IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ヤマダウェブコム、M1チップ搭載「Mac」のCTOモデルなどを対象とした週末限定セールを今週末も開催中 |
apple |
2022-03-25 03:31:12 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
楽天モバイル、「Apple Watch」の販売を開始 − 「電話番号シェアサービス」も提供開始 |
applewatchnikeseries |
2022-03-25 03:24:41 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ソニー、ローカル5Gを利用した集合住宅向け固定ネット接続サービス「NURO Wireless 5G」を4月1日より提供開始 |
nurowirelessg |
2022-03-25 03:20:21 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
NOMAD製の高級感のあるMagSafe対応ワイヤレス充電器「NOMAD Base One」が登場 |
magsa |
2022-03-25 03:13:35 |
Engadget Japanese |
macOS 12.3アプデ後にゲームコントローラー動作がおかしい報告が複数 |
macos |
2022-03-25 03:40:34 |
Engadget Japanese |
サムスン、巻取りスマートフォンを年内投入か Galaxy Zシリーズもアプデの噂 |
universe |
2022-03-25 03:20:39 |
Engadget Japanese |
「iPhoneをデジタル免許証に」が米アリゾナ州で初の導入。他の州にも広がる見通し |
applewatch |
2022-03-25 03:00:46 |
ロボスタ |
NVIDIA 自律走行搬送ロボットの開発を加速する「Isaac Nova Orin」を発表 最大550TOPSの性能を提供 |
NVIDIA自律走行搬送ロボットの開発を加速する「IsaacNovaOrin」を発表最大TOPSの性能を提供シェアツイートはてブNVIDIAはGTCにて、自律走行搬送ロボット以下、AMRを開発するためのプラットフォームであるIsaacNovaOrinを発表した。 |
2022-03-25 03:46:07 |
ロボスタ |
産業用デジタルツイン Omniverse向けコンピュータ「NVIDIA OVX」発表 ロボットや自動運転、アバター開発などデータセンター並み高性能 |
2022-03-25 03:22:16 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] MicrosoftがWindows 11「Build 22581」を公開 DevからBetaへの切り替え機会を提供 |
build |
2022-03-25 12:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 年収1000万円超えプレイヤーが選んだ「東京23区の住みたい街ランキング」 1位は? |
gatechnologies |
2022-03-25 12:08:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ドン・キホーテ、5時間駆動バッテリーを内蔵したフルHD対応の15.6型モバイル液晶ディスプレイ |
itmediapcuser |
2022-03-25 12:07:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
郵便物のための出社をゼロへ。クラウド郵便サービス「atena」が事業成長を加速 |
atena |
2022-03-25 03:00:28 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
自宅でも職場でもない“サードプレイス”需要がコロナ禍で増加―ブイキューブ調査 | IT Leaders |
itleaders |
2022-03-25 12:30:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSL2(Ubuntu20.04)+venv+pyBulletで深層強化学習のサンプルプログラムを動かす |
WSLにてvTESTPCnamedeactivate実行中の仮想環境の停止rmrfvTEST仮想環境vTESTの削除停止中のみ可能pyBulletのインストールとサンプル実行DISPLAYの環境設定を忘れずにWSLにてvTESTPCnameexportDISPLAYcatetcresolvconfgrepnameserverawkprintpBulletとnumpyをインストールします。 |
2022-03-25 12:03:50 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Sheet.js+kintone REST APIでExcelの内容をkintoneに流し込む |
そこでSheetjsとkintoneAPIを駆使してExcel上のデータをkintoneに自動で登録してくれる機能を実装しました。 |
2022-03-25 12:22:04 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
本日の基礎練習問題(22/3/25) |
仕様・実行すると点数を登録する点数を確認する終了するという選択肢を表示し、ユーザーに入力を求め、その入力に従い以下のような各処理を行う・アプリケーションを終了するまで、処理を繰り返すの処理・名前、年齢、国語・数学・英語の教科の点数を入力させて、保存するの処理・投稿された情報から番号と名前で一覧を表示し例yamada、見たい個人の番号の入力を求める・入力された個人の名前、年齢、国語・数学・英語の教科の点数を表示するの処理・アプリケーションを終了する注意・引数などは雛形で考慮していないため、必要に応じて引数を設定すること雛形defregistrationstudent生徒の名前と年齢を登録できるようにするstudentputs生徒名を入力してくださいputs生徒の年齢を入力してください登録した生徒の国語、数学、英語の点数を登録できるようにするputs国語の得点はputs数学の得点はputs英語の得点はenddefshowstudentname登録された生徒の名前を番号を振って表示するputs見たい生徒の番号を入力してください選択された生徒の名前、年齢、国語、数学、英語の点数を表示できるようにするputs名前puts年齢puts国語puts数学puts英語endstudentswhiletrueputs行いたい項目を選択してくださいputs点数を登録するputs点数を確認するputs終了するinputgetstoiifinputregistrationstudentelsifinputshowstudentnameelsifinputexitelseputs無効な値ですendendヒントregistrationstudentメソッドこのメソッドで処理したい内容は下記の通りです。 |
2022-03-25 12:26:00 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CentOS8にDockerをインストールする方法 |
トランザクションを実行中準備インストール中dockerscanpluginelxscriptletの実行中dockerscanpluginelxインストール中dockerceclielxscriptletの実行中dockerceclielxscriptletの実行中containerselinuxmoduleelfインストール中containerselinuxmoduleelfscriptletの実行中containerselinuxmoduleelfインストール中containerdioelxscriptletの実行中containerdioelxscriptletの実行中libcgroupelxインストール中libcgroupelxscriptletの実行中libcgroupelxインストール中fuselibselxscriptletの実行中fuselibselxインストール中fuseelxインストール中fuseoverlayfsmoduleelbscriptletの実行中fuseoverlayfsmoduleelbインストール中libslirpmoduleelbxインストール中slirpnetnsmoduleelbxインストール中dockercerootlessextraselxscriptletの実行中dockercerootlessextraselxインストール中dockerceelxscriptletの実行中dockerceelxscriptletの実行中containerselinuxmoduleelfscriptletの実行中dockerceelx検証containerselinuxmoduleelf検証fuseoverlayfsmoduleelb検証libslirpmoduleelbx検証slirpnetnsmoduleelbx検証fuseelx検証fuselibselx検証libcgroupelx検証containerdioelx検証dockerceelx検証dockerceclielx検証dockercerootlessextraselx検証dockerscanpluginelxインストール済みcontainerselinuxmoduleelffnoarchcontainerdioelxdockerceelxdockerceclielxdockercerootlessextraselxdockerscanpluginelxfuseoverlayfsmoduleelbxfuseelxfuselibselxlibcgroupelxlibslirpmoduleelbxslirpnetnsmoduleelbx完了しましたrootcentos dockervのコマンドでインストールされたDockerのバージョンを確認します。 |
2022-03-25 12:59:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why and How Migrate From Firebase to Serverless Stack? |
