Engadget Japanese |
英単語推測ゲームWordle、NYTのサイトにリダイレクト開始 |
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2022-02-11 07:30:05 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「金メダルの瞬間見逃した」 NHKへの恨み節で「サブチャンネル」トレンド入り |
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2022-02-11 16:44:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VSCodeにFlaskを導入する方法~忘備録~ |
VSCodeにFlaskを導入する方法忘備録FlaskPythonのWebアプリケーションフレームワークのつ。 |
2022-02-11 16:43:48 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pythonで作成したファイルを実行ファイルに変更する |
printsample実行ファイルを作成pyinstallersamplepy上記コマンドで作成したときは以下ファイルが作成されます。 |
2022-02-11 16:38:45 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
huggingface, BertModelのtoken_type_idsとは何か |
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2022-02-11 16:38:25 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonによる決定境界表示 |
決定関数を持っていない場合は、確率値を使っているのですが、「確率値を使った等高線表示」をしていないため、このようなケースでは等高線表示がない形になっています。 |
2022-02-11 16:17:46 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
conda base環境上でvenv仮想環境を作るとjupyterのカーネル追加がうまくいかなかい |
最初の仮想環境作成前に、condadeactivatebaseか何かでbase環境を終了させた上で、コンピュータ上にある別のpythonにあるvenvで仮想環境を作成するこうした場合は、base環境上が起動している状態で起動して、上記の手順を踏んだとしてもまた後者の手順を踏んだとしても、jupyter上で正しくカーネルが認識された仮想環境作成時に、base環境が起動している状態で作成してしまった場合、仮想環境上で、base環境を終了させた上でipythonkernelinstallusernametestenvを実行する。 |
2022-02-11 16:05:30 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
svelteに触ってみる① |
svelteに触ってみる①初めに最近、要件定義や設計ばかりやっている年齢的に求められるのはそこだしねそれは理解しているけどね・・・でもやっぱり作るのが好きじゃんっていうことで日曜大工的に新しい言語に触ってみる今React使っているけど、ちょっと似ているsvelteってやつを見つけたのでやってみるよ自分の経験値JQueryくらいまではWEBアプリ作れるWEB入門編はこの辺で習得PHPのZendFrameworkは使ったことあるこれでMVCモデルは理解出来た他の言語との違いちょっと調べたイメージReact今業務で使っているクラスを作ってその中でHTMLを生成するイメージがっちりオブジェクト指向って感じするよねVueネットで調べたレベルHTMLファイルとScriptファイルが分かれてて、このつがBindされてHTMLが成形されるイメージsveltHTMLとScriptをつのファイルに記述する。 |
2022-02-11 16:38:24 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Chrome拡張機能の申請手順 |
私の場合manifestjsonのバージョンで開発していたため、バージョンに変更する必要がありました。 |
2022-02-11 16:03:59 |
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2022-02-11 16:59:51 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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最後に「AWS認定ソリューションアーキテクトアソシエイト」の試験勉強では、ハンズオンを一切行いませんでしたが、どのサービスで何ができるか知ることができた為、現在は、個人でAWSを使用することができていますまた、本番では慣れないテストセンターで、長い問題文を読むことになりますが、必要な知識はテキストと模擬試験で足りているので、安心して試験に臨んでください皆様の合格を祈っております。 |
2022-02-11 16:49:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2022-02-11 16:13:02 |
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dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitLabとGitLab runnerをDockerでセットアップ |
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2022-02-11 16:49:27 |
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2022-02-11 16:02:46 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[レポート] Deep dive on Amazon FSx for Lustre #reinvent #STG302 |
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2022-02-11 07:54:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
[GIVEAWAY] A Brief Introduction to Azure Boards |
GIVEAWAY A Brief Introduction to Azure BoardsWith Azure Boards you can plan track and discuss work across your teams connecting everything from idea to release Let s see how we can get started with it ATTENTION I m running a giveaway until Tuesday February th Keep reading to know HOW TO WIN IntroIn this article I will cover some general topics around it but let me know in the comments section below if you want me to go deeper into any of the different areas of Azure Boards because I m thinking of dedicating a series to this awesome service I also want to mention that Azure Boards is part of Azure DevOps therefore it of course works in combination with all the other services in Azure DevOps but it can work just as well with other systems like for example GitHub and also in a standalone way If you want to see how to integrate Azure Boards with GitHub check out the video I made about this when you are done with this article VideoAs usual if you are a visual learner or simply prefer to watch and listen instead of reading here you have the video with the whole explanation and demo which to be fair is much more complete than this post Link to the video If you rather prefer reading well let s just continue What is Azure BoardsSo what is Azure Boards In simple words Azure Boards is a tool that allows you to plan organize and track the work of your team and your organization in a simple easy way Azure Boards is interactive and customizable and provides a rich set of capabilities including native support for Agile Scrum and Kanban processes calendar views configurable dashboards and integrated reporting And all of this using a simple drag and drop interface directly in the browser And on top of that Azure Boards allows you to filter individual users export data into calendars plan sprints and even will let you query for your work items Create a new ProjectAlright let s see how we can get started and create a new project Once you login into Azure DevOps if you don t have any other project you ll have a prompt that says Create a project to get started If instead other projects are present you can click on the New Project button in the top right and the Create New Project dialog will open In either case here you can specify a name for your project and provide a brief description for it You ll then be given two options on the type of project you can create Public visibility permits users anywhere on the internet to see your board That word public means exactly that This is ideal for open source projects that may need collaborators that are not part of a unified group that requires authentication Private visibility is just that it allows you to lock your Azure DevOps and only permit those you choose to have access This is great for your personal projects or smaller