ロボスタ |
Amazon 新型ワイヤレスイヤホン「Echo Buds」日本発売へ 独自ノイキャン技術/ワイヤレス充電/SiriとGoogleアシスタントも対応 |
Amazon新型ワイヤレスイヤホン「EchoBuds」日本発売へ独自ノイキャン技術ワイヤレス充電SiriとGoogleアシスタントも対応シェアツイートはてブAmazonは第世代「EchoBuds」エコーバッズの予約販売を月日時よりAmazoncojpで開始したことを発表した。 |
2022-02-16 13:00:47 |
Google |
Google Japan Blog |
Android 向けのプライバシー サンドボックスについて |
私たちは、これからも業界関係者の皆様と緊密に連携し、この取り組みを進めていきます。 |
2022-02-16 22:03:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
今更ながらソケット通信に入門する(Pythonによる実装例付き) |
とても簡単な例ですが、ソケットファイルを用いたソケット通信Unixドメインソケット通信も実行確認ができました。 |
2022-02-16 22:41:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ForeignKeyの役割、使い方について |
今回は、ブログにカテゴリ分類機能を実装する過程でForeignKeyの使い方をまとめていきます。 |
2022-02-16 22:38:54 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Downloads フォルダとゴミ箱を定期的に自動削除する(Ubuntu, Mac, Windows) |
etccrondtestcron毎月日時分にDownloadsフォルダの更新日が日前のファイルを削除userAfindDownloadsmtimeexecrmrfユーザー名が「nao」僕の場合etccrondtestcron毎月日時分にDownloadsフォルダの更新日が日前のファイルを削除naofindDownloadsmtimeexecrmrfcron再起動sudoservicecronrestartファイル数確認。 |
2022-02-16 22:31:38 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【2022年2月版】4週間でAWSクラウドプラクティショナーに合格した勉強方法 |
アソシエイト試験レベルのテストは一度だけ一通りの問題をときましたが、中には本試験のレベルよりもかなりレベルの高い問題もあったので解説までは学習しませんでした。 |
2022-02-16 22:35:49 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS クラウドプラティクショナー 流し見用 part5 |
・CloudWatchを利用するCloudWatchを使用してAWSサービスの請求アラートを有効にし、支出の追跡と管理を行えるようになるアカウントの請求が指定した値を超えると、アラームがトリガーされアラートが作成されます・CostExplorerを利用するCostExplorerはコストと使用状況を表示および分析するために使用できるツールメイングラフ、CostExplorerコストと使用状況レポート、CostExplorerRIレポートを利用し、使用状況とコストを確認する事ができる過去ヶ月までのデータを表示し、今後ヶ月間にどれくらい費やす可能性が高いかを予測し、リザーブドインスタンスを購入するための推奨事項を得ることができるCostExplorerにより、さらに調べる必要がある分野を特定し、コストを把握するために使用できる傾向を確認できる昨年度のAWSクラウドの請求情報を確認する方法・請求ダッシュボード請求ダッシュボードを利用して過去の請求履歴を確認する事ができる・AWSBillingandCostManagementAWSBillingandCostManagementはAWSの請求書の支払い、使用量のモニタリング、およびコストの形状に使用する事が可能なサービス一括請求コンソールリデーティッドビリング一括請求はAWSOrganizationsサービスの一部組織に複数のアカウントを追加した際には、AWSはリンクされた全アカウントの統合請求書に基づいて請求を行う一括請求を利用し、全アカウントで発生したAWS料金の組み合わせを表示できるだけでなく、支払いアカウントに関連づけられた個々のアカウントのコストレポートを取得できる請求目的で、AWSは組織内のすべてのアカウントをつのアカウントとして扱うAWSサービスを利用する際の禁止された利用方法を確認する方法・AWSAcceptableUsePolicy利用規約AWSAcceptableUsePolicyはAmazonWebServicesIncおよび其の関連会社が提供するウェブサービス「本サービス」およびウェブサイト「AWSサイト」の利用に関して、禁止される事項を記載したものAWSプランの中で、メールと電話でクラウドサポートエンジニアに年中無休でサポート依頼が可能なプラン・ビジネス・エンタープライズECインスタンスのコスト削減例・必要ないECインスタンスの削減不要なECイン寸すの削除することでコストを削減できるため、コスト削減手順として適切不要なECインスタンスが起動状態になっている際には、余計なコストが発生している可能性がある・使用していないElasticIPの削減使用していないElasticIPを削除する事でコストを削減できるElasticIPは使用していない場合でも料金が発生してしまうため、不要な際には解放することが重要・NATゲートウェイの削減NATゲートウェイを削除する事でコストを削減できるため、コスト削減方法として適切プライベートサブネットにあるECインスタンスに対してインターネットからのアクセスが必要でない場合は、NATゲートウェイは有料であるため削除するべきCloudTrailCloudTrailはAWSアカウントのガバナンス、コンプライアンス、運用監査、リスク監査を行うためのサービスAWSインフラストラクチャ全体でアカウントアクティビティをログに記録し、継続的に監視し、保持できるAWSCloudTrailを使用する事でAWSマネジメントコンソールでの操作、APIコールを記録することもでき、ユーザーおよびリソースのアクティビティを把握しやすくなるAWSを呼び出したユーザーとアカウント、呼び出しもとIPアドレス、呼び出し日時を特定できるスピンアップスピンアップとはインスタンスの起動からアプリケーションのロードを行い、リクエストを受ける事ができる状態にするまでの処理を意味するAMIAmazonマシンイメージAMIにはインスタンスの起動に必要なもの情報が用意されていて、インスタンスを起動するときは、AMIを指定する必要がある同じ設定で複数のインスタンスが必要な場合は、つのAMIから複数のインスタンスを起動できるさまざまな設定のインスタンスが必要なときは、各インスタンスをそれぞれ異なるAMIから起動できるVMテンプレートの代わりに、AWSクラウドでECインスタンスをスピンアップする時にAMIは使うECインスタンスの請求価格要素・購入オプションオンデマンド、予約済み、スポット、ハードウェア専用、Dedicated・選択されたAMI・選択されたインスタンスタイプ・リージョン・データの入出力・ストレージ容量・利用時間セキュリティグループセキュリティグループは、インスタンスの仮想ファイアウォールとして機能し、インバウンドトラフィックとアウトバンドトラフィックをコントロールするVPC内でインスタンスを起動した場合、そのインスタンスには最大つセキュリティグループを割り当てることができるセキュリティグループは、サブネットレベルでなくインスタンスレベルで動作するそのため、VPC内のサブネット内のインスタンスごとに異なるセキュリティグループのセットに割り当てる事ができる起動時に特定のグループを指定しないと、インスタンスはVPCのデフォルトセキュリティグループに自動的に割り当てられるVPCのセキュリティグループの基本的な特性・VPCあたりで作成可能なセキュリティグループの数、各セキュリティグループに追加できるルールの数、ネットワークインターフェイスに関連つける事ができるセキュリティグループの数に制限がある・許可ルールを指定できる拒否ルールは指定できない・インバウンドトラフィックとアウトバウンドトラフィックのルールを個別に指定できる・セキュリティグループを作成する時には、インバウンドルールはない従って、インバウンドルールをセキュリティグループに追加するまで、別のホストからインスタンスに送信されるインバウンドトラフィックは許可されない・デフォルトでは、セキュリティグループにはすべてのアウトバウンドトラフィックを許可するアウトバウンドルールが含まれている。 |
2022-02-16 22:00:49 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
0埋めの文字列にする |
埋めの文字列にするやったことgo言語で埋めの関数なかったのでつくっった。 |
2022-02-16 22:34:01 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AZ-104を受験した話 |
また、Udemyは頻繁にセールをしていますのでセール期間で購入されることをお勧めします。 |
2022-02-16 22:25:48 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
ASUS vs. Linksys vs. Netgear: Who Makes the Best Routers? |
ASUS vs Linksys vs Netgear Who Makes the Best Routers ASUS Linksys and Netgear are the top players in the Wi Fi router business But who comes out on top Should you prefer one brand over the other |
2022-02-16 13:30:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Make any Website Shoppable with Commerce Layer |
How to Make any Website Shoppable with Commerce LayerDigital commerce has changed and there is an increasing demand for faster and highly efficient solutions across multiple interaction channels The rise of headless commerce allows for more creative flexibility better performance and efficient software development Developers can now make any website shoppable serve customers on several platforms using the same code and content with no interruption to the customer journey using tools like Commerce Layer As an API first and stack agnostic platform Commerce Layer provides commerce APIs for inventory orders shopping carts prices promotions shipments customers and more Ecommerce businesses can integrate Commerce Layer to manage the transactional part of their sales channel alongside any architecture or tool of their choice be it WordPress Drupal Headless anything and serve their storefront on multiple presentation layers desktop mobile wearable devices IoT etc In this article you ll practice the basics of headless commerce by building a simple ecommerce product page with static content HTML and TailwindCSS as seen in the screenshot below We will then integrate Commerce Layer to make the website shoppable using the Drop in Javascript library and deploy the application to the cloud The Drop in library is a minimal way to get started with headless commerce and Commerce Layer but if you re building for your business you can opt for a deeper integration using the Commerce Layer SDK PrerequisitesSome HTML CSS Javascript and command line knowledge A general understanding of how APIs work An IDE and Git installed What is Commerce Layer Commerce Layer is a multi market commerce API and order management system that lets you add global shopping capabilities to any website mobile app chatbot wearable device or IoT device with ease You can compose your stack with the best of breed tools you want and make any experience shoppable anywhere through a blazing fast enterprise grade and secure API The diagram below shows the relationships in an example stack for building a solid ecommerce web application using Commerce Layer and other composable tools Getting StartedLet s start by building the static website with HTML and TailwindCSS all in a single index html file We will then integrate Commerce Layer using the Dropin library ️⃣Create the required filesCreate a new folder somewhere on your computer Create an index html file in the root directory Create a css directory with a custom css file in it ️⃣Get your API CredentialsYou can create an account to get access to and integrate with Commerce Layer APIs following the steps below Create a free developer account here If you already have an account kindly skip to Step Upon successful sign up skip the onboarding tutorial for the purposes of this article we ll set up and seed the organization manually through the CLI shortly Create a new organization for your business In the Commerce Layer dashboard click on the Sales channels tab and create an application with the name Website Upon successful creation you ll get a CLIENT ID and BASE ENDPOINT Kindly remember to save that as we ll use it to interact with our application later In the Commerce Layer dashboard click on the Integrations tab and create an application with the name CLI and role Admin Upon successful creation you ll get a CLIENT ID CLIENT SECRET and BASE ENDPOINT Kindly remember to save that as we ll use it to interact with the CLI later ️⃣Setup Commerce Layer CLIThe Commerce Layer CLI helps you to manage your Commerce Layer applications right from the terminal Installing the CLI provides access to the commercelayer command You can set it up using the following steps Install the CLI using your favorite package manager npmnpm install g commercelayer cli yarnyarn global add commercelayer cliLog into your application via the CLI using the previously created CLI credentials like so commercelayer applications login o lt organizationSlug gt i lt clientId gt s lt clientSecret gt a lt applicationAlias gt You will do the above for both applications sales channel and integration The login command adds the application and sets it as the current one in session You should log into the sales channel first and then the integration This way