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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… PayPay銀行、3月25日をもって「Firefox」のサポートを終了へ − 「IE11」も近日中にサポート終了予定 https://taisy0.com/2022/03/18/154844.html firefox 2022-03-17 22:59:37
IT 気になる、記になる… DJI、3月21日に新製品発表を行うことを予告 − 「Mavic 3 Enterprise」を発表との噂 https://taisy0.com/2022/03/18/154841.html enterprise 2022-03-17 22:35:19
IT 気になる、記になる… Microsoft、「Surface Duo 2」向けに2022年3月のアップデートを配信開始 − パフォーマンスや安定性が向上 https://taisy0.com/2022/03/18/154839.html microsoft 2022-03-17 22:14:16
TECH Engadget Japanese Netflix実写ドラマ『バイオハザード』7月14日配信開始。物語は2つの時間軸で展開 https://japanese.engadget.com/netflix-live-action-resident-evil-july-14-225051226.html netflix 2022-03-17 22:50:51
TECH Engadget Japanese 学生にはiPad AirよりiPad Proのほうがおすすめできる理由 https://japanese.engadget.com/ipad-air-5th-ipad-pro-compare-224547821.html apple 2022-03-17 22:45:47
TECH Engadget Japanese 「極上の使い心地」と「大人の持ち物」としての品格を追求した「SONY WF-1000XM4対応レザーケース」 https://japanese.engadget.com/sony-wf-1000xm4-case-224503149.html レザーケースならではのquotもっちりquotとしたグリップ感。 2022-03-17 22:45:03
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Amazon、MGMの買収を完了 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2203/18/news076.html amazon 2022-03-18 07:46:00
AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Using VMware VCDR and NetApp CVO to Meet Your Disaster Recovery Needs https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/using-vmware-vcdr-and-netapp-cvo-to-meet-your-disaster-recovery-needs/ Using VMware VCDR and NetApp CVO to Meet Your Disaster Recovery NeedsWhile organizations are evaluating the benefits of moving to the cloud for their primary needs a sudden need for additional investments into the disaster recovery DR site upgrade can add an additional burden on the IT budget and slow down working on new business opportunities This post provides a solution that can help organizations migrate their DR site to AWS with minimal changes to their applications leveraging VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery VCDR and a variety of AWS services 2022-03-17 22:35:33
海外TECH DEV Community Express - Middlewares https://dev.to/gabrielhsilvestre/express-middlewares-2oha Express Middlewares Middlewares O que são São quaisquer funções passadas de forma direta ou indireta para uma rota recebendo atétrês parâmetros sendo os dois primeiros o objeto de requisição e de resposta respectivamente e o terceiro éuma callback que aciona o próximo Middleware Middlewares que recebem quatro parâmetros são Middlewares de Erro e iremos aborda los mais a frente O que faz Por serem funções os Middlewares podem realizar diversas ações diferentes tudo depende daquilo que queremos precisamos fazer Porém todo o Middleware sempre pode realizar essas três ações manipular a requisição enviar uma resposta e ou chamar o próximo middleware SintaxeComo vimos em sua definição Middlewares são funções que podem ser passadas direta ou indiretamente para a rota a única diferença dos Middlewares para funções puras são os parâmetros recebidos Middlewares recebem por padrão três parâmetros a requisição req a resposta res e a referência ao próximo Middleware next function myMiddleware req res next api get rota myMiddleware const myMiddleware req res next gt api get rota myMiddleware app get rota req res next gt Lembrando que não precisamos passar sempre uma arrow function como Middleware podemos definir uma função previamente e passá la como callback sempre respeitando os parâmetros de um Middleware Middlewares Globais O que são São funções que serão executadas antes ou depois de qualquer outro Middleware sua ordem de execução depende diretamente do seu posicionamento no código O que fazem Middlewares globais normalmente são usados para autenticação tratamento prévio dos dados e ou tratamento de erros SintaxeAssim como qualquer Middleware um global também éconstituído de uma função de atétrês parâmetros porém a diferença éque iremos chamar ele no app use assim toda e qualquer rota definida abaixo do método use seráexecutada somente após o Middleware global app use req res next gt Valores entre Middlewares Como fazer Para conseguirmos passar valores entre Middlewares utilizamos o objeto de requisição req como um intermediário dessa forma a chave que alterarmos adicionarmos nesse objeto serárefletida no próximo Middleware const firstMiddleware req res next gt req user name usuario password abc next Não passamos os valores através de parâmetros para a callback next pois caso passássemos o próximo Middleware a ser chamado seria um Middleware de Erro e não um Middleware comum Lembrando que a chave não precisa existir previamente no objeto Router O que é Éum método do Express que permite agrupar diversos endpoints em um único arquivo O que faz Permite a fragmentação das rotas em diversos arquivos algo similar ao que ocorre no React com os componentes Sintaxe CriaçãoComo o Router éum método que permite a fragmentação do código em diferentes arquivos o primeiro passo écriar um novo arquivo para guardar os endpoints de determinada rota Com o arquivo criado precisamos importar o Express e