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IT 気になる、記になる… M2チップは台湾TSMCが4nmプロセスで製造 − M2チップ搭載モデルは今年後半に発売との情報 https://taisy0.com/2022/03/11/154482.html apple 2022-03-10 16:19:13
AWS AWS Media Blog Democratize documentation summarization with Hugging Face on Amazon SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/democratize-documentation-summarization-with-hugging-face-on-amazon-sagemaker/ Democratize documentation summarization with Hugging Face on Amazon SageMakerIntroduction As the media and entertainment M amp E industry evolves companies within the space are finding more opportunities to use artificial intelligence AI and machine learning ML to deliver a better customer experience Customer acquisition retention and engagement are key areas where AI ML technologies are poised to deliver significant value With increasingly complex content consumption patterns … 2022-03-10 16:44:08
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 句読点の無い文章に句読点を挿入する(BERTによる予測) https://qiita.com/sentencebird/items/a916cc8d874470c3b2fc 句読点ありバージョンを書きました句読点があることで僕は逆に読みづらく感じるので句読点無しで書きたいと思います句読点が無いことをすごくせめてくる人がいるのですがどうしてそんなに攻めるのですかなにか悪いことをしましたか犯罪でもしたのでしょうかおかしいのはあなたですよ句読点があるないは関係ありません句読点ありバージョンを書いたので是非それを読んでください句読点がある場合は今度はなにをネタに僕をせめてくるのでしょうかいくらでも他人のあらをみつけることは簡単です他人のあらをみつけるのは楽しいですか他人のあらをみつけるのはそんなに楽しいですか他にも楽しいことをみつけてくださいあなたにもきっと素晴らしいところがあるはずです他人のあらをみつけるよりも自分の素晴らしいところをみつけてくださいもっと自分に興味を持ってください自分に集中してると他人のあらはどうでもよくなりますよそしてもっと楽しい時間を過ごすことが出来ますよ志らくさんのあらはみつけましたが本来はどうでも良いことですしかし大事な妻を傷つけられると話は変わってきますしかし僕はあなた方をなにか傷つけることをしましたでしょうかなにもやっていません勝手に報道を信じ勝手に日本のテレビを信じ自分のストレス発散に誹謗中傷を僕にしてるのです自分のストレス発散の為に麻耶ちゃんに誹謗中傷をしてるのです他の人にも誹謗中傷をしてるのかもしれませんたまにYouTubeをみてると同じアカウントの人であろう人がいろんなところでいろんな人を誹謗中傷してるのをみかけることがありますそれで楽しいですかストレス逆にたまりませんか今もこの文章を読み誹謗中傷をしてる人はまたストレスがたまると思いますできればそんなことはしてくありませんできれば楽しく皆さんと交流をしたいですできれば皆さんに僕を信じて貰い幸せになってほしいですでも攻撃をされればそうはいかなくなります戦争もそうですしなければ楽しく生きていけるのです攻撃をされたら守らなくてはなりません最初は防御をしておさまってくれたら攻撃をしなくてすみますしかし攻撃がやまなければ殺されるわけにはいかないので自分も攻撃をして自分を守らなくてはいけなくなります僕も最初はそうでした洗脳してると書かれ詐欺師だと言われ宇宙ヨガだの怪しいから近づかない方が良いと言われいじめはダメですと学校で習いませんでしたかこれは学校規模よりも大きい社会全体のいじめですよそれでも僕はおさまるのを待っていました攻撃はなるべくしたくないので楽しく生きていたいので他人を幸せにするのが好きなので僕の能力を使って人を幸せにするのが好きなのででもそうは言ってられなくなりましたグッとラックの件でさらにひどくなり年を過ぎた今でも誹謗中傷は止まることはないし麻耶ちゃんの仕事にも影響をおよぼしていますある服の新しく発表されるブランドから旦那さんと一緒に麻耶ちゃんがいるからテレビでは発表出来なくなるからと遠回しに断られることがありました麻耶ちゃんはとても楽しみにしていましたそれを誰かが僕のことを悪く言いふらし麻耶ちゃんと一緒に仕事をすると危険だと印象操作をしてるとその方から聞きましただから一緒にいるうちはテレビでは使えないと言われたとのことでした麻耶ちゃんは僕を選び仕事を断りましたその方は麻耶ちゃんと僕に別れて欲しかったのでしょう別れてくれるなら使うとも言われました何故そんなことまでしなくてはならないのでしょうか服のブランドをテレビで発表するためになんで麻耶ちゃんと僕が別れなくてはならないのでしょうか教えて欲しいです悪いこともしていないのに犯罪を犯したわけでもないのになぜこんな目に合わなくてはならないのでしょうかその方は嫌がらせになのか麻耶さんの代わりに河北麻友子さんと億円で契約をしたと連絡をしてきました僕よりもお金があると言わんばかりにそして麻耶ちゃんとの契約料は万円でした麻耶ちゃんを傷つけるようなことをして僕はこの男を許しませんお金が全てではありませんたしかにお金は大事ですでも自分が幸せになるために大事なのであって人を傷つける道具ではありません人にマウントを取るための道具でもありませんこの方にはお金がそのような道具なのでしょう愛があるならそんなことは出来ませんこの方は最初に麻耶ちゃんにこう言ったそうです麻耶ちゃんは僕が守るからと一生お金に困らないようにサポートしたいと麻耶ちゃんを復活させたいとそれがどうでしょうかやてることが全然違いますこうも言っていました一度口にしたら必ずやるとそれがどうでしょうかやってることが全然違います僕ならそのようなことを言ったのであればテレビでの服のブランドの発表は諦めて違う方法を模索しますYouTubeとかいろんな方法を模索しますそれに例え服のブランドの発表が出来なくてもオファーをしますそこまで言ったのであれば服のブランドの発表関係なしにお金をプレゼントします復活出来るようそんなにお金があるんだったら番組のスポンサーになって麻耶ちゃんを復活させますそれなのに麻耶ちゃんを傷つけるなんてどうかしていますそんな方の服のブランドは良いものなのでしょうか考えてしまいますこれもどうかネットニュースに取り上げてください麻耶ちゃんを傷つけた人間を僕は許しませんどうかどうか麻耶ちゃんの誤解を解くようネットニュースで取り上げてくださいこんなにも素敵な人がこんなにも酷い目に合ってる姿をみるのは耐え難いです今までさんざん麻耶ちゃんのことを取り上げておいてこの記事を取り上げないのはズルくないですかこの記事だけでなくもう一つの記事を取り上げてくださいさんざん社会的いじめをしてきたのですからこのくらいはしてくださいよネットニュースさんいじめのことはとりあげるのにいじめをするのは良いんですかしかも規模の大きい社会的いじめですよ学校内だけでも自殺する子がいるんですよ会社内だけでも自殺することがいるんですよどんな思いで麻耶ちゃんが生きていたと思いますかそれでも人の幸せを願い一生懸命人の相談に乗り僕と一緒にいると誹謗中傷がさらにひどくなるにも関わらず一緒に居続けてくれ離婚しようと言ってもしないといわれそれでも押し切って離婚をしました離婚発表はしなくていいよと海老蔵さんにアドバイスをされたのに勝手におかえりとブログにかかれてしまいまた週刊誌の記者に追われる日々が続きましたその時の記事が皆さんの読んだであろう記事です確かに別居もしました確かに離婚もしましたでも弁護士を使い争うようなことはしていません離婚協議もしていませんですからまた週刊誌は嘘を書いていました僕は笑顔で写真を週刊誌の方に撮ってもらいましたそれなのにたまたまさみしそうにみえる角度の写真を使いさみしそうに歩く國光氏などと書いていましたあの時も麻耶ちゃんと会っています楽しく麻耶ちゃんと過ごしています離婚はしましたが紙切れ上の話ですご存じのように僕と麻耶ちゃんは今でも仲良しです戸籍上は夫婦ではないかもしれませんですが魂では夫婦ですそれはお互いに共通の認識です洗脳されてるとこれでも言いますか離婚までしてるんですよ離婚したほうがいいですよ離婚したほうがいいですよと騒いでいた方々離婚しましたよそれでも夫婦です戸籍上夫婦をしてる方よりも夫婦だと思っています宇宙で一番妻を愛してる夫だと思っていますラブラブをみせつけるのはどうかと思いますというコメントをいただいたこともありますがなにがいけないんですかSEXをみせびらかしてるわけじゃないんですよただの嫉妬ですよね嫉妬してる暇があったら自分磨きをしなさいよ魅力がないから恋人がいないだけだろうがよこんな書き方をするとそんな言葉づかいをするなんてとコメントを書いてくる人がいると思いますが百も承知ですあなた方が送ってくるコメントもこんな感じなんですよそれを棚に上げて偉そうにものを言ってこないで下さいこれからは攻撃もすることに決めましたここはやさしい場でいてくださいとコメントを送ってくる人もいると思いますがちゃんと考えてから送ってくださいねそんな場合じゃなくなってるか嫌だけど書いてるんです思いやりがあればわかるはずです普段はこんなこと書かないあきらさんになにかあったのかしらと決して頭がおかしくなったとは思いません思いやりをもってコミュニケーションをしてくださいコロナもそうです飲食店の方がマスクをつけてくださいとお願いしてもマスクを着けずにべらべらと大声で話してる人が多くいます今飲食店の方がどんな思いで経営してるかを考えてください感染者が出ないように必死で警戒しながら経営してるんですよ経営者の努力を無駄にしないで下さいマスクが病気でつけられない方もいますですからマスクを着けていない人をみてなんでマスクをつけないんだよと思うのも違うと思いますけれどもマスクなしでべらべらと大声で飲食店の中で話すのは違うと思います飲食店の存亡がかかっています命がかかっていますもう少し思いやりを持ちませんか愛を持った行動をしませんかみんなで幸せにくらしませんかせっかく生まれてきたんだから幸せになりませんか楽しくくらしませんかやさしい気持ちになりませんかいらいらしてて楽しいですかいらいらしてて気分は良いですか良くないと思いますいらいらいつもする方はなにか人生が狂ってるか人の影響を受けていらいらしていますだからせめて人からの影響でのいらいらをなくして少しでも幸せな時間が増えたらいいなと僕の願いが込められています瞑想もそうです一日の終わりにリラックスして幸せな気持ちで明日を少しでも迎えられたらという僕の願いが込められていますただやみくもに頭がおかしくなって始めてるのではないのです能力をせっかくだから人を幸せにするサポートに使いたいと思ったからやっているのですたまには急用でできないこともありますができないことをお知らせできないこともありますがそれはおおめにみて欲しいのですしっかりブログに書いてくださいよと言われる覚えもないのですですからやりたい人はやりやりたくない人はやらなくていいのですただやることをおすすめはしますけどもその方が人生にとって良いと知ってるからおすすめするのです根拠はありませんあなた方は常に根拠のことを考えて行動をしますか根拠ではなく感じてくださいまたスピリチュアルかと否定せずに一度でもいいから真剣に冷やかしではなく感じてみてくださいきっとあなた方の役に立つはずです感じることにお金はかかりませんせっかくだから感じてみてくださいなにもお金を要求してるのではないのですからつもる話もありますがそろそろ終わりたいと思います応援してくださってる方々には本当に感謝をしています方法モデル文字ベースの日本語のBERTのモデルを使わせていただきます。 2022-03-11 01:05:07
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Golang-文字数を数える方法,4バイト以上の絵文字もある https://qiita.com/wifecooky/items/c1a06e8639a0a6c6f11f あと、とかの絵文字もbyteのものが多いのですが、‍‍や‍‍‍といった絵文字は複数の絵文字を組み合わせた絵文字で、byte以上になったりします。 2022-03-11 01:14:57
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure Function App に環境変数を設定する方法 https://qiita.com/Futo_Horio/items/05c25063f7eabc859faa 新しい環境変数をセットすることができました。 2022-03-11 01:10:53
海外TECH Ars Technica 2002 iMac resurrected with Apple’s M1 chip https://arstechnica.com/?p=1840073 chipa 2022-03-10 16:42:56
海外TECH MakeUseOf Cracked Your Screen? 7 Things to Do About a Broken Phone Screen https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/7-practical-things-you-should-do-after-cracking-your-smartphones-screen7-practical-things-you-should-do-after-you-crack-your-smartphones-screen/ phone 2022-03-10 16:45:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Convert and Add a Cheap IR Blaster to Home Assistant for Automations https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-convert-cheap-ir-blaster-and-add-to-home-assistant/ How to Convert and Add a Cheap IR Blaster to Home Assistant for AutomationsGot a WiFi based universal IR blaster Find out how to convert it to YTF IR Bridge so you can use it as a custom remote for Home Assistant 2022-03-10 16:30:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf 4 Innovative Apps for a Smarter Windows Experience https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-innovative-apps/ windows 2022-03-10 16:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community Draw FusionCharts with Python https://dev.to/bcm628/draw-fusioncharts-with-python-kc1 Draw FusionCharts with Python Draw beautiful charts with FusionCharts and AnvilFusionCharts is a library for building beautiful dashboards in the browser and with Anvil you can build your FusionCharts dashboard entirely in Python no HTML or JS required Let s jump in and build the standard FusionCharts demo plot in Anvil Here s the plan Create an Anvil appAdd the FusionCharts libraryCreate a FusionChart plot in PythonBonus Add an event handler to the plotDeploy your app to the web Create an Anvil appWe re going to start with a blank app built from Anvil s Material Design theme Add the FusionCharts libraryFusionCharts is distributed as a Javascript library so we ll add that to our app in the Native Libraries section lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt That s all the HTML we have to write the rest of our app will be written entirely from Python Create a FusionCharts plot in PythonThe blank app we created already has a form Form that will load when someone visits our app so let s add a placeholder component to hold the plot A Spacer works nicely Drag and drop one from the Toolbox onto the form set the height to something suitable and rename it to chart placeholder We want to display the chart when the form is opened so select the form and then scroll down to the bottom of the Properties panel to create an event handler for the show event Anvil has created the form show event handler for you and this is where we want to write code to display our chart Before we get to that let s import the things we need We ll be using the anvil js module to interact with the FusionCharts Javascript so start by importing that at the top of the file At the same time let s add the