projects that do not have a large team within your team Please note that Public projects are disabled by default for security reasons and can be enabled in the organization s settings Clicking on Advanced you can select the type of Source Control you want your project to use but I will leave this for another time since it is not relevant to Azure Boards What is very relevant tho is the selection of the process type As mentioned before Azure Boards supports a variety of processes out of the box Agile Basic CMMI and Scrum In this example you can also see another process called Custom Scrum As the name says this is a custom process type Azure Boards in fact allows you to fully customize your processes based on your needs Once you have picked the process type that is right for you and your team click on Create and in a few seconds the project will be ready If you want to discover more about the different process templates and how to pick the right one for you I d recommend you to check out this video where I explain exactly that SectionsCheck out this section of the video for the full demoRegardless of the process template you ve selected the main sections are the same Work items Boards Backlogs Sprints and Queries And everything we will see is configurable and customizable Work ItemsWork Items is just a flat list of all the work items you have created regardless of the type status area etc In fact you can see I have Tasks Product Backlog Items Features and even Bugs in here You can of course filter the list by keywords or by the different fields Backlogs and BoardsBacklogs and Boards are strictly correlated in the sense that they show the same work items but in a different representation Boards show Epics Features and Backlog Items in Scrum or Users Stories if you are using the Agile template in a Kanban stye view While Backlogs show the same but in a hierarchical list view that allows you to navigate the dependencies between the work items even down to tasks and bugs SprintsSprints on the other side let you visualize and plan your iterations in a Kanban like view for tasks and bugs still keeping the relationship with their parent backlog items visible as you can see on the left Here you can move the items via drag and drop to track the work done by your team QueriesFinally the Queries tab allows you to navigate the data about the work items using either predefined queries or custom ones You can specify conditions and clauses and manipulate the data for your own use Check out this section of the video for the full demo Create a Work ItemThe quick way to create any work item is to go to the Work Items list click on New Work Item and select the type of the Work Item we want to create This is the easiest but it is not the most efficient You want in fact to create hierarchy between work items so to track the work properly Let s say for example you want to assign a new task to a developer That task for sure will be related to a backlog item which in turn relates to a Feature In a scenario like this what you probably want to do is going to the Backlogs tab locate and expand the Feature and the Backlog Item your new task will be part of and here click on the create work item button the one with the Plus at the left of the list This will give you the selection of only the work item types you can create at that level If I were to click on the plus button near a feature you would see that it would create a Backlog Item because it is the only work item type that is allowed in a feature When creating our task we will need to insert all the information the person will need to execute it and then we can assign the task to a specific person or leave the team free to pick it up Finally we should assign that work item to an iteration so the team knows when to execute it Since I ve assigned it to the current sprint I can go to the sprints tab and under my Backlog Item I will now see the new task And as for the lists and Kanban boards Teams can customize these fields to ensure specific data is captured How to Win the Giveaway PrizeAll you have to do to participate in the Giveaway is subscribe to my YouTube channel CoderDave leave a like to the video related to this article and head over to coderdave io newsletter and join the newsletter for free The giveaway runs until Tuesday February th After that date I will randomly select a person from the list of people that have joined the newsletter The winner will be notified via email and in one of the next videos as well And do you want to know what the prize is A worth of swag from the DEV Shop I will provide you with a coupon code that you can use on that platform and please note that shipping is not covered by the coupon ConclusionsLet me know in the comments below if you have any questions about what we have covered in this video and if you want me to go deeper into any of the sections of Azure Boards And remember to go to coderdave io newsletter and join so you can participate in the giveaway Also check out this video in which I explain how to integrate Azure Boards and GitHub to track the work Like share and follow me for more content YouTube Buy me a coffeePatreonNewsletterCoderDave io WebsiteMerchFacebook pageGitHubTwitterLinkedInPodcast |
2022-02-11 07:34:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why Linux Is Better For Programming 🤔 |
