ロボスタ |
有機米デザイン 田んぼの自動抑草ロボット「アイガモロボ」のプロトタイプを発表 HAL東京カーデザイン学科の学生がデザイン |
有機米デザイン田んぼの自動抑草ロボット「アイガモロボ」のプロトタイプを発表HAL東京カーデザイン学科の学生がデザインシェアツイートはてブ有機米デザイン株式会社は有機米の栽培で農家が最も苦痛を抱えている雑草取りの作業を軽減しようと自動抑草ロボット「アイガモロボ」の開発を進めている。 |
2022-04-25 10:12:23 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Apple Watch 6の画面真っ黒問題、Appleが修理サービス提供開始 |
apple |
2022-04-25 19:23:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference — サーバーレスで推論用の機械学習モデルをデプロイ可能に |
コンピュータービジョンCVアプリケーションなどの大規模なMLモデルを扱う場合、大きなペイロードサイズで推論を数分で実行するように最適化されたインフラストラクチャが必要になることがあります。 |
2022-04-25 10:06:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MMDetectionで得られたInstance segmentationの結果を取り出す方法について |
hogebboxjson |
2022-04-25 19:35:43 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
M1 mac でmediapipeを使う |
mediapipe |
2022-04-25 19:08:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
アコーディオンの動きをCSSで作ってみた |
htmllt |
2022-04-25 19:45:28 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
さくらのオブジェクトストレージにローカルファイルをアップロードする |
四苦八苦 |
2022-04-25 19:16:26 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
バッチ処理実装時に考慮すべき事項 |
hellip |
2022-04-25 12:00:39 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Azure Firewall DNATルールを構成し複数のプライベート仮想マシンへリモートデスクトップ接続させてみた |
windowsserv |
2022-04-25 10:22:09 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Unable to Scan the QR Code on WhatsApp Web? Try These Fixes |
whatsapp |
2022-04-25 10:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How are API security testing tools different from website security testing? |
How are API security testing tools different from website security testing Hi everyone My work as a web application developer has introduced me to many security testing tools both for APIs and websites Before we venture into API security testing tools different give our API security GitHub repo a I ve found that the tools used for testing websites are different from those used for testing APIs Website security testing tools are focused on the front end while API security testing tools are focused on the back end As a web application developer I have used many security testing tools both for APIs and websites I have found that the tools used for testing websites are different from those used for testing APIs Website security testing tools are focused on the front end while API security testing tools are focused on the back end This is because APIs are accessed through the back end while websites are accessed through the front end Therefore it is important to use the appropriate tool for the appropriate job API security testing tools are different from website security testing in a few key ways First API security testing tools are designed to test APIs while website security testing tools are designed to test web applications This means that API security testing tools focus on testing the functionality of the API while website security testing tools focus on testing the security of the web application Second API security testing tools often use automated testing to test APIs while website security testing tools typically use manual testing This is because automated testing can be more effective at testing the functionality of an API while manual testing is typically more effective at finding security vulnerabilities in a web application Third API security testing tools typically offer more features than website security testing tools This is because APIs are more complex than web applications and so there are more potential security risks associated with them API security testing tools therefore tend to offer more features for testing APIs such as the ability to test for authentication and authorization issues session management problems and data leaks Fourth API security testing tools are typically more expensive than website security testing tools This is because API security testing is a more specialized form of testing and so there are fewer tools available on the market As a result the few tools that are available tend to be more expensive than website security testing tools Finally API security testing tools are typically used by developers while website security testing tools are typically used by security professionals This is because developers are typically more familiar with APIs than security professionals and so they are more likely to use API security testing tools In conclusion API security testing tools are designed to test the functionality of an API while website security testing tools focus on testing the security of a web application API security testing tools use automated testing to test APIs while website security testing tools typically use manual testing API security testing tools offer more features than website security testing tools such as the ability to test for authentication and authorization issues session management problems and data leaks API security testing tools are typically more expensive than website security testing tools API security testing tools are usually used by programmers and website security testing tools are usually used by security professionals but both types of tools can be used Thanks for reading |
2022-04-25 10:33:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Strict Mode in Javascript |
Strict Mode in JavascriptECMAScript da joriy qilingan JavaScript ning qat iy rejimi strict mode JavaScript ning cheklangan variantiga qo shilish va shu bilan odatiy rejimdan voz kechish usulidir Qat iy rejim shunchaki kichik to plam emas u oddiy koddan farqli semantikaga ega Qattiq rejimni qo llab quvvatlamaydigan brauzerlar qat iy rejim kodini boshqa brauzerlardan boshqacharoq usulda ishga tushiradi shuning uchun qat iy rejimning tegishli jihatlarini brauzer qo llab quvvatlashini tekshirmasdan qat iy rejimga tayanmang Qat iy rejim oddiy JavaScript semantikasiga bir nechta o zgarishlar kiritadi JavaScript ning ba zi bilinmas xatolarini xatolarga o zgartirish kiritish orqali yo qotadi JavaScript uchun optimallashtirishni qiyinlashtiradigan xatolarni tuzatadi qat iy rejim kodini ba zan qat iy rejim bo lmagan bir xil koddan tezroq ishlash uchun ham ishlatiladi ECMAScript ning kelajakdagi versiyalarida aniqlanishi mumkin bo lgan ba zi sintaksislarni taqiqlaydi Qat iy rejimni chaqirish Qat iy rejim butun bir skriptlar yoki alohida funksiyalar uchun amal qiladi Bu ichiga olingan blok statement larga taalluqli emas uni bunday kontekstlarga qo llashga urinish natija bermaydi eval code function code event handler attributlar setTimeout ga uzatilgan tekstlar va tegishli funktsiyalar butun skriptlardir va ulardagi qat iy rejimni chaqirish kutilganidek ishlaydi Skriptlar uchun qat iy rejim Butun bir skript uchun qat iy rejimni ishga tushirish uchun skriptning eng birinchi qatoriga use strict yoki use strict iborasini yozing butun bir skript qat iy rejimda bo lgan holat use strict var v Salom men qat iy rejimdagi skriptman Funksiyalar uchun qat iy rejim Xuddi shunday Funksiyalar uchun qat iy rejimni ishga tushirish uchun funksiya tanasining eng birinchi qatoriga use strict yoki use strict iborasini yozing function strict Funksiya darajasidagi qat iy rejim sintaksisi use strict function nested return Men ham qat iy rejimdaman return Salom Men qat iy rejimdagi funksiyaman nested function notStrict return Men esa qat iy rejimda emasman ES dan boshlab qat iy rejimda bloklar ichidagi funksiyalar ushbu blokda qamrab olinadi ES ga qadar blok darajasidagi funksiyalar qat iy rejimda taqiqlangan edi Modullar uchun qat iy rejim ECMAScript JavaScript modullarini va shu bilan birga qat iy rejimga kirishning uchinchi usulini ham taqdim etdi JavaScript modullarining butun tarkibi avtomatik ravishda qat iy rejimda bo ladi uni boshlash uchun hech qanday maxsus kalit so z kerak emas function strict bu modul bo lganligi tufayli men avtomatik qat iy rejimdaman export default strict Classlar uchun qat iy rejim ECMAScript classlarining barcha qismlari qat iy rejim kodi bo lib class deklaratsiyasi va class ifodalarini o z ichiga oladi va shu bilan birga class tanasining barcha qismlarini ham o z ichiga oladi Qat iy Rejimda Bo ladigan O zgarishlar Qat iy rejim ham sintaksis ham ishga tushirish usullarini o zgartiradi O zgarishlar odatda quyidagi toifalarga bo linadi adashishni xatolarga aylantiruvchi o zgarishlar sintaksis xatolari yoki runtime eval va argument larni soddalashtiruvchi o zgarishlar xavfsiz JavaScript kod yozishni osonlashtiruvchi va kelajakdagi ECMAScript evolyutsiyasini bashorat qilishi mumkin bo lgan o zgarishlar Adashishni Xatoga aylantirish Qat iy rejim ilgari odatdagidek qabul qilingan ba zi adashishlarni xatolarga o zgartiradi JavaScript yangi o rganuvchilar uchun juda oson va ba zida u semantikada xato bo lishi kerak bo