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ROBOT ロボスタ 所要時間110秒がAIで2秒に!ソフトバンクがAIアノテーション代行サービス提供開始 高スキル/画像識別AI/チャットで高品質で廉価に提供 https://robotstart.info/2022/06/28/sb-tasuki-annotation.html 2022-06-28 03:44:58
ROBOT ロボスタ ロボットで地域のプログラミング教育を支援「Pepper ふるさと教育支援」を推進 ソフトバンクロボティクスとファインピースが連携 https://robotstart.info/2022/06/28/finepiece-pepper-education-support.html 2022-06-28 03:27:56
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コメダ珈琲店、3種の季節限定ケーキを販売 「氷点下ショコラ」など https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2206/28/news103.html itmedia 2022-06-28 12:51:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 今度はSDカード紛失、大阪府門真市 データはほぼ消去済み https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2206/28/news121.html itmedia 2022-06-28 12:40:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 散らかったウィンドウを一発で最小化するショートカットは「Windows+〇」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2206/28/news125.html itmedia 2022-06-28 12:38:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] ROG/TUF Gamingは7月1日から、Chromebookなどは8月1日から――ASUSが為替変動を受けて一部PCの販売価格を“値上げ” https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2206/28/news124.html asusjapan 2022-06-28 12:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] バンダイ、夏季賞与を約59万円増額 全社員平均 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2206/28/news110.html itmedia 2022-06-28 12:06:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) アプリで明るさや向きを調節できるスマート照明に新モデル。美術館の光演出を自宅にも https://techable.jp/archives/181345 saliot 2022-06-28 03:00:54
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonで正規表現を確認したいときのスニペット https://qiita.com/kuromiya123/items/3c939c35b69dcf732947 atternbartextprintresult 2022-06-28 12:37:38
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MeCabを利用して2つの文章の類似度を計る(の理屈) https://qiita.com/kobashi-yoshizumi/items/840c9b0d02ffde5011f2 mecab 2022-06-28 12:10:26
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【android】ソフトウェアキーボード出現によりviewportを縮める件 https://qiita.com/Rityado/items/bd801b3ebaccf2b5f2cc android 2022-06-28 12:09:53
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCP の Pub/Sub と Gmail APIを使って、メールをトリガーにイベントを実行する https://qiita.com/Kentaro91011/items/e8f9c5764ff6792c1d98 gmailapi 2022-06-28 12:40:17
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCP の Pub/Sub と Gmail APIを使って、メールをトリガーにイベントを実行する https://qiita.com/Kentaro91011/items/e8f9c5764ff6792c1d98 gmailapi 2022-06-28 12:40:17
技術ブログ Developers.IO [AWS CDK] Lambda Function の bundling オプションで Webpack を使ってバンドルする https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-cdk-lambda-nodejs-bundling-webpack/ awscdk 2022-06-28 03:49:54
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Apollo Client v3] fetchMore を使ったページネーションの実装例 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/apollo-client-v3-fetchmore-scroll-pagenation/ apolloclientvfetchmore 2022-06-28 03:41:05
技術ブログ Developers.IO タイトルが長文となったテーブルのテンプレートの管理を専用テーブルでやってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/notion-template-managed-on-table/ 長文 2022-06-28 03:19:02
技術ブログ Developers.IO GuardDutyで「UnauthorizedAccess:IAMUser/InstanceCredentialExfiltration.InsideAWS」の検出を抑制したい場合のフィルター方法 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/filter-guardduty-instancecredentialexfiltration-insideaws/ GuardDutyで「UnauthorizedAccessIAMUserInstanceCredentialExfiltrationInsideAWS」の検出を抑制したい場合のフィルター方法こんにちは、臼田です。 2022-06-28 03:04:41
海外TECH DEV Community 5 AWS Lambda Pitfalls Most Developers Don't Know About https://dev.to/bentorvo/5-aws-lambda-pitfalls-most-developers-dont-know-about-io4 AWS Lambda Pitfalls Most Developers Don x t Know AboutUsing AWS Lambda can save a lot of time in getting services up and running but has some major drawbacks when used extensively It is important to understand these pitfalls as they don t usually matter until you run into them in production when it is too late to avoid Private API Gateway is Incompatible with Custom DNSIt is common in large scale software development to use private networking to increase security of internal services This helps prevent unauthorized access to services that should never be available for public consumption AWS Lambda supports this by using AWS VPC when configured appropriately It is also standard in most software development to use DNS to decouple services DNS lets you deploy a new version of a service and cutover to it without modifying the existing service this works because DNS records are just a pointer for where the service is hosted One of the common configurations of AWS Lambda uses AWS API Gateway to make the lambda accessible