python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
tkinterのウィンドウを閉じても処理が終わらないときの対処法 |
tkinterのウィンドウを閉じても処理が終わらないときの対処法はじめにpulpを用いて最適化処理をした結果前記事参照をtkinterで表示させるプログラムを作成していました。 |
2022-03-04 22:57:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「つくってマスターPython」で勉強日記#1 |
この本は初心者向けに構成されているので、最初に書かれている基礎知識部分は省略してchapterから始めていこうと思います。 |
2022-03-04 22:31:12 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS公式資料で挑むSCS認定(12)-AuditManager |
AuditManagerとはAWSの使用状況を継続的に監査従来手動で行われていた証跡収集を自動化し作業コストを削減業界標準や認証など監査要求項目のテンプレートがある対応している業界標準はCISAWSFoundationBenchmarkGDPRPCIDSSなどAWSのプラットフォーム自体と同じくスケールする監査をサポートするAuditManagerアーキテクチャ引用元AuditManager構成要素標準フレームワークアセスメント評価監査スコープアカウント、AWSサービスを指定して証跡収集を実行するタスクの定義証跡収集は、事前定義したフレームワークをコールする標準フレームワークカスタムフレームワークAuditManagerが提供するフレームワークAWSAuditManagerサンプルフレームワーク検証用などでサンプルとして実行出来るフレームワークAWSControlTowerガードレールAWSControlTowerガードレールで定義されているガイダンスを監査するAWSLicenseManagerMicrosoftSAPOracleIBMなどのソフトウェアベンダーのソフトウェア・ライセンスを監査するAWS運用のベストプラクティスOBPAWSのベストプラクティスに基づいた監査項目CISAmazonWebServicesFoundationsBenchmarkvレベルおよび用のCISベンチマークCenterofInternetSecurityが提唱するAWS環境の基本的なチェック項目を監査するCISコントロールv実装グループCenterofInternetSecurityが提唱する一般的な攻撃を緩和するためのベストプラクティスを監査するFedRAMPAllgressによる中程度のベースライン米国政府が展開しているクラウドサービス・プロバイダーのセキュリティ評価のチェック項目を監査するGDPREUEEAの個人情報保護に関するレギュレーションのチェック項目GxPCFRpart消費者に対して食料と医薬品の安全を守るために生産時のデータ整合性を保証するレギュレーションHIPAA米国の個人健康保険情報を保護する連邦法で規定されている項目の監査HITRUSTvレベルHIPAAを含む各種コンプライアンス標準を満たすためのフレームワークPCIDSSvクレジットカード業界のセキュリティ標準で定められているコントロールを監査するSOC米国公認会計士協会が定めているセキュリティや可用性に関する監査項目フレームワークとコントロールの例PCIDSSの例コントロールセットとして、PCIDSSの要求事項の大項目がセクションとして並んでいるセクションを展開すると個別の要求事項がコントロールとして含まれているコントロールの監査証跡収集自動コントロールAuditManagerが自動的に証跡を収集手動コントロールユーザー側で証跡をAmazonS経由でAuditManagerにアップロードする必要があるカスタムコントロールの作成手順引用元カスタムフレームワークの作成手順引用元AuditManagerのフロー評価アセスメントの作成から、レポート作成までの流れ引用元評価アセスメントのステータスの確認評価アセスメントを作成して最初の結果が出るまでは、最大時間程度かかりフレームワークの項目数などにも依存実行している評価アセスメントのステータスを確認可能マネージメントコンソールのAssessmentsを選択すると、現在作成されている評価アセスメントの一覧が表示されるAuditManagerからの通知以下の場合、AuditManagerはSNSに通知を飛ばすコントロールセットと証跡を管理オーナーが他のユーザーに移譲した場合コントロールセットのレビューを委任者が完了した場合通知を送るためには、AuditManagerのサービスリンクロールにAmazonSNSトピックに対する権限が必要AuditManagerの監査における役割AuditManagerは監査業務そのものを代行するサービスではないAuditManagerは、内部監査や外部監査における証跡エビデンス収集を自動化し、監査人による監査の手間を削減するサポートのためのサービスAuditManagerのユースケースお客様にとってのメリット監査証跡の収集を手動で行う手間の削減内部監査、外部監査などの監査対応が必要な場合、AuditManagerを使用監査対応が要件としてない場合には、発見的統制のソリューションであるGuardDutySecurityHubAWSConfigなどの組み合わせで十分監査人が得るメリット監査証跡の収集を手動で行う手間の削減監査証跡の真正性がAuditManagerで担保される真正性ってなにと思う方は過去の記事リアルタイムに近い形で最新の証跡を取得出来るおわりに監査のために必要なAuditManagerを勉強しました。 |
2022-03-04 22:55:46 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ユーザー体験、従業員体験の担当ホクホク。ジャーニーマップを Notion + Mermaid でかく |
candidateexperience |
2022-03-04 13:18:25 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
11 Ways to Stay Fit While Working From Home |
equipment |
2022-03-04 13:45:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
7 Reasons Why Every Photographer Needs a 5-in-1 Reflector |
Reasons Why Every Photographer Needs a in Reflector in reflectors give you better control over the lighting and take your outdoor photography game to the next level Here s why you should use one |
2022-03-04 13:30:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
John Romero Launches a Brand New Doom II Level—Here's How You Play It |
brand |
2022-03-04 13:20:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Your Facebook Account Was Hacked? 4 Things to Do Immediately |
learn |
2022-03-04 13:15:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Virtual Land: What Is It and Why Are People Paying Real Money for It? |
slice |
2022-03-04 13:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Migrate From Jenkins Pipeline To GitLab CI | GitLab Tutorial For Beginners | Part VI |
How To Migrate From Jenkins Pipeline To GitLab CI GitLab Tutorial For Beginners Part VILearn how to use GitLab CI features to convert Jenkins Pipeline into GitLab CI pipeline Start FREE TestingIntegrate GitLab with LambdaTest In this part of GitLab Tutorial for Beginners Moss tech with moss an expert in DevOps and CI CD tools helps you understand how to migrate from Jenkins pipeline to the GitLab pipeline This video will also help you differentiate between the Jenkins pipeline and the GitLab CI pipeline and walk you through how to use the GitLab pipeline to run tests on the LambdaTest Selenium Automation Grid You would also know the prerequisites required and how to convert the Jenkins pipeline to GitLab CI and a detailed walkthrough of the Jenkins pipeline code Also learn What is difference between GitLab and Jenkins What is the difference between Jenkins pipeline and GitLab pipeline How to migrate to GitLab CI from Jenkins pipelines How to run test using GitLab pipeline Integrate LambdaTest and GitLab You can easily mark and track bugs with LambdaTest GitLab integration while performing cross browser testing on the LambdaTest platform With LambdaTest you can identify bugs questions help in your GitLab repo just with a push of a button even while you are in the middle of performing a LambdaTest test session LambdaTest provides testing environment information as well as additional testing screenshots and videos |
