IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、Kindleストアで「KADOKAWA 春の文芸書&ビジネスフェア2022」のセールを開始 − 1,600冊が最大半額に |
amazon |
2022-04-08 01:30:09 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「iOS 15.4」と「iPadOS 15.4」の「SHSH」の発行を終了 |
apple |
2022-04-08 01:19:47 |
ロボスタ |
ABBロボティクスがロンドンの百貨店で3Dプリンタを使ったアート作品制作のデモ公開 原料は海洋プラスティックごみ |
ABBロボティクスがロンドンの百貨店でDプリンタを使ったアート作品制作のデモ公開原料は海洋プラスティックごみシェアツイートはてブロンドンのオックスフォードストリートにある高級百貨店セルフリッジズで、一見無骨な産業用ロボットアームがDプリンタを操作してアート作品を作りだしている。 |
2022-04-08 01:49:08 |
ロボスタ |
国交省「Project PLATEAU」デジタルツイン上でAR屋外広告・3D都市モデルで被害や救助状況の把握等の実証実験へ |
2022-04-08 01:16:11 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ドン・キホーテ、7インチのウルトラモバイルPCを発売、3万2780円 調べ物などの需要に対応 |
itmedia |
2022-04-08 10:39:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 完全テレワークで住みたいところ 1位は「東京都」、47位は? |
itmedia |
2022-04-08 10:37:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Twitter、ツイートの画像に代替テキストを追加する機能 |
itmedianewstwitter |
2022-04-08 10:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Google Cloud、分散クラウドを実現する「Google Distributed Cloud Edge」正式リリース いわば“GCP版AWS Outposts” |
ITmediaNewsGoogleCloud、分散クラウドを実現する「GoogleDistributedCloudEdge」正式リリースいわば“GCP版AWSOutpostsGoogleが、エッジでワークロードを実行可能にするハードウェアとソフトウェアのフルマネージドサービスを正式リリース。 |
2022-04-08 10:07:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
ヤマハ、車室内すべてのシートで立体音響の没入感を味わえる技術開発! 量産化に向けデモ開始 |
技術開発 |
2022-04-08 01:00:58 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DjangoでLine Profilerを使う |
lineprofi |
2022-04-08 10:59:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DICOM画像を.jpg/.pngファイルとして書き出し、保存する |
dicom |
2022-04-08 10:55:28 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[ Pythonanywhere ] Could not find your API token エラー解決方法 |
apitoken |
2022-04-08 10:28:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Functions の Python + VSCode 環境不具合への対応 |
econnrefuesed |
2022-04-08 10:00:22 |
Program |
CodeZine |
「Developers Summit 2022 アワード」の受賞者が決定、ベストスピーカー1位は牛尾剛氏 |
developerssummit |
2022-04-08 10:30:00 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
phpMyAdminのSQLインジェクション/インポート/エクスポートで403Forbidden |
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2022-04-08 10:43:11 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語 構造体 |
typedirecte |
2022-04-08 10:54:42 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Functions の Python + VSCode 環境不具合への対応 |
econnrefuesed |
2022-04-08 10:00:22 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Android Studio】Gitの連携が上手くいかないときの対処法 |
toreadaskpassresponsefrom |
2022-04-08 10:45:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What’s so great about performance? |
What s so great about performance Performance can make or break great software If you ve got a great app but it runs at snail s pace on my device rendering it unusable I may as well not even have it installed I don t like to wait around for no reason Most users don t like to wait It s well documented that users will drop off quickly if your site or application loads slowly because “users are actually real people with real lives wanting to get stuff done As a developer performance can be difficult to maintain especially when there are other priorities The speed of your application probably doesn t rank as one of your highest priorities Usually I ve found it s beneficial to prototype a solution in code even if it s “sloppy or not as performant as it could be It s hard for us to get the grasp of exactly what the “cost of running all of these instructions for the computer is So why does it matter that we optimise for performance Why does performance matter Having a speedy app or website isn t just a fancy badge to show off Better performance leads to happier results for everybody involved whether you re making open source software working in a business aimed at helping people or working on personal projects Performance for successOne of the funny things about performance is the fact that we take it for granted We don t want fast apps we expect fast apps and when we don t get what we expect the user experience degrades HubSpot has written about how page load times impact conversion rates for businesses and it makes sense as there s a lot to fight for Users are more than happy to go elsewhere if their experience is not satisfied and speed matters a lot in user retention and user engagement Performance matters at scale Imagine you ve got thousand users who have your app installed relying on it to work properly every time and importantly fast If you ve got an algorithm which takes second to process something and it has to run multiple times every second you ll quickly drain your resources and upwards of thousand real people will be having a bad time In a business environment better performance can translate to higher profits and conversions and ultimately benefit employees and users Performance for the usersIt all comes back to the main people running the show the users