Why Linux Is Better For Programming What makes Linux really popular among programmers Well the answer is that there are actually lots of things but I m going to go through the major ones that I ve found and they re generally accepted among programmers They re about seven things that programmers in general appreciate about Linux The first one is SecurityThis simply means that Linux tends to be a safer system so you won t need antivirus software and viruses overall just aren t really an issue so it s a really secure system and you won t get bothered by needing to find and pay for antivirus software and then update that software and get notified by it Linux just works and is safe The reason that Linux is really secure is because of the fact that the Linux operating system is open source This means that anyone who wants to can look at the source code for the system and if you aren t familiar with this concept then this may sound like it would be the opposite of safe since anyone can find vulnerabilities and create viruses for it or exploit the vulnerabilities really easily and that s not wrong Anyone can do that and a lot of people do try to do this but the thing is that Linux is a really popular operating system and that means that there are so many people reading through the source code every day and looking for these vulnerabilities that they can patch them themselves because of the fact that they are actually using the system themselves so they don t want these vulnerabilities there and so they try to fix them And so what ends up happening is that there s actually very very few of these vulnerabilities out there and the ones that are out there had become really really hard to find because so many people are actually looking for them and that also means that even if there are a few bad people out there looking for these flaws and trying to exploit them in a bad way for every bad person that s out there trying to find these flaws There s potentially like good people out there looking for the exact same floor and trying to eliminate it and so that kind of results in a really safe system The second reason is that Linux can improve your programming workflowThe package manager in Linux is a godsend for programmers in terms of efficiency If you want to install something or use something new just type in “Sudo apt get install whatever you want to use and then within a couple of seconds or a minute or two you get it and you re ready to rock This is something that can sometimes be painstakingly difficult in other operating systems First of all you need to install a package manager in Mac OS and Windows If you want to have a good reliable one and just doing that can be a difficult task for a beginner with Linux that just comes preinstalled and you re ready to go and it also has a lot of packages already installed and set up alright so let s take a really simple example here That kind of illustrates both point number one of our security and also point number two about ease of use and just workflow in general Let s say that you wanted to install a VLC Media player on your Windows machine or you have to do is you have first open up a web browser and then you d have to find or like Google search for VLC media player find the right actual website to actually download it Go to that website press the download link and start to download it Run the exe file and then choose whatever like installation location and then after you ve done all that you potentially also need to restart your computer for these changes to take effect or for you to be able to actually use the program Now let s say that you wanted to do that exact same thing but in Linux all you have to do is open your terminal window and type in “Sudo app Get install VLC and hit enter and then you re done the windows approach leaves a lot of room for errors to occur You could get to the wrong site and accidentally download malware or you can get to the right sites but accidentally press one of the thousands of downloads now buttons That is actually an ad for something completely different compared to Linux where you just type it in and it automatically does everything for you making sure to get it from the right source so you won t accidentally get the wrong thing or malware As a programmer we usually work with lots of different technologies and we re installing things constantly to get things to work so making the process of installing stuff as easy as safe as possible is really important and Linux does this really well The third reason is no rebootingThis is something that I touched on in the previous point when I was explaining how installing something in Windows might work and how at the end of that process you might end up having to restart the entire computer just to be able to work with whatever it was you installed and this is not the case with Linux and in fact with Linux it s to the point where you can update the entire operating system without having to actually reboot And this is neither possible with Mac OS nor with Windows and it s something that I think is really important because of the fact that as a programmer we tend to install lots of different things and so the ability to just be able to install something without them having to reboot the entire machine for those changes to take effect is something that I think is really important when doing research I found an article on the segment that talks about “Why Linux is often used for servers and there s no rebooting point was one of the reasons according to the article why Linux is used for servers This is something that they touch on in a part of the article where they talk about the fact that Linux is built for stability and reliability Many Linux servers on the Internet have been running for years without failure or even being restarted The fourth reason is that Linux actually comes with a ton of really powerful programming tools pre installed Things like grip Wit gift crown and lots of other things that once you learn how they work can be extremely powerful tools that again can help you improve your workflow This is a point that s highly individual and it really depends on your specific use case because there are so many pre installed tools that come with Linux and