js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Swift WKWebViewでWebViewのTableの行クリックからネイティブへデータを受け取る |
swift |
2022-07-11 04:40:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Matching Fast Communities With Fast Options. |
Matching Fast Communities With Fast Options Whether you re starting a new community or deliberately growing an established one maintaining speed through the course of change is a critical skill for change management in communities I m going to share some tips about speed because I keep repeating myself when I talk to clients that are setting up communities for the first time Communities are organisms that do whatever they please control over them is illusory at best When we concede that our function is that of a rudder we can start to plan out the largest landscape possible for our community to exist mostly autonomously where we re more agents of their chaos and co conspirators than unilateral deciders of much Thinking about it change management applies pretty solidly if you think about the creation of a community as a change itself Isn t what platform should we use a question that applies to a brand new community or a fledgling one that outgrew its rompers It s the same deal You have to ask these questions like you re asking your coworkers where you should eat for lunch What might take an option totally off the table GDPR or privacy issues are an example of what to consider here There could be other internal show stoppers You d have to steer discussions around these away very quickly What would the software approval process at your company be like for choice x y or z Do they only take credit cards or do they invoice How long will approval take once a decision is made Will engineering be able to handle any domain subdomain setup installation issues Again deal breakers need to be communicated quickly before people waste time planning them All of the questions above aren t one that a community facing employee is likely to be able to answer without asking and any one of the above examples could take a week and a few traded emails to get answered Deciding on a platform is just one example Others are more complex like needing to overhaul your bug bounty program or plan a contest or hack a thon It goes pretty far beyond what most reasonable people would think of as prepared When you talk to your community you want to do it when you can speak in the active voice as soon as your community energy level is buzzing where you have people s attention for a little while so when they say We want to use x y and zzz you can do some math in your head and show them what s next because you ll very likely already have all of the answers you need to feel confident in what s going on You never want to go from the height of enthusiasm to I ll get back to you ASAP if you can avoid it because you ll have missed a rare moment to instill extra trust in what you re doing by how prepared you were to move forward You also want to avoid cold starts with communities as they re super harmful to trust Just something I thought was worth sharing since it doesn t seem to be common advice despite seeming like it ought to be |
2022-07-10 19:04:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cross Account Deployment of Step Functions with Lambda Invoke Using Cloudformation and Codepipeline with Encrypted Bucket |
Cross Account Deployment of Step Functions with Lambda Invoke Using Cloudformation and Codepipeline with Encrypted Bucket“I have checked the documents of AWS to deploy step functions with lambda invoke across accounts using cloudformation and codepipeline with encrypted buckets Issue in creation of all stacks using cloudformation in terms of access roles and policies And creating template yaml file for step function config and json template for lambda invoke arn Issue is resolved by adding permissions in IAM roles and adding function arn or function name to invoke lambda in json The Pricing is based on services usage A keyword define Devtron play an important role in sorting the complexity of DevOps AppOps and Kubernetes Also GitHub helps to integrate and automate Both Devtron and GitHub is an open source one In this post you will experience the deployment step functions across accounts using cloudformation and codepipeline Here I have created a codepipeline from cloudformation with artifacts to be stored in s bucket And once the pipeline triggers json content and config of step function will be deployed in a QA account with lambda invoke PrerequisitesYou ll need an Amazon SNS for this post Getting started with amazon SNS provides instructions on how to create a topic and subscription You ll need an AWS Lambda for this post Getting started with aws Lambda provides instructions on how to create a lambda function For this blog I assume that I have an sns topic with confirmed subscription and a lambda function Architecture OverviewThe architecture diagram shows the overall deployment architecture with data flow two aws account code commit code build code deploy code pipeline s sns cloudformation lambda kms step function Solution overviewThe blog post consists of the following phases In Tool Account Create of Cloudformation Stack for Service Configuration as S KMS IAM and CodeCommit RepoIn QA Account Create of Cloudformation Stack for Cross Account Access Role with Tool Account Number KMS ARN and S Bucket NameIn Tool Account Update of Service Stack for Config and Create of Cloudformation Stack for Pipeline CreationTesting of Flow for Step Function Deployment from CICD and Checking of Logs in CloudwatchI have a sns topic with