IT |
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2022-06-18 00:28:30 |
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2022-06-18 00:18:34 |
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2022-06-18 00:04:11 |
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2022-06-18 00:00:14 |
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CYRILL、「Amazon タイムセール祭り」で対象製品を最大30%オフで販売するセールを開催中 |
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2022-06-18 00:00:12 |
IT |
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Caseology、「Amazon タイムセール祭り」で対象製品を最大50%オフで販売するセールを開催中 |
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2022-06-18 00:00:10 |
IT |
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Spigen、「Amazon タイムセール祭り」で対象製品を最大50%オフで販売するセールを開催中 |
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2022-06-18 00:00:07 |
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2022-06-18 00:54:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Haciendo un fetching de datos y creando un custom hook. 🪝 |
Haciendo un fetching de datos y creando un custom hook 🪝 Tabla de contenidoIntroducciónTecnologías a utilizarCreando el proyectoPrimeros pasosHaciendo nuestro primer fetchMostrando los datos de la API en pantallaCreando un custom hookMejorando el hook useFetchAgregando más componentes y refactorizandoHeader tsxLoading tsxErrorMessage tsxCard tsxLayoutCards tsx ️Introducción El propósito de este post es enseñar una manera de como realizar peticiones HTTP de tipo GET mediante el uso de React y un custom hook Nota Este post requiere que sepas las bases de React hooks básicos y peticiones con fetch Cualquier tipo de Feedback es bienvenido gracias y espero disfrutes el articulo Tecnologías a utilizar ️React JS version ️Vite JS ️TypeScript ️Rick and Morty API ️CSS vanilla Los estilos los encuentras en el repositorio al final de este post ️Creando el proyecto npm init vite latestEn este caso le colocaremos de nombre fetching data custom hook opcional Seleccionaremos React y luego TypeScript Luego ejecutamos el siguiente comando para navegar al directorio que se acaba de crear cd fetching data custom hookLuego instalamos las dependencias npm installDespués abrimos el proyecto en un editor de código en mi caso VS code code ️Primeros pasos Dentro de la carpeta src App tsx borramos todo el contenido del archivo y colocamos un componente funcional que muestre un titulo y un subtitulo const App gt return lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt export default App Antes que nada crearemos un par de interfaces que nos ayudaran al auto completado de las propiedades que viene en la respuesta JSON que nos proporciona la API La primera interfaz Response contiene la propiedad results que es un arreglo de Results La segunda interfaz Result solo contiene propiedades aunque hay más puedes revisar la documentación de la API seleccione un ID el nombre y la imagen del personaje interface Response results Result interface Result id number name string image string ️Haciendo nuestro primer Fetch Primero agregamos un estado que sea de tipo Result y el valor por defecto sera un arreglo vacío ya que aun no hacemos la llamada a la API Esto nos servirápara almacenar los datos de la API y poder mostrarlos const App gt const data setData useState lt Result gt return lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt export default App Para poder realizar un fetch de datos tenemos que hacerlo en un useEffect ya que necesitamos ejecutar el fetch cuando nuestro componente se renderice por primera vez Como necesitamos que solo se ejecuta una vez colocamos un arreglo vació o sea sin dependencia alguna const App gt const data setData useState lt Result gt useEffect gt arreglo vació return lt div gt lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt lt div gt export default App Dentro del cuerpo de la función del useEffect se harála llamada a la API y como el useEffect no nos permite usar código asíncrono directamente haremos la llamada mediante promesas por mientras const data setData useState lt Result gt useEffect gt fetch then res gt res json then res Response gt catch console log Una vez resuelta las promesas obtendremos la data correspondiente a la API la cual la colocaremos al estado mediante la función setDataCon esto ya podríamos mostrar los datos en pantalla Si algo sale mal con la API el catch se encargara de atrapar el error y mostrarlo por consola y el valor del estado “data se queda como arreglo vació y al final no se mostrara nada mas que el titulo y subtitulo de la app const data setData useState lt Result gt useEffect gt fetch then res gt res json then res Response gt setData res results catch console log ️Mostrando los datos de la API en pantalla Antes de mostrar los datos de la API debemos hacer una evaluación Solo si la longitud del valor del estado “data es mayor a mostramos los datos de la API en pantallaSi la longitud de del valor del estado “data es menor o igual a no se mostrara ningún dato en pantalla solamente el titulo y subtitulo const App gt const data setData useState lt Result gt useEffect gt fetch then