python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
勾配降下法 |
まとめ最適化問題・特定の値を最小もしくは最大にする・教師あり学習においては誤差を最小にする勾配降下法・微分で求めたパラメータの傾きをもとにパラメータの値を更新していく・学習率ηが重要でほどほどに小さくする小さすぎると一回の更新する量が少なく中々収束しない大きすぎると一回の更新する量が多すぎて最適な値を飛び越えてしまう最後に今回は、ディープラーニングなどでパラメータチューニングに用いられる最適化問題アルゴリズムの一つ勾配降下法を用いて、単純な関数の出力値を最小になるように最適化していきました。 |
2022-03-10 23:58:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
パチンコ転落型の確率をPythonで計算する |
パチンコ転落型の確率をPythonで計算する概要絶対需要はないですが・・・最近、ひぐらし憩が大好きになったのですが、絆ラッシュが割と即落ちするので、転落型の継続率を計算してみます。 |
2022-03-10 23:34:38 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
javascript与jQuery |
2022-03-10 23:59:27 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dartに入門してみたのでTypeScriptと比較する |
newが省略可能あった方がわかりやすくないなぜJSでも省略可能だけどしないのが一般的だよねthisが省略可能これはJavaに合わせたんだろうけど、メンバ変数かローカル変数かわかりづらいので省略しない方が良くないprivateキーワードが無く、を最初につけるとprivate変数ということになるこれは合理的だと思った。 |
2022-03-10 23:51:24 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Expressフレームワークの使い方 |
Expressの始め方expressgeneratorをインストールすると、アプリ開発の雛形を素早く生成することができます。 |
2022-03-10 23:06:11 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails6でBootstrapを使う |
RailsでBootstrapを使うはじめに構築で少し迷ったので備忘録Railsにbootstrap系と系それぞれの導入方法を記載します。 |
2022-03-10 23:47:38 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Golang同じ文字列を繰り返して連結する方法 |
Golang同じ文字列を繰り返して連結する方法Golangでの同じ文字列を繰り返して連結する方法環境goversiongoversiongodarwinamd方法packagemainimportbytesstringsfuncmainrepeatbytebufBytesbyteprintlnrepeatbytestringbytesRepeatbufBytesrepeatstringsstrprintlnrepeatstringsstringsRepeatstrrepeatrunerune型のスライスにはrepeat関数が用意されていないため、for文を使う必要がある。 |
2022-03-10 23:39:46 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Cloud アップデート (3/3-3/9/2022) |
リリース内容できるだけ拾うようにしているのですが、抜けていそうなリリースノートは追加するのでぜひ教えて下さい一覧ここで更新してます。 |
2022-03-10 23:37:57 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Cloud アップデート (2/24-3/2/2022) |
GoogleCloudアップデートAIPlatformFebDeepLearningContainersMリリースCUDAがからにアップグレードされたよVSlimGPUTensorFlowコンテナが使えるようになったよ小さいイメージのコンテナTensorFlowが再リリースされたよDeepLearningVMImagesMリリースusrsharetutorialsにサンプルのノートブックが含まれるようになったよJupyterのオプションでターミナルの無効化とゴミ箱に入れる代わりにファイルの削除できるようになったよgRPCが変なエラーログを吐くよ影響は特に無いCloudComposerMarComposerがCMEK対応したよJavaclientがリリースされたよCloudSpannerMar新しいマルチリージョンインスタンスnamIowaOklahomaSaltLakeCityが使えるようになったよTranscoderAPIMarvColorDenoiseDeblockBoostプリプロセッサが今動いてないよSecurityCommandCenterMarFindingsをBigQueryにエクスポートできる機能ができたよFindingで見つかったCVEに対して修正があるかを確認できるvulnerabilitycveupstreamFixAvailableアトリビュートが追加されたよCloudKMSFebasiaeureurnamnamnamnamでHSMが使えるようになったよ一部デュアルマルチリージョンCloudBuildMarCloudBuildのマシンがDebianにアップグレードされたよ起動時間が短くなったAnthosServiceMeshMarxasmリリースIstioCertificateAuthorityService統合で使えるテンプレートがサポートされるようになったよDataprocMetastoreMarvbetagRPCendpointがプレビューになったよIAMMar権限を不許可にできるdenypoliciesがプレビューになったよCloudLoadBalancingMarglobalexternalHTTPSLBでバックエンドにゾーナルNEGとハイブリッドNEGの組み合わせが使えるよCloudStorageTransferServiceMarクライアントライブラリをサポートするようになったよAPI利用する場合はライブラリ利用が推奨ガイド参照HealthcareAPIFebvbetaFHIRリソースをBigQueryにエクスポートするのrepeated含めてストリームできるようになったよAnthosclustersonVMwareMargkeが利用可能にKubernetesgke利用gkectldiagnoseがAdminクラスタ登録時にエラーが出たクラスタをレポートするようになったよ複数の修正やCVEの修正Dataplanevクラスタでオートスケールを有効化している場合にスケールインするのに時間がかかる場合があるよCloudDeployMarasianortheastで利用可能にディスクレーマアップデートの内容はあくまでも個人の理解していることを書いています。 |
2022-03-10 23:37:52 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect ケーススタディ【Helicopter Racing League】 |
経営陣のメッセージ・レース中のイベントの予測を取り入れた動画ストリーミングを強化したい・レース中のリアルタイム予測に対応できる施設と、シーズン全体の結果を処理するキャパシティが不足している。 |
2022-03-10 23:22:25 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
git-flowを自分なりにまとめてみた |
gitflowinit上のコマンドで初期化され、developブランチとmasterブランチが生成される。 |
2022-03-10 23:36:04 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | Permission denied (publickey). 解決方法 |
gitgithubcomPermissiondeniedpublickey解決方法初めにGitHubActionsで自動デプロイを実行させた際に「gitのアクセス権限が無い」と指摘されたので、その解決方法をご紹介します。 |
2022-03-10 23:25:09 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails6でBootstrapを使う |
RailsでBootstrapを使うはじめに構築で少し迷ったので備忘録Railsにbootstrap系と系それぞれの導入方法を記載します。 |
2022-03-10 23:47:38 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS再入門ブログリレー2022 Amazon ECS編 |
amazonecs |
2022-03-10 14:50:16 |
海外TECH |
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5 Reasons Why AI Writing Tools Won’t Replace Copywriters |
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海外TECH |
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The Best Laptops With the Best Battery Life |
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海外TECH |
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8 Apps That Help You Unplug and Live in the Moment |
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10 Pieces of Tech You Really Don't Need Anymore |
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海外TECH |
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Is the Innocn 15k1f OLED Portable Monitor the Perfect On-the-Go Display? |
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2022-03-10 14:05:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Low Code Development Tools🛠 |
Low Code Development ToolsWant to develop an App but bounded by limited expertise in the field of web development Well then stop worrying Here you will get to know about some of the best Low code web development tools No code or Low code is quickly gaining popularity and becoming one of the most significant web development trends In ten years many applications and web designs will be dependent on developers who must work around the clock to make their code work In the developers duty is to create a tool to assist us in developingーwith no coding But what actually is a No code What is no code Have you ever created a survey online Well That was no code No code or a no code tool to be more specific is a programming style and movement that does not require the use of code and instead works with GUI Graphic User Interface tools This is to claim that no code tools do not rely on their users skill and expertise to use code but instead use far simpler approaches to boost productivity Let be clear first No code doesn t really mean no code