data we want to plot from anvil import import anvil js Add this importchart data label Venezuela value label Saudi value label Canada value label Iran value label Russia value label UAE value label US value label China value class Form FormTemplate Now update your new form show event handler to create the chart def form show self event args This method is called when the form is shown on the screen chart anvil js window FusionCharts renderAt anvil js get dom node self chart placeholder type columnd width height dataSource chart caption Countries With Most Oil Reserves subCaption In MMbbl One Million barrels xAxisName Country yAxisName Reserves MMbbl numberSuffix K theme fusion data chart data chart render And that s it Hit Run to see your chart It should look something like this Bonus step Add an event handler to your plotFusionCharts are fully interactive and we can easily wire up their events to Python methods in our app Let s pop up an alert when the user clicks one of the bars on the plot First we ll add a method to our form to handle the event def data plot click self event data alert f You clicked on data categoryLabel which has a value of data displayValue Then we need to modify our chart generation code to pass the method to FusionCharts def form show self event args This method is called when the form is shown on the screen chart anvil js window FusionCharts renderAt anvil js get dom node self spacer type columnd Add this section to register our new event handler events dataplotclick self data plot click width height That s all we need Run your app again and try clicking on one of the bars to see the popup Deploy your app to the webAnvil makes it really easy to publish your new FusionCharts dashboard to the web Deploying the app is as simple as clicking Publish App in the app s settings and choosing a URL Now our app is available to anyone on the web That s it We ve just created a web app with nothing but Python even though the FusionCharts library usually requires Javascript Check out the full source code of the app here More about AnvilIf you re new here welcome Anvil is a platform for building full stack web apps with nothing but Python No need to wrestle with JS HTML CSS Python SQL and all their frameworks just build it all in Python 2022-03-10 16:39:35
海外TECH DEV Community Purple is (now) my favorite color https://dev.to/marilia/purple-is-now-my-favorite-color-26jo Purple is now my favorite colorAh the sweet sight of all my past due modules This is what is greeting me anytime I log in to my bootcamp s website to work through the courses When I started the bootcamp I started falling behind very quickly I caught up then I got sick with what I believe was COVID then I caught up then I fell behind again you catch my drift haha Although my real graduation deadline is set for June th I can ask for a month extension after which if I don t graduate I ll be permanently kicked out from the program In the beginning I was under a lot of stress I had a lot of things going on in my personal life I was working doing this bootcamp taking care of my son then I got sick and then the hives started showing up in my body No lie I developed this stress allergy when I was pregnant with my son and this is just one of the wonderful souvenirs I ve been left with postpartum my son being the very best out of all of them haha The sight of the words Past due in purple was really getting to me Any time I used a purple pen to write anything all that would flash in my brain was PAST DUE I d try to go to sleep and the last thing I d remember before falling asleep was past due all in purple It was something like out of a cartoon or something now that I think about it Since this program is remote and self paced at the time I wasn t really speaking much with my cohort Then I got sick with COVID and I was very open about how I m stressed about how behind and I asked if anybody else is struggling and lo and behold Everybody started sharing how they are also behind or have been struggling understanding the material Some of my classmates are modules behind others are closer to modules behind Although this bootcamp is self paced they still expect you to put in a minimum of hours of work as well as have minute sessions with your mentor twice a week One of my classmates shared a screenshot of the contract we signed in the beginning and there I saw about the month extension for our graduation date Immediately I felt my body relax I felt like I could finally breathe a sigh of relief Although that extension does come with strings attached of course We lose our money back loan forgiveness guarantee if we don t graduate by our actual deadline but that is future Marilia s problem Since the day I read those words purple is now one of my favorite colors 2022-03-10 16:17:17
