IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「WWDC 2022」でミニLEDディスプレイを採用した27インチの新型「iMac」か「Studio Display Pro」を発表?? |
apple |
2022-03-10 07:33:42 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、コスト増加の問題で今年はミニLEDを採用した新製品を投入しないかも |
apple |
2022-03-10 07:17:52 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「iPhone 13/13 Pro」の新色グリーンモデルの実機を撮影した動画が登場 |
apple |
2022-03-10 07:08:42 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
au、「iPad Air (第5世代」の価格を発表 |
auonlineshop |
2022-03-10 07:02:19 |
ロボスタ |
川崎重工のヒューマノイド「カレイド」と「フレンズ」のデモ公開 人とロボットが協働し、人と暮らす未来を提案 |
川崎重工のヒューマノイド「カレイド」と「フレンズ」のデモ公開人とロボットが協働し、人と暮らす未来を提案シェアツイートはてブウマ型のトランスフォーマー四脚ロボットで話題になっている川崎重工。 |
2022-03-10 07:15:48 |
ロボスタ |
千葉の運搬台車を東京から遠隔操作 スマホアプリ「WARPNER」で低遅延・低コストを実現 CuboRex製「CuGoV3」を装着 |
2022-03-10 07:10:46 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Zaifで一時入出金できない不具合 不正検知システムが誤動作 2時間で復旧 |
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2022-03-10 16:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] デル、AIノイズキャンセリング機能を備えたUSB接続スピーカーフォン |
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2022-03-10 16:19:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] セブン、冷凍食品の新作を発表 エスニックカレー4種を含む全9品 |
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2022-03-10 16:05:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
六本木ヒルズ・虎ノ門ヒルズで警備ロボット「SQ-2」が活動。消火器検知やエレベーター連携も |
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2022-03-10 07:00:34 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】ExcelのVLookUpはPythonに任せよう(csv + txt編) |
作成するファイル名の定義OUTPUTFILENAMEcontentdriveMyDrivesamplefilesamplexlsx作成するファイル名を配置したいディレクトリーから定義します。 |
2022-03-10 16:35:43 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonにおける機械学習モデルチューニングのためのHyperoptのスケーリング |
当社はDatabricksで開発されましたが、このハイパーパラメーターチューニングのAPIは複雑なチューニングをジョブを計算的に分散させるために多くのDatabricksのお客様によって推進され、オープンソースのHyperoptプロジェクトへの貢献となり、最新リリースで利用できるようになりました。 |
2022-03-10 16:24:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PyPIへのアップロードをAPIトークンを使う形に切り替える |
まずはAPIトークンを発行する警告メッセージの対応手順には以下のように記載されていました。 |
2022-03-10 16:03:24 |
Program |
CodeZine |
Microsoft、「SharePoint Framework 1.15」の最初のパブリックプレビューをリリース |
Microsoft、「SharePointFramework」の最初のパブリックプレビューをリリース米Microsoftは、クライアント側のSharePointの開発、SharePointデータとの容易な統合、MicrosoftTeamsの拡張をサポートするWebパーツモデルである「SharePointFrameworkSPFx」の、最初のパブリックプレビューを月日現地時間にリリースした。 |
2022-03-10 16:30:00 |
Program |
CodeZine |
23年卒のエンジニア採用、4社に1社がさらに採用開始時期を早期化 |
新卒採用 |
2022-03-10 16:30:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ACDLを提します。その4 |
ACDLを提します。 |
2022-03-10 16:31:25 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ウェブサイト作成用備忘録・総集編:1号から22号までのふりかえり【コピペでプレビュー】 |
という内容のサンプルコードを紹介しています。 |
2022-03-10 16:25:17 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ええ!?Getting Started with Rails(7)で詰まるなんてあっていいんですか!? |
2022-03-10 16:57:06 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ええ!?Getting Started with Rails(7)で詰まるなんてあっていいんですか!? |
2022-03-10 16:57:06 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【docker】dockerコマンド その2 |
【docker】dockerコマンドそのdockerコマンドを備忘録としてメモしておく。 |
2022-03-10 16:29:45 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ええ!?Getting Started with Rails(7)で詰まるなんてあっていいんですか!? |
2022-03-10 16:57:06 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ビューやコントローラー以外で `user.avatar` のurlにアクセスする |
ビューやコントローラー以外でuseravatarのurlにアクセスするビューやコントローラーではurlforやrailsblobpathといったヘルパーメソッドが使える。 |
2022-03-10 16:07:55 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ActiveStorageでN+1回避のための `with_attached_#{name}` が使えないとき |
withattachednameを使えば回避できるUserlimitwithattachedavatareachdouserpuseravatarattachedendただしwithattachednameは内部的にはincludesを使っているため、たとえばUserモデルの主キーがRails標準のidではなく、独自のstring型のuseridを利用していた場合には、このスコープは使えない。 |
2022-03-10 16:02:48 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
「はじめてのdbt活用~DWH内のデータ整備が楽になる!~」を開催しました #dbt |
開催 |
2022-03-10 07:42:32 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Allowing access to AWS API gateway via whitelist or an IP address. |
Allowing access to AWS API gateway via whitelist or an IP address API It stands for Application Program interface which helps in connection of two applications computers or b |
2022-03-10 07:20:11 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS Systems Manager Change Manager で変更リクエストの一括承認/拒否が出来るようになりました |
awssystemsmanager |
2022-03-10 07:15:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
EC2 Windows UI 환경에서 EBS 볼륨 설정해 보기 |
EC Windows UI 환경에서EBS 볼륨설정해보기안녕하세요클래스메소드김재욱 Kim Jaewook 입니다 이번에는EC Windows에서EBS 볼륨을설정해보는과정을정리해봤습니다 사전설정Private EC 인스턴스에EBS |
2022-03-10 07:02:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to get started with Open-Source |
