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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita laravelでyoutubeの料理動画を管理するアプリを作ってみた。 https://qiita.com/cookiesand1023/items/4aa52d9c4c5934c067c8 Youtubeには様々な料理動画が日々アップされていますが、実際に作ってみてよかったものをストックしたり、少し自分好みにアレンジした時のメモを残したいと思ったので、当サービスを作ってみました。 2022-04-02 19:58:46
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita IN演算子 JavaScript https://qiita.com/marukome/items/9d1fb70b00bf69ed1dda IN演算子JavaScript用途オブジェクトに存在するかどうかを調べる配列に対して要素番号が存在するかどうか調べる使用方法オブジェクトに存在するかどうかを調べるvarhogeaaですconsolelogaですinobjtrueconsolelogbですinobjfalse文言in値というように記述すると、文言が値に存在している場合はtrueが、存在しない場合はfalseが返ってくる。 2022-04-02 19:07:35
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AtCoder ABC の自分の参加状況を調べてみる https://qiita.com/obelisk68/items/d4794d42e6e7a19af752 なので、スクレイピングで過去のABCの解答状況を表示させるコードを書いてみました。 2022-04-02 19:49:52
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ubuntu 20.04 + Apache 2.4 で「特定 IP は通す、それ以外はクライアント証明書認証」 https://qiita.com/eineflocke/items/6ac1a327fd319a8e2ef0 環境catetcreleasePRETTYNAMEUbuntuLTSapachevServerversionApacheUbuntuServerbuiltTopensslversionOpenSSLfMar証明書追加設定ファイル用意ルート証明書・クライアント証明書・サーバ証明書で設定ファイルをまるごと別物として用意する例が多く見られますが、以下のような追加設定ファイルを用意して読み込ませる方法のほうがなんとなく好きで使っています。 2022-04-02 19:12:18
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita laravelでyoutubeの料理動画を管理するアプリを作ってみた。 https://qiita.com/cookiesand1023/items/4aa52d9c4c5934c067c8 Youtubeには様々な料理動画が日々アップされていますが、実際に作ってみてよかったものをストックしたり、少し自分好みにアレンジした時のメモを残したいと思ったので、当サービスを作ってみました。 2022-04-02 19:58:46
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Terraform+Docker(+NewRelic)]環境変数のおすすめ設定方法 https://qiita.com/sawa-akabee/items/ddb48f2f5a47988eae79 TerraformDockerNewRelic環境変数のおすすめ設定方法この記事を行で①Gitに載せられないセンシティブな環境変数APIKEYとかはローカルで設定しコンテナに渡す設定にする②Gitに載せられるような環境変数はtfvarsファイルに記載③各環境ごとのディレクトリを作り、そのディレクトリでTerraformコマンドを叩くことで同一ソースを複数環境でデプロイしよう前提次の過去記事で構築した環境を前提としていますTerraformDocker環境構築QiitaNewRelicをTerraformでIaCInfrastructureasCode化するプロジェクトを想定しています環境macOSBigSurvIntelDockerforMacvDockervdockercomposev本題ディレクトリ構成terraform│└src││└environment│││└prod││││└prodtf│││└dev│││└devtf││└main│││└maintf│││└その他もろもろTerraform関連ソースdockercomposeでマウントする│└home││└entrypointshTerraformコンテナのENTRYPOINTに指定するシェルコマンド│└root││└bashrcbashのエイリアスなどをここに記載│└Dockerfile└dockercomposeyaml①Gitに載せられないセンシティブな環境変数APIKEYとかはローカルで設定しコンテナに渡す設定にするここでの環境変数は環境間で変更する必要はない想定で話を進めます変更の必要がある場合、この章に記載されているやり方でローカルの環境変数を変更した上で各環境のコンテナを立ち上げる必要があるかと思います上でも挙げた、下記の過去記事に記載がありますが、改めて要点を記載しておきますTerraformDocker環境構築Qiitadockercomposetmlenvironmentでローカルで設定された環境変数をコンテナ環境内に反映させるdockercomposetmlversionservicesterraformcontainernametfbuildterraformenvironmentコンテナ内の環境変数を指定するgt導入するプロバイダーや求める環境次第NEWRELICAPIKEYNEWRELICAPIKEYNEWRELICACCOUNTIDNEWRELICACCOUNTIDNEWRELICREGIONUSvolumesterraformsrcterraformsrcローカルでの環境変数設定CLIで設定する場合NEWRELICAPIKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxampampechoNEWRELICAPIKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzshenvで設定する場合zshenvexportNEWRELICAPIKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx※ターミナルを開き直し、正しく環境変数が設定されていることを確認することechoNEWRELICAPIKEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx②Gitに載せられるような環境変数はtfvarsファイルに記載ここについては、実際のTerraform開発時の流れにのって紹介していきますterraformhomeentrypointshいきなり蛇足ですが、ここでterraforminitしておくといい感じなので載せておきますentrypointshbinbashechoennechoeSTARTterraforminitprodechoecdterraformsrcenvironmentprodterraforminitcdechoennechoeSTARTterraforminitstgechoecdterraformsrcenvironmentstgterraforminitcdechoennechoeSHOWenvironmentechoeechoNEWRELICAPIKEYNEWRELICAPIKEYechoNEWRELICREGIONNEWRELICREGIONechoNEWRELICACCOUNTIDNEWRELICACCOUNTIDtailfdevnullDockerfileのENTRYPOINTに指定しているファイルです今回の構成に合わせて書き換えてますが、仕組みなどについてはこれも過去記事を参照してくださいやっていることコンテナ起動時、各環境でterraforminitコマンドを叩いているローカルで定義した環境変数をコンテナに反映しているdockercomposeymlに記載ので、正常に反映されているかチェックしているterraformrootbashrcbashrcaliaslllslacolorこれは便利なのでおまけaliastfterraformこれは便利なのでおまけplanaliasplandevcdterraformsrcenvironmentdevampampterraformplanvarfiledevtfvarsampampcdaliasplanprodcdterraformsrcenvironmentprodampampterraformplanvarfileprodtfvarsampampcdapplyaliasapplydevcdterraformsrcenvironmentdevampampterraformapplyvarfiledevtfvarsampampcdaliasapplyprodcdterraformsrcenvironmentprodampampterraformapplyvarfileprodtfvarsampampcdtmtaliasfmtterraformfmtrecursiveこれは便利なのでおまけやっていること各環境のディレクトリに移動Terraformコマンド起動varfileオプションで各環境ごとの環境変数ファイルを定義しているコンテナのルートディレクトリに移動各環境のディレクトリへの移動は絶対パスで指定しているのでコンテナのどこにいてもコマンドは叩ける「terraforminitが必要」という旨のエラーが現れた場合各環境のディレクトリに移動した状態でコマンドが中断されているはずなので、そこでinitをすればOKterraformsrcenvironmentprodampdevtfvarsexprodtfvarsenvproddomainwwwexampleprodcom上記bashrc内エイリアスのvarfileオプションにて指定されている環境変数の定義ファイルこれでplanapplyしたディレクトリ内のtfファイル内でvariableとして取得し、使用することができるterraformsrcenvironmentprodampdevtftfvariablevariableenvtypestringvariabledomaintypestringmodulesmodulemainsourcemainenvvarenvdomainvardomainterraformterraformrequiredversiongtrequiredprovidersnewrelicsourcenewrelicnewrelicvariableブロックで環境変数を取得しているmodulesブロックで環境変数をmainとしているmoduleに渡しているあとはmainのmoduleから使いたいところまで環境変数をパスしていく参考以降の環境変数のリレーの仕方terraformsrcmainmodulestfmodulestfmoduleurlssourcemodulesoutputurlsdomainvardomain↓terraformsrcmodulesoutputurlsurlstabletfurlstabletfvariablevariabledomaintypestringoutputoutputurlsvaluehttpsvardomainpathtohogeurlnameほげ︙terraformterraformrequiredversiongtrequiredprovidersnewrelicsourcenewrelicnewrelic③各環境ごとのディレクトリを作り、そのディレクトリでTerraformコマンドを叩くことで同一ソースを複数環境でデプロイここまでで各環境ごとのディレクトリ構成ができておりそれぞれの環境で環境変数を定義できていてterraformsrcenvironmentprodampdevtfvarsそれぞれの環境でTerraformコマンドを叩く準備terraformrootbashrcができていますterraform│└src││└environment│││└prod││││└prodtf│││└dev│││└devtf︙あとはコンテナ内でコマンドをたたけばOKですplandevapplyprod終わりに無事、各環境ごとでリソースをapplyすることができましたでしょうか記事にするためなるべく無駄を省いて記載してますので、もしかしたら必要な部分まで省いてしまっているかもしれませんし、自分の中で当たり前なつもりで書いてない事項があるかもしれません。 2022-04-02 19:30:08
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CentOS6.2でyumコマンドを使用する https://qiita.com/koudai_kumazaki/items/e7776c6a1a29525d6965 それに対してCentOSのopenSSLではTLSに対応していなかったためエラーが出たらしい。 2022-04-02 19:02:22
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【git】会社のGithub git repository を自宅Linuxマシンにclone して開発する https://qiita.com/XPT60/items/c5a81fdde862315f9912 内容会社用のsshkeyを用意して会社アカウントのGithubに登録する普通に鍵を作ります。 2022-04-02 19:18:51
海外TECH MakeUseOf You Can Now Blend Spotify Playlists With Up to 10 Friends https://www.makeuseof.com/spotify-blend-with-more-friends-musicians/ blend 2022-04-02 10:33:20
海外TECH MakeUseOf 5 Echo Auto Voice Assistant Alternatives for Your Car https://www.makeuseof.com/echo-auto-alternatives-for-car/ assistant 2022-04-02 10:15:13
海外TECH DEV Community Msg: Unhandled Promise rejection: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') - Angular https://dev.to/flyingman/msg-unhandled-promise-rejection-cannot-read-properties-of-undefined-reading-data-angular-5gf2 Msg Unhandled Promise rejection Cannot read properties of undefined reading x data x AngularMy angular application has a class which detects network status Injectable providedIn root export class NetworkAutoSyncService protected isConnected true constructor protected network Network protected loadingController LoadingController protected syncServices SyncMasterService protected userParameterService UserParametersService this networkSubscriber networkSubscriber if this network type none this isConnected false this network onDisconnect subscribe gt console log network was disconnected this isConnected false this network onConnect subscribe async gt if this isConnected this isConnected true const loading await this loadingController create message Network Connected Sync In Progress await loading present await this syncServices syncUserParams then res any gt this syncUserParameter res data userParameters res data flag await loading dismiss console log network connected setTimeout gt protected syncUserParameter userParams flag console log sync user params if flag update this userParameterService updateUser userParams this class is declared in the app module as networkAutoSyncService NgModule declarations AppComponent entryComponents imports BrowserModule IonicModule forRoot AppRoutingModule HttpClientModule FormsModule providers SQLite provide RouteReuseStrategy useClass IonicRouteStrategy Network DatetimeConversions provide ErrorHandler Attach the Sentry ErrorHandler useValue SentryAngular createErrorHandler bootstrap AppComponent export class AppModule constructor protected userParamsService UserParametersService protected syncServices SyncMasterService public networkAutoSyncService NetworkAutoSyncService Now when network is reconnected this code runs from above await this syncServices syncUserParams then res any gt this syncUserParameter res data userParameters res data flag which calls syncUserParams in this