Everything crumbles down if your core user experience is limited by performance issues especially when things take a substantially long time You ll be lucky to have a user on board longer than a few seconds if you leave them waiting When your software is fast you re helping users get through their tasks and their day faster It gives users incentive to come back as well If they know your software is reliable and highly available there s no need to actively search for alternatives Improved performance means increased retention and engagement But users are not statistics at the end of the day these are real people wanting to use your software for whatever they need Performance for the developersAs developers we make code to offload work not create more of it So by teaching yourself to create elegant performant software through planning and testing it ensures you won t have to go back and fix it later if something goes wrong Sometimes improved performance comes at the cost of readability There are things you can do to ensure you keep your code quality high like abstracting code or comparing and contrasting multiple alternatives Improving your performance Find out if you ve got a performance problemTechnically every app could be faster but you need to identify whether it should be faster There s only so much benefit in squeezing as much performance as possible out of a system and there s no point resolving a problem if you re not sure whether you have it Identify whether performance is a pain point for users or yourself through testing and feedback If you re aware it is time for change in the speed department make a plan of attack for places of priority for where you want to improve performance in your software usually based on areas of high or crucial usage Common testing techniques for identifying slow points in your software include High load stress testsTesting on different devices and workflowsGetting user feedback if possible Document record areas of “slowness Documenting and recording areas of perceived slowness or dropped performance is an important step in knowing what you need to fix and allows you to map out different areas or features in your software that are slow so you can identify common patterns or correlations This will help guide you to fix the problem faster Let s say currently in your app when you tap on the “sign in button it takes seconds to register that press That s pretty slow for a lot of users Document the amount of time it takes now problem state as well as goals and requirements to getting to the solution final state Find out what is acceptable Is seconds good enough for you or your users If not keep iterating through until you think of an end state that meets your requirements Reproduce the problem amp implement a fixOnce you ve identified and documented the performance issue at some point you can try and reproduce the problem to help you fix it and give your users the best experience possible If you can reproduce the issue in a consistent series of steps you can almost walk through your code base as the user progresses through your software If there s a bug that always only happens after pressing a button it s worth looking into the logic for that touchpoint as an example Fixing the issue can either be the easiest part of the process or take you the rest of your days Regardless of what solution you use to fix the problem it must meet the requirements you set out when documenting the issue otherwise just focus on providing a smooth experience for the user ConclusionTo answer the question what is so great about performance Users feel performance Your users are the foundation to success and keeping them happy will keep you happy If your software works fast users work fast Moving business objectives aside helping users is what we care about Performance helps businesses be more successful It s not just a headline more performant applications user facing or internal lead to better performance in metrics like conversion rates Helping developers for now and laterNot only do developers get the benefit of feeling reassured that things won t break now they ll be able to rely on the scalability of their algorithms for the future Less time is spent maintaining existing systems and more time is spent being productive |
2022-04-08 01:07:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Analyse the cost of your algorithms |