How to get started with Open SourceYou know you can write some code you ve in fact written a LOT You can also recognize typos in files and documentation and now you want to give something back to the community So what do you do Huh good question Except you ve got the finances sponsoring the giants that help build our tech world is quite impossible So you decide instead that you want to give back by simplifying the learning process for other devs you want to build softwares and modules that simplify tasks for others you want to teach the community and make a lot of things easily accessible by others But you can t For starters you are a shy speaker so you don t want to talk publicly You also don t understand how to create anything useful for the community so you can t create anything Your writing creativity is null and more or less underground So your solution is to just just sit by the side and wait for the next brave person to give back to the community thinking you won t be able to give anything to the community Uh uh I disagree Open Source According to opensource com Open Source can be defined as something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible Wikipedia is even more direct with it s definition which is given as Open source is source code that is made freely available for possible modification and redistribution Products include permission to use the source code design documents or content of the product The last definition by Synopsys is generalized as Open source software OSS is software that is distributed with its source code making it available for use modification and distribution with its original rights Source code is the part of software that most computer users don t ever see it s the code computer programmers manipulate to control how a program or application behaves These definitions of Open Source general definitions gives a pretty good idea of what open source is and what I am going to rant about next Getting out of that mindset Let s be realistic deciding to get out of your comfort zone to create a project on the global stage is something that makes us feel queasy Not only would your bad code be public to everyone but you also want others to go through it contribute and even fork and improve it Some things you should know about Open Source It s not always about creating a new project Anything literally anything that adds a single meaning or value is termed Open Source If you saw a typo in Google s Docs and you create a Pull Request PR to fix it congrats That s Open Source Want to create a brand new public framework That s also Open Source You don t need to be a guru to contribute Heck I don t even think such things exist in Programming If it can run it can be public Do you make all your repos private I used to do that all the time too It doesn t help matters at all Take the leap of faith and start making them public Except it s a private project that needs discretion why make it private Stars don t matter This might sound funny but I had this mentality as well and I m sure a lot of devs have it too GitHub stars doesn t rate the success of an Open Source project That s important Keep it in your mind when planning on creating that next public repo k stars or stars Duh who cares Open Source is about the satisfaction not the fame If you re looking for fame tho the Show Biz industry might be what you want Start Contributing It s more of a mindset and less of an activity You want it to become a reflexive thought when you see a mistake you either fix it or create an issue if the problem is beyond you Make yourself a promise to pick up that mindset from today Okay you have promised yourself and all Let s get practical the first thing I normally tell people looking to contribute is to look out for documentation issues and typos Remember humans are always humans and would make awful hilarious mistakes so your big fix might be a wrong module import Wrong importing formatimport React useState useEffect from react Correct importing formatimport React useState useEffect from react Or typo Soo wrong some preloaded some the links Much better some preloaded linksIf you successfully created a PR and it got merged you have contributed to Open Source In summary get out there and start making those PRs The way beyond So you have made a lot of PRs and you have scanned codebases and learned a lot of useful practices you now want to take on a bigger challenge Create a public repo and start maintaining it It doesn t have to be a complex CLI npm package meant to hack into human satellites and give you live video feed of Earth It could even be a SaaS Software as a Service or a simple Generate a random number module Kent C Dodds has an awesome egghead io course that shows how to create a basic open source library Remember it s nice to be fancy with your