a partir dele gerar nosso router para isso executamos o método Router do Express e armazenamos seu retorno em uma constante convencionalmente chamada de router Tendo o router criado a sintaxe de criação de endpoint segue a mesma com a diferença que não usamos mais o objeto app mas sim o router que criamos Ao final da criação dos endpoints énecessário exportar somente o router routes myRouter jsconst express require express const router express Router myRoute get req res gt myRoute post req res gt module exports myRoute UsoPara usarmos os endpoints criados em um arquivo externo émuito simples em nosso arquivo principal normalmente index js importamos o router criado no outro arquivo para isso chamamos a função require passando o path como parâmetro e armazenando seu retorno em uma constante essa que pode receber qualquer nome Com o router contendo os endpoints importados tudo que precisamos fazer éutilizar o método use passando dois parâmetros o primeiro seráa rota daqueles endpoints e o segundo o router que acabamos de importar src index jsconst myRouter require myRouter app use someRoute myRouter Tratando Erros Por que fazer Precisamos tratar o erro dentro da API porque caso não o fizermos e a nossa aplicação quebrar o erro iráaparecer de forma crua para o usuário deixando nossa aplicação vulnerável Como fazer O tratamento de erros dentro do Express se dáatravés de Middlewares de Erros esses que são similares aos outros que vimos atéentão com uma única diferença esse recebe quatro parâmetros obrigatórios Além dos três parâmetros base req res e next também recebe o erro como primeiro argumento Sendo assim mesmo que não usemos os outros argumentos énecessário passá los isso porque o Express identifica um Middleware de Erro a partir do número de parâmetros SintaxeComo visto anteriormente o Middleware de erro precisa receber quatro parâmetros sendo eles o de erro err o de requisição req o de resposta res e o de chamada ao próximo next Além disso esses Middlewares precisam ser definidos por último a partir do método use E para executá los usamos a callback next passando um parâmetro para ela dessa forma o Express sabe que o próximo Middleware a ser executado épara o tratamento de erros app get rota req res next gt try bloco de lógica catch err next err app use err req res next gt Express rescue O que é Éum pacote externo do Node disponível via NPM Para instalar esse pacote basta utilizar o comando npm i express rescue O que faz Esse pacote facilita a escrita de Middlewares com tratamento de erro embutido dessa forma o código fica mais enxuto e legível SintaxeApós termos instalado o pacote tudo que precisamos fazer éimportá lo e chamá lo como Middleware do endpoint passando uma callback como parâmetro essa que iráreceber os três parâmetros comuns aos Middlewares req res e next const rescue require express rescue app get rescue req res next gt 2022-03-17 22:24:38
海外TECH DEV Community Start selling online using Appwrite and Stripe https://dev.to/appwrite/start-selling-online-using-appwrite-and-stripe-3l04 Start selling online using Appwrite and StripeAppwrite is an open source backend as a service that abstracts all the complexity involved in building a modern application by providing you with a set of REST APIs for your core backend needs Appwrite handles user authentication and authorization realtime databases cloud functions webhooks and much more If anything is missing you can easily extend Appwrite using your favorite backend language Every website is a unique project with unique requirements Appwrite understands the need for backend customization and provides Appwrite Functions to allow you to do exactly that Thanks to supported programming languages and more coming soon Appwrite lets you use the language you are the most familiar with for your backend needs What is new in Appwrite Appwrite introduced new features regarding storage CLI and functions With a fully rewritten execution model Appwrite now allows you to run functions as quick as millisecond With such a performance Appwrite now also ships with synchronous execution allowing you to execute a function and get a response within one HTTP request Thanks to the new execution model Appwrite also allows the creation of global variables to share cache between multiple executions of a function This drastically improves the performance of real world applications as they only need to load dependencies initiate rd party communication and pre load resources in the first execution Last but not least Appwrite got a new build process that is capable of downloading your project dependencies on the server side so you no longer need to deploy your function with dependencies This makes the flow much simpler deployments smaller and developers happier Online payments with StripeStripe is a huge set of payments products that allows you to do business online Stripe allows you to receive payments online set up and manage subscriptions automatically include taxes into payments manage the online receipt generate a checkout page and much more Stripe proudly supports multiple payment methods and