Engadget Japanese |
ゲーミングマウスのAmazon売れ筋ランキング。ランク上位はLogicoolが独占! 独自無線と有線多ボタンが人気 |
amazon |
2022-02-11 01:10:40 |
ロボスタ |
『鬼滅の刃』17週連続首位、2位は『進撃の巨人』 人気のある動画配信コンテンツ GEMランキング ホラー2作品がランクイン |
『鬼滅の刃』週連続首位、位は『進撃の巨人』人気のある動画配信コンテンツGEMランキングホラー作品がランクインシェアツイートはてブGEMランキングクラブは「定額制動画配信サービス」で人気コンテンツのランキングを発表した年月第週。 |
2022-02-11 01:00:51 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「マンション・一戸建て購入者の失敗体験ランキング」 騒音、立地を抑えた1位は? |
itmedia |
2022-02-11 10:30:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
フロントよわよわエンジニアによるJavaScriptの基本の言語仕様の理解 |
想定読者あくまでメインはサーバーサイドorインフラでフロントはちょっとしか書かないよ、って方JSを基礎からきちんと学べていない方持ちかえってほしいことJSってこんなにクセあるんだと再確認してもらう自分の認識主にサーバーサイド言語とのギャップを実感してもらうお断りかなり、JSの土台の話になるので、、、フロントエンドメインの使い手の方既にキチンと基礎からJS学ばれている方逆にJS、JSライブラリ、JSフレームワークを実務で全く使っていない方にとってはムダな時間になると思いますので、休憩、作業頂いて全く構いません背景Vuejsでとあるタスクに取り掛かっているときに以下のコードをかいた処理内容は「storeメソッド内で、dataプロパティに設定した配列型のプロパティarrayが空の時、何もしない」というものordercomponentvueltscriptgtdatareturnarraymethodsstoreifthisarraythisarrayに値が存在しない時の処理returnthisarrayに値が存在した時の処理こっちに入る。 |
2022-02-11 10:08:43 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyを実行する方法 |
2022-02-11 10:32:19 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】Docker-composeでコンテナが立ち上がらない |
【備忘録】Dockercomposeでコンテナが立ち上がらないコンテナを立ち上げようとしたら以下のエラーが発生ERRORforxxxxxxxUnixHTTPConnectionPoolhostlocalhostportNoneReadtimedoutreadtimeoutERRORxxxxxxxUnixHTTPConnectionPoolhostlocalhostportNoneReadtimedoutreadtimeoutERRORAnHTTPrequesttooktoolongtocompleteRetrywithverbosetoobtaindebuginformationIfyouencounterthisissueregularlybecauseofslownetworkconditionsconsidersettingCOMPOSEHTTPTIMEOUTtoahighervaluecurrentvalueとりあえずDockerデスクトップを再起動したら解決した。 |
2022-02-11 10:00:48 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Golang (net/http)とFirestoreで簡単なREST APIを作ってみた |
GolangnethttpとFirestoreで簡単なRESTAPIを作ってみたはてなブログに掲載しています。 |
2022-02-11 10:53:53 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Goで配列同士を比較する |
じゃあなんでSlices型同士を比較するとエラーが出たのかリファレンスを確認すると、比較演算子はSlices同士を比較できないようだった。 |
2022-02-11 10:24:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Updated input configuration for CloudCannon workflows |
Updated input configuration for CloudCannon workflowsAs your CloudCannon sites grow progressively larger you ll want to configure more and more inputs Our previous input configuration required users to redefine their input keys multiple times spreading the configuration for an input across multiple places This was admittedly a suboptimal process But no more One key to rule them allWe ve now created a consolidated key called inputs that encompasses our previous keys options comments instance values select data structures renamed from array structures For example our previous configuration would result in the following hero image uploads hero png comments hero image Use a large image here options hero image width height The new configuration looks like this hero image uploads hero png inputs hero image comment Use a large image here options width height Inclusivity and flexibilityOur team like many others speaks and works across a range of languages ーincluding Spanish Portuguese German Afrikaans Mandarin and Russian It s important to us then that our new features are more inclusive for developers and clients working in languages other than English To help everyone we ve introduced two new configuration settings type and label which let you define a label text separate from the input key and associated naming conventions Now that your inputs can encompass a type for example your labels will no longer end up a mix of languages with appended suffixes This also means that diacritics like umlauts or accents are now supported in labels Another heavily requested feature we ve added is the ability to connect a select or multiselect input to datasets outside of the naming convention You can also choose the value that the select multiselect input saves making it that much easier to access and use that value in your templates We ve added a disabled input for text that you want to be visible but not editable and we ve also brought in two new inputs ーrange number and switch boolean ーas well as support for conditionally shown input fields This means you can set a hidden key on an input which is based on another input toggle a checkbox and suddenly you ll reveal more keys to edit It doesn t stop there We have more input types coming soon ー contact our support team if you have specific requests Hello structuresTo help clarify one of our most popular features we ve renamed Array Structures to Structures These can now be configured with structures instead of array structures ーyou can either define the values directly or reference structures as defined anywhere in your configuration cascade Whichever way you like to work we ve got you covered We ve also added support for structures on objects which can power object variants without using arrays For example your blog posts might end with a CTA block relevant to the content Now that we ve allowed structures on objects a content editor could be enabled to choose the most effective type of CTA for the post They might opt for a newsletter CTA instead of a signup CTA and can now make that choice by replacing the whole object rather than dancing around a set of unused fields Better object previews with richer commentsYou know your content and your content editors better than we do so we ve opened up configuration