as a HTTP endpoint However if you use API Gateway in a private network configuration you cannot leverage custom hostnames This means you can only use the AWS API Gateway DNS record that is tightly coupled to the infrastructure and therefore need to modify the infrastructure to release a new version of the service Modifying the existing service infrastructure to release a new version increases the risk of the change and makes it harder to roll back Application Load Balancer to Lambda is ExpensiveAnother frontend for AWS Lambda is AWS Application Load Balancer which fixes the prior mentioned DNS and networking issue However compared to the extremely low costs AWS API Gateway this is an expensive alternative In my region AWS ALB costs approximately per month as a base before the cost of compute power This might not seem like much but with the prominence of microservices it is common for organisations to provision hundreds of different AWS Lambdas which can lead to huge additional costs AWS Lambda Environment Variables ExposedAWS Lambda can be configured with environment variables for things like database URLs usernames and passwords This configuration shows up in the console when viewed with read only privileges This means that giving people read only access in production can lead to exposed credentials Depending on your control of AWS IAM and your business environment this may or may not impact you but it is worth thinking about when configuring your services An alternative solution to this is embed your configuration into your application zip I will cover this in a future article so follow me here to get updates about that API Gateway amp Lambda Timeout LimitsAWS Lambda has a hard timeout of minutes and when used in conjunction with AWS API Gateway a maximum timeout of seconds This means that any request that goes longer than one of these depending on the context will throw an error and fail It is important to handle these exceptions gracefully and return a response to the user but in order to do so we need to timeout before the timeout limit This requires additional code to track the current duration of the execution and cancelling it when getting too close to the timeout limit AWS Lambda timeouts also cause extra work to manage long running processes To run a permanent background process you will need to handle starting and stopping constantly to fit within timeouts This is usually far more difficult than an EC based solution that keeps a single process open SQS amp Lambda Throughput Limit ErrorsWhen using the AWS SQS as a direct trigger for AWS Lambda and limiting the throughput of the AWS Lambda Function any additional requests will throw errors These errors can wreak havoc on alerting systems because each of these errors will show in your metrics It can also be a problem if you leverage dead letter queues as these failures contribute to the maximum retries per task without even invoking the lambda Which can cause good messages to be pushed into the dead letter queue due to throughput limitations In ConclusionAWS Lambda is a great service that enables software development with minimal operational overhead but like all tools it has limits and it is helpful to understand them I often use AWS Lambda to get services running but find that moving to AWS EC based services is often more cost effective and simple in the long term Follow me here for more content or contact me on Twitter BenTorvo Email ben torvo com au Website torvo com au 2022-06-28 03:37:03
海外TECH DEV Community Como criar micro serviços - Nível fácil https://dev.to/jeanmolossi/como-criar-micro-servicos-nivel-facil-37me Como criar micro serviços Nível fácilCriar uma API Rest e estruturar micro serviços não precisa ser algo difícil Nesta sequência de artigos vamos entender desde a concepção de uma infraestrutura baseada em micro serviços atéo desenvolvimento completo de uma aplicação O que vamos ter nessa aplicação Veja o diagrama Baseado no diagrama vou explicar a motivação por trás de cada item e como vamos trabalhar com ele Éimportante também que vocêentenda o que vamos levar em consideração como regras de negócio Sim regras de negócio Ser programador não ésósobre sair criando códigos e scripts de automatização Vocêprecisa resolver problemas Nada melhor que entender como o problema surge para conseguir uma saída para resolvê lo Vamos aos itens do diagrama CDN Frontend Statics É essencialmente nosso frontend Vocêpode entendê lo como a aplicação em HTML e CSS React ou seja láqual o framework lib que vocêqueira usar Vamos usar o