lgan xato bo lmagan operatsiyalarni beradi Ba zida bu darhol muammoni hal qiladi lekin ba zida bu yanada yomonroq muammolarni keltirib chiqaradi Qat iy rejim bu adashishlarni xato deb hisoblaydi ular topiladi va tezda tuzatiladi Qattiq rejim ilgari qabul qilingan ba zi xatolarni xatolarga o zgartiradi JavaScript yangi boshlanuvchilar uchun oson bo lishi uchun yaratilgan va ba zida u semantikada xato bo lmagan xatolar bo lishi kerak bo lgan operatsiyalarni beradi Ba zida bu darhol muammoni hal qiladi lekin ba zida bu kelajakda yanada yomonroq muammolarni keltirib chiqaradi Qattiq rejim bu xatolarni xato deb hisoblaydi shunda ular topiladi va tezda tuzatiladi Birinchidan qat iy rejim tasodifiy global o zgaruvchilarni yaratish imkonsiz Oddiy JavaScript da o zgaruvchini noto g ri yozish global obyektda yangi property ni yaratadi va ishlashda davom etadi Qat iy rejimda esa global o zgaruvchini tasodifan yaratish xatoga olib keladi use strict mistypeVariable deb nomlanuvchi global o zgaruvchi yo q deb tasavvur qilingmistypeVariable Bu qator ReferenceError qaytaradi chunki bu nomdagi o zgaruvchi mavjud emas NaN yozib bo lmaydigan global o zgaruvchidir Oddiy kodda NaN ga qiymat berish hech narsani anglatmaydi dasturchi hech qanday xato qabul qilmaydi Qat iy rejimda NaN ga qiymat berish istisno exception ni keltirib chiqaradi Oddiy kodda shunchaki e tibordan chetda qoladigan qiymat berishlar yozib bo lmaydigan global yoki property ga qiymat berish faqat qabul qiluvchi getter only property ga qiymat berish kengaytirilmaydigan obyektda yangi property qo shish qat iy rejimda xato qaytaradi use strict yozib bo lmaydigan globalga qiymat berishvar undefined TypeError qaytaradivar Infinity TypeError qaytaradi yozib bo lmaydigan property ga qiymat berishvar obj Object defineProperty obj x value writable false obj x TypeError qaytaradi getter only property ga qiymat berishvar obj get x return obj x TypeError qaytaradi kengaytirib bo lmaydigan obyektga yangi qiymat qo shishvar fixed Object preventExtensions fixed fixed newProp ohai TypeError qaytaradiQat iy rejim o chirib bo lmaydigan property larni o chirishga urinishlar qiladi use strict delete Object prototype TypeError qaytaradiQat iy rejim funksiya parametr nomlarining yagona bo lishini talab qiladi Oddiy kodda oxirgi takrorlangan argument avvalgi bir xil nomdagi argumentlarni yashirib qo yadi Avvalgi argumentlarga arguments i orqali murojjat qilish mumkin shuning uchun aytish mumkinki ular to liq yo q bo lib ketmagan Shunga qaramay bu yashirish kichik bo lsada ma noga ega va xohlamagan holda amalga oshirilgan bo lishi mumkin masalan u xato yozishni yashirib qo yishi mumkin shuning uchun qat iy rejimda argument nomlarining takrorlanishi syntax error hisoblanadi function sum a a c syntax error use strict return a a c xato ECMAScript da qat iy rejim prefiksli octal sakkizlik literal yoki octal sequense sakkiztalik ketma ketlik taqiqlaydi Qat iy rejimdan tashqarida bilan boshlanadigan raqam masalan agar barcha raqamlar dan kichik boʻlsa sakkizlik son sifatida talqin etiladi Sakkizlik ketma ketligi masalan ga teng bo lgan “ sakkizta kengaytirilgan ASCII belgilar kodlarining raqamlari bilan belgilarni ko rsatish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin Qat iy rejimda bu syntax error ECMAScript da sakkizlik literallar songa o prefiks qo yish orqali bajariladi misol uchun var a o ES OctalYangi o rganuvchilar ba zan nol prefiksining semantik ma nosi yo qligiga ishonishadi shuning uchun ular uni alignment moslamasi sifatida ishlatishlari mumkin lekin bu raqamning ma nosini o zgartiradi Sakkizlik uchun boshidagi nol sintaksisi kamdan kam foydali bo lib va va ba zan xato tarzda ishlatilishi mumkin shuning uchun qattiq rejim uni syntax error ga aylantirilgan use strict var sum syntax error var sumWithOctal o console log sumWithOctal ECMAScript da qat iy rejim primitive qiymatlarga property o rnatishni taqiqlaydi Qattiq rejimsiz property o rnatish e tiborga olinmaydi no op qattiq rejimda esa TypeError ga olib keladi function use strict false true TypeError sailing home TypeError with you far away TypeError ECMAScript qat iy rejim kodida property nomlarini takrorlanishi SyntaxError deb hisoblangan computed property name kiritilishi bilan runtime da nomlar takrorlanishi mumkin bo ldi ECMAScript bu cheklovni olib tashladi use strict var o p p ECMAScript