In fact there is coding and that is the coding the people who developed the tool did However for an easier and cheaper experience for the user of the tool meaning most businesses today all you need to do is click scroll and or drag and drop Today there is no limitation to what you can create with a no code tool It may surprise you you can count a lot of things you already did without knowing it was no code From creating a website to building an app there are so many possibilities You can automate your work or home tasks you can organize your data or you can get paid via no code No Code Low Code Tools For DevelopersNo code is not focused on one specific industry or area of work there are many kinds of tools However it doesn t change the fact that all no code tools have a purpose be it in one industry or another Following are some of the types of no code tools App Website BuildingOnboarding Interactive GuidesVoiceProject ManagementAutomationAnalyticsCustomer ServiceMarketingBefore you start the collection check some of the awesome free tools such as Bootstrap CheatSheet Bootstrap Figma Design Kit and premium tools such as Sneat Sketch Admin Template and UI Kit and latest Materio Figma UI Kit Now let s start the collection ZapierZapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between two or more apps no code necessary When an event happens in one app Zapier can tell another app to perform or do a particular actionZapier integrates apps and tools in a way that they perform specific tasks like a domino effect With more than apps like Google Suite Slack Twitter and Gmail ready to be chained up for your best interest Zapier creates a seamless experience One of the most appreciated features is the quick setup The tool is not a complex one and it is easy to learn so it saves time and money Pricing Free trial perform tasks a month Starter month tasks Professional month tasks Team month tasks Company month tasks Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a small business best buddy because it has extremely extensive capabilities and provides data that only Google can provide Literally However exciting capabilities like reporting data analysis and visualization are not limited to small enterprises since the Google Analytics unlocks even more complex tools Furthermore because you re utilizing a Google product it immediately interacts with every other Google app Pricing Google Analytics as a base software is a freemium tool you get to access advanced features free But if you need more there is Google Analytics There is no fixed price for this upgraded version and you get to talk to the sales according to your specific needs WebflowWebflow is a SaaS application that allows designers to build responsive websites with browser based visual editing software While designers use the tool Webflow automatically generates HTML CSS and JavaScript Most website builders will let you customize to a certain extent but with Webflow it feels as easy as dragging and clicking and as in control as coding Furthermore it is very customizable You can choose to start from scratch and build a fully responsive website just the way you like or you can use a template if you want to go the quicker way Pricing Webflow has different tiers and prices for individual and site plans For an individual account you can start for free and then upgrade to Lite for monthly or to Pro monthly For site plans you may want to check Webflow com Lite MonthPro MonthEnterprise Custom Sneat Free Bootstrap Admin TemplateSneat Free Bootstrap HTML Admin Template is the latest open source bootstrap HTML Admin Template It is the most developer friendly amp highly customizablefree Bootstrap HTML Admin Dashboard Besides the highest industry standards are considered to bring you the best bootstrap admin template that is not just fastand easy to use but highly scalable In addition incredibly versatile the Sneat Bootstrap Admin Template Free GitHub also allows you to build any type of web application For instance you can create SaaS platforms Project management apps Ecommerce backends CRM systems Analytics apps Banking apps Education apps Fitness apps amp many more… Furthermore you can use this one of the best innovative and free Bootstrap admin templates to create eye catching high quality and high performing Web Applications Besides your apps will be completely responsive ensuring they ll look stunning and function flawlessly on desktops tablets and mobile devices Features Based on Bootstrap Vertical layout Dashboard Chart library SASS Powered Authentication Pages Fully Responsive Layout Organized Folder Structure Clean amp Commented Code Well DocumentedDemo Download Bubble ioBubble io gives you the opportunity to prototype a whole app build and launch in hours and scale your growth efficiently With a powerful set of internal tools it is functional and easy to use at the same time However what really makes this product cool is the feature that lets you edit the main page which showcases how easy it is to create and edit a website while gaining further admiration with this clever trick Pricing Hobby Free Personal a month paid annually or a month paid monthly Professional a month paid annually or k a month paid monthly Production a month paid annually or a month paid monthly PreviewedPreviewed is a mockup generator which is used by Devs amp designers to create beautiful promotional graphics for your app Browse a variety of templates pick one customize it in a few clicks amp download your pixel perfect design You can create Product Hunt MockupsPromo mockups Perfect for Blogs AppStore amp Plays tore ScreenshotsPreview Video for AppStorePricing Free Unlimited D Exports p CC Attribution LicensePlus Exports p D Exports Video Exports fps Commercial LicensePro month Annual Plan All the Plus Lite features Commercial License Priority Support ShopifyShopify is an e commerce platform that enables anybody to open an online store and sell their goods With Shopify POS merchants can also sell their items in person