React ContainersEsse grupo de itens corresponde às APIs que vamos criar separadamente cada qual com suas respectivas responsabilidades Transactions APIEssa énossa API de transações ou pagamentos e recebimentos Essa API vai manter o histórico de transações de cada usuário e conta de usuário Para simplificar associe a um banco Como se vocêfosse o usuário e tivesse contas nesse banco algo como uma conta corrente e uma poupança Essa API vai conter algo semelhante ao seu extrato Vamos às regras de negócio da Transactions APIRegra Sópodemos cadastrar transações não podemos excluí las Isso significa que uma devolução ou estorno deve ser uma nova transação com o valor reembolsado Regra Toda transação deve ser diretamente relacionada a um usuário e a uma conta deste usuário Isso significa que uma transação deve ter um usuário e uma conta deste mesmo usuário como origem destino Regra Toda transação deve ter um tipo como entrada ou saída Além de ter o valor em centavos da transação bem como o método de pagamento Ex pix débito doc ou ted Users APIEssa éa nossa API de usuários Essa API vai manter os dados dos clientes Aqui teremos e mail senha data de criação e atualização de conta Serão somente esses dados apenas para fins didáticos Vamos às regras de negócio da Users APIRegra Todo usuário deve fornecer um e mail e uma senha para cadastro Isso significa que ambos campos de identificação do usuário são obrigatórios Regra Toda atualização adição de transação ou “abertura de conta deste usuário deve registrar a data de atualização do usuário Isso significa que nosso campo updated at sofreráuma atualização a cada ação de escrita do usuário Accounts APIEssa éa API de contas de usuário Nela vamos manter o tipo da conta do usuário se écorrente ou poupança o balanço o número e o usuário dono da conta Vamos às regras de negócio da Accounts APIRegra Toda conta deve ter um tipo Imagino algo como conta corrente conta poupança Isso significa que não podemos permitir um usuário criar uma conta sem solicitar que seja conta corrente ou conta poupança Regra Toda conta deve ter obrigatoriamente um dono Isso nos diz que também não podemos permitir a criação de uma conta sem que haja um usuário envolvido Regra O balanço da conta deve ser recalculado sempre que for recebido um evento de nova transação Isso significa que sempre que houver uma nova transação nossa API de contas vai “ouvir este evento e recalcular o balanço baseado nesta nova transação DatabaseGeralmente micro serviços consomem suas próprias bases de dados Nesta aplicação vamos utilizar uma única base de dados separando apenas as tabelas Isso não éalgo incomum em grandes sistemas que estão no processo de migração de um monólito Éuma etapa encontrada durante o processo de estrangulamento do sistema mas isso éassunto para outro momento Cada micro serviço deve ser independente de qualquer outro Vamos trazer isso para nosso modelo Caso nossa API de transações cair por qualquer motivo a API de usuários ou de contas devem se manter funcionando de forma independente Algo que éparcialmente verdade em nosso design atual Caso o usuário queira saber seu saldo total não épossível se nossa API de contas venha a cair Para resolver isso deveríamos “clonar o balanço das contas do usuário dentro da base de usuários Isso tornaria nossa aplicação independente e caso a API de contas fique fora do ar nosso cliente ainda consegue ver seu saldo atual Ah mas isso gera duplicidade de dados né Correto Esta éoutra dúvida que acontece quando falamos sobre micro serviços independentes Se vocêestáno início de sua startup não sei se vocêdeveria considerar usar micro serviços quando digo não sei na verdade quero dizer não aconselho usar Micro serviços são caros Vocêdeve levar em conta a utilizar micro serviços em situações específicas Por exemplo quando seu sistema estátão grande a ponto de ser muito custoso em termos de desenvolvimento não financeiro para qualquer implementação nova Enfim este éoutro tema que dáum artigo completo Quanto às nossas bases de dados simplesmente teremos três tabelas usuários transações e contas Algo como o seguinte diagrama Fila e eventosVou te mostrar como trabalhar com fila e eventos não éum monstro de sete cabeças Fila como o próprio nome jádiz éuma fila Uau Em essência vamos adicionar um evento na fila e esquecê lo lá Outra parte da nossa aplicação vai ficar monitorando a fila pegando os eventos também conhecidos como mensagens e processando os dados recebidos Para essa fila de eventos ou mensagens vamos utilizar RabbitMQ Espero que fique calmo não éalgo difícil de utilizar Vocêveráque éalgo extremamente simples Éimportante salientar que édiferente utilizar de implantar RabbitMQ éalgo complexo para se lidar quando se trata de infraestrutura Porém como desenvolvedor éalgo relativamente simples Vamos àmão na massa na parte II Espero vocêlá 2022-06-28 03:34:27