2022-03-04 13:51:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What Is GitLab Pipeline? | How To Create GitLab Pipeline | GitLab Tutorial For Beginners | Part V |
What Is GitLab Pipeline How To Create GitLab Pipeline GitLab Tutorial For Beginners Part VLearn how to perform CI CD in GitLab and explore the important features for CI CD that GitLab offers for expediting product testing and release phases Start FREE TestingIntegrate GitLab with LambdaTest In this part of GitLab Tutorial for Beginners Moss tech with moss an expert in DevOps and CI CD tools deep dives into how to create a GitLab Pipeline By the end of this video tutorial you would have developed an understanding of how GitLab pipelines integrate with a GitLab project how to implement GitLab pipelines in your GitLab projects and how to write a GitLab pipeline that produces artifacts He also talks about how to write a GitLab pipeline that uses variables He also demonstrates how to perform CI CD in GitLab using the LambdaTest cloud Grid Also learn What is GitLab artifact What is GitLab pipeline How do GitLab pipelines work What is Git commit and push What is CI CD pipeline GitLab What are GitLab pipeline variables Integrate LambdaTest and GitLab You can easily mark and track bugs with LambdaTest GitLab integration while performing cross browser testing on the LambdaTest platform With LambdaTest you can identify bugs questions help in your GitLab repo just with a push of a button even while you are in the middle of performing a LambdaTest test session LambdaTest provides testing environment information as well as additional testing screenshots and videos |
2022-03-04 13:49:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Use GitLab Flow In GitLab Project | GitLab Tutorial For Beginners | Part IV |
How To Use GitLab Flow In GitLab Project GitLab Tutorial For Beginners Part IVLearn how to utilize the environmental branch variations to implement the GitLab Flow in the GitLab project Start FREE TestingIntegrate GitLab with LambdaTest We have already seen the two variants of GitLab Flow i e the environmental branch and the release branch in the previous video of this GitLab series In this part of GitLab Tutorial for Beginners Moss tech with moss a DevOps engineer utilizes the environmental branch variants to help you learn how to apply GitLab Flow to the GitLab project Further you will learn to create and close an “issue within the project and understand how to use git commands like “git push “git pull “git checkout “git commit and “git branch By the end of this video you will know how to sync changes between local and remote Git repositories create merge requests gain familiarity with the components of the merge request and more You will learn What is Git push How to use Git push What are Git commands What is Git commit and push How to implement GitLab Flow Integrate LambdaTest and GitLab You can easily mark and track bugs with LambdaTest GitLab integration while performing cross browser testing on the LambdaTest platform With LambdaTest you can identify bugs questions help in your GitLab repo just with a push of a button even while you are in the middle of performing a LambdaTest test session LambdaTest provides testing environment information as well as additional testing screenshots and videos |
2022-03-04 13:47:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I can CSS a focused input, but what about its label? |
I can CSS a focused input but what about its label Welcome to Stackazon your one stop shop for great solutions to tricky coding problems Your search query How do I style a label when its input is focused has returned five results Our ratings for this query consider browser compatibility accessibility and complexity Be sure to read our reviewers opinions for additional resources and justification for the rating The best part about Stackazon Everything is free and delivery is instant No prime subscription needed either Disclaimer The people ratings and reviews are fictional and based on my opinion and knowledge of key factors What solution is best always depends on context and your use case This is mostly my wacky way of demonstrating how to evaluate important factors when coding for the web The ProblemSolutionsUsing Adjacent Siblings Using Javascript Using focus within with Explicit Labels Using focus within with Implicit Labels Using has Codepen Why do you use moons instead of stars Here at Stackazon we rate using moons instead of stars because emoji