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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ニコニコ動画のランキングが2010年前後の動画で染まる 「あの頃のニコ動」「懐かしい」と話題 原因は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/05/news075.html itmedia 2022-04-05 10:37:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「TikTok」小学生女子に人気 利用率「LINE」上回る https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/05/news074.html itmedia 2022-04-05 10:24:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 旧九段会館、新施設名は「九段会館テラス」に 創建時を復元した宴会場やシェアオフィス https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/05/news058.html itmedia 2022-04-05 10:10:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 日本の防災テックを世界へ! スペクティの「Spectee Pro」、まずはフィリピン展開へ https://techable.jp/archives/176474 中小企業 2022-04-05 01:00:51
AWS AWS Japan Blog Oracle Database を迅速かつ簡単に Amazon FSx for OpenZFS に同期する https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/synchronize-your-oracle-databases-quickly-and-easily-with-amazon-fsx-for-openzfs/ このブログ記事では、AmazonFSxforOpenZFSを使用して、複数の環境間でOracleDatabaseのデータを数秒でクローンすることにより、運用の複雑さを軽減して俊敏性を向上させ、コストを削減する方法について説明します。 2022-04-05 01:40:48
AWS AWS Japan Blog AWS IoT SiteWiseによる産業機器からのデータ取り込みと管理 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/ingesting-and-managing-data-from-industrial-equipment-with-aws-iot-sitewise/ これらの機能が追加される以前は、お客様はAWSIoTSiteWiseにデータを取り込む前に機器のモデルを事前に作成する必要がありましたが、この新機能により、機器がAWSIoTSiteWiseに接続されると同時に、クラウドにデータを取り込むことができるようになりました。 2022-04-05 01:39:52
AWS AWS - Japan [AWS BlackBelt Online Seminar] Amazon Connect Tasks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8bFDaqdjV4 amazon 2022-04-05 01:08:14
Google Google Developer Japan Blog Google Developer Student Clubs 2022 ~ 2023 年度 Lead 募集のお知らせ http://developers-jp.googleblog.com/feeds/7618159458497724081/comments/default DSCを通してできることGoogleのトレーニングコンテンツを使用して、デベロッパーとしてのスキルを高めるIT領域に対して苦手意識を持っている人にも、開発の楽しさを教える自分の「作りたい」を実現するために、チームメンバーを率いることができる、リーダーシップスキルを身につける「こんな技術系のコミュニティがあったらいいな」を形にする、コミュニティ構築スキルを学ぶ身近なコミュニティにおいての問題解決に向けたソリューションアプリやサービスのプロトタイプ・構築方法を学ぶGoogle社員や現役エンジニア、エキスパートからのメンタリングを受けるGoogleの一部イベントや会議への優先招待共通の趣味・IT業界への関心を持つ世界中の学生と繋がるSolutionChallengeコンテストへの参加Googleテクノロジーを使って、国連のの持続可能な開発目標のどれかに対するソリューションを構築してみるTopに採択されたチームには素敵な賞品や機会が盛りだくさん現役Leadからの一言Leadを卒業後のご予定はLead卒業後は、GDSCで出会った仲間たちとプロダクトの開発を続けます。 2022-04-05 11:00:00
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【husky v7対応】React×TypeScriptの開発環境をcreate-react-appで構築する https://qiita.com/Naughty1029/items/789e9e0226fd50f151cd 【huskyv対応】React×TypeScriptの開発環境をcreatereactappで構築するこの記事に書いてあることcreatereactappを使った、React×Typescriptの開発環境構築createreactappとはReactの面倒な開発環境をコマンド一発で作成してくれる機能。 2022-04-05 10:03:00
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSのStreaming Serviceを使って、Unityで動画をStreamingする https://qiita.com/jvince/items/5debca961af669073923 最初の設定はすべてDefaultで良いです上記書いてあるのBitrateついてセクションを参考しながら、ビデオ使う目的と合わせて、ビデオ品質を選択します、この記事ではQVBRAWSのデフォルトを使います。 2022-04-05 10:48:34
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CLI SSM接続時のエラー【 [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]】対処法メモ https://qiita.com/bol-belt/items/44fa18a59c676f54dcdd 企業ファイルpem確かに社内環境からssm接続を試みていましたが、、、試しに自宅の私用pcから同じECにssm接続を試みると接続ができました。 2022-04-05 10:09:10
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita WP-CLI+WordPress+DB+データ専用コンテナをdocker composeで|ローカル環境構築ハンズオン https://qiita.com/SwuBHj8aKGqBKHet/items/0770f9e19f67c9c82bcb これはWordPressコンテナの以下の行wpcontentvarwwwhtmlwpcontentでこのように指定されているためホストOS上にディレクトリがない場合はコンテナ内のディレクトリをホストOS上にコピーしてくれます。 2022-04-05 10:20:42
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsで複数のレコードを一つの塊として管理してみた https://qiita.com/kajikaji/items/99f4fa3a6031653ded9c 最初はJSONに変換してから送ろうとしていたのですが、Railsで上手く変換できなかったので配列で送ることにしました。 2022-04-05 10:22:23
技術ブログ Developers.IO [AWS CDK] Lambda関数からRDS Proxy経由でAmazon Aurora DBクラスターに接続してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-cdk-connect-to-amazon-aurora-db-cluster-from-lambda-function-via-rds-proxy/ amazonauroradb 2022-04-05 01:39:46
技術ブログ Hatena::Engineering Hatena Engineer Seminar #19「カクヨム編」をオンラインで開催しました #hatenatech https://developer.hatenastaff.com/entry/engineer-seminar-19-report HatenaEngineerSeminar「カクヨム編」をオンラインで開催しましたhatenatech年月日水曜日に開催したHatenaEngineerSeminar「カクヨム編」のレポートです。 2022-04-05 11:00:00