projects but not everything needs to be a monumental bang to be considered Open Source That s it for this week s article peeps what projects are you building Have you already gotten into Open Source If so share your experience in the comments I am currently re building my portfolio with a personal blog stay tuned for that and I should be welcoming you guys there this month hopefully I haven t mentioned it here yet but I recently joined FreeCodeCamp as an author and member YAY and SPOILER ALERT I m building that mega Remix course I promised you guys free and accessible Remember to take breaks and even vacations read learn more push yourself you can do it We were all there at some point but only through perseverance did some of us move up and scale our hurdles you would too I know that Enjoy yourself stay positive and don t forget to play See you in the next one |
2022-03-10 07:46:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Recompiler vos projets C et C++ plus rapidement avec ccache |
Recompiler vos projets C et C plus rapidement avec ccacheccache est un compiler cache sous licence GPLv Il permet d accélérer la recompilation de projets C et C mais aussi CUDA ou encore Objective C et Objective C quelqu un utilise encore ces langages en Il supporte les principaux compilateurs du marché GCC Clang MSVC FonctionnementComment ccache améliore le build d un projet C est en fait très simple Quand vous compilez un fichier il met le résultat en cache Quand vous recompilez ce même fichier avec les mêmes options il récupère directement le fichier objet du cache au lieu de le compiler vraiment Vous allez me dire Super mais make ne recompile que les fichiers qui ont besoin de l être alors pourquoi ccache ferait mieux Tout simplement parce make regarde l état de votre projet et le compare au précédent build Imaginez exécuter les commandes suivantes makemake cleanmakeDeux scénarios sont possibles lors de l exécution de la dernière commande Vous n avez pas ccache et make recompile tous les fichiers Vous avez ccache tous les fichiers objets sont récupérés du cache et le build est très rapide Le bonheur quand tu changes de brancheVous allez me dire que vous faites rarement des make clean pour le plaisir C est vrai Mais pensez àun scénario qui vous arrive souvent le changement de branche avec Git ou SVN ou autre Imaginez un dossier dans lequel vous avez clonévotre dépôt Git Vous êtes sur la branche master et vous avez compilél intégralitédu projet Vous faites un checkout d une autre branche et vous travaillez sur cette branche Une heure plus tard vous revenez sur master Avec ccache recompiler la branche master sera extrêmement rapide car tout est déjàdans le cache Le cache n est pas limitéàun dossier Si vous avez plusieurs branches dans plusieurs dossiers et que certains fichiers sont compilés de la même manière dans plusieurs branches alors ccache vous fera aussi gagner du temps Mettre en place ccache sur son projetAttention les yeux ça va aller vite Vous téléchargez ccache vous l installez et vous l ajouter au PATH Vous ajoutez les lignes suivantes àvotre CMakeLists txt find program CCACHE PROGRAM ccache if CCACHE PROGRAM message NOTICE ccache is enabled found here CCACHE PROGRAM set property GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE LAUNCH COMPILE CCACHE PROGRAM set property GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE LAUNCH LINK CCACHE PROGRAM else message FATAL ERROR ccache has not been found endif Voilà c est tout Aucun effet visible Vous avez activéccache et vous ne voyez aucun effet Ce n est pas étonnant Sur le site officiel on peut lire The most important aspect of a compiler cache is to always produce exactly the same output that the real compiler would produce The only way you should be able to tell that you are using ccache is the speed Dans un usage normal quand vous travaillez sur une branche particulière vous ne verrez aucun effet La différence est visible dans certaines situations notamment quand vous changez de branche quand on vous activez ou désactiver une option de compilation du projet quand vous modifiez un header inclus dans de nombreux fichiers sources De plus vous ne verrez pas de différence dans la liste de fichiers que CMake dit compiler vous verrez une différence sur le temps de build En effet CMake pense compiler la même chose mais ccache intercepte les appels au compilateur et décide s il doit réellement appeler le compilateur ou s il peut récupérer un fichier objet dans son cache et le renvoyer directement A titre d exemple j ai fait la manipulation suivante sur le projet sur lequel je bosse quotidiennement en mission Je me place dans le dossier oùse trouve mon projet et donc mon CMakeLists txt Je nettoie le cache avec ccache clear