Without any programming skills you can set up a Shopify store and get it up and operating in no time Themes are installed with a click of a button and customizing them depending on the theme and its accessible parameters is as simple as filling out an online form Pricing Free TrialBasic MonthShopify MonthAdvanced Month NoCodeAPINoCodeAPI helps you to set up your Google Sheets Airtable Google Analytics Twitter Telegram Open Graph API MailChimp and other apps without a backend to save time and money Pricing FreePersonal Year Annual Plan Month Professional Year MonthBusiness Year Month SEO Site CheckupSEO Site Checkup performs a quick audit of your website checking for proper tags and highlighting any errors that may arise Analyze your SEO concerns in real time You can analyze and act on SEO reports Pricing Basic Month Annual Plan MonthWebmaster Month Annual Plan Month Professional Year Annual Plan Month AirtableAirtable is a relational database tool that s also an online collaboration tool Before you brush it off as boring because of the word database know that Airtable is easy to use and extremely versatile You can use it to manage work track and organize inventories plan an event and much more Pricing Free Plus user month paid annually Pro user month paid annually Enterprise custom Pagely Free Build beautiful websites In light speed No coding required Launch websites from Notion Google Sheets GitHub or Airtable Customize most of your Pagely site with widgets styles and more Mockuuups StudioThe fastest way for designers and marketers to drag amp drop visuals into mockups You can create mockups instantly without even learning Just select and export in seconds It also offers integration with Sketch Figma and Adobe You can also check the free device mockups Pricing Free TrialProfessional Month Annual Plan Team Month Annual Plan Extension dev Free Extension dev is a low code platform for building and deploying browser extensions that help you grow your business Use their library of sample extensions and templates to get started right away or start from scratch TailsTails is the ultimate drag and drop page creator built for Tailwindcss Over components to help you look pretty for your customers Tails is the perfect tool to creating a beautiful landing page Over design blocks you can mix and match to craft the perfect landing page for your next project Pricing FreePaid PanelbearPanelbear helps you to measure your website s most important metrics so you can deliver a great end user experience Pricing Free Pro Year Annual MonthStart Up Year Annual MonthBusiness Year Annual Month Copy aiCopy ai is an AI powered content writing tool that helps writers write better content They bill themselves as an “automated creativity tool that can be used to “generate marketing copy Copy ai s marketing language offers to help create copy not replace copywriters By using Copy AI you can create Digital Ad CopySocial Media ContentWebsite CopyeCommerce Copy BlogContent Sales CopyPricing FreePro Month Annual Plan MonthTeam Custom CodaCoda has one purpose bringing all the data and people back in the same space And they do it pretty well With Coda s all in one doc your team can vote on ideas create roadmaps draft projects and even play games Among the companies that are on the same doc with Coda are Spotify the New York Times Doordash and Uber Pricing Coda s pricing is one of a kind in one aspect they don t charge for every member like some other tools do Instead they only charge for the members who create docs the editors and viewers are always free Plus they offer a free tier too Pro per month per doc maker Team per month per doc maker Enterprise custom Automate ioAutomate io is an automation app that is used by high profile businesses in tech space such as Adobe Intel and Uber It is a leading no code integration platform that integrates with over apps You can build simple bots between two or multiple apps and put your work on auto pilot Bots inside Automate io refresh at regular intervals unless you are manually pausing it so set up your trigger and action apps and that s it The drag and drop interface lets you create triggers and actions easily between apps Pricing Free actions month Professional month actions Growth month actions Business month actions Enterprise month actions IntegromatIntegromant is one of the well trusted no code tools with customers like Adidas Airbnb Uber and Cisco and they totally deserve the trust they receive With great features added every day and a collection of over integrations that not only integrate with Integromat but also with one another this no code tool could be exactly what you need Pricing Free operations Basic month operations Standard month operations Business month operations Platinum month operations Custom operations GlideCreate powerful apps and websites without code Using basic spreadsheet skills you can make incredible things with Glide Pick a spreadsheet and Glide instantly generates a real working app or website to get you started Pricing FreePro Year Annual Plan MonthPrivate Year Annual Plan MonthEnterprise Custom BuildFireBuildFire is a powerful and easy to use mobile app builder It makes creating mobile apps for iOS amp Android so easy that you can make it in a fraction of the time and cost Features Simple and intuitive app builder No coding required Build custom functionality with our developer SDK Build for FREE for days No credit card requiredPricing Free TrialGrowth Month Annual Plan Business Month Annual Plan Enterprise Month Annual Plan Nocode Video Free Here you can explore top Nocode Videos from around the web and learn about new tech Find tutorials related to Nocode Conclusion Well whether it is website launching or payment services that you need help with you no longer need help of developers You can use these tool without any prior knowledge of coding No code definitely changes businesses understanding of work technology and well lives What you can do to benefit from these tools is to take a look at this list with various kinds of no code and enhance the way you work There are many low code development tools available in the market and find the right one may get hectic Thus here we have collected some of the best tools so that you no longer need to look for them here and there So choose any of these low code development tools as per your need and requirements We hope you find this collection helpful Also do let us know which one of these are you currently using for your project In case we have missed any to mention No code no panic |