sets support different moon phases which can indicate fractional rating Thank you Moon for having such convenient phases ️ The ProblemMost of the time an HTML input element should be properly labeled lt label for name gt Name lt label gt lt input id name type text gt But let s say you want to highlight the Name label if someone is typing stuff into its text field As web developers we can use CSS to customize how the input looks when focused input focus border color red But how do you do the same for the label Turns out it s tricky SolutionsOur Stackazon reviewers reference the following resources and we recommend that you do too when evaluating solutions for other issues Can I Use Tracks the browser compatibility of various web featuresAccessibility Support Tracks to what degree assistive technologies implement accessibility specificationsWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines Essentially a specification for maximizing web accessibility also called WCAGMDN Web Docs Curated documentation of web features including best practices and recently got an upgrade Using Adjacent SiblingsRating CSS provides an adjacent sibling combinator which lets you match an element that is directly after another element If you structure your HTML such that the label is directly after the input lt div class input container gt lt input id name type text gt lt label for name gt Name lt label gt lt div gt Then you can style the label with the adjacent sibling combinator input focus label color red However for a text field conventionally the label is supposed to come before the input When the label comes after the text input field it looks strange Unfortunately the fancy adjacent sibling plus sign only works top to bottom If you try to use label input focus then the styles will only apply to the input directly and not the label If the label comes first in the markup then you can t use this combinator to select the label when the input is focused That said CSS to the rescue again CSS can visually reorder elements on the page input container display flex input order label order ReviewsOur reviewers gave this solution out of moons citing excellent browser compatibility but with some accessibility concerns Ivan Eaton says Of the solutions presented this has the best browser compatibility as the adjacent sibling combinator has been implemented in all major browsers included Internet Explorer for many years Flexbox though newer is also widely supported See WC Selectors Level Serena Redmon says I am concerned about how screen readers announce the text field and its label Visually it looks like the label comes first since we used the order property but the screen reader announces the input first instead since it is first in the HTML code The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG stipulate that order of content in the source code should be the same as the visual presentation of the content in order to minimize confusion when using accessibility tools Therefore I ve rated this solution lower as the adjacency combinator requires the elements be in unconventional order See WCAG on Making the DOM order match the visual order Using JavascriptRating When an input is focused or unfocused it emits an event which we can listen to with Javascript Additionally the element has a reference to all of its labels via the labels property Therefore we can leverage Javascript with the following strategy When the input receives focus add a focused class to its label When the input loses focus called blurring remove the focused class document querySelectorAll input forEach input gt input addEventListener focus gt input labels forEach label gt label classList add focused input addEventListener blur gt input labels forEach label gt label classList remove focused And now with CSS you just need to apply styles to the focused class focused color red ReviewsOur reviewers gave this solution out of moons citing some browser compatibility issues and complexity as a result of using Javascript Ivan Eaton says The strategy of leveraging Javascript bypasses all the potential problems with browser compatibility for CSS features but exchanges that for problems in Javascript feature support More specifically the labels property with this solution uses is not supported in IE and can result in errors if not handled To maximize compatibility while still using this general approach I recommend reading how to find an input s associated label See Can I Use HTMLInputElement labelsJose Scott says Introducing Javascript when there are decent CSS only solutions can feel like overkill The Javascript here introduces the need to properly manage when and how listeners are added to inputs which requires some care for sufficiently dynamic pages and forms That said this solution may be preferred if