Why and How Migrate From Firebase to Serverless Stack This article is the third of a series around SST Serverless Stack I will try to let you discover some amazing aspects of this particular solution in the serverless world You can find the first article here introduction and the second one here some constructs presentation Firebase is a fantastic tool It allows you to build mobile or web applications without having to manage a backend by yourself But somehow this comes with some drawbacks In this article I will explain you why you may want to switch and a practical guide to switch In a concrete example I will migrate a React application that is relying on both Firebase and a Serverless Framework backend to a single stack with Serverless Stack Short Presentation of Each SolutionsFirebase is a product backed by Google It allow you to create mobile and web applications based on a set of Firebase components It contains an authentication layer a database FireStore a storage component to save files and a hosting solution to ship your application It s also possible to rely on Cloud Function to run code in backend functions Serverless Framework is a solution to host your backend components in a dedicated cloud provider without having to manage servers For exemple on AWS it will allow your to manage Lambda functions easily Serverless Stack is a new solution that can do what Serverless Framework offer But it offer also to handle the hosting of your web application and provide a better developer experience in my opinion I have already written a couple of article on the subject here for an introduction and here for some constructs presentation React is a Javascript library to build user interface Why You May Want to Migrate I was running my system to manage Montreal library cards since a few year based on Firebase Because I was using the free version of Firebase I wasn t able to use Cloud Functions But to query Montreal library system it was needed to run some functions somewhere Back in the days I have selected Serverless Framework to operate this backend API on my own AWS account But it was not ideal because I was dealing with too much stacks Focusing on Firebase here is a list of items that can limit you Firebase is offering a limited set of functionalities the integrated solutions is providing a really nice set of features for common web application authentication storage database But it s not easily extensible When you use directly AWS you can use any service provided by the cloud provider Think about Machine Learning service Queue systems Container workload Pricing model is not cheap when you leave the no cost plan Spark Firebase can be quite expensive depending on your usage For reference this classic article k bill on Firebase is a good reference The backend as a service model can lead to such issues if not well optimized AWS is not cheap either but you will pay only what you are using and you have more options to build your product does the frontend is running query on the database directly or via a backend API Developer experience can be limited local development is a must for serverless application it reduces the feedback time it take you to test each feature Firebase offer you a local emulator suite to provide you a local environment It will allow you to test quickly the cloud function built without waiting them to be shipped But it s only an emulation not real cloud function running on your cloud provider On the opposite Serverless Stack is providing you a live lambda development environment that is relying on AWS services not emulation Running the Migration in Steps Step Init your Serverless Stack applicationFollowing the quick start Create a new SST appnpx create serverless stack latest my sst appcd my sst appTake some time to explore the organisation of the folder stacks contains your infrastructure setup src will contains your Lambda function code Step Migrate from Serverless Framework to the new applicationIn my specific case I was migrating functions from Serverless Framework The guys from SST have a decent documentation for this classic case Migrating From Serverless Framework Basically I have reused directly the javascript files from the old project and place them in the src folder of the new project Then inside stacks MyStack ts I have created my API routes Create a HTTP APIconst api new sst Api this Api defaultAuthorizationType sst ApiAuthorizationType AWS IAM cors true routes GET cards src cards list POST cards src cards add DELETE cards id src cards remove GET cards id books src books list The defaultAuthorizationType allow me to secure the API with an IAM authentication see next step Step Replace the Firebase