IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、Kindleストアで「翔泳社祭2022」のセールを開始 − 約1450点が最大半額に |
amazon |
2022-02-17 02:39:36 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Adobe Photoshop」がWebP画像を正式にサポート |
photosho |
2022-02-17 02:32:31 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Twitter、botを示すラベル表示を正式導入 |
twitter |
2022-02-17 02:27:39 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Anker、長寿命バッテリーを搭載した大容量・高出力ポータブル電源「Anker 535 Portable Power Station (PowerHouse 512Wh)」を発売 |
anker |
2022-02-17 02:01:15 |
Engadget Japanese |
ひとりなら、このくらいがちょうどいい。手のひらに載る小さなトランク型ミニBBQコンロ |
2022-02-17 02:25:01 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] デル、高コントラスト表示を実現する“IPS Blackテクノロジー”採用の27型/31.5型4K液晶ディスプレイ |
ipsblack |
2022-02-17 11:44:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
「漁場ナビ」の沿岸漁業者・釣り人向けサービス登場。海況データで漁場や航行ルート判断を支援 |
株式会社 |
2022-02-17 02:00:20 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon Elastic ファイルシステムの更新 – ミリ秒未満の読み取りレイテンシー |
ミリ秒未満の読み取りレイテンシー速いほど優れています。 |
2022-02-17 02:55:09 |
AWS Japan Blog |
VMware Cloud on AWS上の仮想マシンでのFSx for NetApp ONTAP利用 |
VMwareCloudonAWS上で仮想マシンを稼働させているお客様は特有のストレージ要件を持っており、クラウドネイティブなアプリケーションを容易にビルド、テスト、実行できるようスケーラブルでハイパフォーマンスかつ機能性の高いファイルストレージソリューションを必要としています。 |
2022-02-17 02:09:44 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby1.9のハッシュロケット記法{ :key => value } を{ key: value } に修正する方法(erubis, hamlも含む) |
Rubyのハッシュロケット記法keygtvalueをkeyvalueに修正する方法erubishamlも含むRubyファイルRubyファイルの場合、rubocopのコマンドで一気になおせますrubocopのインストールはgeminstallrubocoprubocoponlyStyleHashSyntaxaaオプションが自動適用なので、これを外すとどのように修正されるかを確認することができますerubisファイルerubisファイルの場合、erblintを使う必要があります。 |
2022-02-17 11:14:15 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
gcloud 便利コマンド |
sgetcredentialsmycluster |
2022-02-17 11:06:48 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ECSタスク定義のヘルスチェックコマンドを設定してみた |
設定 |
2022-02-17 02:46:21 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
LIFF アプリでカメラを起動してQRコードを読み取る機能を作って動かしてみた |
cloudfronts |
2022-02-17 02:20:43 |
技術ブログ |
クックパッド開発者ブログ |
レシピページのOGP画像を動的に生成する |
レシピページのOGP画像を動的に生成するこんにちは、クックパッドでエンジニアをやっているmorishinです。 |
2022-02-17 12:00:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Custom Password Validation in Python (Unit test the function for password validation) |
Custom Password Validation in Python Unit test the function for password validation These posts will be in three parts Function for password validationRefactoring the function for password validationUnit test the function for password validationThis is the third and final part of the Custom Password Validation in Python series We will look at Unit test the function for password validation Custom Password Validation in Python Refactoring the function for password validation Otu Michael・Feb ・ min read python beginners tutorial programming Below is the code we had after the refactor from string import ascii lowercase ascii uppercase digits punctuation whitespace def contains character password str sack str gt bool has char False for char in password if char in sack has char True break return has chardef is valid size password str gt bool MIN SIZE MAX SIZE password size len password return MIN SIZE lt password size lt MAX SIZEdef get invalid chars valid chars amp invalid chars set punctuation whitespace valid chars return join invalid chars def is valid password password str gt bool try if not password return False new password password strip if not is valid size new password return False invalid chars get invalid chars if contains character new password invalid chars return False if not contains character new password digits return False if not contains character new password ascii lowercase return False if not contains character new password ascii uppercase return False return True except return FalseOur aim here is to write unit tests for the snippet above We can catch hidden bugs and continue with the refactoring as we fix the code to pass the tests Before Test ️Somethings you should know This will be a unit test We would make use of python s built in test module unittest We will test contains character is valid size and is valid password in order Tests will be in test py so the snippet above could be in app py you choose the name you want We will refer to Python Programming Exercise Unit Testing Otu Michael・Mar ・ min read python programming beginners tutorial Test contains charactercontains character returns a bool either True or False So we can use the assertTrue and the assertFalse methods We will test if neither password nor sack is passed No argument for the character i in the string python for the character py in the string python for the character python in the string python There are cases like when an int is passed as password or when a list is passed as sack We won t be testing for such cases You should test for that TestContainsCharacterimport unittestfrom app import contains characterclass TestContainsCharacter unittest TestCase def test empty password or and empty sack self self assertFalse contains character def test char i in str python self self assertFalse contains character i python def test str py in str python self self assertTrue contains character py python def test str python in str python self self assertTrue contains character python python if name main unittest main We can hit ctrl F run this script test py without debugging We can run this script as python test py or python m unittest test py All these tests should pass Test is valid sizeis valid size returns a bool either True or False So we can use the assertTrue and the assertFalse methods We will test for an empty password or when no argument is passed for four characters password for six characters password for sixteen characters password for twenty characters password for twenty one characters password TestIsValidSizeimport unittestfrom app import is valid sizeclass TestIsValidSize unittest TestCase def test empty password self self assertFalse is valid size def test char password self self assertFalse is valid size pass def test char password self self assertTrue is valid size passwd def test char password self self assertTrue is valid size ThisIsPassword def test char password self self assertTrue is valid size ThisIsPassword def test char password self self assertFalse is valid size ThisIsPassword amp if name main unittest main All these tests should pass Test is valid passwordis valid password returns a bool either True or False So we can use the assertTrue and the assertFalse methods We will test for an empty password for three characters password for ten characters password for twenty characters password for password with an invalid special character like a semicolon for a password without a digit for a password without a lower case for a password without an upper case for a password without a valid special character for a valid password with a size within at least a lower and upper case character at least a digit no invalid special character TestIsValidPasswordclass TestIsValidPassword unittest TestCase def test empty password self self assertFalse is valid password def test password of size three self self assertFalse is valid password pas def test password of size ten self self assertFalse is valid password Password self assertTrue is valid password Password def test password of size twenty self