you ll have the integration as the current app which is required by the seeder ️⃣Seed organization with test dataAs we mentioned earlier you can seed your organization with a merchant a set of markets products SKUs related prices shipping methods inventory etc via the CLI Install the seeder plugin using the command below commercelayer plugins install seederSeed your organization using the command below commercelayer seedThe CLI will use Commerce Layer s default seed data to populate your organization with a set of products SKUs related prices and inventory information Build the Static Product PageNow let s build our product page in a single index html file which will contain the markup for product details prices available variants available quantity item availability shopping bag and checkout You can find the full code on GitHub In this tutorial we will only highlight the important HTML elements and related data attributes we need for dynamic data We will replace all style classes with the dummy content so you can focus on the utility classes required to interact with the Drop in library We will be using some data attributes to store extra information that doesn t have any visual representation like data sku code to store the SKU code of an item or data add to bag id to add a selected variant to the shopping bag when the Add to bag button is clicked The Dropin library requires some data attributes to add dynamic data to a static web page With this mechanism you re building ecommerce with almost no code required just HTML tags Now let s proceed ️⃣Create Static ContentYou should add some content to the page such as product names descriptions reviews and images and more This content can be created with any CMS and rendered with any language For this tutorial we re using just plain HTML lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt title gt Headless Swag Store lt title gt lt link href dist tailwind min css rel stylesheet gt lt div class mt gt lt div class flex items center justify between gt lt h class text sm text indigo font medium gt Choose a size lt h gt lt div gt lt div class mt flex mx gt lt div class flex px gt lt select name variant class clayer variant select block appearance none border border gray text base py px pr rounded data sku reference SWEETHMUBBB data price container id price data availability message container id availability message data add to bag id add to bag data add to bag quantity id add to bag quantity gt lt option value disabled selected gt Select variant lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBSXXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo S data sku image url q gt Small lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBMXXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo M data sku image url q gt Medium lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBLXXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo L data sku image url q gt Large lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBXLXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo XL data sku image url q gt Extra Large lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt Add to bag quantity gt lt div class flex px gt lt label for add to bag quantity class sr only gt Add to bag quantity lt label gt lt input id add to bag quantity type number min class clayer add to bag quantity block appearance none border border gray text base py px pr rounded gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt link rel icon href gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Image gallery gt lt div class mt max w xl mx auto sm px lg max w xl lg px lg grid lg grid cols lg gap x gt lt div class hidden aspect w aspect h rounded lg overflow hidden lg block gt lt img src assets img png alt Model wearing the gray men hoodie class w full h full object center object cover gt lt div gt lt div class hidden lg grid lg grid cols lg gap y gt lt div class aspect w aspect h rounded lg overflow hidden gt lt img src assets img png alt The gray men hoodie class w full h full object center object cover gt lt div gt lt div class aspect w aspect h rounded lg overflow hidden gt lt img src assets img png alt The gray men hoodie class w full h full object center object cover gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class aspect w aspect h sm rounded lg sm overflow hidden lg aspect w lg aspect h gt lt img src assets img png alt The gray men hoodie class w full h full object center object cover gt lt div gt lt div gt lt Product info gt lt div class max w xl mx auto pt pb px sm px lg max w xl lg pt lg px lg grid lg grid cols lg grid rows auto auto fr lg gap x gt lt div class lg col span lg border r lg border gray lg pr gt lt h class text xl font extrabold tracking tight text gray sm text xl gt Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt lt h gt lt Description and details gt lt div class py gt lt h class sr only gt Description lt h gt lt div class space y gt lt p class text base text gray gt This comfortable hoodie is made of combed ring spun cotton except for heather black logo which contains polyester Our premium Unisex Sport Hoodie Sweatshirt is everything you could ask for it s warm and cozy heavyweight unique roomy and it s built to last Sign up for our subscription service and be the first to get new exciting colors like our upcoming Charcoal Gray limited release lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt body gt lt html gt ️⃣Add ConfigurationAdd the code below to lt body gt section of the index html file just before the lt body gt tag and add the required publishable configuration data lt Config gt lt div id clayer config data base url lt yourOrganizationUrl gt data cache true data client id lt yourClientId gt data market id lt yourMarketId gt data country code US data language code en data cart url lt data return url lt data privacy url lt data terms url lt data dev settings debug true data dev settings console true data dev settings trace true gt lt div gt lt JS Library gt lt script type text javascript src lt commercelayer js dropin lib index js gt gt lt script gt clayer config ーstores all the data attributes with your credentials and page preferences data base url ーstores your organization base endpoint as defined on Commerce Layer something like data client id ーstores your sales channel application s client ID data market id stores the number of the market you want to work on as defined in Commerce Layer data country code ーstores the country code of the country assigned to an order e g US data language code ーstores the language assigned to an order e g en US data cart url data return url data privacy url data terms url ーstore the links to external pages that Commerce Layer should redirect your user to upon certain requests we don t need these for this tutorial so we ll add some dummy links ️⃣Add a PriceAdd the markup below to fetch the selling price amount and original price compare at amount of an SKU You should add an element with clayer price class and data sku code data attribute wherever you want to show a product price The child element with class amount gets populated with the price that has been defined in Commerce Layer for that SKU code for the market defined in the configuration step above The child element with class compare at amount gets populated only if compare at amount is defined and is higher than the amount The price ID is used to match the data price container id in the variant options as seen in the next section lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Price gt lt div class gt lt h class gt Product information lt h gt lt div class clayer price id price data sku code SWEETHMUBBBXLXX gt lt span class amount gt lt span gt lt span class compare at amount gt lt span gt lt div gt lt Config gt lt JS Library gt lt body gt lt html gt ️⃣ Add Variants SelectionIf your product has many variants add an element with clayer variant class and data sku code data attribute for each variant option This will fetch the SKU for each variant from Commerce Layer You can use either a select tag or a list of radio buttons appending the class clayer variant select or clayer variant radio respectively You can also add other data attributes that will be used in the shopping bag based on a user s variant selection such as data sku name ーthe name of the selected SKU to be displayed in the shopping bag data sku reference ーthe reference of the selected SKU to be displayed in the shopping bag data sku image url ーthe URL to an image of the SKU to be displayed in the shopping bag data price container id ーthe ID of the DOM element that contains the price for this SKU in the current market potentially different variants can have different prices when selecting a new variant the price will be updated accordingly data availability message container id ーthe