countries which makes it one of the best options for any online product Stripe is loved by developers too Online payments are hard…Stripe managed to create a fast secure and easy to understand environment that lets developers set up online payments within a few minutes From a technical point of view Stripe payments are initiated using REST API and payment status updates are sent through webhooks Let s look at how you can use Appwrite Functions to securely communicate with Stripe to implement online payments into an application What is a webhook Webhook is an HTTP request sent from one server to another to inform it about some change Webhooks are a smarter alternative to pulling data through an API server if you need to quickly adapt to an external change Stripe uses webhooks to inform applications about changes to the status of a payment For a second let s imagine webhooks were not implemented in Stripe how would you know a payment was successful For each ongoing payment you would need to have a loop to send API requests to get payment status every few seconds and don t stop until you have a status change As you can imagine this would be a resource consuming solution that wouldn t scale well with many payments pending at the same time hitting API limits in the worst scenarios Thanks to webhooks you can give Stripe an URL and the Stripe server will hit the URL with an HTTP request providing a bunch of data about what has changed Similarly to Stripe Appwrite also supports webhooks and can trigger HTTP requests when a change occurs inside Appwrite such as a new user registered or a database change That means Appwrite can send out webhooks but can it receive one 🪝 Appwrite webhook proxyAppwrite can receive webhook requests by default thanks to Appwrite Functions There is an endpoint in Appwirte HTTP API that can create a function execution This method allows passing data in and also providing request headers That s all you need for such a webhook listener but there is one small hiccup Looking at Appwrite documentation it expects a JSON body where all data is stringified under the data key On the other hand looking at Stripe documentation it sends a webhook with all data in the root level as a JSON object Alongside this schema miss match Appwrite also expects some custom headers such as API key which Stripe cannot send This problem can be solved by a simple proxy server that can properly map between these two schemas and apply authentication headers You can expect official implementation from Appwrite itself but as of right now you can use Meldiron s Appwrite webhook proxy This project adds a configuration into your Appwrite setup that defined a new v webhook proxy endpoint in Appwrite API to solve the problem from earlier Later in the article we will take a look at how to set up this webhook proxy and how to connect it to Stripe Let s code a storeTo present Stripe integration in Appwrite I decided to create a simple application cookie store where a customer can buy one of two cookie packs After payment users can look at their order history and see a payment status This is a minimal implementation that does not include invoicing fulfillment or any eCommerce logic The project was made with simplicity in mind to serve as a learning resource for anyone integrating Stripe into their Appwrite projects The application was made using NuxtJS framework with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS for designing utility classes You can follow along or download the source code from the GitHub repository Stripe SetupLet s start by properly setting up our Stripe account to make sure we have all secrets we might need in the future For this example we will be using test mode but the same steps could be followed in production mode You start by visiting the Stripe website and signing up Once in the dashboard you can switch to the Developers page and enter the API keys tab In there you click the Reval key button and copy this key It will be used later when setting up createPayment function in Appwrite Next let s switch to the Webhooks tab and set up a new endpoint When adding an endpoint make sure to use URL http YOR ENDPOINT v webhook proxy and provide any description you want Last but not least you select events to listen to in the case of simple online payment you only need events payment intent succeeded and payment intent canceled After adding the endpoint copy your Signing secret as you will need this in updatePayment Appwrite Function later Appwrite project setupBefore diving into frontend development you first set up the Appwrite project After following installation instructions and signing up you can create a project with a custom project ID cookieShop Once the project is created let s hop into the Services tab on the Settings page Here you can easily disable services that you won t be using in our project In your application you will only be using account database and function services Make sure to keep this enabled and disable the rest Last but not least let s open the Settings tab on the Users page Here you can disable all