2022-03-10 14:46:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Would I replace Terraform with Bicep ? 💪🏽 |
Would I replace Terraform with Bicep For a long time I have been a huge fan of Terraform by Hashicorp for deploying my Azure cloud services This is mainly due to finding ARM templates to be too verbose and cumbersome to work with Microsoft s response to these complaints is Bicep This week I decided to take a look at what all the fuss is about amp see if I might replace Terraform with Bicep What is Bicep Bicep is a declarative language that is classified as a domain specific language DSL for deploying Azure resources The goal of this language is to make it easier to write Infrastructure as Code IaC targeting Azure Resource Manager ARM using a syntax that s more friendly than the JSON syntax of Azure ARM Templates Bicep works as an abstraction layer built on top of ARM Templates Anything that can be done with Azure ARM Templates can be done with Bicep as it provides a transparent abstraction over ARM Azure Resource Manager With this abstraction all the types apiVersions and properties valid within ARM Templates are also valid with Bicep Bicep is a compiled transpiled language This means that the Bicep code is converted into ARM Template code Then the resulting ARM Template code is used to deploy the Azure resources This transpiling enables Bicep to use it s own syntax and compiler for authoring Bicep files that compile down to Azure Resource Manager ARM JSON as a sort of intermediate language IL The way that Bicep is transpiled into ARM JSON is similar to how there are many different languages that can be written in then transpiled into JavaScript that can be run within the web browser One popular example of this type of transpiled language is TypeScript A transpiled language offers benefits of adding an abstraction layer to make it easier and or more feature full to write code that then gets compiled down to IL code that gets executed This is also similar to how C and VB NET code compile down to MSIL in NET code In the development world it s common to encounter the use of transpiled languages It s also common in the DevOps world where YAML and JSON are converted between one or the other Bicep offers some similarity in how it s transpiled into ARM JSON This enables you to use an alternative syntax and feature set for writing declarative Infrastructure as Code than the often cumbersome ARM JSON syntax Bicep BenefitsSupport for all resource types and API versions Better authoring experience using editors such as VS Code you will get validation type safety intellisense Modularity can be achieved using modules You can have modules representing an entire environment or a set of shared resources and use them anywhere in a Bicep file Integration with Azure services such as Azure Policy Templates specs and Blueprints No need to store a state file or keep any state You can even use the what if operation to preview your changes before deploying them Bicep is open source with a strong community supporting it All the binaries for the different supported operating systems can be downloaded from the official releases page of the Bicep open source project Bicep pre requisitesThe tooling is pretty much the same as for ARM templates That means that you need the following Either Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI I ll use Azure CLI in this post as I find it much more logical The Bicep CLI more on this in a second Some form of text editor I suggest VS Code as it can provide some pretty awesome help when working with Bicep templatesOptional The VS Code Bicep extension This will give you superpowers when working with Bicep in VS CodeNote I m going to assume that you have the Azure CLI installed Bicep CLITo be able to work with Bicep files instead of ARM templates you need the Bicep CLI This is the part of the tool chain that is responsible for transpiling Bicep files to and from ARM templates Yes…to AND from More on that later The Bicep CLI is installed by running az bicep installOr…if you are using Azure CLI version or above you can just ignore that step as the Bicep CLI will be automatically installed when you run a command that needs it So in most cases you don t need to do anything to get Bicep file support on your machine Note If you are on an earlier version of the Azure CLI I would recommend updating that instead of manually installing the Bicep CLI To verify your Azure CLI version you can run az version azure cli And to verify the installed version of the Bicep CLI you can run az bicep versionBicep CLI version If you try running this command without having the Bicep CLI installed you get an error message that saysBicep CLI not found Install it now by running az bicep install And as the error message says you fix that by running az bicep install or any Bicep related command that will automatically install it If you have an outdated Bicep CLI version and want to update it to the latest and greatest you just need to run az bicep upgradeOnce you have the Bicep CLI installed or just want to ignore it and have the Azure CLI install it when needed you need a text editor of some kind to edit the Bicep files VS Code and the Bicep extensionI would highly recommend using VS Code when working with Bicep files The reason for this besides it being light weight cross platform fast and generally quite awesome is the ability to install the Bicep extension that gives you extra help when working with Bicep files The Bicep extension