ID of the DOM element that contains the availability message for this SKU in the current market more on this later data add to bag id the ID of the Add to bag DOM element when clicking the Add to bag button with the specified ID the selected variant will be added to bag data add to bag quantity id ーthe ID of the Add to bag quantity DOM element when clicking the Add to bag button with the specified ID the selected quantity of the variant will be added to bag lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Price gt lt Variants select sizes gt lt div class gt lt div class gt lt h class gt Choose a size lt h gt lt div gt lt div class mt flex mx gt lt div class flex px gt lt select name variant class clayer variant select data sku reference SWEETHMUBBB data price container id price data availability message container id availability message data add to bag id add to bag data add to bag quantity id add to bag quantity gt lt option value disabled selected gt Select variant lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBSXXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo S data sku image url q gt Small lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBMXXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo M data sku image url q gt Medium lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBLXXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo L data sku image url q gt Large lt option gt lt option class clayer variant data sku code SWEETHMUBBBXLXX data sku name Sport Grey Unisex Hoodie Sweatshirt with Black Logo XL data sku image url q gt Extra Large lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt Other variant input elements gt lt Config gt lt JS Library gt lt body gt ️⃣Add to BagWhen an option variant is selected and the Add to bag button is clicked the selected variant is added to the shopping bag using the clayer add to bag class and ID that matches the variants data add to bag id You can also optionally add a quantity field to let the customer add more than one item to the shopping bag using the clayer add to bag quantity attribute lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Price gt lt Variants select sizes gt lt Add to bag quantity gt lt div class gt lt label for add to bag quantity class gt Add to bag quantity lt label gt lt input id add to bag quantity type number min class clayer add to bag quantity gt lt div gt lt Add to bag button gt lt a href class clayer add to bag id add to bag data availability message container id availability message gt Add to bag lt a gt lt Config gt lt JS Library gt lt body gt lt html gt ️⃣ Add Availability Message TemplatesAdd an element with clayer availability message available template ID as the template tag to be displayed when the selected SKU is available All the child elements will be populated with the delivery lead time and shipping method information related to the selected variant Add an element with clayer availability message unavailable template ID as the template tag to be displayed when the selected SKU is not available This element will be appended to a specific container when customers will try to add an SKU to the shopping bag and that SKU s stock item has a quantity of zero or doesn t exist at all If you try to create a line item you will get an out of stock error The clayer availability message unavailable template is used to store an out of stock message lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Price gt lt Variants select sizes gt lt Add to bag quantity gt lt Availability message templates gt lt div class clayer availability message container id availability message gt lt div gt lt template id clayer availability message available template gt lt p class gt Available in lt span class clayer availability message available min days gt lt span gt lt span class clayer availability message available max days gt lt span gt days with lt span class clayer availability message available shipping method name gt lt span gt lt span class clayer availability message available shipping method price gt lt span gt lt p gt lt template gt lt template id clayer availability message unavailable template gt lt p class gt The selected SKU is not available lt p gt lt template gt lt div gt lt div gt lt Config gt lt JS Library gt lt body gt lt html gt ️⃣ Add Shopping Bag SummaryThe shopping bag includes a list of all items added to the bag alongside a summary of the current shopping bag details Add an element with clayer shopping bag container ID wherever you want to show the shopping bag The clayer shopping bag items container is used as the parent element of the shopping bag line items built from the clayer shopping bag item template template tag The lists below explain what each child data attribute does The line item template elements clayer shopping bag item name ーwill be populated with the name of the SKU clayer shopping bag item unit amount ーdisplays the unit amount of the SKU clayer shopping bag item qty container ーdisplays an input field with the quantity of the SKU added to the bag you can use this to update the quantity too clayer shopping bag item availability message container ーdisplays an “out of stock message contained in clayer availability message unavailable template when you change a quantity and that quantity is not available clayer shopping bag item total amount ーdisplays the total amount of a line item clayer shopping bag item remove ーdisplays a link to remove an item from the shopping bag The order summary elements clayer shopping bag subtotal ーdisplays the subtotal amount of the entire shopping bag clayer shopping bag shipping ーdisplays the shipping cost of the order clayer shopping bag payment ーdisplays the selected payment method charge if any clayer shopping bag discount ーdisplays the discount amount of the order if applied clayer shopping bag taxes ーdisplays the cost of tax if present clayer shopping bag total ーdisplays the grand total summing up all the above costs for the order By default the shopping bag container is always closed The clayer shopping bag toggle element toggles an open class attached to a button on the shopping bag container lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Price gt lt Variants select sizes gt lt Add to bag quantity gt lt Availability message templates gt lt Shopping bag gt lt div class gt lt h class gt Shopping bag lt h gt lt p class gt Your shopping bag contains lt span class clayer shopping bag items count gt lt span gt items worth lt span class clayer shopping bag total gt lt span gt lt p gt lt button class clayer shopping bag toggle gt Toggle Bag amp lt button gt lt div id clayer shopping bag container gt lt table class gt lt thead class gt lt tr gt lt th class gt SKU lt th gt lt th class gt Unit price lt th gt lt th class gt Q ty lt th gt lt th class gt Total lt th gt lt th class gt lt th gt lt tr gt lt thead gt lt tbody class id clayer shopping bag items container gt lt tbody gt lt template id clayer shopping bag item template gt lt tr gt lt td class gt lt span class clayer shopping bag item name gt lt span gt lt td gt lt td class clayer shopping bag item unit amount gt lt td gt lt td class clayer shopping bag item qty container gt lt input type number min class gt lt span class clayer shopping bag item availability message container gt lt span gt lt td gt lt td class clayer shopping bag item total amount gt lt td gt lt td gt lt a href class clayer shopping bag item remove gt lt a gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt template gt lt table gt lt hr gt lt div class gt lt div class gt lt p class gt Subtotal lt span class clayer shopping bag subtotal gt lt span gt lt p gt lt p class gt Shipping lt span class clayer shopping bag shipping gt lt span gt lt p gt lt p class gt Payment lt span class clayer shopping bag payment gt lt span gt lt p gt lt p class gt Discount lt span class clayer shopping bag discount gt lt span gt lt p gt lt p class gt Taxes lt span class clayer shopping bag taxes gt lt span gt lt p gt lt p class gt Total lt span class clayer shopping bag total gt lt span gt lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt Config gt lt JS Library gt lt body gt lt html gt ️⃣ Add Checkout ButtonAdd an element with clayer shopping bag checkout class wherever you want to show the checkout button This button will link to a dedicated checkout page where a customer can complete their purchase and place the order We ll explain how this works soon lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Static content gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Static content gt lt Price gt lt Variants select sizes gt lt Add to bag quantity gt lt Availability message templates gt lt Shopping bag gt lt Checkout button gt lt a href class clayer shopping bag checkout gt Proceed to checkout lt a gt lt Config gt lt JS Library gt lt body