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TECH Engadget Japanese Snapchat、サードパーティアプリからの匿名メッセージを禁止 https://japanese.engadget.com/snap-snonymouse-messaging-093051715.html snapchat 2022-03-18 09:30:51
TECH Engadget Japanese ミニLED版のStudio Displayは6月に登場?2人の有名アナリストが対立 https://japanese.engadget.com/reputable-analyst-claims-apple-unveil-27inch-miniled-june-090043021.html studiodisplay 2022-03-18 09:00:43
ROBOT ロボスタ NTTドコモ 閉校する小学校で「光の思い出ドローンショー」を開催 児童の想いを64機のドローンが表現 小川町立東小川小学校 https://robotstart.info/2022/03/18/docomo-drone-show-school.html 2022-03-18 09:10:13
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 人気声優が朗読する電子書籍、ソニーミュージックが発売 雨宮天さん、林勇さんら https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2203/18/news156.html itmedia 2022-03-18 18:22:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Apple Siliconを積んだディスプレイは何ができるのか? 21年ぶり復活の「Apple Studio Display」にいろいろ繋いだ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2203/18/news146.html abionic 2022-03-18 18:10:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog Epic Games の Unreal Engine を使ったバーチャルプロダクションのリファレンスアーキテクチャ https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/jpmne-virtual-production-reference-architecture-with-epic-games-unreal-engine/ AWSのお客様は、バーチャルプロダクションに適したアーキテクチャの構築という課題に直面した場合、この投稿で概説されているベストプラクティスに従うことができます。 2022-03-18 09:08:17
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【エラー解決】positional argument follows keyword argument https://qiita.com/asahi_jp/items/c937612e5f5bbc2aa4a6 【エラー解決】positionalargumentfollowskeywordargument私がPythonを学習していたらpositionalargumentfollowskeywordargumentというエラーが発生した。 2022-03-18 18:20:53
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Webサイトのフッター下部の空白をなくすJavaScript関数&CSS(make footer stick at bottom) https://qiita.com/Hayato74362/items/540cea3ddb082af48895 fixedbottompositionfixedrightbottomleftzindexfooterクラスはJqueryで識別するためだけに使用しているので、cssファイル内に記述する必要ない。 2022-03-18 18:08:13
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita deviseのログイン後、ログアウト後のリダイレクト先を設定する方法 https://qiita.com/yasuhiron777/items/2974088e9c8c7a1b4075 deviseのログイン後、ログアウト後のリダイレクト先を設定する方法環境RubyRailsコードappcontrollersapplicationcontrollerrbclassApplicationControllerltActionControllerBaseprivateログイン後のリダイレクト先defaftersigninpathforresourceorscoperootpathここを好きなパスに変更endログアウト後のリダイレクト先defaftersignoutpathforresourceorscopenewusersessionpathここを好きなパスに変更endendこれだけです。 2022-03-18 18:47:42
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Data Analytics - Specialty対策 in Redshift https://qiita.com/mk_yjn43/items/0728da7455243cc74713 AWSDataAnalyticsSpecialty対策inRedshift概要数百ギガバイトからペタバイト以上まで拡張が可能で、高速、シンプル、スケーラブルで費用対効果が高い完全マネージド型のデータウェアハウスサービスです関連する用語データウェアハウスDWH意志決定Decisionのため、目的別Purposeorientedに編成され、統合Integrateされた時系列で、削除Deleteや更新Updateしないデータの集合体Redshiftの仕組みリーダーノードクライアントと直接通信を行う課金対象外コンピューティングノードクエリを並列して実行するコードを実行して中間結果をリーダーノードに返却するノードスライスノード内のメモリ、ディスクを分割した論理的な処理単位インスタンスタイプによりスライス数は異なるRedshiftの特徴クエリ速度が早い他のクラウドサービスよりも圧倒的にクエリ速度が早いコストが低いオンプレミスと比較してもコストをカットできるリザーブドインスタンスの購入により更にコストカットができる伸縮性必要に応じてスケールアップやスケールアウトが容易に行えるRedshiftのユースケースダッシュボードアドホック分析ETLパッチ機械学習の前処理巨大なデータセット複雑だが同時実行数が少ないSQLデータの更新は一括で実行大容量データを高速に集計・分析する必要のあるワークロードに向いています。 2022-03-18 18:43:35
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita VPN利用でProxyを超えてRancher Desktopを使う https://qiita.com/yassan168/items/91b15b5edba8718d6196 おそらく、DockerDesktopにも関連するのでProxy周りで困っていれば参考になるかも前提RancherDesktopCLIはdockerではなく、nerdctlを利用確認環境UbuntuLTSmacOSCatalina現象状況説明環境変数にはproxyの設定済み。 2022-03-18 18:49:59
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CircleCIのリモートDocker環境でBuildKitとレイヤーキャッシュを使えるようにする https://qiita.com/tumugin/items/a8b6f60d4dc83599cb34 参考BuildKitを使えるようにする前提条件大前提として、BuildKitが使えるバージョンのDockerがリモートDocker環境とexecutorの双方に入っていることが条件になります。 2022-03-18 18:25:31
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCPのCloud DeployをCloud Buildから呼び出すときにエラーになる(ACTAS_PERMISSION_DENIED) https://qiita.com/n_morioka/items/d5dd62caddb6a5f4ef75 メリットとしては、ArgoCDなどをインストールしなくても、コンテナイメージを動作環境に合わせてプロモート出来るみたいな参考CloudBuildとはGCP上で様々なタスクを実行するためのサービスコンテナイメージのビルドも出来る。 2022-03-18 18:15:04
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita deviseのログイン後、ログアウト後のリダイレクト先を設定する方法 https://qiita.com/yasuhiron777/items/2974088e9c8c7a1b4075 deviseのログイン後、ログアウト後のリダイレクト先を設定する方法環境RubyRailsコードappcontrollersapplicationcontrollerrbclassApplicationControllerltActionControllerBaseprivateログイン後のリダイレクト先defaftersigninpathforresourceorscoperootpathここを好きなパスに変更endログアウト後のリダイレクト先defaftersignoutpathforresourceorscopenewusersessionpathここを好きなパスに変更endendこれだけです。 2022-03-18 18:47:42