is available from the marketplace Just search for bicep and you will find it That s actually all there is to it from a tooling point of view Bicep SyntaxEvery Bicep resource will have the below syntax resource lt symbolic name gt lt resource type gt lt api version gt properties name ghostinthewiresstorage location westeurope properties sub properties Where resource is a reserved keyword symbolic name is an identifier within the Bicep file which can be used to reference this resource elsewhere resource type is the type of the resource you re defining e g Microsoft Storage api version each resource provider publishes its own API version which defines which version of the Azure Resource Manager REST API should be used to deploy this resource properties these are the resource specific properties For example every resource has a name and location In addition some have sub properties which you can pass on ParametersWhen we talk about infrastructure as a code and reusability of our templates we definitely end up using parameters to customise our resources Be its name sku username or password we will need to change these per environment or application In a Bicep file you can define the parameters that need to be passed to it when deploying resources You can put validation on the parameter value provide default value and limit it to allowed values The format of a parameter will be such as below param lt parameter name gt lt parameter type gt lt parameter value gt Where param is a reserved keyword parameter name is the name of the parameter parameter type is the type of the parameter such as string object etc parameter value is the value of the parameter you re passing in Let s review two examples to get a better understanding of the structure minLength maxLength param storageName stringIn this example you re limiting the storageName parameter s value length to be between and characters Or allowed Standard LRS Standard GRS Standard RAGRS Standard ZRS Premium LRS Premium ZRS Standard GZRS Standard RAGZRS param storageRedundancy string Standard GRS In this example you re specifying the allowed values for the storageRedundancy parameter and also provide the default value if nothing is provided during the deployment With ARM templates you had to use a separate file to pass the parameters during the deployments usually with a name ending in parameters json In Bicep you need to use the same JSON file to pass the parameters in schema contentVersion parameters storageName value myuniquestoragename storageRedundancy value Standard GZRS VariablesSimilar to parameters variables play an important part in our templates especially when it comes to naming conventions These can store complex expressions to keep our templates clean and their maintenance simple In Bicep variables are defined using the var keyword var lt variable name gt lt value gt Where variable name is the name of your variable For example in our previous Bicep file we could have used a variable for our storage name var storageAccName sa uniqueString resourceGroup id resource stg Microsoft Storage storageAccounts name storageAccountName Since we need a unique name for our storage account the uniqueString function is used Don t worry about that for now The point is that we can create variables and use them in our template with ease There are multiple variable types you can use StringBooleanNumericObjectArrayExpressionsExpressions are used in our templates for variety of reasons from getting the current location of the resource group to subscription id or the current datetime FunctionsThe good thing is that ANY valid ARM template function is also a valid Bicep function param currentTime string utcNow var location resourceGroup locationvar makeCapital toUpper all lowercase OutputARM templates have an output section where you could send information out of your pipeline to be accessed within other deployments or subsequent tasks In Bicep you have the same concept via the output keyword resource stg Microsoft Storage storageAccounts output storageId string stg idLoopsIn ARM templates if you wanted to deploy a resource multiple times you could leverage the copy operator to add a resource n times based on the loop count In Bicep you have the for operator at your disposal resource foo my provider type for lt ITERATOR NAME gt in lt ARRAY gt Where ITERATOR NAME is a new symbol that s only available inside your resource declaration param containerNames array images videos pdf resource blob Microsoft Storage storageAccounts blobServices containers for name in containerNames name stg name default name This snippet creates three containers within the storage account in a loop Existing keywordIf you want to deploy a resource which is depending on an existing resource you can leverage the existing keyword resource stg Microsoft Storage storageAccounts existing name storageAccountName You won t need the other properties since the resource already exists You need enough information to be able to identify the resource Now that you have this reference you can use it in other parts of your deployment ModulesIn ARM templates you had the concept of linked templates when it came to reuse a template in other deployments In Bicep you have modules You can define a resource in a module and reuse that module in other Bicep files ├ーmain bicep└ーstorage bicepIn our storage file you will define the resource its parameters variables outputs etc storage bicepparam storageAccountNamevar storageSku Standard LRS resource storage Microsoft Storage storageAccounts name storageAccountName location resourceGroup location kind Storage sku name storageSku And in the main file you will reuse the storage account as a module using the module keyword main bicepmodule storage storage bicep name storageDeploy params storageAccountName lt YOURUNIQUESTORAGENAME gt output storageName array stg outputs containerPropsYou only need to pass the required properties which in case of our storage account is the name The any keywordThere might be some cases where