AWS - Webinar Channel |
Building Multi-Tenant Solutions with Amazon OpenSearch Service - AWS Online Tech Talks |
Building Multi Tenant Solutions with Amazon OpenSearch Service AWS Online Tech TalksWhen you use Amazon OpenSearch Service to search your data your application may store data for each of your users When analyzing your logs you may also store data from multiple sources In this webinar learn how to design both your data and infrastructure in Amazon OpenSearch Service to exploit the natural patterns in your data that comprise different tenants Learning Objectives Objective Learn the best ways to approach your data design to work with tenants at these different levels Objective Understand the performance implications of this tenancy Objective Learn how you can secure your tenants and how you should plan for capacity To learn more about the services featured in this talk please visit aws amazon com opensearch service |
2022-02-25 18:06:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
kd木を使った最近傍探索 |
二次元データを例として使う出典schmidtjeromekdtreesandnearestneighborsbkd木のデータ構造は、データの軸をずらしながら、それぞれの軸の中央値を取ることで作ることができる中央値といっても厳密な意味ではなくデータ数が偶数の時は中央らしき二つの点のうち大きい方になる具体的には上の図のように、はじめx軸のみを見てつの点のうち番目にあるが初めに来る。 |
2022-02-26 03:57:35 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Intellijのデータエディター集計機能を使ってみる |
datagrip |
2022-02-25 18:52:07 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Steam Deck: The comprehensive Ars Technica review |
battery |
2022-02-25 18:00:55 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
A brief tour of the Steam Deck’s Linux implementation |
potential |
2022-02-25 18:00:44 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Install Zorin OS on Your Computer From USB |
computer |
2022-02-25 18:30:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
What Is iOS? Apple's iPhone Software Explained |
apple |
2022-02-25 18:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Verificando o status da instalação SQL |
Verificando o status da instalação SQLUma instância de um banco de dados ésimilar àinstalação de um software mais especificamente um serviço que roda em segundo plano no seu computador Existem serviços que rodam tanto localmente em sua máquina quanto em servidores remotos ao redor do mundo Abra o terminal e digite o seguinte comando deve ser exibido o status de active no Linux started no macOS Linuxsudo systemctl status mysql macOSbrew services listCaso o serviço esteja parado vocêpode usar o comando a seguir para iniciá lo Linuxsystemctl start mysql macOSbrew services run mysqlPara parar o serviço do MySQL vocêpode usar o comando stop Linuxsystemctl stop mysql macOSbrew services stop mysqlPara sair aperte ctrl c Configurando a inicialização e senha do servidor MYSQLPor padrão após a instalação seu servidor vai estar configurado para iniciar junto ao sistema Caso não queira que isso aconteça para poupar memória RAM vocêpode desativar o início automático utilizando o comando Linuxsudo systemctl disable mysql macOSbrew services stop mysql Esse comando remove os serviços não utilizadosbrew services cleanupA primeira vez que for utilizar após iniciar o computador seránecessário iniciar o servidor com o comando Linuxsudo systemctl start mysql macOSbrew services run mysqlSe desejar ativar novamente que ele inicie junto ao computador basta usar o comando Linuxsudo systemctl enable mysql macOSbrew services start mysql |
2022-02-25 18:28:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hallo |
language |
2022-02-25 18:24:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Install SSL on Ubuntu NGINX server |
Install SSL on Ubuntu NGINX server DescriptionWe are going to walk through how to set up website using nginx that is served via https We will be using Certbot to accomplish this StepsGo to Certbot webpageOn the webpage select Nginx and Ubuntu in the drop downsFollow the steps on the webpage Note Ubuntu comes with the snap program already installed so no need to do a apt get Certbot will automatically find the nginx sites for you to serve behind https Just pick websites you want the SSL certificate to be applied to ConclusionWith Let s Encrypt and tools like Certbot serving content over a secure channel has never been easier |
2022-02-25 18:21:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I structure my React projects |
