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壁掛けデザイン「Echo Show 15」は専用スタンドで気軽に導入できる!「Echo Show 15」+スタンド実機レビュー |
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2022-06-06 09:42:30 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
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2022-06-06 18:45:00 |
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2022-06-06 18:10:00 |
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2022-06-06 09:46:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A Plagiarism Case involving CSS Tricks and Smashing Magazine. Your thoughts? 🧐 |
A Plagiarism Case involving CSS Tricks and Smashing Magazine Your thoughts First of all I discussed privately with everyone to find a solution We agreed on something BUT the attitude of the author was inappropriate and disrespectful For this reason I have decided to share this publicly to denounce this kind of behavior and let the community judge if there is plagiarism or not The Short storySomeone copied a part of my CSS Tricks article to submit their article on Smashing Magazine For this short version I will simply share two demos to highlight the plagiarismMy demo Her demo The author claimed that she didn t plagiarize my article and she didn t see my article before writing her article Sorry but my brain cannot accept this when I compare both demos What do you think Maybe someone can convince me that both aren t the same The Long StoryYou may have noticed that I have shared an archive link of the SM article because the article is offline and will remain offline When the article went live I commented on Twitter and the SM team immediately removed it to investigate the issue T Afif CSS Challenges challengescss The smashingmag is publishing an article which is a copy of one of my previous article css tricks com advanced css a…I am really disappointed to see such a thing from a website I respectI hope something will be done to rectify this twitter com smashingmag st… PM May Smashing Magazine smashingmag Wondering how the cubic bezier function actually works and how to stack multiple simple animations to create a complex one in CSS yosracodes explains how to create a rollercoaster path that a ball follows using cubic beziers and CSS transitions After that I had a long and private discussion with SM where I gave clear evidence of the plagiarism by highlighting all the relevant proofs They were patient took me seriously and they were trying to find a solution I could have kept everything private if the author assumed her mistake BUT until the end she was claiming that she did nothing wrong and she never copied anything Some of her messages I can provide the full email history if anyone want to verify I didn t plagiarize and just because there are similarities in two articles that explain the same topic doesn t mean it s plagiarised I still stand by my word that the article is not plagiarised I didn t even see his article before to omit anything All the maths of the cubic bezier that I added was taken from my notes Well I cannot accept this But wait maybe I am wrong For this reason I decided to share the content publicly to let the community judge If she did nothing then I will be the bad guy in this story Otherwise she had to assume what she did in front of the community I invite you to read both articles especially the parabolic curve part and I am going to give all the proof of the plagiarism It will be very detailed so be patient Proof Let s start with the titles She used almost the same as mine mine Advanced CSS Animation Using cubic bezier her Advanced Animations Using CSS She also used the same title for the copied part PARABOLIC CURVE We may think this is a coincidence but with what will come next you will notice that it s not Proof She started her part with the same Intro using different words mine My goal is to adjust P and P in order to create the following curves You may think this is impossible to achieve because as stated in the definition P and P are fixed at and meaning they cannot be on the same axis That s true and we will use some math tricks to “approximate them her From the definition of the parabolic curve you may notice that making a perfect parabolic curve seems impossible because P must be at and P must be at while parabolic curves start and end at the same horizontal axis so we ll need P to be at It s true that we can t make a perfect parabola However we can create something close to it If you are following me you must know me for all the hacky stuff I am doing with CSS This article is one of them I have developed a hacky approximation to create curves that are impossible to achieve using cubic bezier What are the chances that someone else had the same idea as mine And decided to create the same curve as mine Proof Like me she decided to use a ball for all their demos Ok a ball is something common but with the same CSS it s a bit suspicious my CSS i position fixed width px height px border radius background radial gradient at a red left px top px her CSS ball background color burlywood height px width px border px solid black border radius px position fixed left px top px Probably not enough to call this plagiarism but you will see when we will compare the full demo later Proof She decided to dig into the math like I did and she followed the same steps as me In my article it starts from Digging into the mathIn her from THE MATHS BEHIND THE cubic bezier FUNCTION In my article there is a Quadratic function and to avoid making the math part lengthy I gave the solution without detail Y t is a quadratic equation I will skip the boring part and will give you the result which is t V sqrt V² V She also did the same Since she copied everything from me she kept the same structure by omitting what I have omitted Proof Still on the math she also did the same approximation as me Me Also Y will give us V and this will allow us to find the max value based on V And since we will always use a big value for V we can simplify to V V her Substituting t at Y Y X For the sake of simplicity we will use Y X Another coincidence she had the same idea to simplify the formula Mathematically speaking we should keep the exact formula to get accurate results but I am a lazy