Bicep throws a false positive when it comes to errors or warnings This might happen based on different situations such as the API not having the correct type definition You can use the any keyword to get around these situations when defining resources which have incorrect types assigned One of examples is the container instances CPU and Memory properties which expect an int but in fact they are number since you can pass non integer values such as resource wpAci microsoft containerInstance containerGroups name wordpress containerinstance location location properties containers name wordpress properties resources requests cpu any memoryInGB any By using any and passing the value you can get around the possible errors which might be raised during the build or the validation stage How to Create Bicep FilesAs previously mentioned developers can use Microsoft provided Visual Studio Code extensions for the Bicep language to enhance the functionality that Bicep brings to the table These extensions specifically provide language support and resource autocompletion to assist with creating and validating Bicep files reducing coding errors and making the writing of code more efficient One of the nice things with Bicep compared to ARM templates is the fact that you don t need to add any form of base structure to make it a valid Bicep file ARM templates require us to create a JSON root element In Bicep as long as the file extension is bicep it is considered a Bicep file Take a look at the following template Bicep code Notice the compact code structure it is maybe half the size of the typical ARM template Bicep is smart enough to figure out if resources are dependent on each other Additionally Bicep knows it first needs to deploy appServicePlan and automatically adds the dependsOn part when it gets converted from Bicep to an ARM template Here is the code param name string ghostinthewires bicep webapplication param location string resourceGroup locationparam sample string ghostinthewires param sampleCode string G resource webApp Microsoft Web sites name name location location properties name name siteConfig metadata name MY TECH STACK value dotnetcore serverFarmId appServicePlan id resource appServicePlan Microsoft Web serverfarms name name location location properties name name sample Tier sample Name sampleCode The following code snippet is used by Bicep for deployment of your resources array with the link to the template and a link to the parameters file if available resources type Microsoft Resources deployments apiVersion name linkedTemplate properties mode Incremental templateLink uri contentVersion parametersLink uri contentVersion Once you have your fully formed Bicep file we can verify that it is syntactically correct by building it Building a Bicep file transpiles it to an ARM template To build your bicep file we can execute the following command az bicep build file iac bicepHow to Convert ARM Templates to BicepBicep can be easily used to convert an ARM template to Bicep code The command for this is az bicep decompile It takes a JSON file as input and attempts to make it into Bicep To decompile ARM template JSON files to Bicep use Azure CLI az bicep decompile file AzureARM jsonDevelopers can export the template for a resource group and then pass it directly to the decompile command Refer to the following example az group export name my resource group name gt AzureARM jsonaz bicep decompile file AzureARM jsonCI CDIf like me you re using GitHub Actions for your CI CD pipeline there is already a Bicep action created by Microsoft Developer Advocate Justin Yoo which you can use to build you bicep file and deploy it to Azure If you are using Azure Pipelines you can use the Azure CLI task as you would do from your laptop ConclusionI find Bicep much nicer to work with than ARM Templates and looking at it from a purely Microsoft native standpoint it would also be my bet for the future Sure ARM templates need to support pretty much any feature that Bicep uses in some way But I think the main focus from Microsoft when it comes to the end user experience will go into Bicep However back to my initial question Would I replace Terraform with Bicep In a word No Terraform is a different beast when compared to ARM and Bicep even if the syntax is actually quite similar to the one used by Bicep Under the hood it works in a completely different way using the Azure REST API instead of talking directly to the Azure Resource Manager The downside to this is that any new features being added to Azure will first have to be released in the REST API then in the Go SDK and finally in the Terraform Azure provider A chain of events that might take a while Having that said this is only really an issue if you are using bleeding edge features If not pretty much all other features are supported The flip side to this is obviously that by using a provider based system Terraform is able to target a lot of different clouds and systems Which in turn allows you to use your IaC not only for your Azure resources but potentially for a bunch of different systems and clouds Something that ARM Bicep will never be able to do So if you need to go outside the realm of Azure where ARM Bicep is not going to cut it I still think Terraform is my favoured option On the other hand if you are strictly Azure focused and have no other clouds systems you want to integrate with I think Bicep might still be a great option But keep in mind there are also other tools such as Pulumi An IaC tool that also utilizes the benefit of the provider based architecture but also adds the ability to use a real programming language when creating your desired state So I would urge you to try out the various options MVP style and see what works for you Bonus tip If you want to play around a bit more with Bicep I suggest having a look at the Bicep learning path at Microsoft Docs This will give you a deeper introduction to Bicep in an easy to digest format Important I regularly post useful content related to Azure DevOps and Engineering on Twitter You should consider following me on Twitter |