AuthenticationFirebase is handy because it comes with an authentication layer built in Inside SST the best option is to use the Auth construct that is relying behind the scene on AWS Cognito In stacks MyStack ts I am adding Create authconst auth new Auth this Auth cognito userPoolClient supportedIdentityProviders UserPoolClientIdentityProvider GOOGLE oAuth callbackUrls scope stage prod https prodDomainName http localhost logoutUrls scope stage prod https prodDomainName http localhost if auth cognitoUserPool auth cognitoUserPoolClient process env GOOGLE AUTH CLIENT ID process env GOOGLE AUTH CLIENT SECRET throw new Error Please set GOOGLE AUTH CLIENT ID and GOOGLE AUTH CLIENT SECRET const provider new UserPoolIdentityProviderGoogle this Google clientId process env GOOGLE AUTH CLIENT ID clientSecret process env GOOGLE AUTH CLIENT SECRET userPool auth cognitoUserPool scopes profile email openid attributeMapping email ProviderAttribute GOOGLE EMAIL givenName ProviderAttribute GOOGLE GIVEN NAME familyName ProviderAttribute GOOGLE FAMILY NAME phoneNumber ProviderAttribute GOOGLE PHONE NUMBERS make sure to create provider before client issuecomment auth cognitoUserPoolClient node addDependency provider const domain auth cognitoUserPool addDomain AuthDomain cognitoDomain domainPrefix scope stage nelligan plus Allow authenticated users invoke APIauth attachPermissionsForAuthUsers api This will allow me the use Google as my principal authentification system inside Cognito User Pool There is an alternate way to use Cognito Identity Pool with a simpler declaration new Auth this Auth google clientId xxx apps googleusercontent com But it s harder to manage in the React app so I prefer my initial version Step Replace the Firestore DatabaseThe Firebase project rely on Firestore to store some data related to each user On the new stack you must build a new system to store data The equivalent structure in AWS world is a DynamoDB table with a cost per usage It fits well serverless deployments There is useful Table construct available in SST Table to store cards const table new Table this Cards fields cardId TableFieldType STRING cardUser TableFieldType STRING cardCode TableFieldType STRING cardPin TableFieldType STRING primaryIndex partitionKey cardId Step Replace the Firebase HostingHere there is multiple approach possible I am suggesting the most integrated solution for an SST stack use the new ReactStaticSite constructtake advantage of the static site env to handle automatically the environment variablesFirst add in MyStack ts Create frontend appconst reactApp new ReactStaticSite this ReactSite path react app buildCommand yarn amp amp yarn build environment REACT APP REGION this region REACT APP API URL api url REACT APP GA TRACKING ID UA REACT APP USER POOL ID auth cognitoUserPool userPoolId REACT APP USER POOL CLIENT ID auth cognitoUserPoolClient userPoolClientId REACT APP IDENTITY POOL ID auth cognitoIdentityPoolId REACT APP USER UI DOMAIN domain domainName REACT APP DOMAIN scope stage prod https prodDomainName http localhost customDomain scope stage prod domainName prodDomainName hostedZone sidoine org undefined The environment props allow to pass environment variables to the React stack The path is the relative path that contains your React app Step Adapt your React ApplicationSo following step in the react app folder I move my existing React application and start changing it to support my new stack content Here is a general guidance follow Remove any occurence of firebase libraryAdd aws amplify instead it s a simple wrapper for using AWS ressources like auth api etc Add serverless stack static site env to manage environment variable from SSTConfigure aws amplify see example here based on environment variables Replace firebase calls by aws amplify calls that s probably the most long task For reference here is two examples of aws amplify usage The SignIn component to sign in the application rely on CognitoHostedUIIdentityProvider The Card component that is calling an API endpoint using the API object from aws amplify Link to the Project Before and After the MigrationFor reference you can dig into the project before and after the migration Before the migration GitHub julbrs nelligan plus at sls firebaseAfter the migration GitHub julbrs nelligan plus at fcffbbeaccbbeccdf ConclusionThe switch have been a game changer for me And it s not because of the cost or features but more for the developer experience Before the migration I use to first build the backend function test it ship it Then use this backend function in the frontend application after shipping the backend part Then maybe I need to go back to the