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to APIs with repositories to get you started https://dev.to/surajondev/introduction-to-apis-with-repositories-to-get-you-started-2f9c Introduction to APIs with repositories to get you startedThis article is a collaboration with UPDIVISION an outsourcing company building complex software for companies all over the world Picture this you re going to the post office to send a package to a friend The employees will fill all the necessary forms register the package generate a tracking code and get the ball rolling in the delivery process You the sender will only provide the package itself with a shipping label on top While your friend through the work of the postal service employees will receive their package In software development processes like these happen through APIs So today we are going to look into APIs their usage and examples Along with it I will list down Github repositories for APIs So what is an API An API is a set of programming codes that enables data transmission between one software product and another This is the basic definition of APIs Let s do a deep dive to truly understand it API stands for Application Programming Interface It can act as a bridge between two applications products to share the data Suppose we are going on a weather application It will display weather information according to the location provided by the user Let s divide our application into parts frontend application database and the API Frontend This is the frontend part of our application containing all the UI design Javascript and containers Database It contains all the data regarding the weather The data in the database is stored and managed by a different organization This is data that keeps on updating at a regular time interval API Our frontend needs data from the database to be able to perform its task So here the API provides a bridge between the frontend and the database This API will help in exchanging the data between the two API Endpoints It is the point at which the two elements here database and frontend communicate with each other Web based API has URLs as endpoints For example Examples of APIsOpenWeatherMapAs the name suggests it s a weather API It provides data related to a weather app It s free and refreshes every minutes It supports most of the major locations around the world Its free trial is best for developing a weather website TheMovieDBIn my opinion it is the best free movie based API available on the internet It has many endpoints for different queries such as popularity year movies series etc You can develop a movie and series tracker with this API or anything else your imagination comes up with Frankfurter It is a currency exchange rate monitor API It has the latest as well as the historical data for the exchange rate The birth and growth of APIsThe term API traces all the way back to the s However its definition today is vast and different compared to the original one The first modern uses of API started in the early s During this period the eCommerce business was booming Amazon eBay and Salesforce were leading the industry These companies wanted to reach more people They decided to put their data in the public domain so that developers could use them and get creative Salesforce was first they launched their API on February th It was an XML based API After this in November eBay also launched its API Followed by Amazon who released it in The latter allowed other developers to feature Amazon products in their searches which was the very first use case of modern APIs Reaching technical stardomDue to the success of eCommerce based APIs more companies started to provide theirs The use cases of APIs also went beyond data sharing In photo sharing platform Flickr launched its own API It allowed the user to embed images from Flickr into their website In Facebook and Twitter also launched their APIs Users were able to view profiles images events and information via the Facebook API while not being on Facebook