IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、3Dオーディオマップアプリ「Soundscape」の日本語版をリリース − ソニーの「LinkBuds」とも連携可能 |
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2022-02-16 07:52:38 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
LINE MUSIC、ダウンロード購入曲の販売を4月に終了へ |
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2022-02-16 07:37:16 |
Engadget Japanese |
【GREEN FUNDING】先週の支援額ランキング BEST5(2021.2.7-2.13) |
2022-02-16 07:53:38 |
Engadget Japanese |
Google、古いノートPCをChromebookに変える「Chrome OS Flex」発表 |
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2022-02-16 07:50:46 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 生乳の大量廃棄問題、知っていた人の2割が牛乳の消費量増加 |
itmedia |
2022-02-16 16:54:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Windows 11、Androidアプリが実行可能に 米でアップデート配信開始 Web会議に便利なタスクバー新機能も |
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2022-02-16 16:30:00 |
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ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 引越しする際、「家賃」以外で重要視すること 「静かさ」「駅からの距離」を上回った1位は? |
itmedia |
2022-02-16 16:18:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 原材料不足や高騰による価格転嫁、3社に1社が「全くできず」 7割超で課題に |
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2022-02-16 16:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] CONNECT、4月下旬よりポイント投資サービス提供開始 「dポイント」をためて、つかえる |
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2022-02-16 16:09:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] QUICPayの決済でTポイントが貯まる 後払い型決済アプリ「Tポイント×QUICPay」発行開始 |
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2022-02-16 16:08:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ロジクール、ビジネス利用に向くフルHD対応Webカメラ |
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2022-02-16 16:07:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] キリンHD、中国の清涼飲料事業から撤退へ 中国系投資ファンドへ約1150億円で売却 |
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2022-02-16 16:02:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
NECフィールディング、保守部品の配送効率を量子コンピューティングで高める実証実験 | IT Leaders |
NECフィールディング、保守部品の配送効率を量子コンピューティングで高める実証実験ITLeadersNECフィールディングは年月日、保守部品の配送効率向上に向けて、量子コンピューティング技術を活用した実証実験を開始したと発表した。 |
2022-02-16 16:11:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「新・明解Pythonで学ぶアルゴリズムとデータ構造」で勉強日記#10 |
list分探索fromtypingimportAnySequencedefbinsearchaSequencekeyAnygtintシーケンスaからkeyと一致する要素を分探索pl探索範囲先頭の添字prlena探索範囲末尾の添字添字がならlenaはwhileTruepcplpr中央要素の添字ifapckeykeyとリストaのpc番にある値が一致したらreturnpc探索成功elifapcltkeykeyよりリストaのpc番にある値が小さいならplpc探索範囲を後半に絞り込むelseそれ以外はprpc探索範囲を前半に絞り込むifplgtprもし先頭の添字が末尾の添字よりも大きいならbreak終了するreturn探索失敗ifnamemainnumintinput要素数xNonenum要素数numの配列を生成print昇順に入力してくださいxintinputxforiinrangenumwhileTruexiintinputfxiifxigtxi値が一つ前の数字以下の場合breakkyintinput探す値キーkyの読み込みidxbinsearchxkykyと等価な要素をxから探索ifidx関数binsearchから返ってくる値printその値の要素は存在しません。 |
2022-02-16 16:26:47 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript】map()の使い方 |
value配列の要素index配列のインデックスarray処理対象の配列mapを使って配列の要素を乗するだけの簡単なサンプルが以下となる。 |
2022-02-16 16:42:38 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Rails チュートリアル第9章をやってみて |
YahooとかTwitterみたいな感じなのかな記憶トークンと暗号化セッションの永続化の第一歩として記憶トークンremembertokenを生成し、cookiesメソッドによる永続的cookiesの作成や、安全性の高い記憶ダイジェストrememberdigestによるトークン認証にこの記憶トークンを活用。 |
2022-02-16 16:22:48 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Redshiftに格納されている文字列データから特定の文字に囲まれた文字列を抜き出す方法 |
RedshiftではPOSITION関数を使うことで文字列中にある任意の文字を検索して、その位置を取得することが出来ますが、今回のデータの場合、つ目の「」の位置を検索してからSUBSTRING関数を使って、「xxxxxx」からつ目の「」以降の文字列「xxx」を抜き出し、また「」の位置を探して、、と煩雑になってしまい、可読性、保守性にも残念なSQLを書くはめになってしまいます。 |
2022-02-16 16:54:07 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語・SendGrid・REST APIでお問い合わせメール送信API |
Go言語・SendGrid・RESTAPIでお問い合わせメール送信API概要Go言語を使って、Jsonファイル形式で送られてきたデータをメールで送信する。 |
2022-02-16 16:28:59 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] Control Tower のバージョン 2.8 がリリースされたのでアップデートしてみた |
awscontroltower |
2022-02-16 07:23:22 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Aqua Enterprise Functions機能のポリシー設定と内容をまとめてみた |
aquaenterprisefunctions |
2022-02-16 07:08:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Polkadot: The Blockchain Protocol That Will Finally Bring Us Together |
Polkadot The Blockchain Protocol That Will Finally Bring Us TogetherHello I m Tudor blockchain developer and writer at The Crypto JournalI help people understand Blockchain amp Crypto concepts with the help of minute worth of reading reports If you are intrested you can subscribe here This time I give you Polkadot ️What is it Polkadot is a project with a different kind of purpose connecting the blockchains Instantaneous and scalable Why it matters The vision is to build what is called a multi chain protocol The objective is a Decentralized Web Decentralized Network ProblemToday cryptocurrencies are scattered across many various networks and protocols If you have funds in Bitcoin and want to buy some Ethereum you ll need to withdraw your Bitcoins from one exchange into another then transmit them over as Ether from one wallet to another