに環境変数でプロキシ設定sudosystemctleditdockerServiceEnvironmentHTTPPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentHTTPSPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentNOPROXYxxxvietcsystemdsystemdockerserviceetcsystemdsystemdockerservicedoverrideconfもしかしたらこちらの可能性ありServiceEnvironmentHTTPPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentHTTPSPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentNOPROXYxxxEnvironmentDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONSdnsxxxExecStartExecStartusrbindockerdHfdDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONSdnsはnslookupで取得したものを入れるdockerconfigjson作成大抵ユーザディレクトリ内にdockerディレクトリ存在proxiesdefaulthttpProxyhttpuserpwxxxhttpsProxyhttpuserpwxxxnoProxyxxxデフォルトの設定vietcdefaultdockerexporthttpproxyhttpuserpwxxxexporthttpsproxyhttpuserpwxxxexportnoproxyxxxexportNOPROXYnoproxyexportHTTPPROXYhttpproxyexportHTTPSPROXYhttpsproxyaptのプロキシ設定nanoetcaptaptconfAcquirehttpProxyhttpuserpwxxxAcquirehttpsProxyhttpuserpwxxxDockerデーモンにプロキシ設定mkdirpetcsystemdsystemdockerservicedvietcsystemdsystemdockerservicedhttpproxyconfServiceEnvironmentHTTPPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentHTTPSPROXYhttpuserpwxxxEnvironmentNOPROXYxxxEnvironmentDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONSdnsxxxExecStartExecStartusrbindockerdHfdDOCKERNETWORKOPTIONS状態確認systemctlstatusdockerservice再起動sudosystemctldaemonreloadsudosystemctlrestartdockerビルドdockerbuildbuildarghttpproxyhttpuserpwxxxbuildarghttpsproxyhttpuserpwxxx蛇足ECRにプッシュ方法・AWSでコードパイプラインを使用して、dockerfileからビルドプッシュをして、ECRリポジトリにプッシュする方法・プッシュコマンドを利用してECRリポジトリにプッシュする方法番目の方法でプッシュする環境なのに、で番目の方法でECRにプッシュして、プロキシエラーが出て、認識抜けでdockerプロキシ設定してしまった。 |
2022-02-02 16:56:51 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | の引数 |
2022-02-02 16:05:54 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) 를 정리하고 ElastiCache 와의 차이점에 대해 알아봤다. |
DynamoDB Accelerator DAX 를정리하고ElastiCache 와의차이점에대해알아봤다 아젠다정의DynamoDB DAX vs ElastiCache 참고자료 정의DynamoDB와호환되는풀관리형인메모리캐시서비스초당요청수가몇백만개인경우에도몇밀리초부터 |
2022-02-02 07:57:13 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
การลบไฟล์อัตโนมัติด้วย S3 |
2022-02-02 07:20:59 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CloudFormation으로 CloudFront OAI 설정 해보기 |
CloudFormation으로CloudFront OAI 설정해보기안녕하세요클래스메소드김재욱 Kim Jaewook 입니다 이번에는CloudFormation으로CloudFront OAI를설정해보는과정을정리해봤습니다 파라미터설정S 버킷을생 |
2022-02-02 07:20:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Higher Order Functions |
Higher Order FunctionsLearning about MAP FILTER Map higher order functions Map Functions gt Map is itself a function Map takes a callback function as argument Map will call the callback function as many times as the elements in the array map will process every value and will apply the instructions that inside the callback function map returns a new array and doesnt make changes in original array it does not chagnge the original array Q let arr let squarr arr map function square v return v v ans gt console log squarr console log arr Q You have to use map function and you will take out firstName and lastName separatelylet name Pushan Verma Chetna Singh Aditi Srivastava Chandresh Tomar let modifiedarr name map function n let splitting n split return splitting console log modifiedarr ans gt Pushan Verma Chetna Singh Aditi Srivastava Chandresh Tomar let modifierarr name map function n let splitting n split let first Q you have transaction array and you have to implement map function to convert all this ruppees into dollars dollar to rs const transactions const inrtToUsd const modifiedarr transactions map function n const value n inrtToUsd toFixed return value console log modifiedarr ans gt when tofixed is when tofixed is FILTER Filter filter returns a new array containing array elements that matches a specified condition it doesnot change the original array for loop ki condition ki jesi hai yeh jo value true hongi wahi array mei jakar gir jayengi aur jinki condition satisfy nahi hongi wo discard ho jauengi Q let arr let ans arr filter function n if n return true else return false console log ans ans gt Q Filter out the profit in transactions i e the ve onesconst transactions let profit transactions filter function n if n gt return true else return false console log profit ans gt FILTERMAP CHAIN Q those who are female we have to return their age let arr name A age gender M name B age gender M name C age gender F name D age gender F name E age gender M name I age gender F name G age gender M name H age gender F let ladiesage arr filter function n if n gender F return true else return false console log ladiesage ans gt name C age gender F name D age gender F name I age gender F name H age gender F let finalans ladiesage map function n return n age console log finalans ans gt this was the naive approach to the problem now we will study this FILTER MAP CHAINlet ladiesage arr filter function n if n gender F return true else return false map function n return n age console