authentication methods except anonymous session as this will be the only one your application will use With all of these configurations in place your Appwrite project is ready Now you need to apply programmatic setup from the cookie store GitHub repository that sets up database structure and prepares Appwrite Functions After cloning the repository and setting up Appwrite CLI all you need to do is to run appwrite deploy all to apply all of the programmatic setups If you are interested in understanding the underlying code of these Appwrite Functions you can check them out in respective folders createPayment NodeJS updatePayment NodeJS Once these functions are deployed you need to set their environment variables You visit Functions in your Appwrite Console and open up the Settings tab of your createPayment function In there near the end of the settings you need to add a variable called STRIPE KEY with your secret key from the Stripe dashboard Next you switch to settings of updatePayment and set up a few environments variables there STRIPE SIGNATURE Webhook signature key from Stripe dashboard APPWRITE FUNCTION ENDPOINT Endpoint of your Appwrite instance found in Settings APPWRITE FUNCTION API KEY Appwrite project API key You can generate one in the left menu With that configured let s see how our Appwrite Functions actually work Appwrite FunctionsTo better understand our Appwrite Functions logic let s look at their source code Both functions are written in Node JS Create PaymentFirst of all you add Stripe library to our code as you will be creating a payment in this function const stripe require stripe Next you set up a variable holding all possible packs products and their basic information const packages id pack title Medium Cookie Pack description Package incluces cookie price preview pack jpg id pack title Large Cookie Pack description Package incluces cookies price preview pack jpg You continue by setting up a function that will get executed when an execution is created module exports async function req res Future code goes in here Inside your function let s make sure function as properly configured in Appwrite and provides required environment variables Setup if req env STRIPE KEY throw new Error Environment variables are not set Next let s validate user input payload Prepate data const payload JSON parse req payload const stripeClient stripe req env STRIPE KEY const package packages find pack gt pack id payload packId if package throw new Error Could not find the pack You continue by creating a Stripe payment session Create Stripe payment const session await stripeClient checkout sessions create line items price data currency eur product data name package title description package description unit amount package price quantity mode payment success url payload redirectSuccess cancel url payload redirectFailed payment intent data metadata userId req env APPWRITE FUNCTION USER ID packageId package id Last but not least let s return stripe payment session URL so client can be redirected to the payment Return redirect URL res json paymentUrl session url Update PaymentSimilar to our first function you require libraries and set up a main function const stripe require stripe const sdk require node appwrite module exports async function req res Future code goes in here Did you notice you imported Appwrite this time That s right This function is executed by Stripe webhook when a payment session status changes This means you will need to update the Appwrite document with a new status so you need a proper connection with the API Anyway you continue by validating environment variables but this time you also initialize Appwrite SDK Setup Appwrite SDK const client new sdk Client const database new sdk Database client if req env APPWRITE FUNCTION ENDPOINT req env APPWRITE FUNCTION API KEY req env STRIPE SIGNATURE throw new Error Environment variables are not set client setEndpoint req env APPWRITE FUNCTION ENDPOINT setProject req env APPWRITE FUNCTION PROJECT ID setKey req env APPWRITE FUNCTION API KEY Next let s parse the function input payload and validate it using Stripe Prepate data const stripeSignature req env STRIPE SIGNATURE const payload JSON parse req payload Validate request authentication check let event stripe webhooks constructEvent payload body payload headers stripe signature stripeSignature Furthermore you can parse data from Stripe event and pick information relevant to your usage Prepare results const status event type payment intent succeeded success event type payment intent canceled failed unknown const userId event data object charges data metadata userId const packId event data object charges data metadata packageId const paymentId event data object id const document status userId packId paymentId createdAt Date now To finish it off let s add a logic to update or create a document depending on if it already exists or not Check if document already exists const existingDocuments await database listDocuments orders paymentId equal paymentId let outcome if existingDocuments documents length gt Document already exists