Anyone who has participated in DeFi in numerous chains or bought NFTs can recognize how necessary it is for assets to cross chain Polkadot concentrates on solving two significant problems of Blockchain Interoperability and Scalability SolutionPolkadot has focused on becoming a fully scalable heterogeneous web concentrated on creating a multi chain technology Web Foundation the Swiss association that operates the network has defined Polkadot as a next generation blockchain More significantly as a public chain Polkadot has concluded the assignment that Ethereum has not satisfied yet sharding Core ElementsLong story short the Polkadot network has a primary blockchain named relay chain and many user created parallel chains called parachains Polkadot uses nPoS Nominated Proof of Stake as a consensus mechanism ️️️You can read the full article including Players Opportunities and Tools to help you get started HERE ️️️ |
2022-02-16 07:45:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Golang Pointers |
Golang PointersWe know every variable has a location in memory In Go a pointer is a special variable used to store the memory address of another variable With pointers you can retrieve as well store in that memory address There are two ways to use pointers Operator also termed as the dereferencing operator used to declare pointer variable and access the value stored in the address amp operator termed as address operator used to return the memory address of a variable or to access the address of a variable to a pointer The Book Analogy To help us understand pointers practicallyTo help us understand this better let use use the analogy of a book A book has pages each page has a page number and each page has its own content If I want certain content and I know the page number and I know the content in the page would it be easier to find by page number or skim the book looking for that content My guess is it would be easier and faster to find the content by page number Similarly that s what pointers are for in go The amp operator would generate a page number the Operator would tell you the content on a given page number package mainimport fmt func main i j p amp i point to i fmt Println p read i through the pointer p set i through the pointer fmt Println i see the new value of i p amp j point to j p p divide j through the pointer fmt Println j see the new value of j Why Do We Need Pointers In the s pointers gave programmers a way to pass a variable s memory location and then dereference it for manipulation as needed This provided a way of creating more complex data structures while still consuming less memory Harold Lawson is credited with inventing pointers Instead of copying a large amount of data every time you need to pass it programmers could pass its address Going back to the book analogy it s easier to pass a function a page number than an entire page In Go everything is passed by value Every time you pass something to a function the function gets a value but it doesn t have access to the original object See what I mean by typing the following code out in the Go playground package mainimport fmt type Celebrity struct Name string Vehicles string func c Celebrity newVehicle c Vehicles append c Vehicles Ferari fmt Println c func main c Celebrity Name Christiano Ronaldo Vehicles string Rolls Royce c newVehicle Christiano Ronaldo Rolls Royce Ferari the celebrity with a new Vehicle Ferari fmt Println c Hey wait Where did the Ferari go Why did we get this result We passed a value of a Celebrity to newVehicle and added him a new vehicle We still haven t changed or mutated the original Celebrity Solution package mainimport fmt type Celebrity struct Name string Vehicles string func p Celebrity newVehicle p Vehicles append p Vehicles Ferari fmt Println p func main c Celebrity Name Christiano Ronaldo Vehicles string Rolls Royce p amp c Let s make a pointer to celebrity p newVehicle fmt Println c Does Christiano have a new vehicle now Yes At first understanding pointers was difficult for me practice made me better So if you are having trouble understanding pointers it is ok Take a break and keep learning |
2022-02-16 07:12:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Regal Keto Reviews - Legit Ketosis Supplement or Diet ... |