Je m assure de partir d un projet remis àzéro avec cmake build mon dossier de build target clean Je builde mon projet avec cmake build preset mon preset Lors de cette étape ccache va mémoriser tous les résultats de compilation Je cleane ànouveau mon projet Je relance ànouveau une compilation Cette fois ccache peut utiliser son cache créé étapes plus haut et ne recompiler aucun fichier Bilan le premier build a duré minutes le second a duréun peu moins de minutes Splendide Si vous ne connaissez pas les CMake presets je vous encourage àlire mon article sur le sujet je suis sûr que vous allez aimer ConclusionJe ne sais pas comment j ai fait pour passer àcôtéde ccache pendant ans dont presque ans d utilisation quotidienne de C Je ne sais pas vraiment Une chose est sûre ça fait désormais partie de mon CMakeLists txt template Comme je change souvent de branche ou que j active puis désactive des options de debug je vois souvent l effet du cache J en suis au début de mon utilisation de ccache et je vais prochainement m intéresser àla pertinence de le mettre en place sur Jenkins Je gagne beaucoup de temps en local grâce àccache et j espère que vous en tirerez le même bénéfice |
2022-03-10 07:39:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Scaling clusters without any hassle |
Scaling clusters without any hassleAnyone who has worked with large clusters knows that data constantly keeps growing Sooner or later developers of distributed systems face the challenge of scaling Nowadays it is hardly a problem to find space for data storage But how to deal with application adjustments and configuration You can avoid adjustments if the system allows for scalability inherently You can differentiate application nodes by feature and deploy only the ones you need Hello my name is Igor and I am a part of the Tarantool DB team We have extensive experience in developing high performance products for example data storage systems for major retailers and mobile network operators Today I will talk about our approach to cluster scaling and provide a typical example This article is targeted at anyone who deals with big data and considers scaling It is an extended version of the talk I delivered at SaintHighload ChallengeWhen developing data intensive applications we pursue three objectives Scalability We build up data and business logic Reliability We need redundant nodes to access the data We also need a mechanism to keep the cluster always writable even if some nodes fail Supportability We need tools for management and monitoring We also want to be able to expand the cluster without changing the application code Moreover we want to use tools that help standardize cluster application development Then we wouldn t have to write code from scratch every time and we could build new applications into existing pipelines and share expertise between projects Cluster architectureAny cluster starts with its clients ーapplications or systems that will interact with the cluster write data and read it When client requests first get to the cluster each one of them goes through the router This node redirects incoming requests to other nodes It is the router that connects clients with their data Next the router sends client requests to storages which fall into another category of cluster components As the name implies storages store data write it and send it back upon the router s request Each cluster node performs its role i e it follows a certain logic When scaling a cluster we can add a new application node and assign one of the available roles to it ВFor example we can add a node with the storage role if we need more storage space Other storages will take care of redistributing data to the new node and the router will start sending requests there The same goes for routers If we need to increase the number of nodes accepting client requests we have to add a new node to the cluster with the router role and make sure that requests pass through it Here all routers are equivalent and they send requests to all storages The next important cluster component is the failover coordinator This cluster node keeps other nodes writable It also writes the cluster state to an external storage which is called the state provider It must be independent of the rest of the cluster and meet reliability requirements We can add nodes with new roles to expand the cluster For example we need to replicate data from an external storage for cluster operation In this case we need to add a node that executes this logic It will connect to the external storage and send data to the routers to distribute it across the cluster We can use Cartridge to create a cluster CartridgeCartridge is a framework for developing cluster applications Cartridge manages