技術ブログ Developers.IO sktimeで時系列データを予測してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/sktime-time-series-analysis/ sklear 2022-03-18 09:59:35
海外TECH DEV Community Securing a Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Apps with Azure Active Directory - Part 2 https://dev.to/kasuken/securing-a-blazor-webassembly-hosted-apps-with-azure-active-directory-part-2-1ppd Securing a Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Apps with Azure Active Directory Part In the previous article of this series we have created a secure project with Blazor WebAssembly Hosted and Azure Active Directory In this article we are going to add another level of security the roles Also in this case we will use a feature of Azure Active Directory called App Roles So let s open our application and make some changes to it Add App Roles to the App RegistrationFrom the Azure Portal come back to the App Registrations and search for your two apps Open the app registration for the server app and under the Manage section of the left navigation pane click on App roles Click on the button Create app role on the top bar navigation and fill the form with the information about the new role Pay attention to the field value because it will be the value that we will use in our code later It s reccomended to use lowcase letters Repeat these operations for other roles as Viewer PowerUser etc Copy the App roles to the client App RegistrationWe have to do the same steps for the client app But it s very important to use the same values for this application The faster way is to copy the information about App roles directly from the Manifest file and put them in the manifest of the client application From the left navigation pane click on Manifest select the Json portion of the code about appRoles and copy it in the clipboard Now you can open the manifest file of the client application and replase the Json node with the new values That s it Assign users to the new rolesNavigate to the Enterprise Applications and open the server app Under the menu Manage click on Users and groups and then Add user group In the new window search and select a user and the role that you want to assign to him Now in the list you can see all the users with their role assigned Important repeat all these steps for the client application Use the App roles in the applicationOpen the Client project and add a class called SecureUserAccount but you can choose the name that you prefer This class extends the RemoteUserAccount public class SecureUserAccount RemoteUserAccount JsonPropertyName roles public string Roles get set Array Empty lt string gt Now our application need to know how to manage the roles from Azure AD To do that we can create a new class in the client project called SecureAccountFactory public class SecureAccountFactory AccountClaimsPrincipalFactory lt SecureUserAccount gt public SecureAccountFactory IAccessTokenProviderAccessor accessor base accessor public async override ValueTask lt ClaimsPrincipal gt CreateUserAsync SecureUserAccount account RemoteAuthenticationUserOptions options var initialUser await base CreateUserAsync account options if initialUser Identity IsAuthenticated var userIdentity ClaimsIdentity initialUser Identity foreach var role in account Roles userIdentity AddClaim new Claim appRole role return initialUser The last change in the client application is in the Program cs file Replace the Msal authentication snippet with the new one builder Services AddMsalAuthentication lt RemoteAuthenticationState SecureUserAccount gt options gt builder Configuration Bind AzureAd options ProviderOptions Authentication options ProviderOptions DefaultAccessTokenScopes Add api e dd b add BlazorWASMHosted API options UserOptions RoleClaim appRole AddAccountClaimsPrincipalFactory lt RemoteAuthenticationState SecureUserAccount SecureAccountFactory gt Now it s time to change the server application Open the Program cs file and replace the MsalAuthentication code with the new one builder Services AddAuthentication JwtBearerDefaults AuthenticationScheme AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApi options gt builder Configuration Bind AzureAd options options