sync master services class Injectable providedIn root export class SyncMasterService protected endpoint constructor protected network Network protected userParamsService UserParametersService protected getUserCreds GetUserCredsServiceService this endpoint environment syncendpoint public async syncUserParams Promise lt AxiosResponse lt any gt void gt const token string await this getUserCreds getStoredToken const userUUID string await this getUserCreds getStoredUuid try console log Here we break this userParamsService getUserParameters userUUID then data gt console log JSON stringify data axios defaults headers post Content Type application x www form urlencoded axios defaults headers post Authorization token const url this endpoint return axios post url data then response gt if response data status success return response catch e return As see the above the syncUserParams function is called which calls getUserParameters in the below class However error happenes after console log Here we break when we call getUserParameters with this error Unhandled Promise rejection Cannot read properties of undefined reading data function inside the dbservice class We do not reach inside this function Injectable providedIn root export class UserParametersService readonly dbName string global db readonly dbTable string userParametersTable protected dbInstance SQLiteObject constructor protected platform Platform protected sqlite SQLite protected globalDbFunctions GlobalDBFunctionsService protected syncServices SyncMasterService this databaseConn param uuid public getUserParameters uuid console log this does not output so this function does not get called properly return this dbInstance executeSql SELECT from this dbTable where uuid uuid then res gt if res rows length return res rows item return false catch e gt console log JSON stringify e Wondering how I can solve this Thanks The full error E Capacitor Console File http localhost polyfills js Line Msg Unhandled Promise rejection Cannot read properties of undefined reading data Zone lt root gt Task Promise then Value TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined reading data TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined reading data at http localhost main js at ZoneDelegate invoke http localhost polyfills js at Zone run http localhost polyfills js at http localhost polyfills js at ZoneDelegate invokeTask http localhost polyfills js at Zone runTask http localhost polyfills js at drainMicroTaskQueue http localhost polyfills js 2022-04-02 10:16:49
海外TECH DEV Community 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022 - Day 2 https://dev.to/mike_kameta_aed62d48c2d0f/100-days-of-code-the-complete-python-pro-bootcamp-for-2022-day-2-71f Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for Day Exercise Data TypesDon t change the code below two digit number input Type a two digit number Don t change the code above Write your code below this line first digit two digit number second digit two digit number int first digit int first digit int second digit int second digit result int first digit int second digitprint result Exercise BMI CalculatorDon t change the code below height input enter your height in m weight input enter your weight in kg Don t change the code above Write your code below this line bmi int weight float height bmi int int bmi print bmi int Exercise Life in weeksDon t change the code below age input What is your current age Don t change the code above Write your code below this line days int age weeks int age months int age print f You have days days weeks weeks and months months left Project Day Tip CalculatorIf the bill was split between people with tip Each person should pay Format the result to decimal places Tip There are ways to round a number You might have to do some Googling to solve this Write your code below this line print Welcome to the tip calculator bill int input How much is your bill tip int input How much tip do you want to leave or percent people int input How many people will split the bill bill with tip tip bill billsplit bill with tip people Note The round function did produce the result asked so had to change it the below Thank you google loltotal bill split f format split print f Each person should pay total bill split 2022-04-02 10:09:40