options for object previews text key subtext key image key and icon are now available to configure for arrays objects and structures Comments now support a limited set of Markdown links bold italic subscript superscript and inline code elements are allowed Links in this block now also support Editor Links Update when it s right for youWhile we do recommend updating to the new key to smooth out your future workflows we also know that required updates can be a burden particularly if you re pushed for time That s why we re still supporting the previous configuration with full backwards compatibility allowing you to update your sites when it best suits you Of course new users will benefit from the updated key and new input types from day one Brought to you by the communityAbout of the digital agencies and external developers we ve spoken to ーand there have been a lot so far ーhave requested more explicit input configuration for their current or potential clients so we re quite excited to see how this consolidated key is used and how much time it s going to save you Defining every characteristic of an input in a single place should cut down a lot of double or triple handling when it comes to defining and redefining keys freeing up your development time for more interesting tasks How to migrateWe ve written up a full migration guide over on our Documentation pages with detailed explanations examples and before and after code blocks Please note also that the docs on Customizing your inputs in the Data Editor Changing inputs in the configuration cascade and Using Text Inputs to edit your data ーand our other input pages ーhave been updated to reflect the new inputs key If you have any questions about the migration process feel free to get in touch with our helpful support team |
2022-02-11 01:24:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 ways to speed up web font loading |
ways to speed up web font loadingFonts are popular tools on the web nowadays Most modern websites use custom fonts usually from Google Fonts because it adds a custom touch to the interface and allows for more options However there are many performance implications with fonts on the web Fonts are often hundreds of kilobytes and are on another domain slowing down the website Luckily you can solve these problems Here are ten tips to improve font loading performance on a website The list Self your fontsWhen you go on a website you often see something like this lt link rel preconnect href gt lt link rel preconnect href crossorigin gt lt link href display swap rel stylesheet gt That means the website is using Google Fonts to load fonts Google Fonts is excellent for prototyping as it is straightforward but is terrible for performance Performance is bad because Google Fonts has a complicated string of requests to get a font which adds significant latency As you can see the font loading with Google Fonts can be complicated However you can reduce how many requests are needed to just one by self hosting the font and putting the font face declaration inside your CSS bundle instead of an external stylesheet A tool like Google Webfonts Helper can be helpful for this Use modern web font formatsFonts are like images on the web because of how their formats work With images modern web formats like AVIF and WebP replaced less compressed formats like PNG and JPEG Similarly web fonts have WOFF and WOFF which provide superior compression to formats like TrueType and OpenType TTF and OTF Additionally web fonts are almost universally supported At this point because of the almost universal browser support the best thing to do is use WOFF with a WOFF fallback although you could even just use WOFF as of users support it Subset your fontsFont subsetting means trimming your fonts down to only the characters you need Subsetting can yield massive amounts of size savings without having any drawbacks as long as you are not using the characters you remove The simplest way to do this is subsetting to remove languages that you do not use For example take Inter one of the most popular fonts If you include all languages which includes the Latin alphabet Cyrillic Vietnamese and Greek the size of the WOFF font is kb However chances are you are not using all of those languages If you remove all characters outside of the English language the size is reduced to just kb There are many ways to subset fonts including Google Fonts and by extension Google Webfonts Helper Everything Fonts and fontTools The size reduction is beneficial for performance but you can do even better if you are willing to take on more complexity Instead of subsetting by wide character ranges you can subset to include precisely what you use Tools like fontTools allow you to subset fonts by arbitrary character lists The problem with this approach is that you need a complicated build process to get every character you use Or of course you can manually add each character but that is a lot of work Use font displayBy default text will not show up in many browsers until the correct font is loading That behavior is called Flash of Invisible Text or FOIT Some other browsers display text using the fallback font while it is loading which makes sure text is not invisible but can cause a layout shift Luckily you can customize font loading through the font display option in your font face declaration The two