Regal Keto Reviews Legit Ketosis Supplement or Diet More than half of the population of the United State are dealing with the issue of overweight and obesity The unhealthy eating habits of junk and oily foods with no physical exercise make a person gain weight and look bulky It is easy to gain weight but it is a hustle to lose weight naturally People wonder about easier and natural ways to lose weight There are many traditional ways to get rid of obesity but it takes strong determination and a lot of time to get a slim figure So people tend to get surgeries or have several pills or consider any of the fake regimens they get However it results in side effects or gives no reactions in the body but it costs you a huge amount Know More Information Visit Here Official Website Therefore the keto diet is mostly followed by individuals as it helps reduce all the issues of obesity effectively The ketogenic weight loss process requires a strict diet of no carb included in it an intense workout sessions to get ketosis induced in the body But the people and having highly busy schedules for which they could not give the required amount of care and time to their health So all the followers of the ketogenic diet know very well that it works its best when followed with a dietary supplement That is why the market is full of keto supplements that claim to provide instant weight loss naturally But it is necessary to study and then choose the best supplement for your body that can assist ketogenic weight loss procedures We bring you the Regal Keto weight loss supplement that can help you reduce all the extra body weight without any extra effort It contains all natural and herbal ingredients that get inside the body and works impressively to proffer staggering effects It stops fat deposits in the body and reshapes the body with a better physique SPECIAL PROMO OFFER Try on a Special Promotional Price Right NowIt is the safest regime that does its work without affecting the body with any adverse effects It is perfect to be used by all body types despite gender You can follow the official website of the product that has all the details You can also contact us from the given links and numbers Keep reading this blog and explore the Regal Keto product Product Name Regal KetoBenefits Burn Fat for Energy not CarbsIngredients Natural Ingredients BHB Beta Hydroxybutyrate Count CAPSSide Effects NAPrice for Sale BUY BOTTLES GET FREEOfficial Website https regalketo com Email ID support regalketo comPhone Number Rating Offer Day Money Back GuaranteeAvailability In StockWhat is Regal Keto The market is flooded with several ketogenic dietary supplements as if the mind is growing day by day Regal Keto Pills is a revolutionary product that is proven to be the best option to provide your body with faster transformation It contains all the natural compositions that are from nature and improves the overall health of the person It is used by dietitians fitness enthusiasts and celebrities to maintain a perfect physique without any extra efforts are diets It is an advanced formula that contains well tested ingredients that stop more fat formation and deposition in the body SPECIAL PROMO OFFER Try on a Special Promotional Price Right NowYou get better mental health with improved serotonin production that works as a happy hormone to the brain They get better working brain functions with no issue of any depression or mood swings It elevates the energy level of the person that helps to do more workouts to burn unwanted fats stored in the body It also helps prevent several health diseases that are caused due to overweight conditions Obesity affects heart health and causes diabetes with several other deadly diseases Therefore necessary to get rid of all the extra fats before it starts affecting your body with numerous diseases This regimen will help you get the best of transformation with a slim physique to admire What ingredients are loaded in the product of Regal Keto Regal Keto product contains all the naturally collected herbal and organic ingredients that are effective for the body and help lose all the extra fats stored It contains Garcinia Cambogia that is been used since ancient times to maintain a perfect figure This formula is also rich in raspberry ketones that induce weight loss without affecting the body with any of the keto flu symptoms There are vitamins and minerals in the product that helps the person get all the nutritive components required for the growth and maintenance of the body It is also abundant in antioxidants that help our body get rid of early aging science and help maintain a perfect body with skin health The working phenomenon of the Regal Keto Diet The working of Regal Keto product starts with the ketones it consists in its formula There are BHB kittens which are also known as Beta Hydroxybutyrate These are known as exogenous ketones that get into the body and help improve more ketone productions in the liver Then these ketones promote the body to get into ketosis With the help of ketosis the body burns the stored fats by ignoring the carbohydrates The body is designed to burn all the carbohydrates consumed making the carbohydrates a nonideal source of energy But with ketosis the body burns the fats that are accumulated and causes obesity Click Here To Read More ABOUT This Regal Keto Supplement and also read Real Customer REVIEWSIt also helps with a better metabolic rate that improves digestion and helps maintain the bowel movement of the person You get better energy levels the types with longer workout sessions to maintain fitness It triggers the immunity to