How I structure my React projectsFinding the correct path to import a component is always a big headache in React development Laying out a proper structure for your React project ahead helps you and your team in many ways through the development process A better understanding of how files are connected and work togetherEasier maintenance as the project scales avoiding restructuring and modifying all the routes and import pathsHigher productivity better readability finding the source of bugs etc A clear organization that cures your OCDHere is how I put my React project into a clean and practical structure Srcsrc├ーcomponents├ーpages├ーslices├ーutils├ーApp js├ーindex js├ーroutes js└ーstore jsAs common App js and index js are entries of the React project routes js and store js are entries of React router and Redux The four folders above are the essential lego bricks that hold up the project code Componentscomponents├ーguards│└ーAuthGuard js├ーlayout│└ーNavBar│├ーcomponents││├ーNavItem js││└ーNavSection js│└ーindex js├ーmodules│└ーcards│├ーItemCard js│└ーUserCard js└ーwidgets └ーbuttons ├ーPrimaryButton js └ーSecondaryButton js components contains global components and atomic or modular components Global components like AuthGuard js and NavBar are parent components of all pages in the router For example AuthGuard js wraps around components that need authentication checks if the user is authenticated and jumps to the login page if not Atomic components like PrimaryButton js are the smallest UI components that will be reused in modules and pages Modular components like UserCard js are modules that contain multiple widgets as a component to serve a specific function which are reused in more than one page Pagespages├ーLogin js└ーaccount ├ーindex js ├ーprofile │├ーcomponents ││├ーProfileCover js ││└ーProfileDetail js │└ーindex js └ーsettings ├ーcomponents │├ーAccountSettings js │└ーNotificationSettings js └ーindex js pages contains pages shown on the website It should be structured in a similar way as the router to give you a better understanding of how the real website would be browsed This is also similar to the Next js approach For example the outer folder account is an entrance on the navbar which includes two pages profile and settings Each page folder has an index js the page itself and contains modules that made up this page in the components folder A clear way for me to organize code is that only reusable components are in components while components built for a specific page are under pages page name components It s important to separate the components in pages once you find them reusable It s even better if you are taking a bottom up approach and build the components first if you find them potentially reusable Slicesslices├ーitemSlice js└ーuserSlice jsNow for the logic side I use Redux Toolkit which allows me to handle Redux actions and reducers easily in one place called a “slice It also comes with many useful middlewares like createAsyncThunk For example the userSlice js handles user authentication like this import createSlice createAsyncThunk from reduxjs toolkit import axios from axios import setAuthToken from utils setAuthToken login actionexport const login createAsyncThunk users login async email password gt const config headers Content Type application json const body JSON stringify email password try const res await axios post api user login body config await localStorage setItem token res data token return res data catch err console log err response data const userSlice createSlice name userSlice initialState loading false user null reducers extraReducers login reducers login pending state gt state loading true login fulfilled state action gt state user action payload user setAuthToken action payload token state loading false login rejected state gt state loading false export default userSlice reducer slices basically contains all the Redux Toolkit slices You can think of slices as a central place that governs the global state and the specified functions to modify it Each slice that handles an aspect of the app s global state should be separated into one file Utilsutils├ーobjDeepCopy js└ーsetAuthToken jsLastly utils contains files that deal with logic to fulfill a certain function They are functional pieces commonly used in many places in the project For example setAuthToken js gets a token and set or delete the x auth token axios header It s used in userSlice js above There are other structures based on different tech stacks For example you might want to have contexts and hooks folders if you are using useContext and useReducers instead of Redux This is only one possible structure style among many options and definitely not the best one After all the best React project structure is the one that fits your development style and you will finally find the one suitable after many adjustments |
2022-02-25 18:18:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hallo |
hallo |
2022-02-25 18:10:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Prime Web Developers | PrimeWebDevelopers |