itself As time went by APIs grew and companies found more uses for them For instance Twilio is one of the first applications that used APIs as a full system Earlier it was one part of a bigger structure Twilio uses an API to make calls and send messages and it was launched in Powering IoT based devicesToday IoT based devices are running on the API interface Alexa FitBit Google Homes are based on APIs for all their features Companies like Tuya Global are providing APIs to control IoT based devices Today APIs are being used to share data communicate run applications and many more So they ve evolved a lot from their early days Security of APIsMost APIs are free to access without any limitations and they re able to bear the huge traffic On the other hand some APIs that need to be updated after a certain interval of time like weather APIs put restrictions on their usage These APIs provide a secret key to the user so that they can verify every call A security key is mentioned in the URL or as an authentication A security key is a combination of alphanumeric characters kind of like these abcdef jjfdsafasdff An API endpoint with a security key can look like this appid security key Another more secure way to authorize a user is using OAuth protocol Instead of using a permanent token as in the above example this protocol allows users to generate new tokens which are valid just for a limited time The frontend service will receive the generated token and the refresh token It can use the token to call the API s endpoints If the token expires in the middle of the session the frontend service can get a new valid one using the refresh token without asking the user his credentials It also provides a way to restrict access using scopes Types of APIsThere are major API types based on their architecture REST APIsREST stands for representational state transfer It is also known as RESTful API It is the most common way of developing a web based API It uses a server client approach to transfer data When a client calls the API the server responds by providing the data Data Received from a REST API SOAP APIsSOAP is a Simple Object Access Protocol It is being used to create web APIs using XML Its call and response consist of major elements i e Envelope Header and Body Envelope The essential part of every SOAP call and request It contains the header Header Optional element It can be used to pass authorization Body It consists of the data used to call or receive from the response Data Received from a SOAP API RPC APIsRemote Procedural Protocol RPC is used to send multiple parameters to the user RPC can be implemented with two languages JSON and XML It is then called JSON RPC API and XML RPC API accordingly Data Received from an RPC API Fetching API data in JavaScriptTo use the API data in our application we need to fetch it There are various methods to fetch it using libraries or with a simple fetch function We are going to use the basic fetch function to fetch the data in our application fetch We need to provide the endpoint URL of the API inside quotes in the fetch The response contains all the information about the call to the API It contains data such as response type body header used status and many more We use the JSON method on the response to convert the body into the JSON format After this you have the data which you can store or log into the console as required SWAPI is a fun Star Wars API It contains a lot of data related to Star Wars such as people films planets spaceships etc You can visit their website here fetch then response gt response json then data gt console log data Output name Luke Skywalker height mass hair color blond skin color fair eye color blue birth year BBY gender male homeworld films species vehicles starships created T Z edited T Z url Use cases of APIsAPIs provide data useful in building an application And so public APIs can help individual developers with data This method is also used to exchange data between the frontend and backend API RepositoriesHere is a list of GitHub Repositories that contain APIs you can use in your apps public apisThis is a collective list of APIs that are available to the public It has around K stars on GitHub You can develop various kinds of applications using these APIs The list is categorized into Anime CryptoCurrency Entertainment Weather and others public api lists Another great repository to find good APIs for development