work efficiently and prevent several health issues It maintains heart health and regulates the hormones and enzymes in the body You get boosted serotonin production that helps with better mood and mental state It is effective for all body types and give no harmful effects on the body It works to maintain the figure with better brain health of the person What health benefits Regal Keto product conveys There are impressive benefits of the product of Regal Keto Some of the significant benefits are listed as •It helps burn all the extra fat stored in the body for years •It elevates the process of ketosis in the body •It burns fats instead of carbohydrates and reduces body weight •You get a better metabolic rate that improves digestion and helps maintain good health •It burns fat from each cell of the body and reduces obesity •It improves energy levels enhances the person to do a better workout in the gym •It proffers lean muscle mass for bodybuilding •It gives no symptoms of keto flu •It maintains cardiovascular health with no more fat deposition •You get better diabetic health with better glucose levels in the body •It maintains the blood pressure level without causing any issue of hypertension •It improves blood circulation to all the body parts and helps with better oxygen supply •You get improved mental health with better concentration focus and mental clarity •It suppresses appetite and hunger •You get better sleeping habits without any issue of insomnia •It transformer the body with better working brain health Are there any side effects of the Regal Keto Pills The ingredients comprised in the product of Regal Keto Diet Pills are from the natural ranch All the compositions are well tested and researched before inclusion in this formula All the ingredients are mentioned on the label of the product and on the official website that you can study before consideration of the formula This product is vegan and FDA approved It is manufactured in GMP certified labs It contains no harmful chemicals and additives that can harm the body What is a non GMO product that harms no animals and works equally for all body types How to consume the Regal Keto supplement The product of Regal Keto comes in the form of capsules that is to be swallowed with plenty of water while consuming Take two pills on an empty stomach twice a day Do not overdose your body that is to not take more than two pills a day It is equally important to consume a keto diet and follow physical activities to maintain the physique and health Nothing works without any dedication and proper care It is important to take proper care of the body to attain sound health This product is not for the use of children that are under the age of This is also advised to pregnant and lactating mothers to consume the product Where to buy the Regal Keto product To purchase the Regal Keto product you need to follow the links given on this current page The links will take you to the official website you can order the product without any hassle On the ordering page give all your asked details and make the payment Then wait for a few days till your product gets delivered to you ALSO SEE “Shocking Facts Regal Keto Supplement What They ll Never Tell You The price of Regal Ketoduct is effective and reasonable that anyone can afford The manufacturer is providing refund policies that work within days of return Final prognosis Regal Keto is the merchandise that works naturally in the fat shedding process in the body It reshapes the body and provides a slim physique It leaves staggering health benefits admiring trimmed body figures It gives no adverse effect on the body and works naturally and instantly to lose lbs of fats in a few weeks Get it now in exclusive offers and discounts SPECIAL PROMO OFFER Try on a Special Promotional Price Right Now |
2022-02-16 07:10:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Grammar of Graphics in Flutter Charts |
The Grammar of Graphics in Flutter ChartsThe new version of Flutter visualization library Graphic optimized its declarative specification grammar so that it can better represent the nature of the Grammar of Graphics In this article we vary a specification several times thus transform a bar chart to a pie chart This work displays the flexibility and diversity of the Grammar of Graphics and also shows beginners the basic concepts of the Grammar of Graphics If you have never learned the Grammar of Graphics before there is no problem to read this article It is also a starting handbook of Graphic Bar charts and pie charts are both very common in data visualization They look quite different at first sight but they have the same nature Why Let s transform a bar chart to a pie chart step by step to look into the intrinsic reasons Let s start with a simple bar chart The data is the same as the starting example of ECharts const data category Shirts sales category Cardigans sales category Chiffons sales category Pants