gt lt html gt Coupled together we get a nice looking product page with some static content and some elements updated dynamically In summary once a user selects a variant and clicks the Add to bag button we pass the data down with help from the specified data attributes and create an order associated with some line items If there are any errors we display them in the availability message container The customer can then decide to check out the order Checkout FunctionalityThe Drop in library uses the Commerce Layer checkout application to provide a PCI compliant PSD compliant and production ready checkout flow powered by Commerce Layer APIs The orders API will return the checkout URL using the format lt your organization slug gt checkout commercelayer app order id accessToken lt token gt The Drop in library will then automatically pass that URL to the checkout button with class clayer shopping bag checkout alongside the order ID and required access token When you click on the checkout button you will be redirected to the checkout application Upon successful checkout the order will be sent to and can be managed in the orders management system OMS in the Commerce Layer dashboard So cool right Deploying the Final ProjectNow let s push our project to GitHub and deploy it to Netlify or Vercel Whenever you push any change to GitHub both tools will run your build and re deploy the repository again You can follow the guidelines in the documentation for Netlify or Vercel to get set up for either tool Additional resourcesAn order can consist of a customer line items SKUs cost of shipping method cost of payment method taxes or gift cards a billing address a shipping address discount s calculated from active promotions redeemed gift card s a payment method and a payment source type You can read this guide to learn more about the anatomy of an order and check out the Commerce Layer API reference Also check out the Commerce Layer data model for an overview of the most relevant API entities their mutual relationships and common usage including E R diagrams Here are some more resources to learn about headless commerce Commerce Layer and data attributes Why Commerce Layer Comprehensive Guide to Headless CommerceCommerce Layer Core ConceptsCommerce Layer Developer ResourcesJamstack WhitepaperUsing data attributesHTMLOrForeignElement dataset ConclusionYes You have successfully turned a website into a shoppable website using Commerce Layer and the Drop in Library how cool is that With Commerce Layer you can manage all transactional parts of your ecommerce business integrate with any CMS of your choice to manage content build your user interface experience with your favorite technologies and build your business logic without friction In addition this will result in more flexibility and autonomy between sub teams in your engineering team thereby helping you scale your business globally This is a great way to quickly start building with Commerce Layer and can be used for specific use cases such as adding ecommerce to a Jamstack website or transforming a Shopify theme into a multi market store To create a comprehensive global shopping platform for your brand check out our documentation and join our Slack community to learn about the possibilities |
2022-02-16 13:29:03 |
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M3O - A new serverless cloud platform |
MO A new serverless cloud platformHey all Happy to share MO a new serverless cloud platform we re building which tries to put all the common building blocks on one platform Our goal is to abstract away the complexity of the cloud and provider higher level APIs to build on Would love your feedback Oh and btw its open source too CheersAsim |
2022-02-16 13:26:41 |
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Strategy Design Pattern in Go |
Strategy Design Pattern in GoAccording to Wikipedia The strategy pattern also known as the policy pattern is a behavioral software design pattern that enables selecting an algorithm at runtime Instead of implementing a single algorithm directly code receives run time instructions as to which in a family of algorithms to useThe strategy design pattern comes under the behavioural pattern Strategy design pattern turns a set of behaviors strategies into objects and makes them interchangable inside original context object We create objects which represent various strategies and a context object original object which holds a reference to a strategy object and delegates it executing the behaviour In order to change the context object perform its work other objects may replace the currently linked strategy object with another one ExampleSuppose we are building an in memory cache Since the size of an im memory cache is limited whenever it reaches its maximum size alloted some enteries have to be removed in order to free up the space This task can happen via several algorithms First In First Out FIFO remove an entry from in memory cache that was created first Least Recently Used LRU remove an entry from in memory cache that has been used least recentlyLeast Frequently Used LFU remove an entry from in memory cache that has been used least frequentlyThe main idea is to decouple the cache object class from these algorithms strategies so that we can change the algorithm at runtime Also the original cache class should not change when a new algorithm is being added in the future This is where Strategy Pattern comes into play It basically suggests to create the family of algorithms and each algorithm having its own class Each of these classes implement the same interface and this way the algorithm becomes interchangable within the family Lets say the common interface name is evictionAlgoevictionAlgo go Strategy Interfacefifo go Strategylru go Strategylfu go Strategycache go ContextHere as you can see the original context object cache holds a reference to a strategy interface evictionAlgo main go Client CodeOutput Evicting by lfu strtegyEvicting by lru strtegyEvicting by fifo strtegy |
2022-02-16 13:17:40 |
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Sending a V-Model Through a Slot in Vue 3 |
Sending a V Model Through a Slot in Vue If you ever attempt to send a v model through a slot in Vue or Vue you learn pretty quickly that it isn t possible out of the box However there is a workaround The following code example allows you to update the internal state of the SlottedComponent from a parent This is useful in cases where you want the consumer of your component to be able to style or control its internal state SlottedComponent lt template gt lt slot input value inputValue update input value updateInputValue gt lt template gt lt script lang ts setup gt const inputValue ref const updateInputValue event Event gt inputValue value event target as HTMLInputElement value lt script gt In a parent component lt template gt lt SlottedComponent gt lt template default inputValue updateInputValue gt lt input type text model value inputValue keyup updateInputValue gt lt template gt lt SlottedComponent gt lt template gt The key here is that you cannot listen to the update model value event as you typically would for a v model since that event cannot cross the slot boundary But you can call an event such as keyup and send the value of the input element back to the SlottedComponent I hope you found this useful Have a great day |
2022-02-16 13:16:58 |
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Play 2048 game and win Crypto on Game Infinity |
Play game and win Crypto on Game Infinity IntroductionNFT Gaming is getting popular with the Upgrading Advanced Technology and Blockchain You can sell your owned In Game NFT to other needed Players even rewards and prices to Make Money and Achieve Recognition in the Gaming Community NFT Games are mainly carried out on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain The Digital World made many millionaires with the Crypto Craze in Business Market Now NFT games are taking over the Digital World offering play to earn Gaming GameInfinity is one of the Secured NFT Gaming platforms that give players rewards and prices worth thousand of Dollars Players Choose Play and Experiment with multiple games and get a high amount of Money Return on NFT Gaming platforms like Game Infinity Is NFT Gaming Secured NFT Has made up a community of original owners in the Decentralized Digital World There now would be no fraud and the owner would be protected in the Copy Paste Irony Therefore it means that each Gaming Platform token is unique and cannot be used in another It means you can trade BTC Coin for another BTC Coin in every way Hence every transaction is recorded and the data is protected with a technology named Blockchain If one user tries to commit Fraud with a Token NFT etc he would be caught straight and legal action will proceed What