TokenValidationParameters RoleClaimType options gt builder Configuration Bind AzureAd options Securing Pages Web API and FeaturesLet s start to work with the roles First of all the server application Extend the Authorize attribute of the WeatherForecastController with the roles property Authorize Roles administrator Now only a user with the Administrator role can call the controller In the client app open the Fetchdata razor file and extend the same attribute with the roles attributes attribute Authorize Roles administrator Display only the links for your roleIf you want to prevent that a user access to a page with the wrong role you can hide portions of the pages or links in the application You can use one of the out of box features of Blazor called AuthorizeView For instance if you want to hide the page Fetch data it s enough if you add this code in the NavMenu razor file lt AuthorizeView Roles administrator gt lt Authorized gt lt li class nav item px gt lt NavLink class nav link href fetchdata gt lt span class oi oi list rich aria hidden true gt lt span gt Fetch data lt NavLink gt lt li gt lt Authorized gt lt AuthorizeView gt Access to the App Role from the code behindIt s very easy also to access to the roles of the user from the code behind Very often inside an application there a lot of code that change the behaviour based on the user permissions Let s start with an easy example Open the Counter razor page and change the code as below code CascadingParameter public Task lt AuthenticationState gt AuthState get set private int currentCount private async Task IncrementCount var authState await AuthState var user authState User if user IsInRole viewer currentCount if user IsInRole administrator currentCount Wrap upNow you know how to create a new app on Azure Portal assign roles to it and work with the roles in your Blazor applications You can find the source code of the example on GitHub Follow the instructions in the Readme file kasuken BlazorWASMHostedAzureADAuth BlazorWASMHostedAzureADAuth View on GitHubThank you and drop me a comment if you have questions or feedbacks 2022-03-18 09:33:36
海外TECH DEV Community Warehouse Management System Development: Step-by-Step Guide https://dev.to/ascendixtech/warehouse-management-system-development-step-by-step-guide-120n Warehouse Management System Development Step by Step GuideThe article was originally published on Ascendix Tech Blog Markets and Markets states that the warehouse management software market was valued at bln in and is forecasted to reach over bln by So more and more companies are looking for a custom or out of the box warehouse management software and here the question emerges how to build a warehouse management system For these reasons we decided to share the all inclusive guide on warehouse management software development covering the following aspects What is warehouse management software Warehouse management system market statistics The core types of warehouse management systems Key features of warehouse management system How to build a warehouse management system What is Warehouse Management SystemA warehouse management system is a technology solution designed specifically to help e commerce and other BB BC businesses automate optimize and support internal warehouse workflows and processes Warehouse management software empowers entrepreneurs to take an automated control of the entire supply chain management process from receiving to shipping What are the key types of warehouse management systems WMS Briefly speaking there are key types of warehouse management systems that help solve multiple different challenges and tasks depending on specific business demands Standalone Warehouse Management System Supply Chain Execution Modules Integrated ERP Systems Cloud Based Warehouse Management Systems In the following passages we will cover the key aspects you should cosnider to answer the question how to choose a warehouse management system that will fit your business needs the best way possible What are the top WMS software providers NetSuite WMSNetSuite Warehouse Management System is one of the leading WMS software providers offering a cutting edge web based product by Oracle The software solution was created exactly to assist companies in streamlining and automating warehouse operations from receiving to shipping SofteonBeing one of the leading