ko ra syntax error eval va argument larni soddalashtirish Qat iy rejim arguments va eval larning sehrini kamaytiradi Ikkalasi ham oddiy kodda katta miqdordagi sehrli xatti harakatni o z ichiga oladi bog lanishlarni qo shish yoki olib tashlash va bog lanish qiymatlarini o zgartirish uchun eval Qat iy rejim eval va arguments kalit so zlar sifatida ko rib chiqishni o zragtirmoqda ammo to liq tuzatishlar ECMAScript ning kelajakdagi varsiyalarida amalga oshirilishi kutilyapti Birinchidan eval va argument nomlarini til sintaksisida bog lab yoki qiymat berib bo lmaydi Buni amalga oshirishga urinishlarning barchasi sintaktik xatolardir use strict eval arguments eval var obj set p arguments var eval try catch arguments function x eval function arguments var y function eval var f new Function arguments use strict return Ikkinchidan qat iy rejim kodi unda yaratilgan argumentlar obyektlarining xususiyatlariga nom bermaydi Birinchi argumenti arg bo lgan funksiya ichidagi oddiy kodda arg arguments ni ham o rnatadi va aksincha argumentlar taqdim etilmagan yoki argumentlar o chirilgan bo lsa arguments qat iy rejim funktsiyalari uchun obyektlar funktsiya chaqirilganda asl argumentlarni saqlaydi arguments i tegishli nomli argumentning qiymatini kuzatmaydi va nomli argument tegishli arguments i qiymatini kuzatmaydi function f a use strict a return a arguments var pair f console assert pair console assert pair Uchinchidan arguments callee endi qo llab quvvatlanmaydi Oddiy kodda arguments callee o zini o rab turgan funktsiyasiga ishora qiladi Ushbu foydalanish holati xavfsiz emas Bundan tashqari arguments callee inlining funktsiyalari kabi optimallashtirishga sezilarli darajada to sqinlik qiladi chunki agar arguments callee ga kirilgan bo lsa inlined funksiyasiga havolani taqdim etish imkoniyati yaratilishi kerak arguments callee qat iy rejim funktsiyalari uchun o chirib bo lmaydigan xususiyat bo lib qiymat berilganda yoki olinganida xatolik keltirib chiqaradi use strict var f function return arguments callee f TypeError qaytaradi Xavfsiz Javascript Qat iy rejim JavaScriptni xavfsiz yozishni osonlashtiradi Ba zi veb saytlar endi foydalanuvchilarga JavaScript yozishning turli usullarini taqdim etadi Brauzerlardagi JavaScript foydalanuvchining shaxsiy ma lumotlariga kirishi mumkin shuning uchun bunday JavaScript taqiqlangan funksiyalarga kirishni tsenzura qilish uchun ishga tushirishdan oldin qisman o zgartirilishi kerak JavaScriptning moslashuvchanligi sababli buni runtime tekshiruvlarisiz amalga oshirish imkonsiz Ba zi til funktsiyalari shu qadar keng tarqalganki runtime tekshirishni amalga oshirish katta xarajatlarini talab qiladi Bir nechta qat iy rejim o zgarishlari shuningdek foydalanuvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan JavaScriptning qat iy rejim kodi bo lishini va uni ma lum bir tarzda ishga tushirishni talab qilish bu runtime tekshirishga bo lgan ehtiyojni sezilarli darajada kamaytiradi Birinchidan qat iy rejimdagi funktsiyaga berilgan this qiymati obyekt bo lishga majburlanmaydi Oddiy funktsiya uchun this har doim obyekt hisoblanadi yoki taqdim etilgan obyekt this obyekti bilan chaqirilgan bo lsa qiymat agar boolean string yoki number bilan chaqirilgan bo lsa yoki global obyekt agar bu undefined yoki null bilan chaqirilsa Avtomatik box nafaqat xarajatni balki global obyektni brauzerlarda ko rsatish xavfsizlik uchun xavf tug diradi chunki global obyekt xavfsiz JavaScript muhiti oldini olishi kerak bo lgan funksiyalarga kirishni ta minlaydi Shunday qilib qat iy rejim funktsiyasi uchun belgilangan this obyektga kiritilmaydi va agar aniqlanmagan bo lsa bu undefined bo ladi use strict function fun return this console assert fun undefined console assert fun call console assert fun apply null null console assert fun call undefined undefined console assert fun bind true true Ikkinchidan qat iy rejimda ECMAScript kengaytmalari orqali JavaScript stekini “yuritish endi mumkin emas Bu kengaytmalarga ega oddiy kodda fun funksiya chaqirishning o rtasida bo lsa fun caller oxirgi marta fun deb atalgan funksiya fun arguments esa fun ni chaqirish uchun argumentdir Ikkala kengaytma ham xavfsiz JavaScript uchun muammoli chunki ular xavfsiz kodga privileged funktsiyalarga va ularning potentsial himoyalanmagan argumentlariga kirishga imkon beradi Agar fun qatʼiy rejimda boʻlsa fun caller va fun arguments