an input has many labels or the input and its label are far apart in the HTML hierarchy such that it is difficult to use CSS selectors to style them Using focus within with Explicit LabelsRating CSS offers a relatively new pseudo class called focus within which matches an element if it or any of its descendants have focus Therefore as long as the label and its input share a common parent element in HTML we can use this to style the label lt div class input container gt lt label for name field gt Name lt label gt lt input id name field type text gt lt div gt input container focus within label color red This works since the focused input is within the input container div The selector is essentially saying find an input container with focus somewhere inside of it then find all the container s child labels Of note we are using the label s for attribute to associate it to an input If the input has an id defined setting for to equal that id creates the relationship Notice that in the HTML code above both for and id are name field This is often called an explicit label For more on explicit labels and their counterpart implicit labels read Labeling Controls ReviewsOur reviewers gave this solution out of moons citing lack of support in old browsers but having the best accessibility of solutions present Ivan Eaton says Although a simple solution focus within is not supported in IE In a world that is moving away from that old browser this solution becomes better and better but unfortunately I cannot recommend it to everyone See Can I use focus withinSerena Redmon says Of solutions presented this supports accessibility tools the best it properly assigns a label to an input and keeps code order and visual order the same both being WCAG requirements Using focus within with Implicit LabelsRating Instead of having a containing div the label is able to contain its associated input directly lt label gt Name lt input type text gt lt label gt With this structure the focus within pseudo class which matches an element if it or any of its descendants have focus can be applied directly on the label When the input inside of it has focus then the label receives the styling we want label focus within color red Associating a label and input via hierarchy like this as opposed to using the input s id creates what s called an implicit label in contrast to explicit labels in the other solutions ReviewsOur reviewers gave this solution out of moons citing minor accessibility issues and lack of support in old browsers Serena Redmon says Implicit labels are best used when the id of the input is not known and hence an explicit label cannot be created This is because generally explicit labels are better supported by assistive technology Ref Labeling Controls That said support has gotten better with time For example as of today most screen readers now equally support implicit labels and explicit labels However voice control software which can be used by people with movement disabilities preventing them from using a keyboard or mouse does not always adequately support implicit labels See Accessibility Support for labelsIvan Eaton says Although a simple solution focus within is not supported in IE In a world that is moving away from that old browser this solution becomes better and better but unfortunately I cannot recommend it to everyone See Can I use focus within Using hasRating A notorious fact about CSS is there is no way to style an element based on elements after it in HTML So for example you can t style a quote that contains a link differently than a quote that doesn t and more relevantly you can t style a label whose input directly after it is focused At least that s true for now Introducing the has pseudo class This pseudo class matches the element if the selector provided as a parameter also matches The inner selector is relative to the element with the has on it label has input focus color red This says select labels that have an adjacent sibling which is a focused input Unlike the Using Adjacent Siblings solution this does not style the input This styles the label exactly what we want What s neat about this solution is that the label gets to come before its input and it doesn t require a containing div lt label for name gt Name lt label gt lt input id name type text gt ReviewsOur reviewers gave this solution out of moons citing its experimental status as rendering it unusable for now Ivan Eaton says Currently nothing except the newest version of Safari supports this selector making it impossible to use Thankfully Chrome has a proposal out so maybe someday in the future we ll see this added more universally See Can I Use has Codepen |
2022-03-04 13:29:41 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Ming-Chi Kuo confirms what to expect from the new iPhone SE |