Analyse the cost of your algorithmsWhen developing software you get to know that some things take longer than other things Like reading a file taking longer than adding a few numbers Or getting thousand users in a database over reading from memory These are helpful things to know but we re also aware that most of the time it doesn t matter Read a file here or there get those users from the database it ll take under a few seconds usually and that s all we care about When developing software for a production environment we need to think about scale and future state If you have thousand users now what if you have million users in years An operation with thousand users might take minutes but with a million it d take a couple of hours What are the implications of this Time and space complexityIn computer science “complexity is defined as the number of resources the computer needs to run an algorithm It s difficult to get an exact estimate on how long an algorithm will take or how much space it ll use typically we re just interested in how the function grows over time as the input grows As a reminder an algorithm is a set of instructions for the computer that you write in code used to solve a problem or perform a computation “Time complexity relates to the amount of time it takes to run an algorithm to completion “Space complexity relates to the amount of memory an algorithm uses to complete its tasks As always with any inputs it s important to consider how different values could affect your algorithm There are three different types of notation for describing the limiting behaviour of a function as the input grows 𝑂 notation pronounced “big oh describes the asymptotic upper bound of execution time the most amount of time required for the function to run a worse case scenario Ω notation pronounced “big omega describes the asymptotic lower bound of execution time the least amount of time required for the function to runΘ notation pronounced “big theta describes the asymptotic tight bound for execution time essentially the intersection of O f n and Omega f n datapoint is in both 𝑂set and Ωset The most significant notation we re here for is big O notation good for measuring the worst case execution time as input grows for a function Big O notationBig O notation is a mathematical notation used in computer science for analysing algorithms for efficiency and describes the complexity of an algorithm function Big O notation looks like this O n O represents Big O notation and the n inside the brackets is a variable that represents the size of the input given to the function An algorithm with a Big O of O means the function will take the same amount of time to complete no matter the size of the input One element billion elements the time is constant An algorithm with a Big O of O n means the time it takes the function to complete grows linearly with the size of the input Typically this is an operation like iterating through a list if you have item in the list it ll take less time than billion items and the time taken grows as the items in the list grows A worst case scenario Big O is O n² Big O of n to the power of These are the worst performing algorithms and typically involve repetition such as looping through users and for each user doing more operations users operations equals total operations What is Big O notation used for Some functions are more complex regarding time or space than others and we can use Big O notation to represent how the resources an algorithm use change as the input changes Imagine you have a function which goes through all users and sends a notification every week In your function to solve for requirements you need to read each user s document in the database Each user s document takes a fraction of a second to read But if you ve got users seconds users equals minutes in total just to read each users document If you are running on infrastructure that has runtime limits or simply don t have enough resources your function will stop To prevent problems like these from happening early you can use Big O notation to get information about how the resources your algorithm uses grows as the size of the input given to the algorithm grows When to aim for lower execution timeIf you have an algorithm or process that you run manually or only runs once every so often say once every few days and doesn t involve many operations worrying about execution time is probably not a top priority Typically unless you re having issues or you want to future proof your algorithms to work as input expands users documents in a database etc optimising for execution time in cases where the algorithm runs infrequently can be considered a bit of a waste If your algorithm needs to run multiple times per second or even more frequently it must run efficiently or things might get blocked leading to a bad experience for users If your algorithm involves a large number of operations this means it might take longer to complete Where possible and sensible anywhere you have a user interface even internally for employees after getting things functional it s wise to prioritise performance and maintainability How to design algorithms with lower execution timeI don t personally design functions or algorithms with time space complexity in mind although it s not a bad idea Instead there are some common practices you can implement while planning in your head and writing code to