are in Game NFT In Game NFT gives a high profit scope to make Money through playing NFT games In game NFT allows players to have original ownership of their in game items It allows users to make Money in several ways including buying selling or exchanging items on Marketplace Players can hold the NFT Rights of a Game and win real worth of Money every time the Game is played Hence the advancing World will ease and better lives of Game Enthusiast with consistent earnings How Do NFT Games Make Money The Amount of Money you make in an NFT Game depends on the Game mechanism and Market Demand Players playing NFT games with good gaming Statergy can win high rewards and can earn a lump sum amount of Money directly in their wallets You can also exchange and auction your won rewards and prices The More the Market Demand for a gaming asset the higher the prices Hence Gaming is the new scope in the Revolutionary Digital Decade to Become a Billionaire in Coming Years Best NFT Gaming PlatformGame Infinity is the Best NFT Gaming Platform To Earn and Play Games Game infinity is working to create an ecosystem of Gaming including NFT Blockchain and Metaverse They consist of the combination of AI VR and AR The Future of Gaming World Users can play Single Player and Double Player NFT Games connected to the User wallet to make Instant Reward Payments Currently GameInfinity has two NFT Games and Cricket Users Can Hold the NFT Right of these two Gameinfinity NFT games and make loads of Money The benefit of Holding NFT Users Get a reward every time the Game is Played Buy these NFT Game Right for low rates and enjoy the Increased Prices in FutureHold Equal Stakes in a Game ConclusionGame infinity is the Next Crypto to become a Billionaire in the Advancing World Players can buy Gamein tokens and get themselves started in the reign for a stable Gaming Career and Consistent Earning Also Currently Game infinity is issuing their Gamein Tokens for their new users Users securing the Gamein Tokens can play multiple games win rewards and can also trade their gamein token In the Future with Maximum Returns The Gaming Revolution is here with Gameinfinity ready to boom and give maximum returns to their Early Investors |
2022-02-16 13:12:28 |
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Semantic HTML explained and how to use it |
Semantic HTML explained and how to use it What is Semantic HTML What are Semantic HTML elements When looking at one it seems like any other HTML tag however its meaning and intended use are clearer to the browser interpreting the HTML code and possibly the developer reading the code It may be common to see most HTML split up with either divs or spans However this can be very difficult to understand the intent behind the divs But in the case of semantic HTML elements we can be more explicit when differentiating between all the parts of the page using tags such as What does this look like The following is a brief visual example of what normal HTML looks like compared to Semantic HTML Image from On the left we are only using divs to separate the structure of our web page This is very uninformative and has several downsides On the right we have a much better visualization of how the page is actually laid out and what each part represents This results in a more organic layout with our header ー content ー footer BenefitsSo to summarize the benefits we receive Increased clarity on the structure of the webpageSEO benefits ー web crawlers have an easier time parsing the website and understanding the contentImproved DX Developer experience But how do I use it Here are some examples of how to use semantic tags note that there are about semantic elements available so this article won t cover them all Main contentFor most web pages you can instantly start getting some benefits from using more semantic tags For example you can being by splitting up the page into three sections using the header main and footer tags Where in this case the main would be the meat of your page Some things to consider about the header tag This should contain some of the ー tags Only using one tag Your logo or icon and any authorship information The footer usually contains but is not limited to copyright information sitemaps or any other contact information lt header gt This is a header lt header gt lt main gt This is the main content lt main gt lt footer gt Footer lt footer gt SectionsDividing the sections of the page is usually done with the section and article tags Some say that this can be interchanged but there are some clear differences to take into consideration The article tag should contain independent content that does not require any other context Whilst the section tag is explicitly tied to the content of the page but is further divided into its respective subsections lt article gt This is self contained content lt article gt lt main gt lt section gt Related Content lt section gt lt section gt Related Content lt section gt lt main gt ImagesA figure tag is a great option for an image picture This should typically be used for more self contained content One of the added benefits of this tag is that it can be used in conjunction with another tag figcaption to add a small caption at the foot of the image The figure tag contains both the img and figcaption tags to make it clear to the browser that these two are related to one another A nav tag should contain within navigation links that either navigate to other sections of the same page or other pages These can either be used for navbars menus tables of contents or anything else involving navigation Here is a small example Not the prettiest but the main focus are the tags If you want any more explanations regarding semantic HTML let me know in the comments below More content at Relatable Code If you liked this feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter Originally published at on February |
2022-02-16 13:06:09 |
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devops tips& tricks on Telegram |
devops tips amp tricks on TelegramWe are collecting some devops and security tips amp tricks on Telegram channelFeel free to subscribe to get updates It s recommended to mute the channel to avoid noisy alerts Thank you and cheers |
2022-02-16 13:05:55 |
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OAuth CodeFlow without redirection |
OAuth CodeFlow without redirectionI wanted to implement OAuth Code Flow with PKCE by help of IdentityServer Currently mobile users put their user password only in the mobile app They do not redirect to other pages via browsers or popups When I use Postman to test APIs I just call some APIs to get access token I want no major changes on this part too I do not like a call back endpoint in my side or a popup window in the postman Seems that Code Flow cannot be implemented without redirections In the other hands the user pass should be entered in the authentication provider directly My searches for followings was not helpful identityserver oauth code flow login without redirectidentityserver code flow embed login pageA work around is to embed login page but not sure if it is possible Postman has an internal mechanism for oauth logging in It includes entering clientId and client secret then a popup is opened to enter user pass However I was in search of simulating this by several API calls As my back end is Net I tried to use IdentityServer I used templates to create a sample application Useful resources I found during this search Any ways to get authorization cookies without redirection to IS OAuth Flow Reason for sending auth code via redirectWhat s the right OAuth flow for a mobile appIdentityserver with SPA without redirecting to Login Pageimgur oauthIdentity server amp oauth Is it possible or does it make sense to use OAuth CodeFlow PKCE for an internal authentication provider OAuth Implicit Flow is Dead Try PKCE InsteadOAuth flows explained in GIFsWhich OAuth Flow Should I Use |
2022-02-16 13:04:46 |
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Terraform Workspaces For Beginners |