2022-03-10 14:21:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Best 3 Frontend Development Frameworks [+ Industry Experts' Weigh] |
Best Frontend Development Frameworks Industry Experts x Weigh When choosing your technology stack from the top UI frameworks keep specific requirements in mind This should include the perspectives of both the users and the development teams Those features cover the design development testing and maintenance phases The best front end frameworks simplify and advance the development process at the same time It should provide flexibility for further achievements while the customer receives excellent UX and UI As far as the development team is concerned look for a UI framework that is easy and fast to work with Top front end frameworks are always easy to use maintain and test Regular updates are necessary due to rapidly changing market demands new security threats and technology compatibility issues The most popular front end frameworks usually provide the necessary tools support unit testing and ensure backward compatibility Sustainability and community support are other factors to consider as the availability of experienced experts in the market should not turn into a problem To achieve the desired results the team needs to find the most suitable web front end framework that meets the general and project specific requirements To get into more details let s start with the current trends and overall JavaScript Framework market share Those trends are often dependent on the decisions of the developer communities and their frameworks It is worth noting that the more popular the technology is among developers the more often it is used in development What is the Most Popular Front end Framework in ReactJS Angular VueJSCheck out our latest post on Best Frontend Development Frameworks in Here we have covered the all benefits and features of the Top Frontend Frameworks Which Front end Framework should I Use as a Business Developer Industry Experts Weigh The front end framework is the major block of any software development process React is used to create user interfaces mainly when you need to build single page apps Whereas Angular enhances the performance of browser based apps by dynamically modernizing the content in a very short period of time as it implies two way data binding A little bit of research will tell you that React is most popular it is mostly used in startups Angular is second it is harder to learn and is mostly used in corporations for large applications Vue is the new guy that is very simple to grab shines in small portfolio projects or overall small applications said JB the czech guy According to waltsupo This varies a lot depending on the country city and a lot of other factors As with my experience React is the main one chosen by companies for new projects Works great has a good community behind so relatively safe choice Angular no matter the version is used mostly in legacy applications From what I have seen might be that I haven t been in those circles where it s actually used in newer projects This is supported by job listings a lot of legacy angular versions in there Legacy application as in quite an old project Newer versions might be fine but I really haven t heard Angular being mentioned in a long time Vue is something people hype a lot but I guess it s too much of a risk to actually use in a corporate environment According to Dragon yum I think React is better and a lot more flexible but I ll admit I enjoyed using angular much more The whole thing felt a lot less messy In addition For the developers StackWeaver adds that If you re looking for professional work then React is unmatched Should be said you can learn multiple libraries frameworks just as you can learn multiple languages Further Choose Vue if you want a pleasant organized way to construct the front end and choose React if you want to increase your chances of getting a job adds a ledatherockband |
2022-03-10 14:21:24 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
All Google Messages users will soon see reaction emoji sent from an iPhone |
All Google Messages users will soon see reaction emoji sent from an iPhoneAfter several months of testing Google Messages users on Android are now able to see emoji that iPhone users send In a blog post on Thursday morning Google revealed that the feature to translate iMessage emoji to Google Messages users was finally rolling out to all users The release caps off four months of testing and the updates will gradually arrive on Android devices in the coming days Google didn t let the release pass without further comment though The company wants Apple to jump in on the nascent RCS protocol for a more universal experience Read more |
2022-03-10 14:52:55 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Amazon announces 20 for 1 stock split, $10 billion buyback program |
Amazon announces for stock split billion buyback programAmazon s board has approved a for stock split with it happening to shareholders of record on June ーand it is the first such move by the company in years Following Google parent company Alphabet s recent announcement of its own for stock split Amazon is now to do the same According to Reuters Amazon s stock has almost doubled over the last two years and closed on March at Read more |
2022-03-10 14:39:19 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Is the Apple One subscription bundle worth it in 2022? |
Is the Apple One subscription bundle worth it in The cost of an Apple One collection of services hasn t changed since it launched but those services have grown Here s how to decide whether it s worth buying the bundle in It only takes a hit like Ted Lasso to make a service dramatically more appealing Credit AppleApple has muddied the waters over its services changing its free trials or giving extended ones when you re a student or you ve bought an Apple Watch and so on At some point though you re not going to be a student you ll have bought all the devices and then you re down to paying a regular full Apple One fee Read more |