海外TECH Engadget House Democrats are working on legislation to protect people's period tracker data https://www.engadget.com/house-democrats-legislation-period-tracker-data-033357063.html?src=rss House Democrats are working on legislation to protect people x s period tracker dataIn a letter posted on her official website House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has revealed that House Democrats have been working on legislation to protect personal data collected by reproductive health trackers It s one of the three avenues the lawmakers are exploring following the Supreme Court s decision to overturn Roe v Wade quot Many fear that this information could be used against women by a sinister prosecutor in a state that criminalizes abortion quot she explained though she didn t expound on how the lawmakers plan to protect people s personal data nbsp Users have been swapping their period trackers for others they believe can offer them more privacy ever since the Supreme Court decision dropped It s not unusual for companies to sell user information or to cooperate with law enforcement and people are concerned about the possibility of investigators using that data to identify them if they ever seek an abortion As TechCrunch reported a number of reproductive health apps enjoyed a surge of new signups over the weekend nbsp One of those apps is Flo which announced that it plans to launch an anonymous mode shortly after the Supreme Court decision came out The mode is supposed to remove one s personal information from their account so that they can t be identified but Flo has yet to reveal when it will become available It s worth noting that Flo s average daily installs has been on the decline based on Apptopia numbers cited by TechCrunch likely because it has a history of sharing private data with third parties Back in The Wall Street Journal listed Flo as one of the apps that had been giving Facebook access to people s sensitive data Two years later Flo settled with the FTC over allegations that it was sharing information with the social network Google and other third party companies As part of that settlement Flo now has to explicitly ask for user consent before it can give external services access to their personal health information Despite the House Speaker s announcement that House Democrats are working quot to protect the health and freedom of American women quot there s no guarantee that the legislation they re cooking up would be signed into law It s always smart to take a closer look at how apps are protecting user data by reading their quot nutritional label quot on iOS or their quot safety section quot in the Play Store on Android But for those who want to be truly safe perhaps the best solution is to not use a period tracking app at all 2022-06-28 03:33:57
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Continuous Beep on Webpage with SoundManager 2 https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5161202/Continuous-Beep-on-Webpage-with-SoundManager-2 soundmanager 2022-06-28 03:47:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Making HTTP REST Request in C++ https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1244632/Making-HTTP-REST-Request-in-Cplusplus request 2022-06-28 03:40:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Making HTTP REST Request in C++ With WinHTTP https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5280036/Making-HTTP-REST-Request-in-Cplusplus-With-WinHTTP winhttp 2022-06-28 03:32:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 高齢者施設の4回目接種状況を自治体ごとに公表へ-厚労省、6月末時点の実績などの調査結果 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220628121717 進捗状況 2022-06-28 12:55:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:(株)マイクロアド https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1031/20220628-01.html 新規上場 2022-06-28 13:00:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 デジタル化が進んでこなかった分野でも活用が進み始めている量子コンピューター。そもそも量子とは何か、量子コンピューターと従来のコンピューターの仕組みの違い、どう計算するかなどを基礎から解説します。 https://t.co/KPQnZuLsky https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541629966609260546 デジタル化が進んでこなかった分野でも活用が進み始めている量子コンピューター。 2022-06-28 03:50:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 「鉄の街」北海道室蘭市。洋上風力の産業集積地への転換を目指しています。大成建設と技術開発などで連携協定を結びました。部材工場も10月に稼働。産業集積の経済効果は200億円以上との試算もあります。 https://t.co/Zn6ANIiyup https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541626217274769416 「鉄の街」北海道室蘭市。 2022-06-28 03:35:06