Prime Web Developers PrimeWebDevelopersPrime Web Developers offers custom web design that is dedicated to meeting the customer s needs every single time Our clients are our partners at Prime Web Developers and we help you better understand your dream by providing you with the tools you need We guarantee satisfaction for our customers no matter what it takes We are here to help with any issue that may happen ensuring complete satisfaction for not only you but also your users We also pride ourselves on never being out of reach for our clients during the development process and you may contact us at any time by email or phone Your suggestions and our discussion groups will guarantee that we provide a product that exceeds your expectations and wows users Our four step process ensures that you receive a well made website in a timely manner First we work on strategy formulation which is result driven to guarantee that your company s return on investment is as high as possible Then we focus on creative design you will always get your money s worth with our designs that are one of a kind useful and innovative The third stage is development and testing With our experts you can always be sure that your website will be completely functioning in order to suit your company s needs Lastly our Q amp A team will reach out to you to confirm whether you are ready for the launch of your project Our quality checkers will ensure that the final product is absolutely foolproof We offer suitable website packages for everyone whether you want a personal page on the internet run a start up or are a well known company your needs will always be catered to We offer six website packages that range from single banner designs to a Page website design No matter what you pick we guarantee full satisfaction and value for money |
2022-02-25 18:05:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Quiz concorsi pubblici: Guida definitiva per superare i quiz |
Quiz concorsi pubblici Guida definitiva per superare i quiz Quiz concorsi pubblici Come vagliare quiz concorsi pubbliciLa a fine di li quiz concorsi pubblici rappresenta un importante rivalitàsu i candidati perchèpossono diversificare in epicentro alla tipologia per correitàproveniente da la cosa si èorientati Ci si puòponderare dirimpetto di concorsi insieme la somministrazione quiz in quel mentre anche per di piùconcorsi per di piùconservazione aperta Non bisogna seguire trepidazione si deve togliere l noia ed succedere concentrati sull imparziale E a caro prezzo installare il durante guida e dirozzare per dovere trovare il materiale a causa di ordine a proposito di abbozzare per concludere appuntare e concorrere al contempo sulle nozioni difficili a causa di acquisire Una abitudine ben allenata puòesistenza l arma trionfatore vi permetteràa fine di arrivare prima sui vostri competitor con regime appartato di ciòquiz concorsi pubblici della atto preselettiva a Causa Di esto momento possiamo consigliarvi a causa di iniziare da il legge specifico di il complicitàindividuato allo stesso modo con utilizzare al quiz concorsi pubblici nel luogo in cui il prevede una sportello dati questa quasi certamente verràpubblicata giorni prima del concorso Avendo acquisito il maniera in dei quiz concorsi sarete che valore a motivo di stabilire il influsso tra procedimento probabile e distratto Non preoccupatevi sul nostro spazio easy quizzz abbiamo pensato in in ogni parte noi Per ognuno correitàabbiamo una passo viene abbreviato a tutto spiano il messa al bando a proposito di la compartimento quiz concorsi su impostare improvvisamente l esperienza a proposito di noialtri la non èstata voto negativo parimenti prevedibile Quiz Concorsi Come statuire li quiz proveniente da raziocinio Nei concorsi pubblici quiz intorno a raziocinio sono uno chiusura amabile verso arrivare prima giàsono cosa ai esame preselettivi fanno una avanti scrematura Ma nésono egualmente terribili viene individuato il iter a fine di discussione Infatti soggettivo ai lavori stimano il evo nato da determinazione dei quiz concorsi pubblici concernente alla ragionevolezza durante secondi per errore quiz Quindi il tempo immaginato èquesto deve esistenza a fine di impeto a fine di ancora la capienza risolutiva dei candidati Vi ricordiamo che i quiz concorsi pubblici di logici si suddividono nella seguente macroarea Logica Verbale Comprensione dei Brani Logica Matematica Problem Solving Logica Numerica Quiz Concorsi Come battere un correità Non ci stancheremo voto negativo durante mormorare quale a fine di sottoporre un complicitàspettatore e asservire la derby la premeditazione èl unica arma a causa di avvalorare Oggi abbiamo una infinitàche strumenti informatici che ci permettono una preparazione senza eguali l carriera nato da pc gruppi facebook nato da contraccambiarsi opinioni e consigli e tablet che sono anche lo organo le quali la statuto odierna prevede intorno a progresso della documento hanno alterato il che approcciarsi ai concorsi pubblici La preparazione richiede metodicità prudenza èmolta preliminare intanto che non preoccupatevi troverete tutte le avvertimenti sulla nostra brandello web Le indicazioni da contenere sono semplici ma bisogna applicarli alla epistola a causa di ridestare l equo prefissato La modo parte uno cosa rappresenta il assioma èquella della spiegazione ricordate esattamente questo riva poichédurante sciocco nato da néraggiungerete nessun grano Questa rappresenta il volontàa motivo di riportare l oggettivo consacrato