海外TECH DEV Community Refresh Gatsby Content Without Restarting Development Server https://dev.to/gregorygaines/refresh-gatsby-content-without-restarting-development-server-3h7 Refresh Gatsby Content Without Restarting Development ServerI can t count how many hours I ve wasted staring at my terminal waiting for the Gatsby development server to restart after editing content Luckily Gatsby can expose an endpoint to refresh content without restarting the whole server PrerequisitePostman HTTP client Enabling Refresh EndpointAdd ENABLE GATSBY REFRESH ENDPOINT true to your development environment variables to enable the refresh endpoint The endpoint exposes as http localhost refresh title env development ENABLE GATSBY REFRESH ENDPOINT true Triggering Refresh EndpointUsing postman send an HTTP POST request to the http localhost refresh endpoint Much faster than a complete server restart Using the TerminalThe refresh endpoint can also be triggered using the terminal on Unix based operating systems curl X POST http localhost refresh ConclusionThe refresh feature is enabled by adding the ENABLE GATSBY REFRESH ENDPOINT true development environment variable The endpoint is exposed as http localhost refresh and triggered by POST requests If you believe I ve helped consider signing up for my newsletter or supporting me 2022-04-05 01:47:42
海外TECH DEV Community Understanding referential equality in React's useEffect https://dev.to/vicnovais/understanding-referential-equality-in-reacts-useeffect-2m7o Understanding referential equality in React x s useEffectHello fellow readers In this post I am going to discuss how useEffect handles it s dependencies when there is an object in it Note there will be assumptions that you know some key concepts about useEffect So if you don t really know the basics I first recommend you to read the React docs on this subject Referential equalityWhen we talk about comparison in most of programming languages we deal with two topics comparison by reference and comparison by value In JavaScript world this is also true We can compare values using primitive types like string or numbers or compare references when dealing with objects Comparison by valueThis is the most straightforward concept If two values are equal then a boolean comparison returns true Note that this works for the most common primitive types of JavaScript strings numbers and booleans const a const b const c console log a b trueconsole log b c falseconst d hello const e hello const f bye console log d e trueconsole log e f false Comparison by referenceThis type of comparison takes in consideration where in the memory an object is located If two objects point to the same location they are equal otherwise they are different Check out the following schema Even if two objects have the same properties with the same values they will not be equal unless they are located in the same memory position You can run the following code in your browser s DevTools to prove this const obj animal dog const obj animal dog const obj objconsole log obj obj trueconsole log obj obj falseconsole log obj obj falseconsole log obj obj true Comparison in React s useEffectWith the previous introduction on types of comparison on mind let s bring that concept into React s hook useEffect Accordingly to React s docs we can define this hook as The Effect Hook lets you perform side effects in function components Data fetching setting up a subscription and manually changing the DOM in React components are all examples of side effects Whether or not you re used to calling these operations “side effects or just “effects you ve likely performed them in your components before If we need to run an effect after a specific change we must use hook s second argument which is an array of dependencies useEffect gt document title You clicked count times count Only re run the effect if count changesEvery time any of the dependencies change the callback inside useEffect is run and in this process it is important to know how the comparison is made If there are only primitive values such as string or number there will be a comparison by value otherwise there will be a comparison by reference I ve seen plenty of times errors regarding the functionality of useEffect when it comes to dependencies You may trap