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 きょう6月28日昼の日経電子版トップ(https://t.co/zdaqM3AHJh)3本です。 ▶東芝株主総会、物言う株主2人含む全13人の取締役選任 https://t.co/uaAlcV4dJK ▶中国・ロシア震源の肥料… https://t.co/Cwr9HiVDC2 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541624963127562241 きょう月日昼の日経電子版トップ本です。 2022-06-28 03:30:07
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 日経平均反落、午前終値は40円安の2万6830円 https://t.co/GFWE2NUwra https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541623995409510400 日経平均 2022-06-28 03:26:17
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 若年層の懐が寂しくなっています。新卒後10年間の給与の伸び率は1990年に比べ1割あまり縮小。社会保障費の負担増で自由に使えるお金も少なくなり、結婚や出産などの将来設計に影を落とします。 https://t.co/zIEsFJsVzt https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541622438957654018 若年層の懐が寂しくなっています。 2022-06-28 03:20:06
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 東芝株主総会、物言う株主2人含む全13人の取締役を選任 https://t.co/6FKlEfPsSo https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541621566743531520 株主総会 2022-06-28 03:16:38
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 東京都が公表した首都直下地震の新たな被害想定では、マンションが「陸の孤島」となる懸念。タワーマンションなどでエレベーター停止が相次ぐためで、官民で「タワマン防災」に焦点を当てた取り組みを急ぎます。 https://t.co/LXnmQtcmh1 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541619921779662853 東京都が公表した首都直下地震の新たな被害想定では、マンションが「陸の孤島」となる懸念。 2022-06-28 03:10:05
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 節電ポイント、8月に開始 経産相表明 https://t.co/HgfNmfvfrO https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1541618067918454786 開始 2022-06-28 03:02:43
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Sony’s next big thing in tech is helping Honda take on Tesla https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/06/28/business/tech/sonys-honda-tesla/ Sony s next big thing in tech is helping Honda take on TeslaOf all Japan s carmakers Honda had thrown itself most aggressively into EVs targeting a full phase out of combustion engine vehicle sales by 2022-06-28 12:04:04
ニュース BBC News - Home Texas migrant deaths: At least 46 found dead in abandoned lorry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-61961871?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA antonio 2022-06-28 03:51:45
北海道 北海道新聞 夏の高校野球支部予選・6月28日の試合結果 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698908/ 夏の高校野球 2022-06-28 12:45:03
北海道 北海道新聞 広島・湯崎知事がNPT参加表明 「被爆地の役割果たす」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698951/ 定例記者会見 2022-06-28 12:48:11
北海道 北海道新聞 米、大型トレーラーに46人遺体 テキサス州、不法移民か https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698934/ 不法移民 2022-06-28 12:39:19
北海道 北海道新聞 西日本・北陸も梅雨明け 史上最も早く、6月中に https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698938/ 梅雨明け 2022-06-28 12:34:37
北海道 北海道新聞 夏の花火そろり復活 石狩管内 真駒内や道新・UHBなど8大会開催へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698810/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-06-28 12:41:29
北海道 北海道新聞 1・5億賠償求め裁定申請 ぜんそく患者ら、公調委に https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698950/ 健康被害 2022-06-28 12:36:00
北海道 北海道新聞 岩手、元巡査部長に懲役3年判決 勾留女性わいせつ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698949/ 巡査部長 2022-06-28 12:36:00
北海道 北海道新聞 札幌市内投票率上昇の見方も 参院選道選挙区 最多出馬、身近な争点 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698756/ 札幌市内 2022-06-28 12:34:28
北海道 北海道新聞 京都五山送り火、今夏は通常通り 3年ぶり、主催団体発表 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698947/ 五山送り火 2022-06-28 12:23:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ロシア国債、債務不履行の見解 米格付け大手が表明、利息払えず https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698933/ 債務不履行 2022-06-28 12:08:32
北海道 北海道新聞 東証、午前終値2万6830円 一進一退、輸出改善に期待 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698940/ 前日終値 2022-06-28 12:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 宇宙飛行士の試験、205人通過 JAXA https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698939/ 宇宙航空研究開発機構 2022-06-28 12:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NHK関連サイト妨害疑い男逮捕 架空の寄付入力、3万回以上 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/698935/ 関連 2022-06-28 12:04:58
IT 週刊アスキー ニフティ、契約期間のしばりや解除料金の設定がない光回線サービス「@nifty光 WebLiko」を8月1日から提供開始 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/095/4095971/ 提供開始 2022-06-28 12:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 求む挑戦者!三田製麺所、12年目となる夏の「激辛」選べる辛さは4段階!! 新作「黄金灼熱」も注目 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/095/4095972/ 夏季限定 2022-06-28 12:15:00



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