update it outcome updateDocument await database updateDocument orders existingDocuments documents id document user userId else Document doesnt exist create one outcome createDocument await database createDocument orders unique document user userId Finally let s return what you just did as a response so you can inspect execution response in Appwrite Console when you need to double check what happened in some specific payment res json outcome document Appwrite webhook proxyAs mentioned earlier you will need to use Meldiron s webhook proxy to translate Stripe s schema to a schema that Appwrite API supports To do that you will add a new container into the Appwrite Docker containers stack which will add a new endpoint to Appwrite API Let s start by adding a new container definition inside the docker compose yml file in an appwrite folder version services appwrite webhook proxy image meldiron appwrite webhook proxy v container name appwrite webhook proxy restart unless stopped labels traefik enable true traefik constraint label stack appwrite traefik docker network appwrite traefik http services appwrite webhook proxy loadbalancer server port http traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy http entrypoints appwrite web traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy http rule PathPrefix v webhook proxy traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy http service appwrite webhook proxy https traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy https entrypoints appwrite websecure traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy https rule PathPrefix v webhook proxy traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy https service appwrite webhook proxy traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy https tls true traefik http routers appwrite webhook proxy https tls certresolver dns networks appwrite depends on appwrite environment WEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE ENDPOINT WEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE PROJECT ID WEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE API KEY WEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE FUNCTION ID With this in place a new proxy server will be listening on v webhook proxy endpoint Now let s update the env file in the same appwrite folder to add authentication variables this container needs for proper secure communication WEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE ENDPOINT https YOUR ENDPOINT vWEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE PROJECT ID YOUR PROJECT IDWEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE API KEY YOUR API KEYWEBHOOK PROXY APPWRITE FUNCTION ID updatePaymentFinally let s spin up the container by running docker compose up d With all of that in place you can now point Stripe to https YOR ENDPOINT v webhook proxy and Stripe will start executing your updatePayment function while providing all data in a proper schema Frontend website setupA process of designing frontend is not the focus of this article so if you are interested in details of implementation make sure to check out the GitHub repository of this project With that out of the way let s look at communication between the frontend and Appwrite project All of this communication is implemented in a separated appwrite ts file that holds functions for AuthenticationPaymentOrder HistoryBefore coding functions for these services let s set up our service file and do all of the initial setups import Appwrite Models from appwrite if process env appwriteEndpoint process env appwriteProjectId throw new Error Appwrite environment variables not properly set const sdk new Appwrite sdk setEndpoint process env appwriteEndpoint setProject process env appwriteProjectId const appUrl process env baseUrl export type Order status string userId string packId string paymentId string createdAt number amp Models Document Let s start by creating trio of the most important authentication functions You will need one to login one to log out and one to check if visitor is logged in All of this can be done within a few lines of code when using AppwriteSDK export const AppwriteService async logout Promise lt boolean gt try await sdk account deleteSession current return true catch err console error err alert Something went wrong Please try again later return false async login Promise lt void gt await sdk account createOAuthSession discord appUrl app appUrl login async getAuthStatus Promise lt boolean gt try await sdk account get return true catch err console error err return false Future code goes in here Next you create a function that will trigger our previously coded createPayment Appwrite Function and use url from the response to redirect user to Stripe where they can pay they order async buyPack packId string Promise lt boolean gt try const executionResponse any await sdk functions createExecution createPayment JSON stringify redirectSuccess appUrl cart success redirectFailed appUrl cart error packId false if executionResponse status completed else throw new Error executionResponse stdout