res gt res json then res Response gt setData res results catch console log return lt div gt lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt data length gt amp amp lt p gt data lt p gt lt div gt export default App Ahora una vez confirmado que si tenemos datos en el valor del estado “data proseguiremos a mostrar y moldear los datos Mediante la función map que se usa en arreglos Recorremos el arreglo del valor del estado “data y retornaremos un nuevo componente JSX que en este caso solo sera una imagen y un texto NOTA la propiedad key dentro del div es un identificador que usa React en las listas para renderizar los componentes de forma más eficiente Es importante colocarla const App gt const data setData useState lt Result gt useEffect gt fetch then res gt res json then res Response gt setData res results catch console log return lt div gt lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt data length gt amp amp data map id image name gt lt div key id gt lt img src image alt image gt lt p gt name lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt export default App De esta forma hemos acabado de realizar un fetching de datos y mostrarlos en pantalla correctamente Pero aun podemos mejorarlo ️Creando un custom hook Dentro de la carpeta src hook creamos un archivo llamado useFetch Creamos la función y cortamos la lógica del componente App tsxconst App gt return lt div gt lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt data length gt amp amp data map id image name gt lt div key id gt lt img src image alt image gt lt p gt name lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt export default App Pegamos la lógica dentro de esta función y al final retornamos el valor del estado “data export const useFetch gt const data setData useState lt Result gt useEffect gt fetch then res gt res json then res Response gt setData res results catch console log return data Por ultimo hacemos la llamada al hook useFetch extrayendo la data Y listo nuestro componente queda aun más limpio y fácil de leer const App gt const data useFetch return lt div gt lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt data length gt amp amp data map id image name gt lt div key id gt lt img src image alt image gt lt p gt name lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt export default App Pero espera aun podemos mejorar este hook ️Mejorando el hook useFetch Ahora lo que haremos sera mejorar el hook agregando más propiedades Al estado existente le agregaremos otras propiedades y este nuevo estado sera del tipo DataStateinterface DataState loading boolean data Result error string null loading valor booleano nos permitirásaber cuando se este haciendo la llamada a la API Por defecto el valor estaráen true error valor string o nulo nos mostraráun mensaje de error Por defecto el valor estaráen null data valor de tipo Result nos mostrara la data de la API Por defecto el valor seráun arreglo vació NOTA se acaba de renombrar las propiedades del estatedata ️dataStatesetData ️setDataStateexport const useFetch gt const dataState setDataState useState lt DataState gt data loading true error null useEffect gt fetch then res gt res json then res Response gt setData res results catch console log return data Ahora sacaremos la lógica del useEffect en una función aparte dicha función tendráel nombre de handleFetch Usaremos useCallback para memorizar esta función y evitar que se vuelva a crear cuando el estado cambie El useCallback también recibe un arreglo de dependencias en este caso lo dejaremos vacióya que solo queremos que se genere una vez const handleFetch useCallback gt La función que recibe en useCallback puede ser asíncrona por lo cual podemos usar async await Primero colocamos un try catch para manejar los errores Luego creamos una constante con el valor de la URL para hacer la llamada a la API Hacemos la llamada a la API usando fetch y le mandamos la URL el await nos permitiráesperar una respuesta ya sea correcta o errónea en caso de error se iría directo a la función catch const handleFetch useCallback async gt try const url const response await fetch url catch error Después evaluamos la respuesta si hay un error entonces activamos el catch y mandamos el error que nos da la API En el catch vamos a settear el estado Llamamos al setDataState le pasamos una función para obtener los valores anteriores prev Retornamos lo siguiente Esparcimos las propiedades anteriores …prev que en este caso solo sera el valor de la propiedad data que terminara siendo un arreglo vació loading lo colocamos en false error casteamos el valor del parámetro error que recibe el catch para poder obtener el mensaje y colocarlo en esta propiedad const handleFetch useCallback async gt try const url const response await fetch url if response ok throw new Error response statusText catch error setDataState prev gt prev loading false error error as Error message Si no hay error por parte de la API obtenemos la información y setteamos el estado de una manera similar a como lo hicimos en el catch Llamamos al setDataState le pasamos una función para obtener los valores anteriores