海外TECH DEV Community Java: Finding out the root cause of an unexpected log message https://dev.to/janux_de/java-finding-out-the-root-cause-of-an-unexpected-log-message-2n5g Java Finding out the root cause of an unexpected log messageImagine you are developing a Java Spring app You are correctly following a tutorial for configuring a database But it doesn t work as expected There is a log message which gives a hint about the root cause but you don t know from where exactly it is coming This blog post explores how the hint in this error message can be leveraged to fix the underlying problem ExampleEven though the datasource configuration has been configured with the URL jdbc h mem ksch still the default URL jdbc h mem testdb is being used INFO main o s j d e EmbeddedDatabaseFactory Starting embedded database url jdbc h mem testdb DB CLOSE DELAY DB CLOSE ON EXIT false username sa JAR searchIt would be great if there would be a tool to search for the log message over all the JAR files in the Maven caches And it turns out there is a tool that can do that Installationugrep can be used across a wide range of operating systems However there is no Ubuntu package available But the project s Dockerfile is based on Ubuntu So from there we can get the steps required to compile the tool manually sudo apt get install y nmake vim git clang wget unzip libpcre dev libz dev libbz dev liblzma dev liblz dev libzstd dev git clone cd ugrep build shsudo make install Search queryNow we can search for the suspicious log message in the Maven caches which contain all of the project s dependencies cd m repository ugrep z Starting embedded database Binary file org springframework spring jdbc RELEASE spring jdbc RELEASE jar org springframework jdbc datasource embedded EmbeddedDatabaseFactory class matchesSo it is coming from the spring jdbc project and we can search there for the file and line from where the log message originates Disclaimer If you look closely at the name of the logger in the original log message you might be faster to find the right source file to introspect But that is too easy isn t it DebugAfter having found the log message in the source code we can set a breakpoint and start the app in debug mode By following the data flow with further browsing in the IDE we can logically deduce the root cause of the problem SolutionIn this case it turned out that the root cause was a custom datasource which canceled out the auto configuration Configurationclass BffConfig Bean public EmbeddedDatabase dataSource return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder setType EmbeddedDatabaseType H addScript org springframework session jdbc schema h sql build The solution was delete the custom datasource builder and move the init script into the profile configuration spring datasource data classpath org springframework session jdbc schema h sql ReferencesSearching for a string on multiple zip files Spring Boot default H jdbc connection and H console Spring Boot Loading Initial Data 2022-04-02 10:06:31
海外TECH DEV Community Error: Multipart: Boundary not found https://dev.to/coucoseth/error-multipart-boundary-not-found-31am Error Multipart Boundary not foundI got this when uploading files to my nodejs API from my react and react native apps and the problem was with my axios version i was running the latest at the time which is so i had to downgrade to first uninstall axiosnpm uninstall axiosthen install version or any other version that you have used before that works without getting this error in my case it was version npm install axios Hope it works for you 2022-04-02 10:04:38
海外TECH DEV Community Learn how to use Discord and get whitelisted for NFT projects https://dev.to/monijesuloluwa/learn-how-to-use-discord-and-get-whitelisted-for-nft-projects-4kdd Learn how to use Discord and get whitelisted for NFT projectsWhen I started learning about NFTs I joined a whitelist hunting group which I initially thought was to guide newbies into the NFT space Then the members began sharing invites to discord servers to get whitelisted First I didn t know what a whitelist meant and when I joined one of the discord servers I became confused about what happened there Still I tried following the instructions on the server but I started seeing people s names with verified icons and some people were requesting to get whitelisted I