executionResponse err const url JSON parse executionResponse stdout paymentUrl window location replace url return true catch err console error err alert Something went wrong Please try again later return false Last but not least let s implement a method to get user s order history that supports offset pagination async getOrders page Promise lt Models DocumentList lt Order gt null gt try const offset page const ordersResponse await sdk database listDocuments lt Order gt orders undefined offset undefined undefined createdAt DESC return ordersResponse catch err console error err alert Something went wrong Please try again later return null With all of this login in place all you need to do is to finish off the rest of the frontend application by creating pages components and hooking into our AppwriteService to talk to the Appwrite backend You have just successfully created your very own store using Appwrite and Stripe  If there are any concerns about skipped parts of the frontend code and I can t stress this enough make sure to check out the whole GitHub repository of this project that holds a fully working demo application There are some screenshots too ‍ConclusionThe ability to integrate your application with rd party tools and APIs can become critical for any scalable application Thanks to Appwrite as you just experienced Appwrite Functions can now communicate both ways allowing you to prepare your projects without any limitations This not only means you can implement pretty much any payment gateway into your Appwrite project but it also means all of you can enjoy preparing your Appwrite based applications without any limitations If you have a project to share need help or simply want to become a part of the Appwrite community I would love for you to join our official Appwrite Discord server I can t wait to see what you build Learn moreYou can use the following resources to learn more and get help Appwrite GithubAppwrite DocsDiscord Community 2022-03-17 22:14:47
海外TECH DEV Community Quem se sente seguro na internet? https://dev.to/feministech/quem-se-sente-seguro-na-internet-m4b Quem se sente seguro na internet Quem éque se sente segura realizando transações na internet hoje em dia Eu nem consigo contar nos dedos a quantidade de pessoas que jásofreram algum tipo de golpe na internet Desde produtos que não existem em aplicativos atésites falsos que prometem produtos bem abaixo do preço Na criatividade em como passar a perna em alguém o céu parece ser o limite Jáque eu não consigo acabar com todo os golpes de uma vez só eu preciso descobrir como me defender Pensei esses dias e conversei com meus clientes sobre como todos que eu atendi neste mês tinham um padrão Todos sem excessão játiveram algum problema com golpes e de certa forma lideram de formas diferente com esses traumas As pessoas mais jovens jáaprenderam a lição são “mais descoladas e efetuam suas transações com segurança Entretanto as pessoas mais velhas ainda se limitam por medo A melhor solução que eu vi para esse tipo de problema é formalizar a transação no MEU TEMPO Se o vendedor me apressa ou o site coloca limite de tempo para eu finalizar a compra eu PARO RESPIRO e sótermino a compra quando tenho certeza absoluta de que estou ciente de tudo que envolve aquela transação Como eu játenho mais prática com esse tipo de coisa e faço isso com mais frequência eu concluo mais rápido Porém quando algo énovo eu não me permito afobar Éclaro que de vez em quando acontece mas o importante écontinuar tentando Portanto ao fazer compras assinatura de contratos ou qualquer coisa que se não houver atenção pode se desdobrar em dor de cabeça VÁDEVAGAR REVISE QUANTAS VEZES FOR NECESSÁRIO SE SINTA SEGURA CONHEÇA BEM O QUE ESTÁFAZENDO Fazendo isso a tranquilidade chega de forma natural pela confiança em nós mesmos 2022-03-17 22:04:49
Cisco Cisco Blog Get Ready for Machine Learning Ops (MLOps) https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/readyformlops01 Get Ready for Machine Learning Ops MLOps There are a lot of articles and books about machine learning Most focus on building and training machine learning models But there s another interesting and vitally important component to machine learning the operations side Let s look into the practice of machine learning ops or MLOps Getting a handle on AI ML adoption now is a key 2022-03-17 22:22:10