yourself in an infinite loop or multiple calls to an API which may incur in money loss if for example your back end is hosted in a cloud service To mitigate these problems it is important to keep these dependencies as stable as possible So let s see some examples useEffect value comparison this example show a simple count component that render in screen a new text every time the count state changes As it is a number React simply compares if the previous number is equal the new number and if this is true then useEffect is called const ValueComparison gt const count setCount useState useEffect gt document body append Whoa My count is now count var br document createElement br document body appendChild br count return lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Click me to count lt button gt useEffect reference comparison the following example shows a common problem It shows a object state that is directly changed but nothing is rendered Check it out const ReferenceComparison gt const animalObj setAnimalObj useState animal dog const handleChange gt animalObj animal animalObj animal cat dog cat setAnimalObj animalObj useEffect gt document body append I am this animal animalObj animal var br document createElement br document body appendChild br animalObj return lt button onClick handleChange gt Click me to change the animal lt button gt You may be asking yourself baffled but the state did change Now the animal should be a cat Well not quite We are changing an object property not the object per se See remember that an object comparison is made by reference So the reference of the object in the memory stays the same even if some property changes thereby useEffect dependency will not recognize any change To fix this we simply need to pass a new object to setAnimalObj meaning that this new object will point to a new memory location so the dependency will change and useEffect will fire const ReferenceComparison gt const animalObj setAnimalObj useState animal dog const handleChange gt setAnimalObj animalObj animal animalObj animal cat dog cat useEffect gt document body append I am this animal animalObj animal var br document createElement br document body appendChild br animalObj return lt button onClick handleChange gt Click me to change the animal lt button gt useEffect reference comparison now let s see an example with a parent child component relationship Here is the parent component that renders an animal list and a button that increments a counterconst ReferenceComparison gt const count setCount useState const animalList animal dog animal cat animal turtle return lt React Fragment gt lt ChildComponent data animalList gt lt span gt Count count lt span gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Increment count lt button gt lt React Fragment gt Here is the child component responsible for rendering the list used by parent componentconst ChildComponent data ChildComponentProps gt useEffect gt document body append Child rendered Data has changed var br document createElement br document body appendChild br data return lt ul gt data map item index gt lt li key index gt item animal lt li gt lt ul gt If we run the above code we can see that the child component is rerendered every time the button is clicked although the counter and the list are independent This happens because every time the counter is updated the parent component is rerendered therefore the function will be called again generating a new reference for the object in animalList variable Finally the child component acknowledge this change and runs useEffect It is possible to solve this in many ways let s see two of them The first solution below simply moves the array data outside the component function therefore the object reference will never change const animalList animal dog animal cat animal turtle const ReferenceComparison gt const count setCount useState return lt React Fragment gt lt ChildComponent data animalList gt lt span gt Count count lt span gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Increment count lt button gt lt React Fragment gt The second possible solution is to use useMemo This hook keeps the same reference of a value unless its dependencies change const ReferenceComparison gt const count setCount