the cluster controls sharding allows implementing business logic and data schemas using roles and provides failover to keep application instances writable ВCartridge has many additional tools that you can build into CI CD pipelines and use to manage the running cluster ВFor Cartridge there is also an Ansible role an integration testing module a utility for creating an application from a template and running a cluster locally a module for collecting metrics and a Grafana panel Let s now look inside Cartridge TarantoolCartridge is a framework powered by several instances of Tarantool an in memory computing platform It is both an in memory database and an application server written in Lua Tarantool is very fast due to storing data in RAM but also reliable It saves data snapshots to the hard disk and allows you to set up replication and sharding ReplicationTarantool instances can be combined into a replica set ーa set of nodes connected by asynchronous replication When configuring a replica set you can specify which instance will be read only We will call the instances that accept writes masters and the rest ー replicas Here s an example of master replication configuration box cfg listen read only false replication And here s an example of a replica configuration box cfg listen read only true replication ShardingTarantool has vshard a special module for data sharding It allows dividing data into chunks to be stored on different application nodes ВThere are two entities in vshard vshard storage and vshard router Storages contain buckets with data They also rebalance the data if new instances are added Routers send requests to storage nodes In vshard you need to configure routers and storages on each node When expanding a vshard based cluster you have to either modify the application code or write a vshard wrapper which will configure instances when new nodes are added Here s an example of vshard configuration on Tarantool instances local sharding aaaaaaaa a replicas aaaaaaaa a name storage master true uri sharding pass vshard storage cfg bucket count sharding sharding aaaaaaaa a vshard router cfg sharding sharding SummaryCartridge is powered by Tarantool functionality To build a cluster we take several Tarantool instances configure replication add sharding and automate adding new nodes In addition Cartridge provides a few more features that are not available in basic Tarantool Failover Automatic sharding configuration when new nodes are added WebUI for cluster monitoring Cartridge instance rolesI have already shown that each instance in a cluster performs a certain role Cartridge roles are Lua modules with a specific API that describe the application business logic What can roles be used for A storage for data tables Client HTTP API External data replication Metrics or call chain collection instance performance monitoring Execution of any custom logic written in Lua A role is assigned to a replica set and enabled on each replica set instance A role always knows if it is enabled on the master or the replica You can control its behavior by changing the configuration without touching the role s code В APIreturn role name custom role init init validate config validate config apply config apply config stop stop dependencies another role Each role has a standard API The init function performs the initial role configuration Вvalidate config checks if the configuration is valid Вapply config applies the configuration The stop function disables the role ВA role has a list of dependencies and will only start after all the dependencies in this list are initialized Predefined rolesCartridge has several predefined roles some are available out of the box others are installed with different modules Built in roles vshard router sends requests to data storage nodes vshard storage saves and manages data buckets failover coordinator controls cluster failover Other useful roles metrics collects application metrics crud storage and crud router simplify interaction with sharded spaces Role dependenciesRole dependencies form the essential mechanism underlying all Cartridge applications A role will only start when other roles which it depends on are successfully initialized This means that each role can use functions of other roles as long as they are specified in the dependencies list ВLet s look at an example Suppose we have written our own custom storage role which describes data tables creation It will depend on the crud storage role to use simplified interfaces for receiving data and writing it to our storage The crud storage role already depends on the vshard storage role which takes care of data sharding It looks like this in the code app roles custom storage luareturn role name custom storage