prevent things from scaling up too fast Think about how you re going to solve the problemBefore starting to implement a solution try to build a mental model of the steps the computer would need to take to achieve the result you want There are plenty of ways to solve a problem usually and it s helpful to think through multiple ideas and compare complexity between how you implement an algorithm Typically nested loops or repetition will add complexity to an algorithm const test Array from length fill for let i i lt i test map a gt test map b gt a b In the example above we first define an array with elements all as the number There s a for loop that runs the code inside times The code in the for loop says for each element in test replace it with whatever is returned in the anonymous function The return value is another map to go through each element in test In the end in one iteration of the for loop out of we did operations In iterations that s operations Try to think through each individual step the computer takes even through internal methods like map as it will branch off more operations to run OptimisationsUsually you don t need to worry about making serious low down optimisations like picking between forEach or a for loop or stressing over down to the millisecond differences in speed If you re not sure if you need to optimise think about maintainability first If you re working in a critical environment where every fraction of a second matters you ll likely look towards squeezing every last bit of juice you can out of the language you re using For example in JavaScript with the case of forEach vs for loops for loops win out by a little making them preferable to use in cases of high performance Usually though differences are negligible You ll want to look towards third party libraries and your solution in a bigger picture and if there are small optimisations to be made to reduce computation time |
2022-04-08 01:06:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building a Rails API to Track Student Progress |
Building a Rails API to Track Student ProgressWhat is the most difficult thing about being a teacher Actually that s a trick question Everything is difficult hence my switch to becoming a software developer But one of those difficult teacher tasks is gathering data as a means to guide your instruction along with a way to show parents that you know their children well As a teacher I was always hoping to find the balance of a fun engaging app that actually taught my students while giving me some information about them after they finished As a rd grade teacher I tried to make sure every one of my students was able to walk away with the ability to recite their multiplication facts in no time But it was difficult to keep track of what each of them knew So after a switch to programming I began my quest to create an application that could track students knowledge of the times tables The DatabaseI ll be covering the set up of the database using Ruby on Rails and ActiveRecord Setting up the frontend is a whole other story but what we re really after here and what a teaching application should create is data The structure of a classroom lends itself easily to being created using Active Record associations Here is how we can set up our models Teacher model has many classrooms has many students through classroomsClassroom model has many students belongs to teacherStudent model belongs to classroomAs a teacher sometimes you need data on individual students other times you ll need data on your whole classroom Think about how you ll want to access the data throughout whatever app you have planned If you want the teacher to have simple access to all of their students you can include that association class TeacherSerializer lt ActiveModel Serializer attributes id username is teacher has many classrooms has many students through classroomsendWith this set up through your ActiveRecord associations an array of students will now be available at the first level of your data that you fetch along with all of the data they hold Though you can serialize their data and return their classroom id they will not be nested in the second level within a classroom You ll need to handle that logic on the front end Another option is to take away the has many students through classrooms association and instead serialize your classroom data to include the students class TeacherSerializer lt ActiveModel Serializer attributes id username is teacher has many classroomsendclass ClassroomSerializer lt ActiveModel Serializer belongs to teacher has many students attributes id classroom name studentsCreate a Problem modelIn my case building an app to track student knowledge of the times tables I created a Problem model with entries each one containing a problem string x and an answer integer In order to create student data to track I needed to create a joins table through