Ming Chi Kuo confirms what to expect from the new iPhone SEThe first Appple related tweet by analyst Ming Chi Kuo has listed what he expects to see from new iPhone SE expected at next week s Apple Event Ahead of Apple s March event the widely anticipated third iPhone SE has been described by mingchikuo in his first Apple tweet in over a decade Some predictions for the coming new iPhone SE Mass production in Mar Estimated shipments of mn units in Storage GB A G support mmW Sub GHz Casing white black and red Similar form factor design to current SE ー Ming Chi Kuo mingchikuo March Read more |
2022-03-04 13:59:06 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'Peek performance' Apple event preview, Apple VR timeline, and more on the AppleInsider podcast |
x Peek performance x Apple event preview Apple VR timeline and more on the AppleInsider podcastOn this week s episode of the AppleInsider podcast what to expect at Apple s March event including updated Mac desktops a new iPhone SE and the probability of a VR headset announcement Apple has announced that its next virtual event Peek Performance is to be held on March at a m Pacific Time p m Eastern We run down all the devices expected to launch notably the iPad Air updated iPhone SE and new Apple Silicon Macs Two Macs we expect to see at the event are the revised Mac mini with M Pro and M Max options and the larger inch iMac While on the outside edge of possibility Apple is rumored to also release the second generation AirPods Pro with additional features like lossless audio playback Read more |
2022-03-04 13:48:56 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to have your iPhone erase all data after 10 failed passcode attempts in iOS 15 |
How to have your iPhone erase all data after failed passcode attempts in iOS Your iPhone contains a lot of personal information Keep strangers out of your data by having your iPhone automatically wipe itself after failed passcode attempts To protect yourself from malicious actors who wish to access your iPhone s data it s worth making sure you ve got a secure passcode in place Here s how to set up or change a passcode on your iPhone How to set up a passcode on your iPhone Read more |
2022-03-04 13:19:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New Dropbox update brings support for M1 Macs |
New Dropbox update brings support for M MacsOver a year and a quarter after Apple started shipping Apple Silicon Macs DropBox is now rolling out a new update that adds native support for the machines When Apple initially announced Apple Silicon in June many developers began immediately working on bringing native support to the new M lineup However Dropbox a popular cloud storage service was not one of them Read more |
2022-03-04 13:46:31 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google's Nest Thermostat is on sale for $93 right now |
Google x s Nest Thermostat is on sale for right nowIf you missed the sale last month on the Nest Thermostat you have another chance to grab the smart home gadget for even less now Amazon has the snow colored WiFi thermostat for or percent off its normal price This isn t an all time low ーthe device briefly dropped to during Black Friday weekend last year ーbut this is the best price we ve seen since then Buy Nest Thermostat at Amazon Google debuted the Nest Thermostat in as an affordable alternative to the Nest Learning Thermostat You ll notice a big difference in the design of the two gadgets the Nest Thermostat is slimmer than its Learning counterpart and has a mirrored display along with a touch sensitive bezel that you can use to manually adjust temperature settings You could shell out more money for the higher quality display and better materials in the Learning Thermostat but ultimately both gadgets are designed to do the same thing help you save money on energy costs The Nest Thermostat is Energy Star certified and uses a feature called Savings Finder to learn about your home system and suggest ways to conserve energy Using the Google Home app you can create schedules for your home that optimize energy usage like turning the temperature down when you re out of the house and turning it up when you come back The app also lets you remotely control your home s environment making it easy to adjust temperatures when you re away And you can use Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa voice commands to adjust settings when you re home too An IoT gadget like this is a good one to build your smart home ecosystem around if you re new to the space and a good one to add to an existing system if you already use a lot of Google devices Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2022-03-04 13:36:32 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Engadget Podcast: A not-so Mobile World Congress 2022 |