ham oʻchirib boʻlmaydigan xususiyatlar boʻlib xato qaytaradi function restricted use strict restricted caller TypeError qaytaradi restricted arguments TypeError qaytaradi function privilegedInvoker return restricted privilegedInvoker Brauzerlarda qat iy rejim Taxminan yildan beri asosiy brauzerlar qat iy rejimni to liq joriy qilgan jumladan IE versiyasi Firefox versiyasidan beri Chrome versiyasidan beri va hokazo Agar siz hali ham qat iy rejim qo llab quvvatlanishidan oldingi juda eski JS environtment ishlatsangiz JS engine ga mos keladigan qat iy bo lmagan rejimda ishlayotganda uning kutilgan behavior i buzilmasligini tekshirish uchun qat iy rejim kodini e lon qiladigan har qanday kodingizni sinab ko ring Brauzerlarda qat iy rejim qanday ishlashini hisobga olish kerak bo lgan ba zi nuanslar mavjud Qat iy rejim skript yoki funksiyaning yuqori darajasida bo lmagan function statement larni oldini oladi Brauzerlarda oddiy rejimda function statementga hamma joyda ruxsat beriladi Bu ES yoki hatto ES ning bir qismi emas Bu turli xil brauzerlarda mos kelmaydigan semantikaga ega kengaytma E tibor bering ES da yuqori darajadan tashqarida bo lgan function statement larga ruxsat berilgan Masalan ushbu blok darajali funksiya deklaratsiyasiga spetsifikatsiya matni tomonidan qat iy rejimda ruxsat berilmasligi kerak if true function f syntax error f for var i i lt i function f syntax error f function baz kosher function eit also kosher Maqola vanihoyat o z nihoyasiga yetdi Sabr bilan ushbu qatorgacha o riganingiz uchun rahmat Allah ilmingizni ziyoda qilsin |
2022-04-25 10:20:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
3 ways your team can improve code quality |
ways your team can improve code quality Pair programming with new hiresEven if the new hire is a great developer they will inevitably have their own way of doing things that may not marry up perfectly to the way your agency does things Taking the time to do some pair programming and code reviews can go a long way in getting them onto the same page There are also production benefits to this practise Williams et al The Costs and Benefits of Pair Programming indicates that for a slightly increased development time of around projects which utilise pair programming show a reduction in bugs and risk as well as improving team skills and communication While some managers may wince at the idea of increasing development time take this into consideration between bugfixing repeated deployments QA testing and back and forth with clients program defects can take up as much development time as building the thing in the first place Even worse if hard limits on time allocated to bugfixing is not discussed with the client agencies can easily overspend on time spent simply getting a website up to standard Without a doubt it is more cost effective to do things right the first time around In the long run pair programming could greatly decrease the cost and development time of projects Pair programming has also been shown to improve developer engagement and satisfaction as well as making devs more confident in their solutions There s also evidence that pair programming may help with inclusivity particularly improving female representation in programming It might be that it s a break from the monotony of independent work the learning experience or just the chance to improve work relationships but it s clear that developers who code in pairs are happier and have more pride in their work There are even Git workflows such as Trunk based development which embrace the idea of pair programming whole heartedly This style of development is not only great for improving development quality in small teams but also improves each team member by forcing them to explain and justify their code while taking in contributions from their peers Have everyone use the same auto formatterFormatting code is one of the longest running arguments in programming Line length tabs vs spaces padding parenthesis with whitespace all these issues can be made consistent by using a formatter Even better you can enable format on save in most IDE settings meaning you can forget about formatting entirely Just press save et voila Beautiful code However this becomes an issue when working on a team of developers Why Well if only one person is using a formatter every time they save a file the whole