got tired of the whole process because everything was looking too complicated Later on I decided to take my time to understand the whole context of whitelisting and how to use discord to get whitelisted I also learned other things like NFT minting which this article covers below What is a whitelist A whitelist is a list owned by the NFT project that contains the list of people that have access to an NFT project before it goes public Let s say that there is a party that starts at PM but some people would be on a particular list that have access to enter the party earlier than the time speculated In that scenario those particular people are on the whitelist The people on the whitelist have authorized access to mint an NFT at a cheaper rate before the NFT is released into the market What does it mean to get whitelisted If you get whitelisted your wallet address will be put on the list owned by the NFT project so that when it s time to mint you will have access to mint the NFT for free or at a very low price Just the way a preorder is usually cheaper than the actual launch price being whitelisted gives you access to buy a presale of an NFT before launch or before it goes into any secondary market Why should I want to get whitelisted You should aim to get whitelisted for apparent reasons because you can get the NFT at a very low price For some whitelists you only need to cover the cost of the gas fee and you get access to the NFT e g the Arbitrum trend How do I get whitelisted To be whitelisted you may be required to complete specific tasks and challenges assigned by the NFT project Some NFT projects also organize events like as competitions quizzes and so on Rumble is also popularly used to get whitelisted Tasks the admins of the NFT project might want you to do include Contributing to their community and being active on their Discord server Retweeting and liking something on their Twitter page and following themDoing tasks created by the NFT project What is Discord Discord is a chat app initially intended for use by gamers for VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol but it has gained more popularity as the NFT hype came along Now people join Discord servers of NFT projects to get whitelist roles Why are projects using discord for their NFT whitelisting process One major reason is the anonymity you can maintain while on Discord You don t have to reveal any information to join discord servers and you can also talk openly without fear of being bullied or receiving racist comments The admins are there to kick out anyone who violates the rules of the community Furthermore the servers can accommodate a large number of people As a result NFT projects use Discord for their whitelisting activities How to use discord If you do not yet have an account on discord you can create an account here or download the app on your phone or your pc How does discord work Communities for NFT projects are hosted on Discord servers This is what a discord server looks like Discord s servers are like virtual environments Specific communities and friend groups create them The vast majority of servers are modest and only accessible by invitation Some of the larger servers are open to the public Any user can create a new server and invite their friends to join it for free On the Discord server channels are similar to group conversations Discord servers are divided into text and voice channels each of which is dedicated to a certain topic and has its own set of rules There can be multiple channels on a Discord server depending on the admins On role creation and getting a whitelist roleThe admins of the server can create roles depending on what they want to do and the admins decide the names to give the roles A role is like a position you have in a discord server Those roles are given to people by the admins of the NFT project Examples of roles commonly assigned to members by the admins are WL whitelist roles and OG roles You can get a whitelist role by doing the things they tell you to do OG roles are usually assigned for the first people to enter the discord channel e g first or first to join the discord channel The OG role is also given to people who are immensely contributing and helping out and improving the community They are popular on the server and the developers on the admin