prev Retornamos lo siguiente Esparcimos las propiedades anteriores …prev que en este caso solo sera el valor de la propiedad error que terminara siendo un nulo loading lo colocamos en false data sera el valor de la contante dataApi accediendo a su propiedad results const handleFetch useCallback async gt try const url const response await fetch url if response ok throw new Error response statusText const dataApi Response await response json setDataState prev gt prev loading false data dataApi results catch error setDataState prev gt prev loading false error error as Error message Después de crear la función handleFetch nos regresamos al useEffect al cual le quitamos la lógica y agregamos lo siguiente Evaluamos si el valor del estado “dataState accediendo a la propiedad data contiene una longitud igual a entonces queremos que se ejecute la función Esto es para evitar que se llame más de una vez dicha función useEffect gt if dataState data length handleFetch Y el hook quedaría de esta manera NOTA al final del hook retornamos mediante el operador spread el valor del estado “dataState NOTA se movieron las interfaces a su carpeta respectiva dentro de src interfaces import useState useEffect useCallback from react import DataState Response from interface const url export const useFetch gt const dataState setDataState useState lt DataState gt data loading true error null const handleFetch useCallback async gt try const response await fetch url if response ok throw new Error response statusText const dataApi Response await response json setDataState prev gt prev loading false data dataApi results catch error setDataState prev gt prev loading false error error as Error message useEffect gt if dataState data length handleFetch return dataState Antes de usar las nuevas propiedades de este hook haremos una refactorización y crearemos más componentes ️Agregando más componentes y refactorizando Lo primero es crear una carpeta components dentro de src Dentro de la carpeta componentes creamos los siguientes archivos Header tsxDentro de este componente solo estarán el titulo y el subtitulo anteriormente creados export const Header gt return lt gt lt h className title gt Fetching data and create custom Hook lt h gt lt span className subtitle gt using Rick and Morty API lt span gt lt gt Loading tsxEste componente solo se mostrarási la propiedad loading del hook esta en true export const Loading gt return lt p className loading gt Loading lt p gt ErrorMessage tsxEste componente solo se mostrarási la propiedad error del hook contiene un valor string export const ErrorMessage msg msg string gt return lt div className error msg gt msg toUpperCase lt div gt Card tsxMuestra los datos de la API o sea la imagen y su texto ️import Result from interface export const Card image name Result gt return lt div className card gt lt img src image alt image width gt lt p gt name lt p gt lt div gt LayoutCards tsxEste componente sirve como contenedor para hacer el recorrido de la propiedad data y mostrar las cartas con su información NOTA usamos memo encerrando nuestro componente con el propósito de evitar re renders que probablemente no se noten en esta aplicación pero solo es un tip Dicha función memo solo se vuelve a renderizar si la propiedad “data cambia sus valores import memo from react import Result from interface import Card from interface Props data Result export const LayoutCards memo data Props gt return lt div className container cards gt data length gt amp amp data map character gt lt Card character key character id gt lt div gt Asíquedaría nuestro componente App tsxCreamos una función showData y evaluamos Si la propiedad loading es true retornamos el componente lt Loading gt Si la propiedad error es true retornamos el componente lt ErrorMessage gt mandando el error al componente Si ninguna de las condiciones se cumple significa que los datos de la API ya están listos y se retornamos el componente lt LayoutCards gt y le mandamos la data para que la muestre Finalmente debajo del componente abrimos paréntesis y hacemos la llamada a la función showData import ErrorMessage Header Loading LayoutCards from components import useFetch from hook const App gt const data loading error useFetch const showData gt if loading return lt Loading gt if error return lt ErrorMessage msg error gt return lt LayoutCards data data gt return lt gt lt Header gt showData lt gt export default App NOTA También puedes mover la función showData al hook y cambiar la extension del archivo del hook a tsx esto es porque se esta utilizando JSX al retornar diversos componentes Gracias por llegar hasta aquí Te dejo el repositorio para que le eches un vistazo si quieres ️ Franklin fetching data custom hook Tutorial on how to fetching data and creating a custom hook Fetching data and create custom HookTutorial on how to fetching data and creating a custom hookLink to tutorial post ️ View on GitHub |
2022-06-18 00:35:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Immutable Vars and Clojure |