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金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 歴史的に不確実性が高い中でFRBの金融引き締め策に勝算はあるか:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488446/?rss lobaleconomypolicyinsight 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 FRBのパウエル議長の記者会見~front-loading or even:井上哲也のReview on Central Banking http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488447/?rss frontloadingoreven 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【第三話】ロボット・アドバイザーのハイブリッド化:小粥研究理事の視点 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488448/?rss 野村総合研究所 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 地域銀行における本部DX担当者の育成策について:ニュース&トピックス http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488455/?rss 中小企業 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 大手金融機関における「社内副業制度」の導入について:ニュース&トピックス http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488456/?rss 中小企業 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 新型コロナ関連融資に関する企業の意識調査~コロナ関連融資、企業の52.6%が活用。今後の返済では、借り入れ企業の約1割が「返済に不安」 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488459/?rss 借り入れ 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 資金循環統計(21年10-12月期)~個人金融資産は2023兆円と初めて2000兆円を突破、海外勢の国債保有高が初めて預金取扱機関を上回る:Weekly エコノミスト・レター http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488461/?rss weekly 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 資金循環統計(2021年10-12月期)~家計金融資産は2,000兆円を突破、株式・投資信託フローが拡大傾向 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488464/?rss 投資信託 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 過去の米利上げ局面との比較~インフレ抑制には景気後退も止む無し?:US Trends http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488465/?rss ustrends 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 米国 約3年ぶりの利上げ決定(22年3月15、16日FOMC) 利上げが適切と予想~連続利上げを示唆、ドットでは23年末2.75%への利上げが適切と予想:Fed Watching http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488467/?rss fedwatching 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 米FRB、0.25%利上げ決定と今後の市場見通しについて:ストラテジーレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488478/?rss 見通し 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 特別レポート| 米国 3月FOMC:0.25%の利上げ決定。年内全会合(7回)での利上げも示唆 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/488480/?rss 三菱ufj 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【注目検索キーワード】グリーンカーボン http://search.keizaireport.com/search.php/-/keyword=グリーンカーボン/?rss 検索キーワード 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【お薦め書籍】5秒でチェック、すぐに使える! 2行でわかるサクサク仕事ノート https://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4046053631/keizaireport-22/ 結集 2022-03-18 00:00:00
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES エヌエヌ生命、「ホワイトデーに関する意識調査」の結果を発表 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2022/03/18/080000 エヌエヌ生命、「ホワイトデーに関する意識調査」の結果を発表全国の男性中小企業経営者と妻に聞いたエヌエヌ生命保険株式会社以下、エヌエヌ生命は年月日、「全国の男性中小企業経営者と妻の『ホワイトデー』意識調査」の結果を発表した。 2022-03-18 08:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home P&O Ferries sparks outrage by sacking 800 workers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60779001?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA guards 2022-03-17 22:49:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Child, 13, driving pickup in deadly Texas crash that killed nine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60789022?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA athletes 2022-03-17 22:12:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine conflict round-up: Putin's peace demands and a new 'Russian wall' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60784298?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA russia 2022-03-17 22:00:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Iwobi hits injury-time winner for 10-man Everton against Newcastle https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59764949?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA newcastle 2022-03-17 22:17:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Stokes hits sublime 120 to light up second Test against Windies https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/60783924?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA barbados 2022-03-17 22:11:26
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukrainian Yarmolenko scores winner as West Ham reach Europa League quarter-finals https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60771093?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Ukrainian Yarmolenko scores winner as West Ham reach Europa League quarter finalsUkrainian Andriy Yarmolenko scores the winning goal for West Ham as they beat Sevilla to reach the Europa League quarter finals on an emotional night 2022-03-17 22:52:16
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 マリウポリで広がる絶望、ロシア軍は制圧目指す - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299524 絶望 2022-03-18 07:24:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ロシアがドル建て国債の利払い実施 デフォルト回避 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299525 建て 2022-03-18 07:02:00
北海道 北海道新聞 北海道新幹線18日は24本運休 東北の脱線影響 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658288/ 北海道新幹線 2022-03-18 07:32:56
北海道 北海道新聞 フジモリ元大統領釈放へ ペルー憲法裁が判断 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658290/ 元大統領 2022-03-18 07:29:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ばん馬「ヤマサン」16歳、第三の人生へ けんかっ早いけど人には優しい 七飯で体験馬車引く訓練中 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658255/ 七飯町東大沼 2022-03-18 07:22:02
北海道 北海道新聞 英、IT幹部に禁錮刑も 有害コンテンツ対策法案 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658289/ 交流サイト 2022-03-18 07:19:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン プラスチック汚染の克服へ、政策の抜本転換を プラスチックを大量消費、焼却に依存する日本 | 最新の週刊東洋経済 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/539486?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 大量消費 2022-03-18 07:30:00



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