Terraform Workspaces For BeginnersWhen you re writing Terraform code you have a state which is in the tfstate file The state tells the environment whether you re deploying to the cloud or on prem what it s supposed to look like When you say want to make an update to the environment the tfstate tells the environment what s currently there and what can be changed That s great for one environment but what about if you have multiple environments For example dev staging and production You don t want to always have to change the code for each environment Instead you need to separate the environments for dev staging and production In Terraform you do that with Workspaces What Are Terraform WorkspacesWhen you think about data whether it s a few files in Google Drive or some pictures you typically separate that data Maybe you took a vacation and you put the pictures that you took into an album on your phone Even though the pictures are still pictures you want them separated so you can consolidate and organize Terraform Workspaces aren t much different than those pictures When you write Terraform code chances are you have more than one environment You most likely have a dev environment a staging environment and a production environment With all good configuration language code the code itself shouldn t be changing throughout each environment The core code for example resources that are being created should always be the same throughout every environment That way you know the code works throughout your entire Software Development Lifecycle SDLC Terraform workspaces are separate pieces of Terraform state data that can be used in the same module or directory You can use the same code for each workspace and one workspace won t interfere with the other Why Terraform Workspaces Are UsefulWhen you re writing Terraform code you re most likely creating a module That module can be anything from creating an S bucket in AWS to creating a virtual machine in Azure The code to create those two pieces of cloud infrastructure really don t have to change all that much Whether you re deploying a virtual machine in dev staging or production chances are you don t need different configurations for each environment Why Because the goal is always to deploy to production what was already tested in dev and staging The goal with Terraform workspaces is to do just that Take the same code deploy it to multiple environments and not have any interferences With Terraform workspaces you can write one module and not have to worry about changing it for each environment Creating a Terraform WorkspaceNow that you know why Terraform spaces are important it s time to learn how to create them In this section you ll learn how to create a new Terraform workspace and how to switch between workspaces Create a Terraform WorkspaceOn the terminal or in VS Code run the following command terraform workspace new devYou ll see an output similar to the screenshot below Notice how it says that you are running in an empty workspace and it s going to isolate your data That means Terraform won t see an existing tfstate and it ll treat all terraform plan and terraform apply commands as if you were running in a new environment Try creating another workspace called stagingterraform workspace new staging Selecting a Terraform WorkspaceNow that you ve created two new workspaces you can switch between them If you followed along in the previous section the workspace you re currently in should be staging To switch to the dev workspace run the following command terraform workspace select devThe output should be similar to the screenshot below Congrats You have successfully created a new workspace and learned how to switch between workspaces |
2022-02-16 13:03:53 |
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Side effects |
Side effects Table of contentsIntroductionHow to deal with side effectsChaining side effects IntroductionInitially I wanted to talk about function purity and referential transparency at this point of the series However when preparing the article I used a significant amount of references to the term side effect This is why I chose to introduce side effects before talking about function purity Both concepts are related to one another but they deserve their separate article So what is a side effect A side effect is an interaction with the outside world Now you might be wondering what is the outside world then It is anything that is not part of the domain layer of the software Here are some examples of these types of interactions Reading a file and or writing to a fileMaking a network request calling an API downloading a file Reading from a global state e g global variable a parameter from the parent s closure Throwing intercepting an exceptionFor web applications using DOM objects and methodsLogging messages to the consoleThe domain layer contains all the models logic and rules of the domain If you are familiar with the hexagonal architecture also known as ports and adapters architecture then this layer is at the very center of the diagram Generally speaking all the functions from the domain layer can be tested with unit tests as there are no side effects This is the only layer that is pure all the others encompassing it have side effects In functional programs functions have to be pure i e side effect free Why Because side effects are not deterministic and they are hard to reason about When we want to validate that a function works as expected we have to be able to understand it and use automated tests Introducing non determinism and external references into the function makes it hard to understand it simply and test its behavior That being said a program that has no side effects is not very useful We need interactions with the outside world such as getting input from a user writing to a database or displaying something to the screen So on the one hand side effects are bad but on the other hand they are mandatory to build useful programs What can we do about it How to deal with side effectsOne particularity of a side effect is that it just happens In our imperative programs a side effect does not return anything In other words we cannot store it in a variable or pass it as a parameter of a function We can easily identify functions that perform side effects as they are the ones that do not return any value For example function trustMeNoSideEffectHere void This function s name is misleading as its return type does not match its name The void type indicates that this function does not return any value Therefore if it does not compute any value it is either useless or performs at least a side effect Of course we can still have functions that return a value but also perform side effects function trustMeNoSideEffectHere number let n window foo bar mutating the global state side effect return n In an imperative program with no defined rules regarding side effects we must read the definition of the function to understand what it does thus losing the type based reasoning benefit Furthermore the moment we call the trustMeNoSideEffectHere function the side effect immediately happens We have to make sure the environment is ready right before calling the function otherwise we are exposed to undesired behaviors In functional programs since functions are pure i e no side effects they must return a value otherwise they are pretty much useless In addition determinism is a key aspect of functional programming We cannot allow a function to trigger a side effect just by calling it As developers we want to control when the side effect happens remember side effects must happen at some point otherwise the program is pointless How can we make the trustMeNoSideEffectHere function pure and control when the side effect i e global state mutation happens One way of doing it would be to wrap some parts of this function in another function making it lazy function trustMeNoSideEffectHere gt number let n return gt window foo bar mutating the global state side effect return n What happens when we call trustMeNoSideEffectHere We get a value of type gt number that we can store in a variable const res gt number trustMeNoSideEffectHere Did anything happen No The global state has not been mutated yet since we have not called res yet Though we changed the definition of trustMeNoSideEffectHere to make it pure it always returns the same value a function Granted if we call the function twice we will get different references for the inner function trustMeNoSideEffectHere trustMeNoSideEffectHere would be false So technically we do not return the same value Still since functions equality is a complex topic let us assume that the values are equivalent here and move on Now that the function is deterministic we can write a unit test although it is not very useful in this case expect trustMeNoSideEffectHere to be a function Imagine you are testing the launchNuclearWarheads function It is pretty nice to make sure that calling launchNuclearWarheads does not do anything and that it requires an extra step to actually end life on Earth The moment we are calling res the side effect will happen thus propagating the non determinism to the parent functions At this point it is not possible to write unit tests for the main serviceA and serviceB functions What can we do to make these functions deterministic We can apply the same strategy as before returning functions that wrap the side effect cf the blue wrapping function on the following picture We managed to make the serviceA and serviceB functions side effect free Only the main function is impure and performs side effects which is convenient now