dependencies crud storage cartridge roles crud storage luareturn role name crud storage dependencies vshard storage Cartridge guarantees the role startup order So the custom storage role can use all the features of vshard storage and crud storage because they are initialized before it Entry pointThe entry point of each Cartridge cluster instance is the init lua file To configure a cluster instance the init file calls the cartridge cfg function which expects the list of available roles and default Cartridge and Tarantool settings The init file can be run from the console with Tarantool as well as with cartridge cli or systemd supervisord tarantool init lualocal ok err cartridge cfg roles cartridge roles vshard storage cartridge roles vshard router cartridge roles metrics app roles custom†cartridge opts tarantool opts Cluster scaling with rolesLet us consider a typical scaling scenario Suppose we have a two instance cluster one has the router role and the other has the storage role We add new replicas when we need extra backup for example there is a new redundant data center Or when we want to increase the readability of replica sets for example if most read requests are sent to the replica We add new shards when the memory usage on instances is about We can do it earlier if we see it constantly growing on memory usage graphs and predict that the space will run out soon We add routers according to business metrics or when we see a high CPU load of about For example the growing number of cluster users increases its load We add new roles when the application business logic changes or extends or we need additional monitoring For example we can add the metrics or the tracing module to the cluster Note that you can add new instances to the cluster and enable available roles on existing replica sets ーwithout changing the code But to add new roles that didn t previously exist in the cluster you need to add them to init lua and restart the application Also keep in mind that you can assign multiple roles to any cluster instance Any instance can be a router a storage and a replica as well as perform any custom logic at the same time Cluster configurationThe cluster configuration is the main way to manage a cluster It stores the topology vshard settings transferred to vshard storage cfg and vshard router cfg and custom role settings Each application instance stores the complete configuration Cartridge ensures that all nodes have identical configurations at any given time Let us take a look at how the new configuration is propagated Suppose the configuration changed on one of the nodes It will propagate to all other instances after that Each instance receives the configuration changes and calls its validate config functions to check if the received configuration is valid If at least one instance fails to validate the configuration changes all other instances discard them and the user who applies the new configuration gets an error If the configuration is valid Cartridge waits for each cluster instance to confirm that the validate config check was successful and the configuration can be applied Then Cartridge executes all apply config functions and applies the new configuration on each application instance It replaces the old configuration on the disk If anything goes wrong when applying the configuration and apply config returns an error Cartridge will display the corresponding information in WebUI and suggest reapplying the configuration FailoverReplication guarantees that our data doesn t get lost but we also need to keep the applications writable For this Cartridge provides the failover ВFailover works in a cluster that has instances with the failover coordinator role for managing master rotating The cluster should also have the state provider instance which stores the list of current masters Two state provider modes are currently supported etcd and a standalone Tarantool instance called stateboard The failover coordinator ensures that at least one master is available in the replica set If the master crashes or stops responding to requests the failover coordinator finds out about it and appoints one of the replicas in the same replica set as the master In this case the information about the current master is saved in the external storage So even if the old master is back up and running it will no longer accept write requests The new master will remain until it crashes or becomes unavailable ToolsHow do you support Cartridge We have a large ecosystem of tools cartridge cli serves several purposes creating an application from a template running a cluster locally connecting to instances and calling administration functions For testing there is cartridge test helpers which allows you to create