It has more than K stars on GitHub These APIs are more inclined towards the development side It is also organized into suitable categories Public APIs More public APIs list to find the best for your project Public APIs will help you in finding the best API for your project It has more than K stars on GitHub ConclusionWe have seen the definition explanation examples history fetching data into the application uses and repositories to find APIs for web development projects The power of APIs is turning a simple website into a web application with data from the API Learning APIs and developing a project with them is crucial in web development I hope this article has helped you in understanding APIs Thank you for reading this blog post To find out more about code the software development process or to have awesome apps built for your business needs contact UPDIVISION 2022-03-10 16:10:10
海外TECH DEV Community Tailwind CSS over Plain CSS https://dev.to/pythonbutsnake/tailwind-css-over-plain-css-1h31 Tailwind CSS over Plain CSSI ve been using Tailwind CSS for the last months now and it is far better than plain CSS Though some devs complain that it makes the code dirty but there are countless reasons to overlook that Tailwind CSS basically makes you free of the design systems and create something of your own Tailwind does have a design system but it is nothing as compared to let s say Bootstrap I have listed down some points that in my opinion make Tailwind CSS better than plain CSS Inline StylingTailwind CSS allows you to define all the styling on the element This means that if you want to change the styling of a particular element you won t have to open a separate file to make changes That way you will avoid unnecessary lookups and save time as well Doing this will make your code messy and unpleasing but it saves a lot of time and makes the development experience better lt div role listitem class flex justify center w full lg border r border gray py gt As you can see the styling of the element is incorporated within that element Doing that saves unnecessary searching and also you will avoid making a new styling file Purging Unnecessary StylesTailwind generates a lot of classes and you will certainly not use all of them The problem with it is that all the classes remain in your app unattended and increase the size of your app To cope with this problem Tailwind allows you to purge all the styles that your app doesn t use To purge we need to add a purge property in the Tailwind config and provide the files it needs to look into For example the config below will look into all the HTML and JSX to search for used classes purge src html src jsx Highly CustomizableOne of the greatest luxuries of Tailwind CSS is all the customization it allows you to do Although it comes with a default configuration it is simple to override it with a tailwind config js file It allows you to customize colors spacing size units themes etc…The fact that it is highly customizable makes Tailwind better than plain CSS and easy to use It is extremely efficient for teams No Media queriesTailwind CSS allows you to make the UI responsive without using media queries You can make the UI responsive in the class attribute itself Utility classes can be used across a variety of breakpoints conditionally which helps in building complex responsive layouts hassle free Tailwind by default provides different breakpoints sm pxmd pxlg pxXl pxxl px Get rid of naming thingsThe headache with using CSS is naming the classes Which classes should be specific Which classes should be more generic How do you organize them all and make sure they cascade in the correct order Tailwind CSS on the other hand provides utility classes and these utility classes are enough to build your design Naming things only comes into play when you extract a component Cache benefitsUsing a conventional CSS framework or custom CSS if you want to make changes to your design you ll most probably have to make changes to your CSS file However when using Tailwind because you are using exactly the same classes over and over in your markup instead of changing your CSS file you may not even have to bust your CSS cache to make small changes to your design This means your users won t have to redownload your CSS file too often Easy to make ComponentsDespite the fact that Tailwind is a utility CSS framework making custom components from the combination of those utilities is very simple The bigger benefit is that there are many UI kits for Tailwind CSS like Tail Kit Mamba UI TUK Tailblocks etc…taking away all the pain of building a component from scratch Recently I stumbled upon something better a VS Code extension called blox with premade components in it These kinds of tools are at our disposal courtesy of Tailwind s ease for developers ConclusionIf you are not using Tailwind then surely you are missing out on a lot of good stuff Tailwind is best for business in my opinion because it s all about ease and saving time providing extra efficiency 2022-03-10 16:04:44