log ladiesage ans gt Small Functions like Some FIND AND EVERYSome Some function some elements should follow the condition ie if any of the one follow the condition then it will return trueconst transactions displaying element that is velet ans transactions some function n return n gt console log ans ans gt trueconst transactions displaying element that is velet ans transactions some function n return n gt console log ans ans gt falseEVERY every function every element should follow the condition if all the elements follow the condition then only it will return trueconst transactions displaying element that is velet ans transactions every function n return n gt console log ans ans gt falseconst transactions displaying element that is velet ans transactions every function n return n lt console log ans ans gt trueFIND find it just works same as filter but it doesnot give array it finds the first value according to the condition and return const transactions let ans transactions find function n return n lt console log ans ans gt |
2022-02-02 07:46:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Secure your AWS account |
Secure your AWS accountAmazon Web Services provide us amazing solutions which is now widely used by all small and large industries helping them manage and easily access their resources with flexible costing AWS provides Easy to use Flexible Cost effective Reliable Scalable and High Performance and Secure solutions when it comes to virtualizing your resources The official documentation of AWS security speaks The AWS Cloud enables a shared responsibility model While AWS manages security of the cloud you are responsible for security in the cloud Most of the AWS guides will give a detailed description about all services of AWS and benefits of it What people rarely speak about is how can we secure our AWS account Here I have tried to document some simple yet very important techniques to secure your AWS account Let s begin Root user vs IAM userFirst of all on logging into your account you will find the two ways to login Root user and IAM user Usually when you create your account for the first time we always login through the root user But most of the times you will be recommended by people to use the IAM user to login What exactly is the difference between them Root user Root user is the main account user who has access to all the resources in the AWS account When we first create our AWS account we have a Root user only We can t restrict access of the resources of a Root user by adding any IAM roles or policies discussed below Since limiting permissions of a root user is difficult only done by Service Control Policies of AWS using root user as the only account for AWS services becomes vulnerable to brute force attacks These attacks are done by excessive forceful attempts to try and decode your root password by hackers leading them into your root account and taking advantage of root user privileges Therefore it is always encouraged to define IAM user with Administrative Access and use it to access all AWS services instead of using Root account IAM user IAM stands for Identity and AWS Management The main goal of IAM is to provide Right access to Right people Among all services of IAM one of the service is of IAM users IAM users are defined by the Root User or by IAM administrator An IAM administrator is the IAM user created by Root user which has the access to all the services of AWS account except some specific tasks of Root user like Closing the accountChanging the account settingsChanging support planAdding IAM users to billing section and others Refer this AWS official page Logging into the account using as IAM administrator is always recommended Here is how you can create an IAM administrator Creating your first IAM administrator Login as Root user by giving your credentials gt gt Select IAM services gt gt Under IAM options choose Users gt gt Now click on Add usersNow give a name to your user and add the access refer the picture below gt gt Click on Next Permission gt gt Select Attach an existing policy gt gt Select AdministratorAccess gt gt Click on Next and finally click create a user adding tags is optional gt gt Finally on successfully creating the user download the csv file Now let s try to login as admin via the console Select IAM user to login gt gt Provide your Account ID present in the csv file just downloaded or you can find it at top right corner of your root account gt gt Now provide the name and password gt gt Now you have to set a new password gt gt And you are logged in as the Admin Creating IAM users as an admin As an admin suppose you have employees joining your company and you have to provide different employees with different resources of AWS Some only need to use EC instances whereas some only work with EBS To provide controlled access to your AWS account you need to create different IAM users and attach only required Policies and share