sales category Heels sales category Socks sales Declarative SpecificationGraphic adopts a declarative specification All grammars of visualization is specified in the constructor of the Chart widget Chart data data variables category Variable accessor Map map gt map category as String sales Variable accessor Map map gt map sales as num elements IntervalElement axes Defaults horizontalAxis Defaults verticalAxis Data and VariableThe data of a chart is imported by the data property It can be a List of any type Inside the chart the data items are converted to uniform Tuple objects How Tuple fields are extracted from data items is defined by Variables We can see from the example code that the grammar of the specification is concise yet the variables definition takes half the length Since Dart is a strict typed language in order to allow any input datum type detailed Variable definitions are quite necessary Geometry ElementThe greatest idea of the Grammar of Graphics is distinguishing the difference between abstract graph and perceivable graphic For instance whether a datum is an interval of values or a point of a value is called the graph whether the item on canvas is a bar or a triangle the width and the height is called the graphic The steps to create a graph and a graphic are called geometry and aesthetic respectively The concepts of graph and graphic reach the intrinsic relationship between data and graphics They are the key for the Grammar of Graphics to get free from the constraints of chart typologies The GeomElement is where these two concepts are defined Its types determine the graph type and they are PointElement points LineElement a line connecting points AreaElement an area between lines IntervalElement intervals between two points PolygonElement polygons partitioning a plane The height of a bar in the chart represents the interval between and the datum value so we choose IntervalElement Thus we get a very common bar chart Let s get back to the beginning quest The angles in a pie chart also display intervals so we should also choose the IntervalElement But why a bar chart renders rectangles while a pie chart renders sectors CoordinateA coordinate assigns variables into different dimensions in the plane For rectangle coordinates RectCoord the dimensions are horizontal and vertical and for polar coordinates PolarCoord dimensions are angle and radius The example above doesn t indicate the coord property so a default rectangle coordinate is set Since the pie chart display intervals with angles it should be a polar coordinate We add a definition to indicate that coord PolarCoord Then the chart becomes a rose chart This seems getting close to a pie chart But the graphics looks imperfect It needs some fixing ScaleThe first problem is the proportions of the sector radiuses seem not equal to the proportions of the salse values This problem revolves an important concept of the Grammar of Graphics the Scale The original data values could be numbers strings or time Even only of numbers the values may range several orders of magnitude So before used in the chart they should be normalized This step is called scaling The continuous data such as numbers and time should be normalized to while the discrete data such as strings should be mapped to natural number indexes like Every variable has a responsive scale which is set in Variable s scale property The variable values in Tuples can be one of num DateTime or String so the scale is classified by the input value types LinearScale normalizes a range of numbers to continuous TimeScale normalizes a range of time to numbers continuous OrdinalScale maps strings to natural number indexes in order discrete For numbers The default LinearScale will determine the range by input data so the range minimum may not be For a bar chart this makes the chart focus on height differences of bars But it is not fit for the rose chart because people tend to regard radius ratios as value ratios So the range minimum of LinearScale should be set to manually sales Variable accessor Map map gt map sales as num scale LinearScale min Aesthetic AttributeThe second problem is since the sectors are adjacent their colors should be distinguishable And people prefer to use labels not axis to annotate the rose chart Attributes for perceiving graphics like color or label are called aesthetic attributes In Graphic they are positionshapecolorgradientelevationlabelsizeExcept position each of them are defined in GeomElement by a corresponding Attr class According to definition properties they can be specified in these ways Indicates the value directly Indicates corresponding variable and target attribute values and stopes The variable values will be interpolated or mapped to attribute values These kind of attributes are called ChannelAttrs Indicates how a tuple is encoded to an attribute value by encoder In this example we specify colors and labels in the second way elements