any type of cluster in integration tests The WebUI is used for monitoring it allows you to find out about some issues in Cartridge and suggests how to fix them there is a metrics package and a Grafana dashboard ansible cartridge helps with deployment it allows you to add new instances to the cluster update existing ones and much more Cartridge in productionCartridge has proven itself in production Our customers have been using it for at least three years Here are some statistics on Cartridge usage gt data marts in production cache and master storages From a few MB to several TB ー instances per cluster Masters and replicas in different data centers A single CI CD pipeline for all applications in a closed network Common modules and roles in projects ConclusionWe discussed our approach to cluster scaling and the following topics Cartridge roles Distributed application configuration Fault tolerance provided by failover Cartridge usage statistics in production I hope you found this article useful and you will try scaling with Cartridge Please share your experience of scaling other databases in the comments What s next Our official websiteTry Cartridge in the sandbox Check out the documentation on the official website Ask your questions to the community in the Telegram chat |
2022-03-10 07:11:12 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
インターネット取引に係るシステム障害件数 |
取引 |
2022-03-10 09:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
(2022.03.29)アジアにおけるグリーンエコノミー移行に向けた資金調達(オンライン・イベント) |
資金調達 |
2022-03-10 09:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
フェイルの発生状況(2月) |
発生 |
2022-03-10 16:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Ukraine accuses Russia of genocide after bombing of children’s hospital |
Ukraine accuses Russia of genocide after bombing of children s hospitalThe hospital in the besieged city of Mariupol was reportedly hit by several Russian bombs amid fears that the war is about to take a |
2022-03-10 16:38:45 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Amputee para snowboarder Junta Kosuda turns disability into opportunity |
Amputee para snowboarder Junta Kosuda turns disability into opportunity Losing one leg has become my strongest asset said Junta Kosuda who was drifting through life until finding purpose and focus in para sports |
2022-03-10 16:35:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine ambassador calls for UK to end red tape for refugees |
invasion |
2022-03-10 07:28:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rishi Sunak faces tough calls over households' income hit, says IFS |
budgets |
2022-03-10 07:49:35 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
積水ハウス(1928)、11期連続の「増配」を発表し、 配当利回り4.06%に! 配当額は11年で4.7倍に増加、 2023年1月期は前期比4円増の「1株あたり94円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
積水ハウス、期連続の「増配」を発表し、配当利回りに配当額は年で倍に増加、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース積水ハウスが期連続の「増配」を発表し、配当利回りがに積水ハウスは年月期の配当予想を「株あたり円」と発表し、前期比「円」の増配で「期連続増配」の見通しとなった。 |
2022-03-10 16:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
寝る子起こしたロシア、NATOの結束再び強まる - WSJ発 |
結束 |
2022-03-10 16:25:00 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
【参加者募集】新卒採用向けオンラインイベント「DENTSU RECRUIT LIVE」3月9日〜18日開催 |
dentsurecruitlive |
2022-03-10 16:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コロナ死者減「勝利宣言まだ」WHO 「パンデミック」から2年 |
世界保健機関 |
2022-03-10 16:19:30 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証大幅反発、終値は972円高 原油価格一服を好感、全面高に |
原油価格 |
2022-03-10 16:10:02 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NBA、八村は18得点 渡辺2得点 |
渡辺 |
2022-03-10 16:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ソフトバンク千賀、2週間ぶり先発へ コロナ濃厚接触の疑いで |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-03-10 16:13:45 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東大前期、2996人が合格 女性は2割を下回る |
試験 |
2022-03-10 16:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
高浜原発、運転停止認めず 住民の請求棄却、名古屋地裁 |
名古屋地裁 |
2022-03-10 16:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日本ハム 11日から広島3連戦 |
日本ハム |
2022-03-10 16:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
カラスの死骸から高病原性の鳥インフル 根室 道内22例目 |
鳥インフル |
2022-03-10 16:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
剣淵でひき逃げ容疑、札幌の男逮捕 士別署 |
自動車運転処罰法 |
2022-03-10 16:07:28 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ナマコ密漁容疑10人逮捕 西胆振の漁業者「許せない」 冬に多発、海保は警戒強化 |
逮捕 |
2022-03-10 16:01:39 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
“かつモン”の誕生日を記念! とんかつ新宿さぼてん、キーマカレープレゼントキャンペーン 3月13日まで |
sabored |
2022-03-10 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
日立ソリューションズ・クリエイト、Microsoft Teamsと自動連携した仮想オフィス空間を創る「仮想オフィスサービス」を販売開始 |
microsoftteams |
2022-03-10 16:20:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
資生堂、ロシアでの広告中止へ 07年に子会社設置、共同研究も |
共同研究 |
2022-03-10 07:29:55 |