we know where all the side effects actually happen in the program Chaining side effectsWhat happens when we want to chain side effects For example First we want to ask for the user s nameThen we want to perform some API call with the user s name e g to retrieve some information regarding its origin Finally we want to display the result on the screenAgain we can use the same technique make any side effect lazy by wrapping it inside a function here we are assuming the code is run in a browser function askForUserName gt string return gt prompt What is your name function getUserNameOrigin userName string gt Promise lt string gt const sanitizedName userName toLowerCase return gt fetch get origin sanitizedName then res gt res json then res gt res userNameOriginText function displayResult text string gt void return gt document getElementById origin text innerText text function originNameService gt Promise lt void gt return gt const lazyUserName askForUserName const lazyGetUserNameOrigin getUserNameOrigin lazyUserName return lazyGetUserNameOrigin then originText gt const lazyDisplayResult displayResult originText lazyDisplayResult function main void const lazyOriginNameService originNameService lazyOriginNameService Here only the main function is non deterministic the remaining functions are all side effect free thanks to the wrapper functions That being said writing tests for these pure functions would not be very useful as we would not test their actual behavior expect askForUserName to be a function expect getUserNameOrigin foo to be a function expect displayResult bar to be a function To overcome this we could use Dependency Injection a k a DI This is a bit out of scope for this article but essentially we would pass the actual effect i e prompt fetch as a dependency of the function and we would use a mocked controlled version of this effect for writing the unit tests For example interface Dependencies prompt text string gt string function askForUserName prompt Dependencies gt string return gt prompt What is your name const lazyUserName gt string askForUserName prompt window prompt const fakePrompt text string gt foo const lazyUserName gt string askForUserName prompt fakePrompt expect lazyUserName to be a function expect lazyUserName to equal foo What if we wrote a simple type alias for the introduction of laziness type IO lt A gt gt Afunction askForUserName IO lt string gt function getUserNameOrigin userName string IO lt Promise lt string gt gt function displayResult text string IO lt void gt function originNameService IO lt Promise lt void gt gt function main void And what about a special alias for the lazy promises type Task lt A gt IO lt Promise lt A gt gt function askForUserName IO lt string gt function getUserNameOrigin userName string Task lt string gt function displayResult text string IO lt void gt function originNameService Task lt void gt function main void The type of main is gt void so in other words main IO lt void gt Also askForUserName and originNameService do not take any argument so they are already lazy We can simplify their definition with const askForUserName IO lt string gt const originNameService Task lt void gt const main IO lt void gt Now imagine if these IO and Task types had some behavior attached to them allowing us to do something such as const originNameService Task lt void gt Task fromIO askForUserName andThen getUserNameOrigin andThen text gt Task fromIO displayResult text This is how we can contain side effect declarations inside values that we can compose with other values thus describing more and more complex side effects To run the side effects we can simply run the final value obtained from the composition assuming we have some behavior attached to our Task lt void gt valueoriginNameService runEffect Here I presented one approach we can use to handle side effects We have separated their declaration from their execution giving us more flexibility to combine these effects and more control over what happens in our program Functional languages and libraries provide standard tools to deal with side effects so we do not have to build them ourselves Haskell has a built in IO data type The fp ts TypeScript library provides both IO for synchronous side effects and Task for asynchronous ones The cats effect Scala library provides the IO data type as well Writing functional programs will undoubtedly lead you to use these data types to deal with side effects The goal is to have as many side effect free functions as possible in our programs by leveraging side effects declarations and isolating side effects execution This concludes the chapter on side effects Hopefully you enjoyed it and understood what side effects are and how you can deal with them The next step is to talk about function purity and referential transparency As always feel free to leave a comment See you then Special thanks to Tristan Sallé for reviewing the draft of this article Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash Pictures made with Excalidraw |
2022-02-16 13:03:48 |
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Overview Of SQL Stored Procedures |
Overview Of SQL Stored ProceduresHello Everyone In the last post I have covered the basics of how to creating and deleting Store procedures In this post I will go through the below topics and how to use in Store proceduresVariablesConditional statementSwitch statementLoopCursorsVariable VariablesUnlike other programming languages a Variable is just a placeholder for the actual value As the meaning of variable is not consistent or having a fixed pattern liable to change Every Variable has things i e Name and DataType To define declare a variable As shown below DECLARE VARIABLE NAME DATATYPE DEFAULT VALUEExample DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE Conditional StatementTo handle the Logical behavior of the SQL statement we use the conditional statement They allow us to handle the condition based upon a particular scenario As shown below IF CONDITION THEN Statement ENDIF or alternative syntaxIF CONDITION TRUE VALUE FALSE VALUE If the condition is satisfied then the code surrounded by the IF block is executed if the code has else block then the ELSE block is executed You also have nested block as shown below IF CONDITION THEN Statement IF CONDITION THEN Statement ELSE Statement ENDIF ELSE Statement ENDIF To handle cases where the logical behavior many outcomes You can also have if else if else or IF ELSE IF ladder As shown below IF CONDITION THEN Statement ELSE IF CONDITION THEN Statement ELSE Statement ENDIF Example SELECT id IF qty gt amp amp stock status ENABLE DISABLE as product enable FROM products Switch StatementAn Alternate to IF ELSE IF ladder is SWITCH CASE were operation is performed based upon the input value As shown below WHEN CASE CONDITION THEN Statement CASE CONDITION THEN Statement ELSE RESULT END CASE Example SELECT id CASE WHEN qty gt amp amp stock status THEN ENABLE WHEN qty lt amp amp stock status THEN DISABLE END as product enable FROM products Loop StatementLoop is crucial to any programming language as it allows us to perform the same task iteratively if the condition is true There are different variant of LOOPS WHILE and just a simple LOOP As shown below WHILE LOOP WHILE expression DO Statement END WHILE Loop will go on until the condition is satisfied when false the execution of block stopLOOP LOOP NAME LOOP Statement END LOOP You can leave LOOP if a certain case is true As shown below LEAVE LOOP LOOP NAME LOOP IF CONDITION THEN LEAVE LOOP NAME END IF Statement END LOOP CursorsWhat is Cursors A cursor allows you to iterate a set of rows returned by a query and process each row individually For any MySQL cursor there are parts Declaration StatementDECLARE CURSOR NAME CURSOR FOR SELECT SQL STATEMENTHandler Statement Handler allows us to handle the scenario when the cursor hits the end of the rows DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done TRUE Open StatementOPEN CURSOR NAME Fetch StatementFETCH CURSOR NAME INTO VARClose StatementCLOSE CURSOR NAME Complete Syntax DECLARE VAR DATA TYPE DECLARE CURSOR NAME CURSOR FOR SELECT FIELD FROM TABLE DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done TRUE OPEN CURSOR NAME FETCH CURSOR NAME INTO VAR CLOSE CURSOR NAME Example of Loop amp Cursor DELIMITER CREATE PROCEDURE updateStatus BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE DECLARE id INT DECLARE cursor products CURSOR FOR SELECT Id FROM products DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done TRUE OPEN cursor products read loop LOOP FETCH cursor products INTO id IF done THEN LEAVE read loop END IF UPDATE products set stock status IF qty gt WHERE Id id END LOOP CLOSE cursor products END DELIMITER Conclusion To learn more about store procedures visit the below reference links as a starting point All the Best To embark on the journey towards the stored procedure Happy Coding ReferenceSQLSERVERTUTORIAL Learn Material mysqltutorialTECHREPUBLICwikipediawschools |