IntervalElement color ColorAttr variable category values Defaults colors label LabelAttr encoder tuple gt Label tuple category toString Thus we get a better rose chart But how to transform the rose chart to a pie chart Transpose CoordinateVariables of data often have a function relation y f x We say that the x is in the domain dimension and the y is in the measure dimension Customarily for a plane the rectangle coordinate assigns the domain dimension to the horizontal direction and the measure dimension to the vertical direction while the polar coordinate assigns the domain dimension to angles and the measure dimension to radiuses A rose chart displays values with radiuses while a pie chart displays values with angles So the first step is to switch the correspondence of dimensions This is called transposing coord PolarCoord transposed true Then the graphics transform to a racing chart It seems to get closer to a pie chart Variable TransformThe sectors in a pie chart compose a whole circle the ratios of arcs to the perimeter is the ratios of values to the sum But in the above chart the sum of arcs is obviously larger than the perimeter One solution is to set the scale range of sales between and the sum of all sales then the scaled sales values are the ratios to the sum But for dynamic data we usually don t know the values when defining the chart Another solution is that if the measure dimension variable is the proportion of sales then we only need to set the scale range to That is why we need VariableTransform It can apply statistical transforms to current variables to modify the tuples or create new variables Here we use Proportion which calculates the proportions of sales values and assign them to a new percent variable whose default scale range is transforms Proportion variable sales as percent Graphics AlgebraA new problem occurs after we applied the transform The tuple had only two variables category and sales before and they happens can be assigned to the two dimensions respectively Nothing need to set But now an additional variable percent is added How to assign three chestnuts to two monkeys There needs a clear specification To define the relation between variables and dimensions we need the graphics algebra The graphics algebra specifies the variables relations and how they are assigned to dimensions with an expression that connects Varsets variable sets with operators There are tree operators cross which assigns two operands to two dimensions in order blend which assigns two operands to a same dimension in order nest which groups all tuples according to the second operand We need to assign category and transformed percent to the domain dimension and the measure dimension respectively Benefited form the operator overriding of Dart Graphic implements all graphics algebra by the Varset class So we define position as position Varset category Varset percent After variable transform and graphics algebra are set the graphics become Grouping and ModifierThe arc length of sectors are handled then we should splice them The first step of splicing is to adjust their positions to end to end This position adjusting is specified by Modifiers The object of the adjusting is not single tuples but tuple groups So we should group the tuples by category Thus for the example data each group will have a single tuple The grouping is specified by nest operator of the graphics algebra And after that we can set the StackModifier elements IntervalElement position Varset category Varset percent Varset category modifiers StackModifier Since we have made the total arc length equals to the perimeter the sectors become end to end after stacked which can be regarded as a sunrise chart Coordinate DimensionsSince the angles of sectors are in position there needs only one final step to inflate the radiuses so that the sectors make a hole pie Let s look into the radius dimension We have just assigned the category variable to it by algebra so the sectors fall into different tracks respectively But in fact we don t want they differ in the radius dimension We only need they vary in angles In another word we prefer the polar coordinate to be a D coordinate We just need to indicate the coordinate dimension count to and remove category from the algebra expression coord PolarCoord transposed true dimCount position Varset percent Varset category Then the sectors inflates the circle radius and we finished the pie chart The complete specification is Chart data data variables category Variable accessor Map map gt map category as String sales Variable accessor Map map gt map sales as num scale LinearScale min transforms Proportion variable sales as percent elements IntervalElement position Varset percent Varset category groupBy category modifiers StackModifier color ColorAttr variable category values Defaults colors label LabelAttr encoder tuple gt Label tuple category toString LabelStyle Defaults runeStyle coord PolarCoord transposed true dimCount In the process above we transformed the graphics incessantly by changing the specifications such as the coordinate scales aesthetic attributes variable transforms and modifiers And we got a bar chart a rose chart a racing chart a sunrise chart and a pie chart of traditional chart typologies in order We can conclude that the Grammar of Graphics jumps out of the constraint of traditional chart typologies and can generates more visualization graphics with better flexibility and extensibility More importantly It reveals the intrinsic relations of different visualization graphics and provides a theory foundation for data visualization science |