confirmed subscription and a lambda function as below → Phase In Tool Account Create of Cloudformation Stack for Service Configuration as S KMS IAM and CodeCommit RepoOpen the cloudformation console and create a stack with a preconfigured yaml template for service configuration Give details as QA account number Phase In QA Account Create of Cloudformation Stack for Cross Account Access Role with Tool Account Number KMS ARN and S Bucket NameOpen the cloudformation console and Create a stack for cross account access IAM role Phase In Tool Account Update of Service Stack for Config and Create of Cloudformation Stack for Pipeline CreationOpen the cloudformation console and update the prerequisite on accounts parameter value to true Also create a stack for pipeline creation with different stages as source build deploy to QA Also manually adding an approval stage with notification after the build stage Phase Testing of Flow for Step Function Deployment from CICD and Checking of Logs in Cloudwatch Clean upDelete CloudFormation Stack in Tool and QA Account Cloudwatch Log Group SNS and Lambda PricingI review the pricing and estimated cost of this example Cost of CloudWatch Cost of CodeBuild Cost of CodeCommit Cost of Lambda Cost of Key Management Service Cost of Simple Notification Service Cost of Simple Storage Service Cost of Step Functions for first state transitions Total Cost SummaryIn this post I showed “how to deploy a cross account step functions with lambda invoke using cloudformation and codepipeline with encrypted bucket For more details on AWS CodePipeline Checkout Get started AWS CodePipeline open the AWS CodePipeline console To learn more read the AWS CodePipeline documentation For more details on AWS CloudFormation Checkout Get started AWS CloudFormation open the AWS CloudFormation console To learn more read the AWS CloudFormation documentation For more details on AWS Step Functions Checkout Get started AWS Step Functions open the AWS Step Functions console To learn more read the AWS Step Functions documentation For more details on Devtron and GitHub Checkout Links Devtron WebsiteGitHub RepoJoin the Discord CommunityFollow on TwitterRaise feature requests suggest enhancements report bugsRead Devtron BlogLets quickly adopt and try it And post the response using AdoptKsWithDevtron devtronThe above blog is submitted as part of Devtron Blogathon Check out Devtron s GitHub repo and give a to show your love amp support Follow Devtron on LinkedIn and Twitter to keep yourself updated on this Open Source project Thanks for reading Connect with me Linkedin |
2022-07-10 19:00:31 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
看護師傾斜配置はどの程度進んでいるのか?-先が見えない時代の戦略的病院経営(174) |
経営管理学 |
2022-07-11 05:00:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
年収が高い建設会社ランキング2021最新版【トップ5】大手ゼネコンより高給、意外な2位は? - ニッポンなんでもランキング! |
上場企業 |
2022-07-11 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
年収が高い建設会社ランキング2021最新版【138社完全版】 - ニッポンなんでもランキング! |
上場企業 |
2022-07-11 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
優秀なリーダーほど犯す「2つの大失敗」とは?部下の仕事を速くする“ルール設定”の極意【動画】 - 結果を出すリーダー 5つの鉄則 |
優秀なリーダーほど犯す「つの大失敗」とは部下の仕事を速くする“ルール設定の極意【動画】結果を出すリーダーつの鉄則リーダーに、カリスマ性や人間的魅力は必要なし特集『結果を出すリーダーつの鉄則』では全回にわたり「いま最も会社を成長させる」と話題の組織論を解説。 |
2022-07-11 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
銀行「危険度」ランキング2022!106行の負け組&勝ち組をコロナ前後の決算で徹底分析 - 銀行危険度ランキング2022 |
銀行「危険度」ランキング行の負け組勝ち組をコロナ前後の決算で徹底分析銀行危険度ランキング新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で世界は一変した。 |
2022-07-11 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
結果を出すリーダー「5つの鉄則」、部下を成長させチームの成果を最大化する極意【動画】 - 結果を出すリーダー 5つの鉄則 |
魅力 |
2022-07-11 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
東レ「不正は他にない」の大ウソ、日覺社長・背信の長期政権の暗部を暴く【全記事スクープ!】 - 東レの背信 LEVEL2 |
level |
2022-07-11 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
高齢おひとりさま740万人に急増、「予備軍」も700万人!“ひとり死”が当たり前の社会 - 今週の週刊ダイヤモンド ここが見どころ |
高齢おひとりさま万人に急増、「予備軍」も万人“ひとり死が当たり前の社会今週の週刊ダイヤモンドここが見どころずっと未婚、配偶者と死に別れ、子どもは最初からいないか、成人して遠くに行ってしまったー。 |
2022-07-11 04:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
経済にも「コロナ後遺症」リスク - WSJ発 |
経済 |
2022-07-11 04:27:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
安倍元首相の死去に対する韓国人の反応、追悼に対し「正気か」「親日派か」の声も - News&Analysis |
安倍元首相の死去に対する韓国人の反応、追悼に対し「正気か」「親日派か」の声もNewsampampAnalysis安倍晋三元首相が街頭演説中に銃撃され、亡くなったというニュースは、隣国・韓国でもリアルタイムで伝えられ、トップニュースになった。 |
2022-07-11 04:27:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ユーロ「パリティ割れ」の思惑、下げどこまで? - WSJ発 |
思惑 |
2022-07-11 04:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
総武線・両国が80年も「始発駅」であり続けた歴史的な事情とは - News&Analysis |
newsampampanalysis |
2022-07-11 04:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
新築戸建ての不具合トラブル回避、「購入後2年」の行動が運命を分ける理由 - 不動産の新教科書 |
引き渡し |
2022-07-11 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
物言う株主はもう怖くない、株主総会で「完全無視」された3つの理由 - DOL特別レポート |
日本企業 |
2022-07-11 04:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日本が「医療貧国」であるこれだけの理由、無駄に長い入院・過剰な病床数… - ニュース3面鏡 |
日本が「医療貧国」であるこれだけの理由、無駄に長い入院・過剰な病床数…ニュース面鏡現在、日本は「医療先進国」だと言われている。 |
2022-07-11 04:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
映画を「倍速視聴」する人なぜ増加?現代人の切実な理由と作り手の苦悩 - ニュース3面鏡 |
光文社新書 |
2022-07-11 04:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
共産・畠山さん「公約に胸張る」 参院選北海道選挙区で敗戦の弁 |
北海道選挙区 |
2022-07-11 04:28:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国民・臼木さん「私の力不足」 参院選北海道選挙区で敗戦の弁 |
北海道選挙区 |
2022-07-11 04:27:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
立憲・石川さん「今後は白紙」 参院選北海道選挙区で敗戦の弁 |
北海道選挙区 |
2022-07-11 04:26:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
JR東日本、2つの「裏方車両」開発に込めた戦略 旅客と同じ仕組みを事業用に導入し効率化狙う | 経営 | 東洋経済オンライン |
事業用車両 |
2022-07-11 04:30:00 |