Immutable Vars and ClojurePeople often feel at a loss when they first look at languages with immutability I know I did How can you write a program without changing the value of a variable MutableFirst of all what does it mean to change a variable Consider some simple JavaScript var x x x This creates a variable called x that contains the number The second line changes the value of x to itself plus which means that it gets changed to the number This works though the choice of the equals sign in languages like JavaScript is a bit awkward If you were in high school algebra class and you saw x x …you d probably throw your hands up in despair When looking at math we expect x to be described by a set of conditions where can be used as part of that description This statement can t be true since a number x can t be equal to itself plus This is why some languages won t use a simple character when changing a variable For instance Pascal uses R uses an arrow lt and many computer science texts use an arrow character ← However math provides a powerful way to look at the world Anyone with significant experience debugging a program has seen variables change unexpectedly When the state of your application is based on the values in its variables then this means that understanding the current state can get very difficult when those variables change Perhaps the idea of values that don t change could be useful ImmutableHow does this compare to using immutable values JavaScript lets you use immutable values with the const declaration This means that we can t change the value const x x x Which results in Uncaught TypeError Assignment to constant variable Instead we have to declare a whole new thing to take the new value const x const y x This is limited but it s more flexible than you might expect ShadowingYou can even re use the name x in other parts of the code without changing the original value This is called shadowing In JavaScript this must be done in a new scope const x const y x a new scope const x y console log the new value is x console log the old value is still x the new value is the old value is still Inside that new scope the value of x is set to but in the outer scope it remains at But we never print y so why not just skip that and add x to itself Well it turns out that JavaScript thinks that all references to x in the inner scope are referring to the x that s already in that scope which means that the declaration of x can t refer to itself const x const x x console log the value is x Uncaught ReferenceError x is not definedJavaScript can use immutable variables but it isn t entirely smooth ClojureIn contrast languages like Haskell Erlang Scala and Clojure are designed to make using immutability natural They often have some way to allow mutability where it can help but these are typically awkward to use or in the case of Haskell simply not there In Clojure we don t have variables anymore Instead the thing that holds a value is called a var These can be declared globally with def or often in a local scope via let Like all Lisps operations like let are enclosed in parentheses The vars to be created appear first inside an array with the var immediately before the value it will be set to let x println value is x value is Shadowing is even easier than JavaScript since the old value of x will be used until the new value is finished being defined let x let x x println The new value is x println This old value is still x The new value is This old value is still But we don t necessarily need that old outer value When that happens we don t need the separate scopes and we can let the x multiple times let x x x x x println value x value This was made using different values for x with each one shadowing the previous one It s not the way I like to write code myself mostly because I like to have access to the various values of x and not have them hidden when they get shadowed but this demonstrates let makes shadowing easy LoopsJust like shadowing some loop constructs allow you to reuse a name with a new value each time For instance we can vary x from to and get the squares for x range x x Each time going through this for construct the value of x will be set to something new But unlike JavaScript it has not changed a variable called x It s an entirely new x each time In a similar way we can use a loop loop x when lt x print x x recur x println The first time through the loop the initial vector acts like a let where x has been set to Then each time recur is called it acts like a let again only instead of it will use whatever value the recur was given StructuresImmutability takes on a new meaning when applied to a structure For instance consider an array in JavaScript const a console log a a push console log a How did the array a change when it was declared const It happened because the array that a continued to point to the same array but the array changed what was in it This is like referring to a closet but hanging up more clothes in there The closet doesn t change but the contents of the closet do However languages like Clojure and Scala also offer immutable structures let a a conj a println a Well we can see that we shadowed a but how do we know if changed the