structure will change This will show up in git so it becomes impossible to see what has changed with each commit because when a formatter does its job it can change every single line of code If you can t see what s changed it becomes hard to figure out how something went wrong when it inevitably does It also really messes up any merges you try The same goes for if multiple people are using formatters with different settings Each will end up overwriting the previous developer s code every time they work on a file The solution is for everyone on the team to use the same settings We can then have beautiful readable code with no effort and no problems with source control This takes a bit of time to setup but for the time saved later on it s worth it FormattersThere are a few known formatters for most editors I ll be focusing on VSCode since it s what I used If you use a different editor google is your friend experience will vary based on what you use Personally I have been using the Prettier extension to do my formatting as it supports all the languages I use on a regular basis If you re a frontend developer chances are this will cover the majority of languages you need to use For other languages there are plenty of other extensions that will handle formatting of these languages You may need to configure your VSCode settings to get them working for specific languages If you re a backend developer and use Visual Studio there are similar extensions which can handle formatting of any language you require LintersFormatters tend to take their rules from linters scripts that raise issues if your code doesn t follow a particular standard It s a good idea to run linters alongside your formatter so they can highlight any issues you missed or if you forgot to format a particular file This might be redundant however if you opt to enable format on save in VSCode This way you won t even need to think about formatting every time you save a file everything is automatically taken care of Setting up format on save in VSCodeVSCode official supports format on save so this can be enabled by changing a property in your settings json file To access this file press Ctrl Shift P and type in settings then select Preferences Open settings JSON Add the following line editor formatOnSave trueIf not already set you will also want to set your default formatter here editor defaultFormatter esbenp prettier vscode Once you ve done this save the file and reload your VSCode Your files will now be formatted automatically with zero time and effort Write up a methodology guidebookWe all know roughly how to use BEM sure We all know how to name variables how to use the block element modifier pattern and how to structure our CSS for performance and readability The problem is that even within those rules everyone has idiosyncrasies in the way they use them Some people who use BEM will insist on heavy nesting Some people will style elements directly even though it encourages the unholy important rule Drilling down into exactly what the guidelines for code quality are helps new developers understand what is expected of them encourages learning and higher code quality and overall reduces potential problems caused by different approaches It also helps bridge the gap between senior and junior mid developers by having the important information in writing it s not locked away in the minds of only a few developers Take CSS for example It s a great language very powerful The problem is that by using its multitude of features without any rules we end up writing difficult to understand code This is circumvented by methodologies yes but methodologies don t always go into the detail they should Over time agencies and individuals accumulate a set of rules which guide them to a cleaner codebase Keeping and maintaining a document or web page that explains these rules including the minute details and unique features of an agencies own approach is a fantastic tool for both new hires and old heads Including this document in the required reading for new hires gives them a head start and being strict about these rules when reviewing pull requests can help to solidify the best approach in the workflow of developers There are a few principles which make up a solid coding style guide Comprehensive amp accessibleYour style guide should be well documented