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Studio Display only starts at $1599, and can easily climb to $2458 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/03/08/apple-studio-display-only-starts-at-1599-and-can-easily-climb-to-2458?utm_medium=rss Apple Studio Display only starts at and can easily climb to Apple launched the new Studio Display at but some options can take that higher ーand depending on your use case they may be options you want Apple unveiled its new inch K Apple Studio Display at its March event and it s a lower resolution lower cost alternative to the Pro Display XDR Plus the new monitor does come with a stand meaning Apple perhaps listened to the criticism it got over the Pro Display XDR s costly stand options However for the Apple Studio Display comes with either a VESA mount adapter or what Apple calls a tilt adjustable stand Buyers have to make a choice at the time of purchase too Read more 2022-03-10 16:41:56
海外TECH Engadget March Madness Live app will let you watch two NCAA games at once on more devices https://www.engadget.com/ncaa-march-madness-live-app-two-games-164641910.html?src=rss March Madness Live app will let you watch two NCAA games at once on more devicesAs the name implies the NCAA s March Madness aka the Division I men s basketball tournament is chock full of games that may be difficult to follow ーthankfully that might not be an issue if you have the right device The sports association Turner and CBS Sports are expanding a feature in the NCAA March Madness Live app that lets you watch two games at once one without audio on more platforms It was already available on Android TV Apple TV and Fire TV but should now be an option on Google TV and Xbox One This isn t completely novel and will only help so much on the busiest match days but you should have percent lower latency and channel surround sound The desktop mobile and tablet versions of March Madness Live are limited to picture in picture viewing while you browse the app The software is also available without these viewing perks on Roku players and some LG TVs Everyone has access to an upgraded quot Fast Break quot feature that overlays and breaks down vital stats during games The new March Madness Live experience should be available on March th right after the quot first four quot games on the th and th You can also watch the tournament through CBS TBS TNT and truTV platforms including Paramount if you re a subscriber While you d ideally have more than two streams this is likely to be the best viewing option you ll get on a big screen during the college competition 2022-03-10 16:46:41
海外TECH Engadget Razer made a Bluetooth lapel mic for mobile streamers https://www.engadget.com/razer-seiren-bluetooth-lapel-microphone-160038934.html?src=rss Razer made a Bluetooth lapel mic for mobile streamersRazer s latest livestreaming gear is built for broadcasts far away from your desk The company has unveiled the Seiren Bluetooth its first Bluetooth lapel microphone The clip on design s omnidirectional mic and AI based noise suppression are built to help mobile streamers and vloggers who want better voice quality than their phone can offer particularly in noisy situations The lapel mic includes a mm jack for monitoring through headphones and you can customize it through the Razer Streaming App to tweak the noise suppression levels reduce latency for game streams and adjust sidetone for monitoring The battery lasts for up to four hours with AI enabled and six hours with AI disabled or enough for a lengthy IRL stream Included socks help reduce popping and wind noise both indoors and outside The Seiren Bluetooth is available for and should work with quot all quot phones as well as common streaming apps like Streamlabs Twitch and YouTube Whether or not that s a good value may depend on your needs Razer is most eager to compare the Seiren to Sabinetek s similarly equipped SmartMike but this also assumes you insist on a wireless option You can spend considerably less if you re happy with a USB or Lightning based wired lapel mic 2022-03-10 16:00:38