WMS software providers Softeon offers a warehouse management system designed specifically to help optimize and automate most supply chain operations from receiving to shipping The company offers both a web based cloud solution and on premises deployment system up to your challenges and goals PL Warehouse ManagerPL Warehouse Manager is one of the flourishing cloud based WMS software by PL Central designed to help operations managers and PL owners automate daily routine workflows and transform paper based operations into powerful automated and centralized software Fishbowl InventoryFishbowl Inventory is a warehouse management system application created to bring high automation for inventory and manufacturing workflows Top Features of Warehouse Management SystemsNow we want to discuss features of warehouse management systems that are a must have in to meet your business needs and requirements Predictive Analytics with Insightful Dashboards amp ChartsFirst top predictive data analysis algorithms provide a wide range of smart techniques like AI data mining modeling statistics and others that allow you to leverage the receiving data in the best way possible So the best warehouse management systems provide predictive analytics which empowers you to transform the quantity of data into quality The more qualitative insights you get from analysis the better your decision making becomes Inventory Management amp TrackingShortly it allows you to automate and streamline the inventory management processes So you get accurate data driven insights into your warehouse business and know wen and what items you should order what vendors you ve worked with and the latest rates you ve been charged Advanced Picking Replenishment Shipping FunctionalityPicking packing replenishing and shipping are among the most important and yet challenging operations for companies while scaling This way this solution type offers the following benefits to market specific companies Enhanced order accuracy rate Efficiency boost Streamlined supply chain Decreased error ratio Cost effective shipping Order Fulfillment amp ManagementAnother crucial business component for any market specific company is order fulfillment For this reason warehouse management software with order fulfillment and management features is a must have in Simply put warehouse fulfillment software fully automates and streamlines the entire inventory management processes from receiving to final product shipping How to Build a Warehouse Management System Key Steps Define your goalsIt s an open secret that the first thing you should do before choosing any solution type is to define your key business goals you want to achieve This way you will surely know what type of technology solutions you need so that it will perfectly help you solve any challenges and reach your goals For instance if case you want to advance warehouse inventory management and tracking processes to achieve highly automated paperless workflows and reduced labor costs then consider warehouse management system applications that provide all inclusive inventory management features Choose out of the box vs custom warehouse management systemsNow we want to discuss how to choose a warehouse management system comparing off the shelf vs custom warehouse management software Implementation and setup timeOff the shelf WMS software providers mostly offer a faster and easier implementation and setup but they fully depend on the project complexity and may vary from to as implementation costs by Softeon Custom warehouse management software development is about a long term tailor made process and costly process but you will save much funds in the long run ScalabilityReady made warehouse management system applications offer limited scalability opportunities for your business Building a warehouse management system from scratch you can embed the needed level of scalability in terms of the employees count number of warehouses and other aspects during the development process On demand functionalityReady made WMS software providers offer an exact list of features that you cannot expand or reduce This way custom warehouse management systems are a perfect choice if you want to save much funds on building only the exact functionality Ease of integrationsOff the shelf warehouse stock software offer a fixed number of integrations