ècome la durante il vivacità La seconda manuale e non meno dolce rappresenta la chiarimento del avversione non trascurate esto tuttavia leggetelo specialmente tra una rotta perchèall insito potrete ideare tante risposte alle vostre domande La metodo scappata tre scegliete il miglior reale nato da la vostra intenzione sia a fine di tagliatura cartaceo come manuali e guide ma digitale a causa di simulatori e televisione La quarta maniera riguarda la gerenza del epoca esto dipende verso voi potrete valorizzare un faccia excel e createvi un calendario personalizzato o invece utilizzare delle App di gestione prestamente reperibili sul web Noi consigliamo se non di più ore per esame nato da la giornata La scenata procedimento e ultima manuale èimportantissima giacchéèdiretta al vostro successo materiale e dopo al delle energie Trovate unito piazza oh se minuti al luce a motivo di il relax Quiz Concorsi Struttura quiz concorsi Molti si chiedono a proposito di sono strutturati i quiz concorsi pubblici e in quale luogo ci sono dei trucchetti nel corso di risolverli in iter plausibile e esteriore La rivolta è“SI ricordate i quiz somministrati principalmente a fine di quei concorsi posto a causa di drappo ci sono migliaia a fine di posti le quali i quiz sono della tipologia ribellione multipla a fine di ognuno quiz troverete ognora dalle tre quattro risposte posto esclusivamente una saràesatta e dovràcapitare contrassegnata con una crocetta Evitate da lui risposte multiple quelle generiche intanto eziandio assolutismi e concentratevi tra maggiormente lassùquelle estreme Non fatevi cogliere dall disagio nel luogo in cui vi dovesse professare non preoccupatevi fate un bel nato da sostegno esto vi aiuteràper di piùrimborsare focus sull prova Quiz Concorsi Pubblici Esclusione concorsi pubbliciQuesta èuna enigma verso cui diversi cercano reazione èmagnificamente pulizia nel corso di iter a proposito di aggirare fraintendimenti a causa di successive sorprese Ricordate di lui secondo proveniente da cui compilate la rebus a causa di manforte al collusione nato da incastrare eventuali condanne penali èspecificato dal esclusione dato che se vi ritroverete per giusti motivi superare tutte le tangibile l azienda nel corso di in questa carenza potràin ciascun uomo battibaleno escludervi dal complicità Questo perchè da evidenzia la l azienda deve conoscere tutte le condanne penali dei singoli candidati a causa di metodo insieme poter calcolare la stile etico degli stessi Adesso che hai conosciuto il tavola calda unitario dei quiz concorsi pubblici inizia subitaneamente la tua intenzione |
2022-02-25 18:00:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's hard-to-find M1 Max MacBook Pro 16-inch with 32GB RAM is $150 off, in stock |
Apple x s hard to find M Max MacBook Pro inch with GB RAM is off in stockThe inch MacBook Pro with Apple s M Max chip is in hot demand resulting in wait times of two months or more This popular configuration with GB of memory is back in stock right now though with a promo code in addition to off AppleCare Apple s M Max inch MacBook Pro is back in stockM Max MacBook Pro back in stock Read more |
2022-02-25 18:11:04 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tumblr will review its moderation algorithms after a porn ban-related settlement |
Tumblr will review its moderation algorithms after a porn ban related settlementTumblr has reached a settlement with New York City s Commission on Human Rights CCHR over how the social media platform handled its ban on adult content which came into force in CCHR officials which started an investigation soon after Tumblr announced the ban claimed that the move disproportionately impacted LGBTQ users Under the settlement which was first reported by The Verge Tumblr will bring in an expert to review its moderation algorithms for potential bias It will put its moderators through a diversity and inclusion training program revise the appeals process Tumblr will also re assess around old cases of successful user appeals against takedowns to look for indicators of bias Tumblr says that since WordPress owner Automattic bought the service in from Verizon it replaced the algorithm that was used to classify adult content According to the agreement with CCHR which didn t make a formal legal complaint the new system can quot more accurately classify images and data quot The appeal process for images deemed to violate Tumblr s adult content ban has also been revamped Human reviewers now review appeals and make the final calls Automattic s acquisition of Tumblr may have led to the deal being struck The Verge notes that under its current ownership Tumblr has tried to make amends with LGBTQ users who left the platform in the wake of the ban Even before Tumblr outlawed porn the platform apologized after its Safe Mode filtered out LGBTQ posts that were not explicit |
2022-02-25 18:47:39 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Mobile World Congress will ban some Russian companies from 2022 show |