original or not Let s not shadow it and print the original object after the extra number was added let a a conj a println original array a println new array a original array new array This works with all of Clojure s structured types For instance maps let m one two three m assoc m four five println original map m println new map m original map one two three new map one two three four five The most important aspect of this behavior is that operations that modify a structure return the newly structure since the original structure does not change This is different to structures that mutate Consider the array in JavaScript const a console log a push This doesn t return the new array Instead it returns the value that was added to the array That s OK because we can go back and check that the new array has this added to it But for immutable structures the only time you can get access to the new structure that results from an operation is in the return value of that operation Immutable Vars with Immutable StructuresUse some of the above examples we can build a structure that is referred to with immutable vars For instance a loop can be used to build a vector containing squares loop v i if gt i v i is greater than so return v recur conj v i i i While this works it is also a bit clunky Typically when adding lots of things to a single object the correct way to do it in Clojure is to use the reduce function This needs a function that accepts your structure and another argument and is expected to return the new structure For instance the above example would use a function that takes a vector and a number then returns a new vector that has the square of the number added Like defn the function v n conj v n n We can test it out the function And then reduce can use this for each number in the range to up to but excluding reduce the function the starting structure range the numbers to process from to This does essentially the same as the original loop above but now the operations are more structured SizeAn intuition that many people develop around this is that the structures are being copied and then the copy gets modified While this would work a copy has the disadvantages of doubling the space consumption of the original and requires all of the data to be processed which could be slow when a structure gets large Creating a vector of million items by adding a single item at a time would create million intermediate vectors with a total of elements between them Instead Clojure structures use structural sharing This means that a new structure can be a reference to the data in the previous structure and only contain whatever changes it requires This saves on both space and processing time There are even bulk operations internally to make the entire operation more efficient This approach wouldn t work if structures were mutable For instance consider a map m containing items and then map n is created by adding a new item to m Internally n has a reference to m and its single new item giving it a total of items If we were in a mutable system and we took away something from m then m would be down to items n still contains its reference to m plus its extra item so now n has also been modified and ends up with only items in total Anyone debugging the system may be confused as to why n was changed because nothing appeared to change n But because structures don t change then structural sharing works cleanly If you really really want to know how structural sharing works I gave a talk on this at clojureD Wrap UpThis was an initial attempt to describe how programming is still possible when variables and data can t be changed and to show how this can be done in Clojure Clojure uses Vars that don t change rather than Variables that do New vars with existing names can be used and these will hide or shadow the previous var with that name Often times a piece of code will be run many times with its vars set to different values such as in a loop but at no point will an existing var be changed inside that block Clojure data structures are also immutable in that their contents never change The effect of a change is done by creating a new structure with the desired change and the old structure is often abandoned though it can also be useful to keep the old structures on occasion Changed structures look like a copy of their predecessor with a modification However this is handled much more efficiently than a copy would imply AfterwordImmutability is something that stops people when they first come to functional languages so I would like to work on explaining it for people making the shift Personally I learned about it when I first picked up the Scala language so none of this is unique to Clojure This is my first attempt at explaining this topic so I m expecting that I haven t done a great job of it I would appreciate feedback on the parts that work and the parts that are confusing Meanwhile if I left you feeling bewildered try reading the same topic in Programming in Scala by Odersky Spoon Venners and Sommers |
2022-06-18 00:02:43 |
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