my ActiveRecord associations to keep tabs on a student s progress Create a Mastery modelThe Mastery model is a table created to house a student s data on each of the entries in the Problem model You could alternately think of this as a Quiz model rather than one single problem Now to set up the joins the table class Problem lt ApplicationRecord has many masteries has many students through masteriesendclass Student lt ApplicationRecord has many masteries has many problems through masteriesendclass Mastery lt ApplicationRecord belongs to student belongs to problemendEach time a student takes a quiz you can create a new instance of a Mastery or Quiz giving it attributes such as times answered times correct mastery level or custom methods such as mastery percentage And thanks to our associations each instance of a Mastery will also have a student id and a problem id In the case of the multiplication tables students will review facts multiple times so their scores can be updated regularly to reflect how many times each fact was answered and how many times it was answered correctly Customizing our DataNow comes the fun part What sort of data do we want our teachers to have access to We can build custom methods to return whatever we think will be valuable information about the students class Student lt Application Record def mastery percentage self masteries average total score to f end def difficult facts self masteries where total score lt endendIn the first method we make a call to the database which will return to us a method for each student searching through each of the student s Masteries and returning the average of all of them In the second custom method we re returning a custom list that searches through each student s masteries and finds all cases where their total score is less than our chosen number Just make sure you add your custom defined method into your Student serializer class StudentSerializer lt ActiveModel Serializer attributes id username mastery percentage difficult facts classroom id masteries belongs to classroom has many masteriesendTeachers deserve all the help they can get Educational apps with well thought out databases are just what those teachers are looking for Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash |
2022-04-08 01:03:01 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Shards of Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs May Have Been Found in Fossil Site |
Shards of Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs May Have Been Found in Fossil SiteIn a North Dakota deposit far from the Chicxulub crater in Mexico remains of the rock from space were preserved within amber a paleontologist says |
2022-04-08 01:34:23 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
ギャンブル等依存症、切れ目のない支援体制整備-福岡県が保健医療計画の中間見直し版を公表 |
医療計画 |
2022-04-08 11:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
底堅い人気の米国株式ファンド~2022年3月の投信動向~ |
為替ヘッジをしているファンドは為替ヘッジのコストが上昇し、その分、収益が圧迫され、期待したほど収益を得られない可能性もあるだろう。 |
2022-04-08 10:57:55 |
金融 |
生命保険協会 |
「高齢者支援・健康増進施策推進団体に対する助成活動」目録授与式を開催しました(山口県協会) |
高齢者 |
2022-04-08 12:00:00 |
金融 |
生命保険協会 |
介護福祉士養成給付型奨学生に対する卒業記念品の授与を行いました (滋賀県協会) |
介護福祉士 |
2022-04-08 12:00:00 |
金融 |
生命保険協会 |
地域福祉の向上に寄与したとして感謝状を拝受しました(佐賀県協会) |
地域福祉 |
2022-04-08 12:00:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ロシア制裁、石炭輸入「段階的に減らす」 経産相表明 |
輸入 |
2022-04-08 01:21:41 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
米民主化外交「不作為の罪」 力の衰えミャンマーでも |
衰え |
2022-04-08 01:21:41 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
神明HD、「もうかる農業」へ 青果市場をバーチャル化 |
青果市場 |
2022-04-08 01:18:18 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
U.N. suspends Russia from human rights panel as dozens abstain |
russia |
2022-04-08 10:02:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
French election: Far-right Le Pen closes in on Macron ahead of vote |
presidential |
2022-04-08 01:34:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Childhood hepatitis: Why are we seeing an unusual spike in cases? |
cases |
2022-04-08 01:18:10 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
FRB、流動性供給ツールの効果指摘 3月議事要旨 - WSJ発 |
議事 |
2022-04-08 10:23:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ウクライナ軍の露艦船奇襲、プーチン戦略に歯止め - WSJ発 |
艦船 |
2022-04-08 10:15:00 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
天野彬著『新世代のビジネスはスマホの中から生まれる ショートムービー時代のSNSマーケティング』発売 |
電通メディアイノベーションラボ |
2022-04-08 11:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
松山英樹72、5打差の19位 マスターズ、復帰のウッズ10位 |
松山英樹 |
2022-04-08 10:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コロナ禍、孤独感「ある」4割 20~30代多く 全国調査 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-04-08 10:03:57 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
博報堂DYHDとMESON、丸の内エリアでローカル5Gを活用したAR/VRの実証実験を実施 |
meson |
2022-04-08 10:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
バカン、JR東海の新幹線に新設されるビジネスブースにQRコードで予約できるシステムを導入 |
vacannolineautokeep |
2022-04-08 10:50:00 |