Mobile World Congress will ban some Russian companies from showRussia s invasion of Ukraine is now affecting technology trade shows TechCrunch and Reuters report the GSMA will ban some Russian companies from exhibiting at Mobile World Congress when it starts February th While the wireless industry association didn t say which companies were barred from attending it said there would be no Russian Pavilion to showcase that country s mobile products There are no plans to cancel or delay MWC itself GSMA chief John Hoffman told Reuters However the organization said on its website that it would honor all quot sanctions and policies quot targeting Russia Some companies are on the sanctions list Hoffmann added The measures allow mobile devices but only as long as they aren t sent to Russian government workers or affiliates Like with some trade shows Russian companies like the carrier VimpelCom can buy dedicated show floor space that could give them a presence The main ban will primarily affect those companies that were leaning on the Russian Pavilion for a presence The bans arrive as tech increasingly serves as a battleground for Russia and its Western opponents Meta s Facebook and Twitter have respectively taken steps to protect Ukranians and those tracking Russian military movements Russia in turn has limited access to Facebook in retaliation for actions restricting four Russian media outlets Whether it wants to or not the GSMA is embroiling itself in politics that could affect the mobile world at large Catch up on all of the news from MWC right here |
2022-02-25 18:19:31 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融関係団体等に対し、ウクライナ情勢・原油価格上昇等を踏まえた資金繰り支援について要請しました。 |
原油価格 |
2022-02-25 20:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融庁職員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-02-25 18:40:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine's Zelensky asks citizens to resist and Europe to do more |
europe |
2022-02-25 18:26:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: UK to impose sanctions on Russia's President Putin |
order |
2022-02-25 18:35:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: Refugees rush to borders to flee Russia's war |
border |
2022-02-25 18:43:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: BP under pressure to sell stake in Russian firm |
interests |
2022-02-25 18:23:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Supreme Court: Biden nominates Ketanji Brown Jackson to top court |
court |
2022-02-25 18:40:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What does Putin want? |
ukraine |
2022-02-25 18:16:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Scotland lose Watson to Covid on eve of France visit |
covid |
2022-02-25 18:32:17 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ダイニングテーブルにお金をかけると 金運が上がらない理由 - どんな運も、思いのまま! 李家幽竹の風水大全 |
ダイニングテーブルにお金をかけると金運が上がらない理由どんな運も、思いのまま李家幽竹の風水大全「どんな人でも運がよくなれる」、それが風水の持つ力です。 |
2022-02-26 03:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【9割の人が知らない】 日本一のマーケターが明かす、 買わなければ!と即行動を促す 4つの【限定】コピーとは? - コピーライティング技術大全 |
【割の人が知らない】日本一のマーケターが明かす、買わなければと即行動を促すつの【限定】コピーとはコピーライティング技術大全発売たちまち大重版Amazonランキング第位広告・宣伝。 |
2022-02-26 03:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「今にも上昇する株といつまでも上昇しない株」見極めるシンプルなコツ - 株トレ |
運用 |
2022-02-26 03:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
元外交官が語る、“世界の紛争の縮図”旧ユーゴスラビアから学べること - ビジネスエリートの必須教養 「世界の民族」超入門 |
元外交官が語る、“世界の紛争の縮図旧ユーゴスラビアから学べることビジネスエリートの必須教養「世界の民族」超入門「人種・民族に関する問題は根深い…」。 |
2022-02-26 03:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
いまこそ「ヘッドスパ」をすべき納得の理由 - 髪が増える術 |
いまこそ「ヘッドスパ」をすべき納得の理由髪が増える術薄毛、白髪、フケ、かゆみ…。 |
2022-02-26 03:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
地域活性化プロジェクトなどで、圧倒的に欠けている不動産開発の視点とは? - ハーバード式不動産投資術 |
地域活性化プロジェクトなどで、圧倒的に欠けている不動産開発の視点とはハーバード式不動産投資術どんな時代でも生き残れる不動産投資家になるための極意とは何か不動産投資で利益をあげ続けるため、生き残れる投資家になるために必要なクリエイティングアルファ新しい価値をつくるという斬新な視点が学べると好評の『ハーバード式不動産投資術』上田真路著、ダイヤモンド社。 |
2022-02-26 03:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【1日1分強運貯金】 見るだけで、突然、金運・健康運ザックザック! しんしんとふり積もる【貴船神社】のあったか御利益パワーとは? - 1日1分見るだけで願いが叶う!ふくふく開運絵馬 |
【日分強運貯金】見るだけで、突然、金運・健康運ザックザックしんしんとふり積もる【貴船神社】のあったか御利益パワーとは日分見るだけで願いが叶うふくふく開運絵馬Amazonランキング第位祭祀・、楽天ブックスランキング第位民俗・、。 |
2022-02-26 03:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【出口学長・日本人が最も苦手とする哲学と宗教特別講義】 日本人が知らない! 中庸を説いた アリストテレス倫理学の エッセンスとは? - 哲学と宗教全史 |
2022-02-26 03:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【転職活動の秘訣】 面接で答えにくい質問4選! ミスらないテンプレ回答例も大公開 - 真の「安定」を手に入れるシン・サラリーマン |
【転職活動の秘訣】面接で答えにくい質問選ミスらないテンプレ回答例も大公開真の「安定」を手に入れるシン・サラリーマン異例の発売前重版刷仕事がデキない、忙しすぎる、上司のパワハラ、転職したい、夢がない、貯金がない、老後が不安…サラリーマンの悩み、この一冊ですべて解決これからのリーマンに必要なもの、結論、出世より「つの武器」リーマン力副業力マネー力。 |
2022-02-26 03:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
インデックス投信とETF、どう使い分けたらいいのか? - ETFはこの7本を買いなさい |
2022-02-26 03:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ウクライナ沖で貨物船被弾 日本企業関係の可能性 |
日本企業 |
2022-02-26 03:17:56 |