this IAM details with your employees Creation of users is in the same way as shown above There are varieties of Existing Policies which you can add based on the access to resources you want to provide Also you can create your own policy by clicking on Create new policy in the Set permission page Your new policy can be in a JSON file Creating IAM user groups Suppose you have large number of employees in your company You have to provide each of your employee a controlled access to only use EC instances You start providing each of your employee same access and attach them to the same policies But why do such a long process when all you need to attach them is to the same policy Instead of attaching policies to employees one by one create a User Group A User group helps to have common policies and you can just add your employees to the group When any employee leaves just detach them from the group instead of finding which user to delete Here is how you can create a User group Find the option of User Groups under IAM services gt gt Click on Create Group gt gt Give a name to your group gt gt Add if any existing user this is optional gt gt Now attach some Policies this is also optional gt gt Now click Create group Now onwards while creating an user instead of attaching individual policies directly attach them to a User group IAM roles Another very interesting service of IAM is the IAM roles Main use of IAM roles in security for the AWS services is to build a safe pipeline between AWS resources Create a direct pipeline between EC instances and AWS services Suppose your company requires you to set a connection between EC instance and S bucket So you start by creating a IAM user and attach it with the Existing Policy of AWS S Full Access Now you share the credentials with access key and secret key and the next day you find one of your employee has accessed your S bucket using the credentials via his own laptop So sharing the credentials is not a very secured option to access AWS services like S bucket which has important data In such a case IAM roles come into picture IAM roles help to create a direct pipeline between both the services without the need to share the credentials and thus a person cannot access the S service from his own laptop This a safer and good approach Here is how you can create an IAM role Select IAM role under the IAM services gt gt Now Create a role gt gt Select Entity as AWS services and choose EC gt gt Now attach S full access policy gt gt Provide a name gt gt Create role Now select your EC instance gt gt Go to Actions gt gt Security gt gt Modify IAM role gt gt Attach the IAM role createdFinally you can access your S bucket without any access ID or secret key Connect to the EC via SSH command providing the Key file gt gt Directly list out the S contents Syntax aws s ls gt gt List out the contents inside S Syntax aws s ls s s bucket name Harden your accountWe have learnt how to create an IAM admin account and IAM users with controlled access Now we can login as the IAM user and use the AWS resources specific to our needs However we still need to protect our account from any kind of security breach Here are few ways suggested by AWS in which you can Harden your account as a Root user IAM Admin or IAM User All of the steps below can be implemented by going to IAM Dashboard gt gt Add MFA Creating a strong password AWS always encourages to create a strong password You can click here to generate a Strong passwordAfter creating a strong password click on the password option and then click on the link given to change the password to a Strong password Add a Multi Factor Authentication There are three ways provided for Multi Factor Authentication MFA by AWS MFA virtual device For adding a Virtual MFA device we will need a authenticator application The most common one is the Google authenticator Select Virtual MFA gt gt Click on Show the QR code gt gt The app will have an option to scan the QR code gt gt Now a code will be shown gt gt Write it to the code on your console gt gt After few seconds next code will be shown gt gt Assign MFA From the next time you login apart from the password the MFA codes will be asked which will be shown in your app Always remember to take a Screen shot of your QR code incase your app or phone gets damaged this will help UF security key This is an UF security key It is a kind of USB device You can add it as an authentication device and while logging in to your account apart from entering the password you will need to plug this in Gemalto token Gemalto token is the hardware authenticator in which the codes are shown in the Gemalto token screen While logging into the account we need to provide these codes This was all about the simple yet important ways to Secure you AWS account Hope this helps you |
2022-02-02 07:15:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to center align a table on page and elements inside the table |