person so I simplified the formula to have an easier one that still gives the same result because in CSS we don t care about precision px or px doesn t make a visual difference Proof Another proof related to the math part and this one is too obvious I even want to say it s my favorite proof Me We used V in the last example so the max value there would come out to or and we get the following Initial state top pxFinal state top pxThere s a difference of px between and Let s call it the increment For or we have an equation of px px Our animated element is reaching top px px px and gives us the following animation Her In our last example we used X so the max value is px Our cubic bezier function in the x axis translates as follows x →top pxx →top pxThere s a difference of between and The max value that is px is applied when the difference is since here our difference is then our max difference is px Therefore to get the max top value the element will reach How on earth two people can choose the same random values is supposed to be a big random value and px a small random value It can be anything and and and etc Even the structure of that part is the same Plagiarism or coincidence Proof Yes I still have more proofsMe Let s do the opposite logic What value of V should we use to make our element reach top px The animation will be px →px →px so we need px to reach px Our increment is always equal to px The max value will be equal to so V which means V Her To get the X value that will make the element reach the top value we want we can do the opposite logic Let s assume we want to get the value of X that makes our animation reach top px We will need px to reach px We know that the difference between the initial and final value is so the max value Y t by substituting into the equation Y t X we get She also got the same idea to do the opposite logic This example is also a random one that I have used to demonstrate the formula It s not mandatory to explain the article or for the next demos Another coincidence Proof She concluded that part the same way I did Me Our element is touching the top Here is a figure that sums up that math we just did Her Notice that the ball is touching the top To sum up to get X when you want to reach a certain max height here is the equation When I first wrote the article I didn t make that part but I was told to add a small summary to make it easy to memorize Did she get the same idea as me Proof I talked about the same CSS but here are the full demos used in the articles so you can compare mine her Everything is the same The JS is the animations the duration the value of cubic bezier the d element and guess what She even copied the small comment that you can see above d in the CSS code I even want to say that it s a stupid copy paste When you copy someone else code do an effort to change many values and variable names and also remove useless stuff Did you remember what she said Let me remind you I didn t even see his article before to omit anything All the maths of the cubic bezier that I added was taken from my notes I think I have enough proof to explicitly call this plagiarism The article is stored in the internet archive so no one can pretend I have modified it For the demos you can verify the date Mine is created updated on May and her on May What do you think Additional notesLet s not forget that we are talking about a big website which is Smashing Magazine so why would I fight with such a big company if I am not sure I am taking a big risk by doing this and making it public but I am not worried because the plagiarism is more than obvious I also decided to not publish anything on Smashing Magazine if the author will write one more time for that site The SM team gave her another chance to re write the article If she does I cannot accept being listed on the same website as her The structure of her article is confusing and this is another proof of plagiarism At the beginning she said Our goal for the cubic bezier is to create the sliding parabola at the beginning of the required animation But in order to get there we ll start small and learn how to create a parabolic curve using cubic bezier So the intention is to explain a curve that she will use in the final animation but later she did something that has nothing to do with the first part In the final section she used cubic bezier and it has nothing to do with the parabolic curve and all the math she explained copied from me doesn t apply She also said In this case I found that fits bestY should be a big value In this case I chose Y Based on what logic did she pick those values Why didn t she use any math to find that those are the best values She simply picked random values with no particular logic This explains that she copied the first part of my article to make her article look complex and lengthy For me this makes the article looks bad because you are wasting my time with complex math to say at the end that I will pick this value because it looks good It doesn t make sense Another observation can be made If we omit the first part talking about the parabolic curve the rest of the article is something very basic She is building an animation by chaining simple animations and one of them is using cubic bezier She first starts with something complex with math equations and precise values then at the end we have something very basic This is quite suspicious and confirms that she copied that first part to upgrade her article and have a chance that Smashing Magazine accept it I also challenge anyone to find one article where cubic bezier is used with big values You will find nothing because such usage is not common and what I did is a hacky approximation that requires specific values that follow specific rules to make it work without issue My brain cannot accept that a coincidence allows another person to have the same idea as mine with the same values and the same structure I just want to remind you that Smashing Magazine has nothing to do here They are also a victim of such behavior and they decided to rectify this but we stumbled upon an author who wanted to claim her innocence until the end with no real proof |
2022-06-06 09:25:50 |
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