Lack of documentation will lead to confusion and allows developers to fill in the blanks themselves On the flipside this document should be no longer than it needs to be Nobody will be able to remember a hundred different rules and so code standards will be fragmented and inconsistent Logical amp justifiedThis material should not boil down to someone s opinion and if it is it must be well thought out and justified If not it s likely that developers will disagree with the style guide and may push to change the guide It s a good idea to get everyone s own opinion from your team and then debate pros and cons of each The standards should work for everyone not just one or two developers Purpose builtWhile online guides are a fantastic starting point they may not consider all the nuances and workflows of your team Whether you need commits written a certain way for Git flow or you re using a CSS framework such as Tailwind there will be unique requirements for every team EnforcedIt s no use having a style guide if it s just going to be ignored The two most obvious ways to enforce standards are with pull requests and pair programming I would personally advocate for pair programming since it s a much more focused format and because it s easy to skim over a pull request on a really busy day but as with the previous point Whatever works best for your team Coding Standards Resources amp ExamplesGeeksforGeeks Code Standards and GuidelinesCXPartners front end coding standardsO World Front End Coding Standards HTML amp CSS imarc Frontend Handbook |
2022-04-25 10:04:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Now Apple Watch may get satellite communications, not just iPhone |
Now Apple Watch may get satellite communications not just iPhoneRumors of satellite comms coming to the iPhone have resurfaced along with a new claim that Apple Watch could get this ability too Previously it was rumored that the then forthcoming iPhone would include satellite connectivity shortly before it was rumored that it would not Satellite communications would mean that an iPhone user could call for help in emergencies even when outside regular cell coverage Now Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman claims that the feature is coming to the or iPhone ーand Apple Watch Read more |
2022-04-25 10:42:50 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Elon Musk isn't done with the idea of building a hyperloop |
Elon Musk isn x t done with the idea of building a hyperloopElon Musk first started the idea of a high speed hyperloop transport system between cities way back in but he left it to other companies to develop the idea further Fast forward to when Musk announced that would build a hyperloop system after all starting with the New York to Washington D C route Now Musk has tweeted that The Boring Company will attempt to build a working hyperloop quot in the coming years quot nbsp As a reminder hyperloop is a system that runs pods with passengers or cargo through low pressure tubes at speeds up to MPH It s an idea that could work in theory but it s never been proven to run at anything close to those speeds in practice Musk noted that hyperloop would be the fastest way of getting from one city center to another for distances less than miles with Starship being faster for longer journeys He also noted that quot underground tunnels are immune to surface weather subways are a good example so it wouldn t matter to hyperloop if a hurricane was raging on the surface You wouldn t even notice quot nbsp In the coming years Boring Co will attempt to build a working Hyperloop From a known physics standpoint this is the fastest possible way of getting from one city center to another for distances less than miles Starship is faster for longer journeys ーElon Musk elonmusk April In fact Paris subways are susceptible to flooding when the Seine river is high for instance and the New York subway system flooded during Hurricane Sandy as TechCrunch noted Still perhaps hyperloop could be designed to be flood resistant nbsp nbsp Meanwhile Musk founded the Boring Company in late as a way to dig tunnels efficiently for cars and high speed trains That company recently received a big cash injection that valued it at around billion but it has yet to complete any significant projects apart from the Las Vegas LVCC Loop with miles of tunnels It has announced but shelved or cancelled several other projects nbsp Hyperloop would add to the stack on Musk s plate which could include a billion purchase of Twitter It s also not completely clear how serious Musk is when he makes such proclamations nbsp There s an obvious synergy between hyperloop and The Boring Company It could become a lot more practical once the company finishes development of Prufrock a machine that will supposedly be able to dig seven miles of tunnel per day That s about fifty times faster than the company s current Prufrock machines that can do just one mile of tunneling per week nbsp |