server recognize them There are benefits of OJ roles for instance when people on whitelist roles are only able to mint one NFT people with OG roles will be able to mint two or three NFTs Note One important thing to note is that you need to ensure you follow the rules and regulations on the discord servers You also have to ensure that the Discord server you are joining is credible If you heard of the Iconics NFT rug pull you would know how important it is What s the next thing to do after I get the whitelist role When you get your whitelist role the next thing you must do depends on the discord server admins They might create another channel for you to submit your wallet address or do a pre minting where you have to connect your Twitter account and your wallet address to get verified When you get a whitelist role you have to do one of these stated above And it would be best if you did these things within the time they tell you or before mint day depending on the server If not even if you still have the whitelist role you won t be able to mint when the minting day comes because they register the wallet addresses to their website so that only eligible people will be able to mint the NFTs How do I mint an NFT When you want to mint an NFT you pay for the minting and gas fees They are fees paid separately But nowadays there are some NFTs that allows you mint freely which means you don t have to pay a minting fee but you will still pay for gas fees The gas fees are present because you are signing a contract under blockchain Eg Ethereum Blockchains with cheap gas fees ArbitrumPolygonBscElrondAlgo After Minting the NFT what Next After Minting the NFT you can decide to sell the NFT or you can choose to let it grow in value before you sell the NFT later on The concept of buying and selling is called NFT flipping On using Burner Wallets to prevent getting ScammedIf you heard about the Iconics NFT rug pull scam that wiped all the money people had in the wallet address they connected the NFT to their wallet you would understand how important it is to have a separate wallet for transactions that will only have things like gas fees for transactions and the likes Creating a separate wallet for storing your NFTs and your coins of which I advise you to have more than one wallet Just in case you submit your wallet address and it gets wiped by an illegal smart contract you would not feel too bad because you only had your gas fees and minting fees in that wallet Further ReadingRug PullingNFT flippingxing and xing 2022-04-02 10:01:44
海外TECH DEV Community Best Programming Language and Game Engine To Develop a Metaverse Cricket Game? https://dev.to/gracesh58738133/best-programming-language-and-game-engine-to-develop-a-metaverse-cricket-game-l4m Best Programming Language and Game Engine To Develop a Metaverse Cricket Game How metaverse spaces in NFT gaming are developedCompound complexity exuding in the NFTs development in real time is something to marvel at Their use cases have skyrocketed to scale new heights in revenue generation and to house a plethora of talent onto their platform Developers on the platform are having a ball on the development frontier in helping curate these niches in the digital asset trading sector Among a variety of industries residing on the blockchain and Web applications the gaming division in specific metaverse is all the craze right now Let s look at how developers build these games with immersive spaces and sell them in relevant marketplaces such as NFTs What constitutes an NFT Any digital asset that can be minted in ERC or the newer amp relevant blockchain standards can be deemed NFTs They are not restricted to their mere binary existence but their applications can be developed to use in real world settings marketing through merchandising metaverse and ticketing However the objects minted on the blockchain are for the most part digitally native concepts Interoperability in the NFTs help in the intersectionalism of the available industries overlap Making way for new revenue streams through niche NFT marketplaces Any of the industries can take inspiration from or contribute to another like art music and gaming can all be cooped up in metaverse settings and also be their own separate entities Game Engine and Programs to help build your NFT gamesThere are a number