useState const animalList useMemo gt animal dog animal cat animal turtle return lt React Fragment gt lt ChildComponent data animalList gt lt span gt Count count lt span gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt Increment count lt button gt lt React Fragment gt Now our child component will not run useEffect because the data dependency has a stable reference Wrapping upWe ve seen how referential equality works when using useEffect It is always important to keep an eye on the dependencies specially if they rely on objects arrays or functions You may find yourself sometimes in trouble when the same effect runs many times If this happens remember to checkout the dependencies and if they are stable Feel free to use the comments section to expose your opinion or ask me anything Thanks 2022-04-05 01:44:20
海外TECH DEV Community Why Software Development? https://dev.to/tanyabrown208/why-software-development-44hp Why Software Development So this question keeps coming up Why software development That s a really good question and one I don t have a ready answer for but maybe I can give some reasons as to why I want to work in software development One thing I ve been told that I m not smart enough I m not dumb I may be pretty but I m not dumb You think I m not smart enough Okay…Challenge accepted Am I up to that challenge That s what I m at Flatiron School to find out and to prove that I can A little about my background My first computer was a TI That was my first experience in programming Type a few lines in and something happens on the screen I was fascinated by that The next computer I had was a Commadore and a little more programming learned I was getting hooked at a young age but then life happened and new experiences took over School became my main focus Keep in mind that this was the early s and no one knew that computers were going to become such a huge thing My first reason for pursuing a job as a software developer is that I m years old and I work for Amazon It s hard physical work and there s not a lot of room for development growth or recognition I don t mind working hard but it s not something I want to do until I get to retire In my previous positions I ve been mentally challenged and stimulated and encouraged to use my brain and computers That just doesn t happen at Amazon without a higher education To be honest I miss the mental challenges that my other positions came with My second reason is that I want the flexibility to work either on my own or with a team I like the aspect of being able to work anywhere My parents are growing older and I need to be able to work from home occasionally so that I can help them They ve been there for me a lot and now it s my turn to be there for them I know that it might not happen working from home but it s still very appealing Reason three is that the money and hours are better Having financial stability is incredibly appealing I d like to own a home again some day and will need to be able to do better than live paycheck to paycheck Not only is there financial stability but there seems to be a lot of job stability since the field of software design just keeps growing If COVID taught me one thing it s to be grateful to work in an industry that didn t get shutdown That said there is a drawback to being considered “essential at Amazon That drawback is that you work a lot of long hard hours with little time off Having a predictable schedule is appealing as well I ve worked in a lot of different fields and have had the joy of breaking programs Now I want the challenge of creating and fixing them I guess for me the main reasons for becoming a Software Developer boil down to the mental challenge money and job stability So now I know why I want to be a Software Developer That just leaves the question of “Am I up for the challenge I know so 2022-04-05 01:37:33