2022-04-25 10:11:08 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
医療・介護保険への自動調整機能の導入など提言-骨太方針2022に向け、経済同友会 |
介護保険 |
2022-04-25 20:00:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
特定看護師を配置済みの介護施設2.2%-650施設中、「受講させる意向」も低調 |
介護施設 |
2022-04-25 19:10:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
銀行・証券、顧客情報共有で攻防再燃 非上場と個人争点 |
情報共有 |
2022-04-25 10:56:43 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
太陽フレアならスマホ・テレビ2週間障害 国が被害想定 |
被害想定 |
2022-04-25 10:48:39 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
物価高対策6.2兆円、中小に1.3兆円 効果不透明な事業も |
物価高 |
2022-04-25 10:42:45 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
米、ウクライナ追加支援7億ドル 国務長官らキーウ訪問 |
国務長官 |
2022-04-25 10:33:36 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
▶特設ページへ |
【基礎から日経】初任給と一緒にもらう給与明細には、「控除」などなじみの薄い言葉がずらり。 |
2022-04-25 10:30:13 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
[社説]マクロン氏は分断埋め欧州の結束固めよ |
結束 |
2022-04-25 10:26:40 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
中国の封鎖拡大警戒 人民元1年ぶり安値、上海株急落 |
警戒 |
2022-04-25 10:19:42 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
[社説]事故究明と連休の安全徹底を |
連休 |
2022-04-25 10:17:38 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Discreetly, the young in Japan chip away at a taboo on tattoos |
media |
2022-04-25 19:08:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
P&O Ferries hits back at staff pay cut claim |
contracts |
2022-04-25 10:38:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson contacts Angela Rayner over newspaper misogyny claims |
consequences |
2022-04-25 10:18:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Bermondsey stabbings: Four stabbed to death in south-east London home |
bermondsey |
2022-04-25 10:53:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nissan signals the end of the road for Datsun cars |
datsun |
2022-04-25 10:51:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Government to introduce independent football regulator in England after backing fan-led review |
Government to introduce independent football regulator in England after backing fan led reviewThe government says it will establish an independent regulator in football after endorsing recommendations made in a fan led review |
2022-04-25 10:28:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war in maps: Tracking the Russian invasion |
mariupol |
2022-04-25 10:06:55 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
俳優の山本圭さんが死去 ドラマ「若者たち」などで活躍 |
若者たち |
2022-04-25 19:20:10 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
二十間道路桜並木のサクラが開花 新ひだか町 30日から桜まつり |
実行委員会 |
2022-04-25 19:29:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
広島に平和願う子どもの巨大絵 チェルノブイリデーに向け展示 |
原発事故 |
2022-04-25 19:26:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭山の新大型施設「えぞひぐま館」、29日から一般公開 ホッキョクグマ赤ちゃんも |
一般公開 |
2022-04-25 19:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
立民の泉氏、態勢立て直しに注力 石川補選で敗北、夏の参院選へ |
公認候補 |
2022-04-25 19:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国、首都「死守」で厳戒 封鎖懸念し買いだめ加速 |
感染拡大 |
2022-04-25 19:04:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
おいしさイナズマ級! ファミマに「ブラックサンダー」のフラッペ登場 あのザクザク感を表現 |
有楽製菓 |
2022-04-25 19:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ダイドードリンコ、紙おむつが購入できる自動販売機をOsaka Metro 御堂筋線 なんば駅に設置 |
metro |
2022-04-25 19:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Sランク「勇者姫アンルシア」などが登場!『ドラクエタクト』×『ドラクエX オンライン』コラボが4月28日より開催決定 |
情報番組 |
2022-04-25 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
実写ミステリアドベンチャー『春ゆきてレトロチカ』の公式生放送が4月28日20時に配信決定! |
nintendo |
2022-04-25 19:20:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
リカちゃん×コールマンコラボ第2弾はテントとアウトドアウェア 再現度が高いグッズでリアルなキャンプごっこが楽しめそう |リカちゃんコールマンコラボ第2弾はテントとアウトドアウェア/
ewsokunomorallinkcomments |
2022-04-25 10:06:03 |