How to center align a table on page and elements inside the tableProject codever File howto get started component scssSet margin left and margin right to auto to align in center of the page div and text align to align the text and image inside of the table headers and cells extensions table margin left auto margin right auto th td width rem text align center The html part lt div class container gt lt h gt Get started lt h gt lt p class lead gt Codever is a bookmark and code snippets manager created and designed for Developers amp Co The following helpers and extensions will assist you along the way lt table class extensions table gt lt thead gt lt tr gt lt th align center gt lt a href rel nofollow gt lt img src assets img bookmark png alt Bookmark gt lt a gt lt th gt lt th align center gt lt a href rel nofollow gt lt img src assets img chrome png alt Chrome logo gt lt a gt lt th gt lt th align center gt lt a href rel nofollow gt lt img src assets img firefox png alt Firefox logo gt lt a gt lt th gt lt th align center gt lt a href rel nofollow gt lt img src assets img intellij png alt IntelliJ Logo gt lt a gt lt th gt lt tr gt lt thead gt lt tbody gt lt tr gt lt td align center gt lt a href rel nofollow gt Bookmarklet lt a gt lt td gt lt td align center gt lt a href rel nofollow gt Chrome lt a gt lt td gt lt td align center class ml gt lt a href rel nofollow gt Firefox lt a gt lt td gt lt td align center class ml gt lt a href rel nofollow gt IntelliJ plugin lt a gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt tbody gt lt table gt lt div gt Reference Shared with ️from Codever Use copy to mine functionality to add it to your personal snippets collection |
2022-02-02 07:05:36 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]上場廃止等の決定:五洋食品産業(株) |
上場廃止 |
2022-02-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
AIオンデマンド乗合タクシーの成功の秘訣(上)~全国30地域に展開するアイシン「チョイソコ」の事例から |
nbsp坊今、川島さんがおっしゃった「既存の公共交通も儲かるような仕組みにする」というのは、理屈としては素晴らしいと思いますが、実際には、既存の公共交通事業者を説得しないといけないし、具体的なサービスの調整もしないといけない。 |
2022-02-02 16:12:22 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行が保有する国債の銘柄別残高 |
日本銀行 |
2022-02-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行による国庫短期証券の銘柄別買入額 |
国庫短期証券 |
2022-02-02 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行が受入れている担保の残高(1月末) |
日本銀行 |
2022-02-02 17:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japanese utilities reel — some more than others — as sky-high fuel prices hit earnings |
Japanese utilities reel ーsome more than others ーas sky high fuel prices hit earningsRegional utilities in Kyushu and Kansai fared better than most thanks to their ability to restart nuclear power plants |
2022-02-02 16:37:24 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Sumo’s off-months aren’t so quiet, if you know where to look |
appearances |
2022-02-02 16:45:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Levelling up' plan unveiled for UK |
business |
2022-02-02 07:46:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Shop price rises nearly doubled in January |
group |
2022-02-02 07:14:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tonga enters Covid lockdown after aid delivered |
arrives |
2022-02-02 07:48:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Papers: Billions lost in 'scandalous' pandemic PPE waste |
billions |
2022-02-02 07:13:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Winter Olympics: Who are the global names to watch at Beijing 2022? |
olympics |
2022-02-02 07:02:13 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
配当が減らない“隠れ増配株”ランキング上位20銘柄を 紹介! 減配をせずに、配当を維持・増配し続けている 「非減配」期間が長い優良な安定配当株ランキング! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
2022-02-02 16:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
バリュー投資が復活、問題は「賞味期限」 - WSJ発 |
賞味期限 |
2022-02-02 16:23:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
コムキャストの五輪配信、北京で名誉挽回なるか - WSJ発 |
名誉挽回 |
2022-02-02 16:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
パナ、純利益50・3%増 4~12月期、EV電池好調 |
連結決算 |
2022-02-02 16:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コロナでボランティア半減 研究機関調査、再開支援を |
感染拡大 |
2022-02-02 16:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
昨年衆院選は「合憲」、東京高裁 1票の格差、高松と判断分かれる |
東京高裁 |
2022-02-02 16:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
愛知で最多6191人感染 県内計18万1139人に |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-02-02 16:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
EU電動車21年1・7倍 174万台、普及進む |
欧州自動車工業会 |
2022-02-02 16:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NTT、仮想空間に働く場用意 外出困難でも能力発揮 |
仮想空間 |
2022-02-02 16:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
堀、新庄監督から笑顔指令 ブルペンで投球練習 |
投球練習 |
2022-02-02 16:07:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「プロジェクトEGG」ゲームパッケージ第20弾『魔導物語 超きゅ~きょく大全 ぷよぷよ入り』に『魔導物語 はなまる大幼稚園児(SFC版)』の追加収録が決定! |
発売予定 |
2022-02-02 16:55:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
毎年想像を超えてくる麺屋武蔵の「チョコラーメン」今年はスパイス効かせた「まぜそば」に |
数量限定 |
2022-02-02 16:30:00 |