recommended values for font display are swap and optional swap uses a fallback font and then switches to the custom font once it is loaded and optional blocks page load for a maximum of ms to let the font load and if it does not it uses a fallback font font face font family Example font style normal font weight src local Example local Example url format woff font display swap font display optional is the best for when you don t need the font to be loaded because it prevents any layout shift and ensures the text is not invisible However font display swap is best when you need the font to load because it swaps in the font even if it takes more than ms Match your fallback font with your custom fontFonts are usually spaced and sized differently For example Merriweather is larger than Georgia even if the CSS font size is the same These inconsistencies can cause a layout shift if you use font display swap and make fonts less consistent if you use font display optional Luckily you can configure your fallback font to look a lot more like the web font you are using Matching both fonts can be done by customizing spacing and font size to remove the inconsistencies A helpful tool for this is Font Style Matcher which allows you to look at two different fonts configure various spacing properties and see a demo of the layout shift Use a CDNCDNs are great for speeding up static content delivery They deliver content closer to your users and often offer other ways of speeding up delivery It is a good idea to host your fonts on a CDN along with all of your other static assets Using a CDN also has the advantage of reducing server costs as CDNs are generally cheaper compared to serving the request from your source server Preload your fontsPreloading is often a good idea for various resources as it makes the browser know it needs to download a resource sooner and increases that resource s priority It is the same idea for fonts However you do not always want to preload your fonts because it might make a font load unnecessarily That is because the browser automatically detects whether the website uses a font on the page before downloading it even if the font face is present Now you might know that you always use the fonts you include with font face There is one other potential problem If your font is low priority it might make other resources take longer to load However if both of these things are not true preloading can be a great way to speed up your font loading Use local Depending on the font users can often have the font you are using locally installed on their machine If they do you can easily use the font locally to prevent any performance degradation from a custom font You do this using a local statement in your font face src rule font face font family Awesome Font font style normal font weight src local Awesome Font url example com awesome font woff format woff This font face checks if the user has the font locally and if they do not downloads it remotely That means that users with the font get a free performance boost while adding little complexity to the code and no disadvantage to users who do not have the font locally Implement CachingCaching is very important especially if you have lots of repeat visitors Caching allows the font to load from the disk after the first time it is downloaded You can implement caching through the Cache Control header If you use a CDN like Cloudflare it is simple to do from the dashboard Otherwise you can do it by simply sending the header with your font responses Don t use custom fontsI bet you didn t see that one coming I am talking about system font stacks System fonts are great for body text or other text that isn t important for branding as it is built in and makes the interface more comfortable because it is the same font as the operating system You can implement system UI fonts through the system font stacks linked above or the system ui font family ConclusionThat is all I hope you enjoyed learning how to optimize your web fonts and I hope this has helped you optimize fonts on your websites If you enjoyed reading this be sure to sign up for the mailing list here Thanks for reading |
2022-02-11 01:17:56 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
What Will Elon Musk Say? Watch SpaceX Starship Live Stream |
company |
2022-02-11 01:28:48 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Slippery Science of Skeleton |
athletes |
2022-02-11 01:20:32 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Wolves Will Regain Federal Protection in Much of the U.S. |
species |
2022-02-11 01:23:27 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Koalas: Australia lists marsupial as endangered species |
decline |
2022-02-11 01:02:44 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Canada truckers extend border blockade as copycats emerge abroad |
zealand |
2022-02-11 10:25:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Koalas: Australia lists marsupial as endangered species |
decline |
2022-02-11 01:02:44 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
女児3人死亡、無理心中か 殺人未遂容疑で母親逮捕 |
愛知県一宮市 |
2022-02-11 10:02:18 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Qualit、第7世代Core i5搭載のHP製「ProBook 450 G5」が3万2780円 |
corei |
2022-02-11 10:30:00 |
ニュース |
2022年、日本の「Web3.0」はどうなる |
年、日本の「Web」はどうなる本稿はオンライン・クリプトカレッジ「POL」を運営するtectech代表取締役の田上智裕氏による。 |
2022-02-11 01:45:56 |