self assertFalse is valid password PasswordPassword def test password with invalid special character semicolon self self assertFalse is valid password Password self assertFalse is valid password Password def test password with no digit self self assertFalse is valid password Password def test password with no lowercase self self assertFalse is valid password PASSWORD def test password with no uppercase self self assertFalse is valid password password def test password without valid special character self self assertFalse is valid password Password def test valid password self self assertTrue is valid password Password self assertTrue is valid password PassWord if name main unittest main Well not all the tests passed These test cases shouldn t pass we expect them not to pass So when we expect False we get True There is a flaw or bug somewhere These tests were those that were not passing test password of size ten self assertFalse is valid password Password should be False because it has no special character even though the size is valid test password without valid special character self assertFalse is valid password Password should be False since there is no valid special character The is valid password function doesn t check for the presence of a valid special character It does check for invalid characters but not for valid characters This was caused by the flawed assumption that as far as the password doesn t contain invalid characters then it contains valid characters including valid special characters Refactor is valid passwordNow that we have pointed out the bug we had we should make changes and rerun the tests Changes to make In get invalid chars we have a set of valid special characters valid chars Let s make it global to all the functions i e take it out of the get invalid chars function and put it at the top of the functions To make sure nothing is broken somewhere run the test we expect two cases to fail Note here that even though we move valid chars out of get invalid chars get invalid chars should still function normally The valid chars is a set it can be used as a set in get invalid chars contains character takes a string sack as argument We have to parse valid chars as string Let s create a function below get invalid chars to return a string version of valid charsdef get valid chars return join valid chars Run the tests Let s check for valid characters in is valid password by adding the snippet below before the return True statement in the try block if not contains character new password get valid chars return FalseRun the tests Now all the tests pass Hurray ️️️This is more of rearranging the code in is valid password in a certain other that works well naturally We will reorder the code in is valid password in this order respectively size lower case upper case digit invalid special character and valid special character Run the tests ConclusionThe is valid password will be in app py and would look like the snippet below from string import ascii lowercase ascii uppercase digits punctuation whitespace valid chars amp def contains character password str sack str gt bool has char False for char in password if char in sack has char True break return has chardef is valid size password str gt bool MIN SIZE MAX SIZE password size len password return MIN SIZE lt password size lt MAX SIZEdef get invalid chars invalid chars set punctuation whitespace valid chars return join invalid chars def get valid chars return join valid chars def is valid password password str gt bool try if not password return False new password password strip if not is valid size new password return False if not contains character new password ascii lowercase return False if not contains character new password ascii uppercase return False if not contains character new password digits return False if contains character new password get invalid chars return False if not contains character new password get valid chars return False return True except return FalseThe unit tests will be in test py and would look like the snippet below import unittestfrom app import contains character is valid size is valid password class TestContainsCharacter unittest TestCase def test empty password or and empty sack self self assertFalse contains character def test char i in str python self self assertFalse contains character i python def test str py in str python self self assertTrue contains character py python def test str python in str python self self assertTrue contains character python python class TestIsValidSize unittest TestCase def test empty password self self assertFalse is valid size def test char password self self assertFalse is valid size pass def test char password self self assertTrue is valid size passwd def test char password self self assertTrue is valid size ThisIsPassword def test char password self self assertTrue is valid size ThisIsPassword def test char password self self assertFalse is valid size ThisIsPassword amp class TestIsValidPassword unittest TestCase def test empty password self self assertFalse is valid password def test password of size three self self assertFalse is valid password pas def test password of size ten self self assertFalse is valid password Password self assertTrue is valid password Password def test password of size twenty self self assertTrue is valid password PasswordPassword def test password with invalid special character semicolon self self assertFalse is valid password Password self assertFalse is valid password Password def test password with no digit self self assertFalse is valid password Password def test password with no lowercase self self assertFalse is valid password PASSWORD def test password with no uppercase self self assertFalse is valid password password def test password without valid special character self self assertFalse is valid password Password def test valid password self self assertTrue is valid password Password self assertTrue is valid password PassWord if name main unittest main Feel free to voice your opinion and if you find it wanting or not let me know how to make it better |
2022-02-17 02:02:43 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Sixth wave of infections in Japan has passed its peak, expert says |
Sixth wave of infections in Japan has passed its peak expert saysA health ministry advisory board agreed that the number of new cases across the country is on the decline in almost all age groups edging |
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BBC News - Home |
UK weather: Travel disruption continues in wake of Storm Dudley |
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2022-02-17 02:05:44 |
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2022-02-17 02:09:52 |
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2022-02-17 02:49:13 |
マーケティング |
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ブルボンビスケット王朝CM 中村倫也、桐谷美玲、杉野遥亮が研究者に |
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2022-02-17 02:13:57 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Trudeau accuses Conservatives of standing with ‘people who wave swastikas’ during heated debate in House |
Trudeau accuses Conservatives of standing with people who wave swastikas during heated debate in House submitted by u Miserable Lizard to r worldnews link comments |
2022-02-17 02:03:01 |