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Debugging Live Systems https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5255828/Debugging-Live-Systems debugging 2022-03-10 16:51:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木大臣、黄川田副大臣、宗清大臣政務官が中小企業等の金融の円滑化に関する各金融関係団体等の代表との意見交換会に出席しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/kouhou/photogallery.html 中小企業 2022-03-10 16:30:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 「核共有」議論、自民で浮上 米の使用判断に関与  https://t.co/G7KPN3h93l https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1501962509875499021 議論 2022-03-10 16:45:42
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 東証、指数の将来「25年以降白紙」 TOPIX魅力向上課題 https://t.co/REIRSmyI5n https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1501962508818477056 topix 2022-03-10 16:45:41
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 抑止力でロシアと対峙を ドイツ前国防政務次官 https://t.co/w1a5YGpCdP https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1501962506373193729 政務次官 2022-03-10 16:45:41
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 ゴールドマン・サックス、ロシア事業撤退 米大手銀で初 https://t.co/oP6RwnrQzD https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1501960982410629122 事業撤退 2022-03-10 16:39:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukrainians with passports can apply for UK visas online https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60686254?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA boris 2022-03-10 16:53:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Russia hits back at Western sanctions with export bans https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60689279?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA sanctions 2022-03-10 16:05:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Goldman Sachs and Western Union pull out of Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60691688?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ukraine 2022-03-10 16:40:22
ニュース BBC News - Home Roman Abramovich: Chelsea sale halted by UK government sanctioning club owner https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60689645?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Roman Abramovich Chelsea sale halted by UK government sanctioning club ownerRoman Abramovich s attempt to sell Chelsea is halted as the oligarch is sanctioned by the UK government as part of its response to Russia s invasion of Ukraine 2022-03-10 16:27:29
ニュース BBC News - Home UK Covid inquiry draft terms of reference set out https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60697093?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA health 2022-03-10 16:47:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Anthony Russell: Triple killer convicted of rape https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-60698085?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA final 2022-03-10 16:49:58
ニュース BBC News - Home UK boy donates teddy bear to Ukrainian child https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-60697946?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ukrainian 2022-03-10 16:50:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Formula 1 testing: Red Bull unhappy with Mercedes upgrade in Bahrain https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/60697803?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Formula testing Red Bull unhappy with Mercedes upgrade in BahrainMercedes are at the centre of a row over the legality of their car after introducing a radical new design at the second pre season test 2022-03-10 16:18:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Ireland haven't played a game this physical for a long time - Jones https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/60697345?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Ireland haven x t played a game this physical for a long time JonesIreland have not played a game as physical as Saturday s crucial Six Nations encounter at Twickenham for a long time says England s Eddie Jones 2022-03-10 16:08:52



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