backend to adapt the contract or modify the code You get it it was a slow back and forth process not very efficient Today I have a single stack First I start SST via npx sst startThen I start my React app locally yarn start The advantages I am working on a development environment without link to the production system thanks to the stages I can change my backend code directly in the IDE and it s available instantly Thanks to Live Lambda Development I don t have to manage directly the environment variables of my frontend stack no more env file to update When it s time to ship my project just a single command to push both backend and frontend npx sst deploy stage prodGet a look at Serverless Stack SST or my example project here on Github It s really worth the time to understand the main concepts and then you will be more efficient building full stack serverless applications Continue the discussion on twitter |
2022-03-25 03:12:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Create List And Grid View Using JavaScript |
How To Create List And Grid View Using JavaScriptIn this example we will see how to create a list and grid view using javascript many times clients have requirements like a toggle between list and grid view So for list view and grid view in HTML we are using a piece of HTML CSS and jquery here I will give you an example list and grid view using jquery So copy the below code and get the output of the list and grid view example in javascript In this example I have created one file and added HTML code CSS code and javascript Create HTML fileCreate an HTML file and the below code in your file lt div id container gt lt center gt lt h gt How To Create List And Grid View Using JavaScript Techsolutionstuff lt h gt lt br gt lt div class buttons gt lt button class grid gt Grid View lt button gt lt button class list gt List View lt button gt lt div gt lt center gt lt ul class list gt lt li style background lightgray gt Item lt li gt lt li gt Item lt li gt lt li style background lightgray gt Item lt li gt lt li gt Item lt li gt lt li style background lightgray gt Item lt li gt lt li gt Item lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt Read Also StartOf And EndOf Functions Example Of CarbonAdd CSSNow add some CSS for list view and grid view h font size px margin top px grid list padding px container ul list style none container buttons margin bottom px container list li width border bottom px margin top px margin bottom px padding px container grid li float left width height px border px solid CCC padding px Add JavaScriptIn this step we are adding some javascript for change list and grid view button on click function e if this hasClass grid container ul removeClass list addClass grid else if this hasClass list container ul removeClass grid addClass list And finally you will get output like the below image You might also like Read Also Copy To Clipboard JQuery ExampleRead Also How To Generate QRcode In LaravelRead Also How To Get Current User Location In LaravelRead Also How To Create Dynamic Bar Chart In Laravel |
2022-03-25 03:07:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Setup load balancer for Cloud Run 🌐 |
Setup load balancer for Cloud Run In this article I explain how to add load balancer to a Cloud Run service The steps are complicated so I took screenshots for you guys PrerequisitePlease create a Cloud Run service to apply restriction Create a load balancerLet s create a HTTPS load balancer Go to Load balancing setting in Network services Click CREATE LOAD BALANCER In the next page you should select the type of your load balancer Select HTTP S Load Balancer In the creation setting let it keep as it is In the New Classic HTTP S load balancer page you should setup the backend to catch traffic Cloud Run traffic routings and allowed protocols of traffics First let s setup the backend Click the drop down menu Backend service amp backend buckets and CREATE A BACKEND SERVICE You should not see any backend service if you haven t create any my screenshot has one though First you should name it like cloud run backend select Server less network endpoint group as the Backend type Then click the drop down in the New backend section Name the endpoint group like cloud run endpoint group select your region and select Cloud Run and your Cloud Run service which you want to connect the load balancer to Click CREATE Next let s setup Frontend You do not have to setup Host and path rules if you want to route all traffic to your Cloud Run Give a name to your new frontend select HTTPS as the protocol and click the Certificate drop down menu It can be HTTP but I do not recommend Please create a certificate for HTTPS traffic Name it select Create Google managed certificate and input you domain you want to use Domain settingYou re almost done Go to the Load balancing page and find your IP Create A record with the IP address on your DNS setting e g Google Domains Go Daddy etc NotesThe setting takes time to fully propagate to the system e g min Please be patient Finished This article helps you |