Engadget Podcast A not so Mobile World Congress In spite of everything else going on in the world Mobile World Congress took place this week Companies like Oppo Huawei TCL Samsung and Lenovo showed off a ton of new products ranging from laptops and tablets to foldable concepts and some phones While it felt strange to cover the news coming out of the show especially from a distance we were still able to check out some interesting tech UK bureau chief Mat Smith joined us to make sense of all the news Listen below or subscribe on your podcast app of choice If you ve got suggestions or topics you d like covered on the show be sure to email us or drop a note in the comments And be sure to check out our other podcasts the Morning After and Engadget News Engadget ·A not so Mobile World Congress Subscribe iTunesSpotifyPocket CastsStitcherGoogle PodcastsTopicsSamsung A not so Mobile World Congress Huawei MatePad Oppo Find X Honor Magic TCL s latest foldable concept The ThinkPad Xs is powered by Snapdragon Apple s “Peek Performance event is scheduled for March th Multiple disability organizations call on US DOJ to finalize accessibility rules Biden wants to end targeted ads that are aimed at children Thermacell s smart mosquito repellent system Working on Picks Video livestreamCreditsHosts Cherlynn Low and Devindra HardawarGuest Mat SmithProducer Ben EllmanLivestream producers Julio Barrientos Luke BrooksGraphics artists Luke Brooks Brian OhMusic Dale North and Terrence O Brien |
2022-03-04 13:30:32 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
SMBC日興幹部4人逮捕 東京地検、相場操縦疑い |
東京地検 |
2022-03-04 14:00:22 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
2月の米就業者数67.8万人増、失業率は3.8%に低下 |
就業者 |
2022-03-04 13:45:39 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
受け取らなかったり捨ててしまったりしがちなレシート。購入時のレシートを撮影し送信することでTポイントやポンタポイント、楽天ポイントなどの共通ポイントがたまるサービスもあります。 |
2022-03-04 13:20:02 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
日野自社長「性能未達、認識していた」 会見一問一答 |
一問一答 |
2022-03-04 13:18:18 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
In rare move, Japan to send bulletproof vests and helmets to Ukraine |
In rare move Japan to send bulletproof vests and helmets to UkraineThe goods to be delivered by the SDF and through other channels also include tents winter clothing food items hygiene products cameras and power generators |
2022-03-04 22:52:07 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Putin’s propaganda machine undercut by social media blackout |
Putin s propaganda machine undercut by social media blackoutIn the five years since Russia meddled in the U S election Facebook and Twitter have built systems to ensure they wouldn t be blindsided the |
2022-03-04 22:28:12 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Beijing Paralympics open under shadow of war in Ukraine |
Beijing Paralympics open under shadow of war in UkraineAthletes from the Russian Paralympic Committee and Belarus were excluded from the Games after tensions escalated in the Games villages ahead of the opening ceremony |
2022-03-04 22:50:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
War in Ukraine: Russia restricts access to BBC in media crackdown |
information |
2022-03-04 13:43:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine sanctions: UK dockers refuse tanker of Russian gas |
cargo |
2022-03-04 13:21:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Keighley mill fire: Five arson arrests over Peaky Blinders location blaze |
textile |
2022-03-04 13:29:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nuclear plant: How dangerous was the attack and what is the risk in Ukraine? |
plants |
2022-03-04 13:08:55 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
米「バイ・アメリカン」規則で最終案 国産品さらに優遇へ - WSJ発 |
規則 |
2022-03-04 22:22:00 |
京都 |
烏丸経済新聞 |
京都・二条城がウクライナの国旗の黄色と青に 姉妹都市から連帯示す |
京都市中京区 |
2022-03-04 22:34:33 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
バスケ、川崎は信州に敗れる Bリーグ1部 |
男子 |
2022-03-04 22:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
沖縄・竹富町長、再逮捕へ 落札業者から金品受領疑い |
沖縄県竹富町 |
2022-03-04 22:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ウクライナ向け国際電話無料に 携帯大手3社、3月分の利用 |
国際電話 |
2022-03-04 22:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
公取委、TOHOシネマズを調査 映画配給会社に圧力か |
公正取引 |
2022-03-04 22:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日米で海上射撃の共同訓練実施 中国を意識、離島部隊が支援 |
海上自衛隊 |
2022-03-04 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌市、高齢者対策に全力 施設での接種促進 検査キット優先配布 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-03-04 22:01:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Vladimir Putin says Russia Has "no ill Intentions," pleads for no more sanctions |
Vladimir Putin says Russia Has quot no ill Intentions quot pleads for no more sanctions submitted by u evissimus to r worldnews link comments |
2022-03-04 13:08:19 |