海外TECH DEV Community Diferenças entre ARM e X86 https://dev.to/ci_monk/diferencas-entre-arm-e-x86-12dj Diferenças entre ARM e X OverviewOs processadores podem ter inúmeras funções mas a principal delas estáligada a CPU Unidade de processamento central o cérebro da máquina onde a maiorias das informações éprocessada Mesmo assim esses cérebros também possuem suas diferenças entre si Um processador de um computador e o de um celular operam de formas distintas pois cada um deles possui suas próprias necessidades e características específicas No caso dos computadores os principais fabricantes são AMD e Intel jáos celulares são Qualcomm Samsung ou Media Tek IntroduçãoUm processador ARM possui uma arquitetura RICS isso significa que a CPU possui um número limitado de instruções que pode ser utilizado Com isso cada instrução éexecutada em um único ciclo e as instruções são mais simples Enquanto isso um processador x possui uma arquitetura CISC isso significa que hámuito mais instruções O número exato dessas instruções pode variar de acordo como vocêconta mas o x tem pelo menos quanto o ARM possui cerca de VantagensO ARM foi projetado para ser menor mais eficiente em termos de energia e criar menos calor Isso o torna perfeito para dispositivos móveis como smartphones o tamanho pequeno o torna ótimo para dispositivos minúsculos A eficiência energética dáao dispositivo uma vida útil mais longa de bateria O menor calor ébom para um dispositivo que estáconstantemente sendo segurado Isso não muda quando o assunto élaptops A Apple historicamente teve problemas com superaquecimento em e mais antigos O ARM permitiu que a Apple tornasse seus MacBooks menos propícios a isso torna a vida útil da bateria desses dispositivos mais longa Fora isso teve a possibilidade de fabricar laptops menores DesvantagensUma grande desvantagem que temos éque um programa x não pode ser executado em ARM Os programas precisão ser completamente reescritos para serem executados nas máquinas mais novas da Apple por exemplo Ainda bem que a maioria das linguagens de programação pode ser direcionadas para ARM com facilidade Também háum problema de velocidade…como o ARM tem menos instruções os desenvolvedores precisam usar mais instruções Por exemplo o ARM geralmente não tem a instrução de divisão mesmo os algoritmos de divisão mais eficientes são muito complicados e muitas CPUs ARM não os implementam Nesses CPUs vocêteria que dividir usando outras instruções e como vocêestáusando outras instruções para simular a divisão acaba que demora mais ciclos para ela finalizar Isso pode ser ainda mais lento do que em um conjunto de instruções x que possui arquitetura CISC CISC e RISCSabemos que a arquitetura de processador descreve o processador que foi usado em um computador Nessa perspectiva temos dois tipos de arquiteturas conhecidas CISC Computador com um conjunto complexo de instruções RISC Computador com um conjunto reduzido de instruções A arquitetura CISC éuma arquitetura que suportar muitas instruções porém a execução dessas instruções são mais lentas jáa arquitetura RISC suporta menos instruções e com isso executa com mais rapidez o conjunto de instruções que são combinadas Um processador CISC écapaz de executar várias centenas de instruções complexas sendo extremamente versátil A tendência do mercado com isso era construir chips com conjuntos de instruções cada vez mais complexos mas alguns fabricantes resolveram seguir um caminho oposto criando o padrão RISC Ao contrario dos complexos processadores CISC os processadores RISC são capazes de executar apenas algumas poucas instruções simples Por esse fator os chips baseados nessa arquitetura são mais simples e muito mais baratos e por terem um menor número de circuitos internos podem trabalhar com clocks mais altos Um processador RISC écapaz de executas instruções mais rapidamente Diferença na práticaA diferença do ARM para o x pode ser explicada de uma forma bem prática se vocêusar um navegador em um computador vocêconseguirátrabalhar com uma quantidade muito maior de abas abertas sem que haja paralizações vocêpode contar recursos como divisão de tela executar vídeos e áudios com velocidades superiores entre outros delates jápor um celular o número de funções éreduzido vocênão consegue trabalhar com tantas abas e a velocidade também émenor O ARM écomo um carro esportivo italiano Possui motor equilibrado bem afinado oferece boa aceleração e velocidade máxima Perseguições freios e suspensão excelentes Pode parar rapidamente e pode fazer curvas sem diminuir a velocidade O x écomo um muscle car americano Grande motor grande bomba de combustível Oferece excelente velocidade máxima e aceleração mas usa