2022-03-25 03:07:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laravel 8 Logout For Your Authenticated User |
Laravel Logout For Your Authenticated UserOriginally posted visit and download the sample code In my previous post we implement the authentication now we will talk about Laravel auth logout Logout is one of the important functionality to implement in a web application when users log in they should have an option to log out of their account and secure it To shorten this post please follow my previous post here Step Create a routeNavigate routes web php then put the following code below Route group middleware gt auth function Logout Route Route get logout LogoutController perform gt name logout perform Step Create a LogoutControllerNavigate app Http Controllers directory then create a file called LogoutController php then paste the code below lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use Illuminate Http Request use Illuminate Support Facades Auth use Illuminate Support Facades Session class LogoutController extends Controller Log out account user return Illuminate Routing Redirector public function perform Session flush Auth logout return redirect login Now you have the logout functionality for your Laravel Authentication I hope this tutorial can help you Kindly visit here if you want to download this code Happy coding |
2022-03-25 03:05:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Canada sees Apple Maps expansion in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal |
Canada sees Apple Maps expansion in Toronto Vancouver and MontrealApple has begun rolling out new experiences for Apple Maps in select Canadian cities with unique D landmarks and enhanced navigation features When iOS launched Apple announced that Apple Maps would gain a few new features ーchiefly unique D landmarks a new D view and several new updates geared toward pedestrians The first cities to receive the enhanced experiences included London Los Angelas New York City and San Francisco Bay Area Read more |
2022-03-25 03:03:08 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
How to Use Rest API with Python |
python |
2022-03-25 03:12:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:(株)メンタルヘルステクノロジーズ |
新規上場 |
2022-03-25 13:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
N Korea claims successful launch of 'monster missile' Hwasong-17 |
country |
2022-03-25 03:13:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
<デジタル発>「死にたくない」-おびえる5歳 ウクライナ避難民ルポ |
避難 |
2022-03-25 12:32:04 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国国防省「対ロ支援はデマ」 「台湾問題は内政」と強調 |
台湾問題 |
2022-03-25 12:26:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米ゴルフ畑岡27位、渋野42位 JTBCクラシック第1日 |
女子ゴルフ |
2022-03-25 12:25:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
西日本から東日本で荒天か 低気圧の影響、大気不安定 |
西日本 |
2022-03-25 12:22:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
震災の記憶継承へ、図書館が開館 「こども本の森 神戸」 |
安藤忠雄 |
2022-03-25 12:07:36 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
十勝の森にいるみたい 映像、音響…札幌市資料館で再現 |
札幌市資料館 |
2022-03-25 12:20:09 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証、午前終値2万8062円 米株高、一進一退の展開 |
前日終値 |
2022-03-25 12:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
首相と米駐日大使、広島訪問発表 26日、慰霊碑で献花 |
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2022-03-25 12:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「五郎さんの姿、浮かぶ」 田中邦衛さん一周忌、富良野に献花台 |
五郎さん |
2022-03-25 12:02:08 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「自分のことは自分で!」子どもに実は逆効果な訳 気軽に手伝うと「自立の妨げになる」の思い込み | 子どもを本当に幸せにする「親の力」 | 東洋経済オンライン |
思い込み |
2022-03-25 13:00:00 |
ビジネス |
プレジデントオンライン |
「地政学的リスクの売りは短期間で終わる」投資家がいま知っておくべきウクライナ侵攻、米国利上げの影響 - ロシア国債がデフォルトしても世界への影響は大きくない |
個人投資家 |
2022-03-25 13:00:00 |
ビジネス |
プレジデントオンライン |
「地政学的リスクの売りは短期間で終わる」投資家がいま知っておくべきウクライナ侵攻、米国利上げの影響 - ロシア国債がデフォルトしても世界への影響は大きくない |
個人投資家 |
2022-03-25 13:00:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
デジタル広告視聴率を人単位で測定可能に ニールセン デジタルが「ニールセンIDシステム」の導入へ |
視聴 |
2022-03-25 12:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ラー博歴代記録を総なめ 和歌山「井出商店」 |
誕生 |
2022-03-25 12:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
楽天モバイル、月額550円で1つの電話番号をiPhoneとApple Watchで共有できる「電話番号シェアサービス」の提供開始 |
applewatch |
2022-03-25 12:15:00 |