available out of the box So it s both a great opportunity to integrate with other tools quickly and a limited functionality which does not allow you to add custom integrations At opposite building a warehouse management system from scratch gives you an opportunity to integrate with hundreds of products by embedding the required API connections Choose a development optionIn case you want to build warehouse management systems tailored to your specific business needs from scratch you should define the most relevant development option Specifically there are key development options Find a CTO technical partner Hire a team of freelance developers Outsource to a custom software development partner Each option has its pros and cons but all of them worth your attention Final WordsWe hope our post will help you get a better understanding of warehouse management system development If you want to learn the full guide please check the full blog post Warehouse Management Software Development All Inclusive Guide 2022-03-18 09:08:29
海外科学 NYT > Science Shrugs Over Flu Signal Future Attitudes About Covid https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/18/health/flu-covid.html Shrugs Over Flu Signal Future Attitudes About CovidThe coronavirus pandemic hasn t prompted most Americans to take influenza more seriously Instead more people are likely to think of Covid the way they think of flu experts say 2022-03-18 09:02:57
海外科学 NYT > Science Internation Energy Agency Says Nations Should Conserve Fuel as Global Energy Crisis Looms https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/18/climate/global-energy-crisis-conserve.html Internation Energy Agency Says Nations Should Conserve Fuel as Global Energy Crisis LoomsThe International Energy Agency said countries should encourage use of mass transit and car pooling among other things That could also help the climate crisis 2022-03-18 10:00:25
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles How Japan’s bullet trains keep passengers safe during an earthquake https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/03/18/national/tohoku-train-derailment-shinkansen/ How Japan s bullet trains keep passengers safe during an earthquakeWhen a shinkansen derailed late Wednesday after a magnitude earthquake none of the passengers or three crew members were injured thanks to high tech 2022-03-18 18:12:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Russia Today: News channel RT's UK licence revoked by Ofcom https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-60791734?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA effect 2022-03-18 09:29:18
ニュース BBC News - Home P&O Ferries faces backlash after firing 800 workers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60789612?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA express 2022-03-18 09:25:50
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北海道 北海道新聞 熱海「現所有者は危険認識」 土石流、百条委で元部下証言 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658597/ 地方自治 2022-03-18 18:33:39
北海道 北海道新聞 新幹線、構造物20カ所が損傷 高架橋など、運休長期化 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658621/ 東北新幹線 2022-03-18 18:30:00
北海道 北海道新聞 東京円、一時119円台 日銀総裁発言で円安進む https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658615/ 日銀総裁 2022-03-18 18:26:00
北海道 北海道新聞 阿寒湖温泉「ゼロカーボンパーク」に 環境省登録、道内第1号 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658612/ 国立公園 2022-03-18 18:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 B型肝炎訴訟で9人の和解成立 札幌地裁 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/658598/ 予防接種 2022-03-18 18:08:00
IT 週刊アスキー 本日21時より花江夏樹さんと小野賢章さんが先行プレイ!セガの新作スマホRPG『シン・クロニクル』生配信を実施 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086701/ 小野賢章 2022-03-18 18:45:00
IT 週刊アスキー PC『SDガンダムオペレーションズ』で一日一回限定!「EXチャレンジ“ガンダム道場”」が開催中 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086695/ 限定 2022-03-18 18:10:00
IT 週刊アスキー オープンワールドアクションRPG『ホグワーツ・レガシー』の日本語ナレーション付きトレーラーが公開 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/086/4086696/ 発売予定 2022-03-18 18:10:00
ニュース THE BRIDGE 家具のサブスク&二次流通のsubsclife、ソーシャルインテリアに社名を変更——JIC VGIなどから22億円の調達も https://thebridge.jp/2022/03/social-interior-rebranding-jpy2-2b-funding 家具のサブスク二次流通のsubsclife、ソーシャルインテリアに社名を変更ーJICVGIなどから億円の調達も家具のサブスクリプションサービス「subsclifeサブスクライフ」などを運営するsubsclifeは、社名をソーシャルインテリアに変更したことを明らかにした。 2022-03-18 09:00:51



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