2022-02-16 13:03:39 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's AirTag safety features credited for arrest of stalker |
Apple x s AirTag safety features credited for arrest of stalkerA woman was able to discover an AirTag in her vehicle s trailer hitch thanks to Apple s anti stalking features leading to a man s arrest AirTag found hidden in a trailer hitch used for stalkingThe Apollo Pennsylvania woman received an alert on her iPhone that an AirTag was tracking her location She notified the police after discovering the device in her vehicle s trailer hitch Read more |
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Cloud Blog |
Vimeo builds a fully responsive video platform on Google Cloud |
Vimeo builds a fully responsive video platform on Google CloudEditor s note The video platform Vimeo leverages managed database services from Google Cloud to serve up billions of views around the world each day Here s how they deliver a consistent user experience across all their content Vimeo is the world s leading video software solution powering hundreds of thousands of new uploads every day and billions of views At our scale it s paramount that we retain a seamless user experience across all of the videos hosted shared and viewed on our platform With managed database services from Google Cloud we ve been able to deliver a consistent and reliable user experience no matter where our users and their audiences are Outgrowing the data center and gaining more scaleOur first exposure to Google Cloud was the excellent performance between Google Compute Engine GCE and Google Cloud Storage GCS which we used to design a really high quality playback and upload environment for our customers videos At first we were simply creating cloud based packaging and delivery of their content but the bulk of our application ran on an on premises MySQL database Seeing the gains from our initial investment in GCE and GCS we decided to fully migrate to Google Cloud We started by lifting and shifting our workloads from our on premises deployments to GCE But we quickly realized we had to redesign our application to deliver higher availability and responsiveness for an exceptional user experience which led us to Cloud Spanner a distributed SQL database management and storage service With Spanner we found all the benefits of a relational semantics database with global scale allowing us to add more nodes with the push of a button Today we have a multi region instance with uptime so we re confident it can handle our video workloads We use about Spanner nodes to cover approximately billion rows and about terabytes of storage disk space And with the launch of Video Library we have the scale we need to fundamentally change the way organizations handle content Using Spanner as a time machine during migrationDuring the initial migration we wanted to ensure an accurate data transfer with as few errors or bugs as possible When we moved data from MySQL tables into Spanner we ran spot analyses to check for potential problems If the data didn t match Spanner allowed us to revert to the original in a single click Through Spanner we could check stale timestamps or past users It almost functioned like a time machine by offering point in time recovery functionality Serving up any video at any timeWe work with a long tail of content Depending on how popular a video is we take a different approach to storing it We cache the most popular material so it s immediately accessible and useCloud Spanner to ensure it s highly available across multiple regions On the flip side we useCloud SQL for some lower volume satellite services that support other components of the application that don t require the same guarantees or performance that Cloud Spanner provides As our millions of users continue to upload their own videos Spanner also acts as a video metadata indexing and cataloging service When we need to play back a particular video we can quickly and easily find it in a sea of content It s crucial that our database is highly available and reliable so the playback experience is seamless for our users To learn more about Vimeo visitour site Learn more about how your organization can use Cloud Spanner Related ArticleCOLOPL Minna Bank and Eleven Japan use Cloud Spanner to solve digital transformation challengesCOLOPL Minna Bank and Eleven Japan use Cloud Spanner to solve their scalability performance and digital transformation challenges Read Article |
2022-02-16 14:00:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Media supply chains - why now is the best time to migrate |
Media supply chains why now is the best time to migrateThe broadcasting industry has gone through many evolutions since its inception From linear over the air OTA to digital amp personalized to standard to ultra high definition these evolutions were driven by increased demand from viewers who want more choices The next evolution is happening now driven by the emergence in cloud computing in a globally connected world Broadcasters are understanding that the key for long term success is embracing technical agility while they innovate their business models Google Cloud technologies can provide a path for continual transformation empowering broadcasters a multitude of ways to chart their own growth As broadcasters evolve their business models and operations for a digital future evaluating both financial alongside operational benefits will lead to the best outcome Legacy and siloed media supply chains restrict the ability to deliver content quickly across multiple consumption platforms By understanding how cloud capabilities can provide cost savings allow for more efficiency and scale and open new revenue streams broadcasters can harness flexible cloud technologies while achieving cost savings and increasing revenue Media workflows in the cloudOver the last few years we have seen tremendous growth from media companies migrating their supply chains to the cloud Today there exists a whole ecosystem of media technologies that are built to take advantage of the cloud “Does it work on the cloud is no longer driving the conversation Rather media companies now want to understand how Cloud can integrate with their business and drive better business outcomes Over the last years we have partnered with leading media companies including Grupo Globo TelevisaUnivision and others to not only migrate their content supply chain to the cloud but also leverage cloud capabilities to innovate their services to Increase and streamline content productionDistribute personalized content at planet scaleForge deep relationships with their audiences Identify new monetization opportunities Impact of Cloud on Performance amp FinancialsM amp E companies need to be able to provide more content at a quicker pace with experiences that are seamless and exciting to viewers to retain their attention and dollars Moving legacy systems and processes to the cloud is an organization wide commitment and the journey can pay off financially while providing M amp E companies valuable industry capabilities With Google Cloud business value engagement framework we partner to identify where there are opportunities in cost output and impact that IT can have Below are some examples of how we have worked with our customers to map organization optimizations to business driversWorking Together How can Google helpOur focus with customers is to help identify and understand the challenges that Media amp Entertainment companies have in moving to the cloud and coming up with the plan and solutions that Google can do to overcome them Together we commit to understanding your business both where you are right now in your IT capabilities as well as the progress you want to make to continue providing the best digital capabilities to clients and employees As broadcasters move more processes and solutions to the cloud the exponential effect of harnessing data and AI power will provide incremental business value across all lines of business Combined these impacts to a broadcaster allow both operational excellence while optimizing costs as they continue to expand offerings to customers and regions around the world We recognize that every media company s journey is different and so are expected business outcomes Google Cloud works closely with customers partnering every step of the way to align technology the media industry and business outcomes Related ArticleSoFi Stadium powers the return of live entertainment with Google CloudReal life showcase of how Google Cloud technology is a complete solutionーpowering personalized customer experiences improving business o Read Article |
2022-02-16 14:00:00 |