of programs that help build a game for developers and creators with inbuilt simulation testing and rendering outlets But let s look at two accessible and user friendly programs that are making a difference in this regard UnityIt is a video game development software with the framework to support building D D and D animations The application is not exclusive to the gaming aspects but any interactive interfaces can be built It s one of the best Game Engine in the world They support a variety of different apps cross application support with built in APIs and an intelligent user interface Their platform supports third party plugins and the onboarding of images effects to build animations and guilds The gaming space can be catered to mobile PC and any application the developer so desires The program used to build the applications is supported by C and many C native programs like C Javascript etc The platform unfortunately doesn t support IOS based applications GodotAnother gaming outlet that helps developers build D and D gaming applications It is an open source game engine excelling in kinetic movements helping develop dynamic characters and engaging environments The platform uses a program called GDScript The syntaxes in the native programming language of Godot are similar to that of python Basic knowledge of python is mandatory to help develop the required applications and commodities within The D and D animation can be built with in house plugins and be made to import onto desired applications The hierarchy in nodes helps develop each layer of the game in a detailed and back tractable manner Wrapping up how to apply an NFT integrated business model to your gameThe enticing world of game development and metaverse NFT guilds can be monetized by indie developers who want their big break in the blockchain based applications and all the possible revenue streams they offer The games can be deployed with the “play to earn module where the in game assets avatars commodities skins and even the entire ecosystems can be tokenized as NFTs with smart contracts These smart contracts help to generate passive revenue for the creator each time the NFTs are traded The marketplaces can also be weaponized with hyper utilities and reward points From recent technical news GuardianLink is about to launch it s world s first metaverse Cricket game as Jump Trade The more the player engages with the platform the more eyes and interaction as a result Though Unity and Godot alone may not be enough to deploy a high end graphic interface it is a really good place to start and sharpen your skills 2022-04-02 10:01:25
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ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 【日経特報】暗号資産のビットフライヤーHD、投資ファンドが買収へ https://t.co/MFOn28xWJu https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1510197775879008260 投資ファンド 2022-04-02 10:09:42
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Red Cross plans fresh evacuation effort from Ukraine’s Mariupol https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/02/world/russia-ukraine-kyiv-recapture-territory/ Red Cross plans fresh evacuation effort from Ukraine s MariupolA Red Cross convoy traveling to the city of Mariupol will try again to evacuate civilians from the besieged port on Saturday as Russian forces 2022-04-02 19:22:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid vaccines now available for five to 11-year olds in England https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-60958507?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2022-04-02 10:45:33
ニュース BBC News - Home Dover queues due to shortage of cross-Channel ferries https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-60965245?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA dover 2022-04-02 10:03:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Prince Charles gets chivalrous on Eastenders set https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60966617?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA albert 2022-04-02 10:38:13
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「連続増配株ランキング」ベスト20![2022年最新版] 32期連続増配の「花王」、22期連続増配で利回り4%超 の「三菱HCキャピタル」など、おすすめ増配銘柄を紹介 - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/229803 2022-04-02 19:20:00
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