it also depends on what specific distro of Linux you choose to go with because certain distros come with certain extra tools like Kali Linux for instance comes with a lot of like hacking specific tools So if you feel like learning a little bit more about these tools you can check that out Number five on my list is task automation Linux is almost built for the automation of tasks I m not an advanced user yet I m still learning and exploring the wonders of Linux but more experienced Linux users who also know how to code rarely need to do anything twice because of the fact that Linux lends itself really well for automation It pretty common thing in the Linux community is something referred to as one liners which is often used to refer to short little scripts that you write to automate a task You may find yourself doing three things in a row every morning as you start up your computer Maybe you always open up Spotify to play a certain playlist and then you open up your latest project that you re working on and then you open up discord With Linux It s very easy to write a quick little script to automate There are lots of pre installed tools like we talked about in our previous point that lend themselves really well to automation The six point is performanceLinux is not necessarily faster than any other operating system but it is very lightweight for an OS and it s compatible with pretty much any machine you can find you can run Linux on almost anything So this means that you can very often take an old laptop that is virtually useless because of being so slow and install Linux on that machine and all of a sudden breathe new life into that A machine that was impossible to work with before is now all of a sudden working really well There are more performance benefits of Linux like their reliability of the systems and other things Number seven is a bit of an odd one but it is that Linux actually provides you with useful error messages This may sound a little bit weird or whatever but it is really important because with Windows and Mac OS where you often find yourself stuck with is an error message along the lines of like “oops something went wrong and it s not very useful because like Googling that and like finding the actual answer to that question This is really difficult because lots of different people had that same error message for lots of different things but with Linux instead What you ll get is a full readout of the actual processes and you ll get like proper You ll actually see what actually happened and that means that it s way easier to actually Google that and find an answer to your specific problem and that is something that s really important especially for programmers When you re running into these errors constantly Now this also comes with the caveat that a beginner might not find that much help from these error messages at least not if they ve never spent time in a terminal like interface Because for a beginner this can be very intimidating and just seemed like a bunch of texts that also it s the same thing But once you ve spent some time in a terminal these error messages are super useful ConclusionSo in conclusion there really aren t that many things that you can do on Linux that are impossible to do on other systems especially if compared with Mac OS But the overarching theme is the ease of use As a rule it s easier to do what you want to do on Linux than it is to do on other operating systems So should you switch to Linux The answer that I like to give here is that you should probably try out Linux first in a virtual machine and then see what you think of it and then you can kind of go from there because that s what I did That s how I got started I started out with a virtual machine and then after a while I just found myself spending more and more time there than I did in my main OS especially for like programming related tasks that was just so much smoother to do in Linux than it was to do in my main OS at the time and so that s kind of my advice That s how I would go about it Visit anythingprogramming com for more interesting articles |
2022-02-11 07:05:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
CSSBattle Target#2 |
CSSBattle Target Hey everyone This article is over the Target on CSSBattle The first approach I could come up with uses linear gradient to produce the required result lt style gt background e body margin background linear gradient to right fdcb px e px e px fdcb px linear gradient to bottom fdcb px e px e px fdcb px This condenses down to characters after removing white spaces If you want to learn more about linear gradients you can refer to MDN over here The next approach is stated below lt p gt lt p gt lt p id a gt lt p gt lt p style right gt lt p gt lt p style bottom gt lt p gt lt style gt margin background e a right bottom p margin width height background fdcb position fixedThis one was by far my shortest solution condensing to characters The code is quite self explanatory Although the top solution was just characters I wonder how they were able to do it in such small amount of code Comment down your way of doing the same Stay Tuned for daily updates regarding all the challenges on CSSBattle Want to connect You can connect with me here |
2022-02-11 07:02:46 |
海外ニュース |
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Mother in central Japan arrested over deaths of three daughters in suspected murder-suicide attempt |
Mother in central Japan arrested over deaths of three daughters in suspected murder suicide attemptThe girls father called for an ambulance upon arriving home from work saying his children were unconscious |
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Covid: Wales' face mask law could be scrapped in March |
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