muito combustível Direção terrível vocêtem que diminuir a velocidade para fazer uma curva Em resumo o x ébaseado em design de e ébom de linha reta mas usa muito combustível O ARM gasta pouco combustível não desacelera nas curvas ConclusãoAtualmente a grande diferença entre essas duas arquiteturas estámais relacionado as necessidades de mercado específicas dos nichos de produto que as equipes de desenvolvimento de software almejam O ARM foi projeto para ser pequeno eficiente em termos de energia e produzir menos calor Por isso éamplamente utilizados em dispositivos móveis Étambém por isso que a Apple estátrabalhando para mudar seus laptops para ARM O ARM vem com problemas de compatibilidade com versões anteriores e possivelmente velocidade Por possuir uma arquitetura mais simples o ARM élevado para uma área do silício que explora a economia de recursos de energia enquanto o x éuma besta de energia em termos de consumo e produção 2022-04-05 01:36:01
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 欧州大手保険グループの2021年末SCR比率の状況について(2)-ソルベンシーIIに基づく数値結果報告(比率の推移分析と感応度の推移)- https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=70727?site=nli SST比率の推移年末のSST比率は、以下の要因により、年末のから、ポイントと大きく上昇して、となった。 2022-04-05 10:55:56
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 プライム市場がスタート https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=70705?site=nli nbspプライム市場の上場会社は社と多いが、より質の高いガバナンスや情報開示に加え、機関投資家との実効性の高い対話に向けた取り組みが積極化されるのであれば、多くの投資家に歓迎されるであろう。 2022-04-05 10:01:28
金融 article ? The Finance 【連載】異業種×金融について 〜やりきらない金融参入〜 https://thefinance.jp/strategy/220405 個人情報保護法 2022-04-05 01:55:43
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Ukraine’s stateless trapped in war zone with no proof they exist https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/05/world/ukraine-stateless-warzone-proof-exist/ Ukraine s stateless trapped in war zone with no proof they existUkraine has thousands of people not recognized as a citizen of any country ーwithout proof of identity they are trapped in the fighting as 2022-04-05 10:02:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Britney Spears: Singer confirms she is writing new memoir https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-60991853?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA events 2022-04-05 01:31:30
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 位置情報出さないロシア石油タンカー増加 米の探知逃れる狙い - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/301053 位置情報 2022-04-05 10:21:00
北海道 北海道新聞 金氏妹、韓国に核使用威嚇 先制攻撃言及を非難 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/665556/ 先制攻撃 2022-04-05 10:18:00
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ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 「子どものいない女性より、子持ち女性の収入が多い」最新の研究が明かす"逆転現象"の背景 - 上位10%の高所得層の女性が子どもと仕事を得るためにとった行動変容3つ https://president.jp/articles/-/56285 逆転現象 2022-04-05 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 「普通の生活に戻りたい」すえた臭いの漂うゴミ屋敷で、80代妻を介護する80代夫が話したこと - 妻からは「夫より猫のほうが大事」と言われ、「はー」とため息 https://president.jp/articles/-/56206 長年 2022-04-05 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 「実力より"日本人っぽさ"重視」日本企業の外国人就活生への恥ずべき"ガラパゴス面接質問" - 優秀なITエンジニアでも日本語力が中級なら即座に落とす https://president.jp/articles/-/56199 世界標準 2022-04-05 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 「子どものいない女性より、子持ち女性の収入が多い」最新の研究が明かす"逆転現象"の背景 - 上位10%の高所得層の女性が子どもと仕事を得るためにとった行動変容3つ https://president.jp/articles/-/56188 逆転現象 2022-04-05 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 「わきまえない女はうるさくてかなわん」そんな"偉いおっさん"に牛耳られる日本社会に未来はない - 森喜朗氏は「他人の愚痴」を話しただけ https://president.jp/articles/-/56179 女性蔑視発言 2022-04-05 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 気弱な"ED薬密造オヤジ"が刑事に追及されてボロを出す!?――『JUMBO MAX』第2巻 第12話 - 「コミック『JUMBO MAX』」 https://president.jp/articles/-/56126 jumbomax 2022-04-05 11:00:00
マーケティング MarkeZine 発話量と実店舗の販売に貢献!花王エッセンシャルのトレンドテイクオーバー活用術 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/38553 発話量と実店舗の販売に貢献花王エッセンシャルのトレンドテイクオーバー活用術本記事では、花王がヘアケアブランド「EssentialTHEBEAUTY以下、エッセンシャルザビューティ」を対象に行ったTwitter活用について、同ブランドのマーケティングを担当する花王の小林氏と、企画の支援を行った博報堂ケトルの小野寺氏、TwitterJapanの西山氏にインタビュー。 2022-04-05 10:30:00
マーケティング MarkeZine 「耳からマーケ」1万フォロワー突破記念!Voicy・緒方氏と編集部の対談内容が記事化されました http://markezine.jp/article/detail/38717 voicy 2022-04-05 10:15:00



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