2022-02-16 07:07:29 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Paramount confirms 'Sonic 3' movie and Knuckles spinoff TV series |
Paramount confirms x Sonic x movie and Knuckles spinoff TV seriesSonic the Hedgehog won t hit theaters until April th but a third movie is already in the works Paramount confirmed that Sonic is now in development along with a Paramount streaming series based on Sonic sidekick Knuckles starring Idris Elba quot We are delighted to announce that the third Sonic theatrical film and the first live action Sonic series for Paramount are being actively developed quot said Sega CEO Haruki Satomi in a tweet SonicMovie is officially in development from ParamountPics and SEGA Plus next year a new original Knuckles series with IdrisElba is coming to ParamountPlus SonicMovie hits theaters April pic twitter com MEMNNdpーParamount paramountplus February Sonic s first trailer confirmed the existence of the titular character s new sidekick Tails voiced by Colleen O Shaughnessy We also saw the return of the first movie s villain Dr Robotnik Jim Carry who s seeking to gain the Chaos Emeralds Aiding his quest is none other than Knuckles the Echidna who demonstrates his powers and posh Idris Elba voice Elba will also voice Knuckles in the streaming series set to arrive in The first Sonic film was one of the most successful video game adaptations yet making the launch of a sequel inevitable Paramount must be pretty confident about that to have already announced Sonic and a streaming series to boot The trailer looked promising but we ll find out when it arrives on April th nbsp |
2022-02-16 07:23:27 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
女性活躍を支援するための女性の健康管理対策の充実を |
nbsp政府が不妊治療に対する支援を強化することを明らかにしたことにより、これに関連する休暇制度等を整備する企業が増え始める中、さらに一歩踏み込んで、上司や同僚の治療への理解や、制度の使いやすさを高めるための取り組みに乗り出す企業も出てきている。 |
2022-02-16 16:09:47 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
「日本円金利指標に関する検討委員会」第32回会合を開催 |
検討委員会 |
2022-02-16 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
業態別の日銀当座預金残高(1月) |
日銀当座預金残高 |
2022-02-16 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
悠仁さま、筑波大付属高校へ 皇族で学習院以外は戦後初 |
高校 |
2022-02-16 07:33:35 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
JAL、システム障害復旧 国内線49便が遅延 |
復旧 |
2022-02-16 07:26:14 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
人気カードのイラスト、メタバースで展示 ambrが開発 |
展示 |
2022-02-16 07:22:21 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
中国で「論文工場」横行 当局が取り締まり強化も |
取り締まり |
2022-02-16 07:05:40 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida working desperately to deploy 1 million booster shots each day |
Kishida working desperately to deploy million booster shots each dayThe prime minister is said to be checking the numbers daily and meeting every day with related officials mindful of public criticism over Japan s slow |
2022-02-16 16:20:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine crisis: Human cost of Russia attack would be immense - Biden |
russian |
2022-02-16 07:52:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Andrew: Questions over payout after settlement with Virginia Giuffre |
giuffre |
2022-02-16 07:11:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Higher clothing and footwear prices push living costs up again in January |
footwear |
2022-02-16 07:44:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Storm Dudley: Trains cancelled over 80mph wind warning |
services |
2022-02-16 07:25:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ryding 13th in men's slalom as GB medal wait continues |
slalom |
2022-02-16 07:17:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What does Putin want? |
ukraine |
2022-02-16 07:43:46 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【寄稿】中ロの脅威、両国の協商で何倍にも拡大 - WSJ発 |
脅威 |
2022-02-16 16:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ゆうばり国際映画祭 CF苦戦 締め切りまで10日 達成率5% |
国際映画祭 |
2022-02-16 16:06:24 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
【3日間限定】ケンタッキー大容量「ひなまつりバーレル」お祝い価格で販売 |
限定 |
2022-02-16 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
本物の電車の運転席で出発進行! 小田急電鉄「特別運転士 養成プログラム」3月19日・20日・21日開催(小学4~6年生が対象) |
出発進行 |
2022-02-16 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ゲーム内容が“よくわかる”!? Nintendo Switch版『ぎゃる☆がん だぶるぴーす』紹介映像第2弾が公開 |
nintendo |
2022-02-16 16:30:00 |