2022-03-10 14:24:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Samsung adds performance throttling controls to the Galaxy S22 |
Samsung adds performance throttling controls to the Galaxy SSamsung doesn t seem to have wasted any time delivering its promised performance throttling update XDAreports users on Samsung s Korean community forums are receiving an update for the Galaxy S series that adds a quot Game Performance Management Mode quot to Game Booster The release should let users override throttling and wring more speed out of the flagship phones at least so long as they re willing to accept reduced battery life and more heat We ve asked Samsung for more details including timing for the update in the US and other countries It s also unclear if or when older Galaxy models will see updates Releases like this won t necessarily take long but they may be staggered by region and device Whether or not this fully addresses concerns is another matter Users have accused Samsung of throttling non game apps like Netflix and TikTok Samsung has denied slowing those titles and pins any limitations on its Game Optimizing Service but Galaxy phone owners might still be frustrated if they feel some of their apps are being held back As it stands the update might be necessary for Samsung to regain some trust Those same users criticized Samsung for throttling games while letting benchmarks run at full speed That led Geekbench to delist four years of high end Galaxy phones from its benchmark list over concerns the tests didn t represent real world capabilities The new software could help Samsung reclaim its place on that list and improve its standing among enthusiasts |
2022-03-10 14:35:39 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google's big Android update offers voice pay for parking and offline live transcriptions |
Google x s big Android update offers voice pay for parking and offline live transcriptionsGoogle has released a bunch of new features and updates for several of its products including the ability to pay for parking using your voice You can now simply say quot Hey Google pay for parking quot in ParkMobile street parking zones and then follow Assistant s prompts After you complete the transaction using Google Pay you can ask Assistant to check your parking status or to extend your time anytime you want nbsp The tech giant has also rolled out grammar check for Gboard on all Android devices It was originally a Pixel exclusive before making its way to other Pixel models earlier this year Now all Gboard users will be able to use it to detect errors and suggest corrections while typing Google says the feature works entirely on device to ensure your privacy nbsp The Android Live Transcribe app has been updated as well and now has an offline mode that you can use to generate real time speech to text captions without an internet connection It will give you a way to access its capabilities while on a plane in the subway or in other areas where you don t have access to mobile data or WiFi When you fire up Google TV you ll now see a Highlights tab containing a feed of entertainment news and reviews based on the movies and shows you watch The articles link to the shows or movies they re based on and you can simply tap them to start watching Meanwhile an update for Nearby Share makes it easier to share photos videos and other kinds of files to several people by letting you add multiple recipients during a transfer This particular feature is rolling out to all devices running Android or higher nbsp If you re trying to curb the time you spend on your phone you may find Android s new screen time widget useful The widget itself shows a glimpse of the three apps you use most each day You can also click through to set daily timers for you apps set a focus mode to pause distracting apps at certain times and set a bedtime mode that silences your device and changes its screen to black and white nbsp Finally you ll soon be able to use Portrait Blur on more subjects if you own a Pixel or have a Google One subscription The editing tool blurs the background on photos of people after you ve already taken them but when the update goes out it can also be used on photos of other subjects like pets food and plants You ll even be able to retroactively apply the effect on old photos taken without the feature enabled Unfortunately Google didn t say when the update will be available but here s a video showing how the feature works |
2022-03-10 14:00:45 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
What a Power Cutoff Could Mean for Chernobyl’s Nuclear Waste |
considerable |
2022-03-10 14:14:21 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株券等貸借取引状況(週間) |
貸借 |
2022-03-10 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
公社債発行額・償還額等 |
発行 |
2022-03-10 15:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
パブリックコメントの募集の結果について |
募集 |
2022-03-10 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
京都中央信用金庫の産業競争力強化法に基づく事業適応計画の認定について公表しました。 |
京都中央信用金庫 |
2022-03-10 16:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
2022年のグローバルマネーウィーク(Global Money Week)について公表しました。 |
globalmoneyweek |
2022-03-10 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: Roman Abramovich sanctioned by UK |
abramovich |
2022-03-10 14:24:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukrainians with passports can apply for UK visas online |
boris |
2022-03-10 14:52:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Heartless or doing best to help refugees? UK in crisis mode |
nation |
2022-03-10 14:22:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
England's Simmonds to start at number eight against Ireland |
twickenham |
2022-03-10 14:43:37 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ECB、9月までに債券購入終了目指す 利上げ視野に政策転換へ - WSJ発 |
転換 |
2022-03-10 23:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NY円、115円後半 |
外国為替市場 |
2022-03-10 23:06:00 |